GEB22A-NC Electric Motor
GEB22A-NC Electric Motor
GEB22A-NC Electric Motor
30 NOV 2006
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or
maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the user’s purposes, the matter should be referred to
the General Electric Company. Any applicable Federal, State or local regulations or company safety or operating rules must take precedence over any instructions given in this
manual. GE has no obligation to keep the material up to date after the original publication.
Verify numbers for parts, tools or material by using the Renewal Parts or Tool Catalogs or contact your General Electric
representative for assistance.
Do not order from this publication.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ATEX CERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
5GEB22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
GROUNDING PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LUBRICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ROTOR BEARINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MONTHLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
LOCKING ROTOR FOR SHIPPING . . . . . . . . . . . 7
SHIPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FIG. 1. 5GEB22 DRILLING MOTOR. E–43806.
CLEANING AND SLUSHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SKIDDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 BRAZING CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CONNECTION–END FRAME HEAD
STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
PLACING INTO STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ROTOR ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . 16
REMOVING FROM STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ROTOR BALANCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
OVERHAUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ROTOR BEARING ASSEMBLIES . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ROTOR INSTALLATION INTO FRAME . . . . . . . 20
DEFECT RECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ROTOR BEARING ASSEMBLIES CHECKS . . . 20
VISUAL INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ROTOR SHAFT END–PLAY CHECK . . . . . . . . . 21
STATIC ELECTRIC TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 FINAL ASSEMBLY OF ROTOR DRIVE–END . . 21
HIGH–POTENTIAL (“HI–POT”) TESTS . . . . . . . 10 CONNECTION–END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
HUB REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CABLE LEADS AND CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . 22
ROTOR DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES . . . . . . . 10 INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
ROTOR REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CABLE TERMINAL REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . 22
BEARING ASSEMBLIES REMOVAL . . . . . . . . . 11 COVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
ROTOR SHAFT INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ELECTRICAL RUNNING TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
STATOR COILS AND BUS RINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HUB MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
CONNECTION–END FRAME HEAD REMOVAL 13 HUB FITTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
CLEANING AND INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HUB MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
STRIPPING INSULATED CONNECTIONS . . . . 14 TORQUE VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
This publication provides basic instructions for main-
tenance and overhaul – including inspection, lubrica-
tion, disassembly, repair, and reassembly – of the Model
5GEB22 drilling motor (Fig. 1).
3. Figure 2 defines the safe electrical parameters 3. The 5GEB22 motor shall be used with one of the
and Figure 3 defines the safe environmental pa- drives indicated in the following table.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
Chassis indicator:
Digit 2 or 6
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEB–22–A1
Application Motor Rating
Speed Torque Horsepower Ventilation IPH Time
(rpm) (lb.–ft) (scfm) Amps
0 10,600 0 3,000 1470 15 seconds
800 9,200 1,400 3,000 1,300 60s on, 30s off
1,600 3,773 1,150 3,000 1,100 Continuous
Weight (lbs):
Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5693 (2582kg)
Rotor Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1623 (736kg)
Max. Permissible Speed (rpm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2300
Max. Permissible Vibration (Connection End) (in./sec.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.44 (.01118m/s)
Resistance at 25C (Ohms) Min. Max.
Each pair of terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0088 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0108
RTDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Ω Platinum
Rotor Bearings
Diametral Clearance, Assembled (in.)
Drive End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005 (0.127mm) . . . . . . . . . . 0.009 (0.229mm)
Connection End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0005 (0.0127mm) . . . . . . . 0.0035 (0.089mm)
Rotor Balance
Drive End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50–gram–inches
Connection End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50–gram–inches
Runout Measured from Shaft to Outer Race (in.)
Drive End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.001 (0.0254mm)
Connection End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.001(0.0254mm)
Rotor Bearing Grease Capacities (oz)
Drive End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.5
Connection End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.25
Lubricant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GE–D6A2C10
Grease Specification
D6A2C10 grease is a lithium soap base grease with added antioxidant. It contains an oil of heavy viscosity and
is especially suitable for high speed, high temperature open or shielded bearings in drilling motors.
Worked Consistency, 77F, MM/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220–240
Dropping Point, Degrees F (Min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Mineral Oil Viscosity at 100F, SSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475–525
Free Alkali, Percent (Max) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50
Free Acid, Percent (Max) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nil
Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber
Base (With Antioxidant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lithium
Oxidation Resistance Time to Reach 20 psi Drop at 210F, Hr. (Min) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Must Pass
Approved Vendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell Oil
Brand Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyprina RA
Megger Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Min. 2 megohms
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
WARNING: Failure to properly ground electrical
The Model 5GEB22 drilling motor (Fig. 4.) is a force– equipment may expose personnel to a potentially
ventilated, three–phase alternating–current induction hazardous condition in which serious or fatal inju
motor designed for use in the oil and gas industry to ry from electrical shock is possible.
power off–shore and land based drilling rigs. The mo-
tor’s normal function is to provide power for mud pumps
and drawworks duty. Grounding conductors must be provided between
the machine frame and the supporting structure to avoid
Motor speed is controlled by varying the frequency of hazardous potential difference between the machine
the alternating current in the motor stator windings. The frame and the adjacent surface on which a person may
direction of rotation of the motor rotor is changed by re- be standing while touching the machine.
versing the phase rotation in the motor stator.
NOTE: This type of ground connection is re-
The motor is force ventilated by a top–mounted blower ferred to in electrical standards as “equipment
unit. grounding” or “enclosure grounding” which is
not to be confused with “system” or “circuit”
GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS grounding. Drilling drive systems normally do
Grounding motor frames is required to safeguard not have intentional circuit ground connec-
personnel from electric shock in event of an insulation tions, except through high impedance detec-
failure in the machine. tors.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
Power Cables
Inspect the power cables and terminals for signs of
Article 250 or other applicable regulation. Check
excessive heating, poor insulation, chafing, or mechani-
that the system ground detector is also con-
cal damage. Verify that all cable connections are tight,
nected to the Common ground point for the rig
and that cables are secured. Check for damaged cable
and make connection if necessary.
bushings, loose or missing cable cleat hardware, etc.
3. Install terminal lugs on cable. Remove paint, rust
and oil from all surfaces to which the cables are Insulation
to be attached and bolt the lugs securely to these
surfaces (torque to 25 ft.lbs.) Measure the insulation resistance with a
megohmmeter (Megger) to determine the condition of
LUBRICATION the insulation. If reading is low, make a further inspec-
ROTOR BEARINGS tion to determine if insulation failure or excessive mois-
ture is causing the low megohmmeter reading. Correct
The drill motor’s rotor anti–friction bearings are the cause of low readings before returning the motor to
packed with grease at motor assembly, and require no service.
attention until overhaul.
Megohmmeter tests will determine the condition of the
INSPECTION insulation to ground or between windings by testing for
high resistance paths. Megohmmeter readings are
most affected by moisture, dirt build–up, or carbon
tracking. When a low megohmmeter reading is ob-
Covers, Seals, Latches
tained, the reading may be raised by cleaning and bak-
Clean the outside of the machine and remove the in- ing the components. If the reading does not rise, disas-
spection covers. Use clean, dry compressed air and sembly is required.
blow the dirt and dust from the interior of the machine.
Apply a 500–volt megohmmeter test between the drill
motor TA lead and the cleaned ground connection on
the cable cleat of the stator frame to determine the
*Use 4/0 size or larger copper cable for GEB20 ma condition of the stator coil insulation. Ohmic values less
chines. (Reference: National Electrical Code, 1978 than 2 megohms indicate a dirt and/or moisture prob-
Edition, Table 250-95.) lem. Refer to CLEANING section of this publication.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
Ground Cable
Ensure that the ground cable is bolted securely to the 2
drilling motor and base equipment mounting surface.
Mounting Bolts
Clean the drilling motor as follows: Before shipping the drill motor, see Fig. 6 and lock the
rotor as follows:
WARNING: Personnel performing cleaning oper-
ations must wear protective clothing, gloves and 1. Remove two bolts diametrically opposite on
eye protection to avoid injury. To prevent per- 9.50in diameter bolt circle.
sonal injury when cleaning with compressed air,
observe all Government safety regulations. 2. Assemble 5/8–11 jam nut (1), and 5in bolt (2),
and insert into vacant holes.
1. Cover the air inlet and outlet openings in the mo- 3. Torque part 2 to 30 ft–lbs and tighten part 1.
tor frame with heavy plastic and tape.
4. Paint heads of part 2 yellow.
CAUTION: Alkali and chlorinated hydrocarbon 5. Place hardware removed in step 1 into the bag
cleaning solutions are not recommended for tag (3), and attach to part 2.
cleaning traction motors due to their adverse af-
fect on the motor insulation system.
CAUTION: To avoid damage, do NOT attempt to
turn the rotor with the locking bolts in place.
2. Steam clean the exterior surfaces. Avoid forcing
moisture inside the motor. Recommended Remove the shipping bolts as follows:
cleaning compounds are: CHEMICAL METH-
ODS, INC., 809 OR 809–NP:DuBois U.S.A., Je- 1. Release the jam nuts on the yellow–headed
tacin or Dusqueeze. bolts, and remove these bolts from the traction
motor frame.
3. Remove the protective coverings from the motor 2. Replace the two regular bolts and washers from
openings. the attached bag in the motor frame. Torque
each bolt to 56 to 60 lb.–ft. (76 to 81 N–m).
4. Using compressed air, blow out the interior of the
motor to remove all dirt and moisture. Apply heat 3. Place the long bolts and jam nuts into the bag,
if necessary to dry the motor thoroughly. and save for future use.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
Whenever drilling motors are to be shipped, they When any apparatus is shipped in the open, it should
must be properly skidded and secured to prevent any be fully protected from rain, snow, dirt, etc., by covering
damage in transit. with some suitable weatherproof material.
To avoid damage to the machine during handling, re-
view the following cautionary statements: When placing GE drilling motors into storage, the fol-
lowing preparations should be performed to prevent
1. Do not lift motors by the shaft extension of the damage to the equipment as a result of the storage.
Machines should be placed on a pallet and stored in-
doors if possible. A clean, dry ambient of 60F is pre-
2. Do not allow the rotor to bump another object.
ferred. In a high humidity environment, an ambient of
70F is recommended. Every attempt should be made
3. Do not tighten coupling assembly bolts with an
to avoid widely varying temperatures and high humidity.
air wrench or by pounding.
4. Do not remove rotor end–play by any other
means than axial blocking. Before placing a stored motor in service, perform the
5. Do not load the rotor radially (strap down) for
shipment. 1. Blow dust and dirt accumulation out of the stator
coil with clean, dry air.
