L A. U, I U - U, H P. W, D H. H: ISA Pton Gnacio Garte RRA Arry Arren AND Avid Athaway

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The Advective Flux Transport Model: Improving the Far-Side with Active Regions observed by STEREO 304Å
1 Southwest Research Institute, 1050 Walnut St, Suite 300, Boulder, CO 80302
2 Space Systems Research Corporation, Alexandria, VA, 22314
3 Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA
4 Hansen Experimental Physics Lab., Stanford University, HEPL-4085, Stanford, CA 94305-408, USA
arXiv:2404.04280v1 [astro-ph.SR] 3 Apr 2024

(Revised ApJ)

Observations the Sun’s photospheric magnetic field are often confined to the Sun-Earth line. Surface flux
transport (SFT) models, such as the Advective Flux Transport (AFT) model, simulate the evolution of the
photospheric magnetic field to produce magnetic maps over the entire surface of the Sun. While these models
are able to evolve active regions that transit the near-side of the Sun, new far-side side flux emergence is typically
neglected. We demonstrate a new method for creating improved maps of magnetic field over the Sun’s entire
photosphere using data obtained by the STEREO mission. The STEREO He II 304 Å intensity images are
used to infer the time, location, and total unsigned magnetic flux of far-side active regions. We have developed
and automatic detection algorithm for finding and ingesting new far-side active region emergence into the AFT
model. We conduct a series of simulations to investigate the impact of including active region emergence in
AFT, both with and without data assimilation of magnetograms. We find that while the He II 304 Å can be used
to improve surface flux models, but care must taken to mitigate intensity surges from flaring events. We estimate
that during Solar Cycle 24 maximum (2011-2015), 4 − 6 × 1022 Mx of flux is missing from SFT models that
do not include far-side data. We find that while He II 304 Å data alone can be used to create synchronic maps
of photospheric magnetic field that resemble the observations, it is insufficient to produce a complete picture
without direct magnetic observations from magnetographs.

Keywords: Sun: magnetic fields

1. INTRODUCTION rately (within a factor of 2) reproduce the evolution of the

One of the biggest discoveries about the Sun in the last total unsigned flux of simple active regions over the course
century was its magnetic nature. Magnetism on the Sun is of their lifetimes (Ugarte-Urra et al. 2015). AFT, and other
ubiquitous and plays a fundamental role in nearly every pro- SFT models, help fill in the blank for the far-side of the Sun,
cess occurring on the sun - from the driving the solar cy- improving our ability to make predictions and space weather
cles (Babcock 1961; Leighton 1969) to eruptive events like forecasts (Arge et al. 2010; Mackay & Yeates 2012; Henney
flares (Webb & Howard 2012), which impact space weather et al. 2015; Schrijver et al. 2015, SFT) (Yardley et al. 2021;
and can produce geomagnetic storms here on Earth (Baker & Warren et al. 2021; Mackay & Upton 2022, AFT).
Lanzerotti 2016). Unfortunately, magnetic solar observations While AFT and other SFT models are able to produce
are currently limited to near-side or Earth-facing side of the maps that include decaying active regions on the far-side,
Sun. Surface Flux Transport (SFT) models (see review arti- unfortunately new or additional active region emergence
cles Sheeley 2005; Jiang et al. 2014; Yeates et al. 2023, and that occurs on the far-side ischallenging. The AFT Base-
references within) simulate the evolution of the Sun’s pho- line model performs data assimilation of SDO/HMI magne-
tospheric magnetic field, creating instantaneous maps of the tograms (Scherrer et al. 2012) to incorporate the near side
Sun’s magnetic field over the entire surface of the Sun, e.g., magnetic flux. The AFT Baseline maps are the most accu-
’synchronic maps’. The Advective Flux Transport (AFT) rate synchronic maps AFT is currently able to produce with
(Upton & Hathaway 2014b,a) model is a state-of-the-art SFT near-side data alone. However, while these maps continue
model that uses data assimilation of magnetograms combined to evolve the flux that has been observed on the near-side,
with a convective simulation to produce synchronic maps they still lack new active region emergence that occurs on
with unparalleled realism. AFT has been shown to accu- the far-side of the Sun. To improve upon the AFT Baseline,

we create an new version of AFT which continues to per- evolution of active region magnetic flux (Ugarte-Urra et al.
form data assimilation of SDO/HMI magnetograms, but also 2015, 2017; Iglesias et al. 2019).
includes far-side Active Regions. In the current study we revisit this technique with the ob-
In the last two decades, several missions to explore and jective of systematizing a processing pipeline that consists
directly observe the far-side of the Sun have been launched, in: acquisition, calibration and manipulation of 304 Å im-
beginning with the twin Solar TErrestrial RElations Obser- ages from EUVI/STEREO and AIA/SDO, followed by the
vatory (Kaiser et al. 2008, STEREO) satellites in 2006. This merger of the images to create a synchronic map of the full
pair of satellites entered orbits with one moving progres- Sun that, in its final product, is corrected for center-to-limb
sively ahead of Earth (STEREO A) and one moving pro- variations, sensitivity differences between instruments and
gressively behind (STEREO B). Data obtained by pair with sensitivity decay as a function of time. These maps are then
the EUVI/STEREO (Howard et al. 2008) instruments en- used to estimate new empirical relationships for the total pho-
abled stereoscopic imaging of the Sun in the extreme ultra- ton flux and the total unsigned magnetic flux under various
violet (EUV). By 2011, combining STEREO observations thresholding scenarios. The maps and flux-flux relationships
with data obtained by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly then serve as inputs to the far-side magnetic flux emergence
(Lemen et al. 2012, AIA) provided continuous full 360 de- detection algorithm described in Section 4
gree coverage of the active latitudes for nearly four years and Several of these steps were already part of the analysis in
at continuous partial far-side coverage for well over a decade. Ugarte-Urra et al. (2015). Here we have introduced a correc-
In 2020, a newer mission that directly images the Sun’s far- tion for the center-to-limb variation of the He II 304 Å line.
side was launched: ESA/NASA’s Solar Orbiter (Müller et al. We have adopted the parameterization described in Mango
2020). Solar Orbiter’s primary mission is not specifically to et al. (1978): I(µ) = Ic [1 + a(1 − µ)], where Ic is the
observe the far-side of the Sun, but rather to fly close to the disk-center intensity, µ is the cosine of the heliocentric an-
Sun in an inclined orbit, allowing it to take very high resolu- gle, and a = 0.36 is the relative limb brightening. This
tion measurements of the Sun and from higher latitudes than factor was obtained from the fits of that curve to solar disk
can be observed from Earth’s orbit. However, its unique tra- limb-brightening maps made from the median of the weakest
jectory enable it to provide valuable data on the Sun’s far-side on disk intensities in a Carrington rotation. a is the aver-
during portions of its orbit. Most notably, this includes the age of the fit coefficient for six Carrington rotations (2055,
first far-side magnetograms ever obtained (Yang et al. 2023). 2078, 2085, 2095, 2110, 2137). The effect of the center-
In Ugarte-Urra et al. (2015), we showed that 304 Å im- to-limb variation was also removed in our previous analy-
ages can be used as a proxy for magnetic flux measurements ses (Ugarte-Urra et al. 2015; Ugarte-Urra & Warren 2012),
when magnetic field data is not available. In this paper, we
demonstrate how the 304 Å proxy can be used to systemat-
ically identify far-side active regions observed in 304 Å and
incorporate them into AFT in an autonomous way. We begin
by discussing some revisions that we have made to optimize
the flux-luminosity relationship for use with the AFT model.
We then describe the process for automatically detecting ac-
tive regions in the 304 Å maps and how the far-side active
region emergence is incorporated into the AFT simulations.
Finally, we discuss the impact of the far-side active region on
both active region and solar cycle time scales.


