Test A End of Year Skills

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Reading 4 The Producers:

a didn’t win any awards. b didn’t get good reviews.
1 Read the text. Choose the correct answer to the c didn’t make very much money.
5 Mel Brooks:
a stopped making films at the end of the 1970s.
In 1968 Mel Brooks directed his first film from a script that
he had written himself. The film was The Producers and it b had his biggest successes in the 1970s.
has become famous as one of the funniest films ever made. c wrote a second film called The Producers in 2001.
There are two main actors in the film and they are both 6 The second The Producers film:
perfect in their parts. Zero Mostel played Max Bialystock,
a poor Broadway play producer. For eight years, between a wasn’t a comedy. b won several awards.
1951 and 1959, Mostel wasn’t able to work in films or on c didn’t earn enough to cover the costs of making it.
stage in the USA because of his political opinions, but he
was a famous theatre actor and he had also appeared in /6
a few films. He didn’t want to be in The Producers at first,
but his wife persuaded him that it was a good part when
she read the script. The other lead actor was Gene Wilder,
who had become famous in 1967 in the Oscar-winning film Listening
Bonnie and Clyde. He had had only a small part in that film 2 15 Listen to someone talking about the Ecolabel and
but had received good reviews. He had actually met Mel
complete the information with a number or one or two
Brooks in 1963, when he appeared in a play with Brooks’
wife, Anne Bancroft. words in each gap.
The Producers got mixed reviews. Some critics didn’t like it
and said it wasn’t funny. Others thought it was brilliant and 1 The Ecolabel has a picture of a .
Brooks won an Oscar for the screenplay (story and script). 2 The label appears on different products
The film made only a small amount of money, but it made and services.
Brooks famous, and he was the most successful comedy
director of the 1970s with films such as Blazing 3 French companies use the Ecolabel.
Saddles, Young Frankenstein and Silent Movie, all three 4 The materials used to make the All in One computer are
starring Gene Wilder. Brooks continued making films easy to .
during the 1980s and 1990s, but with less success. Then, in
2001, he rewrote The Producers and made it into a musical 5 The parts of the All in One computer can be .
play. The play was performed 2,502 times on Broadway in 6 The EcoSabatini laboratories are in .
New York and won twelve Tony Awards, the theatre’s
Oscars. It also had three years in London’s West End. 7 The Benwiskin Hotel asks guests not to waste water
In 2005 Brooks worked with Thomas Meehan to turn the or .
musical play into a musical film. Again, the film had mixed
reviews and a lot of critics felt that no film could be as funny
as the original. Again, it wasn’t a great success and there
was no Oscar this time. It earned about $38 million, but it
actually cost $45 million to make.
1 In 1968 Mel Brooks: 3 Complete the sentences with one word. The first letter
of each word has been given.
a starred in The Producers.
b wrote and directed The Producers.
0 Lisa’s a great singer. Don’t you agree ?
c was already a successful Hollywood film director.
1 Could I p have a word with you please?
2 Zero Mostel:
2 Would it be all r if I had another sandwich?
a hadn’t done any acting between 1951 and 1959.
b was a politician as well as an actor. 3 What activities do you r for someone of my age?
c liked the idea of acting in The Producers as soon as 4 What does ‘artificial intelligence’ m ?
he read the script.
5 Do you k where the Van Gogh exhibition is?
3 Gene Wilder:
6 Do you m if I take my jacket off?
a won an Oscar for his part in Bonnie and Clyde.
7 Do you t I could have some money today?
b met Mel Brooks when he was making The
c knew Mel Brooks because he had worked with /7
Brooks’ wife.


M03_CHOI_TES_INTGLB_2353_P3.indd 67 07/11/2011 12:10

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