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Kerosene production from power-based syngas -A technical comparison of

the Fischer-Tropsch and methanol pathway

Article in Fuel · June 2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131269


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4 authors:

Stefan Bube Nils Bullerdiek

Technische Universität Hamburg Technische Universität Hamburg


Steffen Voß Kaltschmitt Martin

Technische Universität Hamburg Technische Universität Hamburg


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Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

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Full Length Article

Kerosene production from power-based syngas – A technical comparison of

the Fischer-Tropsch and methanol pathway
Stefan Bube *, Nils Bullerdiek , Steffen Voß , Martin Kaltschmitt
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics (IUE), Eißendorfer Straße 40, 21073 Hamburg, Germany


Keywords: To achieve long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality within the aviation sector, substituting fossil aviation
Power-to-Liquid (PtL) fuels with Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) derived from renewable energy sources is essential. Among the
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) synthetic SAF options produced through Power-to-Liquid (PtL) processes, the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) and methanol
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) Synthesis
pathway are of significant interest. However, to assess and compare these pathways, detailed technical process
Power-to-Methanol (PtM)
analyses are required to provide a sound basis for economic and environmental assessments. Thus, this research
E-fuel paper investigates and compares both SAF production pathways starting from power-derived syngas within an in-
depth technical analysis, providing novel insights into overall process characteristics and efficiencies. Carbon and
energy flows are derived from steady-state flowsheet simulations. A variation of technical parameters (FT
pathway: FT chain growth probability and hydrocracking behavior, Methanol pathway: Dehydration olefin-
selectivity and oligomerization product distribution) is carried out to assess impacts on carbon and energy ef­
ficiency, indicating uncertainties and parameter ranges for optimized kerosene production. The results show a
very high carbon efficiency of the FT pathway (98 to 99%) regarding the total liquid products, while the carbon
efficiency regarding kerosene lies between 60 and 77%. For the methanol pathway, a higher kerosene carbon
efficiency can be achieved (60 to 90%); however, the total product efficiency (74 to 92%) is notably lower. The
energy efficiencies of both pathways behave similarly to carbon efficiency, with the methanol pathway
benefiting from thermodynamic advantages, leading to higher energy efficiency at equal carbon efficiency.
Within the FT pathway, kerosene efficiency increases at high chain growth probabilities, while a high olefin-
selectivity is crucial for efficient kerosene production within the methanol pathway. The analysis results pro­
vide comprehensive insights into the technical behavior of the overall processes which contributes to an
improved understanding of the production pathways.

1. Introduction other hand, demand for air transportation increases continuously

worldwide, resulting in increasing aviation-related CO2 emissions if no
The global aviation sector shows a significant disparity between the appropriate measures are implemented [3]. To decouple the projected
targeted and projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On the one growth in aviation from an increase in GHG emissions and achieve long-
hand, both the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as well term GHG neutrality, fossil fuel-based aviation fuels need to be
as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have announced increasingly replaced by fuel options based on renewable energy sour­
the goal of reducing CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050 [1,2]. On the ces. From today’s perspective, the use of carbon-free energy carriers

Abbreviations: ASF, Anderson-Schulz-Flory; ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials; AtJ, Alcohol-to-Jet; DAC, Direct air capture; FT, Fischer-Tropsch;
GHG, Greenhouse gas; HEFA, Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids; HHV, Higher heating value; IATA, International Air Transport Association; ICAO, International
Civil Aviation Organization; K, Kerosene; LTFT, Low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch; MOGD, Mobil olefins to gasoline and distillate; MtHC, Methanol-to-Hydrocarbon;
MtJ, Methanol-to-Jet; MtK, Methanol-to-Kerosene; MtO, Methanol-to-Olefins; Oli, Oligomerization; PtL, Power-to-Liquid; PV, Parameter variation; RC, Reference
case; RWGS, Reverse water–gas shift; SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel; SPA, Solid phosphoric acid; TP, Total product; TRL, Technology readiness level; W, Wax.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: stefan.bube@tuhh.de (S. Bube).
Unlike climate-effective CO2 emissions, aviation-related non-CO2 effects cannot be fully mitigated by the combustion-based utilization of such fuel [4,5]. Non-
CO2-effects are effects that are not directly related to the emission of CO2 but also contribute to global warming. Examples are e.g., contrail formation or NOx and
sulfur emissions.

Received 21 September 2023; Received in revised form 8 February 2024; Accepted 20 February 2024
Available online 1 March 2024
0016-2361/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

used in respective aircraft concepts (e.g., liquid hydrogen or battery-

electric aircraft) appears to be rather challenging and, if at all, techno­
logically only feasible in the longer term, as this requires the design of
fully new aircraft and a built-up of a proper fuel infrastructure alongside
with the existing aviation fuel infrastructure for kerosene-type aviation
fuels [6,7].
Against this background, renewable aviation fuels should not only
provide significantly lower GHG emissions, but also be technically
compatible with existing aircraft fleets and fuel infrastructure used for
conventional kerosene so far. Such kerosene-type fuels that can be
produced based on renewable energy sources are commonly referred to
as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)1.
Different process pathways enable the utilization of various ener­
getic (e.g., biomethane, electrical power) and material feedstock options
(e.g., carbon dioxide, water) for kerosene-type fuel production.
Currently, commercially used SAFs are almost exclusively produced
based on vegetable oils and lipid wastes such as Hydroprocessed Esters
and Fatty Acids (HEFA). In addition, with the start-up of the first pro­
duction facilities, a ramp-up of conversion processes, mainly for
advanced bio-kerosene production, is taking place [8]. However, due to
the a priori limited potential of sustainable provided biomass and the
much-discussed plate vs. tank issue, a massive expansion of these types
Fig. 1. Fischer-Tropsch- and methanol-based kerosene production pathways.
of bio-kerosene to cover the existing as well as the emerging demand is
doubtful [9]. Alternatively, fuels from renewable electricity and sus­
tainable CO2 (e-fuels) can be a promising fuel option characterized by a hydroisomerization can be applied for branching the linear molecules.
clearly greater production potential. The production of such e-fuels
through so-called Power-to-Liquid (PtL) processes takes place via power- 1.1.2. Methanol pathway
based synthesis gas (syngas) production, a synthesis step, and the sub­ The methanol pathway can be divided into the actual methanol
sequent downstream processing; thus, the fuels are also referred to as synthesis, allowing highly selective methanol production, and the sub­
synthetic fuels. As of today, the main process routes discussed are the sequent conversion of methanol into a hydrocarbon fuel mixture rich in
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) and the methanol pathway. While SAF from FT kerosene components (Methanol-to-Kerosene (MtK), also Methanol-to-
processes is already approved according to ASTM D7566 as drop-in Jet (MtJ)). Methanol synthesis enables the direct conversion of CO2
aviation fuel, the approval of methanol-based SAF production is and H2 into methanol, making a previous CO2 reduction obsolete. The
currently undergoing the respective approval process (ASTM D4054). CO2-based methanol synthesis yields a mixture of methanol and water
Accordingly, there are presently no methanol-to-kerosene production subsequently separated through distillation. Processes to convert
plants in commercial operation. However, methanol-based aviation fuel methanol into hydrocarbons were developed mainly in the 1970s and
is a frequently discussed option, offering potential advantages against commercialized in the 1980s [14,15]. However, the focus was rather on
other production routes [10]. producing products with a shorter carbon chain length, such as gasoline.
Thus, no kerosene-specific concepts have been implemented to date.
1.1. Conversion pathways Like all alcohol-based conversion routes (Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ)), the
methanol to kerosene conversion includes olefin formation within a
Power-based SAF production starts from the feedstocks water (H2O) dehydration process and a subsequent oligomerization into higher ole­
and carbon dioxide (CO2). The energy converted into the chemical en­ fins. Further downstream hydrogenation converts the unsaturated hy­
ergy of the fuel and the energy needed for processing is primarily pro­ drocarbons to alkanes, which are subsequently fractionated via
vided in the form of electricity. Electrochemical water splitting distillation processes to obtain the desired fuel fractions [16].
(electrolysis) produces hydrogen (H2), and CO2 is provided via capturing
processes from respective “sustainable” carbon sources. Starting from 1.2. Target and scope
these two gases, the FT- and methanol-based conversion pathway differ
in the subsequent process chain (Fig. 1). The above-presented background highlights the necessity of renew­
able aviation fuels in air transport and the potential significance of both
1.1.1. Fischer-Tropsch pathway process routes for electricity-based SAF production. However, compre­
The FT synthesis from carbon monoxide(CO)- and H2-rich syngas is a hensive analyses are currently lacking a technical comparison of the FT
state-of-the-art technology with its first commercial implementation in and methanol pathway, preventing detailed economic and environ­
the 1930s [11,12]. However, the direct conversion of CO2 into long- mental studies. Atsonios et al. recently analyzed different production
chain hydrocarbons is not yet feasible with sufficient selectivity and routes for e-kerosene in terms of carbon utilization and energy effi­
conversion and requires further research for future applications [12,13]. ciency, with the results indicating particular advantages of the FT
Thus, a CO2 reduction to CO is needed to provide appropriate syngas for pathway [17]. However, the comprehensive analysis focuses on
the subsequent kerosene production. Converting H2 and CO into hy­ comparing several process routes based on fixed process assumptions,
drocarbon chains within the FT synthesis yields synthetic crude oil whereby no analysis of specific influencing variables was carried out.
(syncrude), ranging from light gases (e.g., methane) to long-chain hy­ Further studies are therefore required to identify uncertainties and
drocarbons (waxes). Therefore, producing specification-compliant optimization potentials and to contribute toward enhanced process
aviation fuel requires further downstream refining by hydrotreatment understanding.
and fractionation. Thereby, unsaturated hydrocarbons are saturated Against this background, this research paper aims to assess and
(hydrogenation), and waxes can be converted into fuel components by compare the production of synthetic kerosene from power-derived
chain breaking (hydrocracking). If the cold flow properties required by syngas via the Fischer-Tropsch and the methanol pathway within a
the ASTM D7566 specification are not reached, additional technical analysis. Novel results arise particularly from the in-depth

