Previous Year Question Paper Set 2
Previous Year Question Paper Set 2
Previous Year Question Paper Set 2
:3 : 80
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
(i) - 23
Please check that this question paper contains 23 printed pages.
(ii) - - -
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title
page of the answer-book by the candidate.
(iii) - 38
Please check that this question paper contains 38 questions.
(iv) -
Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book before
attempting it.
(v) - 15 -
10.15 10.15 10.30 -
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10. 30 a.m., the students will read the
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
(iv) 21 25 (VSA)
(v) 26 31 (SA)
(vi) 32 35 (LA)
(vii) 36 38
(viii) 2 3
2 2
1 tan x
1. dx ~am~a h¡ :
1 tan x
2. sec 2 (x ) dx ~am~a h¡ :
1 1
(a) (b)
3 3
(c) 3 (d) 3
d 2y dy
3. AdH$b g_rH$aU sin y H$s H$mo{Q> VWm KmV H$m `moJ\$b h¡ :
dx 2 dx
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
2. sec 2 (x ) dx is equal to :
1 1
(a) (b)
3 3
(c) 3 (d) 3
3. The sum of the order and the degree of the differential equation
d 2y dy
sin y is :
dx 2 dx
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
(a) 7 (b) 0
(c) 5 (d) 25
(a) 7 (b) 0
(c) 5 (d) 25
65/1/2 JJJJ Page 5 P.T.O.
x2 x2
(c) y= +C (d) y = 2 log x + +C
2 2
12. `{X f(x) = a(x cos x), _| {Za§Va õmg_mZ h¡, Vmo a {ZåZ _| go {H$g _| pñWV h¡ ?
(a) {0} (b) (0, )
(c) ( , 0) (d) ( , )
13. {H$gr a¡{IH$ àmoJ«m_Z g_ñ`m Ho$ AmboIr` {Zê$nU _| gwg§JV joÌ Ho$ erf© {~ÝXþ (2, 72),
(15, 20) VWm (40, 15) h¢ & `{X z = 18x + 9y CÔoí` \$bZ h¡, Vmo :
(a) z, (2, 72) na A{YH$V_ VWm (15, 20) na Ý`yZV_ h¡ &
(b) z, (15, 20) na A{YH$V_ VWm (40, 15) na Ý`yZV_ h¡ &
(c) z, (40, 15) na A{YH$V_ VWm (15, 20) na Ý`yZV_ h¡ &
(d) z, (40, 15) na A{YH$V_ VWm (2, 72) na Ý`yZV_ h¡ &
A 1 1
16. `{X {H$gr 3 3 Amì`yh A Ho$ {bE = h¡, Vmo k H$m _mZ h¡ :
2 k| A|
(a) (b) 8
(c) 2 (d)
65/1/2 JJJJ Page 6
x3 x3
(a) y = 2x + +C (b) y = 2 log x + +C
3 3
x2 x2
(c) y= +C (d) y = 2 log x + +C
2 2
14. The number of corner points of the feasible region determined by the
constraints x y 0, 2y x + 2, x 0, y 0 is :
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
15. If for a square matrix A, A2 3A + I = O and A 1 = xA + yI, then the
value of x + y is :
(a) 2 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 3
A 1 1
16. If = , where A is a 3 3 matrix, then the value of k is :
2 k| A|
(a) (b) 8
(c) 2 (d)
65/1/2 JJJJ Page 7 P.T.O.
