The Russian Revolution 20240128235515
The Russian Revolution 20240128235515
The Russian Revolution 20240128235515
1850s 1880s: During this time, people in Russia were talking a lot.
They were worried about how hard life was for workers in factories.
They thought about socialism as a way to make things better for
1898: In the late 1800s, a special group was created the Russian
Social Democratic Workers Party. This was the start of organized
groups that wanted socialism in Russia.
2nd March 1917: Just a little while after that, the king, Tsar Nicholas I,
decided he didn't want to be king anymore. He gave up his throne on
March 2nd. A new government took over, but it had its own
Most of the banks and industries were taken over: After the
Bolsheviks took control, they started running most of the banks and
factories. This was different from how things were before.
Elections for the first time: With the Bolsheviks in charge, they
decided to have elections. It was the first time people got to vote for
their leaders in Russia.
After the French Revolution, new ideas ' about'individual rights' and
'societal changes' began to be discussed in Europe and Asia.
3. Not Full Democrats: Liberals weren't all for full democracy, which
means everyone can vote. They thought only people with property
should be allowed to vote.
2. Slow and Steady Change: After seeing the problems caused by the
French Revolution, they thought that some changes were needed, but
they wanted those changes to happen slowly and carefully.
2. New Things Popped Up: With these factories, new cities, special
areas where factories were, railways, and something called the
Industrial Revolution came about.
5. Making Everyone Equal: One idea they had was to create "nations"
where everyone had the same rights. This means that no one would
be treated unfairly just because of who they were.
Around the year 1870, a lot of people in Europe started to really like
the idea of socialism. They thought it could make life better for
The fall of Monarchy in February 1917 and the events of October are
generally known as the "Russian Revolution".
1. The Ruler: In 1914, Russia was under the rule of Tsar Nicholas II. 2.
The Main Religion: Most of the people in Russia followed a religion.
2. Not Many Factories: There weren't many factories in Russia, and the
few that existed were mostly near places like St. Petersburg and
#Socialism in Russia:
1. No Legal Parties in Russia: Before the year 1914, it was against the
law to have any political parties in Russia. But, even though it was
illegal, one party called "The Russian Social Democratic Workers
Party" started in 1898. These were socialists who liked the ideas of a
guy named Marx.
. 4. A New Party: In the year 1900, these socialists formed a new party.
called the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
They wanted to make sure peasants had rights and that land owned
by rich nobles should begiven to the peasants.
6. Lenin's View: Vladimir Lenin, who was the leader of a group called
the Bolsheviks, thought that peasants weren't all the same. Some
were poar, some were rich, some worked for others, and some were
like bosses who hired workers. Because of these differences, he
believed that not all of them could be part of a socialist movement.
7. Divided About Organization: The party was also split on how they
should organize themselves. Lenin wanted a strict and disciplined
party with high-quality members.
8. On the other hand, there were others, called the Mensheviks, who
thought the party should be open to everyone, like it was in
1. All Power with the Tsar: Russia was ruled by a tsar, which means
that all the power was in his hands. Nobody else had much say in
how things worked.
1. Feeling the Pressure: The Tsar was under a lot of pressure because
Duma and elected a new one. 3. Packed Duma: The third Duma was
chosen in a way that only
In Simple Words:
1. Different Battlefields: The way the war was fought in the east,
where Russia was, was different from the western front. In the west,
armies. stayed in long trenches in France. But in the east, armies
moved a lot and had many battles. 2. Defeats in the East: Russia's
armies suffered big defeats in Germany. and Austria between 1914
and 1916.
Impact of the First World War: 1. Many Casualties: By 1917, more than
7 million people in Russia were hurt or killed because of the war.
close down.
in Petrograd In the year 1917, the city of Petrograd (the capital) was
facing some very
serious problems. Divided City: The city had two sides. On the right
bank of the River Neva, you had the workers" quarters and factories.
On the left bank, there were fancy areas, the Winter Palace (where the
royal family lived), and the Duma (a kind of parliament),
Conditions in Petrograd:
where the workers lived. 2. Terribly Cold Winter: The winter that year
was incredibly cold. This cold weather made it really hard for crops to
grow. So, there was even
Less food.
3. Argument About the Duma: The Tsar, who was the ruler, wanted to
close down the Duma (a kind of parliament). But the people in the
Duma, called parliamentarians, didn't agree with him. They wanted
the Duma to keep working.