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

investigation of the process concepts and assessing critical process pa­ 2.2. Process modeling and simulation
rameters regarding their impacts on process efficiencies. Fig. 2 depicts
the considered system boundaries within a generic supply and produc­ A steady-state flowsheet simulation determines the mass and energy
tion chain. flows in the analyzed processes. For this purpose, the reference concepts
The analysis focuses on the synthesis and downstream processes, are modeled using the commercial simulation software Aspen Plus®,
considering H2 and CO2 as given feedstocks. A synthetic kerosene frac­ allowing to determine the occurring material and energy streams based
tion represents the target product of both pathways at the end of the on well-approved thermodynamic calculation methods and material
system boundaries considered. Thus, subsequent refining, logistics, or databases. Therefore, the considered components and the applied
blending steps are not relevant for the comparative evaluation of the two property methods are specified. The process flowsheet can be modeled
production pathways and, therefore, not covered by the system using preconfigured or specially constructed unit operations [18]. The
boundaries of this analysis. A steady-state flowsheet simulation of the respective process blocks are connected with material, heat, or power
processes forms the basis of the analysis. The results of the reference streams. No internal integration of heat streams is assumed within the
cases are presented in carbon and energy flow diagrams. An extensive simulation model. Further information on the simulation program can
variation of the most critical parameters is carried out to estimate be found in the specialist literature [19–21].
technical uncertainties and the influences of different process properties A pinch analysis using the Aspen Energy Analyzer® is carried out to
regarding carbon and energy efficiency. address heat integration appropriately, providing information on the
minimal external heating and cooling demands. Based on the simulated
2. Methodology heat flows, the heat integration is approximated without the specific
design of equipment. The minimum temperature differences of the heat
The technical analysis and comparison of kerosene production via transfer and the available “external” utilities are chosen within the
the Fischer-Tropsch and the methanol pathway is based on an analysis of model.
important technical key figures (here: carbon and energy efficiency) and
the respective sensitivities. The overall assessment approach applied is 2.3. Process assessment
shown in Fig. 3. Following this, the design and simulation of reference
production concepts are used as a basis for the subsequent process For the analysis of the simulation results, the derived mass and en­
analysis and evaluation. The simulation results are utilized for visual­ ergy balances from the process modeling are used to determine technical
izing and evaluating the carbon and energy flows, enabling a compre­ key figures of the overall process. Therefore, two assessment figures –
hensive understanding of the processes. Within the process assessment, carbon and energy efficiency – are defined. The sensitivity of these
the influences of selected technology parameters on the key figures – and assessment figures is analyzed based on a parameter variation.
thus the resulting uncertainties and optimization possibilities – are Both key figures are related to the production of kerosene (K) as the
evaluated through parameter variations. The applied steps, software target product as well as to the total liquid product (TP), including the
tools, and methods are described below. naphtha (gasoline), kerosene, and diesel fraction.

2.1. Process design 2.3.1. Carbon efficiency

Carbon efficiency is a product-independent comparative figure for
Process modeling and simulation are based on the design of repre­ material efficiency due to its molar reference. Furthermore, the limited
sentative and fair-comparable processes (reference concepts). The availability of sustainable carbon from biomass underlines the need for
design of such processes depends on the assumed feedstock and the efficient carbon use as it directly impacts economic competitiveness. It
desired target product. Based on these cornerstones, the reference con­ indicates the selectivity of the process concerning the target product
cepts are developed by integrating single reference processes. Only sub- relative to the input material; i.e., this figure describes the amount of
processes with a technology readiness level (TRL) ≥ 6 are considered. carbon bound in the target product compared to the amount of carbon
This procedure ensures that the reference concepts can be commercially contained in the feedstock (Eq. (1)). The reference to molar carbon en­
realized in the short-term – at least from a technical perspective. All ables a comparison independent of the actual mass of the substance used
process data – i.e., conversion rates, selectivities, and operating condi­ or the product obtained.
tions – are based on literature and adapted to a kerosene-maximized
production. Side-products in the fuel range of naphtha (gasoline) and ĊProduct
ηC, Product = (1)
diesel are considered valuable outputs; i.e., no “kerosene-only” concepts Ċ Feed
are considered.
ηC Carbon efficiency [-].Ċ Carbon flow [molC/s].

Fig. 2. System boundaries within a generic supply chain of power-based Fischer-Tropsch and methanol-based kerosene production.

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 3. Overarching assessment approach.