In a previous study Ugarte-Urra et al. (2015) we showed
that He II 304 Å images can be used to infer the total un-
signed magnetic flux of a region on the Sun when measure-
ments of the magnetic field are not available. The proxy is Figure 1. Relationship between the 304 Å photon flux and the to-
given by an empirical power-law relationship between the to- tal unsigned magnetic flux in the AFT maps of 500 active regions
tal photon flux in 304 Å and the total unsigned magnetic flux. in the period 2010–2018. The photon flux is obtained for full Sun
synchronic Carrington maps above a threshold of 500 DN/s/arcsec2 .
This method was shown to be sufficient to obtain accurate in-
The magnetic flux is calculated for AFT synchronic maps consider-
formation about active regions emerging in the far side of the ing magnetic flux densities in the range 100–900G.
Sun, and was employed to study the continuous long term
AFT+304 3

but was dealt with within a more generic description (”edge magnetic flux densities in the range 100 – 900 G (Ugarte-
effects”) and corrected using quiet Sun data from the same Urra et al. 2017). Near central meridian those fluxes are
map. Before combining AIA and EUVI images into a single basically the assimilated values from HMI magnetograms.
map, AIA 304 Å images are scaled to EUVI intensity lev- Based on visual inspection of the data, we have discarded
els with a time dependent factor provided in the SolarSoft data points with less than 1 × 106 DN/s and the correspond-
STEREO beacon directories (see Ugarte-Urra et al. 2015). ing magnetic flux given by the linear fit to the power law:
This correction takes care of the sensitivity decay of the AIA log10 I = C + (α ∗ log10 Φ). This relationship inferred from
instrument. The resulting 304 Å full Sun synchronic maps data observed on the Earth side, allow us to obtain estimates
(Level 1), with a spatial resolution of 1deg in longitude and of magnetic flux for regions on the far side for which we do
latitude, constitute the main database and are saved with a not have magnetic field information.
cadence of 8h, i.e. three files per day.
For the purposes of the emergence detection algorithm, we 3. AFT 304 AUTOMATED DETECTION ALGORITHM
also make a higher order (Level 2) processed file (Figure 2a).
The corrected STEREO/AIA 304 maps are also used to
This map is corrected for the temporal decay of EUVI sensi-
identify far-side active region emergence to input into the
tivity, computed from the decay in the centroid value of a his-
AFT model. We have developed an automatic detection algo-
togram of intensities during the years 2007 – 2019. The cen-
rithm for finding and adding far-side emergence to AFT. The
troid for each datapoint per year was taken from the twenty
first step of the emergence detection algorithm is to identify
304 Å synchronic maps in a five day interval at a 6h cadence.
the active regions. We begin by creating a binary map of
The correction we implement is: f = 1 − 1.268 × 10−9 dt
active region locations. We zero out all values in the cor-
where the corrected intensity is Ic = I304 /f and dt is the
rected STEREO/AIA maps where the intensity is less than
time in seconds since the launch of STEREO (Oct 25, 2006).
500 DN/s/arcsec2 . We then smooth the map with a 7 pixel
This correction amounts to a f = 0.51 as of January 1, 2019.
boxcar average filter. All values where the intensity is less
In these maps we also set to zero regions close to the limb of
than 500 DN/s/arcsec2 are then zeroed out again, producing
any of the AIA and EUVI images that make the map, defined
a binary map of discrete areas that correspond to the active
as the locations that are beyond 0.9 times the radial distance
regions. Multiplying the corrected STEREO/AIA 304 map
to the solar disk center. Finally, we remove from the maps
by the binary map clearly reveals the STEREO/AIA 304 ac-
intensity spikes, namely flares, with a despiking algorithm
tive regions and their boundaries. Each discrete active region
available in SolarSoft (CLEAN EXPOSURE.PRO) designed
area is labeled with a unique identifier and a list is generated.
for cosmic ray despiking in spectra, with the coefficients op-
We then calculate the photon flux (in DN/s) of each active
timized for our purpose. Pixels identified as spikes are filled
region by multiplying the corrected STEREO/AIA 304 maps
in with the median of the surrounding pixels. This step is
by area per pixel and integrating. Using the flux-luminosity
necessary to avoid the effect that large intensity levels from
relationship derived in the previous section (Figure 1), we
flares have on the magnetic flux proxy, which relies on ’stan-
calculate the proxy magnetic flux (Φ304 ) for each of the po-
dard’ 304 Å active region intensities.
tential active regions. We then exclude regions with a proxy
An example of the corrected STEREO/AIA map for Jan-
flux less than the threshold of 5.7 × 1020 Mx, the lower limit
uary 1, 2013 is shown in the upper left panel of Figure 2.
of the flux-luminosity relationship. The remaining detected
We use these new corrected maps to compute new empiri-
active regions are shown in the top right panel of Figure 2.
cal power-law relationships between the total 304 Å photon
Finally, we calculate the latitude and longitude of the cen-
flux and the total unsigned magnetic flux of active regions.
troid of each of the remaining active regions (indicated by
We calculate them from a dataset of 500 active regions ob-
the square red dots in the image).
served at central meridian, starting with NOAA 11065 (May
The next step of the automatic detection algorithm is to
1, 2010) and ending with NOAA 12703 (April 4, 2018),
identify which far-side active regions have new flux emer-
which averages to 1 in 3 NOAA regions in that period. For
gence (Φnew ). This is done by comparing the flux in the
each region we extract an area of 450′′ in Helioprojective
STEREO/AIA 304 detected active regions (Φ304 ) with the
Cartesian coordinates (∼ 30 deg in Carrington Heliographic
flux in active regions in the AFT maps (ΦAF T ). We begin
Coordinates) and integrate the 304 Å intensities above a pre-
by eliminating all near-side active regions (which are pre-
defined threshold. A threshold of 295 DN/s/arcsec2 (units
sumed to already be included from the data assimilation of
that the maps are saved in) returns us intensities above 2
HMI maps) by excluding any 304 active region located closer
times the standard deviation of the map’s histogram. In Fig. 1
than ± 75 degrees from the central meridian. For the remain-
we show the flux-flux relationship above a threshold of 500
ing active regions, we calculate the total unsigned magnetic
DN/s/arcsec2 . The total unsigned magnetic flux in this case
flux for each active region in the AFT map (ΦAF T ), again
is obtained from the AFT Baseline maps considering only
using the areas from the binary map above (panel d of Figure

