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Haleeb Ice Cream

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Marketing Management

(Individual Report)

On New Product launch

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



About Haleeb foods

Haleeb Foods Limited (formerly CDL Foods Limited) is one of the well-known and a fast growing food products company companies in Pakistan dealing in milk and milk products. In fact, it is the largest Dairy Processing unit in Pakistan. Haleeb foods limited was the first dairy unit to acquire ISO 9002, HACCP and ISO 14000 certification. Having doubled its turnover in the last four years, the company has a turnover of more than Rs.4 billion presently. The company also operates as a franchise of Candia Cedilac of France. CDL has a state of the art milk processing facility situated at 62-KM Multan road, Near Bhai Pheru, and has a team of 400 exceptional individuals to support its operations.

Mission statement:
Build Branded food business to improve quality of life by offering tasty, affordable and highly nutritional products to our consumers while maximizing stake holders' value.

Most Innovative and fastest growing food company offering products enjoyed in "every home every day"

Key Benefits

New Packing for easy Opening and Storage Clean and healthy Nearest to nature Hygienically processed

Value statement:

Enterprise Empowerment Accountability Trust Teamwork

Haleebs policy:
According to the managing director of Haleeb foods, they are committed to: 1. Build branded food business to improve quality of life by offering tasty, sage, hygienically processed, affordable, highly nutritional food products through environment friendly processes to our customers while maximizing stake holders' value. 2. Meet the requirement of all relevant legislation and regulation related to consumer satisfaction & safety, environment and other applicable laws etc. 3. To prevent pollution through controlling levels of harmful emission, effluents and other wastes. 4. Contribute to safe and healthy environment for our country. 5. Promote mutual trust with customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and community 6. Provide all the necessary resources for the continual improvement in quality, safety of our products, processes and environment

Companys portfolio

Asli desi Haleeb cream ghee Candia bottled milk milk Haleeb Candia Haleeb yogurt brik Dairy queen Nrish Candy up Skimz liquid Fundayskimmed powder Skimz Good dayTea max Labba (Haleeb lassi) drink Tropico juice

Companys portfolio

Global presence and standards:

Haleeb Foods Limited and Candia of France have joined hands to bring to you highest quality milk. Candia Europe's Number One selling milk is Pasteurized, Homogenized, Standardized, and Double Sterilized milk. This ensures not only the highest quality but also the best possible taste. For the first time in Pakistan, Haleeb Foods Limited has introduced milk packed in food grade plastic bottles. These bottles are manufactured at Haleeb Foods' latest plant from imported materials and ensures longer shelf life, and highest quality and storage with ease of use.

The Environmental Analysis derived from the information gathered regarding the companys external and internal environment has led to the following conclusions:

The Company
After meeting group of individuals at HALEEB FOODS(cdl), and after realizing the market opportunities based on consumer wants, I came up with the idea of launching Haleebs ice-cream under the name SCOOP. After having thorough discussion and brainstorming, and open survey the feasibility and the potential market in Pakistan was revealed. The marketing management department should discuss this idea with the top management for approval as theres great market potential for this idea. Keeping in mind the companys objectives, missions and policies Ive drafted idea in the form of marketing plan.

Haleeb enjoys a good name in the market and through years has developed good relations with its suppliers. It has worked out an arrangement with many distributors in Karachi. Government norms, an industry association, or agreement between producer and processor in advance of the can dictate applicable quality standards. Some agreements are seasonal or even ready before planting or harvest. Packing for transport should be gentle and sanitary. Simply throwing stuff into a bulk container and travel over rough terrain guarantees partial, unacceptable milk during transit, prior to delivery. Moreover, if the delivery time is lengthy or if the lot must be held for more than a few hours at elevated temperature, incipient fermentation will follow.

Marketing Intermediaries
Haleeb foods has its built chain of marketing services agencies that it uses for its promotional campaigns. Haleeb foods has its well-established network of agents and sales foce that would be of great importance for the promotional activities of SCOOP ice-cream. Similarly Haleeb has developed strong financial counter to support its future programs. SCOOP would be well catered and supported due to Haleebs strong and well-developed network of marketing intermediaries.

The company has been catering to the needs of all types of customers high-income group, middle class and lower-middle class. It has wide range of customers, who are strongly loyal to its products. It enjoys good name due to its dedicated services. So as such Haleebs SCOOP would not face any problem attracting customers to its new, and well conceived SCOOP. SCOOP would be of interest to the people who want to get a healthy and tasty ice-cream conveniently and at low cost.

