Mini Project

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Today there is a wide spread talk about improvement of the human interface to the
computer. Because no longer people want to sit and read data from the monitor. Since there is
a painstaking effort to be taken, this involves strain to their eyes. In this aspect Speech
Synthesis is becoming one of the most important steps towards improving the human interface
to the computer.

The art of making PC's talk has always entranced the human community. After all,
voice is one of the best alternatives for hours of eyestrain involved in going through any
document. Also, Voice is a better interface when it comes to illiterate people rather than
Graphic User Interface in English. So, research is being done throughout the world for improving
the Human Interface to the computer and one of the best options found out till date is
the ability of a computer to speak to humans. Here comes the role of the Text to Speech
(TTS) engines. Text-To-Speech is a process through which input text is analysed, processed
and “understood”, and then the text is rendered as digital audio and then “spoken”. It is a small
piece of software, which will speak out the text inputted to it, as if reading from a newspaper.
There have been many developments found around the world in the development of TTS Engines
in various languages like English, French, German etc and even in Hindi. This has not been tried
out till date, (according to our knowledge) in Kannada. So here is the first step towards
making computers speak to Kannadigas around the world.

1.1 Types of TTS Systems

Most Text to Speech engines can be categorized by the method that they use to
translate phonemes into audible sound. Some TTS Systems are listed below:-

Prerecorded :-
In this kind of TTS Systems, we maintain a database of prerecorded words. The main
advantage of this method is good quality of voice. But limited vocabulary and need of large
storage space makes it less efficient.

Formant :-
Here voice is generated by the simulation of the behaviour of human vocal cord.
Unlimited vocabulary, need of low storage space and ability to produce multiple featured voices
makes it highly efficient, but robotic voice, which is sometimes not appreciated by the users.

Concatenated: -
In this kind of TTS systems, text is phonetically represented by the combination of its
syllables. These syllables are concatenated at run time and they produce phonetic
representation of text. Key features of this technique are unlimited vocabulary and good voice.
But it can’t produce multiple featured voices, needs large storage space.

Various methodologies of implementation, prospects and challenges of

implementation of a Kannada TTS engine with regard to speech synthesizer and its high-
l e v e l applications are presented here. The Implementation of this TTS is done using the
concatenation method. Integral parts of a Text to Speech engine are phoneme identifier, voice
mapping and speech synthesiz

1.2 Problem definition

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. It’s
sometimes called “read aloud” technology. With a click of a button or the touch of a finger, TTS
can take words on a computer or other digital device and convert them into audio. TTS is very
helpful for kids who struggle with reading. But it can also help kids with writing and editing, and
even focusing.

Text-to-speech (TTS) technology plays a crucial role in accessibility, communication, and

convenience for various individuals and industries. Here are some reasons why text-to-speech is
Accessibility: TTS technology enables people with visual impairments or learning
disabilities to access written content. It converts written text into spoken words, allowing visually
impaired individuals to consume information from digital sources such as websites, e-books,
documents, and more.
Inclusive Communication: TTS enhances communication for individuals with speech
impairments. It enables them to convert typed or written messages into spoken words, facilitating
communication with others in real-time or through recorded messages.
Multimodal Interaction: TTS is essential for multimodal interfaces, where users interact
with devices or applications through multiple modes such as voice, touch, and gestures. Integrating
TTS allows for a seamless user experience, especially in applications like virtual assistants,
navigation systems, and smart devices.
Language Learning: TTS technology aids language learners in pronunciation,
comprehension, and listening skills. Learners can hear the correct pronunciation of words and
phrases, helping them improve their spoken language abilities.

Productivity and Efficiency: TTS increases productivity by enabling users to listen to

content while performing other tasks. It allows individuals to consume information hands-free,
such as listening to emails, articles, or documents while driving, exercising, or doing household
Localization and Globalization: TTS technology supports the localization of content into
multiple languages, allowing businesses to reach a broader audience. It facilitates the adaptation
of digital content, such as websites, apps, and e-learning materials, for users worldwide.
Assistive Technology: TTS is a fundamental component of assistive technology solutions
for individuals with disabilities. It enables the development of assistive devices and software
applications that enhance independence, accessibility, and quality of life for people with
Audio Content Creation: TTS technology provides a cost-effective solution for
generating audio content, such as audiobooks, podcasts, and voiceovers for videos. Content
creators can use TTS to produce spoken versions of written material quickly and efficiently.

