Master Plan Shock and Hemorge

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Hemorrhage and

Submitted to: Mrs. shiny T Sam

Associate professor
TMM college of nursing

Submitted by: Mrs. Elsy mayjo

First year MSC, nursing
TMM college of nursing
● Subject : Advanced Nursing Practice
● Date :
● Time :
● Duration : 2 hours
● Venue : First year MSC, nursing classroom
● A/V aids : PowerPoint presentation
● Name of the student : Elsy mayjo
● Name of the faculty : Mrs. Shiny (Associate professor)

At the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
1. Define shock and hemorrhage
2. Explained the pathophysiology and Etiology of shock and hemorrhage
3. State the clinical manifestation of client with shock and hemorrhage
4. Identify the diagnostic investigations for shock and hemorrhage
5. Describe a treatment and medical management of shock and hemorrhage
6. Enumerate the, emergency management of shock and hemorrhage
7. Describe nursing management of client with shock and hemorrhage
8. Summary of shock and hemorrhage

1 Introduction of hemorrhage 2
2 Definition of hemorrhage 2
3 Natural arrest of Hemorrhage 2
4 Etiology and classification of hemorrhage 3-5
5 Pathophysiology Of hemorrhage 5-6
6 Signs and symptoms Of hemorrhage 7
7 Diagnostic tests 8-9
8 Complications Of hemorrhage 9
9 Treatment and management of hemorrhage 9-13
10 First aid of hemorrhage 13-17
11 Management in emergency 18
Post operative management 19
12 Nursing management of hemorrhage 19-20
13 Conclusion 21
14 Introduction of shock 22
15 Definition of shock 22
16 Shock and its significance 23
17 causes of circulation failure 23-24
18 Pathophysiology of shock 25
19 Effects and metabolic changes 26-28
18 Stage of shock 29-31
19 Classification of shock and management 32-40
20 First aid management of shock 40-41
21 Nursing management 41-42
22 Complications 42
23 Promoting home and community based care 43
24 Conclusion 43
25 References (hemorrhage) 21
 Judith Wilkinson, “Text book of fundamentals of nursing, volume
-1, jaypee publication, p.p no 346, 146.
 Erb Bermans Burke, “Text book of Fundamentals of Nursing”, 1 st
edition 2003, Pearson publication,
 Potter & Perry, “Textbook of fundamentals of nursing,” 7 th edition
2009, Elsevier publication,
 Luckmann and Sorensen, “Medical Surgical Nursing”, 2 nd edition
(1980), W.D.Saunders Co, Philadelphia, page no: 670, 1221-1225,
1604, 1791-1795.
 Potter A.Partricia and Anne Griffin Perry, (2005), “Fundamentals
of Nursing”6th edition, J.B.Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, Page no:
 William S.Linda and Hopper D. Palua, “Understanding Medical
Nursing”,2nd edition, F.A.Davis Co,Philadelphia, page no:70-79
 Neelima anil malik, “text book of oral and maxillofacial surgery”,
3 rd. edition, page no: 1162-1164
 Brunner and suddarata’s, 2004, “medical and surgical nursing”, 7
th edition, J.B Lippincott Co, Philadelphia, Page no: 301-332.
 Lewis. Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management
of Clinical Problems. 8th Edition. USA: Elsevier Publications;
2011. Page no: 1722-1744
 En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Bleeding
 Http://Nursing care plansblogspot.In/2012
References (shock)
- Suzanne C Smelter, Brenda. G Bare ; Brunner and Suddarths Text
book of Medical Surgical Nursing 11 th edition; Volume – 1 ;
Published by Wolters Kluwer (India) pvt .Ltd ; New Delhi ; Page
No: 355- 379 ; 655-658
- Shebeer P Basheer, S Yaseen Khan ; A Concise Text Book of
Nursing Practice ; 2nd Edition ; EMMESS Medical Publishers;
Page no :239-246.
- Sandra M nettine , the Lippincott manuals nursing practice, 78 th
edition, jaypee brothers medical publisher Pvt .Ltd page no:1076-
- Sharma Asha, Lewis medical surgical nursing, Elsevier
publication, page no:1722-1750
- Joycee M black, medical and surgical nursing, 6th edition, volume
2, page no:2231 -2258
- Sharon mantik lewis medical surgical nursing, Mosbys year book
publication,3rdedition, page no:740-757
_Pediatric_Populations .

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