CLEANING AND SLUSHING 2. Visually inspect for corrosion and general de-
Before skidding the machine for shipment, all ex-
3. Check stator coil insulation continuity to ground
posed finished surfaces not already painted should be
with a 500 volt megger. If the megger reading is
cleaned and slushed as follows:
less than 2 megohms, the stator should be baked
or dried until the moisture content is sufficiently
1. Remove all corrosion.
reduced to raise the megger reading to 2
2. Wipe off the surface with clean rags and wet with
petroleum spirits GE–D5B8. 4. An electrical source of heat is best for drying as it
can be easily regulated and is clean. Proceed as
3. Follow with a clean rag wet with methanol, then follows:
wipe dry. DO NOT touch the cleaned surface
with bare hands. NOTE: Before drying stator coils, consider-
ation must be given to bearings and lubricants.
4. Slush immediately after cleaning with Not only can bearing lubricants be damaged by
GE–D6C6A1 slushing compound. heat, but they can also deteriorate with age. For
this reason, it is usually best to remove bear-
ings before drying and repack with new grease
before reassembly.
Use yellow pine timbers large enough to support the a. Remove the rotor from the frame and remove
weight of the machine. bearings from the rotor shaft.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
b. Heat the frame and rotor until dried sufficient- 2. Suspend the motor in a position accessible from
ly to obtain the 2 megohm reading. all directions to a direct flow of steam from the
c. Pack bearings with new grease. Refer to the
3. Rinse all residue from the motor with a mixture of
DATA table for the proper grease. Refer to
the appropriate bearing illustration for the clean steam and water.
proper amount of grease.
4. Bake the motor for at least four hours at 302F
d. Reassemble the motor. (150C) to remove all moisture from insulated
e. If facilities are available, give the reas-
sembled machine a running test to check the DEFECT RECORDS
Prior to beginning an overhaul, record the following in-
formation to aid in tracking the drill motor and compo-
OVERHAUL nent parts and to determine the defects:
Overhaul intervals will depend on the severity of ser-
vice seen by the machine. However, General Electric 1. Log the motor frame serial number. After tear-
Co. recommends that an overhaul be performed every down, record the rotor serial number also.
25,000 hours on all machines subjected to normal oper-
2. Visually inspect the motor for defects
3. Test the motor as outlined in STATIC ELEC-
The motor should be removed, disassembled, TRICAL TEST section of this publication.
cleaned, inspected and reconditioned as necessary (in-
cluding varnish treatment of rotor and stator, and fields). 4. Fill out a defect sheet for the motor frame, and
Motor bearings should be replaced. another defect sheet for the motor rotor. These
sheets should list defects found in the electrical
test, visual inspection, and inspections defined in
specific sections of this publication. The defect
After the exterior of the drill motor has been cleaned, sheets should travel through the shop with the
steam clean the internal metal and insulated parts as fol- frame or rotor. Defects should be added when
lows: found, and marked off when repaired.
WARNING: Personnel performing steam cleaning
operations must wear protective clothing, gloves Visually inspect the drill motor as follows:
and eye protection to avoid injury.
1. Examine the stator for damaged coils, insulation
and wedges.
CAUTION: Alkali and chlorinated hydrocarbon 2. Inspect the stator for blistered, flaked or cracked
cleaning solutions are not recommended for coil–insulating varnish.
cleaning traction motors due to their adverse
effect on the motor insulation system. 3. Examine the bus rings for loose or burnt connec-
tions and cables.
NOTE: Do NOT exceed 30 to 40 psi (207 to 276
kPa) steam pressure.
WARNING: Electrical shock can cause serious or
1. Use steam in combination with a commercial fatal injury. Proper precautions should be taken
non–caustic cleaner, such as CHEMICAL and observed by personnel performing testing to
avoid such injury.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
MEGOHMMETER (MEGGER") TESTS NOTE: Do not heat the hub before pulling it, and
do not use steel wedges between the hub and
Megohmmeter (“Megger”) tests will determine the bearing cap.
condition of the insulation to ground or between wind-
1. Remove the set–screw plug from the tapped
ings by testing for high resistance paths. Megohmmeter
hole in the end of the shaft.
readings are most affected by moisture, dirt build–up, or
carbon tracking. When a low megohmmeter reading is 2. Screw the backing plate, with felt ring in place, to
obtained, the reading may be raised by cleaning and the end of the shaft as tight as possible by hand.
baking the components. If the reading does not rise, Back off the backing plate to line up the slot with
disassembly is required. the tapped hole in the end of the shaft. This is to
provide sufficient clearance for the hub to pop
Apply a 500–volt megohmmeter test between the drill off.
motor TA lead and a cleaned ground connection on the
3. Screw the pressure–fitting adapter into the hole
stator frame to determine the condition of the stator coil
in the shaft until it seats at the bottom.
insulation. Ohmic values less than 2 megohms indicate
a dirt and/or moisture problem. Refer to CLEANING 4. Attach the pump by screwing the connector on
section of this publication. one end of the pressure tube into the adapter,
and the other end into the pump.
5. Close the hand relief valve and work the pump
handle to force oil into the groove in the armature
WARNING: High–potential (“HI–POT”) testing shaft under the hub. When sufficient pressure
can cause serious injury or death. Strict safety
regulations must be observed during such has been built up, the hub will pop off the shaft
testing. and be stopped by the felt washer and backing
High–potential (“HI–POT”) tests evaluate the insula- NOTE: Capacity of the pump is 40,000 psi. It
tion dielectric strength (ability to insulate) of motor com- holds sufficient oil to remove eight to ten hubs;
ponents. A high–potential test set applies high voltage check at each use. Periodically, remove the fill-
between the windings and ground or between windings. ing plug and refill with SAE–10 lubricating oil.
6. Open the relief valve, disconnect the pump from
CAUTION: Always test with a megohmmeter first.
adapter, remove the adapter and backing plate
High–potential test only after megohmmeter tests
show two megohms resistance or higher. from the shaft, and lift off the hub. Reinsert the
High–potential test only after the windings have plug to prevent clogging the hole.
been cleaned and baked dry. If a failure occurs as
a result of a high-potential test, the motor will be CAUTION: Special precautions should be tak
permanently damaged. en to avoid damage to the rotor, bearings, or
bearing fits, when lifting the rotor in the vertical
Apply an AC high–potential test at the voltage given in position or turning rotor to a horizontal posi
DATA section of this publication between the drill motor tion.
TA lead and the cleaned ground connection on the cable
cleat of the stator frame. ROTOR DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES
Remove the drill motor rotor from the stator frame as
When removing a hub, use a suitable puller, similar
to Part 41B535703G1, Fig. 7. This is a simple, efficient
hydraulic puller employing the float method of removal. NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
A complete unit consists of a pump kit, a backing plate, numbers in Fig. 8 of this publication, unless
an adapter, a felt ring and a bolt. otherwise noted.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
1. Place the drill motor in a horizontal position. CAUTION: Use extreme care when turning the
rotor to the horizontal position to avoid damage to
2. Remove the eight bolts and flat washers (31) se- the core and the bearing and frame head fits. Use
curing the connection–end bearing housing to two hoists when positioning the rotor
the connection–end frame head. Remove the
connection–end bearing cap.
8. Carefully lift the rotor assembly out of the motor
stator, and place the rotor in a horizontal position
3. Screw two long guide studs through the frame
on a wooden cradle supporting the core assem-
head and into the connection–end bearing hous-
ing in opposite holes of the six just emptied.
These studs will help to guide the rotor out of the 9. With the rotor in the horizontal position, remove
motor frame. the two long guide studs from the connection–
end bearing housing.
4. Place the motor on a heavy–duty stand with the 10. Remove and service the rotor bearings accord-
drive–end up. Level the motor so that the rotor ing to instructions in BEARING ASSEMBLIES
can be lifted vertically with a hoist without dam- REMOVAL section of this publication
aging the bearings or bus rings.
5. Remove the eight bolts (10) and flat washers
holding the drive–end frame head to the motor Connection–End Bearing
frame. NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
numbers in Fig. 9 of this publication, unless
6. Screw a 1in.–8 steel lifting eyebolt (GE Tool otherwise noted.
N672P39) into the threaded hole in the drive–
end of the rotor shaft (5). 1. Remove the two set screws (40) from the rotor
bearing nut (33). Attach the spanner wrench
7. Align the hoist cable with the centerline of the ro- (GE Tool 9945228) to the rotor bearing nut. Us-
tor, and attach the hoist hook to the lifting eye. ing a dead blow hammer, tap the wrench handle
in a counter–clockwise direction to loosen the
nut. Remove the spanner wrench, and remove
NOTE: The connection–end bearing and hous-
the bearing nut from the rotor.
ing and the drive–end frame head, bearing and
housing are removed with the rotor as an as- 2. Assemble the bearing puller (GE Tool
sembly. 41D736059G3), and use the hydraulic jack to
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
17 24 25 26
13 14
15 21 23
12 16 17 18 19
20 22
9 29
6 31
5 6
3 2 1 18 35 34 40
4 38 37 36
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
pull the connection–end bearing housing (35) NOTE: If out–of–limit measurements or exces-
and bearing (34) from the rotor shaft. sive damage are observed, the rotor must be re-
3. Position the bearing housing – with the bearing
down – on a flat surface. Reassemble the bear- STATOR COILS AND BUS RINGS
ing puller (to GE Tool 41D736059G4), and use CONNECTION–END
the hydraulic jack to push the bearing from the FRAME HEAD REMOVAL
bearing housing.
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
Drive–End Bearing numbers in Fig. 9 of this publication, unless
otherwise noted.
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part Removal of the connection–end frame head (27) may
numbers in Fig. 10 of this publication, unless be required to gain access to the bus rings and stator
otherwise noted. coil connections. Remove the eight bolts and flat wash-
ers (28) holding the frame head to the motor frame, and
1. 1Remove the eight bolts (8) and flat washers then remove the frame head.
from the outer bearing cap (7).
2. Support the weight of the drive–end frame head Prior to performing disassembly or repair operations,
(11) with a hoist, taking care not to lift the rotor off clean and inspect the stator as follows:
its support. Assemble the bearing puller (GE
Tool 41D736059G2); and use the hydraulic jack 1. Ensure that the motor is clean as specified in
to pull the frame head (11), roller bearing (3), CLEANING section of this publication.
bearing flinger (2), outer bearing cap (7), outer
sleeve (4), and inner bearing cap (12) from the
rotor shaft.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
solvent may soak into the insulation with
damaging effects. Insulation is removed from connections by cutting, re-
quiring the use of a hammer, knife, chisel, screwdriver
4. Examine the bus rings for damaged or loose con- and Channel–Lock pliers.
nections. Observe the condition of coil insulation
1. Position the stator frame to obtain the best work-
21 ing position for the connections to be cleaned.