Figure 2. Active Region Detection. The combined STEREO/AIA 304Å map for January 1st 2013 (top left). The active regions identified in
the STEREO/AIA 304 Å map with the automated detection algorithm (top right). The AFT map for January 1st 2013 (bottom left). The AFT
active regions that were identified in the STEREO/AIA map (bottom right). The centroid positions of the active regions identified in the 304 Å
image are marked with a black/red squares in the 304 Å (top right) and AFT (bottom right) images.

2). We then compare the total unsigned flux for each active in SOHO/MDI magnetograms, they identified the centroid
region in the AFT map to the proxy flux calculated from the positions of the bipolar components and calculated the lon-
corrected STEREO/AIA 304 maps. If the 304 flux is at least gitudinal separations as a function of the active region area
1.25 times as large as the AFT flux, new flux (Φnew ) is as- (∆ϕ(A), where A is in units of millionths of a hemisphere).
sumed to have emerged on the far-side, where They found that a good fit to the data (blue line in Figure 3 )
could be found with the following equation:

Φnew = ΦAF T − Φ304 . (1)

∆ϕ(A) = 3 + 8 × tanh (A/500) (3)

The active region tilts were derived in a similar manner by

The final step of the automated algorithm is to add the
Stenflo & Kosovichev (2012). They found that the tilt as a
newly emerged far-side active region flux into the AFT
function of latitude (∆θ(λ)) could be described by the equa-
model. This is done by first calculating the area of the active
region from flux-area relationship (Sheeley 1966; Mosher
∆θ(λ) = ∆ϕ × tan(32.1 sin(λ)) (4)

A(Φ304 ) = 7.0 × 1019 /Φ304 (2) Stenflo & Kosovichev (2012)

We split the new active region flux equally between two
where Φ304 is the total magnetic flux of the active region in opposite polarity bipoles. The bipoles are inserted into AFT
Maxwells as determined by the 304 proxy and A is the total as two Gaussian spots with a peak field strength of ± 900G
sunspot area in units of micro Hemispheres. Using the total with Hale’s polarity and the latitudinal and longitudinal sep-
area (A) and the latitude of the centroid of the active regions arations (∆ϕ and ∆θ) centered on the centroid of the active
(λ), we then calculate the bipole tilt angle and bipole sep- region. This is repeated for all active regions where new flux
aration distance in terms of the latitudinal and longitudinal emergence has been identified. AFT is then evolved in time
separations (∆ϕ and ∆θ). to produce the map for the next time step.
In this work, we use the longitude separations given by After the completion of this project, we have conducted a
Hathaway & Upton (2016) For a selection of active regions more thorough analysis of longitude separation of the active
AFT+304 5

