Assessment in Mathematics Education
Assessment in Mathematics Education
Assessment in Mathematics Education
Large-Scale Assessment and Classroom
ICME-13 Topical Surveys
Series editor
Gabriele Kaiser, Faculty of Education, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
More information about this series at
Christine Suurtamm Denisse R. Thompson
Pauline Vos
Assessment in Mathematics
Large-Scale Assessment and Classroom
Christine Suurtamm Stanislaw Schukajlow
Faculty of Education Instituts für Didaktik der Mathematik und der
University of Ottawa Informatik
Ottawa, ON Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Canada Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Denisse R. Thompson
Department of Teaching and Learning Edward Silver
University of South Florida University of Michigan
Tampa, FL Ann Arbor, MI
Nathalie Sayac
Val de Marne
University Paris Est Créteil
Créteil Cedex
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Assessment in Mathematics Education
1 Introduction
© The
C. Suurtamm
et al.,
2016Assessment in Mathematics Education, 1
This main body of the survey provides an overview of current research on a variety
of topics related to both large-scale and classroom assessment in mathematics
education. First, the purposes, traditions, and principles of assessment are consid
ered with particular attention to those common to all assessment and those more
connected with either classroom or large-scale assessment. Assessment design in
mathematics education based on sound assessment principles is discussed with
large-scale and classroom assessment being differentiated, but also with a discus
sion of how the design principles overlap. We then discuss mathematics classroom
assessment and provide some specific examples of assessment strategies. The
impact of large-scale assessment in mathematics education on curriculum, policy,
instruction, and classroom assessment follows. We conclude by discussing the
challenges that teachers face, as well as ways to support them. In each section, we
pose problems worthy of continued or future research. We hope this discussion will
provide common language for the TSGs in assessment as well as lay out some
issues that we hope to discuss.
This section sets the stage for the rest of the volume as it discusses purposes,
principles, goals and traditions of assessment in mathematics education, with a view
to discussing commonalities as well as differences between large-scale and class
room assessment. We recognize and discuss some strong differences between the
traditions, practices, purposes, and issues involved in these two forms of assessment.
Assessment has been used for multiple purposes, such as providing student grades,
national accountability, system monitoring, resource allocation within a district,
2 State of the Art 3
There are certain principles that apply to both large-scale and classroom assessment.
Although assessment may be conducted for many reasons, such as reporting on
students’ achievement or monitoring the effectiveness of an instructional program,
several suggest that the central purpose of assessment, classroom or large-scale,
should be to support and enhance student learning (Joint Committee on Standards
for Educational Evaluation 2003; Wiliam 2007). Even though the Assessment
Standards for School Mathematics from the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics in the USA (NCTM 1995) are now more than 20 years old, the
principles they articulate of ensuring that assessments contain high quality math
ematics, that they enhance student learning, that they reflect and support equitable
practices, that they are open and transparent, that inferences made from assessments
are appropriate to the assessment purpose, and that the assessment, along with the
curriculum and instruction, form a coherent whole are all still valid standards or
principles for sound large-scale and classroom assessments in mathematics
2 State of the Art 5
Assessment should reflect the mathematics that is important to learn and the
mathematics that is valued. This means that both large-scale and classroom
assessment should take into account not only content but also mathematical prac
tices, processes, proficiencies, or competencies (NCTM 1995, 2014; Pellegrino
et al. 2001; Swan and Burkhardt 2012). Consideration should be given as to
whether and how tasks assess the complex nature of mathematics and the cur
riculum or standards that are being assessed. In both large-scale and classroom
assessment, assessment design should value problem solving, modeling, and rea
soning. The types of activities that occur in instruction should be reflected in
assessment. As noted by Baird et al., “assessments define what counts as valuable
learning and assign credit accordingly” (2014, p. 21), and thus, assessments play a
major role in proscribing what occurs in the classroom in countries with account
ability policies connected to high-stakes assessments. That is, in many countries the
assessed curriculum typically has a major influence on the enacted curriculum in
the classroom. Furthermore, assessments should provide opportunities for all stu
dents to demonstrate their mathematical learning and be responsive to the diversity
of learners (Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation 2003; Klieme
et al. 2004; Klinger et al. 2015; NCTM 1995).
In considering whether and how the complex nature of mathematics is repre
sented in assessments, it is necessary to consider the formats of classroom and
large-scale assessment and how well they achieve the fundamental principles of
assessment. For instance, the 1995 Assessment Standards for School Mathematics
suggested that assessments should provide evidence to enable educators “(1) to
examine the effects of the tasks, discourse, and learning environment on students’
mathematical knowledge, skills, and dispositions; (2) to make instruction more
responsive to students’ needs; and (3) to ensure that every student is gaining
mathematical power” (NCTM, p. 45). These three goals relate to the purposes and
uses for both large-scale and classroom assessment in mathematics education. The
first is often a goal of large-scale assessment as well as the assessments used by
mathematics teachers. The latter two goals should likely underlie the design of
classroom assessments so that teachers are better able to prepare students for
national examinations or to use the evidence from monitoring assessments to
enhance and extend their students’ mathematical understanding by informing their
instructional moves. Classroom teachers would often like to use the evidence from
large-scale assessments to inform goals two and three and there are successful
examples of such practices (Boudett et al. 2008; Boudett and Steele 2007; Brodie
2013) where learning about the complexity of different tasks or acquiring knowl
edge about the strengths and weaknesses of one’s own instruction can inform
practice. However, this is still a challenge in many parts of the world given the
nature of the tasks on large-scale assessments, the type of feedback provided from
those assessments, and the timeliness of that feedback.