Overall, text-to-speech technology plays a vital role in improving accessibility,

communication, and efficiency across various domains, making it an important tool in today's
digital age.

2. Review of related work
Reviewing related work in a Text-to-Speech (TTS) project is crucial for understanding the
landscape of existing solutions, identifying gaps, and determining the direction for your own
research or development. Here's a structured approach to reviewing related work in a TTS project

2.1 Existing system

In this section, you will discuss the current state-of-the-art TTS systems or any existing
system you're building upon. Here's how you can structure it:

Introduction to the Existing System: Briefly introduce the TTS system or systems that
are currently being used or researched in the field. Highlight the importance of TTS in various
applications such as accessibility, virtual assistants, and entertainment.

Overview of the Existing System: Provide a detailed description of the architecture of the
existing system(s) including any preprocessing steps, feature extraction methods, and synthesis
techniques. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the existing system(s) in terms of naturalness,
expressiveness, and computational efficiency.

Implementation Details: If applicable, provide information about the programming

languages, libraries, and frameworks used in building the existing system(s). Describe any
customizations or optimizations made to tailor the system to specific use cases or domains.

Evaluation and Results: Summarize the evaluation metrics used to assess the
performance of the existing system(s) such as MOS (Mean Opinion Score), MCD (Mel-Cepstral
Distortion), and subjective user evaluations. Present the results of the evaluation, highlighting any
achievements or areas for improvement.

2.2 Literature survey

In this section, you will review relevant literature in the field of TTS. Here's how you can
structure it:

Introduction to Literature Survey: Provide context for the literature survey by

explaining its importance in understanding the current state of research in TTS. Highlight the scope
and objectives of the literature survey.

Traditional Approaches: Review traditional TTS techniques such as concatenative

synthesis, formant synthesis, and articulatory synthesis. Discuss their limitations and challenges
compared to modern approaches.

Statistical Parametric Approaches: Discuss TTS systems based on statistical models

such as Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Unit Selection Synthesis. Highlight their strengths in
capturing speaker variability and generating natural-sounding speech

Deep Learning Approaches: Review recent advances in TTS using deep learning
techniques such as Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), Sequence-to-Sequence models, and
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

Discuss the advantages of deep learning approaches in terms of flexibility, scalability, and
performance. Multi-speaker and Style Transfer: Explore techniques for multi-speaker TTS and
voice conversion. Discuss methods for transferring speaking style or voice characteristics from
one speaker to another.

Evaluation Metrics and Datasets: Review commonly used evaluation metrics and
datasets in TTS research. Discuss the importance of objective metrics and the availability of
benchmark datasets for training and evaluation.

Challenges and Future Directions: Identify key challenges in TTS research such as
robustness, real-time synthesis, and expressiveness.
Discuss potential future directions and research opportunities in the field of TTS

3. Planning
The planning phase of a project serves as the foundational bedrock upon which successful
execution is built. It is during this crucial stage that objectives are defined, requirements are
gathered, and the overall strategy is outlined. By meticulously laying out the roadmap for
development, stakeholders can align their efforts, allocate resources effectively, and mitigate
potential risks. In essence, the planning phase sets the tone for the entire project, ensuring clarity
of purpose, direction, and ultimately, success.

1. Define Objectives and Scope:

a. Clearly define the goals and objectives of the TTS project. This could include
creating a high-quality TTS system for a specific language, domain, or application.
b. Determine the scope of the project, including the target audience, supported
languages, and platforms (e.g., mobile, desktop, web).

2. Gather Requirements:
a. Identify the functional and non-functional requirements of the TTS system.
Functional requirements may include text input processing, speech synthesis, and
output generation, while non-functional requirements may include performance,
scalability, and usability.
b. Gather requirements through stakeholder interviews, literature review, and analysis
of similar existing systems.