Figure 4. Fraction of the Sun observed in the Level1 and Level

2 STERE0/AIA 304 maps as a function of time. The dotted lines
Figure 3. Longitudinal Extent of Active Regions. Black dots repre- highlight when SDO data became available in May 2010 and when
sent individual active regions. Red dots represent the average in 31 communication with STEREO-B spacecraft was lost (October 1,
sunspot area bins with 2 sigma error bars on the averages. The blue 2014). The shaded area indicates the period of superior solar con-
line shows the fit used in this work (Equation 3), while the red line junction when STEREO instruments were turned down. The right
shows the recommended fit (Equation 5) panel shows a close-up of the 2014–2016 period delimited by the
dashed lines.
regions in SOHO/MDI. For 3031 active regions observed by
MDI, we identified the day of maximum area for each active While we used all available STEREO/AIA 304 Level 2 in-
region. We then determined the centroid of each polarity in tensity maps, there are gaps in coverage, beginning the mid-
the active region and calculated the longitudinal extent. We dle of 2014 and lasting through to the end of 2015, that im-
divided them into 31 sunspot area bins and found the aver- pact the ability to detect far-side active regions during that
age (as shown in Figure 3 with 2 sigma error bars on the period. Figure 4 illustrates this effect. It shows the frac-
averages). We find that a better fit (red line in Figure 3 ) to tion of the Sun observed daily in the Level 1 and Level 2
the longitudinal separations as a function of the active region 304 maps. This fraction shows a slow secular change due the
area (∆ϕ(A)) is given by the following equation: increase/decrease in far-side area coverage as the STEREO
spacecrafts progress in their orbits, interrupted by two sud-
den events: a step-function increase in May 2010 when SDO
∆ϕ(A) = 2.2 + 4.5 × tanh (A/300) (5) data became available, and a sudden drop in October 2014
when communications with STEREO B spacecraft were lost
We note, that while this equation is a better fit to the MDI (Cox & Ossing 2018). In 2014 and 2015 there are many
observations, more than 80% of the ARs have maximum area instances where the daily fraction goes to zero due to data
less than 200 and do not expect that the difference in the fit loss. The loss of coverage is most notably due to the pe-
would cause a significant impact to the results presented in riod (shaded area) of superior solar conjunction when the
this paper. However, we do recommend (and plan ourselves) STEREO spacecrafts were behind the Sun and instruments
to use this revised fit to the longitude separation of the active were powered down, but extends several months, before and
regions moving forward. after, to a period of limited science operations (Ossing et al.
2017). We have also identified several days in 2014 where
4. SIMULATIONS the gaps in our database do not correlate with gaps in the
EUVI database. The latter contribution is less than 6% of the
To investigate the impact of including the STEREO/AIA
missing data in that period.
304 detected active regions, we ran a series of AFT simu-
Preliminary results showed that, while the despiking of the
lations. Each AFT simulation was run from June 1, 2010
STEREO/AIA 304 maps (as described in 2) significantly re-
through January 1, 2020. In one set of simulations (re-
duced the occurrence of large intensity spikes from flares and
ferred to as AFT+304), we performed data assimilation of
false flux deposition, small flares and intensity fluctuations
the HMI magnetograms (as is done in the AFT Baseline) and
still resulted in spurious flux being added to the AFT simu-
we incorporated all STEREO/AIA 304 detected far-side ac-
lations. In order to mitigate this, we restricted the amount of
tive regions. In the second set of simulations (referred to
flux allowed to emerge per active region per 8h time inter-
as AFT 304 only), ALL the STEREO/AIA 304 detected ac-
val. For each of the two sets of simulations, (AFT+304 and
tive regions (near-side and far-side) were incorporated in the
AFT 304 only), we applied four different threshold caps: (a)
AFT model and no data was assimilated from magnetograms.
1 × 1020 Mx, (b) 5 × 1020 Mx, (c) 1 × 1021 Mx, and (d)
(Note: aside from the initial condition map, these simulation
5 × 1021 Mx, for a total of eight new simulations.
are informed exclusively by the He II 304 Å intensity maps.)

Figure 5. Active Region 11499. We plot the total photon flux in the EUVI/AIA 304 maps for NOAA Active Region 11499 in the top left panel.
The bottom left panel shows total unsigned flux as given by the 304 Å proxy (green circles), the AFT Baseline (red), and AFT+304 (orange).
The gray/white background color indicates the availability (not available/available) of nearside magnetic observations. Columns on the right
are cutouts of the active region in the AFT Baseline (left column), AFT+304 (middle column), and EUVI/AIA 304 for select times during its
evolution (marked by the vertical dashed lines in the plots on the left).

5. RESULTS We investigated the detailed evolution of 7 active regions

To analyze the impact of using the the STEREO/AIA 304 selected during the period 2011 – 2014 where we have the
data in the AFT simulations, we investigate the flux evolution best data coverage. The regions (11263, 11283, 11339,
on both small and large temporal and spatial scales. For the 11402, 11499, 11575, 12035) were selected for experiencing
small temporal and spatial scales, we examine the evolution flux emergence on the far-side and not too complex in their
of active regions over a few solar rotations. For large tem- evolution, although some of them do exhibit multiple emer-
poral and spatial scales, we examine the evolution of global gence episodes during their lifetime (e.g. 11499, 11575).
solar properties over several years. Figure 5 shows the sample case of 11499 as a summary of
the analysis performed on each region. First, we computed
the total photon flux above threshold (500 DN/s/arcsec2 ) in
5.1. Active Regions the Level 2 304Å maps as the region rotates around the Sun.
AFT+304 7

Figure 6. Evolution of the total unsigned magnetic flux for six active regions. Each panel shows the total unsigned magnetic flux estimated
from the EUV 304 Å proxy compared to simulations of the AFT Baseline, AFT+304 and AFT 304 only models.

The top left panel of the figure shows the flux changes ob- per time step. The discussion of the results obtained using
served in active region 11499, with a characteristic intensity different caps is provided at the end of this section.
increase corresponding to the active region emergence (April The new AFT+304 simulation, however, which incorpo-
24, 2012), followed by an intensity decrease during the ac- rates the far-side emergences from the EUV proxy, does have
tive region decay phase. Interspersed in this secular trend, a bipole emerged at the location of the EUV 304 Å active
there are short term variations due to localized additional flux region intensity enhancement (Figure 5, second image col-
emergence, as well as flares (May 9 – 11). The 24h aver- umn). The corresponding orange magnetic flux curve of the
aged photon flux is then used to estimate the total unsigned AFT+304 model, seen on the lower left panel, is in good
magnetic flux using the Figure 1 proxy. The resulting flux is agreement with the magnetic flux proxy discussed earlier.
plotted in the bottom left panel with green circles. The gray This is an important result because it demonstrates that it
shaded areas in that panel represent the time the region is in is possible to inform a magnetic flux transport model with
transition over the far-side of the Sun. an EUV imaging proxy to incorporate new far-side flux im-
At this moment, it is worth stopping to compare the mag- proving the local magnetic flux fidelity of a purely magnetic
netic flux proxy curve to the curve returned by the AFT Base- model with only near-side information. While both mod-
line model (red line) with no far-side information. The AFT els track each other well while the region is on the Earth
Baseline model remains oblivious of the presence of active side, further emergence on its second far-side pass makes the
region 11499 until it rotates over the East limb and it is as- models diverge again until near-side assimilation makes them
similated into the model via the HMI magnetograms. This converge. In the third far-side pass, the active region does
occurs on May 5, 11 days after the region emerged on the far- not experience additional flux emergence and simply decays,
side on April 24. Images for key moments for that evolution hence performance of the Baseline and AFT+304 models is
for the 304 Å maps and the model are shown on the first and comparable and in agreement with the proxy.
third image columns. On April 30, 2012, the region is clearly To understand the validity of the 304 Å proxy model, we
visible in the EUV 304 Å image, but it is still absent in the also studied the evolution of the active region in the AFT 304
AFT Baseline model. Note that we show here the magnetic only model, where no near-side data is assimilated. This is
flux curves with an emergence threshold cap of 5 × 1021 Mx shown with the pink curve in the bottom left panel and the
fourth image column in Figure 5. The AFT 304 only simu-