In our examination of the principles and goals of assessment in mathematics
education from across the globe, we looked at the goals from both large-scale and
6 Assessment in Mathematics Education
As we move forward in our discussions about the purposes, principles, and tradi
tions of assessment, we might want to consider the following issues:
• How do we ensure that the primary purpose of assessment, to improve student
learning of mathematics, is at the forefront of our assessment practices?
• How do we ensure that important mathematical practices/processes are evident
in assessments?
• How do we ensure equitable assessment practices? What do these look like?
• How do teachers negotiate the different purposes of classroom and large-scale
• In what ways are classroom practices influenced by the demands of large-scale
This section presents several models of large-scale assessment design. The models
are not meant to be exhaustive but to be representative of some of the approaches
that might be used in designing large-scale assessments.
Designing from a psychometric tradition. In comparing and contrasting
assessment design from didactic and psychometric models, Van den
Heuvel-Panhuizen and Becker (2003) note that large-scale assessments typically
require tasks that have a single, correct answer. Because of the closed nature of the
task, the answer is all that is assessed, and different methods or strategies to obtain a
solution are not important. They summarize design assumptions from a psycho
metric tradition outlined by Osterlind (1998):
8 Assessment in Mathematics Education
• Tasks should present a balanced view of the curriculum in terms of all aspects of
performance that the curriculum wants to encourage.
• Tasks should have “face validity” and should be worthwhile and of interest to
• Tasks should be appropriate for the purpose and should integrate processes and
practices rather than attempt to assess those separately from content.
• Tasks should be accessible (have multiple entry points) to students with a range
of ability and performance levels, while still providing opportunities for
• Tasks should provide opportunities to demonstrate chains of reasoning and
receive credit for such reasoning, even if the final result contains errors.
• Tasks should use authentic rather than contrived contexts, at times with
incomplete or extraneous data.
• Tasks should provide opportunities for students to determine what strategy they
want to use in order to pursue a solution.
• Tasks should be transparent enough that students know what types of responses
will be acceptable (adapted from p. 7).
Swan and Burkhardt remark about challenges in designing tasks according to
these design principles: such tasks are longer than typical tasks in their statement on
the page, take more time to complete, and have a higher cognitive load because they
are more complex, unfamiliar, and have greater technical demand. When collabo
rative work is assessed, one needs to consider procedures for assessing the indi
vidual students’ contribution to the group’s workflow and/or products
(presentations, posters, etc.) (Webb 1993). Others have raised language issues with
these more challenging types of tasks, particularly when the language of assessment
may be different from students’ mother tongue, thus raising issues of equity within
assessment (e.g., Dyrvold et al. 2015; Levin and Shohamy 2008; Ufer et al. 2013).
Issues about the layout of a task and the amount of scaffolding that a task might
require have encouraged or required task designers to use an engineering design
approach, in which they try tasks with students from the target populations, revise
and try again, in a continuous cycle of design and refinement.
Designing from a competency model. “Competency models serve … to
describe the learning outcomes expected of students of given ages in specific
subjects … [and] map out possible ‘routes of knowledge and skills’ … [so that
they] provide a framework for operationalisations of educational goals” (Klieme
et al. 2004, p. 64). As Klieme et al. note, before competency models can be used to
build assessments, there is a need for empirical study to determine various levels of
competence, which are “the cognitive abilities and skills possessed by or able to be
learned by individuals that enable them to solve particular problems, as well as the
motivational, volitional and social readiness and capacity to use the solutions
successfully and responsibly in variable situations” (p. 65).
Within this perspective, competence links knowledge with skills along a spec
trum of performance through a variety of tasks that get at more than just factual
knowledge. “The basic idea of this model is that a person’s mathematical
10 Assessment in Mathematics Education
competence can be described with reference to tasks that can be assigned a specific
level of difficulty. Individuals at the lowest competency level are able to retrieve
and apply their arithmetical knowledge directly. Those at the highest competency
level, in contrast, are capable of complex modelling and mathematical argumen
tation” (Klieme et al. p. 68). These issues suggest the need for measures that are
multidimensional rather than unidimensional to reflect competence at meeting
various targets and to identify educational standards that students have met and
areas where more work is needed (Klieme et al. 2004). Defining competencies in
stages, such as learning trajectories, are often hard to operationalize into test design.
To be useful, one needs to make inferences from performance to competency,
which can be difficult and is a typical critique of this model.
In some European countries, including Switzerland, Belgium and France,
competence is connected to unfamiliarity of tasks (Beckers 2002; Perrenoud 1997;
Rey et al. 2003). Concerning mathematical competencies, the following is con
sidered as a competency: “a capacity to act in an operational way faced with a
mathematical task, which may be unfamiliar, based on knowledge autonomously
mobilised by the student” (Sayac and Grapin 2015). Thus in some cases, unfa
miliarity is considered a component of a task’s difficulty.
In developing an actual assessment instrument to be used across schools, Klieme
et al. mention the need to utilize several technical aspects of test development:
Several of the design principles outlined in Sect. 2.2.1 for large-scale assessments
of mathematics could be useful for the design of many instructional and assessment
2 State of the Art 11
tasks used by classroom teachers. However, the more intimate nature of the
classroom and the close relationship of teachers to their students provide oppor
tunities for classroom tasks to be designed using some principles that may not be
practical in large-scale assessment environments. We now consider some models
within this context, again using the principles within these models to highlight
issues and possibilities rather than in any attempt to be exhaustive.
