Food Security HFN 440 NOTES LESSONS 1-5
Food Security HFN 440 NOTES LESSONS 1-5
Food Security HFN 440 NOTES LESSONS 1-5
JULY 2020
Level: 4th year Undergraduate course
Course duration 35 hours
Mode of Delivery
Lectures, group discussions and presentations, field trip and report writing
Instructional Materials
Writing boards, text and e-books, computers, projector and stationeries
This is a blended learning course meaning that learning materials and instructions will be given
online and the lessons will be self-guided with the lecturer being available briefly for face to face
sessions and support and also on-site (online) most of the time.
CATS 30% and Exams 70%
1. FANTA/USAID (2006) Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) for measurement of
Household Food Access: Indicator Guide VERSION 2
7. UNDP(2015)
1.1 Introduction
To understand food and nutrition security, it is important to be familiar with the concepts used.
We will also link food security to important aspects such as Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and the right to food. Finally, we will analyze the determinants of food security in
communities. To welcome you to this module, take a moment and watch the following video
so that you can have a feel of the global challenge we are facing
Definition of concepts
a) Food security: a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have
physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets
their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life (World Food
Summit, 1996)
b) Nutrition security: demands the intake of a wide range of foods which provides the
essential needed nutrients. Micronutrient deficiencies or hidden hunger is a
component of nutrition security.
c) Food and nutrition security: exists when all people at all times have physical, social
and economic access to food, which is consumed in sufficient quantity and quality to
meet their dietary needs and food preferences, and is supported by an environment of
adequate sanitation, health services and care, allowing for a healthy and active life.
d) Food insecurity: the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of
affordable and nutritious food.
Categories of food insecurity that the communities may experience.
Chronic food insecurity- A long-term and persistent condition of food insecurity. A
community suffers from chronic food insecurity when it is unable to meet minimum food
consumption requirements for extended periods of time (approximately six months or
Transitory food insecurity- A short-term and temporary condition of food insecurity.
A community suffers from transitory food insecurity when there is a sudden drop in the
ability to produce or access sufficient food (e.g. after a period of drought or as a result of
Seasonal food insecurity- A condition of food insecurity that reoccurs predictably,
following the cyclical pattern of seasons.
E-tivity 1.1
Numbering, pacing and 1.1
Title Definition of concepts and link food security to Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and the right to food
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to
a) Explain the concepts as they are used in food and
nutrition security
b) Identify the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) that are closely related to food and nutrition
c) Indicate which sections of the Kenyan constitution
have statements on food security
Brief summary of overall task 1. Read the following FAO publication and write down the
characteristics of different categories of food insecurity
2. Open the followings links and identify the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) that are closely related to
food and nutrition security and also indicate which
sections of the Kenyan constitution have statements on
food security
Interaction begins Identify some of the Counties in Kenya that experience different
types of food insecurity (you should explain the choices and give
a justification) Post your responses on the discussion forum
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4 Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 2 hours
Next Discussion on determinants of food security
1.4 References
1. UNDP(2015)
2. GoK (2010) Kenyan constitution
3. Rainer Gross, Hans Schoeneberger, Hans Pfeifer, Hans-Joachim A. Pr (2000).
The Four Dimensions of Food and Nutrition Security: Definitions and Concepts
2.1 Introduction
To be able to measure the food security situation, it is important to be familiar with the
dimensions of food security. As you explore the dimensions of food security, note the level at
which it is most applicable i.e., national level, household and individual level.
2. FOOD ACCESS Food preparation
Food production Intra-household (nutrition knowledge,
Storage and distribution of food. cultural traditions)
processing of food Income Health care (child care,
Transport and Market. illness management)
distribution Clean drinking water
Food trade. (sanitation & hygiene
Stability in food availability
Natural &man-made disasters
Accumulation of stocks
Stability in food access
Seasonal vs constant job
Livelihood and coping strategies
Safety nets
Stability in food utilization.
Constant access to health care, clean
drinking water and sanitation
Figure 1: Dimensions of food security
Stability: Stability runs across the other three dimensions. It is ensured when the supply of food,
income and economic resources at the individual, household and national/community level
remains constant during the year and in the long-term. Furthermore, it is important to minimize
external risks such as natural disasters due to climate change, price volatility, conflicts or
epidemics through activities that will improve the resilience of households. Such measure
include; insurance, for example against drought and crop failure as well as the protection of the
environment and the sustainable use of natural resources such as land, soil and water. Case
study1: indicate the factors that impact on the three dimensions of food security:
Case study1
Case study1
Turkana County has been in a state of food insecurity for more than six months. The few
crops produced have failed and livestock died because of the prolonged drought. The
community is left with nothing to sell. Turkana is miles and miles away from the Capital
City Nairobi and the roads are not in good condition.
Around one third of the population have no access to safe drinking water, nearly half
have no access to latrines, while access to health facilities is very poor. The adult diet is
monotonous and is based mainly on cereals including millet and sorghum.
