Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
jiJ' .
n this chapter, we begin the formal study of microeconomics by examining the eco-
of Consumer Behavior and Deman~
52 PART TWO Theory
In this section we discuss the meaning of utility, distinguish between total utility and
marginal utilicy, and examine the important difference between cardinal 'and ordinal ~til-
ity. Toe concept of utility is used here to introduce the consumer's tast~s-?'he an~ys1~ of
consumer tastes is a crucial step in determining how a consumer max1rmzes satisfaction
in spending income.
Goods are desired because of their ~bility, satisfy hum.an ·\-\'.ants. Th_e .property of a g~
that enables it¼! sati~cy-human-\\lants is called utility. As individu~s consume more of a
gooC,. per_time period, .their .total utility (TU) or satisfaction increases, but their marginal
utility diminishes. Marginal utility (MU)"is the extra utility received from''d:msuming
one additional unit of the good per unit of time while holding constant the quantity con-
sumed of all other commodities.
For example, Table 3:1 indicates.tha,.t one hamburger per day (or, more generally, one
unit of goodX per period of time) gives the consum~r a-total ut,ility (TU) of 10 utils, where
a util is an.arbitrary unit of utility. Total utility £increases with each additional hamburger
consumed until the fifth one,,.which leaves-tptal ~tility unchanged. This is the saturation
point. Consuming the sixth hamburger- then. leads to a -decline in total utilitv because of
storage or disposal problems. The_third colull)Il 9f T&bl~ 3.1 gives the extr~ or marginal
utility resulting ~om th~ consumption of eaeh additional hamburger. Marginal utility is
positive buLdeclines until the,fifth ham,burger, for whi.c hj t is zero, and becomes negative
for the sixth hamburger.
1 That is, some effort (dis utility), no matter·how small,.is required to get rid of the sixth hamburger. Assuming
that the individual cannot sell the sixth hamburger, he or she would not want it even for free.
CHAPTER 3 Consumer Preferences and Choice 53
Ox TUx MUx
0 0
1 10 10
2 16 6
3 20 4
4 22 2
5 22 0
6 20 2
.: o 1 2 3 4 5 6 Qx
Quantity of X
:>< '
.. ..... J 2
_, •.;._
c 10
·;:i 8
utir 31· ~otal and Marginal · Utility In the
. top panel,
shade ity (TU) increases by smaller and smaller acnounJ.S (th,e,
"6b 4.
Pan ar~as) and so the marginal utility (MU) in the bottom
1 echnes. TU remains unchanged with the consumption of 0 Qx
the ~fth
-2 MUx
per da hambu~ger, and so MU is zero. After the fifth hamburger Quantity of X
y, TU declines and MU is negative.
Plotting the values given in Table 3;1, we obt3;111 Figure 3.1, with the top panel
showing total utility and the bottom panel showing marginal utility. The total and marginal
utility curves are obtained by joining the midpoints of the bars measuring TU and MU at
eaclf level of consumption. Note that the TU rises by smaller and smaller amounts (the
shaded areas) and so tlte MU declines. The consumer reaches saturation after consuming
f Consumer Behavior and Demand
PART TWO Theory _o
. h ed with the consumption of the fifth
Th TU remams unc ang . MU. ..
.:0 urth hamburger. us, , ·,. b e-r TU declines and so is negative
the 1' • Af th fifth ham urg , ·
hamburger and MU is zero. ter eh - . ht inclination of the MU curve reflects the law
The negative slope or down';~d-to-t e ng
of diminishing marginal utility. f a · articular individual; that is, they are unique to
Utility schedules reflec~ tastes o - p articular subjective preferences and percep-
the indi~idual a~d r~~ect his : h~::ew~i;erent tastes and different utilit~ schedules.
tions. Different md1v1~uals m y d I the individual's tastes remam the same.
Utility schedules remam unchange so ong as
A market basket of goods can .be defined as containing specific quantiti'es of vanous
· · , goo ds and-'Services.
• for
example, one basket. may contam. one hamburger, one soft drink ' and a ticket to a ball h'l th
game, w 1 e ano er
basket may contam two soft dnnks and two movie tickets.