A didactic model of assessment. A didactic model of assessment design is
based on work from the Freudenthal Institute and the notion that mathematics is a
human activity in which students need to make meaning for themselves. Designing
assessment tasks according to these principles can potentially be quite beneficial for
classroom teachers by providing opportunities for students to demonstrate and share
their thinking, which can then serve as the basis for rich classroom discussion.
Through such activities, teachers are able to determine appropriate and useful
feedback that can move students forward in their learning and that can inform the
path toward future instruction, both essential elements of formative assessment.
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Becker (2003) suggest that assessment tasks
might include problems designed with the following principles in mind:
• Tasks have multiple solutions so that students can make choices and use their
natural thinking and reasoning abilities. Multiple solutions could involve both
tasks with multiple pathways to a single solution as well as multiple solutions.
• Tasks might be dependent, that is, tasks might be paired or contain multiple
parts where a solution on an earlier part is used to make progress on a subse
quent part or subsequent problem. One power of including dependent tasks “is
that the assessment reveals whether the students have insight into the relation
ship between the two problems, and whether they can make use of it” (p. 709).
• Tasks where what is of interest is the solution strategy rather than the actual
answer. Teachers are able to consider strategies used to identify situations in
which students recognize and use relationships to find solutions in an efficient
manner and those in which students may obtain a solution but from a more
convoluted approach (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Becker 2003, adapted
from pp. 706–711).
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Becker note that tasks designed with these prin
ciples in mind tend to be rich tasks that provide opportunities for students to engage
with problems of interest to them, take ownership of their learning, and provide
insight into thinking that can further classroom instruction and discourse to move
students forward mathematically.
Using disciplinary tasks. Cheang et al. (2012) describe a project in Singapore to
use disciplinary (or contextual) tasks as a means of making assessment practices an
integral part of mathematics instruction. These contextual tasks are designed so that
they assess a variety of mathematical competencies. Specifically, Cheang and his
colleagues suggest that these tasks incorporate the following:
12 Assessment in Mathematics Education
Much work is still needed to ensure that widely used large-scale assessments are
designed according to sound principles so that the positive influences of such
assessments on classroom instruction and assessment can be fully realized. Some
questions for future research and discussion at the conference might be:
• How might we work with policy makers to design large-scale assessments in
line with validity, reliability and relevance (De Ketele 1989)?
• How do we help policy makers and the general public understand the value of
assessments that ask for more than a single correct answer or that require
students to write extended responses, particularly when such assessments may
cost more to administer and evaluate?
• What support is needed to help students value assessment tasks with extended
responses and use them to gauge their own learning?
• What support is needed to help teachers develop and use assessments as
described in Sect. 2.2.2 in their own classrooms on a regular basis?
• How does teachers’ content domain knowledge interact with their ability to use
data from large-scale assessments or what support might they need to use such
• How does the use of technology influence the design of assessment items? What
are the affordances of technology? What are the constraints?
• How can students be prepared for unexpected or unfamiliar tasks?
• How can collaborative tasks be incorporated into assessments?
• What training or skills do teachers need to develop or be able to analyse/critique
2 State of the Art 13
• What issues do teachers face and how might they be overcome when large-scale
assessments are delivered through interfaces or formats quite different from
those used during regular classroom assessment?
• How might research from assessments or assessment design help construct new
knowledge in mathematics education as is occurring in France (e.g., Bodin
The preceding sections have outlined a number of principles that should be con
sidered when looking at designing an assessment plan for a classroom. These
principles are designed to provide opportunities for students to engage in mean
ingful mathematics and demonstrate their thinking, both to provide evidence of
their learning and to inform teachers about future instruction. Current perspectives
in mathematics education encourage teachers to engage students in developing both
content and process (i.e., reasoning and proof, representations, connections, com
munication, problem solving) knowledge and to ensure that students develop robust
mathematical proficiency consisting of procedural fluency, conceptual under
standing, adaptive reasoning, productive dispositions, and strategic competence
(National Research Council 2001a). Teachers have been prompted by educational
policy, teacher journals, and professional development initiatives to incorporate
new assessment practices in their classrooms in order to develop a better under
standing of student thinking and to provide appropriate feedback (Wiliam 2015).
Shifts to a broad range of classroom assessment practices are encouraged by both
the current classroom assessment literature (e.g., Gardner 2006; Stobart 2008) and
by recent thinking and research in mathematics education (e.g., NCTM 1995, 2000;
Wiliam 2007).
In this section, we discuss principles and issues that are fundamental to class
room assessment, and then describe some specific examples from around the globe
that teachers have used to respond to the principles of classroom assessment.
One test alone cannot adequately assess the complex nature of students’ mathe
matical thinking. Rather, different types of assessment are required to assess
complex processes such as problem solving, justifying or proving solutions, or
connecting mathematical representations. As a way to listen and respond to student
thinking, teachers are encouraged to use a variety of formats for assessment, such as
conferencing, observation, or performance tasks [i.e., “any learning activity or
assessment that asks students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, under
standing and proficiency” as defined by McTighe (2015)]. Many of these practices
are part of formative assessment.
14 Assessment in Mathematics Education
The practices identified by Black et al. resonate with the work of Suurtamm,
Koch, and Arden who note that reform of assessment practices has meant a
changing view of assessment from “a view of assessment as a series of events that
objectively measure the acquisition of knowledge toward a view of assessment as a
social practice that provides continual insights and information to support student
learning and influence teacher practice” (2010, p. 400). This suggests that assess
ment is an integral part of instruction and that students have multiple and on-going
opportunities to demonstrate their thinking to the teacher and their peers, so that this
evidence of knowledge (or the lack thereof) can be used to move learning forward.