2.3.2. Energy efficiency Fischer-Tropsch syncrude production. Fig. 4 shows the flowsheet
Energy efficiency is a commonly used key figure allowing to assess of the FT syncrude production section. The process uses a low-
processes regarding their overall energy expenditure. Here, energy ef­ temperature Fischer-Tropsch (LTFT) synthesis, enabling the produc­
ficiency describes the energy content of the product compared to the tion of a paraffinic syncrude that is well-suited for kerosene production.
energetic effort of production (i.e., chemical energy from the feedstock A CO and H2-rich syngas is required, as CO2 behaves inertly under most
plus additionally needed electrical and thermal process energy) (Eq. LTFT catalysts [11,12,27]. FT synthesis with direct CO2 utilization is a
(2)). Here, chemical energy is always related to the energy carrier’s promising alternative and the focus of current research. However, thus
higher heating value (HHV), unless otherwise stated. far, this has only been demonstrated on a small scale and at higher
temperatures for producing olefins, aromatics, and short-chain fractions
ṁProduct HHVProduct
ηe, Product = (2) [28–31]. Thus, applying power-based syngas today requires an addi­
ṁFeed HHVFeed + Pel + Q̇
tional CO2-reduction step, here considered via a reverse water–gas shift
(RWGS) reaction (Eq. (3)) [12].
ηe Energy efficiency [-].ṁ Mass flow [kg/s].HHV Higher heating value
(HHV) [MJ/kg].Pel External electricity demand [MW].Q̇ External heat CO2 + H2 ⇋CO + H2 O | Δ HR(298K) = 42 kJ/mol (3)
demand [MW].
First, CO2 is compressed together with the synthesis loop recycle gas,
mixed with H2, and heated up to 950 ◦ C to enable high conversion rates
3. Reference concepts and data
and to avoid coking at the catalyst. The RWGS reactor is assumed to
operate isothermally, providing the required heat via electrical heating.
This section describes the defined reference concepts. A detailed
The reaction product is dried by cooling and condensation before it is fed
description of the technologies considered can be found in the supple­
to the FT reactor. Due to the elevated RWGS operation pressure (26 bar),
mentary information, section 1. According to Fig. 1, both pathways are
intermediate compression between the reactors is avoided. Eq. (4)
distinguished into two process sections.

3.1. Reference concepts

3.1.1. Process inputs and output

The provision of power-based H2 and sustainable CO2 falls outside
the system boundaries of this analysis. Thus, it is assumed that H2 at 50
bar (i.e., a pressure level achievable with advanced low-temperature
electrolyzers [22,23]) and CO2 are available at the plant; the latter is
available at atmospheric pressure with a concentration of 99 vol-% CO2
and 1 vol-% nitrogen (N2) [24]. Concerning the carbon chain length, the
target product kerosene is defined as the C8 to C16 fraction of the hy­
drocarbon product mixture [25,26]. Besides kerosene, a light naphtha
fraction (C5 to C7) and a heavy diesel fraction (C17 to C20) are considered
valuable side-products. Further material outputs like fuel gas are
considered to be burned for energy recovery within both pathways.

3.1.2. Fischer-Tropsch pathway Fig. 4. Fischer-Tropsch syncrude production flowsheet (a temperature control
The Fischer-Tropsch pathway includes the process sections “FT prevents water condensation. Minor equipment and auxiliary currents are
syncrude production” and “Syncrude refining”. neglected; RWGS: Reverse water–gas shift).

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

shows the strongly exothermic FT reaction. The Anderson-Schulz-Flory parallel isomerization – leads to a product mixture with high pro­
(ASF) distribution (Eq. (5)) can describe the chain length distribution portions of singly branched hydrocarbons, separate hydroisomerization
of the FT product. The chain length-dependent olefin to paraffin for­ is most likely not necessary [26,34]. The cold condensate is rectified to
mation can be described with Eq. (6) [32]. separate light gases and naphtha from the heavier fractions. The light
stream is separated in another column into naphtha and light gas, where
nCO + (2n + 1)H2 →Cn H2n+2 + nH2 O | Δ HR(298K) ≈ n( − 150kJ/mol) (4)
the latter is recycled back to the synthesis section. The bottom stream
from the middle (distillate) column is hydrogenated and fractionated to
Wn = n(1 − α)2 αn− 1
derive the desired kerosene fraction and diesel as a by-product.
(O/P)n = e− cn
3.1.3. Methanol pathway
n Carbon chain length [-].Wn Weight fraction [wt-%].α Chain growth The methanol pathway is distinguished into the process sections
probability [-].O/P Olefin to paraffin ratio [-].c Adjustment parameter [-]. “Methanol production” and the subsequent “Methanol-to-Kerosene”.
The FT syncrude is separated into three different liquid streams – a
liquid wax fraction, a hot condensate, and a cold condensate. The wax Methanol production. The direct synthetic conversion of CO2
fraction is already liquid under reaction conditions and can be directly via direct methanol synthesis is already demonstrated and commercially
separated from the gaseous product stream. Depending on the reactor realized on a small scale (TRL 8 to 9) [12,26]. Thus, starting from pure
design, the liquid wax phase separation can already occur in the reactor H2 and CO2, syngas is produced by mixing both substances in the
or downstream in a conventional gas/liquid separator. The gas phase is required ratio. The stoichiometric number (SN) can quantify the inten­
cooled to about 160 ◦ C in a first separator, where an additional waxy hot ded ratio on a molar level (Eq. (7)). Within the methanol synthesis (Eq.
condensate can be separated, but parallel water condensation is avoi­ (8)), slightly over-stoichiometric ratios of 2.05 to 2.10 are realized,
ded. In a cold separator, the remaining gas is further cooled to about positively affecting the synthesis [14,35,36].
10 ◦ C to condense lighter hydrocarbons and water, which can be dec­ [H2 ] − [CO2 ]
anted as a separate liquid phase. The remaining light gases – consisting SN = (7)
[CO] + [CO2 ]
mainly of N2 accumulations, unconverted reactants (H2, CO), CH4, and
CO2– are recycled and partly purged (fuel gas). Since cobalt-catalyzed SN stoichiometric number [-].[X] molar fraction of component X [-].
LTFT only enables the conversion of CO, with CO2 and hydrocarbons
behaving inertly, internal recycling of short-chain products is not CO2 + 3 H2 ⇌CH3 OH + H2 O | ΔHR(298 K) = − 49.2 kJ/mol (8)
considered. However, external recycling – i.e., recycling, which includes
Fig. 6 shows the flowsheet for a direct CO2-converting methanol syn­
equipment outside the FT synthesis loop, is considered with the co-
thesis. As shown, CO2 and H2 are fed into a multi-stage syngas
reforming of light C1 to C4 hydrocarbons in the RWGS reactor [33].
compressor and mixed with light gases from the first purification col­
umn, which mainly consist of CO2. The compressed gas stream is then Syncrude refining. The technologies and the configuration of
mixed with recycled syngas and preheated before it is fed into the
the FT downstream processing depend mainly on the applied FT syn­
methanol reactor. The reaction product is cooled and partially
thesis technology and the target products. With a prioritized production
condensed. Part of the unconverted syngas is purged out of the process
of kerosene, extensive hydrotreatment (including hydrogenation, hy­
to avoid an accumulation of inert gases or light synthesis by-products.
drocracking, and/or hydroisomerization (see supplementary informa­
The remaining part of the gas phase is compressed again to overcome
tion, section 1), is required. In addition, the thermal separation process
the pressure drop of the synthesis reactor. The liquid raw methanol, a
of rectification is applied to separate the different fuel fractions
mixture of mainly methanol, water, and solved gases, is fed to the so-
called topping column, where the solved gases and light by-products
The flowsheet of the FT syncrude refining is shown in Fig. 5. The wax
are separated from the mixture. The methanol–water mixture builds
fraction is mixed with hot condensate and hydrogen before the mixture
the bottom product and is fed to the methanol column to provide pure
is heated and fed to the hydrocracking reactor. The product consists of
methanol as the main product.
various saturated hydrocarbons fractionated within a downstream-
located rectification column. Heavy components (≥C21) are fed back Methanol-to-Kerosene process. The Methanol-to-Kerosene (MtK)
for further cracking, while a lighter kerosene/diesel fraction and a light
gas/naphtha fraction are extracted for additional separation. Since the
combination of LTFT synthesis and downstream hydrocracking – with

Fig. 5. FT syncrude refining flowsheet (minor equipment and auxiliary cur­ Fig. 6. Methanol production flowsheet (minor equipment and auxiliary cur­
rents neglected). rents neglected).

