Spelljammer's Guide To The Galaxy
Spelljammer's Guide To The Galaxy
Spelljammer's Guide To The Galaxy
ties for growth and change, for building relation- characters complementing the options in the
ships, and for making discoveries. In the many Player’s Handbook and other sources.
worlds of Dungeons & Dragons, those possibil- CHAPTER 2 introduces a wide roster of new sub-
ities become truly infinite—an adventurer can classes for the classes in the Player’s Handbook,
while away a morning lounging in the scorching as well as for the artificer class presented in
City of Brass, spend an afternoon hunting in the Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
sylvan glades of Arborea, and finally rest and CHAPTER 3 features a cargo-hold of spells and magic
celebrate a day well spent in the Radiant Citadel. items, including cybernetics a character can inte-
Spelljammer’s Guide to the Galaxy is your hand- grate into their body, and mutations (transforma-
book to just a fraction of those endless possibil- tions that can come from alchemical experiments
ities. Within these pages, you’ll learn of heroes or encounters with strange forces and beings).
(and villains) that fight among the stars, the CHAPTER 4 describes a number of creatures a
obstacles they face, and the lengths that they go spacefaring adventurer might run across when
to adapt to a weird and wonderful multiverse, traversing the Astral Plane or places that know
including various character options, magical its influence, including giant space monsters and
items, spells, and inspirations. cybernetically-enhanced and mutated NPCs.
Nathanaël Roux @ barkalotdesigns.com
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by Caitlin Bradbury (NotTheSmoooze), Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok), Israel Moreira, Proph, Ryan Miller, Ryan Rose (flashpointbrews),
Shiloh Berscheid (Portent Press), Steve Fidler, Xenken and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Astral Genasi.......................................... 5 Spells......................................................36 Bestiary A–Z.........................................46
Optional Feat..................................... 5 Find Vehicle......................................36 Asteroid Spiderling.........................46
Stellar Shifter.................................. 5 Gravity Well......................................37 Astral Seahorse............................... 47
Metamorph............................................. 6 Guide..................................................37 Augmented.......................................48
Lumen...................................................... 7 Kickstart.............................................37 Cybermod Laborer.....................48
Meteor................................................37 Cybermod Heavy........................48
CLASS OPTIONS Push/Pull............................................38 Cybermod Genesis....................49
Artificer.................................................... 8 Shape Thought................................38 Mutants..............................................50
Optional Class Features.................. 8 Tiny Shipmate..................................38 Mutant Scrapper.........................50
Replicate Magic Item Options... 8 Magic Items..........................................39 Mutant Operative........................ 51
Spellwalker Technician.................... 9 Chariot Cannon...............................39 Mutant Luminate......................... 51
Barbarian............................................... 12 Planar Terminal................................39 Solar Ray...........................................52
Space Marine................................... 12 Cybernetics..........................................39 Space Whale....................................53
Bard........................................................ 13 Integrating a Cybernetic...............39 Wildspace Environments..................54
College of Astrology...................... 13 Bone Lining.......................................40 Asteroid Spider Belt.......................54
Cleric...................................................... 14 Cauldron Arm...................................40 Gravity Fields...................................54
Null Domain...................................... 14 Ear Implants......................................40 Nebulae.............................................55
Druid....................................................... 15 Gazelle Struts...................................40 Gelatinous Nursery....................55
Circle of the Void............................ 15 Hidden Weapon..............................40 Shadow Zone...............................56
Fighter.................................................... 16 Hunter’s Eye.....................................40 Mirror Field....................................56
Meteor Knight.................................. 16 Internal Pocket................................. 41 Planar Nexus....................................58
Solar Knight...................................... 18 Lens of Annihilation........................ 41
Monk....................................................... 19 Night Eye........................................... 41
Way of the Raging Sun.................. 19 Mechanical Limb............................. 41
Way of Wandering Paths...............20 Mechanical Organ.......................... 41
Paladin................................................... 21 Omnihand......................................... 41
Oath of Exploration........................ 21 Pulveriser.......................................... 42
Prism.......................................................22 Rocket Fist........................................ 42
Astral Facet.......................................22 Scorpion Tail..................................... 42
Ranger.................................................... 24 Steel Pinions..................................... 42
Astral Seafarer................................. 24 Sunforged Heart............................. 42
Rogue.....................................................25 Webcrawlers.................................... 42
Maverick............................................25 Mutations............................................... 43
Jammer.............................................. 27 Aesthetic Twist................................44
Sorcerer.................................................28 Bestial Weapon...............................44
Galaxy Magic....................................28 Chameleon Skin..............................44
Severed Soul....................................29 Eldritch Biology...............................44
Warlock..................................................30 Enhanced Senses........................... 45
The Cosmic Entity...........................30 Healing Factor................................. 45
Wizard....................................................32 Incredible Grace.............................. 45
Cosmomancer..................................32 Incredible Strength......................... 45
Shipbreaker Magic.........................33 Plume Wings.................................... 45
Assault Magic...................................34 Rapid Pace........................................ 45
Sculpted Body................................. 45
When making your D&D character, you have
a wealth of race options available to you. This CREATURE TYPE
chapter adds to those options, allowing you to Every creature in D&D, including each player
create a character with greater ties to one of character, has a special tag in the rules that iden-
several spacefaring civilisations or places. If you tifies the type of creature they are. Most player
select one of these additional race options, follow characters are of the Humanoid type. A race
these additional rules during character creation. in this chapter tells you what your character’s
creature type is.
When determining your character’s ability LIFE SPAN
scores, you increase one score by 2 and increase The natural life span of a player character within
a different score by 1, or increase three different the D&D multiverse is usually about a century.
ability scores by 1. You follow this rule regard- Members of some races, such as elves, can live
less of the method you use to determine your for centuries. If typical members of a race in this
ability scores. book can live longer than a century, that fact is
mentioned in a race’s description.
Your character can speak, read, and write HEIGHT AND WEIGHT
Common and one other language that you and Player characters, regardless of race, typically
your DM agree is appropriate for your character. fall into the same ranges of height and weight
The Player’s Handbook offers a list of languages that humans have in our world. If you’d like to
to choose from. The DM is free to modify that list determine your character’s height or weight ran-
for a campaign. domly, consult the Random Height and Weight
table in the Player’s Handbook, and choose the row
in that table that best represents the build you
imagine for your character.
ASTRAL GENASI FORM. Your body can take on the properties of
Designed by Steve Fidler a nearby celestial body. Whenever you finish a
The astral genasi are humanoids who—over the long rest, you can adopt the closest form associ-
aeons and through exposure to the magics of the ated with your current environment. Each form
Astral Plane—have evolved into a stellar form. changes your appearance, and gives you new
Astral genasi are capable of shapeshifting traits as described below:
between multiple distinct forms, and each body
NEBULA FORM. Your body becomes amorphous
type is unique to the region of the Astral Plane
and gaseous. You can squeeze through a space
it represents. Some astral genasi spend all their
as narrow as 1 inch wide, along with anything
lives in one form, and as a result, many outsiders
you are wearing or carrying. If you’ve moved
and astral genasi alike believe that each form is
at least 15 feet since the start of your last turn,
the result of a unique lineage. Typically, astral
ranged weapon attacks made against you have
genasi adventurers become comfortable chang-
ing their form, shifting their biology to suit the
PLANETARY FORM. Your body becomes rocky and
firm. As long as you are standing, you have
A typical genasi has a life span of 120 years.
advantage on ability checks or saving throws
to resist being pushed, pulled, or knocked
prone. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
As an astral genasi, you have the following
ing damage that you take from nonmagical
racial traits.
attacks is reduced by 2.
CREATURE TYPE. You are a Humanoid.
STAR FORM. Your body becomes brilliant and
SIZE. You are Medium or Small. You choose the
warm. You have resistance to fire and radi-
size when you select this race.
ant damage. As a bonus action, you can shed
SPEED. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light
ASTRAL FLIGHT. Due to your nature, you have
for an additional 60 feet, or stop shedding
a flying speed equal to 5 × the highest of your
light. If you take this bonus action while grap-
mental ability score modifiers. While in the
Prerequisite: Astral Genasi
You’ve experienced changing between forms so
frequently you’ve mastered the art. You gain the
following benefits:
Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
FORM ADEPT. Whenever you finish a long rest,
you can choose any of the Astral Genasi
forms to adopt.
QUICK SHIFT. As a bonus action, you can tempo-
rarily shift into another Astral Genasi form.
This change lasts for 1 minute, or until you
end it early (no action required). You can use
this bonus action a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain expended
uses after finishing a long rest.
As a metamorph, you have the following
racial traits.
CREATURE TYPE. You are a Humanoid.
SIZE. You are Medium or Small. You choose the
size when you select this race.
SPEED. Your speed is 30 feet.
ANCESTRAL LEGACY. Metamorphs are trans-
formed from another race. If you replace your
character’s race with metamorph, you can keep
the following elements of that race: any skill pro-
ficiencies and any climbing, flying, or swimming
speed that you gained from it.
If you don’t keep any of those elements or you
choose this race at character creation, you gain
proficiency in two skills of your choice.
ciency in the Nature skill. Whenever you make an
Intelligence (Nature) check to learn the proper-
ties of a type of matter you’re unfamiliar with,
you add double your proficiency bonus to the
check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
METAMORPHOSIS. Choose one of the aspects
listed below. You gain its corresponding damage
resistance, and you can use your bonus action
to transform into the aspect you chose, gain-
ing the rest of its benefits, or back into your
humanoid form.
SOLID. You gain resistance to poison and psychic
Designed by Proph damage. While transformed, your creature
type is Construct. You have advantage on
Just as the Astral Plane has its psychic winds,
saving throws against being charmed or
the Wildspace has its own magical phenome-
frightened, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
non: the essential irradiance. The physiology
LIQUID. You gain resistance to acid damage.
of those exposed to this rare natural event are
While transformed, your creature type is
then altered over the course of the coming week,
Ooze, and you can squeeze through a space as
always in a way that allows them to transform
narrow as 1 inch wide as long as everything
their body into a specific state of matter.
you’re wearing or carrying can fit.
These transformed people, called meta-
GAS. You gain resistance to cold damage. When
morphs, naturally come to understand the world
you transform, everything you’re wearing
by comparing it to different states of matter,
or carrying falls to the ground in your space.
such as likening stubborn people to solids and
While transformed, your creature type is
wild rumors to gases. Each metamorph has
Elemental, and you can move through other
their own, unique way of viewing the world,
creatures and objects as if they were difficult
which is why they find it so easy to learn new
terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end
things about it.
your turn inside an object.
During adventures, events might unfold that
STRANGE. You gain resistance to necrotic
a character is transformed, replacing their race
damage. While transformed, your form
with metamorph. Work with your DM to estab-
becomes abstract and alien, and your creature
lish if you’re amenable to such a development and
Designed by Caitlin Bradbury (NotTheSmoooze) As a lumen, you have the following racial traits.
