Dry Coffee Processing Plant Business Plan Bench Sheko
Dry Coffee Processing Plant Business Plan Bench Sheko
Dry Coffee Processing Plant Business Plan Bench Sheko
July, 2023
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ 4
1. EXECTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................... 5
1.1. PURPOSE OF THE business Plan ............................................................................. 5
1.2. Objectives............................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Mission and Vision ................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Keys to Success ...................................................................................................... 6
2. Business Background .................................................................................................... 8
2.1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .............................................................................. 8
2.2. COMPANY / APPLICANT ......................................................................................... 8
2.3. BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................ 9
3. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES .......................................................................................... 10
3.1. Definition of Products .......................................................................................... 10
3.2. Application ........................................................................................................... 10
3.3. Dry Coffee/Green Bean ........................................................................................ 10
3.4. Product Quality .................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1. Standards....................................................................................................... 11
3.4.2. Future Products ............................................................................................. 11
4. MARKET STUDY ........................................................................................................... 12
MARKET STUDAY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 12
4.1. World Market Facts and Trends .......................................................................... 12
4.2. ETHIOPIA Coffee market Facts and Trends .......................................................... 13
4.3. PAST SUPPLY AND PRESENT DEMAND ANALYSIS ................................................ 13
4.3.1. GREEN COFFEE DEMANED AND SUPPLY ....................................................... 13
4.3.2. THE MARKET PROSPECT (DEMAND – SUPPLY GAP) ..................................... 14
4.4. COFFEE MARKET ACTORS .................................................................................... 16
4.5. MARKET Competition........................................................................................... 16
4.6. PRICING AND SALES ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 16
4.6.1. PRICE for input and out put (የ ...................................................................... 16
4.7. Market distrbution ............................................................................................... 17
4.8. MARKETING STRAT .............................................................................................. 18
5. OPERATIONAL PLAN.................................................................................................... 19
5.1. PEODUCTION APPLICATION ................................................................................. 19
5.1.1. LOCATION OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................................ 19
5.1.2. PRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 19
5.1.3. Dry coffee processing .................................................................................... 19
5.1.4. PRODUCTION PLAN ....................................................................................... 20
5.2. Fixed ASSET (collateral) ........................................................................................ 20
5.3. Raw material and input REQUIREMENT .............................................................. 21
5.3.1. Procurement of Raw Material....................................................................... 21
5.4. AUXILIRY MATERIALS ........................................................................................... 21
5.5. Credit and Borrowing System .............................................................................. 22
5.6. OPERATING ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................ 22
6. HUMAN RESOURCE REQUIREMENT ........................................................................... 23
6.1. Project Man Power and Management................................................................. 23
6.2. Labor Requirements ............................................................................................. 23
7. FINANCIAL STUDY AND ANALYSIS............................................................................... 25
7.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 25
7.2. FINANCIAL KEY ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................ 25
7.2.1. REVENUE PROJECTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................... 26
7.3. FINANCIAL PLAN AND WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS ............................... 26
7.4. FINANCIAL VIAITYBIL ............................................................................................ 27
7.4.1. INCOME STATEMENT .................................................................................... 27
7.4.2. CASH FLOW AND BALANCE SHEET ................................................................ 28
7.5. FINANCIAL EVALUATION ...................................................................................... 29
7.5.1. PROFITABILITY ............................................................................................... 29
7.5.2. Business RATIOS (NPV,IRR) ........................................................................... 29
7.5.3. Risk and Uncertainty ..................................................................................... 29
7.5.4. Loan Repayment............................................................................................ 30
8. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. 31
List of Tables
Table 4-1 World Green Coffee Export Demand and Supply in (“000”) Tones ............................................ 12
Table 4-2 Total Dry green coffee exported shared and annual growth rate (%). ........................................ 13
Table 4-4 Green Bean Coffee Demined and sappily gap (in tons) .............................................................. 15
Table 4-6: Table showing periods of supply of green coffee for market .................................................... 17
Table 7-3: Estimation of Total Working Capital Requirement of the Project ............................................. 27
This business plan will show how a total working capital of this year(2016) only
ETB 4,000,000 could yield net profits in excess of ETB 1.8 million the cost
and net profit increased over a three term period in a year, and average
yearly sales of ETB, 1,800,000 while maintaining adequate levels of liquidity.