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 7. Methanol-to-Kerosene flowsheet with main components (minor equipment and auxiliary currents neglected).

process, analogous to common alcohol-to-hydrocarbon processes, con­ separates light gases and naphtha from the higher olefins. The light
sists of dehydration, oligomerization, and hydrogenation (supplemen­ fraction is mainly recycled to the oligomerization reactor, while a purge
tary information, section 1). The decisive factor for the product formed stream is extracted to avoid an accumulation of higher alkanes. Multi-
is the combination of dehydration and oligomerization. stage oligomerization is also conceivable, but due to the generic
Fig. 7 shows the process flowsheet of the MtK process derived. The modeling approach, it is not considered here. The bottom stream of the
methanol is compressed and enters the MtO reactor to generate light column is then hydrogenated and fractionated.
olefins. The MtO section is designed based on the UOP/Norsk Hydro
MtO process without further olefin separation [16]. The raw olefin 3.2. Data and assumptions
stream is then fed in a water separation column and subsequently
washed with caustic soda for CO2 separation. After the olefin stream is The following section outlines the most important data and as­
further dried through a molecular sieve, it enters the oligomerization sumptions of process modeling. For additional modeling data, refer to
unit. The product distribution of most oligomerization processes can be the supplementary information, section 2.
approximated with a generic ASF distribution [37–39]. Considering that
the starting point of the distribution – i.e., regarding the product with 3.2.1. Fischer-Tropsch pathway
the shortest carbon chain length – is affected by the carbon chain length
of the olefin feedstock, the adjusted ASF distribution can be described by Fischer-Tropsch syncrude production. Table 1 presents the most
Eq. (9). important parameters and assumptions for modeling the FT syncrude
Wn = (n − x − 1)(1 − α)2 αn− x− 2
for n ≥ x (9) production. The RWGS product mixture is assumed to be in a chemical
equilibrium at the applied operating conditions (i.e., fast kinetics at
n Carbon chain length [-].Wn Weight fraction [wt-%].α Chain growth these temperatures) [40]. The operating pressure of the FT reactor and
probability [-].x Adjustment parameter [-]. the pressure drop of the RWGS reactor determine the outlet pressure of
The weight fraction (Wn ) of the product with the chain length (n) the syngas compression, avoiding intermediate compression. The H2:CO
depends on the chain growth probability (α) and the starting point ratio in the FT feed is set to 2.05. The total share of reactants (CO and H2)
adjustment variable x. Assuming a complete per-pass conversion, x = 2 is set to 70 %, with the rest resulting from accumulated inert compo­
represents an ethene-ethene, x = 3 an ethene-propene, and x = 4 a nents and unconverted RWGS products (CH4 and CO2). The chain
propene-propene dimer as the lightest component. For the formation of growth probability (Eq. (5)) differs depending on the process technol­
hydrocarbons in the kerosene range, operating conditions from 150 to ogy, which is varied to evaluate the influence on the overall process.
300 ◦ C and 40 to 100 bar seem practical [14,15]. The oligomerization Within the reference case, chain growth probability is set to yield a
reactor product is cooled to 40 ◦ C to separate light MtO by-products, maximum straight-run kerosene fraction. Some of the considered ASF
predominantly light alkanes. To achieve a maximized kerosene output, distributions are exemplarily shown in Fig. 8 (left). However, the se­
the liquid stream is fed into a distillation column, which further lectivities for C1 and C2 products deviating from the actual ASF are
adjusted in the model according to [11]. High-temperature (HT)

Table 1
Key modeling parameter of the FT syncrude production (RC: Reference case, T: Temperature, p: Pressure, PV: Parameter variation).
Process Parameter Value Reference

RWGS reactor Operating conditions T [◦ C] 950 [26,33,34]

pin | Δ p [bar] 26 | − 1 [26,33]
Equilibrium conversion Products considered: CO, CO2, H2O, H2, CH4 [41,42]
FT reactor Operating conditions T [◦ C] 220
pin | Δ p [bar] 25 | − 2 [12,34,43]
Reaction parameter Chain growth probability (Eq. (5))a RC: 0.85 [11]
PV: 0.75–0.95b
Per-pass conversion [%] 65 [12]
By-product formation c in olefin share (Eq. (6)) 0.3 [32]
a b
C1 to C2 selectivity adjusted according to [11], see supplementary information, section 2.2.

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 8. Exemplary FT and hydrocracker product distributions according to model assumptions (α: Chain growth probability; FT: Fischer-Tropsch).

condensate is separated under the restriction that water condensation is 3.2.2. Methanol pathway
avoided (temperature control). Cold condensate is separated at 10 ◦ C to
avoid recycling of higher alkanes to the RWGS reactor. Methanol production. Essential assumptions and data used for
modeling the methanol production section are presented in Table 3. The Syncrude refining. Table 2 shows data and assumptions for the syngas conversion is assumed to be close to equilibrium using a tem­
syncrude refining concept. perature approach [14,47]. The formation of by-products is considered
Ideal hydrocracking is assumed [45]. The selectivities to all C4 to Cn-4 proportional to the methanol formation and calculated from selectivity
products derived from a Cn reactant are equal, while the selectivities to data according to [12]. To account for occurring syngas losses due to
C3 and Cn-3 products are assumed to be only half as high. Products with a purge gas, the purge gas volume is adjusted to achieve a common recycle
carbon chain length < C2 are not formed. Since the cracking activity of ratio of 4.5 [12,48]. The rectification columns are designed so that the
hydrocarbons increases exponentially with increasing carbon chain effluent meets the purity requirements of internationally traded meth­
length, the conversion is determined component-specifically between C8 anol. Since no significant uncertainties regarding the modeling of the
and C17 using an exponential function. No reaction is assumed for hy­ methanol synthesis are evaluated, no sensitivity parameters are
drocarbon chains smaller than C8, while components larger than C17 are considered.
completely converted. In the reference case, each cracked component
can undergo secondary cracking with a probability dependent on its new Methanol-to-Kerosene process. Table 4 shows the key modeling
chain length. To evaluate the influence of different hydrocracking be­ data of the Methanol-to-Kerosene process section. Since the olefin-
haviors, the process assessment also takes into account single cracking selectivity of the MtO reaction is decisive for the assumed oligomeri­
(primary) and triple cracking (tertiary). The resulting product distri­ zation and literature values differ, its influence is investigated through
butions using the example of a single component are shown in Fig. 8 parameter variation. Therefore, the respective MtO reactions are
(right). adjusted by an olefin-selectivity factor (So). Oligomerization is modeled
generically according to Eq. (9). Since MtO can yield olefins in the range

