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A Study on Load Carrying Capacity of Skirted Foundation on Sand

Research · October 2017

DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885


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2 authors, including:

Prasanth Tippireddypalli
Kandula Sreenivasa Reddy Memorial College Of Engineering


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

A Study on Load Carrying Capacity of Skirted

Foundation on Sand
T. Prasanth1, P. Rajendra Kumar2
K S R M College of Engineering, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh-516003

Abstract: Skirted foundations are considered to be a viable foundation for a variety of offshore applications. Skirted foundations are
used widely offshore, either as a single foundation system for gravity based structures or as discrete foundation units at the corners of
jacket structures and tension leg platforms. Skirted foundations used in structures and facilities for the oil and gas industry are
gradually replacing piled foundations. These foundations lead to cost savings through reduction in materials and in time required for
installation. The effects of skirt length on bearing capacity were already investigated and reported in many literatures. Skirted footing
capacity for combined (vertical, horizontal and moment) loads has been studied by several researchers using both numerical and
physical modelling. From the accomplished laboratory tests, it is concluded that there is enhancement in bearing capacity of skirted
foundations occurred both with the increase in skirt depth and relative density of sand. The ultimate bearing capacity was found to
increase with the size of the footing, the length of skirts and the relative density of sand.

Keywords: Bearing Capacity, Offshore foundation, Skirts

1. Introduction skirt geometry affects the un-drained strip foundation

capacity under combined horizontal–moment loading and the
Geotechnical engineers are in search of an alternative method mechanisms occurring at failure. It shows that deformation of
for improving the bearing capacity and reducing the the soil between external skirts can lead to significantly less
settlement of footing resting on soil. Though a variety of foundation capacity than that of an equivalent solid
methods of soil stabilization techniques are known and well- embedded foundation. The specific geometry of the
developed, they can be prohibitively expensive and restricted foundation must be considered in design. In addition, the
by the site conditions. In some situations they are difficult to failure envelopes for skirted foundations with different
apply to existing foundations. In this case, structural skirts embedment ratios differed significantly. According to them,
hold good as an alternative method of improving the bearing the significant increase in foundation bearing capacity may
capacity and reducing the settlement of footing resting on be achieved by adding an intermediate skirt to the
soil. Skirts provided with foundations, form an enclosure in foundation, which results in a foundation capacity that is
which soil is strictly confined and acts as a soil plug to almost equal to that of a solid embedded foundation. Yun and
transfer super-structure load to soil. Skirted foundations have Bransby (2003) made a comparative study between load–
been extensively used for offshore structures like wind displacement response from centrifuge test data and finite
turbine due to easy installation compared to deep foundation. element results of skirted circular footings of different skirt
Skirt foundations have a wide variety of functions such as roughness and skirt depth up to five times the footing
control of settlement during service life, less impact to diameter. They also conducted a series of centrifuge model
environments during operation at installation site. Skirted tests on a skirted footing subjected to vertical load, moment,
foundations are used to satisfy bearing capacity requirement, and horizontal load; and proved that the skirted foundation
and to minimize the embedment depth and dimensions of the increased the horizontal capacity to about 3–4 times that of
foundation. Vertical loading due to the self -weight of the un-skirted foundation. They suggested that the failure
installation (Ex. Jacket structure, wind turbine) is improved mode changed to rotational mode instead of sliding
as soft surface soils are confined within the skirt and the mechanism. Bransby and Randolph (1998) proved that
foundation loads are transferred down to harder underlying vertical and horizontal capacities are affected by the footing
layers. shape and the soil strength profile using finite element and
plasticity analysis. M. Y. AL-AghbarI and Y. E-
2. Literature Review A.Mohamedzein (2004) conducted a series of tests on
foundation models and study the factors that affect the
Susan Gourvenec and Mark. F. Randolph (2012) used the bearing capacity of foundations with skirts. They studied
finite-element analyses to quantify the immediate and time- several factors including foundation base friction, skirt depth,
dependent response of circular skirted foundations to uniaxial skirt side roughness, skirt stiffness and soil compressibility.
vertical loading. Foundations with frictionless and fully The results obtained from the proposed equation were
rough skirt-soil interfaces with varying ratio of embedment compared with the results obtained from Terzaghi, Meyerhof,
depth to foundation diameter are considered and the results Hansen and Vesic bearing capacity equations for foundations
are compared with those for surface foundations. It shows without skirt. Villalobos (2007) presented the experimental
that both skirt-soil interface roughness and embedment ratio results of scale skirted shallow foundations in sand under
have a significant effect on the consolidation response. M. F. monotonic vertical loading. The investigation included
Bransby and G.J. Yun (2009) conducted a series of plane- different skirt lengths, mineralogy and density of the sand
strain finite element analyses to investigate directly how the deposits. The bearing capacity formulation was used in the