The purpose of this plan is to financing new loan secure the business commercial
bank of Ethiopia to cover the 2016 coffee cropping year dry coffee processing
start-up costs. Dry Coffee Processing and marketing is a Genet Abebe Dry
cherry Processing & Marketing start-up business dedicated to Supply
excellent quality Dry Green bean coffee to the national market, in a manner that
generates fair and equitable returns for present and future owners, and superior
value to our customers. We specialize in creating and offering a high quality
grade coffee.
In the last year has experienced explosive growth over the past cropping
seasons. Over a 21,205 kg dry cherry were purchasing and processing selling to
the ECX market. National businesses are slowly catching up with this new
opportunity. We are opening a new dry cherry business and delivery service that
will focus on the local coffee producer’s area.
Currently, the working capital is expanding from our intended location in the
Sheko woreda coffee grower’s area. Dry Coffee Processing and marketing will
offer a better product, at a reasonable price, and will deliver it on time to the
customer's at national market. The project total loan requirements are Birr 4
million birr. From total working capital cost the raw material cost cover 3,778,250
(94%) and the rest auxiliary materials and administration cost is 221,750 birr.
The working capital 100% is covered by CBE financing.
To offer our customers excellent dry cherry market services, at a
reasonable price, and provides outstanding customer experience,
measured by minimum 3 term sales growth, and customer complaints less
than 1 percent.
To generate positive cash flow from operations, and at least 25 percent net
profits to sales.
Dry Coffee Processing and Marketing mission is to offer at national market of the
coffee exporters the high quality grade coffee. We are committed to providing the
product value that our customers expect.
Our vision is to become the first 10 top dry coffees supplier in local area, and a
respected company - as measured by our customers, our employees, and the
community we live in.
Our values are critical to our success. They are the strong foundation of Dry
Coffee Processing and marketing, define who we are, and set us apart from our
competitors. They underlie our vision of the future. These values include:
Performance excellence. We act like responsible owners, always
seeking to meet or exceed expectations.
Teamwork. We act as a team, committed to each other, and bound by
trust and loyalty dry coffee supply management,
Integrity. We treat one another, and all our stakeholders with dignity and
Honesty, ethical behavior, and integrity are fundamental characteristics of
our business conduct.
W/r Genet Abebe, Manager of Dry Coffee Processing and Marketing, she has three years’
experience in the hospitality of coffee industry. She successfully conducted a Dry Coffee supply
business in Southwest Ethiopia, which they sold for a handsome profit at the previous years the
nation market.
Her focus is to meet or exceed the customer expectations for an exceptional quality Dry coffee
that is served to be taken out or delivered quickly, and in a friendly manner. The company will
serve a local area with several coffee growers, and a rapidly coffee growing inhabitant. The
company's location is very favorable, providing high visibility and a large flow of customers.
Dry Coffee Processing Industry's prices will not beat the competition. We are aware that we
cannot compete on price only. That is why we prefer to focus on assessing customer
expectations, and our core competencies, decide which expectations we can reasonably meet,
then make sure to constantly exceed them wholeheartedly. Thus, we will be able to maintain and
increase the level of customer satisfaction, as a strong foundation for future growth.
The entire Dry coffee process will be conducted through five main coffee exporters direct market
that have excellent references in the national market, and we can choose to be one of their
participating suppliers. In this way, we are able to save on delivery costs and logistics. In
addition, delivery transport for coffee farmers will use company vehicles, so the business will
have to provide delivery vehicles for coffee supply farmers.
According to wikipedia.com, Dry Green Coffee beans after hulling, basis for
most trade in coffee; raw material for roasting.
The project intends to start its production by dry coffee processing. Dry
processing refers to methods where the fruit is either dried directly or is
disrupted, but the seeds not separated from the fruit tissues, then immediately
dried. The dry process involves drying of the whole cherry until the green bean
inside separates from the outer layers. The outer layers are then removed by
hulling. Therefore, the dry process is applied to this project based on the
intended product type.
foreign matter such as moulds and live pests. In addition, the coffee exporter
must comply to the contract description with the coffee buyer and the coffee
quality must be uniform for the entire shipment. Moreover, solid business
reputations of the exporter and the trust from the buyer are sustained by
improving the quality or at least complying with coffee buyers’ expectations.
Therefore, this envisaged project offer to produce high quality coffee.