A few days later, on the 25th of February, the Tsar (the ruler) did
something big. He suspended which means he stopped, the Duma (a
type of parliament).
This day was even more important. The Police Headquarters got
damaged, and a police officer was shot.
At one of the army bases, the soldiers rebelled, which means they
refused to do what they were told. They voted to join the workers
who. were on strike.
These striking workers and the rebellious soldiers got together in the
same building where the Duma used to meet. They formed
something. called a 'soviet' or 'council.' This special council was called
the "Petrograd Soviet."
Leaders from this Soviet and leaders from the Duma formed a new
government called the Provisional Government. This government was
set up to run the country. The February Revolution in Petrograd
played a big role in bringing down the monarchy in February 1917.
#After February
in Russia.
freely share their ideas and thoughts. 2. Soviets Arrive: A new thing
called "Soviets" came into existence. These were like councils made
up of workers and soldiers. But here's the tricky part there wasn't just
one way of picking the people who would represent these Soviets. It
was a bit different in different places. 3. Lenin's Big Return: In April
1917, someone named Vladimir Lenin, who was a leader of a group
called the Bolsheviks, came back to Russia after being in exile (away
from the country). He had three really important demands, which
were called "Lenin's April Theses": a. Stop the ongoing war.
few rich people. So, peasants, the people who worked on the land,
could 3. Social Changes: The big fancy houses owned by rich people
were divided into smaller parts so that more families could live in
them based
on their needs. And the use of titles like "Lord" or "lady" was not
allowed anymore. 4. New Clothes: The army and government workers
got new uniforms.
They had a competition to design these new uniforms, and they were
used in 1918. 5. Party Name Change: The political party that Lenin
belonged to, the
mind, and got rid of the Assembly. 7. Peace with Germany: In March
1918, the Bolsheviks made a peace deal with Germany in a place
called Brest-Litovsk. They wanted to end the Fighting with Germany.
Effects 1. Trade unions were kept under party control 2. The secret
police punished those who criticised the Bolshevik.
2. Different Sides in the War: Not everyone liked what the Bolsheviks.
were doing. People who didn't support them, like other socialists,
liberals, and those who liked the old way of having a powerful ruler
(autocracy), didn't agree with the Bolsheviks. They went to a place in
Southern Russia and formed groups to fight against the Bolsheviks. 3.
Different Colours: The groups in this war were given names based on
colours. The Bolsheviks were called the "Red" side because of their
red flags. Those who wanted changes but weren't Bolsheviks were
called "Green."
People who supported the old ruler, the Tsar, were known as "White."
4. Bolshevik Victory and Mistakes: By January 1920, the Bolsheviks
controlled most of Russia. They won because they worked together
with people from different areas who wanted to defend their own
way of life. But in Central Asia, in a place called Kheva, the Bolsheviks
were really tough and killed local people who wanted to keep their
own identity.
#Formation of USSR:
The Bolsheviks made a new country called the Soviet Union (USSR) in
December 1922. In this new country, many different groups that
weren't Russian got to have more freedom and make decisions about
their own areas.
• Factories produced more oil, steel, and coal, making the country
• Building things quickly led to bad working conditions for the people
who did the building. • For example, in a city called Magnitogorsk,
they built a steel factory
in just three years. That's very fast! Workers had a tough life, and
there were 550 strikes, which means
When Russia was figuring out how to run its economy, a big issue
came up: the way farms were organized. The government set prices
for crops, but many farmers didn't want to sell at those prices.
1. Stalin Takes Charge: After Lenin, another leader named Stalin
became the boss. He believed that some rich farmers were keeping
crops to sell later when prices were higher.
3. The Program Starts: In 1929, the government said that all farmers
had to join these collective farms.
They shared the money they made from the land.
4. Angry Farmers: Many farmers didn't like this idea. They resisted
and even got rid of their animals.
By 1929-1931, a third of the animals were gone.
5. Action against who criticised Stain: Those who fought back were
treated very badly. Many were sent away or even killed.
The famines of 1930-1933 caused a lot of people to go hungry and
The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR: 1.
Spread of Communism: The ideas of the Russian Revolution and the
USSR had a big impact around the world. Many countries started
forming communist parties, like the Communist Party of Great Britain.
2. Encouraging Voices: The Bolsheviks inspired people to speak up
and fight for what they believed in. 3. Global Meetings: People from
other countries, not just Russia, joined a conference called the
"Peoples of the East" in 1920. They shared ideas.