Kneller 1991 Forelandbasin
Kneller 1991 Forelandbasin
Kneller 1991 Forelandbasin
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1 author:
B. Kneller
University of Aberdeen
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Wenlock of Sediment
Southern Uplands Cumulative decompactedsediment thickness curves for
Pre-Ashgill of three sites within the basin are plotted against the graptolite
NW England time-scale in Fig. 3. The form of the curves demonstrates
accelerating subsidence through the late Wenlock and
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a n d s Ludlow.
Ordwician d
In the case of extensional basins, the change from rapid
Southern Uphnds fault-controlled subsidence to slower and decaying thermal
subsidence producesasubsidencecurve which is concave
Fig. 1. Geological location mapof part of Iapetus suture zone in towards the time axis during the period of highest
Britain, showing distributionof Windermere Group (with areasof sedimentation rates (Fig. 4). Basins generated within
stratigraphic sections A,B, C,used in Fig. 3.) R is Ribblesdale strike-slip zones may be expected to show rapid but
inlier. short-lived subsidence,alternating with compression and
uplift. Foreland basins ideally have subsidencehistories
places reasonable limits on the errors involved in estimating which track the progressive deflection of the upper surface
subsidence from sediment thickness. of a broken elastic lithosphere under an applied end load,
The graptolite zonal scheme (after Rickards 1970; Hutt approximated by a line load. Thus, for relatively constant
1974) provides a relative time-scale of high resolution. As a convergence rates, the subsidence curve (time-depth plot)
mimics the profile of the deflected lithosphere (distance-
depth plot), and is convex towards the time axis.
Comparison of Figs 3 and 4 illustrates a strong prima facie
argument for the Windermere Group as a foreland basin.
Anenormous progressive increase in the duration of
graptolite zones through the Silurian would be required to
alter the general shape of the subsidencecurve.This
diminishes the importance of uncertainties inherent in the
graptolite time-scale.
- 6
* C
440 430 420
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Since submission of this paper, a standard lithostratigraphic nomenclature for the Windermere Group has been agreed; Cautley Subgroup is
changed to Dent Subgroup, Skelgill and Browgill Members are changed to Formations, Coniston Formation is changed to Subgroup.