3.4.1. Standards
The project will offered in order to reduce the glut of coffee market in the short
run and increase the overall coffee quality in the long run. However, the project
product fulfill the International Coffee Organization has put in place Resolution
407 of February 2002. The resolution lays out the coffee quality improvement
program. Under that resolution, minimum grading standards and maximum
moisture content for coffee exports are explained (ICO, 2002).
The demand for green coffee is dependent on those products which are using
quality coffee for consumption. The demand for green coffee is directly related
with number of coffee beverage company and world consumption. Urbanization
is also another factor for the growth in demand for green coffee. However, the
most determining factor is growth in the service industry particularly in
beverage industry. The gross world export of trade is presented in Table 6.
During the period 2013-2022, the cumulative average growth rate of 10% and
7% in terms of green coffee world import and export (supply) respectively.
This project has planned to invest in the area of the Dry coffee agro-processing
sector, which played a significant role in the area of a national market to fulfill
the country export gap and, there for, this investment business plan of the
project was visible.
Table 4-1 World Green Coffee Export Demand and Supply in (“000”) Tones
Year World Demand World Supply
2015 93171 58510
2016 95013 59183
2017 92653 56703
2018 96115 60874
2019 96574 61225
2020 98547 60571
2021 101130 62813
Average Growth Rate 10% 7%
Source: Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA office of Global Analysis December 2020
Arabica growing countries green bean coffee exports to the world. However, the
utilization of the sub sector’s potential for generation of export earnings for the
national income at large. Before the period of 2020 the export of green coffee
have in general been showing increasing trend in volume and value terms. /See
table 4.2 below/. During the period 2016-2020, the cumulative average growth
rate of 7% of Dry of green coffee.
Table 4-2 Total Dry green coffee exported shared and annual growth rate (%).
Sr.No Coffee Year Volume in tone GR (%) Value In USD GR(%)
1 2016 198,500.90 722,042,652.19
2 2017 225,667.67 14% 882,473,754.48 22%
3 2018 238,465.55 6% 838,152,167.00 -5%
4 2019 249,764.42 5% 862,977,049.85 3%
5 2020 270,835.12 8% 874,213,043.17 1%
Total 1,164,233.66 33% 4,059,858,666.70 21%
Average 232,846.73 7% 811,971,733.34 4%
Source: Annual Report of CTA (2020)
The demand for green coffee is dependent on those products which are using
quality coffee for consumption. The demand for green coffee is directly related
with number of coffee beverage company and world high quality coffee
consumption. Urbanization is also another factor for the growth in demand for
green coffee. However, the most determining factor is growth in the service
industry particularly in beverage industry. The gross world export of trade is
presented in table 4.3. To determine the present effective demand for green
coffee bean, the average country export level of fifth years (2016 -2020) which
was 232,846.73 tons has been taken as a base for projected demand
estimation of envisaged project.
It is assumed that the average supply during the period of analyses
approximates current (2016-2020) export for green coffee bean. Hence, the
present demand has been taken as a base to estimate the future ten year
demand at the exported to be growth by 7% growth rate (table below). For the
information of the past supplied and demand present below table 4-3.
The present demand- supply gap for the proposed product is estimated at 50,453 tons green
coffee and the demand- supply gap to reach at 170,152 tons green coffee from the year 2024 to
2033 respectively. Ethiopia Green coffee beans consumed become increased by the world
beverage industry because, the peculiar nature of diverse coffee diverse, by considering this
future opportunity the country world supply demand share is grow from by 10%.
Based on this, the national coffee demand was calculated for the next 10 years as shown in the
following table 4-4.
Table 4-4 Green Bean Coffee Demined and sappily gap (in tons)
As shown in the above table 9, the demand-supply gap analysis indicates that demand of green
coffee bean exceeds that of supplies. The export demand is promising with the countries those
are currently have strong interest on Ethiopian green coffee bean in the world market like
Japan, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Scandinavian Countries, Russian Federation, Algeria,
Ukraine, Korea, Republic, Australia Serbia and China.
The Coffee Marketing actors include coffee producers, coffee cooperative
association private traders and enterprises, the producers supply to the
primary market one to buy and coffee supplier deliver coffee to auction and the
exporters’ coffee buy from auction and export it. Policies now allow private
traders to compete with coffee direct export and by vertical integration with
exporters. As a result the number of private actors has dramatically increased.
