ECCE Activity Pack Term 2 Week 11
ECCE Activity Pack Term 2 Week 11
ECCE Activity Pack Term 2 Week 11
My Home-Recycling Centre
Sensory Walk
-Together with the child look at a video on “Why
We Recycle.” - Place two rows of cardboard egg
- Encourage the child to set up three boxes to crates or dried leaves on the floor
sort plastic, paper and cans - Allow the child to walk bare footed on the egg
- Ask the child these questions and allow him/her crates or dried leaves
to sort according to each category: - Encourage the child to
“Can you find something that’s made of plastic?” describe the feeling
“How do you know it’s plastic?”
“Can you find paper?”
“What do we use paper for?”
“What do you have more or less of (e.g., plastic vs. metal) and
- Reward the child with a Recycling Hero badge
Waste Management Bins
- Engage in discussion on where some Ball Toss
household products come from and how
they can be reused to care for the - Create a structure as seen in the picture or attach
environment three tins with varying lengths of string to a clothes
- Invite the child to label three line
washable containers with the words: - From a distance the child will toss small balls into
Waste/Trash, Recyclable and Rot (compost) each tin
- Encourage the child to find items in the home and sort in the
correct labelled containers
- The child and his/her family can take the recyclables to the
recycling bin in the community, use the rot/compost materials to
make soil and place the waste in the trash for the garbage
collectors to take to the landfill
March 14 —18 2022 — Week 11Term 2 Page 3