Many competitors like WALLS, IGLOO,YUMMY,HICO e.t.c exist but as long as Haleeb believes in it self and it product it not much of hard task to accomplish. Haleeb as a company has everything to it quality, name and excellent taste and definitely all this will be reflected in SCOOP too.

Haleeb, enjoys good relations and name with the public agencies. It iss well supported for its new services from its head office. And it would not face any problem in dealing with financial matters for SCOOP. The idea, SCOOP is will taken at media grounds and will be taken a good step towards taste, quality and economy. The newspapers and media strongly believes that with the growing awareness regarding health issues, SCOOP is a good step towards health awareness development, as the milk that Haleeb uses is homogenized, sterilized, standardized and double sterilized. Being a private organization, it strictly follows the rules and policies as designed by the government. The company has kept in mind all the possible environmental consideration to avoid any questioning of environmental or public concern. Haleeb has its strong brand name association that would promote for its future programs as it enjoys large portion of fast moving consumer goods market. It is a name of quality all over Pakistan, so it strongly believes that its new highly anticipated SCOOP ice-cream would be definitely a good start. Unilever has always rewarded its employees in recognition of their services and hard work and gives them a very good working environment, so it also has good employee relations.

The following external forces have considerable influence on the companys marketing opportunities and activities:

Pakistans population is showing explosive growth. It totaled 150,694,740 in 2004 and is growing at 2.17% per year. At this rate, Pakistans population will reach 204.3 million by the year 2015. Pakistans population is basically constituted by Punjabi, Sindhi, Pathan, Baloch, Muhajir who posses certain specific wants and buying habits. In Pakistan 45.7% of the population is literate (age 15 and over can read and write) Joint-Family system prevails over the major part of the country. The major decision holders of the family are male members of the household, who is the sole earning member for the family. More women are in the workforce today. There is growing trend towards one unit family system that consists of a husband, wife and children. In our society the trend of healthy nutritious food and drinks is increasing day by day. The consumption of juices is based on the population of cities and the trend of shifting from rural areas and setting in cities is increasing. Life style of the people is also changing. People want to cover their need and luxuries by staying within their incomes. Taking advantage of this, company has provided their services at the doorsteps of the consumers.

Economic Environment
Pakistan has a subsistence economy. Pakistan comprises of hardly 5% of the elite class and rest 95% of the population belongs to the lower and middle class. The government has made significant inroads in macroeconomic reform it improved its standing with international creditors by increasing revenue collection and restraining the fiscal deficit in the 2001/02 budget. In the decade if 1990s Pakistan has faced rapid inflation which has affected the purchasing power of Pakistani citizens. All in all Pakistans per capita income

is $430 which is lower than even the poorest countries which means that majority of people of Pakistan are living below or just on the poverty level and cannot afford basic necessities forget luxuries. Economic conditions play vital role in the growth of any industry. The current economy is passing through recession period, which may affect the companys sale.

Natural Environment
Research has shown, consumers are willing to pay higher process for environment-friendly products. We are introducing plastic food grade cups and tubs which are recyclable and thus environment friendly. Environment care and sustainability are major areas of focus at our manufacturing sites where we maintain high standards. HALEEB FOODS the first dairy unit to acquire:

ISO 9002 for quality ISO 14001 for environment HACCP

Our relentless efforts to eliminate wastes in all processes helps us in water consumption reduction by 40% waste reduction from operations down 70% increase in recycled packaging The companys ingredients used in products are safe and of good quality.

Company has maintained a clean and healthy environment inside and as well
as outside the plant and company is environment friendly. products are made in strict hygienically controlled environment.

Technological Environment
HALEEB has started its production with the most advanced technology. It is well known for its standard setup in most parts of the Pakistan As products become more complex, the public needs to be assured of their safety. All ingredients used in the product must be approved by the Pakistan Federal Food and Drug Administration. Safety and health regulations have increased in food sector which have to be considered before launching the ice-cream.

Political And Legal:

Legislation affecting business has steadily increased over the years. The company has insured the safety of all food materials, ingredients, processes and packaging.

Prevent economic fraud - inauthentic ingredients, mislabeling.

Here human health is not compromised, but the consumer or parties in the supply chain are cheated. In view of the complexity of labeling laws, there is a grey area between outright fraud and misstatements.