However, at the time of this business plan writing, domestic traders still sell
their coffee at auction, some are directly to exporters. However, this project is
planed their Dry coffee products direct to sell to the national market though
ECX and vertical integration.
For this envisaged project the raw material purchased from the project area of
local primary market for processing. The supply of dry cherry coffee availability
depend on through coffee supplied period and the price of dry cherry initially
set by the regional Coffee and Tea Authority and then go through negotiation
with producers. The final product of Dry coffee supplied to the national coffee
market center ECX according to the Ethiopia commodity exchange regulation
and qualifying and verified of the origin of beans for price and buyers and
sellers under one roof negotiated the price and if the price reach an agreement
goods are sale brought chaos systems.
For this project seasonal availability calendar of the Dry coffee supply for
national market was planned below table 4-6.
Table 4-6: Table showing periods of supply of green coffee for market
Products Months
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug. Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dry coffee
The supply period of Dry green coffee products is from January to August in
the coffee seasons.
In addition the creation of a strong trust with coffee buyers will enable the
project to gain competitiveness in the market place. The strategy in spend a
certain amount of time on promotion activities, pricing the products correctly
and distributing timely to the customers effectively and efficiently enhanced
price of the products. The following paragraphs set out four action strategies
the project could implement:
Control of purchasing of high quality Dry coffee cherries
Increase the market share in the coffee market channels
Develop an internal training system for good processing practice
Diversify into other coffee products by value adding
The coffee processing project is located in South west Ethiopia Regional State,
Bench-Sheko Zone, Sheko woreda, in sheko town. Sheko woreda is located
south west of Aman town about 17 km. The specific location of the project is
Weregu located at a distance of 30 kms from Bench-Sheko Zone town Aman,
10 km from Sheko werda town and 570 Kms from Addis Ababa. Sheko woreda
consists of 24 peasant associations which sheko town is one area the project
is located. The project has a location advantage as Bench-Sheko Zone, Sheko
woreda is very ideal for the development of grown coffee. The locality receives
rainfall for about seven to eight months in a year as well as the micro & macro
climatic conditions are suitable for coffee plantation.
Sheko woreda is known for its coffee production it can be used to supply the
coffee for exporter market with a large quantity of coffee for export. Hence,
there was hot economic activity and trade in the area. Coffee has been grown in
Sheko woreda for many years and the farmers have been harvesting high
quality coffee known as “Spices”, which has been fetching premium price in
the world market.
The investor is planning to invest on the production of high quality green
coffee. The project is in line with government interest and policy which focuses
on market oriented Dry coffee production modern processing technology as its
immediate objective. The quality of Dry coffee supply to the ECX and vertical
integration market is based on daily, weekly and monthly price reference.
However, there is a potential principal raw material supply for our dry coffee
processing. During the dry coffee processing, the dry coffee fruit conversion
rate to clean green bean coffee 50% by weight.
Taking the above mentioned weight loss into account; the annual requirement
for dry cherry coffee at 100 per cent capacity utilization rate is estimated and
for the detailed information showed below the table 5-3
Production term
Description Qt
Single Price Term 1 to 3
Raw material Of Dry Cherry
Jut bag 60kg/sacks 261 175 45,675
Sub-Total cost 45,675
ACTIVITIES Ju Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Apr Mar May Jun
Marketing Center Renewed
Receipt Document
The project shall have 5 permanent and 262 casual labor employees for dry-
coffee production with different responsibilities. The firm controls and
supervises the overall activity of the project at times while the operation and
management of the dry-production will be entrusted to qualified and well
experienced manager. All staff members of the project are accountable to the
manager who is assigned by the project owners to manage the overall activities
of the project. A junior accountant will be responsible to keep all the financial
transactions of the project, control cash and stock movements of the coffee
processing and prepare up to-date financial reports. The purchaser will handle
all the payments and minor purchases of the project. The storekeeper will be
responsible to systematically record and keep the input and outputs of the
project. Skilled man powers and casual laborers shall be recruited from project
Table 6-1: Man Power, Qualification, Esperance &Corresponding Cost
Labor requirements for the envisaged dry coffee has been formulated in
accordance with crop growing periods considering the successive processing
operations from site preparation to processing. Labor requirements of the
processing vary depending on the type of activities prevailing in a particular
time the maximum number of labor required for dry coffee defect separation
(pickers). The daily wage varies according to the types of operations which are
in the range of 30- 40 birr/day.