There exist ideas powerful enough to remake the CREATURE TYPE. You are a Celestial.
world, faith strong enough to start and end lives, SIZE. You are Medium or Small. You choose the
and belief so bright it can make miracles come size when you select this race.
true. The lumen are a people called into existence SPEED. Your speed is 30 feet.
long ago by ancient, fundamental ideas—love and HEART TO HEART. You can share your heart
truth, rage and hate—and new lumen can some- with a willing creature you touch. You and that
times spring into being in the aftermath of great creature can share words, images, sounds,
emotion. A uniquely terrible battle or joyous fes- ideas, emotions, and other sensory messages
tival might result in the creation of a new lumen, with each other, and you can understand each
who appears nearby, fully formed and ready to other’s words if the creature knows at least one
face the world. language. Because of the nature of this ability,
Each lumen is connected by a subconscious you and the creature can’t deliberately lie to each
link called the Harmony, a force that binds and other while communicating this way.
bridges them wherever they are, transmitting SHARED THOUGHT. You can share a fragment of
emotion, understanding, and philosophy across the Harmony with another. As an action, you can
the universe. Despite this, individual lumen touch a willing creature and choose one of your
remain exactly that; individual, for the Harmony skill, tool or weapon proficiencies. For 1 hour,
speaks to the subconscious mind, not the con- that creature gains proficiency with that skill,
scious. A lumen may find themselves feeling very tool, or weapon. You can use this trait a number
strongly about certain things without ever expe- of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and
riencing them first-hand, but they remain able to you regain all expended uses when you finish
make their own conclusions. a long rest.
Lumen trend towards uniformity, with tall, UNIVERSAL SOUL. You know the guidance can-
willowy builds and pale, almost luminescent trip. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the augury
eyes and skin, as well as hair that can seem to spell as a bonus action with this trait, without
trail behind them, as if unaffected by gravity. requiring a material component. Once you cast
However, a lumen sometimes inherits char- it, you can’t do so again until you finish a long
acteristics from the beings that sparked their rest. You can also cast it using any spell slots you
creation. For this reason, a lumen’s colour, shape, have of 2nd level or higher.
and other traits can reflect a human’s just as Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your
easily as an orc’s or a gnome’s. spellcasting ability for these spells when you
A lumen’s physical age matures with their cast them with this trait (choose when you
minds. Newborn lumen can resemble a child or select this race).
an adult just as easily, and might spend decades
unaffected by the passage of time, then age
years overnight. Old age comes for lumen when
they feel old.
When you make your D&D character or as they REPLICATE MAGIC ITEM OPTIONS
reach certain levels along their adventures, you 2nd-level Artificer feature
choose between one of many subclasses. This The magic items in the following lists expand
chapter adds to those subclass options, allowing the list of Replicable Items in Tasha’s Cauldron of
you to realise a character better adapted to life Everything. A table’s title tells you the level you
in the stars. must be in the artificer class to choose an item
from the table.
Designed by Israel Moreira 3rd-level Spellwalker Technician feature
Though the secret to creating spelljamming You have developed a spellwalking helm, a
helms has been lost to the ages, there are hand-sized object fueled by your magic. As a
still those that seek to recreate them. As a bonus action while holding or carrying it, you
Spellwalker Technician, you’ve discovered how can summon your spellwalker. The helm splits
to craft spellwalking helms; individualized mag- open and folds around you, placing you inside
ical vehicles useful in and out of battle. the spellwalker. You can use the helm—and the
spellwalker—as a spellcasting focus for your
3rd-level Spellwalker Technician feature Once you summon your spellwalker, you can’t
You always have certain spells prepared after do so again until you finish a long rest or until
you reach particular levels in this class, as you expend a spell slot to summon it.
shown in the Spellwalker Technician Spells The spellwalker is a magical vehicle of your
table. These spells count as artificer spells for own design. You decide its appearance. You can
you, but they don’t count against the number of direct the walker to use its movement on your
artificer spells you prepare. turn, and you can use your action to control it,
causing it to take one of the actions in its stat
Spellwalker Technician Spells block or some other action. The only weapons you
Artificer Level Spell can use while piloting the walker are weapons
innate to it.
3rd magic missile, shield
Your walker counts as equipment you’re
5th mirror image, misty step wearing for the purpose of spells that affect
9th lightning arrow, Melf’s you, such as invisibility, but counts as a creature
minute meteors XGE for the purpose of other spells and effects. For
13th fire shield, greater invisibility example, if you cast haste on the walker, it gains
17th antilife shell, destructive wave an additional action you can direct it to use on
your turn, in addition to the spell’s other bene-
fits. You can cast spells with a range of self, such
as mirror image, through the walker as if it had
cast the spell.
If the mending spell is cast on the walker, it
regains 2d6 hit points. It reverts to its helm form
if you or it is reduced to 0 hit points. You can also
revert it early using an action.
At the end of a long rest, you can create a new
spellwalking helm if you have your smith’s tools
with you. If you already have a spellwalking helm
from this feature, the first one immediately dis-
appears. The helm also disappears if you die.
Large vehicle (500 lbs.)
CARRYING CAPACITY 30 x your Intelligence modifier
ARMOR CLASS 18 (natural armor)
HIT POINTS 3 + your Intelligence modifier + five times
your artificer level
SPEED 40 ft.
DAMAGE IMMUNITIES poison, psychic
CONDITION IMMUNITIES blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralysed,
petrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
MECHANISED MARVEL. Unlike other vehicles, the spellwalker has Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
scores equal to your Intelligence score. It adds your proficiency bonus to saving throws it makes using
those scores. If you are proficient with a skill or tool that uses those scores, the walker adds your
proficiency bonus to checks it makes with it, or twice your proficiency bonus if you have expertise.
SHARED CONTROL. If the walker is forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you
become the target of that effect instead. Otherwise, you can’t be targeted by effects while piloting the
walker. For example, a fireball only targets the walker, and not you. A creature can attempt to hit you with
an attack while you are piloting the walker by taking a -5 penalty to its attack roll.
If the walker would take damage that isn’t psychic, it takes half the damage and you take the
remainder. If it would take psychic damage, you take the damage instead.
ASSAULT. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 + your
Intelligence modifier force damage.
MAGICANNON (RECHARGE 5-6). You cast an artificer cantrip you know with a casting time of 1 action that
requires you to make a spell attack or that forces one or more creatures to make a saving throw. The
cantrip’s range becomes 120 feet (if it was less), and if it affects an area, you choose a point within range
for the effect to originate from. If you make a spell attack, the cantrip counts as a ranged weapon attack
for the purpose of your artificer spells.
The first time you deal damage with the cantrip, you roll all its damage die twice and add them
together, and a target takes half the damage on a miss or successful save.
5th-level Spellwalker Technician feature 15th-level Spellwalker Technician feature
When you use your action to use your spellwalk- When you summon your spellwalker, you can
er’s Assault, you can use a bonus action to cast a empower it with titanic form, which lasts for 10
cantrip or use your walker’s Magicannon. minutes or until the spellwalker disappears. It
gains the following benefits:
9th-level Spellwalker Technician feature • The walker’s size becomes Huge,
instead of Large.
You learn how to modify your spellwalker. When
• When the walker takes damage that isn’t
you gain this feature and whenever you make
psychic, you decide if the walker takes
a helm thereafter, you choose one of the follow-
all the damage or if you and the walker
ing specializations:
each take half.
SPELLCRAWLER. Your walker’s speed increases • The walker has resistance to bludgeoning,
by 10 feet, and it gains the ability to walk up, piercing, and slashing damage.
down, and across vertical surfaces and upside • You can add 2d8 to the damage you deal with
down along ceilings. It also gains a climbing the walker’s Assault or Magicannon. If you use
speed equal to its walking speed. the Spelltank’s missiles, you fire 3 additional
SPELLTANK. When you use your walker’s missiles instead.
Magicannon, you can create a swarm of
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
arcane missiles instead of casting a cantrip.
again until you finish a long rest. If you have
The number of missiles in the swarm equals
spell slots of 5th level or higher, you can expend
3 + your proficiency bonus. Each missile hits
one when you summon your spellwalker to
a creature or object of your choice that you
use it again.
can see within 120 feet of you and deals 1d4
+ 1 force damage to its target. The missiles
all strike simultaneously, and you can direct
them to hit one creature or several.
SPELLTOWER. Your walker has a fortification
large enough to hold one Medium or smaller
creature. An ally can use a bonus action to
enter the fortification while within 5 feet of
the walker. While inside, it has half cover and
moves with the walker.
SPELLCONDUIT. You can imbue the walker with
one of your artificer infusions, which doesn’t
count against the number of items you can
infuse at once. The walker can count as a
melee weapon (its Assault action), armor,
boots, or a helmet or shield for the purposes of
your Infuse Items feature.
3rd-level Space Marine feature
BARBARIAN You have adapted to endless combat in harsh,
The barbarian class receives new alien environments. You gain resistance to
subclasses in this section. poison damage and have advantage on saving
throws against poison. You also no longer need
SPACE MARINE to eat or sleep, and you can gain the benefits of
Designed by Xenken a long rest after only 4 hours of light activity.
Countless worlds find themselves embroiled Finally, you can ignore the effects of exhaustion
in war, torn asunder by a new kind of warrior. while raging.
Whether molded from birth or cultivated over a
long career, these barbarians have had their rage IGNORE PAIN
carefully honed into a weapon, to be wielded by 6th-level Space Marine feature
powers far greater than themselves against ene- You power through pain, never hesitating.
mies they rarely know. Heedless, they go forth Immediately after you take damage, you can
anyway. And the stars weep. regain a number of hit points equal to four times
your barbarian level (no action required). If you
IMPERIAL CHARGE would have been reduced to 0 hit points, you don’t
3rd-level Space Marine feature fall unconscious. You can’t do so again until you
You learn to wield your natural fury alongside a finish a long rest.
deadly arsenal. When you make a ranged weapon
attack with a firearm, you can use Strength HORRORS OF WAR
for its attack and damage rolls. If you do, being 10th-level Space Marine feature
within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose Your assault strikes fear in anything. Other
disadvantage on the attack, and if the target is creatures can’t have advantage on saving
within 10 feet of you, the attack counts as a melee throws against being frightened by you, and
weapon attack for the purpose of your barbar- creatures immune to being frightened can be
ian features. frightened of you.
Additionally, if you move at least 20 feet in a
straight line towards a creature before hitting REAPER OF MEN
it with an attack using a firearm, you can force 14th-level Space Marine feature
each hostile creature within 30 feet of you to You leave nothing but a tide of the dead in your
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your wake. When you deal damage to a creature with
Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) or an attack that would leave it with 20 or fewer
become frightened of you until the end of your hitpoints, it is reduced to 0 hit points.
next turn. If a frightened creature failed its save Additionally, whenever you kill a creature,
by 5 or more, it spends its next turn fleeing from each hostile creature within 30 feet of you that
you by the fastest available means. You can’t use can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving
this ability again until you roll for initiative. throw as if you’d used your Imperial Charge.
ECLIPSE. The creature gains a d4, which it can
add to a different ability check, attack roll, or
saving throw that it makes before the end of
its next turn.