A clever blend of high fructose corn, organic acids, flavors, colors, nutrients,
milk , fresh cream and phytochemicals can possibly match any ice-cream appeal and health benefit, but to claim it as such is clearly dishonest. Declaring the contents and accurate (if any) on a label implying ice-cream content is legal.

Social And Cultural

In Pakistan there are many different cultures each representing distinct behaviors and habits. Culture and religious beliefs have a very strong affect on the way people behave and buy commodities. People will not buy anything that is taboo in culture or religion. So it is necessary that products should be designed and marketed in conformity with cultural and religious beliefs. The population of Pakistan living in rural areas with low-income level consider health juices as a luxury item that would be expensive. In urban areas, people consume juices regularly as a refreshing and quench filling product. With growing awareness, a health conscious culture is being developed.

Strengths: 1. The largest Dairy Processing unit in Pakistan. 2. Experienced management team. 3. Haleeb foods bringing a new trend in milk, milk products and now juices too. 4. Lower cost than competitors product 5. Know as producers of thickest milk. 6. Strong distribution and advertising channels. 7. The quality of the product is maintained at high standards with latest technologies: Guaranteed Clean/Bacteria Free Homogenized Standardized Toned to international standards Weaknesses: 1. Haleeb foods limited will be entering this business for the first time. This associates the launch with a high risk. It is difficult to foresee profitability in near future. 2. Low market penetration in rural areas. Opportunities: 1. People are becoming health conscious and are switching to brands offering hygiene and healthy ingredients, as against unbranded products. 2. Population shift from rural to urban areas. 3. There are good prospects of expanding sales in sub-urban areas. 4. There is a phenomenal scope for innovations in product development, packaging and presentation. Threats: 1. Competition with imported brands 2. New entries in the market 3. Increasing cost of packaging material in international market. 4. Changing customer preferences and substitute problem.

The objectives of the firm are same as any other business oriented firm. The major objective are as follows: 1. To maximize profit 2. To capture greater market share 3. To stay as market leader

4. To earn goodwill and good reputation for the company.


Distribution of potential buyers of SCOOP
potential buyer distribution
kids teenagers and yound adults mature adults




Expected Product demand health conscious vs. normal consumer

health conscious vs normal consumer

7% norm al health c oncious 93%

Current Brand loyalty among consumers

brand loyalty





Rating of product attributes by our consumers

Attributes and their rating
40% 38% 30% 20% 10% 0%
y an d th ick ne ss qu al it

20% 22% 10% 6% 4%

Ta st e

Pr ice Av ai la bi lit y Fr ee of fe ch rs ar ity ba se d

The marketing strategy to adopted by Haleeb foods will be DIFFERENTIATED MARKETING as SCOOP is targeting various market segments like kids, teenagers and young adults, mature adults. Thus by using differentiated marketing SCOOP targets several market segments and designs separate offers for each.

The geographical segmentation for our product is that we will launch in the major and minor cities of Pakistan. The major cities include Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Quetta and Peshawar etc. The minor cities in which we will concentrate in later stages include Gujranwala, Sukkur and Murree etc. We may devide the market into : Urban areas Suburban areas Rural areas

The age distribution of the population of Pakistan can be segmented as follows: 0-12 years 55% 13-24 years 35% 25 years and over -


On income basis we may segment our market as: under 10,000 10,000 and above: 20,000 and above 30,000 and above more educated people tend to be conscious of health so we need to consider the education level segmentation also: Literate: 45.7% (age 15 and over can read and write) Illeterate 54.3%

Our product is for habitual buying and so is a convenience product, we may segment our market on basis of people who seek: Quality Service Economy Convenience Those using our brand, haleeb foods may just trust our product, so we need to see our loyalty status; this segmenting marketing on loyalty basis: Not loyal Medium Strong Our company must see the readiness level of the consumer as it is a product with new features Unaware Aware Informed Interested Desirous Intending to buy Through our surveys we seek, what people think if we offer them our product: Enthuiastic Positive Indifferent Negative

For our product we need to study the different classes existing in the Pakistani market, since our product is an economical one: Lower Middle Upper middle Upper We intend to target people with certain life styles, since the market is composed of consumers with different lifestyles and adoption ways: Traditional taste group Health-conscious Busy-urbanite group Moderates group