3. Design Architecture and Components:

a. Design the architecture of your TTS system, including the various components such
as text preprocessing, feature extraction, acoustic modelling, and waveform
b. Determine the technology stack and tools required for each component, considering
factors such as programming languages, libraries, and frameworks.

4. System Integration and Development:

a. Develop the TTS system by integrating the various components and models into a
cohesive software application.
b. Implement text processing, model inference, and audio synthesis functionalities.
c. Test the system thoroughly, ensuring proper functionality, performance, and

5. Evaluation and Optimization:

a. Evaluate the performance of your TTS system using objective metrics (e.g., MOS,
MCD) and subjective user evaluations.
b. Identify areas for optimization and improvement, such as speech quality,
naturalness, and efficiency.
c. Iterate on the system design and implementation based on feedback and evaluation

6. Documentation and Deployment:

a. Document the TTS system architecture, components, algorithms, and APIs for
future reference and collaboration.

b. Prepare user documentation, including installation instructions, usage guidelines,
and troubleshooting tips.
c. Deploy the TTS system to production or distribution platforms, ensuring
compatibility and scalability.

7. Maintenance and Updates:

a. Monitor the performance of the deployed TTS system and address any issues or
bugs that arise.
b. Stay updated on advancements in TTS research and technology, incorporating new
techniques and improvements into your system.
c. Provide regular updates and maintenance to ensure the continued reliability and
effectiveness of the TTS system.

4. Methodology
The methodology section outlines the systematic approach and techniques utilized to
achieve the project's objectives. It serves as a blueprint for the execution of the project, providing
a structured framework for activities such as data collection, analysis, implementation, and
evaluation. By selecting and detailing the appropriate methodologies, the project team ensures
rigor, reliability, and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. This section not only clarifies the
methods employed but also highlights the rationale behind their selection and how they contribute
to the overall success of the project.

4.1 Proposed system overview

The proposed system aims to develop a robust and efficient Text-to-Speech (TTS) solution that
converts written text into natural-sounding speech in real-time. Leveraging cutting-edge machine
learning techniques and deep neural networks, the system will seamlessly synthesize speech from
input text, offering a wide range of applications across various domains.
Key features of the proposed system include:

• Text Preprocessing: The system will preprocess input text to handle linguistic variations,
punctuation, and formatting for optimal synthesis.

• Acoustic Modelling: Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms, the system will
model the acoustic properties of human speech, capturing nuances in pitch, intonation, and

• Multi-Lingual Support: The system will support multiple languages, enabling users to
synthesize speech in diverse linguistic contexts.

• Customization and Adaptation: Users will have the flexibility to customize and adapt
the TTS models to specific voices, accents, or speaking styles, enhancing the system's
versatility and personalization.

• Real-time Performance: Designed for real-time applications, the system will deliver fast
and responsive speech synthesis, making it suitable for interactive dialogue systems,
virtual assistants, and assistive technologies.

• Evaluation and Quality Assurance: Rigorous evaluation metrics and quality assurance
measures will be implemented to ensure the generated speech meets high standards of
naturalness, intelligibility, and expressiveness.

By combining cutting-edge technology with user-centric design principles, the proposed TTS
system aims to deliver an immersive and seamless auditory experience, empowering users to
interact with digital content in a more intuitive and accessible manner.

4.2 Algorithm details

The algorithm for the given program can be broken down into the following steps:

• The program starts by initializing the Tkinter window with specified dimensions and

• Labels and entry fields are created for user input, such as file name and text.

• Buttons for playing the speech, exiting the program, and resetting the text field are created.

• When the user clicks the "PLAY" button, the Text_to_speech() function is called, which
converts the entered text to speech using gTTS, saves it as an MP3 file, and plays the audio.

• The "EXIT" button calls the Exit() function, which closes the Tkinter window and exits
the program.

