Moot Court 1
Moot Court 1
Moot Court 1
1 Title Page 1
2 Table of Contents 2
3 List of Abbreviations 3
4 Index of Authorities 4
5 Statement of Jurisdiction 5
6 Statement of facts 6
7 Issues Raised 8
8 Summary of Arguments 9
9 Arguments Advanced 10
10 Prayer 17
& And
Anr. Another
Art. Article
Hon’ble Honorable
No. Number
Ors. Others
SC Supreme Court
Sec. Section
Spl. Special
Cases cited.
The Appellant Submits This PIL For The Petition Filed Before The Honorable
Court. The Petition Invokes Its Jurisdiction Before The Honorable SC Of
India Under Art.32, 25 & 26 Of The Constitution Of India. It Set Froths the
Facts. Contentions, Argument and the Laws on Which the Claims Are
Art.32 of the Indian constitution gives the right to individual to move to the
SC to seek the justice when they feel that their right has been ‘unduly
deprived’. The apex court is given the authority to issue direction or orders
for the execution of any of the rights bestowed by the constitution as it
considered ‘the protector and guarantor of fundamental rights’.
The case was filed by the Drishti Foundation which is NGO working against
the exploitation of the religious feeling of the people by such so called
godman Babaram (‘’defendant’’) through pil before the Hon’ble SC of India.
The case deals with challenging the activities of exploitation of being carried
out by so called babas in math’s and the ashrams and the religious
sentiments of the people. Exploits illiterate and poor women and children
and employed youths. He uses their energy by providing them training to
play with the rifles and arms for his own protection and to prevent govt.
authorities to take any action against him. He poses himself has god or
I. Whether the PIL is maintainable before the Supreme Court of Indiva for hearing and
II. Whether the activities exploiting the religious sentiments of the people
amount to infringement of fundamental rights of the people of indiva?
III. Whether the alleged activities are contrary to the secular structure of
union of indiva as enshrined in the preamble of the constitution of
IV. Whether the ban on such math’s /Ashrams would violate the
fundamental rights of the people to follow the religious faith of their
Under Article 25 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religious to all
persons in India. Thus, the ban on such Maths/Ashrams does violate the
fundamental rights of the people to follow the religious faith of their choice
as these maths and Ashrams have been a place for religious and for people
to pray.