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20174885 DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885 2231
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
analysis of failure. Axial symmetric bearing capacity factors 3.5 Model test tank used
for flat footings were used.
The size of tank was designed keeping in view the size of
3. Materials and Methodology footing to be tested and zones of influence. The dimension of
the tank was 30*30*40cm. Testing tank used in experimental
3.1 Sand study shown in Figure 2.

The sand was brought from nearby Penna River and was
oven dried for one day. Then it was sieved in 2mm and 0.425
mm sieve. The sand which are passed in 2mm and retained in
0.425mm sieve was taken for the research work. The
properties of the collected sand were given in the following

Table 1: Index Properties of Sand

S.No Description Values
1. Uniformity coefficient, Cu 2.4
2. Coefficient of curvature, Cc 1.0
Figure 2: Model test tank
Soil classification as per SP
IS1498-1970 Poorly graded sand
4. Specific gravity 2.60 4. Testing Equipment
5. Minimum dry density γmin 14.59 kN/m3
6. Maximum dry density γmax 16.95 kN/m3 To study the behavior of a skirted footing on sand, laboratory
7. Maximum Void ratio emax 0.505 tests were conducted on a small scale model of circular
8. Minimum Void ratio emin 0.748 footing having diameter (D) equal to 75 mm. and of thickness
20 mm. The footing models were machined from steel plates.
3.2 Model footing used The skirt length (L) to the footing diameter ratio L/D is 0.0,
0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0. Skirts are welded firmly and
The model footing was a mild steel circular footing of accurately to footings. The lengths of skirts are measured
diameter (D) equal to 75mm of thickness 10mm. after welding to footings. Eighteen laboratory experiments
are conducted to study the behavior of skirted footings. The
3.3 Skirt footing used model footings have smooth faces and a notch at the center of
the top face for mounting a calibrated proving ring of 3000
Skirts are made from mild steel sheets of 3mm thick and are kg maximum capacity via ball bearing. Two-dial gauges of
welded firmly and accurately to the footings. The skirt accuracy 0.01 mm were used to measure the footing vertical
lengths (L) to the footing diameter L/D values of 0.4, 0.8, displacements and rotations. The dial gauges were attached
1.2, 1.6, and 2.0 were maintained. The lengths of skirts are vertically far apart on the top surface of the footing.
measured after welding to footings.
The vertical displacement of the footing was considered as
the average of the two-dial gauges readings. Rotations are not
permitted during the test, and this was achieved by accurately
applying the imposed load vertically and concentric on the
footing model and by ensuring a homogeneous formation of

5. Methodology
The sand was formed in the soil bin in layers each 50mm
Figure 1 Model skirt footings
thickness. To ensure homogeneity of sand formation, a
calculated weight of sand with an accuracy of 0.001kN was
3.4 Loading frame used
formed into a certain volume of sand by compaction to give
specific relative densities. For higher relative densities 75
The capacity of loading frame is 3000 kg and types of
and 90 the soil bin was vibrated in the vibrating table with
operation electrical and manual. The load frame consists of a
the footing embedded in it with a top plate on it till the
cabinet which houses the gear system and motor loading
required density was achieved. The bin was then placed on
systems comprises of screw jack with detachable handle. The
the strain controlled loading platform without disturbing the
lower plate moves up and down. A dailguage mounting
density of the soil. The load was transferred to the footing
bracket is provided on one of the two pillars. Rate of strain is
through a ball which was placed between the footing and the
1.25 mm/min
proving ring. Such an arrangement produced a hinge, which
allowed the footing to rotate freely as the underlying soil
approached failure and eliminated any potential moment
transfer from the loading fixture. Finally vertical load was
Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20174885 DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885 2232
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
applied at a strain rate of 1mm/minute. Dial gauge was
placed on the footings to measure the vertical settlement of
the footing. Three laboratory experiments were conducted in
surface footing for each relative density and fifteen tests are
conducted in skirt footing. Several tests were repeated at
least twice to examine the performance of the apparatus, the
repeatability of the system and also to verify the consistency
of test data. Very closest patterns of load-settlement
relationship with the maximum difference in the results less
than 5% were obtained.
Figure 5: Load-Settlement relationships at relative density
6. Results and Discussions 90%

