Note Taking
Note Taking
Note Taking
or the college. Organizing class notes is crucial for effective studying and helps
improve academic performance. So, we need to know how to organize class
notes. The first things you should do is take notes on 8.5x11 inch notebook
paper. This will make all the information about the topic is usually on one page
rather than on two or three pages and it easier to find what you need when
studying for exams or writing papers. Second, you need to write your name,
address and telephone number in the front of your notebook so that it can be
easily returned to you if you lose it. Third, you should keep assignments for all
classes in a special assignment section of your notebook. That make it easy to
find and access them. There is no need to search through different notebooks or
folders to find a specific assignment. Beside that, you can group assignments by
subject, deadline, or importance. So you can save time and reduce the chances of
missing an assignment submission deadline. In addition, you should start each
day’s notes on a new sheet of paper and begin them with a heading… on a
particular date. The headings can also help you identify key concepts in the class.
Last but not least, you need to punch holes in paper instructors hand out and
insert them in your ring binder for safekeeping and you can also number each
page for easy navigation. Numbering pages helps you to find specific information
quickly. With page numbers, you can easily refer to a particular page or set of
pages without wasting much time. Beside, you can easily put notes back in
correct order if you remove them from your ring binder.
Based on how to organize class notes, we'll have some kind of note. The first is
the traditional note-taking system. This format emphasizes the relationship
between major thoughts and details. Major thoughts stand out clearly; they are
preceded by a line with no writing on it; they are written on the left side of the
page; and they are underlined. Details are listed under major thoughts in an
orderly fashion. Some details are preceded by numbers, and others are preceded
by stars. For example, when the first group presented about Chapter 3, I took
notes on the main idea by using the traditional note-taking format like this. Of
course, the notes you take under pressure during a class are not likely to be as
neatly written and tidy as the notes in this example. So I think traditional note-
taking is a more free-form approach to note-taking that involves simply recording
information as it is presented. You just need to write down the major thoughts
and details for them freely.
The next note-taking system is the Cornell method. The Cornell method of taking
notes was developed by Dr. Walter Pauk of Cornell University. It is a widely used
system for noting material from a lecture or reading, and for reviewing and
retaining that material and many experienced students favor this note-taking
system. To use this procedure, divide each sheet of notebook paper into 3 areas:
Cue column, note-taking area and summary area. Firstly, you Draw a horizontal
line across the bottom portion of your paper. This line should be approximately
one-fourth of the way up the page, about two inches from the bottom of each
page. Use this area to write….. overall meaning. Second, draw a vertical line two
and half inches from the left side of each page, extend the line….Use this column
to write questions and key words that….in the notes. Space these questions so
that they line up next to their corresponding information in the “notes”
section. According to….. strengthen memory. Third, Leave the largest section of
the page as the area for taking notes. This section on the right of the page should
leave you plenty of space to record important points and it’s about 6 or 9 inch
area. You should use short, concise sentences and abbreviations. Leave
several lines between each item so you can fill them in later with additional
material from reading or subsequent lectures. We will take example with
chapter 3. the left side is some questions about the material and the right side
is the answer and details for that questions. Finally, I write for about 3
sentences summary for the whole note.
The Cornell Note-Taking System is an excellent tool for students looking to improve
their note-taking skills. Its simple layout makes it easy to use and it can help students
better prepare themselves for exams and for success in their academic pursuits.
Besides the two note-taking formats mentioned above, we can also use many other
kinds of note-taking. They are chart format, time lines, and relation diagram.