B8 Human Resources

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Human resources

Businesses don’t build themselves; people do!

Cesc Gavagnach Jam

1.1 Introduction and business details

1.2 Human Resource planning

1.3 Motivation (Theory and strategy)

1.4 Personal Opinion

Introduction and business details:

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Google is an American multinational that has their headquarters in Ireland, their
founders are Larry Page and Serguéi Brin, it was founded on September 4 th of 1998 in
Menlo Park, California.

Google is a multinational that is present in most of the countries around the world,
they have a special presence outside of the US in Ireland, Spain, France, Italy, and a
great part of Asia such as China and Japan.

It was founded in California since that’s the place where technological companies
would go because of their logistic place, later that would be called Silicon Valley,
nowadays their headquarters are on Mountain View, California.

Google is part of the fortune 500 having a fortune of $75 billion, being the second
most successful tech company.

Inside of google there are different divisions such as the google search engine division
or YouTube division, maps, drive…

They focus on search engine, and they have done that over the recent years and the
numbers talk by themselves, 90% of the people who do internet searches use google,
that’s because they have developed a search tool that is fast, efficient, and safe, in less
than a second you can have more than a billion results on the thing that they have
searched on.

They also focus on artificial intelligence (AI), since on the recent year’s technologies
have evolved so fast that they have created such things as robots, intelligent cars…
that is the fruit of years of research and billions of dollars invested in this cause, in fact
their google car software has been used on other intelligent cars such as tesla.

They have more than 139 thousand employees (2021) all around the world, most of
their employees can be found in their hq in Mountain View, but a lot of them can be
found in their office in Dublin and in other parts of Europe.

Google is known for their technology but also for their offices, they are known for
having a lot of entertainment and places for their employees to work comfortable,
some offices around the world also have places for you to get a massage or swimming
pools for their employees to relax after a day of hard work.

Human Recourse Planning:

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One thing that we must understand about Google’s human resource planning putting
the focus on hiring they inly hire the smartest people of all branches, that makes their
company more efficient, and they favour ability over experience.

They thick that what is good for the employee is good for the company, and they put
all their efforts on keeping the workers satisfied and motivated, but they do
acknowledge that in the world that we live in specially in one of the biggest businesses
in the world competition is part of the role, and in modern HR they think that
competition between employees is a necessary thing but that they have to be careful

Google says that they are in the market position that they are because of their
employees, since they are the ones who carry out all the things that they are gaining
money on.

Google respects the employees’ space, and they give free way for their workers to
express their opinions to higher charges and to explore with their talent, that’s why
Google has a big I+D department, since their employees are always innovating.

According to google employees “it feels great to be inside those doors”, but they sure
work a lot and are constantly being assured by their HR department.

Google’s HR planning includes a part of supporting and showing gratitude at their

workers, especially when they do a well-done job or innovate something that the
company uses to improve their services, that’s one of the reasons that keeps google
employees satisfied and motivated with their work.

They also include a lot of rewards in their HR planning, they give bonuses for
employee’s achievements increasing their motivation, they also they give a workspace
where they have accommodations for wellness, physical and mental, dental, and free
healthcare played by the corporation.

Their workspace is one of the things that make people apply for a work at google, their
gigantic offices have such things as restaurants, laundry services, gym, swimming pool,
cafeterias, arcade, places to sleep, and fun things like slides for workers to distract
themselves for a while

Google does not pressure their workers to work long hours, since they just give
assignments to their employees and due dates, they do not check how many hours
they spend in front of a screen, since they believe that work isn’t supposed to be done
by obligation, since it must be by motivation, because then is when work is assured to
be well done.

One of the problems that Google is facing is that with home working they are
observing that their employees are being less productive since they do not have as
much supervision, and they don’t have any way to know if their employees are

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working or not, but they do not want to abolish home working since they have
committed to not leave a carbon footprint, and making their workers to come to work
involves them getting in a car to go to work, since the US majority doesn’t have public

The Human Resources team has a cordial but effective relation with their employees,
while they still have a friendly relation, one of the things that the HR team doesn’t like
to seem to their workers is that they are superior, they like them to see they as people
that can give them solution to most of their internal corporate problems.

Some techniques that google does to motivate their workers:

1. They give their workers 20% of their time to work on their own project that
then they will personally present to the board of directors, that keeps their
workers motivated for the possibility of a future promotion to make their
project a reality.

2. Google believes that having their workers happy and motivated is much more
important that making money, this is called the equity theory, that compares
the inputs and outputs of a motivated worker, it involves the job that you do,
the amount of money that you can generate to the business.

3. They also support their workers on different projects, like when their
employees are forming a family, they offer paid maternity leave, Google also
pay formation for their employees, and they offer them extra money for every
degree or formation programs.

4. They motivate their workers by making them know that the company cares
about them, they offer them medical services and all their restaurants and
snack areas offer a large variety of healthy food.

5. Google gives their workers a lot of freedom in their assignments to increase

productivity, that makes workers think that they are their own boss, and they
don’t always have a superior watching over them.

6. Google Human resources team has a forum each Friday where the directive
board listen to ideas and suggestions of all employees, then the board of
directors analyse these questions and give an answer to their workers, that
helps their workers to feel like they are listened.

7. Google organizes games that their workers do on their free time with their
colleagues, since that improves the connection with their colleagues and can
improve the teamwork, which will make the team more efficient and

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productive, and it’s proved that having a good relation within employees can
improve productivity.

8. Google’s model of motivation is traditional leadership, they try to motivate

their workers by making the workplace a nice and comfortable place, or as they
say, “To create the happiest, most productive workplace in the world.”

Google has a very good HR team, that successfully motivates their employees, you can
tell from your sight that they care about their workers, and that can be seen when you
go around their offices, and you see that they offer a hand full of amenities for their
employees and to cover their necessities, and more than that.

I think that Google really thinks that what’s good for the employee is good for the
company, it’s like if the company and all the employees merged into one working like a
machine to manage a 75-billion-dollar company.

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