Figure 7. Evolution of the total unsigned magnetic flux for six active regions. Each panel shows the total unsigned magnetic flux estimated from
the EUV 304 Å proxy compared to three simulations of the AFT 304 only model with three different magnetic flux caps: 1 × 1020 , 5 × 1020 ,
1 × 1021 Mx.
lation is able to incorporate successfully far-side flux emer- 11283: In the evolution of this region, it is worth highlight-
gence using the EUV proxy, improving on the Baseline. On ing the impact that flare emission can have in the mag-
the Earth side, the AFT 304 only does not self-correct with netic flux proxy and how the magnetic flux cap miti-
data and can diverge from the AFT+304. Any errors in in- gates that effect. During the near-side pass, flare ac-
corporating short-term spurious new flux, arising for instance tivity (September 8-9, 2011) that survived our cleanup
from flare emission (e.g. May 11), may result in unrealistic process, produces a magnetic flux spike. This spike
accumulation of magnetic flux. More along these lines will is ignored by the AFT Baseline and AFT+304 simula-
be discussed in Section 5.2 when looking at the global field. tions due to the assimilation process, but it has an im-
A similar self-correction occurs with the active region tilt, pact on the AFT 304 only case, mitigated by the mag-
which in the case of the AFT 304 only simulation follows an netic flux cap that only allows to add flux at a maxi-
estimate from Joy’s law. mum rate of 5 × 1021 Mx per time step. As the flare
Below we provide a few comments on each of the other six intensity decays rapidly, the simulation only incorpo-
Active Regions investigated in this study: rates a fraction of the peak flux.

11263: Active region 11402, below, provides a good exam- 11339: As in several other examples, the AFT+304 and 304
ple of a simple emergence and decay evolution. Ac- only models capture the emergence process of this re-
tive Region 11263 shows that the model is also ca- gion in the far side as it happens, whereas the Baseline
pable of dealing with more complex scenarios. The model plays catch up with near side assimilated data 15
AFT+304 simulation is able to capture 11263 initial days later. The 304 Å proxy underestimates, however,
far-side emergence, as well as the far-side emergence the magnetic flux observed by HMI on the near side.
of a bipolar region to its SE around August 22-24, 2011 There is an intrinsic uncertainty in the proxy predic-
(AR 11279), and a large region on September 19 (AR tion, evident from the spread in Fig. 1, something that
11302). While not evident from the integrated total we already discussed in Ugarte-Urra et al. (2015). Ac-
unsigned flux curve, the model was able to resolve tive region 11339 is a region with a very large sunspot
the different longitudes and latitudes for these three area. Sunspots, while providing significant magnetic
emerging areas within the area of integration. flux to an active region, do not correlate well with EUV
AFT+304 9