• Clicking the "RESET" button calls the Reset() function, which clears the text entry field
• Error handling is implemented to catch exceptions during text-to-speech conversion and
display error messages using messagebox.showerror() if necessary.

1. Import Necessary Modules:

• Import the required modules for the program, including Tkinter, message box for
GUI elements and error handling, gTTS for text-to-speech conversion, and play
sound for playing audio files.

2. Define Functions:
• Text_to_speech():
• Retrieve the file name and text input from the GUI entry fields.
• Use gTTS to convert the text to speech.
• Save the generated speech as an MP3 file with the specified file name.
• Play the generated audio using playsound.
• Handle exceptions such as ValueError and generic exceptions, displaying
error messages using messagebox.showerror() if necessary.

3. Exit(): Destroy the Tkinter window when the "EXIT" button is clicked.

4. Reset(): Clear the text entry field when the "RESET" button is clicked.

5. Create Tkinter GUI:

• Initialize the Tkinter window (root) with specific dimensions, background colour,
and title.
• Create labels for "TEXT TO SPEECH", "Enter File Name", and "Enter Text" using
the Label widget.
• Create entry fields (Entry) for user input for the file name and text.
• Create buttons (Button) for "PLAY", "EXIT", and "RESET", with corresponding
functions assigned to them.
• Position the widgets using the place() method.

6. Main Event Loop:

• Enter the main event loop (root.mainloop()) to start the Tkinter application and
handle user interactions.

4.3 System requirements
For a Text-to-Speech (TTS) project, system requirements encompass hardware, software,
and other dependencies necessary for development, deployment, and operation. Below are the key
system requirements for such a project:

Hardware Requirements:
• Processor (CPU):
o A modern multi-core processor (e.g., Intel Core i5 or higher) is recommended for
efficient processing of text-to-speech tasks.
• Memory (RAM):
o At least 4GB of RAM is recommended for smooth operation, especially when
dealing with large datasets or complex machine learning models.
• Storage:
o Sufficient storage space for storing datasets, trained models, and generated audio
o SSD storage is preferred for faster data access and processing.
• Audio Output:
o Speakers or headphones for listening to the synthesized speech output.

Software Requirements:
• Operating System:
o Compatibility with major operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux
is desirable to ensure broad accessibility.
o Specific dependencies or libraries may have OS-specific requirements.

• Python:
o The project may be developed using Python, so Python 3.x should be installed on
the system.
o Package management tools like pip should also be available for installing

Libraries and Frameworks:

• Required libraries and frameworks for text processing, machine learning, and audio
manipulation, such as:
o gTTS or pyttsx3 for text-to-speech conversion.
o playsound or pyaudio for audio playback.
o Tkinter or other GUI libraries for creating a user interface if necessary.

Additional Tools:
• Text editors or Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for coding and development
(e.g., Visual Studio Code, PyCharm).
• Version control systems like Git for managing project code and collaboration.

Internet Connectivity:

• While not strictly required for local development and execution, internet connectivity may
be necessary for accessing online resources, APIs, or cloud-based services for certain
functionalities (e.g., downloading datasets, using external TTS APIs).

5. Design of the system

5.1 Use case diagram

In a Use Case Diagram, the primary elements include actors and use cases. Actors are the
entities that interact with the system, such as users or external systems. Use cases represent the
specific functionalities or tasks that the system provides to its users. Each use case describes a
sequence of interactions between the system and one or more actors to achieve a specific goal


1.provides text input

Text to speech

2.required conversion

Text to speech API

3.convert text to speech

Audio output

Figure 1 : use case diagram

1. Provides text input: The user interacts with the application by providing text input.

2. Requests conversion: The application receives the text input and requests the Text-to-
Speech API to convert the text into speech.

3. Converts text to speech: The Text-to-Speech API processes the text and converts it into

4. Audio Output: The generated speech is then played back as audio output to the user.

This diagram provides a clear representation of the interactions between the user, your
application, the Text-to-Speech API, and the resulting audio output.

5.2 Class diagram

A Class Diagram is another type of diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML),
often used in software engineering to visualize the structure of a system. It represents the static
view of the system, focusing on the classes and their relationships.