Table 2
Key modeling parameter of the syncrude refining (RC: Reference case, T: Temperature, p: Pressure, PV: Parameter variation).
Process Parameter Value Reference

Hydrocracker Operating conditions T [◦ C] | p [bar] 350 | 50 [34,44,45]

Reaction parameter Ideal cracking with chain length depending Based a.o. on [26,45]
conversion; RC: Secondary cracking; PV: Primary to tertiary cracking
Hydrogenation Operating conditions T [◦ C] | p [bar] 300 | 40 [44,46]
Reaction parameter Conversion [%] 100 [44,46]

Table 3
Key modeling data of the methanol production (DME: Dimethyl ether, T: Temperature, p: Pressure).
Process Parameter Value Reference

Methanol reactor Operating conditions T [◦ C] 250 [12]

pin | Δ p [bar] 75 | − 5 [12,49,50]
Equilibrium conversion with temperature approach CO + 2 H2 ⇋ CH3OH 15 K [47]
CO2 + 3 H2 ⇋ CH3OH + H2O 15 K [47]
CO2 + H2 ⇋ CO + H2O 15 K [47]
By-product formation Ethanol | DME | methyl format [w ppm] 89 | 145 |14 [12]
Syngas purge Recycle gas ratio a [mol%], controlled by syngas purge 450 [12,48]
Ratio = Recycle (mol/s)/fresh gas (mol/s).

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Table 4
Key modeling data of the Methanol-to-Kerosene process (RC: Reference case, MtO: Methanol-to-Olefins, p: Pressure, PV: Parameter variation, SO: Olefin-Selectivity, T:
Process Parameter Value Reference

MtO reactor Operating conditions T [◦ C] | p [bar] 450 | 3 [51,52]

Reaction parameter Olefin-selectivity (SO) [%C]a RC: 90; PV: 85–95 [53–57]
Conversion [%] 100 [51,52,57]
Reactionconversion [%] 2 CH3OH →C2H4 + 2 H2O 46.00 • SO according to
3 CH3OH →C3H6 + 3 H2O 42.89 • SO [53,54,58–60]
4 CH3OH →C4H8 + 4 H2O 11.11 • SO
13 CH3OH →2 CO2 + 9 H2O + 2 CH4 + C2H6 + C3H8 + C4H10 (1-SO)–3.81
+ H2
14 CH3OH →Coke + 14 H2O + 3 CH4 3.81
Regeneration Operating conditions T [◦ C] / p [bar] 500 / 3 [53,61]
reactor Reaction parameter Coke combustion [%] 100 [53,61]
Oligomerization Operating conditions T [◦ C] | p [bar] 250 | 50 [14,15,62]
Reaction parameter according to Eq. x RC: 3; PV: 2 | 3 | 4 –
(9) α RC: 0.69; –
PV: 0.60–078b
Inert gas fraction, controlled by recycle purge 30 –
Hydrogenation Operating conditions T [◦ C] | p [bar] 300 | 50 [44,46,62]
Reaction parameter Conversion [%] 100 [44,63]
%C: percentage of carbon input, b see supplementary information, section 2.2.

Fig. 9. Exemplary oligomerization product distributions according to model assumptions (α: Chain growth probability; Oli: Oligomerization; x: Parameter of Eq. (9)).

of mainly C2 to C4, besides the chain growth probability (α), starting FT and methanol pathways are comparatively discussed and shown as
point variation of ASF distribution is also considered through a param­ PtL efficiency (incl. H2 and CO2 supply).
eter variation (section 4.2). This is conducted via an additional param­
eter referred to as x in this analysis (Eq. (9)). Some of the adjusted ASF
distributions are exemplarily shown in Fig. 9. Hydrogenation is modeled 4.1. Process simulation
analogously to FT syncrude upgrading.
An ASF distribution starting at butene (x = 2) could be representative The process simulation results are used to visualize and evaluate the
for an ethene-based oligomerization with complete conversion. An x- relative carbon and energy flows of the reference case processes.
value of 3 leads to a starting point at pentene, which can correspond to
an ethene-propene dimer. A completely propene-based oligomerization 4.1.1. Carbon flows
could lead to a starting point at hexene – assuming complete conversion. Below, the carbon flows are expressed in relation to the overall
Nevertheless, since oligomerization from an olefin mixture is generally carbon input stream for both processes. Theoretically, the carbon can be
assumed, both even and odd carbon chains are present in the product. entirely bound in the kerosene since no carbon-containing by-products
occur within the main building reactions. However, due to impurities,
4. Results and discussion side reactions, and only limited controllable chain length distributions,
by-products, and carbon losses occur, which are visualized in the flow
In this section, the results of the flowsheet simulation are presented diagrams (Fig. 10 and Fig. 11).
and assessed. First, the simulation results are shown in terms of carbon
and energy flows. Additionally, the hydrogen flows are depicted in the Fischer-Tropsch pathway. Fig. 10 shows the relative carbon
supplementary information, section 3. The influences of the varied flows of the analyzed FT plant concept. The only carbon input into the
technical parameters on carbon and energy efficiency are presented in process is the CO2 input stream. This CO2 is supplied to the RWGS
the process assessment. Subsequently, the process-specific results of the reactor along with the synthesis gas recycle (in terms of carbon,

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 10. Relative carbon flows of the FT pathway (only carbon flow affecting process blocks are shown; RWGS: Reverse water–gas shift).

Fig. 11. Relative carbon flows of the methanol pathway (only carbon flow affecting process blocks are shown; MtO: Methanol-to-Olefins).

primarily CO, CO2, and CH4). Despite the high operation pressure, the Downstream, approximately 30 % of the FT product consists of heavy
high temperature suppresses methane formation within the RWGS components (wax and hot condensate) directed to the hydrocracking
reactor. As the methane formed in the FT reactor is largely recycled, unit. Around 7 % of the hydrocracking products are light components
RWGS methane reforming outweighs methane formation (RWGS feed: (C7-), while about 25 % are within the kerosene and diesel fraction
5.1 mol%CH4, RWGS product: 4.4 mol%). To prevent the accumulation (C8+). The cold condensate divides into about 18 % naphtha and lighter
of inert components, a purge gas stream is diverted from the recycle components (C7-) and approx. 54 % kerosene and heavier components
stream (cold separator) and exits the process after combustion in the (C8+). The light and heavy fractions are fed to a naphtha column and a
form of CO2 in the flue gas; this results in carbon losses of less than 1 %. kerosene column, respectively, to obtain the individual target product
Other carbon losses, such as dissolved components in wastewater, are fractions. Here, 73 % of the produced liquid products account for the
below 0.1 % (and thus not shown in Fig. 10). target product kerosene, 21 % for naphtha, and only 6 % for diesel.