2. Use the chisel, knife and hammer to cut the in-
11 sulation. Cut the insulation down to the copper
10 the full length of the connection.
9 3. After cutting the insulation the full length, pry the
insulation away from the connection using the
knife or screwdriver.
4. Brazing tool heat can be used to soften the in-
sulation for final cleaning. Alternately heat the in-
sulation, and scrape off all material until reaching
6 bare copper.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
HANDLE 3. Apply power to the brazing tongs in pulses ONLY
until the heat melts the brazing material in the
joint, then shut off the power.
LINES (TO COOL The basic rules for a good brazed connection are:
1. ALWAYS be sure that the material is clean.
FIG. 12. BRAZING TONGS. E-29740. Use the resistance brazing machine (GE Tool
41D780746–1) and tongs (GE Tool
41D780746–11) to produce the heat necessary
to braze the connection. Typical tongs are
NOTE: Read this entire procedure first to be- shown in Fig. 10. Heat is produced by passing
come familiar with these steps. current through the brazing carbons and the
metal to be separated.
1. The area of the joint to be disconnected must be
The brazing median can be used in strip form
clean and free of dirt, oil and insulating material
(GE Part 41A231281P46) or rod form (GE Part
such as varnish and tape.
41A330300P2). It is recommended that strips
0.010 in (0.25 mm) thick – cut in squares or rect-
WARNING: To prevent personal injury when angles 0.06 in. (1.6 mm) larger than the conduc-
using compressed air, observe all government tors – be used for the initial connection. Use the
safety regulations. brazing rod to fill voids after the initial connection.
Use of this material eliminates the need for flux.
2. Position the brazing tong on the connection that 5. The area of the material to be brazed must be
is to be opened. Keep an air supply nozzle on clean and free of dirt, oil, and insulating materi-
hand to cool parts after separation occurs. The als.
air supply also is used to cool the surrounding
area by dissipating heat from the area being 6. If necessary, bend the soft copper connecting
heated. straps to align the connection.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
NOTE: When using brazing material in strip Removal of the connection–end frame head (27) may
form, the strip should be sandwiched between be required to gain access to the bus rings and stator
the two pieces being brazed, which must be flat coil connections. Remove the eight bolts (28) and flat
along the entire length of the joint. washers holding the frame head to the motor frame, and
then remove the frame head.
7. Insert a brazing strip between the two connect-
ing straps being brazed. ROTOR ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES
CAUTION: Power is to be applied in pulses ONLY. NOTE: For best results, dynamic balancing
This enables the heat to spread out gradually, should be done with the drive–end bearing col-
providing a more even heating of the area, and lar (item 1 in Fig. 10) in place. See BEARING AS-
eliminating any intense hot spots.
this publication for spacer and collar assembly
9. Apply power to the brazing tongs in pulses ONLY, instructions.
and heat until the brazing solder flows freely. Us-
ing an air nozzle, blow air on the surrounding These instructions pertain only to the location and
area while heating to dissipate heat from the method of attaching the balance weights. The set–up,
area being brazed. fixtures to hold components in the balance machine,
and the procedures required to obtain a balance within
NOTE: When brazing, silver solder in rod form specified limits is dependent on the type of balance ma-
will be required to fill areas where the strip may chine. Therefore, follow the operating procedures for
have dripped out or to fill voids. the balance machine used.
CAUTION: Use ONLY the specified welding rod.
10. Remove power from the tongs, but do NOT re- Use of other types may result in poor welds
lease the tongs until the silver solder has cooled leading to motor failure.
enough to hold the connection. Blowing com-
pressed air on the brazed area will speed the NOTE: Keep weld splatter out of the rotor core
cooling. vent holes when welding balance weights to
the end plates.
Attach the balance weights as needed by welding to
the rotor end plates at a diameter of 10.90 in. (276.9
mm). Use welding rod GE Spec. B50E37, BRONZE
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
numbers in Fig. 9 of this publication, unless
To assemble the connection–end frame head (27), Drive–End Bearing
install and hand–tighten the eight bolts and flat washers
(28) holding the frame head to the motor frame. Then NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
torque the bolts evenly in a diametrically opposite se- numbers in Fig. 10 of this publication, unless
quence to 468 28 ft.lbs. otherwise noted.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
USE 8 OZ (226.8 G)
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
9. Apply the gasket (9) over the guide stud to the ro-
tor drive–end inner bearing cap (12).
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
WITH 5.0oz (142g)
USE 2.8oz (79.4g)
USE 2.2 oz (62.4g) IN THIS CAVITY
36 6
BEARING ASSEMBLY. E–27166. E–45103.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
oven. Remove the heated assembly from the 3. Screw two long guide studs into the connection–
oven, and immediately slide the assembly onto end bearing housing (35) in opposite holes.
the rotor shaft, seated tightly against the rotor These studs will help to guide the rotor into the
shaft shoulder, and secure the assembly in posi- motor frame.
tion until cooled.
4. Screw a 1 in.–8 steel lifting eyebolt (GE Tool
7. Thread the rotor bearing nut (33) into the end of N672P39) into the threaded hole in the drive–
the rotor shaft, and hand–tighten as much as end of the rotor shaft (5).
possible. Attach the spanner wrench (GE Tool
9945228) to the rotor bearing nut. Using a brass CAUTION: Exercise extreme care when turning
the rotor from the horizontal position to avoid
sledge hammer, strike two or three sharp blows
damage to the core and the bearing and frame
to drive the rotor bearing nut clockwise. Tighten head fits. A suitable turning fixture or two hoists
the nut until no further movement occurs; this should be used to position the rotor vertically.
should be about one–quarter turn beyond the
hand–tightened position. Remove the spanner 5. Carefully lift the rotor assembly from the horizon-
wrench. tal position, attaching a hoist hook to the lifting
eye. Align the hoist cable with the centerline of
8. Install the two set screws (40) in the rotor bearing
the motor frame (21), and slowly lower the rotor
nut, and tighten to the torque given in TORQUE
into the motor frame, guiding the long studs
VALUES section of this publication. Using a
through the appropriate connection–end frame
heavy center–punch, stake each set screw in
head (27) holes.
two places to ensure against loosening.
6. Install and hand–tighten the eight bolts and flat
9. Apply the gasket, and assemble the dummy con- washers (10) holding the drive–end frame head
nection–end bearing cap with the six bolts (31) (11) to the motor frame (21). Then tighten the
and flat washers. bolts evenly in a diametrically opposite se-
quence to the torque given in TORQUE VAL-
NOTE: The rotor connection–end bearing as-
UES section of this publication.
sembly is completed as part of the rotor instal-
lation. 7. Remove the motor from the stand, placing the
motor in its normal horizontal position
8. Force the rotor as far toward the connection end
as possible. Remove the two long guide studs
NOTE: The connection–end bearing and hous-
from the connection–end bearing housing (35).
ing and the drive–end frame head, bearing and
Install the six bolts and flat washers (31) securing
housing are installed with the rotor as an as-
the connection–end bearing housing (35) to the
connection–end frame head (27), and tighten the
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part bolts to the torque given in TORQUE VALUES
numbers in Fig. 8 of this publication, unless section of this publication.
otherwise noted.
1. Inspect to ensure that all mating surfaces are
Connection–End Bearing Runout
clean and free of nicks and burrs.
1. Raise the connection end of the motor 4 to 6 in.
2. Place the motor frame (21) on a heavy–duty
(102 to 152 mm), and force the rotor toward the
stand with the drive–end up. Level the motor
frame so that the rotor can be lowered vertically
into the frame with a hoist without damaging the 2. Clamp a dial indicator to the face of the rotor
bearings or bus rings. shaft at the connection–end.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
3. Zero the indicator ball on the face of the connec- 4. Repeat the minimum clearance check for each
tion–end rotor bearing outer race. Then rotate bearing roller in the drive–end rotor bearing. Re-
the rotor to determine the bearing runout. If the ject the bearing if one or more bearing rollers will
bearing runout exceeds the runout given in not roll over the minimum radial clearance feeler
DATA section of this publication, retighten the gage.
connection–end bearing housing and frame
head bolts; and repeat the runout check. If nec- 5. Select a feeler gage thickness equal to the maxi-
essary, disassemble the bearing assembly and mum radial clearance given in DATA section of
check for burrs or dirt. Replace the connection– this publication for the drive–end rotor bearing.
end bearing housing if the runout is still exces- Place the feeler gage flat against the rolling sur-
sive. face of the inner race of the drive–end rotor bear-
ing. Hand turn the rotor shaft to check that none
of the bearing rollers will roll over the maximum
Drive–End Bearing Runout
radial clearance feeler gage. Reject the bearing
if one or more bearing rollers will roll over the
1. Raise the drive–end of the motor 4 to 6 in. (102 to maximum radial clearance feeler gage.
152 mm), and force the rotor toward the connec-
2. Clamp a dial indicator to the face of the rotor 1. With the motor horizontal, force the rotor to seat
shaft at the drive–end. at the drive–end.
3. Zero the indicator ball on the face of the drive– 2. Clamp a dial indicator to the motor frame at the
end rotor bearing outer race. Then rotate the ro- connection end or the dummy connection–end
tor to determine the bearing runout. If the bear- bearing cap. Zero the indicator ball on the face of
ing runout exceeds the runout given in DATA the rotor bearing nut.
section of this publication, retighten the drive– 3. Force the rotor back to seat at the connection
end bearing housing and frame head bolts; and end. The amount of rotor shaft end–play indi-
repeat the runout check. If necessary, disas- cated must not exceed the end–play given in
semble the bearing assembly and check for DATA section of this publication.
burrs or dirt. Replace the drive–end bearing
housing if the runout is still excessive. FINAL ASSEMBLY OF
Drive–End Bearing Radial Clearance
If the rotor bearings pass the bearing runout and radial
1. With drive–end of the motor raised 4 to 6 in. (102 clearance checks, install the remaining drive–end as-
to 152 mm), force the rotor toward the connec- sembly parts as follows:
tion end.
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part
2. Select a feeler gage thickness equal to the mini- numbers in Fig. 10 of this publication.
mum radial clearance given in DATA section of 1. Remove the dummy drive–end bearing cap.
this publication for the drive–end rotor bearing.