- root: Tk
- main_frame: Frame
- file_name_entry: Entry
- text_entry: Entry
- buttons_frame: Frame
- play_button: Button
- exit_button: Button
- reset_button: Button


- message: str

+ __init__(self, message: str)

+ generate_audio(self) -> str
+ play_audio(self)

Figure 2 : class diagram

• Interface: This class represents the main application.
o Attributes:
▪ root: Tkinter root window object.
▪ mainframe: Tkinter Frame for organizing the UI elements.
▪ file_name_entry: Tkinter Entry widget for file name input.
▪ text entry: Tkinter Entry widget for text input.
▪ buttons frame: Tkinter Frame for organizing buttons.
▪ play button: Tkinter Button widget to trigger text-to-speech conversion and
▪ exit button: Tkinter Button widget to exit the application.
▪ reset button: Tkinter Button widget to reset input fields.
o Methods:
▪ __init__(self): Constructor method to initialize the application and set up
the UI.
• Text_to_speech: This class represents the functionality related to text-to-speech
o Attributes:
▪ message: The text message to convert to speech.
o Methods:
▪ __init__(self, message: str): Constructor method to initialize the object with
the text message.
▪ generate_audio(self) -> str: Method to generate audio file from the text
message and return the file name.
▪ play_audio(self): Method to play the generated audio file.

5.3 Sequence diagram:

• The user enters text into the text interface. This can be done either by directly typing the
text into the editor or by opening a text file.

• Once the text is entered, the user clicks on the "Read" button.

• Clicking the button activates the Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine, which then converts the
written text into spoken language.

• The synthesized speech is then delivered through the speech interface, which can be
headphones or speakers.

• Optionally, the user can provide feedback on the synthesized speech. This feedback loop
helps improve the TTS engine over time.

Figure 3 : sequence diagram

6. Experimental Results

6.1 Output:

Figure 4 : output no 1

Figure 4 : output english

Figure 6: output marathi

6.2 Advantages:
• Accessibility: TTS technology makes digital content accessible to individuals with visual
impairments or reading difficulties. It allows them to consume written content in audio
form, enabling greater participation in education, work, and leisure activities.

• Multilingual Support: TTS systems can convert text into speech in multiple languages,
facilitating communication and accessibility for speakers of different languages. This is
particularly valuable in globalized contexts where multilingual communication is essential.

• Enhanced User Experience: Integrating TTS into applications, websites, or devices

enhances the user experience by providing an alternative means of content consumption.
Users can choose between reading and listening based on their preferences, contexts, or

• Productivity: TTS technology can improve productivity by converting large volumes of

written content into speech, allowing users to multitask or consume information while on
the move. For instance, it can be used in educational settings for audio lectures or in
professional environments for proofreading documents.

• Assistive Technology: TTS serves as a crucial assistive technology tool for individuals
with dyslexia, learning disabilities, or cognitive impairments. It aids in reading
comprehension and reduces the cognitive load associated with decoding written text.

• Naturalness and Intelligibility: Advancements in TTS technology have led to more

natural-sounding and intelligible speech synthesis. High-quality TTS systems can mimic

human speech patterns, intonation, and pronunciation, providing a more engaging and
immersive experience for users.

• Cost and Time Efficiency: Automating speech synthesis through TTS systems can save
time and resources compared to hiring voice actors or recording audio content manually.
Once developed, TTS solutions can be deployed and scaled rapidly across different
platforms and applications.

• Customization and Personalization: TTS systems can be customized to suit specific

applications or user preferences. Parameters such as voice type, speed, and pitch can be
adjusted to enhance comprehension and user engagement. Additionally, personalized TTS
voices can be created to cater to individual user preferences or brand identities.

• Innovation and Research: TTS projects drive innovation and research in fields such as
linguistics, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction. Advancements in TTS
technology contribute to the development of voice-enabled interfaces, virtual assistants,
and interactive storytelling applications.