RETROGRADE. The creature can reverse course.
If it does, it doesn’t add the Bardic Inspiration
die to the roll, and the die isn’t lost. It can use
this ability only once per Bardic Inspiration.
TRANSIT. The creature can use its reaction after
BARD the roll succeeds or fails to move up to half its
speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
The bard class receives new
subclasses in this section. ZODIAC REVELATION
6th-level College of Astrology feature
COLLEGE OF ASTROLOGY You notice patterns of magical meaning in the
Designed by Ryan Rose (Portent Press) movements of the stars. Over the course of a long
To turn to the sky and seek answers or comfort rest, you can use your tools to decipher these
is one of humanity’s oldest reflexes. Bards of the movements. When you do so, roll a d10 and con-
College of Astrology are the caretakers of this sult the table below. You can choose a spell, called
reflex. They see themselves less as creators and your Zodiac Revelation, from the spell list of your
more as translators of the stars, the gods, and class you rolled. The spell must be of a level you
their observance from above. Masters of reading can cast and can’t be a cantrip. Until you finish a
the heavens, astrologist bards are often sought long rest, you know the spell, it counts as a bard
out by those who wish to be given a horoscope or spell for you, and it doesn’t count against your
those who seek patterns in the darkness. number of spells known.
As adventurers, they travel with vigor, always Additionally, if your Zodiac Revelation is 5th
seeking new vantages from which to observe the level or lower, you can cast it at its lowest level
stars. As entertainers, they tend to set up booths without expending a spell slot. You can’t do so
on streets or within taverns, offering their ser- again until you learn a new Zodiac Revelation.
vices to those who will part with a coin, a drink,
or even a kind word. Zodiac Revelation
d10 Class Spell List d10 Class Spell List
3rd-level College of Astrology feature 1 Artificer 6 Ranger
2nd-level Null Domain feature
When you or a creature within 30 feet of you
takes damage, you can use your Channel Divinity
as a reaction, refusing the experience of harm.
Reduce the damage dealt by that attack, effect,
CLERIC or other source by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier
The cleric class receives new + half your cleric level. If that source only dealt
subclasses in this section. damage to the target, you can add your cleric
level, instead of half, to the number rolled.
Designed by Israel Moreira CHANNEL DIVINITY: ERASE
You understand the truth; that the universe 6th-level Null Domain feature
has no real meaning, and is instead an infinite You can use your Channel Divinity as an action
wealth of experience that exists only to experi- to briefly exclude yourself from experience. For
ence itself. Even the gods form only one leaf on 1 minute, or until you lose your concentration
the ever expanding fractal of creation. (as if you were concentrating on a spell), you
As a cleric of the Null Domain, you seek knowl- cease to exist for everyone except yourself. Other
edge of and oneness with the universe itself. You creatures aren’t aware of you, can’t attack you or
worship existence and experience, as well as target you, and don’t remember where you were
any god whose values align with your own, and when you used this feature. If you move an object,
welcome knowledge from any divinities willing such as opening a door, other creatures rational-
to teach you, even if scholars turn their heads at ize your actions—they might imagine a strong
the nature of your magic. wind blowing the door open.
This effect ends early if you attack, touch a
Null Domain Spells creature, deal damage to a creature, or force
Cleric Level Spells a creature to make a saving throw. You can
attempt to stow or retrieve items from a crea-
1st dissonant whispers, unseen servant
ture’s person without touching them, but the
3rd invisibility, pass without trace effect ends early if they notice.
5th blink, counterspell
7th banishment, Evard’s black tentacles POTENT SPELLCASTING
8th-level Null Domain feature
9th passwall, telekinesis
You add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you
deal with any cleric cantrip.
1st-level Null Domain feature SUBSTITUTE EXPERIENCE
You inherit the means to experience many 17th-level Null Domain feature
things. When you finish a short or long rest, you You can experience existence as other beings.
can gain proficiency in one skill or with any com- You add the shapechange spell to your list of
bination of two tools or weapons of your choice, domain spells. Like your other domain spells,
which lasts until you finish another rest. You can it is always prepared and counts as a cleric
use Wisdom, instead of any other score, when spell for you.
making ability checks using those proficiencies. You can use a bonus action to cast shapechange
As an action, you can replace the proficiencies without spending a spell slot. When you do, the
you chose with different ones, as if you’d finished spell ends at the end of your next turn.
a rest. You can’t do so again until you finish Once you cast shapechange this way, you can’t
a long rest. do so again until you finish a long rest.
2nd-level Circle of the Void feature
As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild
Shape feature while you aren’t in beast form to
take on an aspect of the void. While transformed,
you gain the following benefits:
• You can see normally in magical and nonmagi-
cal darkness to a distance of 120 feet.
• The area within 10 feet of you is filled with
DRUID magical darkness. Nonmagical plants in the
area that aren’t creatures wither; shrubs and
The druid class receives new
flowers die, and larger plants wilt. A hostile
subclasses in this section.
creature that starts its turn within the dark-
ness takes 1d6 force damage.
Designed by Proph • When a creature you can see starts its turn
within 30 feet of you, you can force it to make a
When a living being dies, its hunger dies with it.
Strength saving throw. A creature can will-
When a star in the Wildspace dies, however, what
ingly fail this saving throw. On a failure, the
remains can grow eternally hungry for matter
target is pulled 10 feet towards you.
and knowledge. Most see these stars as some-
thing outside of nature, but druids of this circle This transformation lasts for 10
stand in their defense. As one of these druids, minutes. It ends early if you’re
you draw on the power of the Wildspace’s most reduced to 0 hit points, if you
obscure denizens, and become just as ravenous, use your Wild Shape, or if
intelligent, and grim. you choose to end it (no
action required).
2nd-level Circle of the Void feature
The connection you’ve formed with the ever-hun-
gering pits in the night sky grants you access to
certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you
gain access to the spells listed for that level in
the Circle of the Void Spells table.
Once you gain access to one of these spells,
you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count
against the number of spells you can prepare
each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t
appear on the druid spell list, the spell is none-
theless a druid spell for you.
The fighter class receives new
subclasses in this section.
7th-level Meteor Knight feature 15th-level Meteor Knight feature
As a bonus action, you can choose a creature or You can invert gravity’s equation. When you
object you can see within 300 feet of you and use Alter Equation, you can cause the target
change your gravity relative to it. You begin to begin falling towards you instead. Your
falling towards the target. The target’s size size, not the target’s, and whether the target is
and whether you’re Small or smaller, Medium, Small or smaller, Medium, or Large or larger
or Large or larger determines the distance you determines its speed and how fast it moves
fall at the end of each of your turns, as shown towards you. An unwilling creature can make a
on the Alter Equation table. Descending at a Constitution saving throw (DC equals 8 + your
rate of 0 feet per round means you don’t move. proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier)
When you strike the target, the effect ends, and to resist the effect.
you take damage as you would during a normal When the target strikes you, the effect ends,
downward fall. and it takes damage as it would during a normal
At any time while falling this way, you can use downward fall. You can end the target’s fall early
your reaction to end the effect, falling if you’re in using a bonus action on your turn.
the air and nothing is holding you aloft. You take
no damage from the fall and land on your feet. MASTER OF MOMENTUM
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again 18th-level Meteor Knight feature
until you finish a short or long rest. Starting at You’ve mastered the equations that calculate
15th level, you can use it twice between rests. gravity and momentum. The damage of your
Meteoric Momentum increases by one die (2d6 or
CRATER 2d8), you can reduce any falling damage you take
10th-level Meteor Knight feature to 0 (no action required), and when you use Alter
When you take damage from falling, you can Equation or Invert Equation, you choose which
release that impact outwards as a reaction. You size you count as.
land on your feet, and each creature within 5
feet of you must succeed on a Strength saving
throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Constitution modifier), taking bludgeoning
damage equal to half the damage you took from
from the fall, or half of as much on a success.
You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Designed by Israel Moreira 10th-level Solar Knight feature
You have been branded by the pure radiance You can use your sunburst form an unlimited
of a sun, and bear the mark of the solar wind. number of times, and it lasts until you use a
Whether you were born with the mark or bonus action to end it. While it lasts, you gain a
received it only recently, it alights in response flying speed equal to your walking speed.
to your growing skill, and gives you a burning
vision—it will become your mission, willing or SUNSPOT
not, to defend solar systems from the encroach- 15th-level Solar Knight feature
ment of aberrant threats, such as beholders and As an action, you can thrust a weapon down and
mind flayers, as a knight of the solar wind. cause columns of radiant fire to erupt from six
points you can see within 60 feet of you. Each
SOLAR CREST creature in a 10-foot radius, 100-foot tall cylinder
3rd-level Solar Knight feature centred on each point must make a Constitution
A glowing sun-brand appears somewhere on your saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 3d6
upper body, which can be seen through equip- fire damage and 3d6 radiant damage and is
ment you’re wearing. You can hide your brand blinded until the end of your next turn. On a suc-
on your turn (no action required), which lasts cess, a creature takes half as much damage and
until you lose your concentration (as if you were isn’t blinded.
concentrating on a spell) or until you use another A creature in the area of more than one fiery
Solar Knight feature. pillar is affected only once. If one or more pillars
erupt from the same point, the fire and radiant
SUNBURST FORM damage of those pillars increases by 1d6 for each
3rd-level Solar Knight feature pillar erupting from that point.
You can use a bonus action to enter your sun- Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again
burst form, which lasts for 1 minute. When you until you finish a long rest.
do, you can instantly don a set of armor you touch
that isn’t being worn by another creature, which ECLIPSE FORM
appears around you. While in this form, you gain 18th-level Solar Knight feature
the following benefits: When you enter your sunburst form, you can
eclipse yourself for 1 minute, empowering the
• You radiate bright light in a 40-foot radius and
form. Tendrils of faint light that seem to stretch
dim light 40 feet beyond that. A creature in
forever stream into your back turning all light
the bright light has half cover against attacks
within 1 mile of you into magical dim light. While
and effects from Aberrations.
it lasts, you gain the following benefits:
• Your weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 fire
damage on a hit. • A creature in the dim light has advantage on
• You have resistance to fire and psychic damage. saving throws imposed by Aberrations and
half cover against their attacks.
You can use this feature a number of times
• Your sunburst form’s extra fire damage
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
increases to 2d6. You can make weapon
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
attacks against any creature you can see
in the dim light, regardless of the attack’s
7th-level Solar Knight feature normal reach or range.
• You have immunity to fire and psychic damage.
While your brand isn’t hidden, whenever you
• When a creature you can see in the dim light
make a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine
makes an attack, you can use your reaction to
whether a creature is lying, treat a roll of 7 or
impose disadvantage on the attack. A creature
lower on the d20 as an 8.
that can’t be blinded is immune to this effect.
While in your sunburst form, you have advan-
tage on mental saving throws. If a creature Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again
forces you to make one of those saving throws, until you finish a long rest.
you know if that creature is an Aberration.
