B13 Outfall Structure Calculation
B13 Outfall Structure Calculation
B13 Outfall Structure Calculation
The scope of this calculation report is to perform the outfall structure design and
its calculation related to the PV plant area of SANTA MARCELINO 283MWDC
Solar Power Project. It is the distribution outfall structure design document.
2.Design standard:
The criteria for the design of concrete cover detail that will be considered are
based on ACI 318-19 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete , PNS-
and-Elevated-Flume-converted as applicable.
3.Initial assuming
a. The concrete shall be grade C30, the specified cube compressive strength is
b. Grade 40 reinforcement will be used, with a minimum yield strength of
275N/mm2. Grade 60 reinforcement will be used, with a minimum yield strength of
c. Initial design for foundation is as follow, refer to SCSEI.TED.0015-17 B13
Typical Outfall Structure.
d. Considering 1m length wall to check.
Fig.3-1 Outfall structure foundation section
d c=
√ √
3q2 3 1.5622
=0.63 m
q is the canal discharge per unit width(m3/m)
Then the height of baffle block is
h b=0.9 d c =0.567 m , taken as 0.6m
The width and spacing should be line between 1 to 1.5 times of baffle block
height. Taken the height, width and spacing of baffle block is 0.6m.
4.3 Height of size wall
As per table 6, sidewall height is 1.5m.
5. Strength calculation
5.1 Load calculation
(a). Seismic load
2.5× C a × I ×W 2.5 ×0.44 ×1 ×5.63
V max = = =2.06 kN
R 3
I=Importance Factor, I =1.0
CV=Seismic coefficient, C v =0.768
Ca=Seismic coefficient, C a=0.44
R=Response modification coefficient, R=3
T=The fundamental period of building, T =0.9
W=Self weight of outfall, W =1× 0.15 ×1.5 ×25=5.63 kN
The moment subject to concrete wall bottom is M e = ×2.06 ×1.5=1.55 kN ∙ m
(c). Soil pressure
Considering long direction wall to check, out-of-plane load is soil pressure, the
shear force and bending moment is
1 2
E a= γ K a H =8.38 kN /m
V s =8.38 ×1.0=8.38 kN
γ isunit weight , γ =17 kN /m
K a is active pressure factor, K a =tan2 45 °−
As f y 275 A s
a= =
0.85 f c ' b 0.85 ×21.1 ×1000
A s=245 mm
V u ≤ ϕ (V c + 0.66 √ f c ' bw d )
V c =0.17 λ √ f c ' bw d
(c)Reinforcement limits
Refer to ACI318-14 section 14.3 and ACI318-19 section 11.6 for reinforcement
limits, minimum ratio of vertical and horizontal reinforcement is 0.0025, which is less
then ρ= =0.0056 , Ok.
1150 × 210
Chosen ∅12 reinforcement and spacing is 200mm for concrete wall and footing.
K a is active pressure factor, K a =tan2 45 °−
As f y 275 A s
a= =
0.85 f c ' b 0.85 ×21.1 ×1000
A s=305 mm
As f y 415 A s
a= =
0.85 f c ' b 0.85 ×21.1 ×3000
A s=566 mm
Taken as A s=3216 mm2 , chosen grade 60, ∅16@200.
V u ≤ ϕ (V c + 0.66 √ f c ' bw d )
V c =0.17 λ √ f c ' bw d
V c >V u, OK
λ = modification factor reflecting the reduced1mechanical properties of lightweight
concrete, all relative to normalweight concrete of the same compressive strength ,
2) Horizontal load
For pilecap seismic load
C v × I × W 0.768 ×1 ×(73.13+16.96)
V max = = =25.63 kN
R×T 3 ×0.9
For cantilever plate seismic load
C v × I × W 0.768 ×1 ×(24.0+14.4)
V max = = =9.78 kN
R×T 3 ×0.9
Date : 2024/02/21
USA - Safety factor
Unit weight : γ = 16.50 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : φef = 26.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 0.00 kPa
Oedometric modulus : Eoed = 36.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : γsat = 17.80 kN/m3
Compressive strength fc' = 25.30 MPa
Elasticity modulus Ec = 23806.45 MPa
Shear modulus G = 9998.71 MPa
Longitudinal steel: A615/60
Tensile strength f = 413.69 MPa
Depth kh
[m] [MN/m3]
0.00 0.00
6.00 118.00
2 - 8.00 .. SAND
Load N Mx My Hx Hy Mz
No. Name Type
new change [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 Yes Service Service 39.56 106.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Yes Design Design 56.54 79.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Verification No. 1
Dimensioning of piles - input data
Analysis carried out with an automatic selection of the most unfavorable LC.