2. Pack the drive–end outer bearing cap (7) with 8.0
3. Place the feeler gage flat against the rolling sur- oz. (227 g) of GE Specification D6A2C10
face of the inner race of the drive–end rotor bear- grease. Assemble the bearing cap insert to the
ing, just in front of the uppermost bearing roller. pinion–end frame head (11) and inner bearing
Hand–turn the rotor shaft just enough to roll the cap (12) with eight bolts and flat washers (8), and
top bearing roller over the minimum radial clear- tighten the bolts to the torque given in TORQUE
ance feeler gage. VALUES section of this publication.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
3. Heat the outer sleeve (4) to 110 C (230 F) and 5. Cable insulation should not be damaged, frayed
shrink it onto the shaft until it is tight against the or worn. Carefully check areas where cables are
inner race of the bearing. clamped or subjected to abrasion.
FINAL ASSEMBLY OF Inspect the ground cable connection on the cable cleat
on the motor frame to assure that the connection is
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis () refer to part CABLE TERMINAL REPLACEMENT
numbers in Fig. 8 of this publication.
Terminal crimping requires a hydraulic pump with
1. Remove the dummy connection–end bearing hose. The proper power cable crimping head and
cap. crimping die also are required, depending on the termi-
2. Apply 2.8 oz. (79.4 g) of GE Specification nal type and cable size. Proceed as follows:
D6A2C10 grease to the connection–end bearing 1. Remove the old terminal by cutting the cable as
cap (32). Assemble the connection–end bearing close to the barrel of the terminal as possible.
cap using six bolts and flat washers (31), and
tighten the bolts to the torque given in TORQUE NOTE: The knife or stripping tool must not nick
VALUES section of this publication. or score the outer strands of the cable. Nicked
or scored wires will break with vibration or flex-
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
6. Inspect the crimp of the terminal barrel to the ca- ELECTRICAL RUNNING TEST
ble for a proper fit.
WARNING: Electrical shock can cause serious or
fatal injury. Proper precautions should be taken
and observed by personnel performing testing to
NOTE: Copper terminals may be soldered to avoid such injury.
copper cables if the proper flux and solder is
After the motor has been reconditioned and reas-
sembled, make the following tests to ensure that the
motor will operate satisfactorily.
7. Apply two layers of GE All–Weather tape (GE
Part 41A216477P4) for 2 in. from the joint on 1. Use Duxseal putty to hold thermometers on
both the cable and terminal. the drive–end and connection–end outer bearing
caps. Thermometers should contact the bearing
caps for best results.
8. Slip shrinkable plastic tubing over the end of the
cable and the terminal barrel. Apply heat to 2. No load tests (sinusoidal): Run the motor no load
shrink the plastic tubing in place (Fig. 21). for 2 minutes at 50 Hz and 1083.8 volts rms line–
to–line. The average of the three line currents
should be 245–275 amperes, and the motor
COVERS speed should be approximately 1000 rpm. Then
run the motor no load for 30 minutes at 50 Hz, not
Assemble the covers to the motor frame, and check Duxseal is a trademark of Johns-Manville
for proper cover fit. Company.
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
FIG. 21. COMPLETED POWER CABLE 8. After a good fit has been obtained, thoroughly
TERMINAL. E–16355. clean the shaft and the hub bore to remove all
blueing, oil or grease. Then mount the hub.
Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22, GEK–91696C
GEK–91696C, Horizontal Drill Motor, Model 5GEB22
5. Insure that the hub bore and the shaft taper are 6. Check the hot or shrunk–on position of the hub
clean. Then, using adequate hand protection, on the shaft. The advance from cold to hot posi-
quickly mount the hot hub on the shaft in the tion along the axis of the shaft must be held with-
same angular position as when cold. When the in the limits indicated. Check the actual advance
hub is nearly in engagement with the taper fit (not with an indicator gauge, located in the same rela-
in actual contact), snap it forcibly into place with a tive position as used to measure the cold position
in Step 3, Fig. 22.
quick push. It is important that the hot hub be in-
stantly snapped into position before it has If the advance is not within specified limits, re-
cooled; otherwise, it will freeze to the shaft and move the hub and repeat the assembly proce-
cannot be adjusted further. dure.
Bolt torque values: lb.–ft. N–m
Cover, top (connection end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–24 30–33
Frame head, connection–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448–496 607–672
Frame head, drive–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448–496 607–672
Motor cover, lead entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56–60 76–81
Rotor bearing cap, connection–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111–123 149–163
Rotor bearing cap insert, drive–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111–123 149–163
Rotor bearing housing, connection–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111–123 149–163
Rotor bearing nut, connection–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500–520 678–705
Rotor bearing nut set screws, connection–end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38–42 52–57
Rotor shaft lifting eyebolt (1 in.–8 steel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N672P39
Rotor dummy drive–end bearing cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6796493P3
Rotor drive–end bearing pilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8849499P7
Rotor bearing nut spanner wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9945228
Rotor dummy connection–end bearing cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41C689896
Bearing assembly pullers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D736059G1
Resistance brazing machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D780746–1
Resistance brazing tongs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D780746–11
Digital pyrometer kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2X3430
Megohmmeter (Megger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111X910 (or equivalent)
Long guide studs (2 required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A
Hub assembly gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41D790941G1
Hub puller (less pump) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41B535703G1
Pump (for hub puller) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8843947G1
GE Transportation
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Use original equipment parts for reliability
(c) copyright 2002 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.This copyrighted document may be
reproduced free of charge by GeneralElectric Company customers ,if such reproductions are used
exclusively in connection with the operation and repair of GETS equipment used in that customer's
internal operation.
2 34
4 5 9
15 22
14 6 7
17 3 10
18 13 12
19 23 30
21 11 38 24 31
16 37 32
38 33
39 35 20 41
40 29
Ref. 1
(Representative Illustration)
FIG. 1
45 46
(Representative Illustration)
FIG. 2
See On-Line Master for Current Revision
1 1 5GEB22A2 1 MOTOR, AC (SEE PB-31107-004)
1 2 41E903972G1 1 STATOR ASSEMBLY
1 4 84B512931P1 6 BUS RING SUPPORT POST, 8 1/2 IN LONG
1 6 84A205426P1 6 CLAMP BAR, 3/4 IN WIDE, 2 1/4 IN LONG
1 7 N22P21072B13 12 BOLT, HEX HD, 1/4 IN-20, 4 1/2 IN LONG
1 8 N405P41B13 12 LOCKWASHER, 1/4 IN
1 9 84A205424P1 6 TAP BLOCK, 3/4 IN WIDE, 2 1/4 IN LONG
1 10 497A806P83 AR CEMENT
1 11 6744700P2 1 BEARING CAP, INNER
1 12 4713640P1 1 FLINGER, 8 1/4 IN OD
1 13 8864951P167 1 ROLLER BEARING
1 14 4732906P1 2 GASKET, 0.021 IN THICK, 15 IN OD
1 15 41C637314P1 1 FRAME HEAD
1 16 84B512960P1 1 BEARING CAP
1 17 41B537660P9 8 WASHER, FLAT, 0.725 IN ID, 1 IN OD
1 18 N22P33060 8 BOLT, HEX HD, 5/8 IN-11, 3 3/4 IN LONG
1 19 N5700P21 2 PIPE PLUG, SQ HD, SOLID, 1/8 IN
1 20 4732351P1 1 SLEEVE, 9 7/32 IN OD
1 21 497A806P87 AR SEALANT
1 22 84D706971P1 1 FRAME HEAD
1 23 4732368P1 2 GASKET, 0.021 IN THK
1 24 334B761P1 1 BEARING CAP
1 25 8864951P119 1 ROLLER BEARING
1 26 84B515283P1 1 BEARING CLAMP
1 27 41B537660P6 4 WASHER, FLAT, 0.562 IN ID, 0.938 IN OD
1 28 N22P29020B13 4 BOLT, HEX HD, 1/2 IN-13, 1 1/4 IN LONG
1 29 84B515189P1 1 BEARING CAP
1 30 41B537660P9 8 WASHER, FLAT, 0.725 IN ID, 1 IN OD
1 31 N22P33048B13 8 BOLT, HEX HD, 5/8 IN-11, 3 IN LONG
1 32 N5700P21 2 PIPE PLUG, SQ HD, SOLID, 1/8 IN
1 33 497A806P87 AR SEALANT
1 34 84C620926G4 1 ROTOR ASSEMBLY
1 35 84D730122P2 1 SHAFT
1 36 8864959P130 1 LOCKWASHER
1 37 8864959P30 1 NUT
1 38 2766829ADP14 AR BALANCE WEIGHT, 5/8 IN WIDE
1 39 84A204808P1 1 SET SCREW, HEX SOC HD, 3/8 IN-24, SELF-LOCK
1 40 41A232821P1 1 SLEEVE
1 41 84B512988P1 1 COLLAR
1 42 N22P39032 12 BOLT, HEX HD, 1 IN-8, 2 IN LONG
1 43 41B537660P21 12 WASHER, FLAT, 1.063 IN ID, 2 IN OD
2 44 41A235078P57 2 STUD, 3/8 IN-16, 1 3/4 IN LONG
2 46 N5700P31 2 PIPE PLUG, SQ HD, 1/4 IN
2 47 N5700P51 2 PIPE PLUG, SQ HD, 1/2 IN
0 48 493A471P1 1 HUB, 9.120 IN OD, POWER TAKE-OFF
RPL 4303
SPEC 4303
RPL 4302
SPEC 4302
We hereby certify that all items listed below were produced in conformance with
manufacturer’ss pe ci
fic ationsa n d/orot herappli
ca bledocume nts.
Rawson, L. P.
2010 McAllister (77092) P.O. Box 924288 Houston, Texas 77292 -4288 Tel. (713) 684-1400 Fax (713) 684-1409
RPL 4239G2
100 WATT - 110/240 VOLT ATEX
SPEC 4239G2
File: Airiomi
Revision: “B”
Page 1 of 5
The purpose of this manual is to aid in the proper installation and operation of Hunt Airdyne
Blower Motor assemblies manufactured by Hunt Engine, Inc. These instructions are intended to
supplement good general practices and are not intended to cover detailed instruction procedures,
because of the many varieties of airdynes manufactured by Hunt Engine, Inc.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to assure that the installation and maintenance of this
equipment are handled by qualified personnel experienced in such work and equipment. Field
service personnel are available from Hunt Engine, Inc. to supervise installation or to assure
proper operation at startup.
If airdynes are stored for any length of time, they should be stored in a clean, dry location to
prevent rust and corrosion. Outdoor storage is not recommended. When outdoor storage is
necessary, they should be protected from the elements as best possible. Cover the airdyne inlet
and outlet, and keep motors dry and clean.
