Index Format
Index Format
Index Format
I. Cover Page
II. First Page
III. GTU Completion Certificate
IV. College Certificate
V. Company Certificate
VI. Acknowledgement (generally for your guide(s), various help received, discussion held,
etc. Remember we stand on the shoulders of many people; here is the place to thank
VII. Abstract/synopsis of work assigned or entrusted to you in clear language.
VIII. List of Figures ( if applicable)
IX. List of Tables ( if applicable)
X. Notations, Naming Convention and Abbreviations
XI. Index(Table of Contents) (Format given at the end)
XII. CHAPTERS 1 to N (See The Details )
XIII. Appendix (optional)
XIV. References / Bibliography
3. System Analysis
3.1 Study of Current System
3.2 Problems and Weaknesses of Current System
3.3 Requirements of New System
(Mention all functional and non- functional including user and system
3.4 Feasibility Study
(In this section, does feasibility analysis by finding answers of the questions like
Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization? Can the
system be implemented using the current technology and within the given cost and
schedule constraints? Can the system be integrated with other systems which are
already in place? etc ;)
3.5 Requirements Validation(is concerned with showing that the requirements
actually define the system which the customer wants)
3.6 Features of New System / Proposed System
1. System Design
4.1 System Design & Methodology
4.2 Database Design / Data Structure Design / Circuit Design / Process Design /
Structure Design
4.3 Input / Output and Interface Design (If applicable)
4.3.1 State Transition Diagram (optional)
4.3.2 Samples of Forms, Reports and Interface
4.3.3 Access Control / Mechanism / Security (If applicable)
5 Implementation Details
5.1 Implementation Environment (Single vs Multiuser, GUI vs Non GUI)
5.2 Process / Program / Technology / Modules Specification(s)
5.3 Finding / Results / Outcomes
5.4 Result Analysis / Comparison / Deliberations
5.5 Sample Coding
1. User manual (screenshots of your work)
2. Testing ( choose appropriate testing strategy or techniques suitable to your
7.1 Testing Plan / Strategy
7.2 Test Results and Analysis
7.2.1 Test Cases (Purpose, Required output, Expected Result)
3. Limitation and Future Enhancement
All pages in the report except the cover pages and dedication page must be numbered.
All the page numbers should be located at the BOTTOM RIGHT of the page.
The page numbering starting from candidate’s declaration up to the beginning of the
chapters should be numbered in small roman letters, i.e. i, ii, …
The page numbering starting from the beginning of Chapter 1 up to the end of the
report, should be numbered in Arabic numerals, i.e. 1, 2, 3,….
Color: All the text including Tables should be Black prints. However, Graphs and Figures
can have color prints.
Chapter Headings : Times New Roman 16pts, bold, UPPER CASE
Section Headings : Times New Roman 14 pts, bold, UPPER CASE
Subsection Headings : Times New Roman 12 pts, bold, Title Case
Regular Text : Times New Roman 12 pts, normal
Special Text : Times New Roman Italics 12 pts (for foot notes, symbols, quotes..)
Use 1.5 spacing between lines of regular text
Use double spacing between Paragraphs, Chapter title and section Heading, Section
heading and paragraphs, Table Title and Table, Figure Title and Figure
Use single spacing between text corresponding to bullets, listing and quotes in the body
of text.
All paragraphs in the report are to be fully justified from the first line to the last line and
should start from left without any hyphenation/indent. Text corresponding to bullets,
listings and quotes in the main body of text should be indented.
Section numbering should be left justified using bold print with Arabic numerals and
Example: 1.1, 2.1, 1.2.1
Figures and Tables should follow immediately after/on immediate next page after they are
referred to for the first time in the text. Figure headings should be given at the bottom of the
figure. All figures and tables are to be central aligned on the page. Each drawing is to be
numbered and referred to as Figures only. Diagram title should be similar to figure titles.
Table heading should be given at the top of the table.
All the references cited inside the text should be documented under the heading
“REFERENCES”. All the references must be informative.
Single Author:
Aloysius J. A. (1998) Data Analysis for Management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Note: Arrange references in alphabetical order and number them in that order.