, . by the 1·nd·1v1·dual fromconsumm · g
To. ,b~ sure,
. numerical.values
. could
. be att!lched
. ,.,•· - to the
.;, utility received
~~mb~rger~ •. e~,e--:n w~t~ _ordmal ut1~1ty. -~~~ever, ..yith ordinif utility, higher utility values only
md1cate higher rankings ~f ut1hty, and no importance ,can be attached to actl.i'al numerical differences in
utility. For example, 20 utilS' ·can only be interpreted as giving more utility than 10 utils but not twice as
much. ~us·, to indicate rising utility rankings, numbers such as 5, 10, 20; 8, 15, 17; or j (lowest), II, and III
are equivalent. _
CHAPTER 3 Consumer Preferences 9nd Choice 55
Ooes ·Mon~y Buy Happiness?
. "". __ _.-~ • -~ r--.:~: '. .,• • l __ ~\;f~ _; .w::.
Does money buy happiness? . Pliilosophers . have long ponaered this :question . .
-~onmpisis h~i:v~·nO\y,,gotten.tQvolY,e d_,Y.J.- try_ing,tq .~}1s~.q~ t}li~!age-old question. 1]1ey _.,
__ t.:;al~ulf}tedJhe ".µiean happine&s ratint'.-.(base~-,Qn.;a-j,§s<?f¼Y~of "very happy"_= 4,
· "p;-~tty:happy:' ~ -2, ~d ','qpt,:.too~hf!RPY~ -:- Q,)_,Jor-;iJ1.diY,iq9.aj_s..at different levels of per:-- .
. ""sonal income.at a: gi"Y;~n.:pQ_int .in.Ji!Ile,~d4 9r; Q!f:fe~m-n1~Ji.~,qs ov~r tin,ie. Whaf $ey__.. 0
Stutzer, "What d, Can Econorms.~: . . · . . ;., S-- ;,,nc:.
u . ess "'Lessqnsfrom a.,.yew c...., "' .\~. . . . . '.n ~ndo~: Penguiµ, Jl. Dt :ella
. , . 5);.Wi
200 .,1\1\Land
2002·' ~-. .Lay.w nappin · Yot&· · ' '·c
, · . , · ."c - · '· · .,,,
:,,, . h. ''So·me' UsesofHap,nmessData,Jouma
-Perspectives, inter~. .
.,.-. P~ mz _____ f ' . • . dum··
R. MacC~oc • . . . -:.i I. . " : . . :,·, ; - .s ''R:elative Tnfum~ Happmess, an . . tty;
. pp. -25-46; and A. E. Cll!J'k, P.;FnpJtersd, and
Anfapl3D.!ltionfor the Eas~r~~-:ara ox an .
. ·~ ; .,
of°Economk Literature, March
· · . .
s For a mathematical presentation of indifference curves and their characteristics using rudimentary calculus,
Section A. I of the Mathematical Appendix at the end of the book.
~x,mple, of bods ore poll"tioo, god,,ge, and di"''"• of whioh ,.., is pref"=<! to mon,_
tHAPTER -3 Consumer Preferences and Choice 57
·' · For example, Table 3.2 gives an indifference schedule showing the various combina-
. tions of hamburgers (good X) and soft drinks (good Y) that give the consumer equal sat-
isfaction. This information is plotted as indifference curve U1 in the left panel of Figure 3.2.
· The 'tigtit pan~l repeats indifference curve U 1 along with a higher indifference curve ( U2)
~d a lower one (Uo). - · - · ·'
, · · Indifference curve U 1 shows that one hamburger and ten soft drinks per unit of time
:.:~ · ''(combination A) give the consumer the same level of,satisfaction as two hamburgers and
six soft drinks (combination B), four hamburgers and three soft drinks (combination C), or
seven hamburgers_.and one soft drink (combination F). On the other hand, combination R
(four hamburgers and seven soft drinks) has both more h~burgers and more soft drinks
. than combination B (see the right panel of Figure 3.2), and so it refers to a higher level of
1 t.r ' ' • r ', - satisfaction. Thus, ·combination R and all the other combinations that give the same level of
satistacti_on as combination R define higher indifference curve U2 • Finally, all combinations
I '
. . - ! '
• .J
Qy '-.