Extended Storage:
Airdynes are to be stored in their original containers or equivalent protection and should be kept
in a clean, dry, protected warehouse where exercised control over temperature, dust, dew point,
shock and vibration is reasonable maintained.
Manually rotate blower once a month. All motors with space heaters are to have the heaters
connected if storage conditions exceed 60% relative humidity and/or if temperatures are below 50
degrees F.
Motor windings should be meggered at the time the equipment is put in storage. At the time of
removal from storage, the resistance reading must not have dropped more than 50% from the
initial reading. Contact Hunt Engine, Inc., if motor resistance is less than 50% of the initial
It is recommended that upon airdyne installation, the vibration levels be checked to assure that
the levels do not exceed the levels set forth in this manual. (See Table 1)
Installation of the Hunt Airdyne blower motor assembly onto a DC drilling motor is relatively
straight forward. Lock out the power source to the DC drilling motor as well as the power source
for the AC blower motor. Clean the mounting surface areas of both the DC drilling motor and the
Hunt Airdyne. Using the gasket and fasteners supplied in the installation kit, install the Hunt
Airdyne on the DC drilling motor. The Hunt Airdyne should be oriented on the DC drilling motor
so that when viewing the DC drilling motor from the commutator end (end opposite the drive hub),
you will be viewing the Hunt Airdyne from the rainhood end. The bolts should be torqued to 35 ft.
lbs. (425 in. lbs.)
The AC blower motor should be wired to its power source by a qualified electrician in a manner
that meets all applicable electrical codes. IMPORTANT! The AC blower motor must be wired to
rotate in the proper direction. The proper direction is indicated by an “arrow" nameplate affixed to
the blower housing. If the name plate is missing, look at the airdyne from the blower motor end.
If the blower outlet is offset to the left, the motor should rotate counterclockwise. If it is offset to
the right, it should rotate clockwise.
Start and run the airdyne long enough to confirm that it is operating properly. See following
trouble shooting chart. If any problem cannot be remedied, contact Hunt Engine, Inc.
Remote installations of Hunt airdyne blower motor assemblies require advance engineering to
assure that the DC drilling motor is supplied with a sufficient amount of cooling air. Sizing of the
airdyne is determined by calculating the total pressure drop through the system, including
ductwork and drilling motor accessories. Installation procedures for each remote system are
therefore unique and it would not be practical to attempt to cover all possibilities herein. In
general, the basic concept is the same as for drilling motor mounted units. After installing the
system in accordance with the engineered design, check the system to confirm that it is operating
properly. Consult the trouble shooting guide if there is a problem. If the problem cannot be
remedied, contact Hunt Engine, Inc.
Maintenance - Blower:
Periodic inspection of all the airdyne parts is the key to good maintenance and trouble-free fan
operation. Frequency of inspection must be determined by the user and is dependent upon the
severity of the application. Prepare a maintenance schedule and make sure it is strictly adhered
Never service or adjust rotating equipment while it is in operation. Lock out the power source
before performing maintenance.
1) Check the airdyne impeller for any buildup of foreign material or wear
from abrasion. Both can cause excessive vibration, which will lead to
damage of the impeller and other fan components. Replace the impeller
if excessive wear is noticed. Carefully clean the impeller of any foreign
The fundamental principle of electrical maintenance is keep the motor clean and dry. This
requires periodic inspection of the motor, the frequency of which depends upon the type of motor
and the service.
Periodic checks of voltage, frequency, and current of a motor while in operating are
recommended. Such checks assure the correctness of frequency and voltage applied to the
motor, and yield an indication of the airdyne load. Comparison of these data with previous data
will give an indication of the airdyne performance. Any serious deviations should be investigated
and corrected.
Excessive airdyne vibration can be caused by many things. All possible sources of the excessive
vibration must be checked out and corrective action taken immediately to correct the problem.
See the airdyne trouble-shooting chart (Table 2) for possible causes of excessive airdyne
A vibration analyzer will be of great assistance in determining the amount of vibration. The
following values give an indication of the airdyne vibration condition. Vibration readings should
be taken on the motor or on the airdyne housing. Horizontal, vertical, and axial readings should
be taken.
Table 1
Interpolate for airdyne speeds other than shown above. The airdyne should not be operated
unless the maximum vibration reading is in at least the “Fair” range.
Airflow _ Actual systems is less restrictive (less resistance to flow) than expected
too much _ Filters not in place
Spare Parts:
Spare parts are not normally required for first year of operation. If spare parts are desired, it is
suggested that a spare blower motor and impeller be ordered.
File: Airiomi
Revision: “B”
Page 5 of 5
Replacement Parts:
See replacement parts list for your particular airdyne blower motor assembly, identified by a Hunt
spec number and/or serial number.
Operating Instructions
N – R 445 en 09.03
Explosion-proof three-phase motors
with squirrel cage for low voltage,
with antifriction bearings,
P.O.Box 1164 S 94095 RUHSTORF
Hans–Loher–Str. 32 S 94099 RUHSTORF
Phone +49 8531 39-0 S Fax +49 8531 32895
Table of contents
3 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7 Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
9 Storage instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11 EC Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Subject to modifications
Loher GmbH 2003
All rights reserved
This symbol refers to a dangerous situation which can cause fatal or serious injuries or
considerable damage to property.
This symbol refers to a possibly dangerous situation which can cause injuries and damage to
property if it is not avoided.
1.2 General
Low voltage motors have dangerous, live and rotating parts, and probably hot surfaces. All
work for transport, connection, commissioning and maintenance is to be made by qualified,
responsible specialists
(EN 50110-1/VDE 0105 Part 1, IEC 60364 must be observed). An inadequate behaviour can
cause severe damages to persons and property.
Low voltage motors are components to be installed into machines in accordance with
Directive 89/392/EEC.
Commissioning is not allowed as long as the conformity of the end product with this
directive is not established (EN 60204-1 has also to be observed).
1.5 Installation
Take care of an even ground, suitable fastening of feet or flange and an exact alignment for
direct coupling. Avoid that structure-dependent natural frequencies occur within the rotary
frequency and the double mains frequency. Turn rotor by hand, listen to abnormal frictioning
noises. Check direction of rotation before coupling (Observe section “Electrical connection”).
Pulleys and couplings are only allowed to be installed or removed with suitable devices
(Heating!) and to be covered with protection against accidental contact. Avoid inadmissible
belt tensions (Tech. List). The balance of the low voltage motor is indicated on the shaft end
face or on the rating plate (H = half key, F = full key). In case of a half key (H), the coupling
must also be balanced with a half key. In case of any protruding and visible part of the key
take care of the mass balancing.
If required, make the necessary pipe connections. Mounting types with the shaft end facing
upwards are to be provided with a cover by the customer, avoiding that foreign bodies fall into
the fan.
1.7 Operation
Vibration severities veff v 3.5 mm/s (PN v 15 kW) and 4.5 mm/s (PN > 15 kW) are not critical
in coupled operation. In case of changes compared with normal operation – e.g. higher
temperatures, noises, vibrations – the cause is to be found, if required, consult the
manufacturer. Even for trial operation the safety devices are not allowed to be put out of
function. In case of doubt switch off the low voltage motor.
In case of heavy dirt accumulation, the air ducts must be cleaned at regular intervals.
Bearings with regreasing devices are to be regreased with low voltage motor running.
Risk of accidents!
Pay attention to rotating parts. Observe saponification class! If grease drainholes are sealed
with a plug, remove these plugs before putting into operation. Boreholes have to be sealed
with grease. Replacement of bearings in case of permanent lubrication see Appendix 1 or
motor documentation.
1.8 Warranty
The Warranty is only applicable if all of these instructions for safety and putting into operation
as well as the following paragraphs of the operating instructions and the directions for possible
additional units are strictly observed.
2.1 General
The increased risk in hazardous areas requires a strict observance of the safety and
commissioning instructions.
This category includes electrical machines, e.g. also in protection type “Flameproof Enclosure”,
to be used in areas hazarded by an explosive atmosphere. Inverter operation has to be
certified. It is imperative to observe the separate manufacturer specifications.
It is possible that the size of the voltage peaks produced by the inverter are adversely affected
by the connection cable installed between inverter and electrical machine. In the system
inverter-cable-electrical machine the maximum value of the voltage peaks on the terminals of
the machine is not allowed to exceed the value mentioned in the separate manufacturer
specifications (ref. is also made to page 20 inverter operation).
Air-cooled and water–cooled types are suitable for ambient temperatures from –20°C (–4°F) to
+40°C (+104°F) as well as altitudes v 1000 m above sea level. It is imperative to observe
differing data on the rating plate. The conditions at the site of application must comply with all
indicated data on the rating plate.
For belt drives only those belts may be used which are allowed for hazardous areas.
The general safety and commissioning instructions are applicable for the electrical connection.
Cable entries and the plugs (for openings which are not used) must be tested for hazardous
areas and approved by an EC–type–examination certificate according to Directive 94/9/EC.
For delivery the special threads will be sealed with non–certified plugs (transport protection
only). These plugs must in accordance with the corresponding protection type of the terminal
box be replaced by certified cable entries with EC–type–examination certificate according to
Direktive 94/9/EG.
When connecting the motors, the connections inside the terminal box are to be given special
care and attention. Furthermore a safe earthing connection has to be made (see Paragraph 1.6
and 2.8.5).
When the leads are inserted into the terminal box, care must be taken that the leads are
The inside of the terminal boxes must always be kept clean. The seals must be intact and fit
In operation the terminal box must always be tightly closed.
For motors with cable entry (no terminal box at the motor) the cable (connecting lead) is to
be connected in a housing, which meets the requirements of an approved type of protection
according to EN 50014, if the motor is to be connected in an hazardous area.
For pole-changing motors, independent and interlocking protective devices are required for
each speed step. Recommended are devices which are tested and certified by a registered
testing authority.
If the work is not done by the manufacturer, an approval by a licensed expert is required. He
must issue a written confirmation and the machine must be provided with his approval symbol
2.8.4 If there are damages on the bushing plates, connection or entry parts, the damaged parts are
to be replaced immediately by original spare parts of perfect quality.
2.8.5 When the motor is being connected, the connections inside the terminal boxes are to be given
special care and attention. The fittings for the mains supply which are screwed on the bushing
bolts for the stator winding connection are to be clamped in such a way that they are locked
against rotation on the bolts. The clamping screws of the connecting parts are to be securely
tightened without force being applied. They must be secured against automatic loosening.
Leakage paths and clearances in air according to EN 50014/50019 have to be observed.