Through study of the assessment practices of a group of Canadian teachers,
Suurtamm et al. articulated several practices reflective of this broad perspective in
relation to assessment:
• teachers used various forms of assessment;
• instruction and assessment were seamlessly integrated as teachers built assess
ment into instructional tasks so they were constantly assessing students’
• teachers valued and assessed complex thinking through problem solving; and
• teachers used assessment to support their students’ learning by providing stu
dents with appropriate feedback about their thinking, by helping them learn to
self-assess, and by using students’ thinking to guide their classroom instruction
(adapted from Suurtamm et al. 2010, pp. 412–413).
Viewing assessment as an ongoing and natural part of an instructional plan has
also been evident in research exploring assessment practices of Finnish teachers.
Teachers viewed assessment as “continuous and automatic” so that, as they planned
instruction, they considered “what kind of information is needed, how and when it
is collected and how it is used” (Krzywacki et al. 2012, p. 6666).
Properties If 0.6 × A = 15, what would 0.06 × A equal? How do you know? What
about 60 × A?
Uses Find the cost of 0.6 kilos of meat costing 1.50 euros per kilo.
help students move forward. As students become familiar with the scoring rubric
associated with the practical worksheet, they are able to use it to monitor and assess
their own understanding and problem-solving endeavours.
Young-Loveridge and Bicknell (2015) report the use of culturally-sensitive
task-based interviews to understand the mathematical proficiency of a diverse group
of young children in New Zealand. The researchers used contexts that would be
familiar to the children being interviewed because of their cultural significance,
such as monkeys with bunches of bananas. By attending to contexts that were less
likely to disadvantage children, the researchers were able to explore children’s
understanding of concepts, such as multiplication and division, which the children
could reason about through the contextual cues although they had not formally
studied the concepts.
Elrod and Strayer (2015) describe the use of a rubric to assess university
mathematics students’ ability to engage in whole-class and small group discourse
while also communicating about their problem solving in written form. Their rubric
assesses discourse and written work for problem solving, reasoning and proof,
representation, communication, connections, and productive disposition with rat
ings as above the standard, at the standard, below the standard, or unacceptable.
The rubric became a tool for teachers to use as they monitored students working in
groups but was also a tool for students to use in assessing the work of their peers.
The researchers discuss how the rubric became a means to reference sociocultural
norms expected within the classroom, and thus, became an integral part of teachers’
assessment practices of students. Smit and Birri (2014) describe somewhat similar
work with rubrics in primary classrooms in Switzerland and found that the work
with rubrics helped both students and teachers understand competencies required on
national standards and was a means to provide beneficial feedback.
The strategies described briefly in the previous paragraphs are just a sample of
alternative assessment strategies that classroom teachers can use on a regular basis
to engage students in the types of mathematical problems and discourse that have
the potential to elicit student thinking and inform instruction. Numerous other
strategies have been identified in the literature, such as concept mapping (Jin and
Wong 2011), journal writing (Kaur and Chan 2011), or exit slips, learning logs, and
“find the errors and fix them” (Wiliam 2011a).
teachers might use to support students as they learn to self-assess their work as well
as assess the work of peers?
Mok (2011) describes the Self-directed Learning Oriented Assessment (SLOA)
framework developed and implemented with students in China, Hong Kong, and
Macau. The framework consists of three components: Assessment of Learning
gives the student insight into what has already been learned and what gaps exist
between current understandings and intended learning; Assessment for Learning
provides feedback to help the student move forward in his/her mathematical
understanding; and Assessment as Learning is designed to help the student learn to
self-assess and direct his/her own learning. Mok describes the pedagogical
approaches teachers might use within each component, some tools to facilitate those
approaches, and some pitfalls to avoid. For instance, in assessment as learning,
teachers help students learn to set goals, monitor their program, and to reflect on
their learning. Students can complete learning goal surveys with questions such as
“Can I reach this goal?” and then with choices such as “absolutely confident, strong
confident, rather confident, absolutely not confident” (p. 209). Rather than assume
students will develop the ability to assess on their own, students need role mod
elling and explicit instruction to develop these essential skills.
Fan (2011) suggests three different approaches that teachers can use to imple
ment self-assessment into their instruction. In structured self-assessment, teachers
have students complete pre-designed assessment survey forms during instruction to
gauge how students perceive their understanding or as a summative survey at the
end of a unit. Sample prompts might include “This topic is overall easy” or “I can
complete homework for this topic most of the time by myself” (p. 281). In inte
grated self-assessment, students might complete a survey that is simply a part of a
larger assessment package, with prompts such as “What were the mathematical
ideas involved in this problem?” or “What have you learnt from this presentation
[after presentation of an extended project, for example]?” (p. 283). In instructional
self-assessment, teachers embed self-assessment into the typical classroom activi
ties, perhaps even informally or impromptu. Interviews with students in classes that
participated in a research study related to these components of self-assessment
found that the activities promoted students’ self-awareness and metacognition; they
learned to be reflective and think deeply about their own learning.
which to become comfortable with new assessment practices and to reflect on their
benefits and challenges.
As the community continues the study of assessment in action, some questions
to consider and discuss might be the following:
• What concerns about equity come into play with these suggested changes in
assessment? How might teachers support students whose cultural background
discourages disagreements with the teacher? How do we support teachers and
students when cultural backgrounds might suggest more teacher-centered rather
than student-centered classrooms?
• What are some of the additional challenges in assessment when hand-held
technologies are available (e.g., graphing calculators) or mobile technologies are
easily accessible (e.g., smart phones with internet connections)?
• How does technology access influence equity, both within and across countries?