Based on the case study, indicate the factors that impact on the three dimensions of
food security:
E-tivity 2.1
Numbering, pacing and 2.1
Title Dimensions of food security
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to
1. Explain each of the four key dimensions
Brief summary of overall task Read the following FAO publication and write down the levels
of food security assessment where each of the dimensions fits
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4 Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 2 hours
Next Vulnerability and food security
2.3Assessment Questions
2.4 References
2. FAO, (2020).
3. Rainer Gross, Hans Schoeneberger, Hans Pfeifer, Hans-Joachim A. Pr (2000). The Four
Dimensions of Food and Nutrition Security: Definitions and Concepts
3.1 Introduction
It is important to understand how vulnerability to food insecurity is related to livelihood issues
and poverty. This lesson covers the concept of vulnerability, livelihood, poverty and how the
three are linked. It also addresses the reduction of exposure to hazards in the community so as to
maintain community food security. But before we do that, it is important to identify groups of
individuals in the community that are vulnerable to food security.
3. Elderly and chronically ill have low productivity and the condition calls for
dependency on other people services including getting food and even consuming it. In
some cases resources are diverted to medical bills.
4. Marginalized people are families in low potential area and food production is low,
food delivery from other areas is a challenge and low food accessibility due to low
5. Displaced populations are cut from their farms and businesses and thus are dependent
on others fully due to limited coping strategies.
E-tivity 3.1
Numbering, pacing and 3.1
Title Groups of individuals vulnerable to food insecurity
Individual task Select a County of your choice in Kenya and answer the
following: Who is food insecure or vulnerable? Why are they
food insecure or vulnerable? How many are they? Where do
they live? What should be done to save their lives and
livelihoods? How is the situation likely to evolve and what are
the risks threatening them?
Interaction begins Suggest ways of reducing exposure to hazards of food
insecurity. Post your suggestions on the discussion forum
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4 Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 2 hours
Next Vulnerability and Food Security
When is a livelihood termed as sustainable? A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with,
and recover from stress and shocks (drought, flood, war, etc.), maintain or enhance its
capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource base”. In simple terms a
livelihood is sustainable if it can run from generation to generation.
Livelihoods can be understood better by considering the following components:
Vulnerability context
Livelihood resources or assets
Policies, institutions and processes
Livelihood strategies
Livelihood outcomes or goals
1. Vulnerability = Exposure to risk + Inability to cope
2. Vulnerability is not poverty, but poverty makes
individuals/households/community more vulnerable to food insecurity
Components of vulnerability
They are three: trends, shocks and seasonality.
Examples of each:
Economic trends, Population trends, Technology trends, Political system trends and
Resource trends
Shocks include unexpected occurrences such as illness, death, civil conflicts, pest outbreaks,
market collapse, and adverse weather conditions. An illness in the family can deprive a family of
an important source of income and can force them to sell important assets that they have built up.
Seasonality is about changes in prices and production cycles. Seasonal shifts in prices of the
essential commodities, seasonality in food production and employment opportunities influence
the food security of communities.
Livelihood resources or assets
The idea of assets is central to the sustainable livelihoods approach. Five types of assets or
capital are needed in order to make a living. These are the following:
Human capital: skills, knowledge, the ability to work and good health. Good health is not
simply a means to earning a livelihood; it is of course an end in itself.
Social capital: the social resources that people draw on to make a living, such as relationships
with either more powerful people (vertical connections) or with others like themselves
(horizontal connections), or membership of groups or organizations.
Natural capital: the natural resource stocks that people can draw on for their livelihoods,
including land, forests, water and air.
Physical capital: the basic infrastructure that people need to make a living and the tools and
equipment that they use.
Financial capital: savings, in whichever form, access to financial services and regular inflows
of money.
The more assets any household has access to, the less vulnerable they will be to negative effects
of the trends and shocks, or to seasonality, and the more sustainable their livelihood will be.
Policies, institutions, structures and processes
Policies (agricultural, land tenure or land use) can be instrumental in increasing or reducing
vulnerability to disasters
Institutions include civic, political and economic agencies. Community’s protection and welfare
depend on:
-Accountable political systems, Rule of law, Functioning judicial systems and Provision of
public services.
Processes determine the way institutions and people operate and interact. They can include:
-Changes in the economy, Employment patterns, Markets, Culture, and long-term processes of
social, economic and political marginalisation
Livelihood strategies
-Natural resource-based activities (e.g. cultivation, livestock-keeping, weaving, collection and
-Non-natural resource-based activities (e.g. trade, services, remittances)
Livelihood outcomes or goals
Economic -Food and income security, that is, the ability to acquire sufficient food and income to
meet basic needs
Biological- Mortality and malnutrition rates or levels are biological measures of livelihood
Social- Dignity is clearly a social measure
In the next lesson we shall discuss strategies to improve and enhance livelihoods outcomes in the
community using sustainable livelihood frameworks.