Soft drinks ( Y)
per unit
of time 11
10 ;::....
0 8
...... 7
6 & 5
3 2 U2
0 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 Qx
0 1 ·2 4 7
- •1 · Hamburgers (X) pei; unit of time Quantity of X
FIGURE 3.2 Indifference Curves The individual is indifferen! among combinations A, B, C, and F
·since they all lie on indifference·curve U, . U, refers·to a higher level of satisfaction than Uo, but to a
lower level than U2-
58 PART TWO Theory of Consumer Behavior and Demand
.....0 ;:....
.:: -~C'i::
(<j B*
& & 2
. 0 Qx b
Quantity of X
Quantity of X
FIGURE 3.3 Indifference Curves Cannot Be Positively Sloped or Intersect
In the left panel, the positively sloped curve cannot be an indifference curve because it
shows that combination 8", which contains more of X and Y. than combination A', gives
equal satisfaction to the consumer as A'. In the right panel, since C is on curves 1 and 2,
it should give the same satisfaction as A* and 8*, but this is ,impossible because a· has
more of X and Ythan A*. Thus, indifference curves cannot intersect
Only if either X or y were b d . . . l f
F.1gure 3 .3 . a a wou 1d the md1fference curve be po&1tively
• sloped as in the left pane 0
Indi~~rence ~tu;~es also cannot intersect. Intersecting curves are inconsistent with
the defirution of tndrfference curves. For example, if curve I and curve 2 in the right
~anel _of Figure 3.3 were indifference curves, they would indicate that basket A*
is equivalent to basket C* since both A* and C* are on curve 1 and also that basket
B* is equivalent to basket C* since both B* and C* are on curv.'2. By transitivity, B'
s~ould then be equivalent to A*. However, this is impossible because basket B* con-
~ams more of both good X and good Y than
intersect. · basket A*. Thus, indifference eurves cannot
lndiffere~ce curves ~e usually convex to the origin; that is, they lie above any tan-
gent to ~he curve. Conve_xity results from or is a reflection of a decreasing marginal rate
of substitution, w~ch is discussed next.
10 A
• ..,j< _
:.c 6
· i::
Note that MRSxy (i.e.·, tile absolute slope pf -th~ i~diff~r~nce curve) declines as ~e
move down the indifference curve. ,This follows from_, or is a reflection of, the conveXIty
of the .indifference curve. That is, as the•indj:vidual woves dawn an indifference curve and
is ieft with less and less.Y(say, .soft drinks) and more ~nd more X (say, hamburgers), each
remaining unit of Ybes;ome_s.more valuapl.e to tpe indiyidual and each additional unit of
X becomes less. valuable. Thus, the indiviqu~ is willing ~o give up less and less of Y to
obtain each.additional unit of~- It is tbi-s -pNperty that m~es MRSxy diminish and indif·
feren~e. curves convex to the origin. We will see in Sec!i,on 3..5 the crucial role that con·
:vexity plays in con.sumer utility maJS:imization. 8 : •
.- ; l
I '
A movement along an indifference curv · th · •'
em e upward direction measures MRSrx, which also diminishes-
where Px is the price of good X, Qx is the quan'tity of good X, Py is the price of good Y,
Qy is the quantity of good Y, ~nd ·1 is the consuwer's money income. Equation [3.3] pos-
tulates that the price of X times the quantity of X plus the price of Y times the quantity of
Y equals the consumer's moriey income. That is, the ·<!lllount of money spent on X plus
the amount spent on y equals the consumer's income. 10 •
Suppos~ that Px = $2, Py= $1, and/= $10 per unit of time. This could, for exam-
ple, be the situation of a student who has $10 per day to ·s pend on snacks of hamburgers
(good X) priced at $2 each and 01,1, soft drinks (good Y) priced at $1 each. By spending all
in~ome on Y, the consumer could_purchase lOY and OX. This defines endpoint Jon the
vertical axis of Figure 3.6. Alternatively, by spending all income on X, the consumer
could purchase 5X and OY. This defines endpoint Kon the horizontal axis. By joining end-
points J and K with a straight line we get the consumer's budget line. This line shows the
various combinations of X and Y that the consumer can purchase by spending all income
at the given prices of the two goods. For example: starting at endpoint J, the consumer
could give up two units of Y and use the $2 not spent on Y to purcha~e the first unit of X
- and· reach point L. By giving up another 2Y, he or she-could purchase the second unit of
X . The slope of - 2 of budget line J K shows that for each 2Y the consumer gives up, he or
she can purchase lX more.