intensity. While we mitigate this impact in our analy- total unsigned flux in the region. It is for that reason and for
sis by setting a magnetic flux integration range of 100 – the sake of clarity that we do not show the 1 × 1020 Mx case
900 G (Ugarte-Urra et al. 2017), this shows that a sim- in Figure 7. Our analysis indicates that a cap of 5 × 1021
ple flux-flux relationship cannot capture the intricacies Mx strikes the best balance between limiting the effects of
of all active regions. large flares while at the same time accurately capturing the
emergence timescales in the active regions’ flux evolution.
11402: The simple evolution of this region is a good repre- This amounts to a flux emergence rate of about 6.25 × 1020
sentation of the ability of the Baseline model to capture Mx/hr, which would be sufficient to capture the largest emer-
the overall flux evolution in an active region, and how gence rates in Norton et al. (2017) or the 2.5 × 1020 Mx/hr
the AFT+304 upgrade extends that to the emergence upper limit we measured for active regions in Ugarte-Urra &
time. It also reveals the limitations of the 304 only Warren (2012).
model. In this case, the discrepancy in the spatial flux
distribution compared to the observed one plays a criti-
cal role in the cancellation process leading to the decay
(i.e. more concentrated in the AFT only model, more 5.2. Global Field
fragmented in the observations). A limitation that the The active region evolution illustrates the flux evolution
near-side assimilation corrects in the AFT+304 case. on small temporal and spatial scales, we now turn our at-
tention to the flux evolution on large temporal and spatial
11575: In the development of this active region, it is interest- scales. Here we examine the evolution of global solar prop-
ing to point at the flux emergence taking place on the erties over several years. We begin with a qualitative com-
near-side around September 29, 2012. It is captured parison by showing a magnetic butterfly diagram for eight
both by the assimilated data in the AFT Baseline and of our simulations (shown in the top two rows of Figure 8).
AFT+304, but also the AFT 304 only using the proxy. The magnetic butterfly diagram is calculated by averaging
As the region reaches the West limb, the Baseline stops the magnetic field at the surface over all longitudes and for
assimilating new data of the emergence and flux trans- each latitude and each Carrington Rotation.
port takes over leading the region into cancellation and For the AFT+304 simulations (top row, Figure 8), the
decay, while the two other simulations with far-side in- butterfly diagrams are nearly identical, thought some minor
formation continue adding significant flux and provid- differences can be seen with careful inspection. There are
ing a more comprehensive description of the evolution some slight variations in field strength, but structurally they
of that region in the far-side. are essentially the same (e.g., the morphology of the dappled
12035: This is another active region with multiple far-side pattern in the butterfly wings, or the oscillating leading and
emergences in different rotations that are well repre- following polarity polar streams). The striking similarity in
sented by the AFT+304 model. The evolution of this these cases is due to the fact that the data assimilation process
active region in the AFT 304 only reveals the challenge continually corrects the near-side of the simulation with the
that a model without near side data assimilation has observations. The butterfly diagram for the Baseline simula-
over long timescales. Active region 12035 emerges tion is also nearly identical to these three and so is not shown.
over an already large background flux in AFT 304 only. Any differences in the strength are due to the additional flux
This is a consequence of a period of high activity in the that is present on the far-side of the simulation, which is now
belts. A nearby decaying active region rotates into the included in the average for each latitude and each Carrington
field of view of analysis, causing it to appear as if there Rotation.
is additional growth before the decay phase begins. Differences in the magnetic butterfly diagram are more
pronounced for the AFT 304 only cases (bottom row, Figure
We outlined in Section 4 that for each of the two sets 9) because there is no data assimilation process to regulate
of simulations we applied four different threshold caps for the simulations. The butterfly diagrams for the for AFT 304
the amount of flux that is allowed to emerge per active re- only simulations have clear differences both in the amplitude
gion per 8-hour interval between STEREO/AIA 304 maps. of the field strength and also structurally. As the active re-
The purpose of these caps is to limit the effect that large in- gion flux cap increases, the strength of the magnetic field in
creases in intensity originating from large flares can have in the butterfly wings saturate and the stronger flux concentra-
the magnetic flux proxy. Figure 7 shows a comparison of tions become wider. This causes the wings of the butterfly
the AFT 304 only for the three largest thresholds (5 × 1020 , to widen as well. As a consequence, more flux cancellation
1 × 1021 , 5 × 1021 Mx). We find that a too stringent cap across the equator occurs and more following polarity flux
does not allow the model to capture the emergence of flux fills the polar streams. This causes the polar fields to reverse
sufficiently rapidly, therefore underestimating the maximum more quickly and become stronger by the end of the cycle.

Figure 8. Magnetic Butterfly Diagrams . Magnetic butterfly diagrams for the AFT+304 and AFT 304 only simulations are shown in the top and
bottom rows respectively. The titles of each panel are color coded based on the flux cap (1e20, 5e20, 1e21, and 5e21) used.

Comparing the AFT 304 only cases to the Baseline or Next we quantify the differences between the AFT sim-
AFT+304 simulations, we find that the AFT 304 only sim- ulations. We begin by calculating the Total Unsigned Flux
ulations have distinct differences in both the mottled pattern (TUF) over the entire Sun, both near-side and far-side. The
and in the polar streams. This is largely due to the fact that TUF for the AFT+304 simulations (using four different flux
the Active Regions in the AFT 304 only case are all given caps) are shown by the orange/brown lines in the top left
the average Joy’s Law tilt. Another difference is an appar- panel of Figure 9. For reference, the TUF measured in the
ent gap in the emergence of new flux for the AFT 304 only Baseline is shown in black. The TUF for the AFT+304 simu-
cases in 2015. This was caused by the previously mentioned lations seems to be fairly consistent (i.e., matching the overall
superior solar conjunction. Afterwards, the flux emergence evolution) with the AFT Baseline) and across all four simu-
does pick up again somewhat, but remains notably weak for lations. In each case, the higher flux cap increases the TUF
the remainder of the cycle. This is caused by the diminishing by a fraction of the Baseline values, with the biggest increase
latitudinal coverage due to both the loss of the STEREO B (about 10%) seen during solar maximum. In order to better
spacecraft observations as well as the return of the STEREO visualize this, we also plot the difference between the TUF in
A spacecraft to the near-side of the Sun, as illustrated in Fig- each simulation and the AFT Baseline) TUF (middle panels)
ure 4. from 2011-2015. The flux difference calculated by subtract-
Despite the differences, some structural similarities per- ing the TUF from the AFT Baseline from each of the the
sist. For instance, the general outline of the butterfly wings AFT+304 simulations (top middle panel) represents an es-
and the latitudes of the polarity inversion lines are very simi- timate of how much flux is missing from the AFT Baseline
lar. Additionally, a few of the following polarity streams are due to new far-side active region growth and emergence. The
present in all of the simulations (e.g., in the northern hemi- analysis of the active region evolution in the previous section
sphere from 2011-2013 and in the southern hemisphere from showed that flux cap of 5 × 1021 Mx strikes the best bal-
2014-2016). Overall, the AFT 304 only are able to reproduce ance between capturing the active region emergence while
the butterfly diagram reasonable well considering no direct limiting the effects of large flares. For this time period, the
magnetic date (other than the initial map) were used, partic- missing far-side flux is typically on the order of 4 − 6 × 1022
ularly for the first 4-5 years when nearly full coverage was Mx, or about the size of a fairly large active region. This is
available. an estimate during the time leading up to and including So-
AFT+304 11