After a complete evaluation of all the market segments, through our surveys, the segment which proved to be the most attractive one for our product was the KIDS sector. As it is they who consumes ice-cream and other sweet stuff the most. However emphasis had also been laid on competitors, substitute products, power of buyers and powerful suppliers. A complete analysis of strengths and weaknesses had been conducted in this regard as to evaluate the KIDS SEGMENT. However we may divide our target market into two major categories:


The primary target market for SCOOP is decided to be as the kid between the ages of 3 years - 12 years. The age between 3 years - 12 years is the age when the kids are always looking forward towards fun and something that gives them a unique recognition, to be different from the rest , that gives them inner joy and make them feel happy. They dont care much about hygiene and health and simply go for something sweet and tantalizing for taste buds. They look forward towards junk food that does not provide a proper diet to them instead may be harmful in some case thus in order to provide a full health diet to the kids in a very junky manner SCOOP is being launched and the kids are focused on to as the primary attractiveness for the company.


Secondary target market are: a) The teenagers and young adults (age 13-24 years) b) Mature adults (ages 25 and above) : the parents, who do shopping for the kids mostly. Since they are concerned about their childrens health and want the best for their child so we need to focus and target the parents and plus the adults who are conscious about their weights and imbalances in cholesterol levels. Our Target market possesses following features: The fun loving but health conscious crowd (health conscious in terms of both weight and hygiene). (age 13-25years) The socio economical class of target audience is middle and upper middle class i.e. an income of Rs.10, 000 plus

The primary market is the urban area (containing 80% of target audience). The education level of most target audience (parents) is intermediate or graduate. Our target audience is somewhat health conscious segment of our society, The product is targeted towards those parents who are busy in their work, they want their children to be healthy, but get little time to keep a check on their childs consumption of junk food. They are worried about it and want a solution. Occupation of the target audience is mostly students and housewives. Consumers are assumed to be satellite viewers. Our product is serving the need of working class, middle and upper-middle class segments


The competitive advantages on the basis on which SCOOP could get an edge over the competitors in the kids sector was not only by providing better quality and taste but also on proper speedy and convenient availability, channel differentiation by designing a proper channels coverage, expertise and performance in addition through people differentiation. As to the question, WHY SHOULD someone BUY THIS PRODUCT? SCOOP is a quality product at highly economical cost by HALEEB FOODS for its competitors. SCOOP is a ice-cream which is full of taste and health, as it is made under most hygienic conditions and make use of fresh milk, fresh cream and butter. Not only that but it also has wide range of flavors for taste conscious people to try out. SCOOP has special features designed to attract both its primary and secondary target markets. FOR kids and youngster easy to hold yet attractive a plastic cups have been designed , while liter and half liter tubs are for the entire family. Both the tubs and cups are made of food grade plastic which preserves the content for long periods of time. Mothers used to worry a lot whenever their kids wanted ice cream, because they didnt wanted to rely on the various unbranded or so-called branded ones, which were previously available in the market. But thanks to SCOOP, mothers will now be relaxed, and their children can always have hygienic and quality ice-cream which also suits to their taste. Youngsters and adults will be able to enjoy it too SCOOP has got; Nutritionally perfect for children, youngsters and for the adults. Attractive packaging Available everywhere Highly affordable Unique flavors


SCOOP is a convenience product, its market is extensive and consists of those who look for quality and convenience along with the price.

We plan to price our product SCOOP at the following prices :

SCOOP dieters (fat free) SCOOP full cream

Packing/Volume Retail Price /Pack

1 litre pack litre Cup 1 litre pack litre Cup Rs. 100 Rs. 60 Rs. 20 Rs. 110 Rs. 70 Rs. 25

The cost of product includes the cost of manufacturing the product and the marketing and selling costs. Considering all the factors determining the price of the product we propose that the price should be set at above stated levels. These prices have been suggested also after looking at the competitors price.

Broad budget
Like price our budget is also based on assumptions. We have taken it in the form of percentages. Budget broadly is divided into three parts: Product, Placement and Promotion. Assuming the budget as 100%, it is divided in three parts as follows: Product____________30% Placement__________30% Promotion__________40% PRODUCT (Assuming this 30% to be 100%): Fixed cost___________45% Variable cost_________35% Other expenses_______20%

PLACEMENT (Assuming this 30% to be 100%): Shelf-placement_______45% Allowances to retailers__35% Other expenses________20% PROMOTION (Assuming this 40% to be 100%): Advertising__________60% Sales promotion______40%
Broad Budget Allocation

promotion, 40%

product, 30% placement, 30%

product placement promotion

product 100% cost and expense allocation

20% 45% 35%

fixed cost variable cost other expenses

100% Placement allocation

shelf-placement 20% 45% 35% allowances to retailers other expenses

100% promotion allocation

40% 60%

advertising sales promotion

SCOOP is an ice-cream by Haleeb foods serving the large target audience including kids, youngsters and adults.

