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Section 2. Marketing
Market analysis and strategy (STP)

Market Segmentation.According to a survey carried out by the National Center

for Health Statistics, results showed that between 2013 and 2016, approximately 36.6%
of adults consumed fast food on a daily basis. The study also revealed that food intake
decreased with age, reaching its peak in the 20-39 age bracket, which accounted for
44.9% of people who consume fast food on a given day.

"Fast Food Consumption Among Adults in the United States, 2013–2016" Cheryl D. Fryar, M.S.P.H., Jeffery P.
Hughes, M.P.H., Kirsten A. Herrick, Ph.D., MSc., and Namanjeet Ahluwalia, Ph.D.

Market Target: Another recent survey conducted by Marketing Manager Emily

Rodgers for Drive Research revealed that on average, people spend $148 per month on
fast food, and Millennials spend as much as $214 per month, which is $50 more than
Gen X and around $100 less than Gen Z. The findings from both studies provide
valuable insight into the demographic that MOS BURGERS should target as their
primary consumer base - young adults.

Unique Selling Position. Below is a comparison of prices for the signature

menu items of MOS BURGER's main competitors:



McDonald's Burger King

Big Mac $5.59* Whopper $6.99*

Big Mac Meal** $10.55* Whopper Meal** $12.50*


Whataburger In-N-Out
Whataburger® $5.49* Cheeseburger $4.19*

Whataburger Meal** $11.27* Cheeseburger Meal** $9.29*

*Prices may vary from state to state. **Meal includes a medium soft drink and medium fries.


MOS Burger MOS Yasai Burger Tobikiri Cheese Burger
¥440 ≈ $3 ¥460 ≈ $3 ¥540 ≈ $3.6

Based on its affordable prices and unique menu options like the MOS Yasai Burger,
MOS BURGER could position itself as a healthy Japanese fast-food chain. When
choosing a fast-food restaurant, consumers value the quality of food and price the most.
Marketing Tactics (4 Ps)

What kind of marketing do we deploy?

- We will mainly focus on marketing MOS food on different social media platforms.
For example, instagram, tiktok, facebook, etc.

Think in terms of the 4 Ps framework.

● What products do we sell?
- Fast food products, offer healthier options
● What services do we offer?
- Vital to delivering “being impressively delicious. Store service is to have a
basic policy and a good trained staff. Drive thru!!
● At what price do we sell our products?
○ Note that the size of the hamburger market differs according to price
● What kind of location/place should we open stores?
- We should open the first store in a shopping mall, but that will be a smaller
store and we should also open a store in a secondary location not in the
city center because we rather prioritize ingredient cost than rent. Also, if
the food is good enough, people would drive the extra mile to get it.
● What is the best way to convince the consumer to purchase the MOS product?
Best marketing message, vehicle, slogan, packaging, and other elements of the
marketing campaign.
- Focus on sustainability, vegetarian/vegan options, offer their products to
- Have a simple but remarkable marketing message that will make
customers remember MOS.

Promotion Channels
Who are the people who make purchasing decisions concerning the purchasing of MOS

With regards to the buying choices concerning MOS Burgers, which are a kind of cheap
food burger chain fundamentally found in Asia, the dynamic cycle regularly includes:

Customers: At last, shoppers assume a critical part in impacting buying choices. Their
inclinations, tastes, and fulfilment with the item can drive rehash buys and faithfulness
to the brand.

Franchise Owners/Operators: Franchise owners or operators may be able to

influence purchases of restaurant supplies, equipment, and ingredients in the case of
franchise-operated restaurants.

Teams in Charge of Menu Development: In order to guarantee consistency, quality,

and alignment with brand standards, teams in charge of menu development and product

innovation may also have a say in the selection of ingredients and suppliers for MOS

Managers of the Supply Chain: Managers of the supply chain are in charge of
ensuring that MOS Burger locations receive their supplies and ingredients on time and
efficiently manage their inventory.

Quality Control Chiefs: Quality control supervisors or groups might be associated with
evaluating the quality and wellbeing of fixings utilized in MOS Burgers, guaranteeing
consistence with food handling guidelines and company principles.

Monetary Leaders: Monetary chiefs inside the association, like CFOs or money
supervisors, might be engaged with assessing the expense viability of buying choices
connected with MOS Burger fixings and supplies.

Advertising Groups: Showcasing groups might give input on buying choices in light of
market patterns, purchaser inclinations, and special systems pointed toward driving
deals of MOS Burgers.

What is the best way to reach the decision-makers to promote your client’s products?
That is, what are inexpensive or free promotion channels that allow reaching these

Arriving at Chiefs to advance your client's items can be accomplished through different
economical or free advancement channels, particularly in the present computerized
age. Some effective methods include:

Email Showcasing: Creating customized and designated email missions can be a

viable method for arriving at chiefs. Ensure your messages are compact, applicable,
and offer worth to the beneficiary. Apparatuses like Mailchimp offer free designs for
sending email crusades.

Content Promoting: Making important substance, for example, blog entries,

whitepapers, or contextual investigations that address trouble spots or difficulties looked
by leaders can assist with laying out validity and stand out for them. Disseminate this
substance through your client's site, web-based entertainment channels, and industry

Web-based Entertainment Commitment: Draw in chiefs via online entertainment

stages like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Facebook by sharing smart substance, partaking
in pertinent discussions, and building connections after some time. This can assist in
encouraging trust and believability for your client's image.