lar Cycle 24 maximum (April 2014), and it should be noted ment from each of the simulations is shown in the right col-
that Cycle 24 was considered a very small cycle (the smallest umn of Figure 9, with the AFT+304 simulations shown in
observed in 100 years). Larger cycles would be expected to the top right panel and the AFT 304 only simulations shown
have even more far-side emergence and this should be con- in the bottom right panel. In both cases, the axial dipole mo-
sidered a lower estimate of the amount of flux missing from ment from the AFT Baseline is shown in black.
SFT models during solar maximum when only near-side data The axial dipole moment from all of the AFT+304 simu-
is included. lations are nearly identical to the AFT Baseline, once again
Similarly, the TUF for the AFT 304 only simulations is showing that the data assimilation process is able to correct
shown by the pink/purple lines in the bottom left panel of for inaccuracies in the far-side emergence. For the AFT 304
Figure 9. We note that flux emergence is underestimated only simulations, again, the 1 × 1020 Mx and 5 × 1020 Mx
prior to 2012 and again after the 2nd half of 2014 for all but threshold cases do the best at reproducing the axial dipole
the strongest flux cap used (5 × 1021 Mx). This is due to the evolution until 2015. During this same time period, the
lack of 304 coverage as the STEREO spacecrafts progress in 1 × 1021 Mx, and 5 × 1021 Mx threshold cases have too
their orbit (leading to 2012, and after 2015) and during the much flux reaching the pole, causing the axial dipole to re-
superior solar conjunction (2014-2015). During the superior verse too quickly. During 2014, following the superior so-
solar conjunction in 2014-2015, the TUF drops well below lar conjunction, the dipole evolution falls briefly in all cases.
the AFT Baseline in all four cases. In the later half of 2015, While this is followed by a short period of growth, they all
as the STEREO A spacecraft emerges from the conjunction, begin a steady decline in 2016 . This occurs because the
the largest threshold cases again significantly exceed the AFT loss of He II 304 Å coverage results in an apparent gap in
Baseline, while the mid threshold cases (5×1020 Mx and 1× active region emergence, which allows leading polarity flux
1021 Mx) reach similar values and the 1 × 102 Mx threshold to be carried to the pole (see Figure 9, bottom row) during
case falls well below the AFT Baseline TUF. In 2017, the the conjunction. Afterwards, active region emergence picks
TUF in all these cases begin a progressive decline below the up briefly before the combined effects of the declining cycle
AFT Baseline as STEREO A progresses towards the Earth and declining far-side coverage result in only a small amount
vantage and far-side coverage is lost. of new flux is being added, primarily close to the equator.
The flux difference calculated by subtracting the TUF from Since most of the flux cancellation occurs at the lowest lat-
the AFT Baseline from the AFT 304 only simulations (bot- itudes, very little new flux reaches the poles. The flux that
tom middle panel) far exceeds the estimate obtained from the is transported at this stage is primary leading polarity flux,
AFT+304 simulations in the 1 × 1021 Mx and 5 × 1021 Mx causing the weak decline in the polar fields.
threshold cases. On global time scales, these thresholds are Determining the best threshold case for the global param-
not consistent with the Sun. The amplitude of the 1×1020 Mx eters in the AFT 304 only simulations is not straight forward.
and 5×1020 Mx threshold cases are more inline with the AFT The 1 × 1021 Mx threshold case is most consistent with the
Baseline and the AFT 304 only results, respectively. How- TUF in the best case from the AFT+304 results, but does not
ever, the structure in the TUF evolution is not well captured. do well at reproducing the polar field evolution. The 1×1020
This is due to a steady accumulation of flux from flaring re- Mx case performs remarkably well at reproducing the po-
gions that are not being corrected by the data assimilation of lar field evolution, but underestimates the TUF. Choosing the
magnetograms. best case for the AFT 304 only simulations is thus dependent
Another quantitative metric to consider is the progression on the end-use application.
of the Sun’s axial dipole moment. This quantity measures the
polar field evolution - i.e., the decay, reversal, and build up of 6. DISCUSSION
magnetic flux in the polar regions. The ability to reproduce 6.1. AR Detection
the evolution of the polar fields is essential for SFT models,
We have developed an automated detection algorithm to
as the polar field at the time of solar cycle minimum is a key
identify active regions in He II 304 Å intensity images and
predictor of the strength of the next cycle (Schatten & Sofia
incorporate them into the AFT SFT model. For this purpose,
1987; Hathaway 2015; Upton & Hathaway 2014b). The axial
we created higher order (Level 2) processed files which in-
dipole strength is given as
cluded several corrections, including despiking the intensity
Z to mitigate against flaring events. We found that the power-
D(t) = (3/4π) Br (θ, ϕ, t) cosθ dΩ, (6) law relationship is sensitive to how the boundary of the active
region is defined and to the magnetic flux density thresholds
where Br (θ, ϕ, t) is the radial photospheric magnetic field and have computed a new empirical relationship tailored to
at latitudes theta, longitudes ϕ, and time t integrated over the the AFT Baseline maps. Our automatic detection algorithm
solid angle Ω (Wang & Sheeley 1991). The axial dipole mo- identifies the location and infers flux in active regions from

Figure 9. Global Simulation Properties. Plots of the Total Unsigned Flux (left), Flux difference (relative to the Baseline, middle), and the Axial
Dipole (right) are shown in the top (AFT+304 simulations) and bottom (AFT 304 only simulations) rows. The plots are color coded based on
the flux threshold (1e20, 5e20, 1e21, and 5e21) used. For reference, the measured Baseline TUF and Axial Dipole values are shown in black