Before use of milk ,during the preparation of SCOOP, quality control measurements such as milk Pasteurization, Homogenization, Standardization, and Double Sterilization will be taken into account as this will ensures not only the highest quality but also the best possible taste. (as in the case of other product by Haleeb foods) Nutritionally perfect, delicious and quality ice-cream for children, youngsters and for the adults.

SCOOP will be available in two basic categories

1. 2.

SCOOP Dieters (Fat Free) SCOOP Full Cream

1. SCOOP Dieters (Fat Free)

SCOOP dieters (fat free) ice-cream will be made out of skimmed milk. As it will be fat free it will naturally be low in cholesterol. It will be made using milk high in calcium and protein and will contain less than 1% fat. It will therefore be ideal for: - weight conscious people - heart patients and people who worry about cholesterol.

2. SCOOP Full-Cream
SCOOP full-cream ice-cream will be made out of full-cream milk and butter. It will be made using milk high in calcium and protein and will contain around 28% fat. It will therefore be ideal for: -all general ice-cream consumers.

A comprehensive survey was carried out to a number of schools where kids were questioned and then a few youngster and adults were interviewed about their liking and

disliking in ice-cream flavors. They were offered a number of flavors to taste, and then tell which one is the Best according to them. We are launching SCOOP in following flavors in full cream category only: liter and liter packs: Chocolate chips and caramel Nutty dipping (almonds in creamy vanilla) Three to party (strawberry, vanilla and chocolate) Rainbow delight (raspberry,strawberry,banana,choclate streaks in creamy vanilla). Flowing flavors will be available for both dieters and full-cream categories: Cups , liter and half liter packs: Mango delight Vanilla avec crunch (vanilla with pieces of brown sugar) Bisco-nilla (crushed chocolate biscuits sprinkled in vanilla)

The brand name SCOOP attached to the product, and the company name HALEEB FOOD (cdl) adds to the worth of the ice cream.

SCOOP has special features designed to attract both its primary and secondary target markets. FOR kids and youngster easy to hold yet attractive a plastic cups have been designed , while liter and half liter exclusive tubs are for the entire family. Both the tubs and cups are made of food grade plastic which preserves the content for long periods of time.

SCOOP offers more than just an ice-cream.. Mothers feel relaxed that their kids are having the Best quality ice-cream available in the market. It is made according to the appetite of kids and therefore it provides them fun and enjoyment. Every liter and liter pack label will contain the contact number, address and email addresses of Haleeb foods (cdl), and by calling them you can always tell ways and methods to bring improvements in the existing products. SCOOP comes in a plastic cups and tubs, which can be later used for other purposes. We offer small gift items along with the ice-cream from time to time like mind games, puzzles; for the children to polish their mental skills. While larger prizes

are also time to time offered like tickets to certain country on sending flap tops of large tubs to our addreses.

SCOOP is the juice, which is liked by all. It is a consumer product and therefore its end users, who are kids, teenagers, young adults and mature adults, purchase it. The lovers of SCOOP ice-cream will usually buy it on a frequent basis or sometimes you can call it an irregular basis that is they buy SCOOP whenever they feel like having it. It is a CONVENIENCE PRODUCT which fulfills the demand to have quality ice-cream.

NEW BRAND was the strategy, which was selected before Haleeb foods (cdl), decided to enter the beverage business and launch SCOOP ice-cream.

Goods must be physically transported from where they are produced to where are needed. Therefore companies need distribution channels so as to facilitate sale of the product. For SCOOP we suggest the following role and channel of distribution.

Since SCOOP is supposed to be a healthy, taste and quality oriented, reasonably priced product, therefore we want its Distribution to be extensive. We want it to be conveniently available. Based on this we have defined following role of distribution. a) Availability: We want to make available the product to the prospective customers, so that they can easily access the product at shops. We want our distribution channel to perform the basic function of title transfer from producer to customer. b) Attract Customers: We want the distribution channel to be attractive and provide ambience and environment so that customers feel good about the product. We would also do that so as to attract customers who pass by the distribution channel. c) Time Utility: The third major use of distribution would be to provide time utility to customers so that product is available and can be be purchased from most of the places while they are on the run.