By rearranging equation (3.3), we can express the consumer's budget constraint in a
different and more useful form, as follows. By subtracting the term PxQx from both sides
of equation [3.3) we get
PrQy=l-PxQx [3.3A]
• ' I ~• I 4 J ' ..- -
By then dividing both sides of equation [3.3A] by Py, we isolate Qy on the left-hand side
and define equation [3.4]:
10 '
[3.3] could be generalized to deal with any number of goods. However, as pointed out, we deal
with only two goods for purposes of diagrammatic aQalysis.
CHAPTER 3 Consumer Preferences and Choice
0 .c
The first term on the right-hand side of equation [3.4] is the vertical or f-intercept of the
budget line and -Px/Pyis the slope of the budget line. For example, continuing to use Px
= $2, Py= $1, and/= $10, we get/ /Py= 10 for the f-intercept (endpoint Jin Figure
3.6) and -Px IPy -2 for the slope of the budget line. The slope of the budget line refers
to the rate at which the two goods can be exchanged for one another in the market (i.e., 2Y
for lX).
The consumer can purchase any combination of X and Y on the budget line or in the
shaded area below the budget line (called budget space). For example, at point B the indi-
vidual would spend $4 to purchase 2X and the remaining $6 to purchjiSe 6Y. At point M,
he or she would spend $8 to purchase 4X and the remaining $2 Jo purch~e 2Y. On the
other hand, at a point such as Hin the shaded area below the budget line (i.e., in the bud-
get space), the individual would sper.d $4 to purchase 2X anq,-$3 to purchase 3Y and be
left with $3 of unspent income. In :what follows, we assume that the consumer does spend
all of his or her income and is on the budget line. Because of the inc~m~ and price con-
straints, the consumer cannot reach combinations of X and Y above the budget line. For
example, the individuai cannot purchase combination G (4X, 6Y) because it requires an
expenditure of $14 ($8 to'purchase 4X plus $6 to purcgase 6f).
If only the price of good X changes, the vertical or Y-intercept remains unchan
and the budget line rotates upward or_counterclock~ise if Px falls and do-:vnwar!~
clockwise if Px rises. For example, the ng~t pane!, of_Figure 3. 7 shows budget_line JK. (the
same as in Figure 3.6 at Px = $2), budget~neJK w1~ Px = $1, and budgetlineJN'with
Px = $0.50. The vertical intercept (endpomt J) rel!lrun~ the same because/ and Py do not
.change. Toe slope of budget line JK" is -Px/Py = -~1=$1 = -1-. The_ slope of budget
line JN' is -1/2. With an increase in Px, the budget line rotates ~lockw1se and becomes
On the other hand, if only the price_of ~-c"~apg~ , tge ,~?tizontal or X-intercept Will
_ be the same, but the budget line wiH totat~ upward if Py f~ls-and downward if Py rises.
For example,. with 1 = $10, Px = $2, and Py= $0.50 (rather than Py= $1), the new ver.
tical or Y~intercept is Qy = 20 anf the.s lope of,Ute._new_budget line is -Px /Py::::. -4.
With Py=:~~• .the new Y-intercept:is Qy·~ 5-atJ~,-;--PFPr = 1 (you should be able to
sketch these-line~).
:Fin.ally, with a proportionat~
. - in Px and Pr and constant 1,
reduction' .
there will be a -parallel upward shift in the ·budget line; with a proportionate increase in
Px and Py and -constant /, there will be a parallel downward shift in the budget line.
Example 3-3 .shows that time, instead of the consumer's income, can be a constraint.