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269 Methanol pathway. The relative carbon flows of the methanol Fischer-Tropsch pathway. In the FT pathway (Fig. 12),
pathway are shown in Fig. 11. Again, the CO2 stream serves as the only hydrogen input accounts for 89 % of the total energy input. The FT
carbon input. Upstream, methanol production yields a carbon efficiency synthesis operates at a relatively low pressure level (25 bar) (i.e., no
of almost 98 %, with purge gases being the only significant losses. The further hydrogen compression is needed). Additionally, the compara­
major carbon losses occur downstream (i.e., in the MtK process section). tively high syngas conversion of 65 % leads to a rather low recycling
During methanol dehydration, approximately 3 % of the carbon is dis­ ratio. This results in an electricity demand for compression below 2 % of
charged from the process as coke, which is released as CO2 in the sub­ the total energetic input. However, there is a high energy demand for the
sequent catalyst regeneration. In the oligomerization process, carbon RWGS process, which cannot be fully supplied through heat integration
losses occur due to removing light alkanes (purge from separator) and alone and requires significant additional thermal energy provided by
regulating inert components (middle column purge), amounting to electricity (electrical heating). Due to the efficient recycling steps up­
about 3 and 7 %. The latter can be added to the naphtha fraction in stream and further downstream processing of by-products, only a small
certain proportions. Additionally, carbon losses occur due to heavy amount of heat is generated from combusting waste streams in the
components (wax) utilized as an energy carrier within the furnace. furnace. A significant cooling demand arises from the FT synthesis and
With regard to the carbon flows, the kerosene fraction accounts for the product condensation. After heat integration, the overall cooling
almost 90 % of the liquid products, while naphtha and diesel represent demand via cooling water is estimated at 9 %, while a further 24 % of the
only 4 % and 6 %, respectively. energy can be used for external steam supply; i.e., about 33 % of the
energy used in the process is dissipated in the form of heat. Around 10 %
4.1.2. Energetic flows of the overall energy is required for heating demands and is provided by
The specific energy flows are normalized to the total energy input of electricity. At the end of the overall process, 67 % of the input energy
each pathway to analyze and assess the major energy demands and exits in the form of liquid products. Of this, 73 % can be allocated to the
losses of the process concepts. Thereby, chemical energy (related to the kerosene fraction, resulting in a kerosene energetic efficiency of 49 %.
higher heating value), electrical power, as well as heating and cooling
demands (thermal energy) are distinguished as energy streams. Methanol pathway. In the methanol pathway (Fig. 13), the
hydrogen input accounts for 94 % of the total energy input. Around 6 %

Fig. 12. Relative energy flows of the FT pathway (heating and cooling below 1% not depicted; HHV: Higher heating value; RWGS: Reverse water–gas shift).

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 13. Relative energy flows of the methanol pathway (heating and cooling below 1% not depicted; MtO: Methanol-to-Olefins).

of the total energy input (electrical power) is consumed for gas Fischer Tropsch pathway. In the reference case (secondary hy­
compression, particularly for the high pressures required for methanol drocracking, α = 0.85), the kerosene (K) carbon efficiency, which refers
synthesis. As all conversion processes are exothermic, no externally to the kerosene fraction, is around 72 %. Together with the naphtha and
provided heat is required. There are losses associated with the diesel fractions, this results in an almost ideal total product (TP) carbon
exothermic methanol synthesis reaction. However, significant amounts efficiency of 99 %. In Fig. 14, left, the influences of the assumed chain
of heat are needed for methanol purification. The combustion of waste growth probability and the considered hydrocracking behaviors on the
streams generates heat at higher temperature levels (>900 ◦ C) but leads carbon efficiency are depicted.
to lower energy efficiency for the production of liquid fuel products at
the same time. After heat integration, the overall cooling demand is • Influence of chain growth probability (α). The chain growth proba­
estimated to be 38 % (i.e., 62 % cooling water and 38 % steam gener­ bility is uniformly varied around the reference case (α = 0.85),
ation). The liquid product of the process accounts for 62 % of the total representing the maximum for straight-run kerosene. The TP carbon
energy input; the kerosene fraction amounts to 90 % of these. efficiency shows minimal changes over the variation range (98 to 99
%). The trend gradually increases, reaching a maximum of 99 % at
α-values of 0.90. Shifting left from the maximum, lighter components
4.2. Process assessment in the syncrude increase, requiring reforming through the RWGS
process and recycling into the synthesis loop. As recycling increases,
Based on the simulation results described above, the process losses through purge gases increase, leading to decreased TP effi­
assessment is carried out. The carbon efficiencies (section 4.2.1) and ciency. Higher α-values also increase the wax content that subse­
energy efficiencies (section 4.2.2) of the overall pathways are derived quently undergoes hydrocracking. The resulting light by-products
for the reference cases, while the influences of the underlying technol­ are also fed back into the RWGS and subsequently into the synthesis
ogy parameter assumptions are assessed through parameter variation. loop. As cracking intensifies, the quantity of lighter components
The sensitivity of the key figures regarding the varied parameters also formed in the hydrocracker outweighs those formed in the synthesis,
indicates uncertainties and potentially desirable parameter ranges for leading to a decline in TP efficiency to the right of the maximum with
optimized production. further increasing chain growth probabilities. Regarding the carbon
efficiency of K, the maximum shifts towards higher α-values. This is
4.2.1. Carbon efficiency because the decrease in straight-run kerosene is less significant up to
The relative carbon flows shown in section 4.1.1 represent the car­ a certain point compared to the increase in kerosene formed through
bon efficiencies (section 2.3) of the individual product fraction. Fig. 14 hydrocracking. After this chain growth probability is reached, the K
presents the carbon efficiencies applied over the chain growth proba­ carbon efficiency decreases as the diesel fraction within the cracking
bility resulting from the simulation of the overall plant. Minor changes products increases. This decrease is particularly evident in the case of
compared to the reference case (<1%) result from simplified rectifica­ primary and secondary cracking, as significantly more C17-C20 mol­
tion models in parameter variation simulation (supplementary infor­ ecules are formed here, which are subsequently not recycled in the
mation, section 2). Below, the results of the FT and the methanol wax column but are removed as diesel in the kerosene column.
pathway are described.

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 14. Carbon efficiencies of overall Fischer-Tropsch and methanol pathway under parameter variation (HC: Hydrocracking, K: Kerosene, pri.: Primary, sec.:
Secondary, SO: Olefin-selectivity, ter.: Tertiary, TP: Total product, x: Parameter of Eq. (9)).