2.8.6 After entry of the cable into the terminal box the glands and the parts used for the strain
relief are to be tightened with the corresponding torque in accordance with the data of the cable
gland manufacturer (also see Paragraph 5.5.5).
2.8.7 All unused cable entries (also see Paragraph 2.3) have to be closed tightly and secured
against automatic or unauthorized opening. The inside of the terminal boxes, particularly the
surface of the insulation parts, is to be kept clean. The sealings must be intact and must have
a correct fit. If there are machined contact areas and fitting surfaces on the terminal boxes and
the terminal box covers, they are also to be kept clean and protected against corrosion by a
thin grease layer.
The terminal boxes must always be tightly closed during operation.
For terminal boxes in protection type “Flameproof Enclosure”, Paragraph 2.8.11 is to be
2.8.8 If there are any O-sealing rings, attention is to be paid that the sealing rings (O-rings) which
are arranged between the individual parts are of a perfect quality and have a proper fit in the
slots provided.
2.8.9 If in case of d II motors a motor protection is realized exclusively by a direct temperature
monitoring with temperature sensors (thermal motor protection [TMP]), they must be connected in
such a way that in case of the responding temperature sensors the motor switches off
immediately. The design of the motor must be especially marked on the motor for this purpose.
2.8.10 The motors are suitable for ambient temperatures from –20°C (–4°F) up to +40°C (104°F)
resp. for the temperature range indicated on the rating plate.
In special design with installed heating or heating via the winding the motor is allowed to
be operated up to the minus temperature indicated on the rating plate.
In this case it must be observed that the heating is switched on at least 6 hours before
commissioning of the motor or motor starting.
Only when the housing temperature of –20°C (–4°F) is reached, the motor is allowed to be put
into operation. Prior to switch on the motor, the heating is to be switched off.
During motor operation the heating must not be switched on.
The heating data for voltage and current are indicated on the additional plate being attached to
the motor.
Motors in the mechanical special design “for low temperature” can be put into operation
up to the minus temperature indicated on the rating plate.
Cable-, lead entries and connecting cables must be suitable for ambient temperatures occurring.
2.8.11 For terminal boxes in protection type d II, flameproof entries must be used, which are
tested and certified for this protection type (see Paragraph 2.3). The motors are to be connected via suitable cable- and lead entries or to piping systems which
meet the requirements of EN 50018 and for which a separate test certificate is available. Unused openings are to be sealed according to EN 50018. Cable- and lead entries (screwed connections) as well as sealing plugs of simple types are not
allowed to be used.
2.8.12 The maintenance instructions for antifriction bearings specified by the motor manu-
facturers, especially for lubrication of the bearings, have to be observed.
When the rated service life is reached the bearings should either be replaced or proven by an
inspection that there are no mechanical damages.
– For bearings which cannot be regreased it is ensured that the rated service life will only be
reached clearly after attainment of the grease service life.
– The calculated rated service life of the bearings can be seen in the data sheet of the
machine, if it was specified particularly or for structural reasons specified for an individual
– For machines which are exposed to forces applied externally (e.g. belt force or axial load
from the driven machine) the bearing service life is a minimum of 20.000 hours for the full
load indicated in the technical list.
– All of the other machines have a rated bearing service life of at least 40.000 hours.
– For bearings with separate oil supply the user is to watch suitably that the lubrication is
3 Description
3.1 Overall construction
Mounting arrangement acc. to EN 60034-7: see dimension drawing or rating plate
Enclosure acc. to
EN 60034-5: see rating plate
Details of the motor design are indicated in the valid technical catalogues.
3.2 Bearings
The motors are equipped with grease-lubricated antifriction bearings. The standard version of
the bearings in motors up to frame size 280 is permanently lubricated. The bearings of the
motors from frame size 315 are equipped with regreasing devices and automatic grease
quantity control.
3.3 Cooling
3.3.1 Surface cooling (TEFC), hollow fin cooling or tube cooling for all types except Type
Design for fin and hollow fin or tube cooling, where an external fan takes in the cooling air
through the openings in the fan cover and presses the air over the surface or through the
cooling tubes of the stator housing. In case of hollow fin or tube cooling the heat dissipation is
supported by a closed cooling air circuit inside the motor.
3.6 Rotor
The rotor in motors of small frame sizes is equipped with a squirrel cage made of aluminium die
cast, in case of larger frame sizes with a cage in brazed version.
The rotor is dynamically balanced.
The balance is indicated on the shaft end or the rating plate, see Paragraph 5.1 “Installation”.
The motors in standard design meet the requirements of vibration level N acc. to
DIN VDE 0530-14/IEC 34-14, in special cases level R (reduced) or S (special).
4 Transport
For handling during transport the stator construction of the motor is equipped with lifting eyes,
where the lifting hooks can be fixed.
Check whether screwed lifting eyes are securely tightened.
Lift motors only by using these lifting eyes. Several lifting eyes must always be used
Lifting of the motors on other parts (e.g. shaft ends, fan cuver) is not permitted, since this might
result in considerable damages.
The lifting eyes are only suitable for the motor weight. Additional loads attached to the
motor must never be lifted using these eyes.
The rotor of the motor is locked in order to avoid damages to bearings caused by vibrations
at standstill:
– by red marked locking screws in the bearing cap
– or by a transport locking mechanism fixed to the shaft end.
Before the motor is mounted, the locking screws must be loosened by 10 mm and the transport
locking device must be removed (see instruction plate on the motor).
After this, it must be possible to turn the shaft by hand.
We recommend loosening of the bearing lock only after the drive element has been fitted.
The person responsible for the installation has to make sure, that
– safety- and operating instructions are available and observed
– operating conditions and technical data acc. to the order are observed
A most careful mounting and alignment of the motors on an absolutely even surface is impera-
tive to avoid distortions when the screws are being tightened. For machines which are to be
coupled it must be paid attention to a careful alignment. See Appendix 2 for alignment check.
As elastic as possible couplings should be used.
The motors with surface cooling (TEFC), hollow fin cooling or tube cooling
for all types except Type D.W.–...
Maximum permissible coolant temperature (ambient temperature on site) acc. to
EN 60034-1/IEC 60034-1 is 40°C (104°F) and a permissible altitude up to 1000 m above mean
sea level (other values see rating plate).
Care must be taken that the cooling air can flow without hindrance into the air inlet openings
and freely pass through the air outlet openings and cannot be directly sucked in again. Suction
and outlet openings must be protected from obstructions and coarse dust.
The motors with water jacket cooling for the Type D.W.–132..–.. to D.W.–560..–..
Before commissioning of water–cooled motors, the troublefree function of the cooling–water
circuit must be guaranteed. It must be ensured that the motor will only be switched on when
the cooling–water circuit is in operation. It must be kept functioning until the motor comes to
standstill after switching–off. Inlet and outlet openings are found on the motor housing.
The cooling water circuit is to be monitored. Normally, the motor is equipped with PTC thermi-
stor sensors, which switch off the motor if the cooling–water circuit fails. If the hosing is provi-
ded with vent plugs for the water chamber, venting is to be made for the first filling and thereaf-
ter at regular intervals.
Only clean, non–aggressive cooling water is to be used. Admissible content of suspended so-
lids is max. 10mg/1.
A most careful mounting and alignment of the motors on an absolutely even surface is impera-
tive to avoid distortions when the screws are being tightened. For machines which are to be
coupled it must be paid attention to a careful alignment. See Appendix 2 for alignement check.
As elastic as possible couplings should be used.
The inlet temperature of the cooling water should be at least 20°C (68°F).
Temperatures below 20°C (68°F) result in higher formation of condensation water and motor
Admissible inlet and outlet temperature, maximum pressure and the required amount of cooling
water are indicated on the motor plates.
The motors are only allowed to be operated at a coolant termperature over 0°C (32°F). For lo-
wer temperatures it is required to add an antifreeze due to reduced cooling effect. Consultation
with the motor manufacturer is required.
5.1 Mounting
Fitting of pulleys or couplings.
First the shaft end should be cleaned (not with emery cloth) and then greased. Pulley or
coupling should be fitted only with the aid of a fitting device. For this purpose the threaded
centering hole in the shaft end can be used. Insert a threaded bolt into the thread. Then place
the steel washer, the diameter of which is large enough to cover the hub borehole of the pulley
or coupling. The pulley and coupling is to be pulled up onto the shaft end by means of a nut or
a suitable hydraulic device.
The fitting of the drive elements by means of hammer blows is not permitted because of
the risk of bearing damages.
When replacing the bearings those must only be removed and reinstalled by means of
suitable devices using the shaft centering. Only original spare parts must be used.
The rotor of the motor is dynamically balanced. Balance is indicated on the shaft end face or
the rating plate. (H = half key, F = full key). Take care of the balance for installation of the drive
The balancing of the transmission elements to be fitted must be adapted to the rotor balancing.
In case of half key balancing any protruding and visible part of the key has to be removed or
care to be taken of a mass balancing.
The motor must only be mounted and operated according to the specified mounting
arrangement (see rating plate).
In case of using e.g. pulleys, gears etc. care must be taken that the permissible radial and axial
shaft loads are not exceeded.
For explosion-proof motors only belts which are permissible for hazardous areas are allowed to
be used.
For earthing the motor is provided with an earthing terminal, which depending on the mounting
arrangement is either located on the frame resp. on the flange end shield. In addition all motors
have a protective conductor terminal inside the terminal box.
As protection against dust and humidity unused cable entries in the terminal box must have a
torsionproof seal. All terminal screws and nuts have to be securely tightened to avoid
excessive transition resistances (see Paragraph 5.5).
In case of motors with terminal boxes which have ground surfaces between cover and base,
a thin grease film is to be applied for sealing and against corrosion.
After longer storage periods or standstill (see page 26) the insulation resistance of the winding
must be measured phase against phase and phase against ground before putting into
Humid windings might cause creeping currents, arcing and ruptures. In case of values v1 kW
per Volt of rated voltage measured at a winding temperature of 20°C (68°F) the winding must
be dried.
5.3 Rotational direction and designation of the terminals acc. to DIN VDE 0530-8/
IEC 60034-8
5.3.1 In standard design surface cooled (TEFC) motors up to frame size 315 are suitable for both
directions of rotation. Water–cooled motors are suitable for both directionc of rotation.
Motors suitable for one rotational direction only are identified by an arrow on the motor for the
correct direction. Terminals U1, V1, W1 connected to phase L1, L2, L3 (in alphabetical
sequence or natural sequence) always result in clockwise rotation. This rule applies to all
motors, even if they are not suitable for clockwise direction.