6th-level Way of the Raging Sun feature
You can use your inner light in new ways, wield-
ing techniques called solar flares:
BLINDING FLARE. You can spend 2 ki points as
an action to bloom with radiant light. Each
creature within 10 feet of you must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw or take radi-
ant damage equal to two rolls of your Martial
Arts die and become blinded until the start of
your next turn.
BODY OF PLASMA. When a creature hits you with
MONK a melee attack, you can spend 1 ki point as a
reaction to deal fire damage to that creature
The monk class receives new
equal to three rolls of your Martial Arts die.
subclasses in this section.
LIGHTSPEED SURGE. You can spend 2 ki points as
a bonus action to teleport up to 30 feet to an
Designed by Israel Moreira unoccupied space you can see. Immediately
after you appear, each creature within 10 feet
Monks that follow the Way of the Raging Sun
of you must make a Dexterity saving throw,
pursue a philosophy of action teaching that we
taking fire damage equal to three rolls of your
must burn our brightest at all times. A lack of
Martial Arts die on a failure, or half as much
effort is the greatest sin, and these monks are
on a success.
willing to put their bodies on the line to make
sure they never stagnate. Their ki techniques RAGING FLAME STRIKES
involve fire, light, and burning away their life 11th-level Way of the Raging Sun feature
force to enhance their monastic prowess. You can recycle the energy you release. You can
use Raging Sun Stance an unlimited number of
RAGING SUN STANCE times, and it lasts until you end it.
3rd-level Way of the Raging Sun feature While in your Raging Sun Stance, if you start
Like a raging star, you can burn your own life your turn with a temporary ki point, you don’t
force away for bursts of strength. On your turn, lose hit points that turn when you gain another.
you can begin burning your life force (no action Also for the duration, the damage of each of your
required), which lasts for 1 minute or until you Solar Flares increases by one roll of your Martial
use your action to end it. While it lasts, you are Arts die, and you gain a flying speed equal to
under the following effects: your walking speed.
• You radiate bright light in a 40-foot radius and
dim light 40 feet beyond that. 17th-level Way of the Raging Sun feature
• You gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
As an action, you can release all your life force
• When you use this feature—and at the start
in a devastating explosion. You are reduced to 0
of each of your turns while it lasts—you lose a
hit points. Each creature within 30 feet of you
number of hit points equal to 1 + half your pro-
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
ficiency bonus, and you gain one temporary ki
take force damage equal to 40 + the number of
point. This special ki point works like normal
hit points you had when you used this feature, or
ki, but disappears at the start of your next
half as much on a success.
turn if you don’t spend it.
You can spend ki points to preserve your life
You can use this feature a number of times force. If you do, you don’t fall unconscious, and
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain you immediately regain 10 hit points for each ki
all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You point you spend.
can use this feature if you don’t have any uses Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
remaining by spending 2 ki points for each use. again until you finish a long rest.
Designed by Israel Moreira PERSISTENCE. When you use Change of
Perspective and the creature lands on a
This order of cosmonautical monks believes in
surface, you can spend 1 additional ki point
refining one’s self by visiting as many worlds
to cause its gravity to remain flipped for 1
as possible, and learning new perspectives and
minute. At the end of each of its turns, an
ways of life from each. The ki techniques of
unwilling creature can make a Charisma
the Way of Wandering Paths can manipulate a
saving throw to end the effect on itself.
creature’s perspective and relationship to its
UNDERSTANDING. You can spend 2 ki points as an
action or a bonus action to cast calm emotions.
3rd-level Way of Wandering Paths feature 11th-level Way of Wandering Paths feature
You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and You can stand on vertical surfaces and on liquids
you can use Wisdom, instead of Charisma, when- as if they were solid ground, even when you aren’t
ever you make a Persuasion check. moving. You can use this ability while you’re
When you make a Wisdom (Persuasion) check, submerged, allowing you to walk in any direction
you can spend 1 ki point to reroll the result. You underwater.
can do so after you roll the die, but before the Additionally, when you use Change of
outcome is determined. You can’t use this feature Perspective on yourself, you can double the dis-
more than once per check. tance you fall.
3rd-level Oath of Exploration feature
You gain the following two Channel Divinity
options. See the Sacred Oath class feature for
how Channel Divinity works.
NEW HORIZONS. As an action, you can use your
Channel Divinity to bond with the area within 1
mile of you, gaining knowledge of one significant
fact about that area. The DM chooses the fact;
knowledge of the terrain, any notable landmarks,
PALADIN animal and plant life, or safe access to food and
The paladin class receives new water would be appropriate.
subclasses in this section. WITHOUT HALT. As a bonus action, you can use
your Channel Divinity to strive forward. For the
OATH OF EXPLORATION next 10 minutes, your speed is doubled, you have
Designed by Ryan Miller advantage on saving throws against being para-
The Oath of Exploration calls to those who seek to lyzed, restrained, or stunned, and you can ignore
chart the uncharted. Sometimes called voyagers, the effects of exhaustion.
travelers, and pioneers, these paladins set sail on
a mission for hope, knowledge and peace, driven AURA OF SWIFTNESS
to record and discover new worlds. 7th-level Oath of Exploration feature
Your movement and the movement of friendly
TENETS OF EXPLORATION creatures within 10 feet of you doesn’t pro-
The tenets of the Oath of Exploration vary voke opportunity attacks. In addition, you and
between paladins, but always reflect a desire to friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have
find out what lies out in the great wide unknown. advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
COURAGE. Brave the unknown. Fear will only When you reach 18th level in this class, the
slow me down. range of the aura increases to 10 feet.
IDEALISM. Wonderful things can be
hidden anywhere, and it is my responsibility UNDAUNTED TRAVELER
to find them. 15th-level Oath of Exploration feature
INSPIRE. If I leave a legacy for the next genera- You can’t be moved, knocked prone, or teleported
tion, they will pick up where I left off. against your will.
RESPECT. Discover, don’t destroy. Another may
already value what I have found. PREVAILING PILGRIM
20th-level Oath of Exploration feature
OATH SPELLS You are a master of the unknown. As a bonus
3rd-level Oath of Exploration feature action, you gain the following benefits
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. for 1 minute:
• You automatically succeed on saving throws
Oath of Exploration Spells
to escape mazes, and you can’t become lost.
Paladin Level Spells • You take two turns in each round of combat.
3rd expeditious retreat, kickstart GTG You take your first turn at your normal
5th enhance ability, find steed initiative and your second turn at your initia-
tive minus 10.
9th guide GTG , haste
13th find greater steed XGE, Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
freedom of movement again until you finish a long rest, unless you
17th find vehicle GTG , legend lore expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.
The prism class receives new
subclasses in this section.
6th-level Astral feature 10th-level Astral feature
As a bonus action, you can You gain a flying speed equal
project an aura of night, which to your walking speed, and you
lasts for 1 minute or until you choose to can hover. When you grant a creature
end it (no action required). Its radius is 10 feet, the benefits of your Astral Walk, that creature
plus a number of feet equal to 5 + your maximum can choose to remain in the air until the start
Influence. The aura moves with you, centered on of its next turn instead of falling. When it falls,
you. The aura’s edges are illuminated by stars, it safely descends up to 60 feet, then falls any
nebulae, and other celestial bodies. The aura has remaining distance.
the following effects:
• Nonmagical bright light within the aura 15th-level Astral feature
becomes dim light.
When you use your Starry Sky feature to project
• The aura provides an air envelope and gravity
an aura, you can empower it with your Empathy
plane like a spelljamming helm.
feature by spending influence equal to half your
• Your Projection Attack ignores cover, and
maximum. When you do, a moon appears within
deals additional damage on a hit equal to
the aura, one which reflects your light and
your Charisma modifier if the target is
washes it over creatures within it. Choose one of
within the aura.
your Empathy options. You become influenced
• You can use your Projection Barrier against
by that option, and whenever a creature starts
a target within the aura you can’t see if you
its turn inside the area, it must succeed on a
know where it is. When you use it, a target
Wisdom saving throw against your prism spell
gains additional temporary hit points equal to
save DC or fall under the effects of that Empathy
your Charisma modifier if it’s within the aura.
option until the start of its next turn. A creature
• When you use your Astral Walk, you can
can choose to fail this saving throw willingly.
choose a creature within the aura to gain the
At the start of each of your turns, you can
benefits instead. That creature can immedi-
spend the same influence and choose a dif-
ately use its extra movement to move without
ferent Empathy option to influence your
provoking opportunity attacks.
inner light with.
You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
3rd-level Astral Seafarer feature
You learn an additional spell when you reach
certain levels in this class, as shown in the
Astral Seafarer Spells table. The spell counts as
a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against
the number of ranger spells you know.
3rd-level Astral Seafarer feature
As an action while you’re in the Astral Sea, you
detect the distance and direction to the closest
corpse of a dead god. ROGUE
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again The rogue class receives new
until you finish a short or long rest. subclasses in this section.
When you move through a creature this way, HELM AUGMENTS
that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving 13th-level Maverick feature
throw (DC 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your Through tinkering and no small effort, you’ve
proficiency bonus) or take bludgeoning damage become more comfortable using your helm. You
equal to the Sneak Attack dice for your level. If gain the following benefits when use your helm
you impact a solid surface, you also take this to reach spelljamming speed:
damage, and you stop moving.
AIR FIELD GENERATOR. When you use your helm
At the end of a long rest, you can create a
to move, it creates a 10-foot radius bubble of
new handheld helm if you have your tinker’s
breathable air around you, which lasts until
tools with you. If you already have a handheld
the end of your next turn.
helm from this feature, the first one immedi-
BRAKES. When you use your helm to move, you
ately stops working. The helm also stops work-
can end the move early at any time. When
ing if you die.
you do, your remaining momentum creates a
shockwave, causing each creature within 10
9th-level Maverick feature feet of you to take thunder damage equal to
your rogue level.
When you use your handheld helm to reach spell-
VACUUM GAP GENERATOR. Immediately after
jamming speed, you can overcharge your helm to
you use your helm to move, you can create a
move up to 300 feet in a straight line instead (but
vacuum in your path, which pulls each crea-
still no less than 30 feet). When you do, you can
ture within 5 feet of the path you took into the
bring along any willing creatures within 5 feet of
path’s area. You can’t use this feature and your
you. Those creatures move with you, taking blud-
Brakes during the same turn.
geoning damage as normal if you impact a solid
surface. Your helm then deactivates and can’t be INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL
activated again for 1 minute. 17th-level Maverick feature
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again When you overcharge your helm, you can
until you finish a short or long rest. move up to 100 million miles in a straight line.
If you are in a spelljamming ship, the ship
moves with you.
Designed by Proph 9th-level Jammer feature
Combat in Wildspace naturally leads some When a creature you can see within 60 feet of
towards unconventional battle tactics. One you casts a spell or uses a magical ability, you can
such strategy, practiced by adventurers called use your Disrupt Magic as a reaction, targeting
jammers, focuses on the blocking and contain- the spell or ability. If the target is a spell, you
ing of magic. Whatever the source, jammers are can cause it to fail and have no effect if its level
experts at identifying, disrupting, and even is equal to or less than your proficiency bonus.
taking control of arcane devices, spells, and Otherwise, you suppress the effect for 10 minutes
other magical effects. or until you lose your concentration. When the
suppression ends, the spell or ability takes effect,
ARCANE KNOWLEDGE whether or not the creature wants it to, unless
3rd-level Jammer feature the creature is dead.