Therefore, the location of the maximum kerosene efficiency depends • Influence of chain growth probability (α). The chain growth proba­
on the hydrocracking behavior considered. bility is varied below the α-value of maximum straight-run kerosene
• Influence of hydrocracking behavior. The variation of the hydro­ output (supplementary information, section 2.2). This is done
cracking behavior comprises three cases in which the number of because, in the overall process, the lighter naphtha fraction is fed
cracking events per pass is varied (section 3.2.1). Across all three back into the oligomerization, potentially increasing the overall
cracking cases, the K carbon efficiency values range from 60 to 77 %, kerosene fraction. The results of the parameter variation confirm this
depending on the α-value. In the case of primary cracking, for chain effect since a lower α-value generally leads to a higher K carbon ef­
growth probabilities higher than 0.80, the K carbon efficiency is ficiency. Furthermore, the TP efficiency is also positively influenced
clearly lower than in the other hydrocracking cases, and thus also the in most cases by a lower α-value, as the wax fractions (used only
maximum K carbon efficiency (71 % at α = 0.87). However, this energetically) decreases.
maximum shifts towards α-values above 0.90 for secondary and • Influence of olefin-selectivity (SO). The results of the parameter
tertiary hydrocracking, with over 76 % (α = 0.91, secondary variation show that the olefin-selectivity is a decisive parameter
cracking) and 77 % (α = 0.94, tertiary cracking) of the carbon input which strongly affects the achievable carbon efficiencies. At an
bound in kerosene. The differences in K carbon efficiencies con­ olefin-selectivity of 85 % the K carbon efficiency and the TP carbon
cerning the considered cracking scenarios primarily arise from the efficiency are limited to 60 to 73 % and 74 to 82 %, respectively.
differential cracking of the diesel fraction (C17 to C20). While, in the Raising the olefin-selectivity to 95 %, K carbon efficiency and the TP
case of primary cracking, the diesel fraction is separated from the carbon efficiency are increased to 69 to 90 % and 82 to 92 %,
product mixture after hydrocracking, substantial portions of the respectively. Direct losses caused by non-ideal olefin-selectivity
fraction undergo further cracking in secondary and tertiary pro­ occur as by-products (alkanes) do not oligomerize and are therefore
cesses, diverting them to the naphtha and kerosene fractions instead not further processed into any of the desired product fractions. In­
of ending up in the diesel fraction. Even if the number of cracking direct losses additionally arise due to the increasing purge re­
operations cannot be controlled to the same extent as in the simu­ quirements with rising amounts of inert alkanes, as this also results in
lation, the same effect can be achieved in actual plant operation by the removal of more valuable olefins – i.e., olefins that could be
selectively feeding diesel components back into the hydrocracker, further processed into the desired product fractions.
which also allows higher kerosene efficiencies. • Influence of ASF starting point. The impact of the ASF starting point –
which approximates the influence of the olefin-feedstock (monomer) Methanol pathway. In the reference case of the methanol size – on the overall process is also dependent on SO, which is
pathway (SO = 90 %, x = 3, α = 0.69), a TP carbon efficiency of about evidently illustrated by different diagrams. At rather low olefin-
85 % is obtained, while the K carbon efficiency reaches 76 %. Fig. 14, selectivities (SO = 0.85), a positive influence of larger monomers
right, illustrates the influences of the ASF starting point (parameter x of as oligomerization feed (higher x-values) can be observed. However,
Eq. (9)) and the considered olefin-selectivity over the chain growth this influence of the monomer size on both the K and the TP carbon
probability (α). To independently assess the individual impacts of the efficiency decreases significantly with increasing olefin-selectivities.
varied parameters, the carbon efficiency profiles for the assumed olefin- At higher SO-values, the carbon efficiencies achieved become
selectivities are presented separately in Fig. 15. Subsequently, the in­ increasingly less dependent on the monomer size. Additionally, with
fluences of the varied parameters are explained separately. However, higher chain growth probabilities and particularly at increasing SO-
the influences of the varied parameters are partially interdependent. As values, the influence of the monomer size even reverses; i.e., the
a result, the effects cannot be discussed completely separately from each achievable carbon efficiencies decrease as the monomer size in­
other. creases. This inverse effect is observed for olefin-selectivities of SO =
0.95 when the chain growth probabilities exceed approximately 0.65

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 15. Carbon efficiencies of overall methanol pathway under separate SO and x-variation. (K: Kerosene, SO: Olefin-selectivity, TP: Total product, x: Parameter of
Eq. (9)).

for K carbon efficiency and 0.68 for TP carbon efficiency. The In tendency, the effects are, therefore, similar to the results shown in
decreasing impact of ASF starting point with increasing SO primarily Fig. 14. However, the variation of technical parameters influences in­
results from a lower purge requirement, allowing for more efficient ternal process flows and energy requirements, eventually affecting en­
recycling of lighter naphtha. The transition from a positive to a ergy efficiency. The resulting deviations from the carbon efficiency and
negative effect of larger monomer sizes with increasing chain growth the key figure areas are explained below.
probabilities regarding the K carbon efficiency is primarily due to the
shift of the straight-run kerosene fraction towards diesel. Regarding Fischer-Tropsch pathway. The energy efficiency in the reference
the TP carbon efficiency, this effect is primarily attributed to case shown in section 4.1.2 is determined to be 49 % with regard to the
increased wax formation with higher chain growth probabilities. energy content of the produced kerosene. The TP energy efficiency,
considering the naphtha, kerosene, and diesel fraction, reaches 67 %.
Across all variations, the methanol pathway shows high kerosene Fig. 16 left, shows the influence of the assumed chain growth probability
yields, especially for chain growth probabilities well below the straight- and the considered hydrocracking behavior on the energy efficiency.
run optimum. This is primarily a result of the direct recycling of the light
naphtha fraction. The olefin-selectivity (SO) of the MtO process is • Influence of chain growth probability (α). The TP energy efficiency
identified as a crucial process parameter, as it strongly influences both shows a stronger sensitivity regarding the chain length probability
kerosene yield and overall yield under the assumptions made. The re­ compared to the carbon efficiency, ranging from 63 to 70 %. This is
sults suggest that a high olefin-selectivity is more important for the ef­ because at low α-values, the amount of light components reformed in
ficiencies of the process than a high straight-run kerosene fraction. the RWGS (reverse water–gas shift) process significantly increases.
Furthermore, the results obtained by the underlying assumptions sug­ The additional energy required for this needs to be covered by
gest that low chain growth probabilities starting from higher olefins (x external energy (electrical power), resulting in an overall increase in
= 4) achieve higher kerosene yields than starting from very light olefins energy demand while the fuel product quantity remains nearly
(x = 2) with higher chain growth probabilities. Starting from higher constant. Regarding kerosene, the amount of produced kerosene
olefins might also influence the smoothness of the product distribution, (carbon efficiency) increases and the required energy quantity in the
which is not analyzed here. RWGS process decrease with increasing α-values. Therefore, the K
energy efficiency still varies in a larger range from 39 to 54 %. The
4.2.2. Energy efficiency changes in compressor power due to varying process streams are
Fig. 16 shows the energy efficiencies applied over the chain growth negligible with respect to the overall energy demand.
probability (α) resulting from the simulation of the overall plant. Minor • Influence of hydrocracking behavior. Between the hydrocracking
changes compared to the base case analysis (<1 %) result from simpli­ cases, energy efficiencies behave almost identically to the carbon
fied fractionation models in parameter variation (see supplementary efficiencies. This is because the different hydrocracking cases have
information, section 2). Based on the higher heating values (HHV), a no significant impact on the energy requirements of the overall
theoretical maximum energy efficiency of 77 % can be cited. This process, which means that energy efficiency correlates directly with
theoretical efficiency is calculated by dividing the energy of the products the product quantity.
(assumed here to be C10H22 and H2O) by that of the reactants (H2 and
CO2), and thus takes into account the losses of the reaction enthalpy of Methanol pathway. The K energy efficiency of the methanol
the overall reaction. Since the energy streams of the product fractions pathways reference case is determined to be 55 %, while the TP energy
are proportional to the respective carbon flows, carbon efficiency efficiency amounts to about 62 %. Fig. 16 right, shows the influence of
directly affects energy efficiency. Furthermore, the main energy input of the considered ASF starting points and olefin-selectivity over the chain
both pathways results from hydrogen, which also supports a correlation growth probability on the energy efficiency. The results of the parameter
of energy with carbon efficiency as a parameter of material utilization. variation show a wide range of K energy efficiency (44 to 65 %) and the

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 16. Energy efficiencies of overall Fischer-Tropsch and methanol pathway under parameter variation (HC: Hydrocracking, K: Kerosene, pri.: Primary, sec.:
Secondary, SO: Olefin-selectivity, ter.: Tertiary, TP: Total product, x: Parameter of Eq. (9)).

