Domankova Kocsisova Slatkovsky Pinke 49
Domankova Kocsisova Slatkovsky Pinke 49
Domankova Kocsisova Slatkovsky Pinke 49
21 2,720
4 authors, including:
Peter Pinke
Óbudai Egyetem
All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Pinke on 11 June 2020.
Abstract: The process of the secondary phases precipitation controls the mechanical and
physical properties of the stainless steels. The process of precipitation and its influence on
corrosion resistance was analysed in the experimental steel AISI 316. The corrosion test
ASTM A 262 practice A was used for evaluation of the experimental steel to intergranular
corrosion. Results showed that the solution-annealed samples (1100°C/1h – followed by
water quenching) did not present susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. The heat
treatment in the range from 500 to 900°C resulted in susceptibility to intergranular attack.
Precipitation of carbide M23C6 accelerates sensitisation of the experimental steel.
Increasing of holding time cased precipitation -phase and carbide M6C, which were
detected at grain boundaries. Transmission electron microscopy was used for identification
of particles at the grain boundaries, measurement of their size and studied of their
1 Introduction
Intergranular corrosion (IGC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of austenitic
stainless steels (ASSs) are the most important corrosion process that affects the
service behaviour of these materials. Austenitic stainless steels are the most
favoured construction materials of various components required in chemical,
petrochemical and nuclear industries. The selection of these is made basically due
to a good combination of mechanical, fabrication and corrosion resistance
properties. But austenitic stainless steels which have undergone treatment in the
temperature range between 500-900°C or have been cooled slowly from annealing
temperatures (1000-1200°C) become sensitised. The phenomenon of sensitisation
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Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 11, No. 3, 2014
Steel C N Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Fe
AISI 316 0,05 0,032 0,47 0,86 0,003 0,001 17,55 11,56 2,10 Bal.
The specimens for light optical microscopy (LOM) examination were polished up
to fine diamond (~1m) finish. The specimens were etched chemically for 60 sec.
using solution: 10 ml H2SO4 + 10 ml HNO3 + 20 ml HF + 50 ml distilled H2O.
Then the screening of microstructures was done using a light microscope
NEOPHOT 32 equipped with the CCD camera.
The oxalic acid etch test was used for the determination of steel sensitivity to
intergranular corrosion. The specimens were electrolytically etched in 10% oxalic
acid for 90 sec. at a current density of 1 A/cm2. The etched microstructures were
then examined at 250x and were classified into the following types [10, 12, 14-
- step structure: steps only between grains, no ditches at grain boundaries,
- dual structure: some ditches at grain boundaries, but no single grain completely
surrounded by ditches,
- ditch structure: one or more grains completely surrounded by ditches and the
steel is classified as sensitised in this case. The steel is susceptible to the
intergranular corrosion.
For the individual secondary phase identification transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) of the extraction carbon replicas was utilised. The carbon
extraction replicas were obtained from mechanically polished and etched surfaces.
The replicas were stripped from the specimens in the solution of CH3COOH :
HClO4 = 4 :1 at 20°C, 20 V [15].
Thin foils suitable for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation were
prepared from each of the samples. Small discs of 3 mm in diameter and thick
about 0.1 mm were jet-electropolished in electrolyte HNO3 : CH3OH = 3 : 7, at
0°C and 15V to obtain transparent areas near the central hole. The jet-
electropolishing was done by TENUPOL 5.
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of 18Cr-12Ni-2,5Mo Steel Annealed at 500-900°C
TEM observations were performed using JEOL 200 CX operated at 200 kV and
Philips CM 300 operating at 300 kV equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray
spectrometer (EDX), which was used for the microchemical analyses. The
analysis was supplemented by selected area electron diffraction for the phases
3 Results
The results of the light microscopy (LOM) examination are summarised in Fig. 1.
The microstructure of AISI 316 after solution annealing consists of polyhedral
austenitic grains with twinning typical for fcc microstructure. The average
austenitic grain size in this state is about 35±5 m (Fig. 1a). A small amount of -
ferrite was also recorded. No precipitates were observed at the grain boundaries
(GB) of solution annealed steels. The microstructures of aged states are shown in
Fig. 1b-1d.