To disrupt magic, you must understand it. You
gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you gain MAGESIGHT
expertise with it, which means your proficiency 13th-level Jammer feature
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make You can use a bonus action to open your senses to
with it. You also have advantage on any ability magic. Until the start of your next turn, you can
check you make to identify a spell. see creatures and objects affected by magic, as
In addition, you learn two cantrips of your well as magical effects, through solid surfaces.
choice from the wizard spell list. Unlike most If you can see a creature, object, or magical effect
spellcasters, your spellcasting ability for these this way, you can use your Disrupt Magic or Spell
spells is Dexterity. Jam on it even through total cover, like walls.
For the duration, your ranged attacks also
DISRUPT MAGIC ignore half-cover and three-quarters cover
3rd-level Jammer feature against creatures and objects affected by magic.
You can use even mundane weapons to disrupt
the energies that make up magical effects. As an BREACH THE SYSTEM
action while you’re holding a finesse or ranged 17th-level Jammer feature
weapon, you can choose a creature, object or When you use Disrupt Magic, you can expend
magical effect you can see within 60 feet of you one additional use of that feature to empower it.
and disrupt it. If you do, you can choose to end a spell or cause
Any spell on the target ends if the spell’s level a spell to fail regardless of its level. You can
is equal to or less than your proficiency bonus. also choose to suppress it instead. If you use
A spell of a higher level or a magical effect that your action to suppress a spell or magical effect
isn’t a spell is instead suppressed for 10 minutes, under a creature’s control, you can take control
or until you lose your concentration (as if you of the spell or effect as if you’d created it, such as
were concentrating on a spell). While an effect gaining the benefits of a stoneskin spell or taking
is suppressed, it doesn’t function, but the time it control of a summoned creature.
spends suppressed counts against its duration.
You can use this feature a number of times
equal to twice your proficiency bonus, and
you regain all expended uses when you finish
a long rest.
The sorcerer class receives new
subclasses in this section.
Designed by Caitlin Bradbury (NotTheSmoooze)
Your magic comes directly from the void of space.
Your birth might have coincided with the birth
or death of a star, or you could have been trans-
formed by contact with a fallen comet. However
you acquired your powers, they draw you ever
closer to the depths of the cosmos, urging you to
take your place in the night sky. Will you fight
it, clinging to your earthly nature, or accept the
call, and embrace a new constellation?
1st-level Galaxy Magic feature
You learn additional spells when you reach cer-
tain levels in this class, as shown on the Cosmic
Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a
sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against
the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Cosmic Spells 6th-level Galaxy Magic feature
Spell As a bonus action, you can spend 2 sorcery points
Level Spells to amplify your own gravity, pulling nearby
1st catapult XGE, mage hand (the hand is debris into your orbit for 1 minute or until you’re
invisible), push/pull GTG incapacitated. Objects being worn or carried or
2nd earthbind XGE, levitate that weigh more than 10 pounds aren’t affected.
While the belt lasts, you have half cover, and
3rd gravity well GTG , Melf’s minute meteors XGE
the area within 10 feet of you is difficult terrain
4th meteor GTG , sickening radiance XGE for your enemies. A hostile creature that ends its
5th hold monster, telekinesis turn within the area takes bludgeoning damage
equal to your 2 + Charisma modifier.
1st-level Galaxy Magic feature LOST IN SPACE
You can escape the chains of gravity. You have 14th-level Galaxy Magic feature
a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You You are unbound. Your flying speed can carry
can’t use this feature to fly higher than 5 feet you to any height, and you can hover.
above the ground. If you end your turn higher Additionally, you no longer need to eat, drink,
than that and nothing else is holding you aloft, or breathe, and you can survive in the expanse of
you safely descend to that height. Wildspace without a spelljamming ship.
18th-level Galaxy Magic feature
You can transform into a black hole. As an action, Level Spells
you can spend 9 sorcery points to surround your- 1st fog cloud, push/pull GTG , shape thought GTG
self with a 10-foot radius sphere of all-devouring
2nd detect thoughts, levitate
void that lasts for 10 minutes or until you lose
your concentration (as if you were concentrating 3rd clairvoyance, sending XGE
on a spell). 4th confusion, dimension door
Only you can see through the void, and noth- 5th modify memory, synaptic static XGE
ing can illuminate it. While within it, your speed
is 0 and you can’t teleport, move, be moved in any STARWROUGHT REALITY
way. At the same time, your weight is multiplied 1st-level Severed Soul feature
by 1,000, and you are immune to all damage and When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you
effects originating from outside of the void. can create a bubble of fractured reality in a
A creature within 30 feet of the void must 20-foot radius sphere around you. The bubble’s
spend 5 feet of movement for each foot it moves area counts as part of the Astral Sea—a creature
away from you. When the void appears and at the in the bubble doesn’t age, doesn’t need to eat
start of each of your turns thereafter, everything or drink, and can fly at a speed equal to 5 × its
within it takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage and Intelligence score. When you cast a spell while
10d6 cold damage. A creature or object reduced inside the bubble, you can limit the spell’s area to
to 0 hit points by this damage is obliterated, leav- the inside of the bubble.
ing no remains. The bubble collapses after 1 minute. If you use
At the end of each of your turns, the void’s this feature again while the first sphere lasts,
radius increases by 10 feet, expanding directly both spheres merge where they overlap, creating
outward. If you maintain concentration of this a larger bubble with the duration of the first. The
feature for its whole duration, the void stops bubble collapses when you leave its area or when
expanding and becomes permanent. Your body you fall unconscious.
discorporates, becoming one with the void, and Once the bubble collapses, you can’t use this
you become dormant for 1d4 centuries or until feature again until you finish a short or long rest.
you’re woken by divine intervention or a wish
spell. When you wake, your body reforms and the CORDLESS
void vanishes. 1st-level Severed Soul feature
You don’t have a silver cord, which means it
SEVERED SOUL can’t be cut. While you’re in the Astral Sea, you
Designed by Elias Garoufalias (Aevilok) can move through other creatures and objects
The silver cord between you and your astral self as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10
was severed, but your astral body lingered. Now, force damage if you end your turn inside an
suffused with the powers of the astral sea, your object. If you’re in a bubble created using your
very existence threatens material reality, caus- Starwrought Reality and leaving it would mean
ing it to shatter and bend to your will. entering an occupied space, you are instead
shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, taking
ASTRAL MAGIC 1d10 force damage for every 5 feet traveled.
1st-level Severed Soul feature
You learn additional spells when you reach cer-
tain levels in this class, as shown on the Astral
Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a
sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against
the number of sorcerer spells you know.
6th-level Severed Soul feature
When you start your turn in the Astral Sea,
you can cause the silver mist permeating it to
thicken, becoming a shimmering fog that lightly
obscures the area within 120 feet of you until the
start of your next turn. The mist spreads around
corners. If you use this feature inside a bubble
created using your Starwrought Reality, the fog
doesn’t extend beyond the bubble.
When you use this feature, you can choose any
number of creatures in the fog’s area, spending 1
sorcery point for each. The fog thickens around
each of those creatures, making them heavily WARLOCK
obscured to other creatures until the start of The warlock class receives new
your next turn. subclasses in this section.
1st-level Cosmic Entity feature
Your patron bestows upon you the ability to con-
jure a blast of starlight or void energy from space.
As an action, you can force each creature within
10 feet of you to succeed a Constitution saving
throw against your spell save DC or become
blinded until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a long rest.
6th-level Cosmic Entity feature
You can channel the stars and void into your
defenses. When you deal damage with a
warlock spell, you can capture the cosmic
energy and wrap it around yourself in a
shroud. When you do, you gain temporary
hit points equal to twice the spell’s level
(minimum of 2), which last for 1 minute.
While you have them, you either shed
bright light in a 15-foot radius, or turn dim light
within 15 feet of you into darkness and bright
light in the same area to dim light (your choice
each time you use this feature).
You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
10th-level Cosmic Entity feature
Your patron grants you the power to survive
in space. You no longer need to eat, drink, or
breathe, and you can survive in the expanse of
Wildspace without a spelljamming ship.
Additionally, your jump distance is tripled,
and you can use your reaction when you fall
to reduce any falling damage you take by an
amount equal to 5 × your warlock level.
dispelled. While the sphere remains, a crea-
ture fully within it can’t benefit from being
14th-level Cosmic Entity feature invisible or have disadvantage on attack rolls,
and takes fire damage equal to your Charisma
You can bring your patron’s domain to you. As
modifier at the start of each of its turns.
an action, you can create a 30-foot radius sphere
VOID. The sphere is magical darkness. If the dark-
centered on a point you can see within 120 feet
ness overlaps with an area of light created by a
of you, which lasts for 1 minute or until you lose
spell of 7th level or lower, the spell is dispelled.
your concentration (as if you were concentrating
While the sphere remains, a creature fully
on a spell). When you do, choose one of the follow-
within it has a speed of 0, can’t breathe or
ing forms for the sphere:
speak, and is unaffected by gravity.
The wizard class receives new
subclasses in this section.
Designed by Shiloh Berscheid (Portent Press)
While most wizards study the bending of terres-
trial magics, such as the ability to control fire,
earth, air, or water, a select few magicians look
beyond such material constraints. These cosmo-
mancers—or starcallers, as they’re sometimes
called—study the pull of the systems that govern
movement through space.
What is the true magical formula for the grav-
itational pull of a neutron star? And how can it
be harnessed? These are only the beginning of
the questions that wizards of this tradition
aim to answer, as there are no limits to the
possibilities in an ever-expanding universe.
2nd-level Cosmomancer feature
The gold and time you must spend to copy a
spell into your spellbook is halved while you
are under the light of a star.
2nd-level Cosmomancer feature
You can twist your spells with the power of extra-
mundane influence. When you cast a spell that
affects an area, you can create a vortex in that
area, which lasts for 1 minute. The effect of the
vortex depends on the astronomical influence
you choose from the options below, which uses
your wizard spell save DC for its saving throws:
LUNAR. Magic is both reflected and absorbed by
the surface of a blue moon. The vortex emits
bright light within its area, and dim light for
10 feet beyond that. A creature that attempts
to cast a spell within the vortex must succeed
SOLAR. The vortex is amplified by the might of 14th-level Cosmomancer feature
a dying star. When the vortex appears, each
When you cast a spell of 5th level or higher that
creature within its area must succeed on a
affects one or more areas and you use Vortex,
Constitution saving throw or take radiant
you can cause a meteor to fall in one of the spell’s
damage equal to your wizard level. A creature
areas. Each creature in the area you choose must
must also make this save when it enters the
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against
vortex’s area for the first time on a turn or
your spell save DC, taking 5d6 fire damage and
ends its turn there.