5.3.3 With forced ventilation the direction of rotation is separately marked by an arrow on the forced
ventilation itself.
5.5.1 General
If no other data are indicated the following torque limits (screw and nut) are applicable.
Note: Screws which become unusable have to be replaced by
new ones of the same strength class and type.
5.5.5 After entry of the cable into the terminal box the glands and the parts used for the strain
relief are to be tightened with the corresponding torque in accordance with the data of the cable
gland manufacturer.
The assembly torque limits depend on the used cable gland as well as the cable or supply line
and must therefore be determined by the user.
The Loher standard glands supplied with the motor have at least to be tightened according to
the table.
Table: Assembly torque limits for Loher standard cable glands [Nm]
Cable glands for EEx e II Cable glands for EEx d II
Type HSK-M Type ADL 1F, ADL 4F
Nominal size Union nut Threaded Union nut Threaded
connection connection
M12x1.5 5 7 – –
M16x1.5 5 7 – –
M20x1.5 5 7 15 20
M25x1.5 7 10 18 24
M32x1.5 7 10 20 27
M40x1.5 7 10 40 54
M50x1.5 7 10 80 107
M63x1.5 7 10 90 120
M75x1.5 – – 110 147
M40x1,5 9 35 47
M40x1,5 10 52 70
M50x1,5 10 52 70
M50x1,5 11 55 74
M63x1,5 12 65 87
M63x1,5 13 75 100
M75x1,5 13 75 100
M75x1,5 14 104 139
5.6.3 Ishort is the value to which the inverter management limits the current in case of a short-time
overload for a period of max. tshort.
Ishort is to be adjusted to 1.5 x Icontin. at a maximum.
5.6.4 tshort is the period for which the inverter allows an exceeding of Icontin.
tshort is to be adjusted to 60 s as a maximum.
5.6.5 The built-in temperature sensors (PTC thermistors) which must be suitable for sole protection are
to be connected to a tripping device provided with the EC–type–examination certificate according
to Directive 94/9/EC.
5.6.6 Voltage peaks (especially for PWM inverters with long motor cable)
a) The design of the terminal box concerning the air and creepage distances allows the inverter
operation with voltage peaks (ÛLL = Maximum value of the conductor-to-conductor voltage
and ÛLE= Maximum value of the line-to-earth voltage) up to Û = 1866 V.
b) To avoid the formation of partial discharges, the voltage at the motor terminals must be
limited, depending on the rise time tA, to values which are below the characteristic curve of
the chart “Dielectric strength curve” (see diagram below).
LL (V)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
tA (ms)
6 Maintenance
The responsible for the facility must ensure that the specified maintenance work
is made adequately.
6.1.1 The bearings in totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors up to frame size 280 are
permanently lubricated. In case of deviations this is marked by indication plates on the motor.
For normal coolant temperatures (see EN 60034-1 or page 2 of these instructions) the motors
are greased in our plant, which under normal operating conditions must only be replaced after
several years (see Appendix 1).
6.1.2 Bearings of totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors from frame size 315 (upon customer
request also for the range from frame size 160 to 280) are equipped with regreasing devices
and automatic grease quantity control. The regreasing of the bearings is done by means of a
grease gun through the nipples provided on the end shields.
Overfilling of the bearing chambers is not possible since in case of an extended regreasing the
used grease will be thrown off by a rotating disk in the outer grease chamber through an
aperture in the end shield or into a grease collecting chamber.
If the motor is equipped with grease removal rams, the used grease must be removed after
regreasing by pulling the ram at the bearing several times to the stop, with the motor in operation.
If the motor is equipped with grease collecting chambers, these chambers are to be dismounted
at motor standstill acc. to the intervals on the instruction plate and the used bearing grease is to be
removed. If this is not done, the grease piles up and the bearings are overheated.
Extending the regreasing intervals endangers the bearing and might risk a deterioration of the
sealing provided by the grease and thus the ingress of dust into the bearing. If the motors have
not been operated for a longer period we recommend even for new motors to regrease the
bearings before putting into operation, especially if due to congealing grease in the bearing
there are noises which are caused by vibrations of the bearing cage. In the course of running-in
increased bearing noises might occur for a short period. The bearing noise is not critical as
long as the operating temperature of the bearing is not yet reached and if the noise is caused
by the dynamic viscosity of the bearing grease.
We would like to point out that the grease quantity regulation can only work properly if the
grease types specified by us are used. Decisive is the plate fixed on the motor!
Only use antifriction bearing grease as specified for regreasing on the motor plate, i.e. for the
ambient temperature range from –25°C (–13°F) to +70°C (+158°F) lithium based grease (e.g
Shell Alvania RL3), for the ambient temperature range from –60°C (–76°F) to +80°C (+176°F)
special grease (e.g. Isoflex Alltime SL2). Admissible ambient temperature for the motors: See
Paragraph 1.3.
Motors for special operating conditions are supplied with a separate greasing plate stating the
grease quality to be used as well as the regreasing intervals.
Relubrication with grease of a different saponification basis. e.g. sodium saponified grease,
might cause a deterioration and elimination of the grease effect and thus a total damage of the
In case of 2 and 4 pole motors it might happen that by the use of unsuitable greases the
grease quantity regulation fails and when pressing new grease into the bearings they get
abnormally hot due to overfilling. In such cases the bearings have to be cleaned thoroughly by
using cold-degreasing agent, and be refilled with suitable grease.
If required, the water chambers are to be flushed and cleaned from deposits.
Never use sharp-edged tools for cleaning.
7 Additional equipment
Standard version:
4.01 Bearing, DE
4.05 Bearing, NDE
4.10 Outside bearing cap, DE 6.03 Base of terminal box
4.12 Inner bearing cap, DE 6.04 Upper part of terminal box
4.14 Resilient preloading ring, DE 6.05 Terminal box cover
4.16 Grease guide disk, DE 6.07 Bushing plate
4.18 Centrifugal disk, DE 6.10 Cable entry
4.22 Felt packing ring, DE 6.15 Terminal board, complete
4.24 Outside gasket, DE 6.16 Bushing terminal
4.26 Inner gasket, DE 6.17 Accessory terminal
4.30 Outside bearing cap, NDE 6.20 Clamping
4.32 Inner bearing cap, NDE
The parts shown are available in different sets depending on type, size, mounting and enclosure. They are
available from our works.
Type and serial number of the motor are indicated on the rating plate.
9 Storage specifications
9.1 For motors which have to be stored for a period of up to 2 years, the following is to be
9.1.1 Storage The motors are to be stored dry, dustfree and at room temperature. In this case no special
packing is required. Otherwise the motors must be packed into plastic foil with humidity-absor-
bing substances (e.g. Branogel) or into an air-sealed foil. Protective cover against sun and rain
is to be provided. In order to avoid secondary failures at the bearings caused by vibrations at standstill, for
example by adjacent running machines, the motors are only allowed to be stored in vibration-
less rooms. For transport the motors with roller bearings have to be equipped with a bearing lock at the
driving end. It is to remain locked until commissioning resp. to be re-installed after an inspec-
tion or a trial operation. A locking device is not necessary and not available, if the bearing is
axially preloaded.
9.1.2 Commissioning Before commissioning the insulation resistance of the winding must be measured by qualified
personnel phase against phase and phase against mass. Damp windings may cause leakage
currents, arcing and ruptures. In case of values v 1kW per Volt of the rated voltage measured
at a winding temperature of 20°C (68°F) the winding must be dried. Drying is possible by fee-
ding of the winding with single phase a.c. current. The voltage has to be adjusted in a way that
the recommended values of the heating current in accordance with Illustrations a) and b) are
not exceeded.
The temperature should reach approx. 80°C (176°F) and being active for several hours.
Drying is also possible in a drying kiln.
a) D b) Y
IMAX = 65 % Ir IMAX = 75 % Ir On motors with bearing lock this one has to be removed before commissioning. For motors with a regreasing device it is advisable to regrease both bearings shortly after
commissioning at running motor.
Grease type, grease quantity and regreasing intervals are marked on an additional plate
attached to the motor.
The data for grease service life with regreasing intervals can surely be expected for motors in
enclosure IP 55. The bearing is protected against the ingress of fine dust and of water in all
directions, e.g. for outdoor installation without additional protection.
For motors with enclosure IP 44 and IP 54 these data apply with the restriction that the
environmental load by dust and water is not exceeding the limits of EN 60034-5 with tests
according to EN 60034-5.
9.1.3 For motors which are transported and stored in assembled condition with the machine
to be driven the following must be observed: Storage
a) The free shaft ends must be greased before installation of the motors as well as all of the
other blank metal parts, e.g. foot- and flange surfaces or supporting faces of terminal boxes
and covers. As protection against dust and humidity grease seals with antifriction bearing
grease are to be installed at the shaft opening.
b) A humidity-absorbing substance (e.g. Branogel) is to be filled into the terminal boxes of the
c) The machines are to be stored dry, dustfree and at room temperature.
d) For further measures the specifications according to the Paragraphs – are
A bearing lock is not necessary, if the bearings are preloaded by means of belt drive ( Commissioning
Before commissioning the humidity-absorbing substance (e.g. Branogel) is to be removed from
the terminal boxes and the measures according to 9.1.2 are to be performed. For outdoor storage it is additionally to be observed:
Protective cover against the influence of sun and rain is to be provided, exchange of air must
be possible to avoid condensation water.
After 2 months it must always be checked if the protective measures acc. to are still
given and functionable.
9.2 For motors which are stored for more than 2 up to 4 years before commissioning
additionally applies:
9.2.1 Storage The manufacturer must be informed on the storage time in the purchase order. Shaft opening and terminal box cover are to be provided with grease seals of antifriction
bearing grease. The motor shafts are not allowed to be rotated, as otherwise the protective
grease coating is destroyed. If a movement of rotating parts is unavoidable, the protective
grease coating has to be renewed. A humidity-absorbing substance (e.g. Branogel) must be in the terminal boxes. In case of permanent lubrication the antifriction bearings must due to the long standstill be
greased with a special grease, e.g. “Klüber Staburags NBU 8 EP”.
9.2.2 Commissioning Before commissioning the humidity-absorbing substance (e.g. Branogel) is to be removed
from the terminal boxes and the measures according to 9.1.2 are to be performed. Antifriction bearings, lubrication
Motors with regreasing device must be relubricated immediately after commissioning with ab-
out the double grease quantity, until the used grease has been thrown out. Further greasing
can then be made with the bearing grease indicated on the lubrication plate. During the run-
ning-in period increased bearing noises may occur, which are not dangerous, when the opera-
ting temperature of the bearing has not been reached and the noise is caused due to the dyna-
mic viscosity of the bearing grease.