Qy '
K" N'
0 . 7.5 IO ·Qx 0 Qx
F~GURE 3.7 . Changes·in the B~~get Line The left pan.el shows budget line (the same as in Figure 3.6
with/= $10), higher budget hneJK with/= $15, and Stlll higher budget line J"K" with/= $20 per day. Px and
Py do not change, so the three budget lines are parallel and their .slopes are equal The right panel shows budget
line JK with Px = $2, budget line JK" with Px = $1, and budget line JN'! with Px = $050. The vertical or ·
Y-intercept (endpoint j) remains the same because income.and Pr do not change. The slope of budget line JK"
is -Px /Py= -$1 /$1 = - 1, while the slop·e of budget line JN' is - 1/2. .
We will now bring together the tastes and preferences of the consumer (given by his or
her indifference map) and the income and price constraints faced by the consumer (given
by his or her budget line) to examine how the consumer determines which goods to pur-
chase and in what quantities to maximize utility or satisfaction. As we will see in the next
chapter, utility maximization is essential for the derivation of the consumer's demand
curve for a commodity (which is a major objective of this part of the text).
Utility Maximization
Given the tastes of the consumer (reflected in his or her indifference map), the rational
consumer seeks to maximize the utility or satisfaction received in spending his or her
income. A rational consumer maximizes utility by trying to attain the highest indifference
68 PARTTWO Th eory of Consumer Behavior
. . and Demand
curve possible, given his or her budget line. This occurs where an indifference curve is tan.
gent to the budget line so that the slope of the indifference curve (the MRSxy) is equal 1
the slope of the budget line (Px/Py). Thus, the condition for constrained utility maJ(j~
mization, consumer optimization, or consumer equilibrium occurs where the con.
sumer spends all income (i.e., he or she is on the budget line) and
MRSXY=Px/Py [3.5]
Figure 3.8 brings together on the same set of axes the consumer indifference curves
of Figure 3.2 and the budget line of Figure 3.6 to determine the point ofutility maximiza-
tion. Figure 3.8 shows that the consumer maximizes utility at point B where indifference
curve U is tangent to budget line JK. At point B, the co_nsumer is on the budget line and
MRSxy = Px/Py = 2. Indifference curve U1 tbehighest that the consumer can reach with
his or her budget line. Thus, ·to m-~ z e utility the consumer should spend $4 to purchase
2X and the remaining $6 to purchase 6_Y. Any other c9mbination of goods X and Y that the
consumer could pur~hlise (those on or below lhe -budget line) provides less utility. For
example, the consumer couid spend all income to purchase combination L, but this would
be on lower indifference·curve Uo.
At point L the consumer is willing to give up more of Y than he or she has to in the
market to obtain one additional unit of X. That is, MRSxy (the.absolute slope of indiffer-
ence curve Uo at point L) exceeds the value of Px/Py (the absolute slope of budget line
JK). Thus, ;tarting from -point L, the con1amef can increase his or her satisfaction by
purchasing les_s of Y and more ofX until he o~she _reaches point Bon U1, where the slopes
of U and the budget line are equalJ i.e., ·MRSXY = PxfPy= 2). On the other ·hand, starting
from point M, where MRSxy < Px/Py, the consumer can increase his or her satisfaction
by purchasing less of X and more of Y until _he or she reaches point B on U 1, where
MRSx; = Px/Py. One tangency point such, ; Bis assured by the fact that there is an
indifference curve ~-oing through eadh point in the XY co~odity space. The consumer
....: 6
FIGURE 3.8 Constrained Utility Maximization The consumer U2
maximiZes utility at point B, where indifference curve U1 is tangent to
budget line JK At point 8, MRSxr = PJPr = 2. Indifference curve u1 is Qx
0 2 9
the highest that the consumer can reach with his or her budget line
Thus, the consumer should purchase 2X and 6 Y. Quantity of X
,,...__ "'t ·•,
EXAMPLfc,l ~.4
," U~ilit(~a~i~i~ation and ·Gove_
rnment'Warnings on J~~k Food
.~ .; J - . -· - • '!' ' :
·suppose that in F1gure 3.9; goodX,refers to milk ai:u;i good Yrefers to soda, Px = $1,
Pr = $1, and the consumer spends his o/ her entire weekly allowance of $10 on milk
and sodas. Supposeaiso that the constirrier maximizes utility .by spending $3 to pur-
chase three containers of milk $7 to purchase seven sod'as {point B on indifference and
curve U1) before any ·govertiment warninion the·danger.of dental cavities and obesity
from sodas. Aftyr the warning, the cqnsumer's tastes may change away from sodas and
_ ·toward milk. It inay be argued that go.vernil)en_t wru:niiigs change tbe.jnformation avail-
able to consumers rather than tastes; that is, the warning affects consumers~ perception
f·1w-.~~1H-J{i:;.t!; -"·~ :; ~· ·- H~
!rI~JiJ}·~_A~\·~-:,~f- '.Li'"!- • ,~,
h .:- r i .~.