SCOOP is an ice-cream by Haleeb foods serving the large target audience including kids, youngsters and adults.

Before use of milk ,during the preparation of SCOOP, quality control measurements such as milk Pasteurization, Homogenization, Standardization, and Double Sterilization will be taken into account as this will ensures not only the highest quality but also the best possible taste. (as in the case of other product by Haleeb foods) Nutritionally perfect, delicious and quality ice-cream for children, youngsters and for the adults.

SCOOP will be available in two basic categories 1. SCOOP Dieters (Fat Free) 2. SCOOP Full Cream

1. SCOOP Dieters (Fat Free)

SCOOP dieters (fat free) ice-cream will be made out of skimmed milk. As it will be fat free it will naturally be low in cholesterol. It will be made using milk high in calcium and protein and will contain less than 1% fat. It will therefore be ideal for: - weight conscious people - heart patients and people who worry about cholesterol.

2. SCOOP Full-Cream
SCOOP full-cream ice-cream will be made out of full-cream milk and butter. It will be made using milk high in calcium and protein and will contain around 28% fat. It will therefore be ideal for: -all general ice-cream consumers.

A comprehensive survey was carried out to a number of schools where kids were questioned and then a few youngster and adults were interviewed about their liking and disliking in ice-cream flavors. They were offered a number of flavors to taste, and then

tell which one is the Best according to them. We are launching SCOOP in following flavors in full cream category only: liter and liter packs: Chocolate chips and caramel Nutty dipping (almonds in creamy vanilla) Three to party (strawberry, vanilla and chocolate) Rainbow delight (raspberry,strawberry,banana,choclate streaks in creamy vanilla). Flowing flavors will be available for both dieters and full-cream categories: Cups , liter and half liter packs: Mango delight Vanilla avec crunch (vanilla with pieces of brown sugar) Bisco-nilla (crushed chocolate biscuits sprinkled in vanilla)

The brand name SCOOP attached to the product, and the company name HALEEB FOOD (cdl) adds to the worth of the ice cream.

SCOOP has special features designed to attract both its primary and secondary target markets. FOR kids and youngster easy to hold yet attractive a plastic cups have been designed , while liter and half liter exclusive tubs are for the entire family. Both the tubs and cups are made of food grade plastic which preserves the content for long periods of time.

SCOOP offers more than just an ice-cream.. Mothers feel relaxed that their kids are having the Best quality ice-cream available in the market. It is made according to the appetite of kids and therefore it provides them fun and enjoyment. Every liter and liter pack label will contain the contact number, address and email addresses of Haleeb foods (cdl), and by calling them you can always tell ways and methods to bring improvements in the existing products. SCOOP comes in a plastic cups and tubs, which can be later used for other purposes. We offer small gift items along with the ice-cream from time to time like mind games, puzzles; for the children to polish their mental skills. While larger prizes are also time to time offered like tickets to certain country on sending flap tops of large tubs to our addreses.

SCOOP is the juice, which is liked by all. It is a consumer product and therefore its end users, who are kids, teenagers, young adults and mature adults, purchase it. The lovers of SCOOP ice-cream will usually buy it on a frequent basis or sometimes you can call it an irregular basis that is they buy SCOOP whenever they feel like having it. It is a CONVENIENCE PRODUCT which fulfills the demand to have quality ice-cream.

NEW BRAND was the strategy, which was selected before Haleeb foods (cdl), decided to enter the beverage business and launch SCOOP ice-cream.

Goods must be physically transported from where they are produced to where are needed. Therefore companies need distribution channels so as to facilitate sale of the product. For SCOOP we suggest the following role and channel of distribution.

Since SCOOP is supposed to be a healthy, taste and quality oriented, reasonably priced product, therefore we want its Distribution to be extensive. We want it to be conveniently available. Based on this we have defined following role of distribution. d) Availability: We want to make available the product to the prospective customers, so that they can easily access the product at shops. We want our distribution channel to perform the basic function of title transfer from producer to customer. e) Attract Customers: We want the distribution channel to be attractive and provide ambience and environment so that customers feel good about the product. We would also do that so as to attract customers who pass by the distribution channel.

f) Time Utility: The third major use of distribution would be to provide time utility to customers so that product is available and can be be purchased from most of the places while they are on the run.