6.1 Load Tests Test results shows that for sand having relative density 30%,
the failure load attains at displacement equivalent to some
To study the effect of skirt length on the bearing capacity of between 8% and 20% of the footing diameter, for all L/D
shallow footings, reference tests were conducted on unskirted values. As the relative density of sand increases, the failure
footings with the same diameter on the same soil formation. load of skirted footing having skirt length to diameter ratio
The load–settlement relationships were plotted for all tests less than 1.2 attains at a bigger displacement ratio, some
conducted on footings having the same diameter, while between 8.67% and 13.33% in case of sand having a relative
average load–settlement relationships were drawn for tests density equals to 65%, and 90%.
carried on footings having different diameters.
The figures show that the settlement diameter ratio at failure
6.2 Load –Settlement Characteristics load increases as the relative density of sand increases and
L/D ratio increases. Generally, the displacement of the sand
Typical load-settlement curves for circular skirted footing underneath the footing is resulted from two basic causes, the
with skirt ratio of 0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 are shown in compressibility of sand and the displacement of the sand
Figures 3, 4 and 5 respectively. grains associated with plastic response of soil. The
proportion of the two effects in the total displacement
depends on the applied load level, the relative density of
sand, and the length of skirt to diameter ratio L/D. The
displacement of the footing due to compressibility of sand,
which takes place at early stage of loading, may be assumed
proportional with the applied load, whereas the deformation
due to displacement of soil grains, that is to say the plastic
deformation, increases exponentially as the load level
increased approaching failure load.

As L/D ratio increases, the confining pressure at skirt tip

Figure 3: Load-Settlement relationships at relative density level increased and consequently the elastic and the plastic
30% displacements of sand grains are constrained. Furthermore, as
the relative density of sand increases and L/D increased, the
mode of failure of footing-soil system changed due to total or
partially confinement of the formed plastic zone of soil, and
hence, more displacement to mobilize shear failure plane in
soil is required. This may explain that footings can sustain a
bigger failure load as the relative density of sand increased
and the skirt length to diameter of footing ratio increased.
This may explain that footings can sustain a bigger failure
load as the relative density of sand increased and the skirt
length to diameter of footing ratio increased. Figs. 4.2 and
4.3 demonstrated that at early stage of loading, up to
Figure 4: Load-Settlement relationships at relative density proportionality limit, L/D ratio having inappreciable effects
60% on load–displacement relationships. Beyond this limit, the
displacement of the footing decreased as L/D ratio increased,
contrary to Fig. 4.1 where the proportionality limit is
obscured. This may be explained by the effect of strain
hardening, which takes place during the process of loading,
and the changes in the sand compressibility.

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20174885 DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885 2233
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20174885 DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885 2234
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 33, Issue 7, May 2006, Pages 964-973.

Author Profile
T.Prasanth received B.Tech. Degree in Civil
Engineering from J.N.T.U in 2014. He is pursuing
M.Tech in Geotechnical Engineering. K.S.R.M
College of Engineering. His areas of interest are Pile
Foundations, Software Analysis regarding to the
Geotech Field, Ground Improvement Techniques.

P. Rajendra Kumar working as an Assistant Professor

at K.S.R.M College of Engineering. He has received
his M.Tech in Rock Engineering and Underground
Structures at IIT Delhi. His areas of interest are Tunnel
Design, Slope Stability in rock and soil, Foundation
Engineering, Soil Stabilizations, and Ground Improvement

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20174885
View publication stats DOI: 10.21275/ART20174885 2235

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