\. \ . ,.Jg.,1-'!•~ . i .. • ~' ' .: • .. ;;
3.9 ··Effect
-I'• ,l..{' '!J.~ l .,,.
of G'overnment Warning~ t . The ·
f", I, • •• r '. •
. ind~erenc~ ~uives .O'o-and U' 1-. Trie'"consufner how, ma~imite!s ,\: ••'" : :
11 For a mathematical presentation of utility maximization-using rudimentary calculus, see Section A.2 of
the Mathematical Appendix .
• 12See I. Ehrlich, ,"Partic_ipation i~ Ille~itimate Activities: A ~heoretic;al and Empirical Investigation,"
journal of Political Econom):, May/June I97~; y,I. T. Dickens, ' Crime and Punishment Again: The
Economic Approach with a Psychological Twist," National B~reau of Economic Research, Wurking Paper
No. J884, April 1986; and A. Gaviria, "Increasing Retums·and the' Evolution of Violent Crimes: The Case of
Colombia," Journal ·o f Development Economics, February 2000.
CHAPTER 3 Consumer Preferences and Choice 73
8Y, MUxlfx = 10/2 = 5 an~ MUy!Py = _111 .= 1. The last (second) dollar spent on X
_ _ , I • • •
thus gives the consurper ~,ye _times as ~~cl! .utility _as the fast (eighth) dollar spent on
Y and the consumer wo~io not be ri:laxiinizfog utility. To be at an optimum, the con-
sum~r shoulctpurchase-~oi;ej >(~ (~_Uxfalisj ana-°l_ess of y14(MUrrises) until he or she
purchases 2X and -6Y, ~h,ere equation [3_.6] is _satisfied. . This is the same result
obtained with .the indifference cur;e· appioach in Section 3.' 5. Note that even when the
consumer purchases lX and 4Y equa~ion ~3.6] is sa~sfied (MUxlPx = 10/2 = MUrlPr
= 5/1), but the consmner \Yould not be at an optimull! because he or she would be
spending only $6 of the $10 income. · ·
Qy MUr
Qx MUx
10 4 5
1 5 4
2 6
6 3
3 4
7 2
4 2
8 l
5 0
13We will see in footnote 14 that equation [3 .6] also holds for the indifference curve approach.
14By giving up the eighth and the seventh units of Y, the individual loses 3 utils. By using the $2 not spent
on Y to purchase the second unit of X, the individual receives 6 utils, for a net gain of 3 utils. Once the
individual consumes 6Y and 2X, equation [3.6] holds and he or she maximizes utility.
· TWO Theory of Consumer Behavior and Demand
The fact that the marginal utility approach gives the same result as the indifferen
curve approach (i.e., 2X and 6Y) should not be surprising. In fact, we can easily show w~e
this is so. By cross multiplication in _equation [3.6], we get y
MUx Px
M Uy - Py [3.7]
But we have shown in Section 3.2 that MRSxy = MUxlMUy (see equation [3.2]) and in
Section 3.5 that MRSxy = Px!Py when the consumer maximizes utility (see equation
[3.51). Therefore, combining equations [3.2], [3.5], and [3.7], we can express the condi-
tion for consumer utility maximization as • · ·
MUx . fx
MRSxy =- -=- [3.8]
MUy Py
Thus, the condition for consum<tr utility m~imization with the marginal utility approach
(i.e.,-equatioo [3.6]) is equivalen.t to that ~ith the 1n~ei-ence c_uzye approach (equation [3.5]),
except for comer solutions. With both approaches, the value,of equation [3.8] is 2.