Assessment results in mathematics education are and have been used in a variety
of ways, particularly when we examine the impact of large-scale assessment on
policy, curriculum, classroom practice, and individual student’s careers. When
large-scale assessments focus on monitoring, they are at the system level and some
might suggest that there is no direct impact upon teachers and learners. Such
large-scale assessments are perceived as having little to say about individuals,
because they do not deliver sufficiently reliable results for individuals, but only on
higher levels of aggregation. However, in some countries (France, Belgium,
Netherlands, Norway, etc.) large-scale assessments include national examinations
that all students must take in order to progress to further studies. Such large-scale
assessments are exit assessments, whereby students cannot leave secondary school
without passing the national exams. The question arises as to what extent are
large-scale assessments for accountability for teachers and students used and how
might such use influence the nature of classroom instruction?
One issue is whether the results of large-scale assessment should drive curriculum
and instructional reform (Barnes et al. 2000). Standings on international
20 Assessment in Mathematics Education
assessments of mathematics often drive political and educational agendas and there
have been several examples of this in situations in recent years (c.f. Klieme et al.
2003). In particular, if countries have nationally organised exit examinations, these
may drive (or hinder) reform. Some suggest that externally imposed assessments
have been used in attempts to drive reform in some cases (Earl and Torrance 2000;
Mathematical Sciences Education Board [MSEB] and National Research Council
[NRC] 1993). For instance, in many countries the OECD PISA results have affected
curriculum in such a way to focus it more specifically on particular topics, such as
problem solving (De Lange 2007). ‘‘All of these efforts were based on the idea that
assessment could be used to sharpen the focus of teachers by providing a target for
their instruction’’ (Graue and Smith 1996, p. 114).
The nature and design of assessment tasks and the results of assessments often have
an enormous influence on the instruction orchestrated by teachers. Swan and
Burkhardt (2012) note that the influence of assessments is not just on the content of
instruction but on the types of tasks that students often experience (e.g.,
multiple-choice versus more open or non-routine problems). If students and
teachers are judged based on the results of large scale assessments, in particular in
countries with national exit examinations, there is a need for students to experience
some classroom assessments that are related to the types of tasks used on such
assessments so the enacted curriculum is aligned with the assessed curriculum and
so that results of the assessments provide useful and reliable evidence to the edu
cational system. Some have questioned whether large-scale assessments that are
used for accountability measures can be used or designed to generate information
useful for intervention by teachers (Care et al. 2014). Also, as indicated by Swan
and Burkhardt and Klieme et al., there is a need for piloting of assessment tasks or
empirical study of competence levels before these are used in or applied to
large-scale assessments. Piloting provides opportunities for trying tasks in class
room contexts. As Obersteiner et al. (2015) discuss, when items are developed to
assess competence at different levels and then students’ solutions are analysed for
potential misconceptions from a psychological perspective, teachers are able to use
competency models in ways that can guide instruction and help students move
forward in their mathematical understanding.
However, there is some caution about the use of large-scale assessment types in
classroom assessment. If teachers teach to tests constructed using a psychometric
model, they are likely to teach in a superficial manner that has students learn in
small chunks with performance demonstrated in isolated and disconnected seg
ments of knowledge. A study by Walcott and colleagues challenges a practice of
preparing students for large-scale multiple-choice assessments by having the
majority of classroom assessments take a multiple choice format. The study results
show that, in fact, the students in classrooms where the teachers are using a variety
of assessments seem to have higher achievement (Walcott et al. 2015). Their results
2 State of the Art 21
Many might argue or complain that assessments force too many teachers to teach to
the test. Some would argue against large-scale assessments driving classroom
instruction, as often the nature of the large-scale assessment might narrow the
curriculum. Swan and Burkhardt argue that if the assessment is well designed and
aligns with curriculum goals then ‘teaching to the test’ is a positive practice. They
To make progress, it must be recognised that high-stakes assessment plays three roles:
A. Measuring performance across the range of task-types used.
B. Exemplifying performance objectives in an operational form that teachers and students
C. Determining the pattern of teaching and learning activities in most classrooms (p. 4).
Swan and Burkhardt note that large-scale assessments provide messages to class
room teachers about what is valued and have an impact on both instructional and
assessment activities within a classroom. Their work suggests a need to develop
assessments that pay attention to their implications and align not only with math
ematics content but also with mathematical processes and actions.
However, Swan and Burkhardt note that if the assessments reflect what is
important for students to learn about mathematics, both in terms of content and
performance, then “teachers who teach to the test are led to deliver a rich and
balanced curriculum” (2012, p. 5, italics in original). They argue that if an
assessment is perfectly balanced and represents what is important to learn, then
perhaps ‘teaching to the test’ can be a good thing. This scheme of ‘teaching to the
test’ has been put forward as a potential tool for innovation and has also been
articulated by other scholars (Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen and Becker 2003). As De
Lange noted in (1992):
22 Assessment in Mathematics Education
…[throughout the world] the teacher (or school) is judged by how well the students perform
on their final exam. This leads to test-oriented learning and teaching. However, if the test is
made according to our principles, this disadvantage (test-oriented teaching) will become an
advantage. The problem then has shifted to the producers of tests since it is very difficult
and time consuming to produce appropriate ones. (as cited in Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
and Becker, p. 691)
If the enacted curriculum of the classroom and the assessed curriculum are to
inform each other and to enhance student learning in positive and productive ways,
then large-scale external assessments cannot operate in isolation from the class
room. A number of researchers from different parts of the globe have documented
the interplay of these two assessment contexts.