the He II 304 Å intensity images using this relationship. The gesting too much flux is being transported to the poles. Fig-
algorithm them compares the active regions to the AFT maps ure 7 shows that while this threshold does well at captur-
to determine if new active region growth has occurred. When ing the active region growth phase, the active region decay
new growth occurs, idealized bipoles are added to the AFT phase is not as well reproduced. This can be attributed to a
maps. few different factors, including residual flaring events, active
Despite despiking the Level 2 He II 304 Å intensity im- region properties, and small scale flux interactions. Flaring
ages, we found that flaring events still occurred frequently. events will cause excess flux to be deposited into the active
To further mitigate against this, we implemented a cap on region, directly resulting in more residual flux to be trans-
how much a given active region was allowed to grow in the 8 ported poleward. The active regions in these simulations are
hour interval between Level 2 He II 304 Å intensity images. incorporated into AFT as idealized Gaussian spots with tilts
We then conduced a series of simulations to investigate the and separation distances determined from statistical proper-
performance of the automated detection algorithm with sev- ties. Differences between the simulated and observed tilts
eral flux cap thresholds: 1 × 1020 Mx, 5 × 1020 Mx, 1 × 1021 and separations will change the axial dipole moment of the
Mx, and 5×1021 Mx. For each of these flux caps, we ran active regions, which could also result in more flux being
AFT with and without data assimilation, AFT+304 and AFT transported to the poles. Another possibility is that interac-
304 only respectively. The latter of which is informed exclu- tions with nearby small scale flux, not included in the AFT
sively by the He II 304 Å intensity maps. idealized active regions, may play a non-trivial role in the
flux cancellation process. Yeates (2020) showed that ide-
6.2. AFT Simulations alized bipoles, as opposed to observed complex morpholo-
gies, could also lead to an overestimation of the axial dipole.
Results from the AFT+304 and AFT 304 only simulations Ugarte-Urra et al. (2015) found that AFT was able to repro-
showed that the 5 × 1021 Mx threshold case (corresponding duce the evolution of the active regions to within a factor of
to as active region growth rate of about 6.25 × 1020 Mx/hr) 2 when starting with the observed active region morphology.
performed the best at capturing the Active Region growth. We find that the active regions in the AFT+304 performed
However, the global parameters in the AFT 304 only sim- even better (see Figure 7), suggesting that the idealized active
ulations did not fare as well: the TUF was much too high region are the most likely source of this discrepancy. These
and the axial dipole reversed polarity much too quickly, sug-
AFT+304 13

results demonstrates that while He II 304 Å does remark- magnetic maps (Chen et al. 2022; Creelman et al. 2024). We
ably well at driving the SFT model, these data alone are are currently working with both of these teams to adapt the
insufficient. techniques described in this paper for use with the helioseis-
We find that the AFT+304 simulations fared much bet- mic data, which we plan to address in follow-on papers. In
ter. This configuration provides the most accurate represen- addition to the advances ML/AI techniques offer to helios-
tation of the flux distribution on the entire surface of the Sun esmology, these techniques are also being used to improve
by combining the benefits of incorporate far-side emergence other existing data products. For example, ML/AI groups
while using data assimilation of magnetograms to correct for training on combined AIA/STEREO EUV images to create
inconsistencies in the implementation of the far-side Active AI-generated magnetograms are consistent with HMI mag-
Regions. Using the 5 × 1021 Mx threshold case, we esti- netograms (Kim et al. 2019; Jeong et al. 2022). Using our
mate that for Cycle 24 surface flux transport models are automated detection codes with these data to populate AFT
missing approximately 4 − 6 × 1022 Mx from far-side Ac- with far-side active regions may prove more accurate than
tive Regions. While not implemented here, we intend to with the EUV observations directly. Another group is using
use these maps as the inner boundary condition for various ML/AI to cross-calibrate Hinode/SOT-SP data (Lites et al.
types of atmospheric and coronal modeling in order to de- 2013) with HMI data in order to create improved vector mag-
termine the impact of including this missing flux in making netograms(Fouhey et al. 2023; Wang et al. 2024) . These
space weather predictions. He II 304 Å images can be used new vector magnetograms are expected to minimize issues
as a supplemental proxy for magnetic flux measurements with the 180 dis-ambiguity as well as limb effects, problems
when direct magnetic field observations are not complete. which have long stood in the way of making vector date vi-
able for assimilation into SFT models
6.3. Future Work
Finally, the methodologies developed here may be adapted
While STEREO is currently positioned close to the sun- for and improved by new direct far-side observations. For ex-
earth line, which limits the utility of the results for new ap- ample, Solar Orbiter captures high-resolution EUV images
plications, in a few years STEREO A will begin returning as well as magnetograms. This data combination provide
far-side images. Studies that use the older STEREO data, a unique opportunity to perform additional studies like this
such as this one, are essential for determining how we can one. Coordinated observations can be used to cross-calibrate
best use the far-side EUV observations when they become observations made by the two instruments and develop the
available again. In addition, these methodologies and results ability to create proxies that can be used when one or the
can be used to validate other far-side proxies of the far-side, other is not observing the same target. These data, when
such as those obtained by helioseismic and Machine Learn- available, could then be incorporated in SFT models to pro-
ing/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) methodologies, as well as vide supplementary knowledge of far-side active region evo-
adapted for implementation with far-side observations from lution and to access helioseismic results(Yang et al. 2023) .
newer missions.
While helioseismic results show considerable promise,
they are less reliable than direct imaging. Direct imaging
in the EUV can precisely confirm the existence, location, We would like to thank the anonymous referee for valu-
and relative size of active regions. Helioseismic results, on able comments and suggestions that improved the qual-
the contrary, are still plagued with false positives and false ity of the paper. AIA and HMI data are courtesy of
negatives. Even far-side active region detections that are NASA/SDO and the AIA and HMI science teams. L.A.U.
confirmed by direct far-side imaging or subsequent rotation was supported by NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator
on the near-side, possess large uncertainties in relevant pa- NNH15ZDA001N-HGI, NASA Heliophysics Living With a
rameters such as active region size, strength, location. The Star grants NNH16ZDA010N-LWS and NNH18ZDA001N-
EUV automated far-side detection process described here LWS, and by NASA grant NNH18ZDA001N-DRIVE to
can be used to create reliable active region catalogs. These the COFFIES DRIVE Center managed by Stanford Univer-
catalogs can then be used to assess the uncertainty in far-side sity. I.U.U. and H.P.W. were supported by the NASA Helio-
helioseismology active region detections and aid in mak- physics Guest Investigator and Living With a Star programs
ing decisions on how best to include far-side results in SFT and the Office of Naval Research. D.H.H. was supported by
models. NASA contract NAS5-02139 (HMI) to Stanford University.
The advent of ML/AI is providing new avenues for ad-
vancing helioseismic techniques and improving the accu- Facilities: SDO (AIA,HMI), STEREO (EUVI)
racy. Both HMI and GONG helioseismology teams and we
are currently exploring ML/AI methodologies to provide im- Software: SolarSoft (Freeland & Handy 2012), VSO
proved data products, including helioseismic inferred far-side (Hill et al. 2009)

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