TP energy efficiency (54 to 67 %). feedstocks H2 and CO2 is additionally included in the energy efficiency
Since the energy efficiency in the methanol pathway is almost at the end of this section.
exclusively influenced by the material efficiency, the resulting curves
from parameter variation behave similarly to those of the carbon effi­ 4.2.3. Carbon efficiency
ciency. More precisely, this is because the varied parameters have no
influence on the methanol production efficiency, and changes in the Total product carbon efficiency. Compared to the methanol
oligomerization recycle with regard to the compressor power are below pathway, the FT pathway enables a higher TP carbon efficiency through
0.5 %. For the discussion of the individual influences of the varied pa­ upstream reforming of lighter components and downstream hydro­
rameters, reference is made to the above-described section on carbon cracking of heavier components, with only minor losses occurring in the
efficiency. synthesis loop. The carbon efficiency sums up to approximately 99 %,
varying only within a relatively small range within the parameter Overall comparison. The key figures of both pathways are variation. While the methanol synthesis itself is highly selective, the
compared in Fig. 17. In the following, these are discussed for the carbon lower per-pass conversion results in purge losses exceeding those of the
efficiency and the energy efficiency. To enable an assessment of the FT synthesis. However, the major carbon losses in the methanol pathway
pathways in relation to the entire PtL process chain, the provision of the occur in the MtK process due to a limited selectivity in dehydration,

Fig. 17. Key overall figures of the FT and methanol pathway (FT: Fischer-Tropsch).

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

Fig. 18. Energy efficiency considering H2 production and CO2 supply (All efficiencies based on HHV; DAC: Direct air capture, K: Kerosene, point: CO2 point source,
pure: Pure CO2, TP: Total product).

which also determines carbon losses in oligomerization. Overall, this leads to a higher reforming effort. In contrast, almost no energetic in­
leads to a lower TP carbon efficiency of about 85 %. The value shows a fluences besides the material efficiency occur in the methanol pathway;
higher variation from 74 to 92 % in the parameter variation compared to i.e., the energy efficiency behaves similarly to its carbon efficiency
almost constant TP carbon efficiency in the FT pathway. ranging from 54 to 67 %. Kerosene carbon efficiency. Despite the overall carbon losses, in Kerosene energy efficiency. In terms of K energy efficiency, both
the reference case the methanol pathway has a higher K carbon effi­ pathways show a similar behavior as with regard to carbon efficiency.
ciency (76 %) compared to the FT pathway (72 %). This is due to the However, the methanol pathway is more clearly above the FT pathway
narrower product distribution and the recycling of the light naphtha in terms of energy than is the case for carbon. The reference case results
product fraction. Nevertheless, depending on the parameters consid­ are 55 % and 49 %, respectively. The methanol pathway ranges from 44
ered, the parameter variation shows a wide range from 60 to 90 %, to 65 %, while the FT pathway reaches 38 to 54 %. Comparing the lower
whereby the influence on the technical parameters and, thus, the end of the K efficiencies demonstrates the thermodynamic advantage of
achievable efficiencies currently appear to be limited. The range in the the methanol pathway. While both pathways are almost equal in terms
FT pathway is also comparably wide, reaching from 61 to 77 %. How­ of carbon, the methanol pathway exceeds the FT pathway in terms of
ever, since the chain growth probability in the FT synthesis can be well energy by more than 5 %pt..
adjusted through catalysts and process conditions, optimizing the
overall process towards the upper values of kerosene efficiency is Power-to-Liquid efficiency. The previously discussed effi­
realistic. ciencies pertain to the system boundaries chosen within the analysis, i.
In addition to the kerosene yield, the composition of the fraction also e., H2 and CO2 are available as pure components. To make statements
differs (supplementary information, section 3.2). The methanol pathway about the efficiencies of the entire production chain of electricity-based
analyzed here yields a kerosene fraction with a high proportion of light kerosene, the efforts or losses in feedstock supply must be considered.
components. In contrast, the kerosene fraction formed in the FT pathway The energy efficiency starting from electrical power, including H2 pro­
is more uniform and potentially easier to process into ASTM-compliant vision and CO2 capture, is depicted in Fig. 18. The energy requirements
fuel. of electrolysis depend on the chosen technology and vary within the
efficiency range for low-temperature electrolyzers. The energy expen­
4.2.4. Energy efficiency diture for CO2 capture is highly contingent on the CO2 source and the
The comparison of the FT against the methanol pathway depicted in availability of heat (T > 100 ◦ C). The illustration distinguishes three
Fig. 17, shows that, compared to the carbon efficiency (left), the cases. In one case, pure CO2 (“pure”), e.g., from ethanol fermentation, is
methanol pathway has shifted upwards in terms of the energy efficiency considered, eliminating the need for further efforts. Case two (“point”)
(right). This can be explained due to the thermodynamic advantage of represents capture via amine scrubbing from point sources (10–40 vol-%
the methanol pathway, where only exothermic processes occur, and no CO2). Additionally, capture through a direct air capture facility (“DAC”)
additional energy is required for CO2 reduction or recycle gas reforming. is considered. In both capture cases, no heat integration is assumed.
Depending on the electrolyzer efficiency, the total product (TP) ef­ Total product energy efficiency. Concerning energy efficiency, ficiency in both pathways decreases by 10–18 %pt.. The overall effi­
hydrogen is the largest energy input for both pathways. The FT pathway ciency is thus 49–57 % (46–53 %LHV) for the FT pathway and 45–52 %
also requires a significant additional heating demand, mainly caused by (41–48 %LHV) for the methanol pathway. If CO2 needs to be additionally
the RWGS. In the methanol pathway, all reaction steps are exothermic, captured from a point source with no heat integration possible, the ef­
allowing to cover all heating demands through heat integration. How­ ficiency further decreases by approximately 6 %pt. to 44–50 % (41–47
ever, higher electrical energy requirements for compression are needed %LHV) for the FT pathway and 40–45 % (37–42 %LHV) for the methanol
compared to the FT pathway. Due to the low material losses, manifesting pathway. In the absence of a point source, requiring CO2 to be captured
as energy losses due to combustion in the furnace, the FT pathway from the air, the efficiencies further decline to 40–45 % (37–42 %LHV)
achieves higher total product (TP) energy efficiencies (67 %) than the for the FT pathway and 36–40 % (33–37 %LHV) for the methanol
methanol pathway (62 %) in the reference case. The parameter variation pathway. The provision of feedstocks H2 and CO2 plays a significant role
of the FT pathway shows a wider range of TP energy efficiency (63 to 70 in overall efficiency. Since the efficiency of synthesis and downstream
%) compared to the TP carbon efficiency. This is due to an increasing processes directly determines the demand for feedstock, any conversion
energy demand of the RWGS at lower chain growth probabilities, which losses occurring here directly increase the losses in feedstock provision.

S. Bube et al. Fuel 366 (2024) 131269

5. Conclusion Declaration of competing interest

This research paper investigates and compares the FT and methanol The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
pathway from power-derived syngas within an in-depth technical interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
analysis. The main findings can be summarized as follows. the work reported in this paper.

• Concerning carbon efficiency, the FT pathway enables very high Data availability
efficiencies regarding to the total product (TP) yield (approx. 98 to
99 %). However, due to FT synthesis’s relatively broad product Data will be made available on request.
distribution, the specific kerosene selectivity and, thus, the kerosene
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