5d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half
VOID. The vortex is consumed by the maw
as much damage on a successful one
of a black hole. When the vortex appears,
If the spell you cast is meteor swarm, you can
each creature within its area must make a
instead choose twice as many points on the
Strength saving throw or be pulled into the
ground within the spell’s range, causing blazing
nearest unoccupied space to the vortex’s
orbs of fire to plummet at each.
center. A creature must also make this save
when it enters the vortex’s area for the first
time on a turn or ends its turn there. If a crea- Designed by Israel Moreira
ture starts its turn in the vortex, its speed is
Though rudimentary forms of this tradition
reduced by 10 feet until the end of the turn.
were said to be employed in marine ship bat-
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it tles, Shipbreaker Magic as a tradition began to
again until you finish a long rest. flourish when it was introduced to spelljammers.
Also known as laser mages, shipbreakers can
ORBIT compress their spells into thin lines of greater
6th-level Cosmomancer feature force. As a result, those spells develop extremely
As an action, you can touch a nonmagical object long ranges, and become highly effective tools for
that isn’t being worn or carried, isn’t larger shearing enemy spelljammers apart.
than 3 feet on a side, and weighs no more than 10
pounds. That object rises into the air, and begins BREAKPOINT
to slowly orbit you within your reach. A creature 2nd-level Shipbreaker feature
can use its action to seize an object from your Whenever you deal damage to an object or struc-
orbit by succeeding on a Strength saving throw ture using a line spell, you can ignore a number
against your spell save DC. of points of the object’s damage threshold equal
You can use an arcane focus in your orbit even to your wizard level.
if you aren’t holding it. While an arcane focus is
in your orbit, the range of spells you cast with a LASER MAGIC
range of 5 feet or greater is doubled, and when 2nd-level Shipbreaker feature
you cast a spell with a range of touch, you can When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that
make its range 10 feet instead. affects an area that isn’t a line, you can instead
You can hold up to five objects in your orbit at a cast the spell as if its range was a line origi-
time, and can’t seize another while at your maxi- nating from you. If the spell had a range of self
mum. You can release an object from your orbit at followed by an area, the line is three times the
any time (no action required). measure of the area. If the spell creates an area
at a point within range, the length of the line is
SUPERNOVA 30 feet or the spell’s range, whichever is greater.
10th-level Cosmomancer feature Regardless of its length, the line is 5-feet wide.
When you lose concentration on a spell of 1st For example, you can cast burning hands as a
level or higher, willingly or otherwise, you can 15-foot cone or a 45-foot long, 5-foot wide line, and
emit a blinding flash. Each creature of your you can cast fog cloud as a 20-foot radius sphere
choice within 10 feet of you must succeed on a within the spell’s 120-foot range, or a 120-foot
Constitution saving throw against your spell long, 5-foot wide line.
save DC or become blinded until the end of
your next turn.
6th-level Shipbreaker feature
When you cast a line spell, you can choose to aug-
ment it in one of the following ways:
SPLIT BEAM. You create two lines, instead of one, Designed by Israel Moreira
but each line is half the length.
Scholarship is important, but boring. Some
BEND BEAM. At any point along the line, you can
wizards choose to take a more exciting approach
cause the remainder of the line to turn in any
to life: assault magic. These daring wizards
direction of your choice. You can do so up to
focus on close ranged spells, using their power
twice per spell.
to propel themselves across the battlefield and
FOCUS BEAM. You can reduce the line’s length
straight into their enemy’s face. Aboard a spell-
by one-third to intensify it. A creature in the
jamming ship, they become one-man boarding
area makes saving throws against the spell
parties. In an assault mission, they’re part of
with disadvantage.
the vanguard. During espionage, they are the
A creature in the area of more than one line distraction.
is affected only once. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, BLAST MAGIC
and you regain all expended uses when you finish 2nd-level Assault Magic feature
a long rest. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that
affects an area that isn’t a cone, you can instead
SIEGE MAGIC cast the spell as if its range was a cone originat-
10th-level Shipbreaker feature ing from you. If you alter a line spell this way,
Spells you cast deal twice as much damage the cone is half the line’s length. Otherwise, the
to objects and structures. If a line spell you length of the cone is 15 feet, or twice the area’s
cast would destroy an object or structure, the measure, whichever is greater.
line continues on as if the object or structure For example, you can cast lightning bolt as
wasn’t there. a 100-foot line or a 50-foot cone, and you can
Additionally, when you use your Arcane cast fireball as a 20-foot radius sphere or a
Recovery, you can regain uses of Beam Havoc in 40-foot cone.
addition to regaining expended spell slots. Each
use you regain counts as a 1st-level spell slot for ARCANE RECOIL
the purposes of your Arcane Recovery. 2nd-level Assault Magic feature
You can utilize the raw power of your spells to
FREEFORM DEVASTATION maneuver through the air. When you cast a cone
14th-level Shipbreaker feature spell, you can launch yourself a number of feet
When you cast a spell that creates a line origi- up the cone’s length in the opposite direction of
nating from you, you can instead cause the line the cone. If you do, you gain a +4 bonus to your
to originate from any point you can see within AC until the start of your next turn or until you
a number of feet of you equal to the length use this feature again. This movement doesn’t
of the line. provoke opportunity attacks.
6th-level Assault Magic feature
When you cast a cone spell, you can choose to
augment it in one of the following ways:
DUAL WIELD. The cone’s length is halved, but until
the end of the turn, you can create the same
cone again without expending a spell slot (no
action required). You can aim the cone in the
same direction as the first or a different one. A
creature targeted by the first cone is immune
to the effects of the second. If this feature
would reduce a cone’s length to less than 15
feet, it becomes 15 feet instead.
SCORCHED EARTH. You can reduce the cone’s
intensity to lengthen it. The cone’s size is
doubled, but creatures make saving throws
against the spell with advantage.
DUCK AND COVER. Up to two creatures of
your choice automatically succeed
on any saving throws against the
spell, and take no damage if
they would normally take half
damage on a successful save.
You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you
regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.
10th-level Assault Magic feature
When you cast a cone spell, you can
create a ward from the residual magic,
which lasts until the start of your next turn.
While it lasts, you gain resistance to any damage
types dealt by the spell, and if the spell forces a
creature to make a saving throw, you gain advan-
tage on that type of saving throw.
14th-level Assault Magic feature
When you cast a cone spell, each creature within
15 feet of you has disadvantage on its first saving
throws made against that spell.
Magic suffuses everything in the world of
D&D, and the starry void of the Astral Plane SPELL DESCRIPTIONS
is no different. Its denizens harness magic to The spells are presented in alphabetical order.
improve their lives, to entertain themselves, and
to make the impossible possible. This chapter FIND VEHICLE
details many inventions—spells and magic items 5th-level conjuration
alike—as well as some of the natural forces that
CASTING TIME: 10 minutes
inspired them.
RANGE: 30 feet
The chapter first presents a handful of new
spells for player characters and monsters to
DURATION: Instantaneous
use, then presents a new category of magic items
called cybernetics. The chapter then details
mutations; magical gifts and transformations You summon a spirit that assumes the form of
brought on by accident, alchemical concoction, or an unassuming vehicle. Appearing in an unoc-
encounters with strange, cosmic forces. cupied space within range, the vehicle takes on a
form that you choose: an astral skiff, a keelboat,
SPELLS or a longship. Your DM may allow an alternative
This section presents new spells that the DM vehicle form, but it should be no more powerful
may add to a campaign. The Spells table lists than those described above. The vehicle has
the new spells, ordering them by level. The table chosen form’s statistics.
also notes the school of magic of a spell, whether You are always considered proficient with
it requires concentration, whether it bears the your vehicle, and your proficiency bonus is
ritual tag, and which classes have access to it. doubled to any ability check you make to pilot
it. While piloting the vehicle, you can make any
spell you cast that targets only you also target
the vehicle.
When the vehicle is reduced to 0 hit points,
it disappears, leaving behind no physical form.
You can also dismiss the vehicle at any time
as an action, causing it to disappear. If you
cast this spell while you already have another
vehicle from this spell, the first one immedi-
ately disappears.
Level Spell School Conc. Ritual Class Designer
0 shape thought Transmutation Yes No Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Elias Garoufalias
1st kickstart Evocation No No Wizard Ryan Miller
1st push/pull Transmutation No No Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Caitlin Bradbury
3rd gravity well Transmutation No No Sorcerer, Warlock Caitlin Bradbury
3rd guide Divination No Yes Ranger, Wizard Ryan Miller
3rd tiny shipmate Conjuration No No Artificer, Bard, Wizard Steve Fidler
4th meteor Conjuration Special No Druid, Warlock, Wizard Caitlin Bradbury
5th find vehicle Conjuration No No Wizard Ryan Miller
3rd-level transmutation 1st-level evocation
1st-level transmutation 3rd-level conjuration
level, three objects at 11th level, and four objects radius), passive Perception 10
at 17th level. LANGUAGES —
Designed by Xenken Designed by Caitlin Bradbury (NotTheSmoooze)
The following magic items are presented in Cybernetics are magic items that can be inte-
alphabetical order. grated into a creature’s body. Some cybernetics
require the aid of a professional to integrate
CHARIOT CANNON them, such as an artificer or surgeon, to prevent
Weapon, rare risks to the creature’s health. The natures of
This unique weapon, modeled after the drives cybernetics can vary wildly, from personal util-
used in Spelljammers, fires gouts of magic that ity or replacing lost functions to granting new,
bridge their targets to nearby points in space. extremely potent abilities.
A chariot cannon is a martial ranged weapon
(60/120 ft.) weighing 20 pounds with the two- INTEGRATING A CYBERNETIC
handed and heavy properties. A target hit by this A cybernetic that replaces a body part always
weapon takes no damage but is teleported up to functions as a typical example of the body part it
30 feet towards a point you can see. replaces while integrated into a creature, even
if the cybernetic requires attunement for its
PLANAR TERMINAL other benefits.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Unless specified otherwise, integrating a
This six-foot long metal staff is dotted with tiny cybernetic takes 1 hour and can be performed
motes of light. A creature holding the staff can during a short or long rest, and removing an inte-
spend 1 minute planting it into the ground, or grated cybernetic from your own body or from a
remove it again using an action. Once set, the willing or unconscious creature takes 1 action.
staff creates a 500-foot diameter sphere of If a cybernetic is integrated into or in place of
crackling energy around itself. You can sense a creature’s body part, no other cybernetic can
the presence of teleportation, planar travel, or be integrated in the same place. For example,
astral travel to, from, or through the sphere. If a creature with a cybernetic replacing its arm
you sense such travel this way, you can change can’t integrate another cybernetic arm unless
the destination to the nearest unoccupied space that cybernetic is replacing a different arm.
within 5 feet of the staff. For some, integrating a cybernetic is a choice.
For others, it’s a necessity, and a creature’s
CYBERNETICS A—Z When the circumstance is met, if the potion is
Cybernetics are presented in alphabetical order. still in the channel, the arm releases it whether
A cybernetic’s description gives the item’s name, or not you want it to, and the contingency ends.
its category, its rarity, and its properties. The contingency ends early if you create another
or if you use an action to end it.