3 4
18. `{X A = h¡ VWm 2A + B EH$ eyÝ` Amì`yh h¡, Vmo B ~am~a h¡ :
5 2
6 8 6 8
(a) (b)
10 4 10 4
5 8 5 8
(c) (d)
10 3 10 3
19 20 1
(A) (R)
(a), (b), (c) (d)
(a) A{^H$WZ (A) Am¡a VH©$ (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢ Am¡a VH©$ (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s ghr
ì¶m»¶m H$aVm h¡ &
(b) A{^H$WZ (A) Am¡a VH©$ (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢, naÝVw VH©$ (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s ghr
ì¶m»¶m H$aVm h¡ &
(c) A{^H$WZ (A) ghr h¡ VWm VH©$ (R) µJbV h¡ &
(d) A{^H$WZ (A) µJbV h¡ VWm VH©$ (R) ghr h¡ &
19. (A) : {~ÝXþAm|
(1, 2, 3) VWm (3, 1, 3) go hmoH$a OmZo dmbr aoIm H$m
g_rH$aU x 3 = y 1 = z 3 h¡ &
2 3 0
(R) : {~ÝXþAm|
(x1, y1, z1) VWm (x2, y2, z2) go hmoH$a OmZo dmbr aoIm H$m
g_rH$aU x x1 = y y1 = z z1 h¡ &
x 2 x1 y 2 y1 z 2 z1
3 4
18. If A = and 2A + B is a null matrix, then B is equal to :
5 2
6 8 6 8
(a) (b)
10 4 10 4
5 8 5 8
(c) (d)
10 3 10 3
Questions number 19 and 20 are Assertion and Reason based questions carrying
1 mark each. Two statements are given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other
labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d)
as given below.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.
19. Assertion (A) : Equation of a line passing through the points (1, 2, 3) and
x 3 y 1 z 3
(3, 1, 3) is = = .
2 3 0
Reason (R) : Equation of a line passing through points (x1, y1, z1),
x x1 y y1 z z1
(x2, y2, z2) is given by = = .
x 2 x1 y 2 y1 z 2 z1
20. Assertion (A) : The number of onto functions from a set P containing 5
elements to a set Q containing 2 elements is 30.
Reason (R) : Number of onto functions from a set containing m
elements to a set containing n elements is n m.
21. (H$) ZrMo Xr JB© AmH¥${V _| Xem©E JE {~ÝXþAm| A, B VWm C Ho$ pñW{V g{Xe H«$_e:
a , b VWm c h¢ &
A( a ) B( b ) C( c )
`{X AC = AB h¡, Vmo c H$mo a VWm b Ho$ nXm| _| ì`º$ H$s{OE &
(I) x = 2 + 2, y = 7 + 1,
z= 3 3 VWm x= 2, y = 2 + 8, z = 4 + 5 h¢, nañna b§~dV h¢
`m Zht &
2 dy
22. `{X y = (x + x 1 )2
h¡, Vmo Xem©BE {H$ 1) (x2
= 4y2.
23. dh Cn-A§Vamb kmV H$s{OE Ohm± f(x) = log (2 + x) , x > 2, dY©_mZ AWdm
2 x
õmg_mZ h¡ &
24. (H$) f(x) = 2x Ûmam n[a^m{fV \$bZ f:A B, EH¡$H$s Am¡a AmÀN>mXH$ XmoZm| h¡ & `{X
A = {1, 2, 3, 4} h¡, Vmo B kmV H$s{OE &
(I) _mZ kmV H$s{OE :
3 3
sin 1 sin + cos 1 cos + tan 1 (1)
4 4
25. Xmo eyÝ`oVa g{Xem| a VWm b Ho$ {bE `{X | a b | = |a + b | h¡, Vmo a VWm
b Ho$ ~rM H$m H$moU kmV H$s{OE &
(SA) 3
ex / y 1
dx y
26. (H$) AdH$b g_rH$aU = H$m ì`mnH$> hb kmV H$s{OE &
dy 1 ex / y
65/1/2 JJJJ Page 10
A( a ) B( b ) C( c )
If AC = AB , express c in terms of a and b .
(b) Check whether the lines given by equations x = 2 + 2, y = 7 + 1,
z= 3 3 and x = 2, y = 2 + 8, z = 4 + 5 are perpendicular
to each other or not.
22. If y = (x + x2 1 )2, then show that (x2 1) = 4y2.
23. Find the sub-intervals in which f(x) = log (2 + x) , x > 2 is
2 x
increasing or decreasing.
24. (a) A function f : A B defined as f(x) = 2x is both one-one and onto. If
A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, then find the set B.