Type of channel for SCOOP that we prefer is indirect selling. This is because we see that its is a convenient product which should be available at retailer shops. So based on this fact we have decided to use following channel of distribution. Haleeb foods (cdl) shall use two types of channels for distribution of their product to the consumers. 1st channel: Manufacturerdealerretailerconsumer Manufacture Dealer Retailer Consumers 2nd channel: Manufacturerdealerice-cream cartsconsumer

Manufacture Dealer Ice Cream carts Consumers


Distribution of the product will be intensive. This means that it will be available at many stores in Karachi. This is because as we have already stated that it is a convenient good that should be available everywhere. At the same time, we want it to be a product which represents quality. Also the market research tells us that people want a healthful product which is easily available as they are busy with their work and cannot afford to specifically look for certain product as an ice-cream.

We shall make our product available at self-service retailers since we want our customers to ask for our product out of many whenever the go to buy ice-cream. Our product will be available at departmental stores, supermarkets, convenience stores and super stores, since we are seeking intensive distribution method.

Promotion is an important or in fact the most important component of the marketing mix for SCOOP, which will assist in differentiating the product, persuade the potential buyers and to make the product more attractive to the prospective buyers. It will make sure that SCOOP is always in sight even when you are sitting idle whether watching TV, reading newspapers or magazines or looking at the road side billboards. SCOOP can reach you, you can hear familiar music of SCOOP every where.

The role of promotion in the marketing plan of SCOOP is to inform, persuade and remind prospective buyers about the differentiating features of the product and the services of the company. The survey results showed us that most of the people are not aware of providing healthy foodstuff. However there is a growing trend towards health oriented products. Therefore, one important objective of the promotion is to create among the people that SCOOP is healthy and nutritious and not a simple artificial ice-cream as there is a difference b/w the two. To achieve this target, we will be using the different forms of promotion methods which are discussed next. The Promotion objective is to increase the market share of the company. Company shall use all medias in promoting their product.

Since the product is relatively new to the market and is not very well known, awareness and knowledge about the product must be created. The promotion should be directed so as to educate the audience about the different features and benefits of SCOOP ice-cream and most important of all tell them that SCOOP is not just ice-cream; it is different. After that, the main goal of the promotion should be to shift the consumer buying stage from awareness and knowledge to liking or preferably to preference and conviction so that they are convinced to buy the product.


Promotion can be applied in various ways to achieve the companys objectives. The different ways in which promotion can be applied are: a) Personal Selling: Even though personal selling has high costs and the sales people are difficult to train; but it is ideal method in consumer market as people specifically kids and mothers who are the decision makers are at home at morning, noon and evening hours. Fathers are busy at their offices and mothers most of them are housewives busy in house chores get little time to go and get ice-creams for their child. So the target audience is facilitated and delighted when they get the service at their doorstep. That is we shall introduce trikes to deliver our ice-cream


Advertising: Advertising would be the main source of promotion of our product SCOOP. Since the product is a convenience product and one which does not have much awareness in the market, the goal of the advertising campaign would be to create an awareness of the product and build customer product loyalty which would last for a long time. Our advertising campaign would be done through different channels such as in the television, newspapers, magazines and billboards. i. Billboards:

Billboards would be installed at all the prime locations of the city. The billboards would be placed at prime spots from where everyone can spot them Our colour scheme of should be appealing to our audience and will decided according to the flavours of the ice-cream shown. ii. Magazines: Secondly we are going to publish our advertisement in newspapers and magazines. The magazines we plan to publish our advertisement are in: DAWN YOUNG WORLD THE NEWS US MAGAZINE JANG SUNDAY MAGAZINE NAUNEHAL ROSHAN PAKISTAN

