Lira University Call For Applications 2024-2025
Lira University Call For Applications 2024-2025
Lira University Call For Applications 2024-2025
Box 1035
Lira, Uganda
Tel: +256 471 660709
Master of Midwifery
Applicants for MMS Programme must hold;
i) A Bachelor of Midwifery Science (BMS) or an
MMS Science - (Weekday).
equivalent from a recognized institution.
A Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) or an equivalent
i) Applicants will access the University’s Admission URL at
from a recognized institution.
Applicants with BNS or an equivalent must have
ii) Sign up using your full name, e-mail and Mobile number. Make sure the name is the same with that appearing on your academic documents
at least 10 credit units (CUs) in essential midwifery for your applications to be considered valid. If you had changed your name submit a photo copy of the affidavit supporting the change to the
courses (antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum).
iv) At least two years of post-degree internship clinical Admissions Office in Public Health Block.
practice, 1 of which should be in maternal child health
or maternity clinical practice areas for both BNS and iii) A password will be sent to your e-mail and mobile number you provided.
BMS entry schemes. At least four years of post-
diploma clinical experience plus the 1-year of the post- iv) The system will prompt you to change the password to the one you can easily remember.
BNS or post-BMS degree internship clinical practice
would also suffice for candidates who upgraded their 2 Years 25 2,500,000 5,000,000
v) To fill our application form, click on the ‘APPLY NOW’ button displayed on the running scheme.
education from Diploma to the BNS or BMS degrees
through the diploma entry scheme.
vi) Obtain payment advice slip/payment reference number by clicking on ‘pay for’ form button.
v) A valid practicing license from a recognized licensing
body for all applicants including international students
vii) Applicants who may find difficulties filling the online form can receive help strictly at the University’s Admissions Office in Public Health Block.
(such as Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council).
vi) Two references (one academic and one professional).
vii) International English Language Tests (IELTS)
scores (required of all international student
applicants). 1. Advanced Level applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of 50,000/= but Bachelors’ Degree and Diploma Holders are
viii) Equated professional and academic documents
by the National Council for Higher Education required to pay a non-refundable application fee of 60,000/= for East African applicants or 100,000/= and 120,000/= respectively for international
(NCHE) and Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council applicants plus a bank charge as specified by the respective banks.
(UNMC) is required for all international student
applicants. 2. Bachelors’ Degree and Diploma Holders must upload certified copies of their Academic Transcripts/Certificates on the application portal in a
MPH Master of Public Health - Bachelors’ degree in Public Health, Environmental Health
(Weekend). Science, Medicine and Surgery, Dental Surgery, Nursing, single pdf file. However, applicants with challenges have to submit certified copies of their transcripts and certificates together with a passport
Midwifery, Veterinary Medicine, Biological Sciences, Community size photograph to the Admissions Office in Public Health Block after payment of the application fees.
Psychology, Arts in Social Sciences, Development studies and 2 Years 30 5,000,000
any other Health Related Programme. 3. The fees indicated in the advert are ONLY Tuition fees and excludes other fees such as Functional/Administrative, Research, Accommodation etc.
MBA Master of Business A Second Class/Credit honours Bachelors’ degree from a 4. The University reserves the right NOT to offer any programme unless the number of students admissible for the programme is 25 and above.
Administration - recognized Institution; recognized professional qualifications and 2 Years 45
1,610,000 3,220,000 5. Applicants for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB), seeking admission under the Diploma Entry Scheme will be required
(Weekend). any other relevant qualification.
MPAM Master of Arts in Applicants will be expected to have obtained a Second-Class to sit/take and pass the pre-entry examinations administered by Lira University on Monday 24th June, 2024 at the Faculty of Medicine between
Public Administration honours Bachelors’ degree or its equivalent in any discipline 9:00am and 1:00pm.
and Management - from a recognised Institution or a Post-graduate diploma in
2 Years 30
(Weekend). Public Administration or Human Resource Management from 1,610,000 3,220,000 6. Applicants for Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management (PGDPAM), who shall graduate with good grades shall be allowed
an Institution recognised by the National Council for Higher
Education. to proceed to Year 2, Semester 1 and complete the remaining Modules and Dissertation then be Awarded a Master of Arts in Public Administration
PGDPAM Post Graduate Diploma Applicants will be expected to have obtained a degree or its and Management (MAPAM), of Lira University.
in Public Administration equivalence in any discipline from a recognised University or
& Management – Other Degree Awarding Institution. 1Year 50 1,495,000
2,990,000 7. For further inquiries you can call the following number +256772727579.