(b) Evaluate :
3 3
sin 1 sin + cos 1 cos + tan 1 (1)
4 4
28. (H$) {H$gr `mÑpÀN>H$ Ma X H$m àm{`H$Vm ~§Q>Z ZrMo {X`m J`m h¡ :
X 1 2 3
k k k
2 3 6
ex sin x dx
(I) kmV H$s{OE :
cos(x a) cos(x b)
X 1 2 3
k k k
2 3 6
ex sin x dx
(b) Find :
cos(x a) cos(x b)
33. g_mH$bZ Ho$ à`moJ go, joÌ {(x, y) : x2 + y2 1 x + y} H$m joÌ\$b kmV H$s{OE &
34. EH$ g§~§Y R, na Bg àH$ma n[a^m{fV h¡ {H$
R = {(x, y) : x . y EH$ An[a_o` g§»`m h¡} & Om±M R, ñdVwë`, g_{_V `m
g§H«$m_H$ h¡ `m Zht &
1 2 2 3 1 1
35. (H$) `{X A 1 3 0 VWm B 15 6 5 h¡, Vmo
0 2 1 5 2 2
(AB) 1
kmV H$s{OE &
(I) Amì`yh {d{Y Ûmam {ZåZ g_rH$aU {ZH$m` H$mo hb H$s{OE :
x + 2y + 3z = 6
2x y+z=2
3x + 2y 2z = 3
|sin x cos x|dx
31. Find :
x( x 1) ( x 2)
This section comprises long answer (LA) type questions of 5 marks each.
32. (a) Find the vector and the Cartesian equations of a line passing
through the point (1, 2, 4) and parallel to the line joining the
points A(3, 3, 5) and B(1, 0, 11). Hence, find the distance
between the two lines.
(b) Find the equations of the line passing through the points A(1, 2, 3)
and B(3, 5, 9). Hence, find the coordinates of the points on this line
which are at a distance of 14 units from point B.
33. Find the area of the region {(x, y) : x 2 + y2 1 x + y}, using integration.
3 4
àH$aU AÜ``Z 1
2 cm3/s H$s g_mZ Xa go nmZr Q>nH$ ahm h¡ & Q>¢H$ H$m AY©-erf© H$moU 45 h¡ &
Cn`w©º$ gyMZmAm| Ho$ AmYma na {ZåZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
(i) Q>¢H$ _| nmZr Ho$ Am`VZ H$mo {ÌÁ`m r Ho$ nXm| _| ì`º$ H$s{OE & 1
(ii) Cg g_` O~ r = 2 2 cm h¡, {ÌÁ`m Ho$ ~XbZo H$s Xa kmV H$s{OE & 1
(iii) (H$) Cg g_` O~ r = 2 2 cm h¡, Q>¢H$ Ho$ Jrbo Vb Ho$ KQ>Zo H$s
Xa kmV H$s{OE & 2
(iii) (I) O~ {V`©H$ D±$MmB© 4 cm h¡, Cg g_` D±$MmB© h Ho$ ~XbZo H$s Xa kmV
H$s{OE & 2
Case Study 1
(i) Find the volume of water in the tank in terms of its radius r. 1
(iii) (a) Find the rate at which the wet surface of the conical tank is
decreasing at an instant when radius r = 2 2 cm. 2
37. `moJ Ho$ H$B© àH$ma h¢ {OZ_| `moJ Ho$ {d{^Þ àH$ma Ho$ AmgZ, _ZZ-àmW©Zm, àmUm`m_ BË`m{X
h¢ O¡gm {H$ {MÌ _| Xem©`m J`m h¡ &
AZwgma `moJ
Hw§$S>{bZr `moJ
{dÝ`mg `moJ
{~H«$_ `moJ
hmW `moJ
Anusara Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Bikram Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Types of Yoga
Cn`w©º$ gyMZmAm| Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
(iii) (H$) P kmV H$s{OE & 2
(iii) (I) àm{`H$Vm kmV H$s{OE {H$ gmogmBQ>r H$m EH$ `mÑÀN>`m MwZm J`m gXñ`
A `m B àH$ma H$m `moJ H$aVm h¡ naÝVw C àH$ma H$m Zht & 2
(iii) (a) Find P . 2
(iii) (b) Find the probability that a randomly selected person of the
society does Yoga of type A or B but not C. 2
38. EH$ amoba-H$moñQ>a Ûmam V` {H$`m J`m nW ~hþnX f(x) = a(x + 9) (x + 1) (x 3) Ûmam
àXÎm h¡ & `{X `h amoba-H$moñQ>a y-Aj H$mo q~Xþ (0, 1) na {_bVm h¡, Vmo {ZåZ Ho$ CÎma
Xr{OE :