Easa Ad CF-2016-33 1
Easa Ad CF-2016-33 1
Easa Ad CF-2016-33 1
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AD Number: CF-2016-33
This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued pursuant to Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 521.427.
No person shall conduct a take-off or permit a take-off to be conducted in an aircraft that is in their legal
custody and control, unless the requirements of CAR 605.84 pertaining to ADs are met. Standard 625 -
Aircraft Equipment and Maintenance Standards Appendix H provides information concerning alternative
means of compliance (AMOC) to ADs.
Number: Effective Date:
CF-2016-33 26 October 2016
ATA: Type Certificate:
25 A-86
Equipment – Loose Clamping of the Pilot and Co-pilot Portable Oxygen Bottle
Viking Air Limited (formerly Bombardier Inc, Canadair) model CL-215-6B11 (CL-415 variant) aeroplanes,
serial numbers 2001, 2002, 2005 to 2007, 2010, 2012 to 2017, 2019, 2022 to 2024, 2026, 2057, 2063,
2065, 2076, 2077, and 2081.
As indicated below, unless already accomplished.
During the implementation of Service Bulletin (SB) 215-4051, the oxygen bottle was found loose while the
clamp strap was in the locked position. This was determined to be caused by the quick release latch
assembly not achieving the proper clamping pressure.
The release of the oxygen bottle due to improper clamping pressure may result in a loose mass cockpit
hazard or an oxygen rich environment leading to a possible fire hazard.
In order to mitigate the unsafe condition, SB 215-4457 was issued to modify the clamp strap and install
additional shims to add strength to the attaching structure for all affected aeroplanes.
Corrective Actions:
Within 12 months from the effective date of this AD, modify the clamp strap and install additional shims in
accordance with Bombardier SB 215-4457, Revision 3 or later revisions approved by the Chief,
Continuing Airworthiness, Transport Canada.
Incorporation of any of the previous revisions NC, 1 or 2 of Bombardier SB 215-4457 also meets the
requirements of this AD.
For the Minister of Transport,
Rémy Knoerr
Chief, Continuing Airworthiness
Issued on 12 October 2016
Yosha Mendis, Continuing Airworthiness, Ottawa, telephone 1-888-663-3639, facsimile 613-996-9178 or
e-mail AD-CN@tc.gc.ca or any Transport Canada Centre.