Shimizu (2011) discusses bridges within the Japanese educational system
between large-scale external assessments and actual classrooms. As in many
countries, he notes tensions between the purposes of external assessments and those
of classroom assessments and that teachers are concerned about the influences of
external assessments on their classroom instructional practices and assessment. To
assist teachers in using external assessments to inform their classroom instruction,
sample items are released with documentation about the aims of the item as well as
student results on the item, and potential lesson plans that would enable such items
to be used in the classroom. For instance, on multiple-choice items, information can
be provided that suggests the types of thinking in which students may be engaged
based on answer choice, thus assisting teachers to understand the nature of mis
conceptions in students’ thinking based upon the incorrect answer selected. As a
result, external assessment tasks provide students with opportunities for learning.
Given the expectation that the assessed curriculum reflects what should be taught
within the classroom, Shalem et al. (2012) describe the benefits of having South
African teachers engage in curriculum mapping of large-scale assessments. The
authors acknowledge that assessment developers often engage in such activities, but
that classroom teachers rarely do. For a given test item, teachers identified the
concept being assessed, identified and justified the relevant assessment standard,
and then determined if the necessary content was taught explicitly or not and at
what grade. The results of the curriculum mapping helped to highlight discrepancies
between the intended curriculum assumed by assessment designers and the actual
enacted curriculum of the classroom. Specifically, there were three important
2 State of the Art 23
This definition of assessment literacy can apply to the interpretation of results from
both classroom and large-scale assessments. In fact, the challenges of making use of
assessment results span both classroom assessment results and large-scale assess
ment results.
Making sense of classroom assessment results is often seen as teachers’ work.
Wyatt-Smith et al. (2014) acknowledge that, along with the task of designing
24 Assessment in Mathematics Education
assessments, teachers need to know how to use assessment evidence to identify the
implications for changing teaching. However, interpreting classroom assessment
results is also the work of parents, students, and school administrators. In terms of
students, including students in the assessment process has been shown to provide
them with a stronger sense of what is being assessed, why it is being assessed, and
ways they can improve, thus allowing them to make better use of assessment results
(Bleiler et al. 2015; Tillema 2014). Developing students’ ability to self-assess is an
important aspect of this work (Fan 2011). Once students have a strong assessment
literacy, they can assist their parents in interpreting assessment results, but this
should be supported with solid and frequent communication between schools,
teachers, students, and parents in order to enhance the assessment literacy of all
who are involved in understanding assessment results.
Making sense of large-scale assessment results is often seen as the purview of
many education stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, school district
officials, state or provincial policy makers, national policy makers or administrators,
as well as the general public. Each group has its own perspective on the results,
sometimes multiple contrasting perspectives, which can complicate interpretation.
To the extent that large-scale assessment results are useful for more than conver
sations across constituent groups, the value will come in the application of suitable
interpretations to educational policy and practice. The question arises as to what do
educators need to know to make productive use of assessment results? The first
priority when examining test results is to consider the purpose of the test and to
view the results in light of the assessment’s purpose. Those viewing the results
should also have some assessment literacy to be able to know what they can and
cannot infer from the results of the assessment. Rankin (2015) places some of this
responsibility on the assessment developer and suggests that, in order to assist
educators in making use of assessment results, those responsible for conveying the
results should consider how they are organized and what information is provided to
those using the results. She suggests that data analysis problems often occur
because the data are not presented in an organized and meaningful manner. Her
work highlights several common types of errors that are made in the interpretation
of assessment results and she cautions educators to pay close attention to the
assessment frameworks and literature published in concert with the assessment’s
results (often on a website). She presents a series of recommendations for which she
feels educators should advocate that include improvements to data systems and
tools that will facilitate easier and more accurate use of data. See also Boudett et al.
(2008) and Boudett and Steele (2007) for other strategies in helping teachers
interpret results.
the teacher is adopting new assessment practices but is the only one in his or her
department to do so and is met with some resistance from others.
Political dilemmas emerge when teachers wrestle with particular national, state,
provincial, district, or school policies with respect to assessment. These might arise
due to an overzealous focus on large-scale assessment, particular policies with
respect to report card grades and comments, or with particular mandated methods of
teaching and assessment that do not represent the teachers’ views. Engelsen and
Smith (2014) provide an example of a political move that may have created such
dilemmas for teachers. They examined the implications of national policies to create
an Assessment For Learning culture in all schools within a country, and give the
instance of Norway. Their examination suggests that this top-down approach
through documents and how-to handbooks does not necessarily take into account
the necessity for conceptual understanding of sound assessment practices to take
hold. They suggest more work with policy makers and administrators in under
standing that developing assessment literacy is more important than mandating
What appears helpful about this parsing out of dilemmas into categories is that
different types of dilemmas might require different types of supports. For instance,
in many cases, pedagogical dilemmas, the ‘how to’ of assessment, might be
resolved through a workshop or through teachers sharing resources. However,
cultural dilemmas are not as easily solved and might require time and focused
communication to resolve. Although this parsing out of dilemmas is helpful when
looking at supports, it should also be recognized that the dilemmas types interact. In
other words, a policy cannot be invoked without understanding that it will have
pedagogical, cultural, and conceptual implications and pedagogical resources won’t
be employed if there is not enough conceptual understanding or cultural shifts.
Some would suggest that adopting and using new assessment practices is a complex
process that needs to be well supported, particularly by other colleagues (e.g.,
Crespo and Rigelman 2015). As Black et al. (2004) note, as part of embedding
assessments into instructional practice, teachers first need to reflect on their current
practice and then try changes in small steps, much like the “engineering design”
approach to assessment development advocated by Swan and Burkhardt (2012).
The following presents a sample of models and activities that have been imple
mented to enhance teachers’ understanding of assessment and their assessment
practices, and to support them as they negotiate the dilemmas they face in shifting
assessment practices.
