Client Assignment 2 - Madison Masek

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Client Assignment #2

five fountains Website Integration Ideas

Basic and Inviting Information on five fountains Website Homepage

(integrating something like this on our homepage)
“Each semester Butler University’s student run communications organization, five
fountains, teams up with multiple different agencies/clients in Indianapolis to provide
integrated communications services to these clients with needs for advertising and
other work. Students in five fountains meet once a week and are assigned work based
on client goals and their career interests, making it a more personalized and
professional learning experience. If you are a client interested in working with five
fountains, we encourage you to fill out our client application.”
Also including a little background of five fountains
- How and why the name was chosen – (name can come off confusing to those
who aren't apart of it)
- “Our story” - going hand in hand with the graphic im going to make after
talking to Professor Stevenson-Holmes

Creating an easily accessible client application (i don't know if we already have this
but I saw it on a different student run organization website and thought it would be a
good idea to make it easily accessible on our website)

“Thank you for your interest in five fountains at Butler University. Please complete the
application below in order to be considered for a future semester of five fountains. If
you have any further questions, please contact”

Application could include but not limited to:


Phone Number

Name of Organization/company

In 3-4 Sentences, please describe how you’d like five fountains to help meet your
communications objectives.

Who are your key audiences?

Please list and describe goals/services you would like to see achieved by the end of the
semester if working with five fountains.

What are the most important skills to have in order to achieve the goals/services by the end
of the semester? Please check all that apply:
Event planning
High level writing
Social media
Branding / rebranding
Video production
Media relations
Platform growth
Other _____

How many hours of work will you be requesting of your team per week?
5 hours/week
10-15 hours/week
20+ hours/week
Other _____

Please leave any other information that you believe is important for us to know to best
service you as a client.
Thank you for your application and interest in five fountains! five fountains takes new
clients on a semesterly basis depending on student registration, current clients, and
returning clients. We will get back to you via email and our president will schedule a phone
interview with you to discuss your organizational goals.”

Creating a “five fountains Expectations for Clients”

(I think creating this would strengthen the relationships between the people working
in five fountains and our clients – not sure if we already have this but implementing it
on our website would be a good idea!!) Creating this and making it easily accessible
would better the understanding and communication on both ends of what both the
agency members and clients should expect from each other. Also would help avoid any
mishaps/misunderstandings before they are officially a client of five fountains
– Would be linked with the client application so any group/company that is interested
in five fountains would read it prior to applying.

Get quotes from previous/current CLIENTS talking about their experience and
appreciation for five fountains and the work that we did for them/accomplishing
their set goals for the semester
Implementing this on our website would allow other potential / future clients to see
how appreciative previous/current clients are for five fountains, further making them
want to be a client of five fountains even more!

Get quotes from previous/current MEMBERS talking about their experience and
appreciation for five fountains. Could include things like how they are very thankful
to be a part of a “real-world” program that allows them to be exposed to professional
work relations/experiences.
Implementing this on our website would allow other potential / future members to see
how appreciative previous/current members are for five fountains, further making
them want to be a member of five fountains!
Example :

five fountains Social Media Ideas/Inspiration

- Increase engagement within five fountains members!!!
- Encouraging ALL of our members to repost, like, and comment on our
social media sites will grow our name recognition on campus and
increase campus involvement!! People should want to show off being
involved in such a cool organization at Butler!!

Inspiration (for future “meet the clients” post)

Including a short summary of each client in these kinds of posts would be beneficial to
better explain what we do here at five fountains!
- POST IDEA : Introducing our leadership team post

- POST IDEA : (ex) Introducing our first client team working with Aspire House!
- Description of client and client team/specific roles (use headshots?)

- POST IDEA : Application FAQs (graphic)

- Maybe talk to Professor Stevenson-Holmes about what questions are
often asked before/during the application process.
- Example questions :
- How much experience do I need to have in the communication
field to be involved?
- Do I have to be a communications major? – How would joining this
program benefit me if I’m not a communications major? etc.

Hung Up Banner

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