It can be very useful as the target audience can be very easily approached through the magazines. Magazines targeted towards the kids would be ideal as kids are mostly interested in playing games and reading articles in these magazines. iii. Newspapers: Newspapers would be the most important source of advertising the product as it is read by almost all of the target audience. We suggest that a series of advertisements should be published in DAWN every Sunday for at least around 1 month (i.e. 4 advertisements). The ads should be placed at one of the 3 prime locations which are: bottom right side of the front page, bottom left side of the second page and bottom right side of the last page. The series of ads should have a message relating the quality of the product and the service and benefit which it is providing. 4. Television: Television is a very suitable medium for our product SCOOP. a. An ad showing demanding kid, and a worried mom about her childs will have a greater impact on target audience mind. The image of a satisfied mother when she gives SCOOP to her child, for a very low price is an effective way of attracting consumers. b. Another ad could show certain group of youngsters going out for dinner decide to have ice-cream after dinner but the ice-cream seem so irresistible that they have it as dinner. c. Another ad could be that of a teenage forgets his moms birthday and when he gets back home before ringing the doorbell he overhears his mom talking to her friend on the phone thanking her for the wish. He has only a 1ooRs note and has no idea what to do. So he rushes to the nearby super market and finds his moms favorite flavor of SCOOP ice cream in a store .he gets it and rushes back home. When he reaches home he wishes his mom and gives her the tub. Shes more than delighted. We basically plan to show the advertisements on channels such as: PTV Indus Vision Indus Music GEO

c) Sales Promotion: Even though the advertising campaign will be very strong, it must be facilitated with a sales promotion which in the case of SCOOP is through offering premiums and point of sales promotions. Point of purchase promotions. Gifts such as puzzles, mind games will be attached to our product which will help kids enhance their IQ levels and mind skills. Post purchase promotion: tickets to different countries when flap tops of used tubs are sent to the companys given p.o box.

d) Public Relations Public relations or word of mouth would be a very useful tool in the promotion of the product as the product is still in its awareness stage. We shall hold health awareness programs at different schools through out the country We shall introduce litter picking day activities once a year We intend to give charity in SOS Villages of Pakistan that is an orphanage and other institutions like it, at the later stage. Organize and sponsor concerts and public events during special events like Eid, Basant e.t.c

The promotion strategy for SCOOP would be a push strategy as promotion will be targeted towards the consumers, motivating them to go and look for the product.

The entire budget of the company is generally divided into four categories: Promotion (40%), distribution, (20%) salaries allocation (25%) and the budget for production and maintenance (15%). the product SCOOP is a new addition to the ice-cream market the Haleeb Foods (cdl) focuses most on the promotion of company name as well as the product. Due to this fact the company spends most of its budget on the promotional campaigns and public relations i.e. 40% of the total budget.

All the four categories the budget is divided into is shown below in the form of pie charts and this the basic way the company is using to allocate and divide its budget

company budget allocations

15% 20% distribution promotion 25% 40% salaries production and maintainence

There are various activities Haleeb Foods (cdl) must perform before the actual launching of their product SCOOP. The plans are as follows.

at least 2 months before the launching of SCOOP, Haleeb Foods (cdl) should start an awareness campaign which will include placement of bill boards at all the prime locations of the city, most important of which are : The Schonn Circle (Clifton), Shahrah-E-Quaideen, Khalid-Bin-Walid Road, M.A Jinnah Road, Ii Chundrigar Road. North Nazimabad, Hassan Square, University Road.

The billboards would be placed at prime spots from where everyone can spot them easily and should be designed in such a way that it attracts the people to make them buy it. This program will also include the advertisements in Sundays Dawn, Sundays Jung, Young World, Young Times and US magazine. The advertisements will be shown between all kids programs and cartoons as well as music programs and also between dramas since youngsters and adults too are our target.


Hale Foods(cdl) first should launch SCOOP in Karachi at the Occasion of march 23rd or August 14th and expect to receive a very good response from public. With heavy investments in advertisement and through the selection of the best time, we hope to get the attention of people. After Karachi SCOOP shall be launched in Lahore. Here we again plan to adopt the same strategy and select the occasion of Basant which is celebrated with much fervor in Lahore.

Similarly, SCOOP will then go to Islamabad and Rawalpindi and then to the minor cities surrounding the major cities. Through a good and solid marketing strategy Haleeb Foods(cdl) must plan to succeed in getting the more than desired response and become a recognized also as an excellent ice-cream manufacturer.

The control measures which are to be considered over here are: 1: Advertising and sales promotion should be done in such a way that it should not exceed our budget. 2: It should not create its negative image. 3: The level of advertising should match the level of brand equity. 4: Sampling should be in limited size so that it should not effect the brand image

The competitive advantages on the basis on which SCOOP could get an edge over the competitors was not only by providing better quality and taste but also on proper speedy and convenient availability, channel differentiation by designing a proper channels coverage, expertise and performance in addition through people differentiation.

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