Figure 1
Microstructure of AISI 316 a) after solution annealing, b) after aging 750°C/1 h, c) after aging
750°C/300 h, d) after aging 750°C/1000 h
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Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 11, No. 3, 2014
a b
Figure 2
Examples of AISI 316 microstructure obtained after oxalic acid etch test a) after solution annealing
(step), b) after aging 800°C/10 min. (dual), c) after aging 800°C/10 h (ditch)
Temperature (°C)
0,1 1 10 100 1000
log t (h.)
Figure 3
TTS diagram for AISI type 316 austenitic stainless steel established according to the test ASTM
A262 practice A
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of 18Cr-12Ni-2,5Mo Steel Annealed at 500-900°C
Figure 4
Microstructure of AISI 316 in the solution annealing state
Figure 5
Precipitation of M23C6 carbide at the GB – after aging 750°C/10 min.
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Figure 6
a) Detail of the grain boundary with particles of irregular shape after aging 750°C/5 h, b) particles were
identified by SAED as carbide M23C6
Figure 7
Precipitation of secondary phases at the grain boundary after aging 750°C/300 h
Figure 8
Precipitation of secondary phases at the grain boundary after aging 750°C/1000 h
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of 18Cr-12Ni-2,5Mo Steel Annealed at 500-900°C
The change of the particles size during aging at the temperature 750°C is shown in
Fig. 9. The medium size of particles increased from 40 nm to 120 nm. The
maximum of the particles size was found at the temperature at 750°C with holding
time 30h. Subsequently the medium particles size decreased with increasing of
holding time. In our opinion decreasing of particles size was caused by the change
of phase composition in the experimental steel. Carbide M23C6 content decreased
and content of carbide M6C increased.
size of particles (nm)
1 10 100 1000
log t (h)
Figure 9
Growth of the particles in the experimental steel AISI 316 after aging at the temperature 750°C
Fig. 10 summarises the average metal composition of carbide M 23C6 after the
aging treatment at the temperature 750°C measured by EDX analysis. The
measurement of chemical composition shows the slight growth of the chromium
contain with increasing of the aging time.
90 Fe
chemical composition (wt.%)
80 Mo
log t (h)
Figure 10
Changes of the chemical composition of carbide M23C6 during annealing at the temperature 750°C
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chemical composition (wt.%)
80 Mo
log t (h)
Figure 11
Changes of the chemical composition of -phase during annealing at the temperature 750°C
90 Fe
chemical composition (wt.%)
80 Mo
1 10 100 1000
log t (h)
Figure 12
Changes of the chemical composition of carbide M6C during annealing at the temperature 750°C
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of 18Cr-12Ni-2,5Mo Steel Annealed at 500-900°C
The changing fractions of identified secondary phases in steel AISI 316 during
aging at temperature 750°C are demonstrated in Fig. 13.
log t (h)
Figure 13
Fractions of the secondary phases in AISI 316 after aging at the temperature 750°C
Figure 14
Details of the grain boundaries in the experimental steel after solution annealing (line marked area
of EDX analysis)
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Figure 15
Details of the grain boundaries in the experimental steel after annealing 800°C/10 min (line marked
area of EDX analysis)
Figure 16
Changes of chromium contain in the area of grain boundary in the experimental steel after solution
annealing (SA) and heat treatment 800°C/10 min measured by EDX analysis
The precipitation behaviour of AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel has been
investigated in the temperatures range from 500 to 900°C for duration range from
10 min to 1000 h. The following conclusions were drawn:
1. TTS diagrams of experimental steel after oxalic acid etch test ASTM A262
practice A were constructed. The nose of this curve was at the temperature
800°C and tmin=20 min.
2. Sensitisation of the experimental steel accelerated the precipitation of the
carbide M23C6, besides carbide M23C6, -phase and carbide M6C were
detected at the austenitic grain boundaries (Fig. 12).
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