Michel Foucault, Pierre Boulez and John Rahn
Michel Foucault, Pierre Boulez and John Rahn
Michel Foucault, Pierre Boulez and John Rahn
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hearing.And evenifmanycompositionalfeatures
in BachorBeethovenaren't
recognizable most there
listeners, are other
always features,
to them.Butcontemporary music,bytryingto makeeach
ofitselementsa uniqueevent,makesanygraspor recognitionbythelistener
PIERREBOULEZ. Is therereally onlylackofattention, indifference on thepart
ofthelistener towardcontemporary music?Mightnotthecomplaints so often
articulatedbe dueto laziness, to inertia,to thepleasant sensation ofremaining in
knownterritory? Bergwrote,already halfacentury ago,a textentitled "Whyis
Sch6nberg's musichardto understand?" The difficulties he described thenare
nearly thesameasthosewe hearofnow.Wouldtheyalwayshavebeenthesame?
Probably, allnovelty bruises thesensibilities ofthoseunaccustomed to it.Butit
is believable
thatnowadaysthecommunication ofa workto a publicpresents
someveryspecific difficulties.
In classicalandromantic music,whichconstitutes
theprincipal resourceof thefamiliar repertory, thereareschemaswhichone
obeys,whichone canfollowindependently oftheworkitself, or ratherwhich
theworkmustnecessarily exhibit. The movements ofasymphony aredefined in
theirformand in theircharacter, evenin theirrhythmic life;theyaredistinct
fromone another,mostofthetimeactually separated bya pause,sometimes
tiedbya transition thatcanbe spotted.Thevocabulary itselfis basedon "classi-
fied"chords,well-named: you don't have to analyze them to knowwhatthey
areandwhatfunction they have. They have the and
efficacy security ofsignals;
they recurfrom one to
piece another, alwaysassuming the same appearance and
thesamefunctions. Progressively, thesereassuring elements havedisappeared
from"serious"music.Evolutionhasgoneinthedirection ofanevermoreradi-
cal renewal,as muchin theformofworksas in theirlanguage.Musicalworks
havetendedto becomeuniqueevents,whichdo haveantecedents, butarenot
reducibleto anyguiding schemaadmitted, a priori,byall; this creates,certainly,
a handicapforimmediate comprehension. The listener is askedto familiarize
himselfwith thecourseoftheworkandforthisto listentoita certain number of
times.Whenthecourseof theworkis familiar, comprehension of the work,
perception ofwhatitwantsto express, canfinda propitious terrain to bloomin.
Therearefewerand fewerchancesforthefirst encounter to igniteperception
and comprehension. Therecan be a spontaneous connection withit,through
theforceofthemessage, thequalityofthewriting, thebeautyofthesound,the
readabilityof thecues,butdeep understanding can onlycomefromrepeated
hearings, remaking the course of the this
work, repetition takingtheplace
ofan acceptedschemasuchas waspracticed previously.
Theschemas-ofvocabulary, ofform-whichhadbeenevacuated fromwhat
iscalledseriousmusic(sometimes calledlearnedmusic)havetakenrefuge incer-
tainpopularforms,in the objectsof musicalconsumption. There,one still
createsaccording to thegenres,theacceptedtypologies. Conservatism is not