Hunsader and colleagues have been working with both pre-service and
in-service teachers to assist them in becoming critical consumers and developers of
classroom assessment tasks (Hunsader et al. 2015a, b). This work has taken place
over time, working with teachers in critiquing, adapting, or transforming published
28 Assessment in Mathematics Education
assessment tasks so they better address the mathematical actions that students
should be taking (e.g., mathematical processes, mathematical practices). This work
has reassured teachers that they can adapt and build strong assessment tasks by
modifying and adapting readily available resources.
Webb’s study (2012) focused on middle school teachers working over a
four-year period in a professional learning situation to improve their classroom
assessment practice. Teachers engaged in a variety of collaborative activities, such
as assessment planning, and analysis of classroom tasks and student work. Teachers
tried out the assessment ideas in their classes and brought back those experiences to
the group, thus providing authentic classroom connections. The project demon
strated an increase in teachers’ use of higher cognitive demand tasks involving
problem contexts. Webb suggested that professional learning needed to challenge
teachers’ prior conceptions of assessment as well as the way they saw mathematics.
Marynowski’s study (2015) documented the work of secondary mathematics
teachers who were supported by a coach over one year as they worked on
co-constructing formative assessment opportunities and practices. One of the pos
itive results was that teachers noticed that students were held more accountable for
their learning and were more engaged in the learning process. Teachers appreciated
the immediate feedback about student learning but also some teachers noted
resistance on the part of students (Marynowski 2015).
Lee et al. (2015) were involved with 6 colleagues in a self-study of a
Professional Learning Community (PLC) set within a university course. Within this
PLC they sought to refine the assessment practices they were using in their own
classrooms. They focused on developing questioning techniques by role playing
questioning techniques, refining those techniques, using the techniques with their
own students in interviews, and bringing back the results of the conversations to the
PLC. The group reported an increased level of awareness of teacher-student
Other professional learning activities that had positive impacts on teachers’
assessment expertise and practice include lesson study with a focus on assessment
(Intanate 2012), working with student work samples from formative assessment
opportunities in teachers’ classrooms (Dempsey et al. 2015), and shifting from
merely feedback to formative feedback for teachers in a Grade 1 classroom
(Yamamoto 2012).
There are many common features in the professional learning models above as
well as in other studies that point to success. In most cases, the professional learning
occurred over an extended period of time from a half year to several years. Many of
these models involved components of teachers moving back and forth from the
professional learning situation to their own classrooms, thus connecting their
learning with authentic classroom situations and situating knowledge in day-to-day
practice (Vescio et al. 2008). In some cases, the professional learning was occurring
in a pre-service or in-service classroom setting which further provides an oppor
tunity for the mathematics teacher educator to model sound assessment practices.
Many models also involved working with a group of teachers, thus creating a
2 State of the Art 29
community that provided support as teachers tried out new ideas. The Professional
Learning Community model provides an environment where the teacher is not
working in isolation but is able to share ideas and lean on colleagues to help solve
dilemmas (see, for example, Brodie 2013).
There are many challenges in adopting new assessment practices and there is no
doubt that this is a complex issue. This section has suggested some strategies to
support teachers as they adopt new assessment strategies in their classroom, but
many issues still remain. Some continued and future areas of research might
• How is assessment handled in teacher preparation programs? Are issues about
assessment handled by generalists or by those fluent in assessment in mathe
matics education? What are advantages/disadvantages of having mathematics
teacher educators engage teachers in professional development related to
• While this research discusses supporting teachers who are adopting new prac
tices in assessment, what about those teachers who are reluctant to make those
This monograph has focused on a variety of issues that relate to assessment, both
large-scale assessment and classroom assessment. In particular, the monograph has
highlighted the following:
• Purposes, traditions, and principles of assessment have been described and
• Issues related to the design of assessment tasks have been outlined, with prin
ciples from various design models compared.
• Assessment has been described in action, including strategies specifically
designed for classroom use and issues related to the interactions of large-scale
and classroom assessment.
• Issues related to enhancing sound assessment knowledge and practices have
been described with examples of potential models for teacher support.
• Questions for future research and discussion at the conference have been
articulated within each of the major sections of the monograph.
30 Assessment in Mathematics Education
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36 Assessment in Mathematics Education
Further Reading
Collins, A. M. (Ed.). (2011). Using classroom assessment to improve student learning. Reston,
VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
This book focuses on issues of classroom formative assessment, with sample tasks and student
work from middle grades classrooms to illustrate what teachers might learn about students’
thinking from such tasks.
Kohn, A. (2000). The case against standardized testing: Raising the scores, ruining the schools.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Although not focused specifically on mathematics, the author addresses many of the issues and
criticisms against standardized testing with responses to counter rationales provided by policy
makers for such assessments. Even though the focus is set within the context of the USA, the
issues may be relevant to those in other countries in which high stakes assessments are being
used to judge schools.
Kopriva, R., & Saez, S. (1997). Guide to scoring LEP student responses to open-ended
mathematics items. Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers. (ERIC
This document highlights issues of scoring open-ended assessment items from students whose
mother tongue is not the language in which the assessment is administered, and considers
errors often made at different levels of language proficiency.
Further Reading 37
Lane, S., & Silver, E. A. (1999). Fairness and equity in measuring student learning using a
mathematics performance assessment: Results from the QUASAR project. In A. L. Nettles &
M. T. Nettles (Eds.), Measuring up: Challenges minorities face in educational assessment
(pp. 97–120). Boston, MA: Kluwer.