Table 6-2: Causal Labor for Dry-coffee processing cost
With the imbalance between supply and demand in the global coffee market
coupled with a High level of commercial coffee prices, there is much interest
among private operators to invest in dry coffee supplying in Ethiopia. The dry
processing and supplying are a necessary investment to produce a fully sun
Dry coffee which is sold in the coffee national market though ECX and vertical
integration at better prices. This chapter will assess the financial feasibility of
w/r Genet Abebe dry coffee supplier and marketing, using the dry-mill coffee
processing as a business’s feasibility study.
Salaries Expenses As per salary estimations
Administrations expense 6% of Sales
Production 99% of Sales
Revenue determination
clean Green Coffee(1st Grade) Birr/year 6,687,110
Sorting Birr/year 367,647
total REVEVENU Birr/year 7,054,757
It may be seen from the profitability estimates that the unit would earn a net
profit after taxation of birr 1.8 million during 2016 crop season. On the above
basis, there is adequate generation of funds out of the processing operation to
service the repayment of term loan and interest liabilities, as also to meet
additional requirement of margin money for working capital in the second and
subsequent terms. The detail information is given below table 7-4.
The profit and loss statement of the projection for the life of the project is
shown above in table 7-4. The profit and loss statement shows that in in this
project: first term of the project life a profit of Birr 1,816,330 will be
generated. This continues to grow at an increasing rate and reaches at: the
next three term marketing.
The NPV is calculated by subtracting the present value of all the costs incurred
for the project from the present value of the stream of benefits. As the project
shows which resulting NPV value is greater than zero; implies that the
project is acceptable (profitable).
Based on the cash flow statement on the project that is calculated IRR of the
project is 204% before tax and 143% after tax and the net present value at 10
% discount rate is Birr 2.211 million and Birr 1.510 million before and after tax
respectively. The internal rate of return is calculated as the rate of discount
which equates the present worth of the costs and benefits streams.
The pay- back period would be much less in case calculated on the basis of
profit before tax. Therefore, the investment cost and income statement
projection are used to project the pay-back period works out to one years on
the basis of profit after tax.
The following risks and uncertain incidents that might affect the project could
occur during operating period of the project. If the global economic crisis and
inflation is prolonged and intensified, it will affect the project cost benefits
analysis. Besides, it may also affect the production cost and both inland and
offshore markets. Due to the price fluctuation the producer discourage results
the supply of raw material of dry cherry coffee will be problems of efficiency of
green coffee production. Unforeseen natural calamity such as crop failure due
to draught or long period of rain will be a problem of dry coffee processing.
The loan repayment period is simply defined as the period (i.e. the number of
years) required paying the principal and interest of the original business cost
throughout the one project life. The business result obtained reveals that the
business is financially viable and has a healthy cash flow forecast. The
outcome of the financial analysis reveals that: based on the following
repayment schedule the annual payment was described on the base of bellow
the given table 7-5 bellows throughout the one year project period.
Results of the financial appraisal show that investing in coffee processing and
marketing is profitable. These findings are encouraging and can be used as
guidelines for this investors planning to produce for the high quality coffee
markets. The major task will be to get financial resources to set up the required
raw materials to produce it. The task for these investors will be to find what
mechanisms will link them to coffee growers so that they can deliver coffee
cherries to the primary market. Another challenge will be to offer attractive
prices to farmers that are competitive compared to prices offered by other
private and coffee growers’ associations, leaving at the same time a reasonable
profit level for their operation. It is, however, questionable how a high quality
coffee will be obtained when the investors cannot monitor the production stage
of the coffee cherries and where there are no quality standards of raw coffee.
However, based on the framework set out in this business study the following
conclusions were made regarding the feasibility of proposed Dry green coffee
A market opportunity was identified for the domestic sales and export
market. The demand and export trend confirms the products are
The analysis on financial feasibility of the proposed business plan
revealed that based on the assumptions made, the owner is profitable.
This business plan is to have a healthy cash flow and is viable over short
term. The positive financial feasibility is, however, dependent on stable
inflation and macro-economic conditions. Based on the framework set
out in this business plan where feasibility is assessed in three core areas,
it can be concluded that the proposed green coffee production business
plan is feasible. The results of the study, however, are heavily dependent
upon the assumptions made during the planning and other operating
environments (political, environmental and economic conditions) remain
relatively stable