Organizing Occasions/Online classes: Facilitating or partaking in web-based systems

administration occasions, online courses, or virtual meetings designated towards

leaders in your client's industry can be a successful way to feature their items or
administrations. Numerous internet-based stages offer free choices for facilitating online
classes, for example, Zoom or Google Meet.

Reference Projects: Energize fulfilled clients or accomplices to allude your client's

items or administrations to chiefs in their organization. Offer impetuses or awards for
fruitful references to spur support.

Website optimization and Site Improvement: Guarantee your client's site is

streamlined for web search tools so chiefs can undoubtedly find it while looking for
important items or administrations. This incorporates catchphrase streamlining, making
significant substance, and further developing site ease of use.

Cold calling and LinkedIn messages: Although they are more conventional, properly
executed cold calling and LinkedIn messages can still be successful. Before you plan,
do some research to find out who your target decision-makers are so that you can tailor
your message and offer to meet their specific requirements and issues.

What channel would work best for promoting your client’s product? Would it be social
media groups, professional associations, meetings, ads via bloggers or opinion leaders,
industry periodicals, or similar channels that are not as broad (and expensive) as Tv or
radio, but allow tp get directly (and ethically) to the decision makers? Or perhaps local
TV and radio stations might be the best channel?

The best channel for advancing your client's item relies upon different variables,
including the idea of the item, the interest group, the business, and the accessible
spending plan.

Here is a breakdown of a few possible channels and their reasonableness for arriving at

Social media groups: Particularly on platforms like LinkedIn, social media groups can
be useful for reaching decision-makers in particular industries or niches. Taking part in
applicable gatherings and drawing in with individuals can assist with building
connections and believability after some time.

Proficient Affiliations: Joining and effectively partaking in proficient affiliations

connected with your client's industry can give admittance to chiefs through systems
administration occasions, gatherings, and online networks.

Gatherings: Facilitating or going to industry-explicit gatherings, meetings, or career

expos can furnish important chances to associate with chiefs eye to eye and feature
your client's items or administrations.

Advertisements by means of Bloggers or Assessment Pioneers: Teaming up with

powerful bloggers, thought pioneers, or industry specialists to advance your client's item
through supported content or supports can assist with arriving at leaders who trust their
viewpoints and suggestions.

Neighborhood television and Radio broadcasts: While nearby television and radio
broadcasts can contact a wide crowd, they may not generally be the best station for
focusing on chiefs except if your client's item has mass allure or is pertinent to a nearby
market. How about we think about another model: publicizing through industry-explicit
distributions or pamphlets.

Examine publications from the industry: Distinguish legitimate distributions, bulletins,

or diaries that take special care of your client's objective industry. Look for publications
that offer advertising opportunities and are widely read by decision-makers.

Contact Promoting Offices: Navigate to the advertising or media kit section of each
publication's website. Look for the contact information for their sales representatives or
advertising departments.

Ask About Publicizing Choices: To inquire about advertising options, rates, and
available ad placements, contact the advertising department via email or phone. To
receive individualized recommendations, provide specifics about your client's product,
target audience, and advertising objectives.

Pick Promotion Arrangement and Organization: With representatives of the

publication, discuss the formats and placements of ads that are available. Pick the
promotion situation that best suits your client's targets, whether it's a print
advertisement, computerized advertisement, supported content, or pamphlet

Arrange Rates and Terms: Arrange publicizing rates and terms with the distribution's
agents. Get some information about limits for long haul responsibilities or packaged
promoting bundles.

Make Promotion Materials: Whenever you've finished the promotion situation and
configuration, work with your client's plan group or recruit a visual fashioner to make
convincing advertisement creatives. Guarantee that the promotion materials stick to the
distribution's details regarding measure, configuration, and goal. Submit Promotion
Materials: Present the concluded promotion materials to the distribution's publicizing
division by the predetermined cutoff time.

Twofold really look at that every important material, for example, promotion duplicate,
pictures, and logos, are incorporated and accurately designed.

Track Execution: Screen the presentation of your promotions by following

measurements like impressions, snaps, and transformations.

Use following instruments given by the distribution or outsider examination stages to

quantify the viability of your promoting effort.

Cost: The expense of promoting in industry distributions changes relying upon

elements like course, promotion situation, size, and recurrence. Rates might be cited as
an expense for every inclusion, cost per thousand impressions (CPM), or considering
other evaluating models.

Frequency: The recurrence of promoting in industry distributions relies upon your

client's showcasing targets, financial plan, and the distribution's distributing plan. Think
about running promotions routinely to keep up with perceivability and build up your
client's image presence among leaders.

Tips for Most extreme Viability: Pick distributions that are exceptionally pertinent to
your client's ideal interest group and have areas of strength for an among leaders. Tailor
your promotion informing to reverberate with the interests and problem areas of the
ideal interest group. Track the exhibition of your advertisements and change your
procedure in view of the bits of knowledge accumulated to upgrade your profit from

● What is the best way to convince consumers to buy the product?
● What should be the main message of the marketing campaign, and how should it
be presented?
● What are best messages, slogans, and other marketing campaign elements?
● If applicable, discuss if the brand name or its presentation should be modified to
make the product more appealing to the tastes and traditions of the consumers in
the new market.

Promotional Materials
To interest potential customers, your client must present information about its products.
Review your clients website and promotional materials and share your insights into
improving them.

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