This paper describes how issues of equity and fairness were addressed in the design of a
large-scale mathematics assessment intended to measure students’ mathematics proficiency,
with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem solving.
Magone, M., Cai, J., Silver, E. A., & Wang, N. (1994). Validating the cognitive complexity and
content quality of a mathematics performance assessment. International Journal of
Educational Research, 21(3), 317–340.
This paper describes how the cognitive complexity of assessment tasks was addressed in the
design of a large-scale mathematics assessment intended to measure students’ mathematics
proficiency, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem solving.
OECD. (2011). Strong performers and successful reformers in education: Lessons from PISA for
the United States. OEDC Publishing.
This document looks at lessons from educational systems in Canada, Shanghai, Hong Kong,
Finland, Japan, Singapore, Brazil, Germany, England, and Poland based on PISA results and
draws lessons from those countries, specifically for the United States.
Silver, E. A. (1994). Mathematical thinking and reasoning for all students: Moving from rhetoric
to reality. In D. F. Robitaille, D. H. Wheeler, & C. Kieran (Eds.), Selected lectures from the 7th
International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 311–326). Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Les
Presses De L’Université Laval.
This paper describes how issues of the interplay of assessment and instruction were addressed
in the design of a large-scale mathematics instructional reform project intended to increase the
mathematics proficiency of students attending schools in economically disadvantaged
communities in the USA, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem solving.
Silver, E. A., Alacaci, C., & Stylianou, D. A. (2000). Students’ performance on extended
constructed-response tasks. In E. A. Silver & P. A. Kenney (Eds.), Results from the Seventh
Mathematics Assessment of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (pp. 301–341).
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
This paper reports a secondary analysis of students’ responses to complex tasks that were part
of a large-scale assessment in the USA. The analysis reveals information about students’
solution strategies, representational approaches, and common errors.
Silver, E. A., & Kenney, P. A. (Eds.). (2000). Results from the Seventh Mathematics Assessment of
the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics.
The chapters in the book report secondary examinations of results from a large-scale
assessment in the USA. Results are discussed in relation to related research and implications
are drawn to assist teachers, teacher educators, and curriculum developers to use the assessment
results productively.
Silver, E. A., & Lane, S. (1993). Assessment in the context of mathematics instruction reform: The
design of assessment in the QUASAR project. In M. Niss (Ed.), Assessment in mathematics
education and its effects (pp. 59–70). London, England: Kluwer.
This paper describes how a large-scale assessment was developed in the context of a
mathematics instructional reform project intended to increase the mathematics proficiency of
students attending schools in economically disadvantaged communities in the USA, with an
emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem solving.
Silver, E. A., & Smith, M. S. (2015). Integrating powerful practices: Formative assessment and
cognitively demanding mathematics tasks. In C. Suurtamm & A. Roth McDuffie (Eds.), Annual
perspectives in mathematics education: Assessment to enhance teaching and learning(pp. 5–14).
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
This paper discusses and illustrates, through a classroom lesson scenario, the synergistic
interplay of formative assessment and the use of cognitively demanding mathematics tasks in
classroom instruction.
38 Assessment in Mathematics Education
Smith, G., Wood, L., Coupland, M., Stephenson, B., Crawford, K., & Ball, G. (1996).
Constructing mathematical examinations to assess a range of knowledge and skills.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 27(1), 65–77.
This paper introduces a taxonomy that can be used to design and classify assessment tasks in
undergraduate mathematics classes that focus not only on factual knowledge but on important
processes as well as helping students reflect on learning.
Stacey, K. (2016). Mathematics curriculum, assessment and teaching for living in the digital
world: Computational tools in high stakes assessment. In M. Bates & Z. Usiskin (Eds.), Digital
curricula in school mathematics (pp. 251–270). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
This paper describes tools used in high school assessments in Australia, particularly
assessments using computer algebra systems, and provides some research results from studies
conducted with students having access to CAS as part of normal school instruction.
Stacey, K., & Turner, R. (Eds.). (2015). Assessing mathematical literacy: The PISA experience.
Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
This book discusses the conceptualization, design, development, background and impact of the
mathematics assessment for the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment
(PISA). The book includes a number of papers that focus on questions important for
mathematics education, such as the analysis of effects of competences on item difficulties.
Stacey, K., & Wiliam, D. (2012). Technology and assessment in mathematics. In M. A. K.
Clements, A. Bishop, C. Keitel-Kreidt, J. Kilpatrick, & F. Koon-Shing Leung (Eds.), Third
international handbook of mathematics education (pp. 721–751). New York, NY: Springer
Science & Business Media.
This chapter presents a detailed discussion of the constraints and affordances with respect to
assessment that need to be considered as technology becomes an increasing component of
mathematics teaching and learning.
Stylianou, D. A., Kenney, P. A., Silver, E. A., & Alacaci, C. (2000). Gaining insight into students’
thinking through assessment tasks. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 6, 136–144.
This paper illustrates how assessment tasks drawn from large-scale assessment can be used by
teachers to gain access to students’ mathematical thinking and reasoning.
Watson, A., & Ohtani, M. (Eds.). (2015b). Task design in mathematics education: An ICMI Study
22. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
The chapters in this book focus on various aspects of task design based on an ICMI study.
Wilson, L. D. (2007). High-stakes testing in mathematics. In F. K. Lester, Jr. (Ed.), Second
handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 1099–1110). Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing.
This chapter reviews research related to high-stakes testing and highlights many of the
technical aspects of such assessments.
Wyatt-Smith, C., Klenowski, V., & Colbert, P. (Eds.). (2014b). Designing assessment for quality
learning. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
This chaptered book provides a range of current perspectives and issues on assessment.