Reinforcement designed for all piles in the group.
Verification of cross section in bending and compression:
Pile diameter: d=0.30m
Reinforcement - 8 pc bar No. 5; cover 40.0 mm
Type of structure (reinforcement ratio) : column
Reinforcement ratio ρ = 2.240 % > 1.000 % = ρmin
Load : Pu = 1.63 kN (compression) ; Mu = 14.39 kNm
Bearing capacity : ϕPn = 6.21 kN; ϕMn = 54.83 kNm
Designed pile reinforcement is SATISFACTORY
Verification of cross section in shear:
Shear reinf. - 2 bar No. 3; distance 200.0 mm
Av = 712.6 mm2
Reinforcement drawing
Cover = 40.0 mm
Pile verification
Input data
USA - Safety factor
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for compressive pile : SFcp = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for tensile pile : SFtp = 3.00 [–]
γ ν
No. Name Pattern
[kN/m3] [–]
1 SAND 26.00 - - - -
Soil parameters
Unit weight : γ = 16.50 kN/m3
Poisson's ratio : ν = 0.30
Oedometric modulus : Eoed = 36.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : γsat = 17.80 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : φef = 26.00 °
Pile profile: circular
Diameter d = 0.30 m
Length l = 6.00 m
Calculated cross-sectional characteristics
Area A = 7.07E-02 m2
Moment of inertia I = 3.98E-04 m4
Off ground height h = -0.65 m
Depth of finished grade hz = 0.00 m
Technology: Bored piles
Material of structure
Unit weight γ = 25.00 kN/m3
Analysis of concrete structures carried out according to the standard ACI 318-11.
Concrete: C30(ACI-318)
Compressive strength fc' = 25.30 MPa
Elasticity modulus Ec = 23806.45 MPa
Shear modulus G = 9998.71 MPa
Longitudinal steel: A615/60
Tensile strength f = 413.69 MPa
2 - 8.00 .. SAND
Load N Mx My Hx Hy
No. Name Type
new change [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN]
1 Yes LC 1 Design 32.74 13.59 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Yes LC 2 Design 21.94 14.39 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pile verification
Input data
Date : 2023/12/19
USA - Safety factor
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor for compressive pile : SFcp = 2.00 [–]
Safety factor for tensile pile : SFtp = 3.00 [–]
φef δ K cu α
No. Name Pattern
[°] [°] [–] [kPa] [–]
1 SAND 26.00 - - - -
Soil parameters
Unit weight : γ = 16.50 kN/m3
Poisson's ratio : ν = 0.30
Oedometric modulus : Eoed = 36.00 MPa
Saturated unit weight : γsat = 17.80 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction : φef = 26.00 °
Pile profile: circular
Diameter d = 0.30 m
Length l = 6.00 m
Calculated cross-sectional characteristics
Area A = 7.07E-02 m2
Moment of inertia I = 3.98E-04 m4
Off ground height h = -0.65 m
Depth of finished grade hz = 0.00 m
Technology: Bored piles
Material of structure
Unit weight γ = 23.00 kN/m3
Analysis of concrete structures carried out according to the standard ACI 318-11.
Concrete: C30(ACI-318)
Compressive strength fc' = 25.30 MPa
Elasticity modulus Ec = 23806.45 MPa
Shear modulus G = 9998.71 MPa
Longitudinal steel: A615/60
Tensile strength f = 413.69 MPa
1 - 0.00 .. SAND
Load N Mx My Hx Hy
No. Name Type
new change [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN]
1 Yes Critical load case Design 39.56 79.65 0.00 0.00 0.00
(2) Material define
(6) Result
(a) Most area of bending moment for pilecap is no more then 3.5 kN ∙m , even
consider stress concentration at connection due to ‘area mesh generation ’, the
maximum bending moment is about 21 kN ∙m.
As f y 415 A s
a= =
0.85 f c ' b 0.85 ×25.3 ×1500
A s=92 mm
(b) 0.17 +
β )λs λ √ f 'c =1.94 Mpa
(c) 0.17 +
0.083 α s d
b0 )λ s λ √ f c =4.75 Mpa
λ s is the size effect factor, λ s=
√ 2
1+ 0.004 d
=0.77 ≤ 1
β is the ratio of long to short sides of the column, β=1
The value of α s is 20 for columns.
λ=¿1.0 for normalweight concrete.
b 0=¿perimeter of critical section for two-way shear in slabs and footings, mm
For corner pile, b 0 consider as one-third of area of critical section conservatively,
b 0= ×2 π × 450=942 mm