Cybernetic (skeleton), rare EAR IMPLANTS
This cybernetic is an extremely invasive, pain- Cybernetic (ear), uncommon
ful procedure that lines a creature’s bones with These implants can repair damage to the ears,
adamantine mesh and lightweight alloys, and including partial deafness, and enhance hear-
requires the aid of a professional surgeon or arti- ing even further than before. Once integrated,
ficer to integrate or safely remove. Integrating you are immune to being deafened, and you gain
bone lining or removing it once integrated takes advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
8 hours of surgery, and can’t be performed rely on hearing.
during a rest.
Once integrated, any critical hit against you GAZELLE STRUTS
becomes a normal hit, and you have a base AC of Cybernetic (legs), very rare (requires attunement)
15 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2). You These cybernetics are long, dextrous limbs that
can use your bone lining to determine your AC if replace a missing pair of legs, and endow their
the armor you wear would leave you with a lower wearer with incredible grace. Once integrated,
AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal. your walking speed becomes 50 feet, unless your
walking speed is higher, and opportunity attack
CAULDRON ARM rolls against you have disadvantage.
Cybernetic (arm), very rare (requires attunement) The gazelle struts also turn unarmed strikes
This alchemical tool is designed to suffuse with your legs into magic weapons that deal
potions directly into a creature’s bloodstream. piercing damage, with a +2 bonus to their attack
The arm has three channels, each of which can and damage rolls and a damage die of 1d8.
hold a potion. Once integrated, you can use an
action to empty a potion you’re holding into one HIDDEN WEAPON
of these channels, or to fill an empty bottle with a Cybernetic (arm), uncommon
potion stored in a channel. This cybernetic replaces a missing arm. While
You can also spend 1 minute concocting one integrating this item, you can touch a melee
of the following potions within a channel (your weapon that doesn’t have the two-handed or
choice): a potion of flying, a potion of growth, a thrown property and incorporate it into the
potion of heroism, or a potion of superior healing. arm. Once integrated, you can use a bonus action
Once this property is used, it can’t be used again to partially transform the arm, revealing the
until the next dawn. A potion you create this way weapon and allowing you to attack with it, or
loses its magical properties if it’s removed from to revert the transformation. When the arm is
the cauldron arm. removed, the weapon incorporated into it is sepa-
As a bonus action, you can release a potion rated from it.
stored in one of the arm’s channels into your
body, consuming the potion and causing you to HUNTER’S EYE
gain its benefits. You can also use an action to Cybernetic (eye), rare (requires attunement)
create a contingency, choosing a potion in a chan- This cybernetic replaces a missing eye, and
nel and specifying a circumstance that causes causes heat signatures to light up in your
the arm to release that potion. For example, vision. Once integrated, you can see lightly and
you could specify that a potion of healing should heavily obscured creatures within 60 feet of
be released when you start your turn with 0 you as if they were visible as long as they aren’t
hit points. behind total cover. You can’t see a creature that
doesn’t give off heat, such as certain Constructs,
Elementals, or Undead.
Cybernetic (special), rare Cybernetic (eye), uncommon
This miniature door requires the aid of a pro- This cybernetic replaces a missing eye. Once
fessional surgeon or artificer to integrate. The integrated, you gain darkvision out to a range of
door can be integrated into any body part wide 30 feet. If you have two or more night eyes inte-
enough to hold it, but is often integrated into grated, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60
the chest or thigh. Integrating an internal pocket feet instead.
doesn’t prevent the integration of another cyber-
netic in the same place. MECHANICAL LIMB
Once integrated, the internal pocket can be Cybernetic (varies), common
opened, revealing an extradimensional space Cybernetic limbs come in many different shapes
large enough to hold up to 8 cubic feet or 80 and sizes, and are designed to replace a specific
pounds of material. Retrieving an item from body part, such as an arm or leg. Once integrated,
within requires an action. The door always a mechanical limb functions as a typical example
weighs 2 pounds, regardless of its contents. of the body part it replaces.
The pocket has special protections for the
safety of the creature integrated with it. If the MECHANICAL ORGAN
pocket would be overloaded, its contents spill Cybernetic (varies), common
out, unharmed. If the creature integrated with This cybernetic requires the aid of a professional
it enters an extradimensional space created by a surgeon or artificer to integrate. Integrating or
bag of holding, portable hole, or a similar item, the safely removing it once integrated takes 8 hours
pocket’s contents spill out, and it stops function- of surgery, and can’t be performed during a rest.
ing until removed from the space. The pocket’s Different types of mechanical organs have dif-
contents also spill out if the creature dies or the ferent effects.
pocket is removed.
MECHANICAL HEART. Once integrated, when-
ever you roll one or more Hit Die to regain hit
Cybernetic (eye), legendary (requires attunement) points, you can reroll a number of those die
equal to your proficiency bonus. You must use
This cybernetic replaces a missing eye. Once
the new rolls.
integrated, you gain truesight out to a range of
MECHANICAL LIVER. Once integrated, you have
120 feet, and you can’t be blinded.
advantage on saving throws against poison,
The lens counts as a simple ranged weapon
and have resistance to poison damage. You
you’re proficient with. It has a normal range of
also become immune to the effects of alcohol.
60 feet and a long range of 300 feet, and deals 3d6
MECHANICAL LUNGS. Once integrated, you have
necrotic damage on a hit. If this damage reduces
advantage on saving throws against exhaus-
a creature or object to 0 hit points, the target is
tion, and you can hold your breath for up to 10
reduced to dust. A creature reduced to dust can
minutes at a time.
be restored to life only by a true resurrection or
wish spell. You don’t need a free hand to attack OMNIHAND
with the lens, and being restrained or within 5 Cybernetic (hand), common
feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disad- This cybernetic replaces a missing hand. An
vantage on your attack rolls with it. omnihand can also replicate the function of a
You can also use the lens to cast the disinte- number of different tools. The DM decides the
grate spell (DC 19). Once this property is used, it number of tools and which. Most omnihands have
can’t be used again until the next dawn. two or three forms, but others can replicate any
number of tools. Once integrated, you can use
your action to switch the omnihand between
any of its different functions, or back to an
ordinary hand.
Cybernetic (arm), uncommon (requires attunement) Cybernetic (spine), very rare (requires attunement)
This cybernetic replaces a missing arm. Once These cybernetics are large, mechanical
integrated, your melee attacks using that arm or wings magically bonded to a creature’s spine.
a weapon held in that arm deal double damage to Once integrated, the wings give you a flying
objects and structures. speed of 30 feet.
As an action, you can furl the wings around
ROCKET FIST yourself protectively. While furled, your walking
Cybernetic (hand), rare (requires attunement) speed is reduced to 10 feet, and any other speeds
This cybernetic replaces a missing hand. Once you have are reduced to 0 feet, including your
integrated, a rocket fist turns unarmed strikes flying speed. You have three-quarters cover, and
you make with it into magic weapons that deal you have resistance to all damage except psy-
bludgeoning damage, with a +1 bonus to their chic damage. You can unfurl your wings using a
attack and damage rolls and a damage die of 1d8. bonus action.
The rocket fist also has 3 charges, and regains
1d3 charges daily at dawn. When you use the SUNFORGED HEART
Attack action, you can replace one attack and Cybernetic (heart), legendary (requires attunement)
expend 1 or more charges to launch the fist at This cybernetic requires the aid of a professional
a target you can see. Make an unarmed strike surgeon or artificer to integrate. Integrating or
with a range of 30 feet. On a hit, for each charge safely removing it once integrated takes 8 hours
you expended, the target takes 2d10 bludgeon- of surgery, and can’t be performed during a rest.
ing damage and is pushed 10 feet directly away Once integrated, you gain the following benefits:
from you. The fist then returns and reattaches
• You gain immunity to fire and poison damage,
to your arm.
and the poisoned condition. You also gain
immunity to disease.
Cybernetic (spine), very rare (requires attunement) • Whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit
points, you use the maximum value for each
These cybernetic tails are traditionally inte-
die, instead of rolling.
grated above the tailbone, hence the name,
• Whenever you make a death saving throw,
but can be safely integrated anywhere along
you can release the power of the heart. If you
a creature’s spine. They require the aid of a
do, you regain hit points equal to half your hit
professional surgeon or artificer to integrate.
point maximum, and can stand up if you were
Integrating or safely removing a scorpion tail
prone. Each creature within 30 feet of you
once integrated takes 8 hours of surgery, and
must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw,
can’t be performed during a rest.
taking 8d8 fire damage on a failed save, or
Once integrated, a scorpion tail functions as
half as much damage on a successful one. Once
an additional limb, but you can’t use it to wield
used, this property can’t be used again until
a weapon with the two-handed property or a
the next dawn.
shield. When determining your carrying capac-
ity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, you WEBCRAWLERS
can use your Intelligence, instead of Strength. Cybernetic (legs), rare (requires attunement)
A scorpion tail also counts as a simple melee This cybernetic replaces a pair of legs which
weapon you’re proficient with. It deals 2d8 pierc- appear ordinary at first glance, but can split into
ing damage on a hit and has the heavy and reach eight thinner limbs resembling a spider’s. Once
properties. You can use Strength or Intelligence integrated, you can move up, down, and across
for its attack and damage rolls. When you hit vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings
with it, you can grapple the target if it’s no more while leaving your hands free, and you gain a
than one size larger than you. You can move a climbing speed of 30 feet.
target grappled with the arm to another space You also ignore movement restrictions caused
within your reach by expending movement as if by webbing. While in contact with a web, you
you were dragging it. know the exact location of any other creature in
contact with the same web.
d6 Mutation Source
Designed by Caitlin Bradbury (NotTheSmoooze) 1 The character imbibed a mutagen deliberately.
It was disastrously mislabelled.
Realmspace is full of opportunities to change.
Some of these opportunities are made by mortal 2 Having intervened to aid a cosmic being,
the character was rewarded, but didn’t
hands—clever alchemical cocktails designed to understand what had happened until they
alter the body in a myriad of ways, and arcane woke up changed.
artifacts imbued with strange, transformative 3 The character needed experimental medicine.
energies—while some are more unfamiliar, far It worked, but there were side-effects.
too numerous to list and much too strange to 4 One of the character’s parents took mutagens.
name. These transformations can range from Inherited traits started to appear later in the
minor and cosmetic to life-changing. character’s life.
These mutations can be easily hidden or 5 The character became the plaything of a mad
plainly obvious, but invariably cause some kind scientist. They escaped, but not unchanged.
of physical transformation. If a transformed 6 There was no mutagen. The character
character doesn’t (or can’t) hide their mutation, changed one day, and still doesn’t know why.
they’re likely to be treated differently because
of it, for better or worse. If nothing else, some
‘normals’ or ‘naturals’ feel a layer of separation
between themselves and the mutated.
If a character sought a mutagen for them-
selves, they likely have strong opinions on them.
Whether the character wanted to alter their
appearance or make up for some deficiency (real
or imagined), they’ve taken a step away from the
normal and embraced the idea that the natural
order is only a concept, and a fluid one at that.