3.4 References
1. Chambers and Conway, (1992). Sustainable rural livelihoods: practical concepts for the
21st century
2. FAO, (2008) Socio-Economic & Livelihood Analysis in Investment Planning
3. UNDP, (2017) Application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in Development
4.1 Introduction
As mentioned earlier, a livelihood is a means of making a living; the means by which households
obtain and maintain access to the resources necessary to ensure their immediate and long-term
survival. Livelihood assets encompass what people have which can be human, social, natural,
physical and financial resources. Livelihood strategies involve the activities of increasing the
capabilities or range of assets that people can have access to improve their immediate and long-
term survival.
A livelihood is considered sustainable when the capabilities, assets and activities required for a
means of living can be maintained or enhanced over time and cope and recover from stress and
Livelihood strategies are a combination of activities and choices that people normally make in
stable and peaceful times in order to achieve their livelihood goals such as adequate food
provision etc. The livelihood strategies can either be natural resource-based activities i.e.
cultivation, weaving etc.; or non-natural resource-based activities i.e. trade, services etc.
Livelihood outcomes or goals are what household members achieve through their livelihood
strategies. They can be categorized into economic (e.g. income to meet basic needs), biological
(measure of malnutrition and mortality) and social (dignity, status and self-worth).
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4 Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 2 hours
Next Strategies to ensure livelihood sustainability
3. Securing land rights, including land demarcation, land titling and protection from
displacement and encroachment is therefore essential to ensure sustainable development
and livelihoods.
Many people lack land rights while other indigenous people continue to experience
displacement and dispossessions from their land often due to large scale development an
extractive sector projects undertaken without free, prior and informed consent.
4.4 References
1. Chambers and Conway, (1992). Sustainable rural livelihoods: practical concepts for
the 21st century
2. UNDP, (2017) Application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in
Development Projects
3. UNDP(2015)
5.1 Introduction
Livelihood analysis is used for preparation of an efficient, practical and feasible action plan for
uplifting food security status or wellbeing of various sections of the society. This is essential
when planning interventions to benefit the most deserving community members to achieve the
desired change in the community in terms of food security. The livelihood analysis is conducted
within the Sustainable Livelihoods framework of human, social, natural, financial and physical
Livelihood analysis is conducted within the Sustainable Livelihoods framework of human,
social, natural, financial and physical capital.
1. Rapid assessments
It is a type of investigation designed to be implemented within a short time, with the aim of
obtaining a fast and clear vision of a specific context in a specific moment. It relies primarily on
qualitative methods in order to determine the needs of the population affected by a food security
Rapid assessments are carried out in order to gather basic contextual information and identify
risks faced by the population. This type of assessment, sometimes referred to as an exploratory
mission, is carried out in two steps:
1) The rapid appraisal, which is primarily desk-based and involves gathering information on the
scale and severity of the challenge/issues (1-3 days); and
2) The rapid assessment itself, which involves fieldwork in the affected area (10-15 days)
The typical objectives of a rapid assessment are:
To learn about the general and specific situation of an area or context.
To appraise the food security situation of the target area.
To estimate the size or magnitude of the issue.
To identify the population affected or under risk (kind of population, number,
To define vulnerability criteria that will allow these groups to be distinguished during the
course of an intervention.
To evaluate the local response capacity to face the situation
To obtain reliable information whose analysis will contribute to the definition of
appropriate responses to the situation
Initial situations/quick developing situations: Natural catastrophes, mass movement of
people, non-perceived situations/contexts that suddenly become perceptible.
Initial situations/slow developing situations: Drought, food crisis, starvation, war.
Contexts where, for several reasons, a fast appraisal of the situation is needed.
Chronic crisis situations: Sudden shock or deterioration in conditions.
Special situations: Contexts with restricted access to the field or to people, for short
periods of time (days/hours) for several reasons. Newly accessible areas previously
inaccessible due to insecurity, weather conditions or other logistical constraints.
Tools used: Tools used for data collection are qualitative: secondary data review, semi-structured
interviews with key informants, focus group discussions and observation. Market appraisal is
also often included. Sampling is purposive.
E-tivity 5.1
Numbering, pacing and 5.1
Title Tools and phases used in livelihood assessment to
enhance food security
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable explain the
phases of a livelihood assessment
Brief summary of overall task Watch videos on the following link which will help you
explain the phases of a livelihood assessment:
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4 Round-up the e-tivity
2. Tools used for data collection for livelihood assessment are qualitative and they include the
following except?
a) Semi-structured interviews with key informants
b) Primary data review
c) Focus group discussions
d) Observation
3. TRUE or FALSE? Livelihood analysis is conducted within the Sustainable Livelihoods
framework of human, social, natural, financial and physical capital
5.4 References
1. FAO, (2008) Socio-Economic & Livelihood Analysis in Investment Planning
2. UNDP, (2017) Application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in Development
3. UNDP (1999). Application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework in Development