• Inclusive Design: By incorporating TTS technology into digital products and services,
designers and developers promote inclusive design principles that prioritize accessibility
and usability for diverse user populations. This fosters a more inclusive and equitable
digital ecosystem.

Overall, text-to-speech projects offer a wide range of benefits, ranging from accessibility and
productivity to innovation and inclusivity, making them valuable tools in various domains and

6.3 Application:
• Accessibility Tools: TTS technology is widely used to make digital content accessible to
individuals with visual impairments, dyslexia, or other reading difficulties. Screen readers,
assistive reading devices, and accessibility features in software applications leverage TTS
to convert text into speech, enabling users to access and interact with digital content.

• Language Learning: TTS systems aid language learners by providing audio

representations of written text, facilitating pronunciation practice, listening
comprehension, and vocabulary acquisition. Language learning platforms, educational
apps, and language courses integrate TTS to enhance the learning experience for learners
of all ages and proficiency levels.

• Navigation and Directions: GPS navigation systems and mapping applications utilize
TTS technology to deliver turn-by-turn directions and spoken instructions to users. TTS-
enabled navigation systems enhance user safety and convenience by providing real-time
voice guidance while driving, walking, or cycling.

• E-books and Audiobooks: E-book readers and audiobook platforms leverage TTS
technology to offer audio versions of digital books and textual content. Users can listen to
books in audio format, providing a convenient alternative to traditional reading and
expanding access to literature for readers of all abilities.

• Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: Virtual assistants and chatbots utilize TTS technology
to deliver spoken responses and interact with users through natural language dialogue.
TTS-enabled virtual assistants, such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa, assist
users with tasks, answer questions, and perform voice-activated commands.

• Customer Service and Call Centres: TTS technology is employed in automated customer
service systems and interactive voice response (IVR) systems to deliver pre-recorded
messages, prompts, and information to callers. TTS-enabled IVR systems enhance
efficiency and scalability in call centres by automating routine interactions and reducing
the need for human intervention.

• Language Translation and Localization: TTS systems support language translation and
localization efforts by converting text into speech in multiple languages. Multilingual TTS
technology enables the creation of audio content in diverse languages, facilitating cross-
cultural communication and accessibility in global markets.

• Entertainment and Gaming: TTS technology is integrated into entertainment and gaming
applications to provide voiceovers, character dialogue, and interactive storytelling
experiences. TTS-enabled games, interactive fiction, and narrative-driven experiences
offer immersive audio experiences for players and users.

• Educational Resources and Learning Tools: TTS technology is used in educational

resources, learning management systems, and digital study aids to provide audio versions
of textbooks, lectures, and instructional materials. TTS-enabled educational tools support
diverse learning styles, accommodate learners with disabilities, and enhance engagement
and comprehension.

• Smart Devices and IoT Applications: Smart devices, IoT (Internet of Things) devices,
and connected appliances leverage TTS technology to deliver spoken notifications, alerts,
and status updates to users. TTS-enabled smart home devices, wearable technology, and
IoT applications enhance user interaction and accessibility in connected environments.

These applications demonstrate the versatility and utility of text-to-speech technology across
various domains, enriching user experiences, improving accessibility, and enabling innovative
solutions in diverse industries and contexts.

7. Conclusion
Text-to-speech (TTS) technology has revolutionized the way we interact with digital
content and information across a wide range of applications and industries. By converting written
text into natural-sounding speech, TTS systems enhance accessibility, convenience, and user
experience for individuals of all abilities. From aiding individuals with visual impairments or
reading difficulties to facilitating language learning, navigation, customer service, and
entertainment, TTS technology plays a crucial role in fostering inclusion, efficiency, and

The widespread adoption of TTS technology underscores its importance in enabling access
to information, communication, and education for diverse populations. As advancements in
artificial intelligence and natural language processing continue to improve the quality and
capabilities of TTS systems, we can expect to see even greater integration and innovation in the
future. Overall, text-to-speech technology represents a powerful tool for promoting accessibility,
enhancing productivity, and enriching the way we engage with digital content and services in our
daily lives.



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