For that reason, many druids abhor mutagens,
while a passionate few see them as a brilliant
step forward.
If a character didn’t seek their muta-
tions, and were transformed by accident
or against their will, they might struggle
with their new appearance and the reality
of their changed body. Some of these char-
acters come to accept and even love their
changed selves, but others feel forever alien
HORNS. You develop sharp horns, which you can
The mutations in this section have rarities like
use to make melee weapon attacks. If you hit
magic items, and are presented in alphabetical
with them, you deal piercing damage equal to
order. The rarity of a mutation has nothing to
1d8 + your Strength modifier. If you move at
do with its source—a bottled mutagen could be
least 20 feet in a straight line toward a target
legendary, and an alien boon could be common.
before hitting it with your horns, the target
The DM decides how difficult it is to acquire a
takes an extra 1d8 piercing damage and must
certain mutation, but use caution; very rare and
succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 13 +
legendary mutations can change the balance of
your proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone
the game in the hands of low-level characters.
and pushed up to 10 feet away from you.
TAIL. You develop a powerful tail, which you can
Mutation, common use to make melee weapon attacks. Your tail
has a reach of 10 feet, and if you hit with it,
Your appearance changes subtly. This could
it deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d10 +
mean unusually coloured eyes, hair, or skin,
your Strength modifier. You can use your tail
luminescent patterns along your body, feathers,
to manipulate objects as if it was an arm, but it
patches of scales, or similar changes. None of
can’t wield a weapon or a shield.
your statistics change.
The DM determines the appearance provided CHAMELEON SKIN
by the mutation. Bottled mutagens are traded Mutation, rare
with descriptions of the form they offer. You gain the ability to change your skin colour
using an action. You can shift all your skin or sec-
BESTIAL WEAPON tions of it, creating patterns or symbols. When
Mutation, uncommon you do, you can Hide as part of the same action,
You develop natural weapons. You’re proficient even if you don’t meet the normal requirements
with them. The DM chooses the weapon and for hiding, as long as you can blend in with your
its appearance. immediate surroundings. For example, you can
hide by pressing yourself against a wall and
CLAWS. You develop claws, talons, or both, which
matching your skin to its colour and pattern.
you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you
hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal
to 1d6 + your Strength modifier instead of the Mutation, rarity varies
bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed
Part of your body becomes capable of replicat-
strike. Your claws also grant you a climbing
ing a spell of up to 9th level. You don’t appear to
speed of 20 feet.
be casting a spell in a conventional way when
FANGS. You develop razor-sharp teeth or fangs,
you do; instead, your body produces the spell’s
which you can use to make melee weapon
effects. Acid splash might mean spitting toxic
attacks. If you hit with them, you deal piercing
slime towards an enemy, while vampiric touch
damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modi-
might mean sprouting a new appendage able to
fier, and the target must make a Constitution
drain a creature’s vitality.
saving throw (DC 13 + your proficiency bonus),
You can cast the spell without expending a
taking 2d6 poison damage on a failed save or
spell slot, requiring no components. Once you
half as much on a success.
do, you can’t do so again until you finish a long
rest. You can also cast the spell using spell slots
you have of the appropriate level. The level of the
spell determines the spell’s saving throw DC,
attack bonus, spellcasting ability modifier, and
the mutation’s rarity, as shown in the Eldritch
Biology table.
Eldritch Biology PLUME WINGS
Mutation, very rare
Spell Spellcasting Save Attack
Level Rarity Ability Mod. DC Bonus You sprout wings, which give you a flying speed
0 Common +3 13 +5 of 50 feet. You can’t use this flying speed if you’re
wearing medium or heavy armour.
1st Common +3 13 +5
2nd Uncommon +3 13 +5 RAPID PACE
3rd Uncommon +4 15 +7 Mutation, rare
4th Rare +4 15 +7 When you Dash, your movement doesn’t provoke
5th Rare +5 17 +9 opportunity attacks until the end of the turn. In
addition, you can use the Dash action as a bonus
6th Very Rare +5 17 +9
action. Once you do, you can’t do so again until
7th Very Rare +5 18 +10 you finish a short or long rest.
8th Very Rare +5 18 +10
9th Legendary +5 19 +11 SCULPTED BODY
Mutation, rare
ENHANCED SENSES Your appearance changes. This mutation can
Mutation, common change your race, your apparent age, and sex,
You gain darkvision out to a range of 120 feet, but not your creature type. If your race changes,
but your eyes become especially sensitive to you replace your original racial traits with the
sunlight. You have disadvantage on Wisdom traits of your new race. None of your other game
(Perception) checks that rely on sight when you statistics change.
or whatever you’re trying to perceive is in direct The DM determines the appearance provided
sunlight unless you wear something to cover by the mutation. Bottled mutagens are traded
your eyes, such as dark glasses. with descriptions of the form they offer.
Mutation, legendary Mutagen
Your body gains the ability to repair itself. At the Complications
beginning of each of your turns, if you have less No matter how useful, mutagens are rarely
than half your hit points remaining, you regain 1 perfectly safe to use. Tampering with biology
hit point (10 hit points each minute). can cause more problems than it solves, leaving
If you have any missing body parts, they the user sick in some cases, and weakened in
regrow after 10 minutes. You can also reattach others. When you ingest an alchemical mutagen,
a severed body part using an action by holding it the DM can have you make a DC 10 Constitution
to the stump. saving throw.
On a failed save, the mutagen has no effect, as
INCREDIBLE GRACE your body rejects the change. If the saving throw
Mutation, very rare result is 5 or lower, you suffer a negative muta-
Your body becomes fluid and graceful. Your tion—one of your organs could suffer permanent
Dexterity score increases by 2, as does your damage, or the mutagen could develop into a
maximum for that score. You also require twice tumor. Your hit point maximum is reduced by a
as much food and water per day. number of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus. A
greater restoration spell can undo this reduction
INCREDIBLE STRENGTH to your hit point maximum.
Mutation, very rare
Your body becomes broad and powerful. Your
Strength score increases by 2, as does your max-
imum for that score. You also require twice as
much food and water per day.
If you spend enough time travelling the Astral
Asteroid Spiderling
Huge Monstrosity, Typically Neutral Evil
Plane, you will find that that which calls the
night sky home often has very little in common ARMOR CLASS 15 (natural armor)
with you and yours. This chapter provides game HIT POINTS
statistics for a variety of such strange creatures, SPEED 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
as well as for the kinds of NPCs spelljamming STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
adventurers might run into on their travels. 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Further, this chapter offers details about the
environments some of these creatures call home.
SKILLS Stealth +4
BESTIARY A–Z SENSES blindsight 60 ft. while the spider’s eyes
If you are unfamiliar with the monster stat block
are closed, darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception
format, read the introduction of the Monster
manual before proceeding further. It explains
stat block terminology and gives rules for vari- CHALLENGE 4 (1,100 XP) PROFICIENCY +2
ous monster traits, which aren’t repeated here. FALSE APPEARANCE. If the spider is motionless,
The creatures in this bestiary are organized has its eyes and mouth closed, and has its
alphabetically. A few are gathered under a group legs wrapped around its body at the start of
heading: for example, the “Augmented” section combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. If
contains stat blocks for various cybernetically a creature hasn’t observed the spider move or
enhanced NPCs. act, they must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence
Some stat blocks use weapons that deal (Investigation) check to discern that the spider
unusual damage types or cast spells in atypical is anything other than a small asteroid.
ways. These exceptions are special features of
individual monsters, and represent how it uses
the weapon or casts its spells: the exception has MULTIATTACK. The spider makes one Web Strand
no effect on how a weapon or spell functions for attack, uses Reel, and makes one Bite attack.
someone else. BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage
ASTEROID SPIDERLING plus 3 (1d6) acid damage.
Designed by Steve Fidler WEB STRAND. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to
Asteroid spiders are a menace to all spelljam- hit, reach 60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target
ming ships, but spacefaring adventurers can is grappled (escape DC 14). The web strand
take some small solace in the fact that these can be attacked and destroyed (AC 12; 10 hit
spiders are solitary creatures. Everything comes points; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity
from somewhere, however, and everything to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
was young once. The spider can grapple up to two creatures at a
Asteroid spiderlings are hatched in asteroid time using its web strands.
spider belts, or ‘webulas’ (discussed later in this REEL. The spider pulls each creature grappled by
chapter), where many asteroid spiders come it up to 30 feet straight toward itself.
together to create an environment for their Bonus Actions
young. Young asteroid spiders can’t create their
WEB SLING. If the spider has no more than one
own air envelopes, and so remain in the pocket
target grappled by its web strands, it can shoot
of breathable air within the spider belt until
a web strand at a surface it can see within 30
they reach maturity—or until a passing ship
feet of itself. It can then use its Reel as part
draws close enough for one or more spiderlings
of the same bonus action, pulling itself to the
to latch onto.
surface. Otherwise, the web hangs like a rope,
which can support the spider’s weight or the
weight of any Large or smaller creature.
threat that the rays will fight to protect the flock. DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6)
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
Space Whale
Gargantuan Beast, Unaligned
ARMOR CLASS 17 (natural armor)
HIT POINTS 216 (16d20 + 48)
SPEED 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover), swim 50 ft.
24 (+7) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 15 (+3) 14 (+2)
SKILLS Performance +6
SENSES blindsight 300 ft. passive Perception 13
ECHOLOCATION. The whale can’t use its blindsight while deafened.
KEEN HEARING. The whale has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
WHALE SONG. The whale constantly emits a melodic hum that can be heard up to 1 mile away,
even by creatures that are deafened. Because of its hum, the whale has disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks.
MULTIATTACK. The space whale makes two attacks: one with its Bite and one with its Tail.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) piercing damage. If the
target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be swallowed
by the space whale. A swallowed creature has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the
space whale, and it takes 5 (1d10) thunder damage at the start of each of the whale’s turns. If the whale
takes 35 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the whale must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone
in a space within 10 feet of the whale. If the whale dies, a swallowed creature can escape from the corpse
by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.
TAIL. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
WHALE WAIL (RECHARGE 6). The space whale amplifies its song into a thunderous wail. Each other
creature within 120 feet of the space whale must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
a creature takes 66 (12d10) thunder damage and is deafened for 1 minute. While deafened in this way, a
creature can’t speak or cast spells that include verbal components. On a success, a creature takes half as
much damage and isn’t deafened.
Planar Connection
d20 Plane Wormhole Color
1 Ysgard Indigo
2 Limbo Jet black
3 Pandemonium Magenta
4 The Abyss Amethyst
5 Carceri Olive
6 Hades Rust
7 Gehenna Russet
8 The Nine Hells Ruby
9 Acheron Flame red
10 Mechanus Diamond blue
11 Arcadia Saffron
12 Mount Celestia Gold
13 Bytopia Amber
14 Elysium Orange
15 The Beastlands Emerald green
16 Arborea Sapphire blue
17 The Outlands Leather brown
18 Ethereal Plane Spiralling white
19–20 Material Plane Silver