9.3 If motors (not Type D.W.–132..–.. to D.W.560..–..) are stored at temperatures to –505C
(–585F) the following must be observed in addition to the instructions according to Pa-
ragraph 9.1. and 9.2:
9.3.1 The standard antifriction bearing grease for the motors as per catalogue is suitable for
operating temperatures between –30°C (–22°F) and +130°C (+266°F). Temperatures to –50°C
(–58°F) are harmless for the antifriction bearing grease, when the motors are at standstill or
stored. (For an operation at –50°C (–58°F) a special grease, e.g. Klüber, Isoflex Alltime SL2, is
available for the bearings).
9.3.2 At putting into operation the motors with regreasing device are to be relubricated. Compared to
the indication on the lubrication plate the grease quantity has to be doubled.
9.4 If motors with water jacket cooling Type D.W.–132..–.. to D.W.–560..–..) are stored at
termperatures up to –205C (–45F) the following must be observed in addition to the
instructions of Paragraph 9.1 and 9.2:
In any case the coolers have to be dried completely with hot air of max. 60°C (140°F) and then
to be sealed.
At putting into operation the motors with regreasing device are to be relubricated. Compared to
the indication on the lubrication plate the grease quantity has to be doubled.
9.5 Further to these storage instructions all data of these operating instructions are to be
considered. The manufacturer‘s warranty is only applicable if all of the above mentio-
ned items are strictly observed.
Short-circuit of winding
Measure insulation resistance
or terminal board
11 EC Declaration of Conformity
The indicated grease life is applicable for an ambient temperature of max. 40°C (104°F). For a temperature rise of
10°C (50°F) each the grease life is to be reduced by factor 0.7 of the chart value (max. 20°C/68°F = factor 0.5).
At an ambient temperature of 255C (775F) the double grease life can be expected, however, 33000
operating hours at maximum.
1 Independently of the operating hours the antifriction bearing grease and the bearing (2Z-bearing) has to be
replaced after 3–4 years at the latest.
P.O.Box 1164 S 94095 RUHSTORF
Hans–Loher–Str. 32 S 94099 RUHSTORF
Phone +49 8531 39-0 S Fax +49 8531 32895
data sheet
Kunde Hersteller
Loher GmbH
Customer Manufacturer
Bemessungsspannung Klemmenzahl
440-480 V 6+4
Rated voltage Number of terminals
Bemessungsstrom Abnahme:
21,5 A
Rated current (CR) Test:
Anlaufstrom (I A
/I N ) Sonstige Daten und Bemerkungen:
650 %
Starting current Additional data and remarks:
Leistungsfaktor (cos M ) 4/4 3/4 1/2 KL für Alleinschutz / PTC for sole protection
Power factor Für FU-Betrieb geeignet / suitable for inverter operation
0,88 0,84 0,75
M A / MN = 225 %
Starting torque
M K / MN = 235 %
Break-down torque
Rotor class
0,037 kgm²
Moment of inertia 8805094
Drehmomentkurve-Nr. Motor-Nr./Motor-No. 3352523-546
Torque characteristic-No. PTB 02 ATEX 1081
Die aufgeführten Teile sind vom Above parts are available from our factory. Les pièces indiquées ci-dessus sont
Werk lieferbar. In welcher Their combination, existing disponibles en usine. La mise en
Kombination sie im Motor in the motor, depends on the motor place de ces pièces dans le moteur
vorhanden sind, hängt von der type supplied. depend du type fourni. Les pièces
gelieferten Ausführung ab. The standard parts can be procured standard peuvent ètre
Normteile sind im freien Handel zu from local dealers. approvisionées dans le commerce.
D 001
2.00 Läufer komplett (gewuchtet) 2.00 Rotor, complete (balanced) 2.00 Rotor complet (équilibré)
5.01 Lüfter komplett 5.01 External fan, complete 5.01 Ventilateur extérieur, complet
5.10 Lüfterhaube komplett 5.10 Fan cowl, complete 5.10 Capot du ventilateur, complet
5.14 Schutzgitter komplett 5.14 Protective grating 5.14 Grille de protection
5.30 Toleranzring 5.30 Spring fastener 5.30 Fixation à ressort
6.00 AK komplett 6.00 Terminal box, complete 6.00 Boite à bornes, complet
6.03 AK-Unterteil 6.03 Base of terminal box 6.03 Base de la boîte à bornes
6.04 AK-Oberteil 6.04 Upper part of terminal box 6.04 Partie supérieure de la boîte à bornes
6.05 AK-Deckel 6.05 Cover of terminal box 6.05 Couvercle de la boîte à bornes
6.06 AK-Zwischenplatte 6.06 Intermediate plate 6.06 Plaque intermédiaire
6.07 Durchführungsplatte 6.07 Bushing plate 6.07 Plaque de traversée
6.08 AK-Stutzen 6.08 Cable box 6.08 Boite de câble .
6.09 AK-Schelle 6.09 Cable clamp 6.09 Collier de câble
6.10 Kabeldurchführung 6.10 Cable entry 6.10 Entrée de câble
6.15 Klemmbrett komplett 6.15 Terminal board, complete 6.15 Plaque à bornes, complète
6.16 Durchführungsklemme 6.16 Bushing terminal 6.16 traversée
6.17 Zusatzklemme 6.17 Accessory terminal 6.17 Borne accessoire
6.19 Leitungsdurchführung 6.19 Bushing terminal 6.19 Borne de traversée
6.20 Klemmstück 6.20 Clamping device 6.20 Joue de serrage
6.28 Dichtring 6.28 Cable gasket 6.28 Joint de câble
6.60 Zusatz-AK komplett 6.60 Accessory boxes, complete 6.60 Boites accessoires, complet
6.63 AK-Unterteil 6.63 Base of terminal box 6.63 Base de la boite à bornes
6.64 AK-Oberteil 6.64 Upper part of terminal box 6.64 Partie supérieure de la boite à bornes
6.65 AK-Deckel 6.65 Cover of terminal box 6.65 Couvercle de la boite à bornes
letzte Änderung:
Wiring diagram
Schéma de branchement
Typ: Motor-Nr.:
DNGW-160ML-02A 3354177-216
Type: Motor-No.:
Bauform: Isolationsklasse:
Mounting: Insulation class.:
Leistung: Cos I :
13,2 kW 0,88
Output: Power factor:
Spannung: Schaltung:
440-480 V D
Voltage: Connection:
Strom: Upm: -1
21,5 A 3525 min
Current: r.p.m.:
Bemerkung/ Remark: PTC for sole protectio / suitable for inverter operation
Heizung / heater: 210-250V, 50W
KT40°C - F/B
Durch unsere Qualitätssicherung wird sichergestellt, daß der Motor bei Lieferung elektrisch und
mechanisch geprüft wird und in einwandfreien Zustand unser Werk verläßt.
We ensure by our quality assurance system, that the motor is checked electrically and mechanically,
before leaving our factory in perfect condition.
Dieses Dokument wurde maschinell erstellt und ist ohne Unterschrift gültig / This document has been produced automatically and is valid without signature
Doc.-No.: 24352
Original: German Translation
Dr.-Ing. U. Klausmeyer
Page 1/3
EC Prototype Test Certificates without signature and official stamp shall not be valid.
This EC Prototype Test Certificate may be circulated only without alteration.
Extracts or alterations are subject to approval by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
Alternatively other terminal boxes can also be mounted to the motor if they have a separate
certificate showing at least the standards indicated on the cover sheet.
The electrical data of the motor incl. the specifications to comply with the temperature class are
fixed in a data sheet to this EC prototype test certificate.
Max. admissible range of ambient temperatures –55 °C/67°F to 60 °C/160 °F. This range can
be limited by the terminal boxes selected or by the data sheet on the electrical designs.
Page 2/3
EC Prototype Test Certificates without signature and official stamp shall not be valid.
This EC Prototype Test Certificate may be circulated only without alteration.
Extracts or alterations are subject to approval by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
If the motor is cooled with a separately driven fan care must be taken that it can only be operated
when the separately driven fan is switched on.
met by standards
Dr.-Ing. U. Klausmeyer
Page 3/3
EC Prototype Test Certificates without signature and official stamp shall not be valid.
This EC Prototype Test Certificate may be circulated only without alteration.
Extracts or alterations are subject to approval by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
To Establish procedure for Production Testing of Hunt Airdyne Blower Motor Assemblies.
1.Prepare Test Report Form QCD129 for each unit, completing all pre-test entries.
2.As indicated on Form QCD 129, affix unit (with Aircure, if applicable) to either the customer's DC drill-
ing rig motor, our test DC motor, our balometer or our adjustable static pressure fixture.
3.Connect AC power leads from our test control/monitoring panel to the AC blower motor. Power up
unit. Confirm that frequency meter reads 60 Hz. (or 50) +/- 1.0 Hz. Confirm that blower wheel is turning
in proper direction.
4.Observe and record the data called for on Form QCD 129R3.
5.The Test Technician signs off on Form QCD 129R3 and secures approval from Engineering.
6.Upon approval, the Test Technician checks, signs and dates Form 3121A (minilla tag) and wires it to
the Airdyne.
7.The completed test reports are then given to the Production Coordinator for insertion into the applica-
ble production order.
14 Feb 2003
Hunt Engine, Inc. warrants the equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship that may develop
under normal use and service within one year following delivery of the equipment. Hunt Engine agrees to
correct such defects, which examination shall disclose to Hunt Engine’s satisfaction to be defective, by
repair or replacement F.O.B. Houston, Texas and such correction shall constitute fulfillment of obligation
with respect to such defect under this warranty.
This warranty shall be Hunt Engine’s sole obligation hereunder and is in lieu of all other warranties, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and all other obligation or
liabilities, including consequential damages or contingent liabilities arising out of failure of any part or item or
remanufacture to operate properly, and no person is authorized to give any other warranty or to assume any
additional obligation on Hunt Engine’s behalf unless made in writing and signed by an officer of Hunt Engine, Inc.
No warranty made by Hunt Engine, Inc. under this warranty policy shall be applicable unless Hunt Engine is given
prompt notice of the defect as soon as discovered.
Likewise, no warranty made by Hunt Engine, Inc. under this warranty policy shall extend to defects which result or
arise from (I) Willful or negligent operation or handling of the equipment or component parts by the customer or
user, (II) Alteration, modification or repair of the equipment or component parts by or at the direction of the
customer or user unless authorized in writing by Hunt Engine or (III) Adoption of such equipment to uses not
recommended by Hunt Engine, Inc.