ECCE Activity Pack Term 2 Week 11

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Week 11 Term 2

Waste Management is Everyone’s Business

Empowered into caring Knowing that there is
for the environment something children can do
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle campaign has made some to help the environment
inroads in addressing issues related to pollution gives them a sense of
issues. However, more can be done to teach children purpose and hope that they
about effective waste management. can make a difference.
When children learn about effective waste management they will be
more likely to consider how their actions affect the world around Be more organised Sorting waste products
them: even into adulthood. More importantly, teaching children about requires consideration for
waste management can lead to significant benefits such as: what those items are and
where they should go, which
Be more responsible is a crucial organisational
Children who practise recycling and waste
management in the home are more likely to
develop a sense of responsibility and Be part of Protecting the environment is a
something bigger group effort and knowing that
consistency .
recycling is a global endeavour
helps children feel like they are
Aware of the consequences Children who are taught the
participating in something
of their actions importance of waste management are
more likely to be mindful of their
actions and its impact on the Children might not be able to do as much as
environment. adults about issues like global warming and
pollution right now, but teaching them early
can help them do more in the future.
As a parent, that is one of the best things
Learning Outcomes that you can do for your child’s future.
Children will:
Remote Learning
- Learn new vocabulary and extend
language to communicate words and
ideas such as recycling and
- Develop mathematical and thinking
skills as they compare, contrast, count,
measure, sort and recognise patterns.
- Develop fine and gross motor skills
when integrating movements and
manipulating varied materials during
the activities.

Materials: cardboard boxes, plastic

containers, markers, crayons, paper, egg cartons, cans,
string, bubble wrap, plastic jug, ball, re-sealable plastic bags
March 14 —18 2022— Week 11Term 2 Page 2

Activities for three (3) and four (4) year old—PART 1

What is a WebQuest? Select the link below to learn the 5 R’s of Caring for
the Earth
A WebQuest is an activity children complete using the Internet to
get information on a specific topic.
Select the link below to listen to a story entitled “I
Topic – Conservation: The 5R’s of Caring for the Earth Can Save The Earth
Children from a young age can learn about ways they can make a v=2Mkwhe6LOBo
difference in the world. There are several things they can do to
help protect this planet we call Earth. Here are some easy steps Following the videos help the child create his/her own
that can be taken to become more environmentally friendly, which video or presentation sharing what he/she has learnt
will enable them to contribute in building a better future for based on the theme "The Environment: A clean, green
themselves and the next generations. scene." The video or presentation should focus
on influencing others to do their part to protect the

My Home-Recycling Centre
Sensory Walk
-Together with the child look at a video on “Why
We Recycle.” - Place two rows of cardboard egg
- Encourage the child to set up three boxes to crates or dried leaves on the floor
sort plastic, paper and cans - Allow the child to walk bare footed on the egg
- Ask the child these questions and allow him/her crates or dried leaves
to sort according to each category: - Encourage the child to
“Can you find something that’s made of plastic?” describe the feeling
“How do you know it’s plastic?”
“Can you find paper?”
“What do we use paper for?”
“What do you have more or less of (e.g., plastic vs. metal) and
- Reward the child with a Recycling Hero badge

Waste Management Bins
- Engage in discussion on where some Ball Toss
household products come from and how
they can be reused to care for the - Create a structure as seen in the picture or attach
environment three tins with varying lengths of string to a clothes
- Invite the child to label three line
washable containers with the words: - From a distance the child will toss small balls into
Waste/Trash, Recyclable and Rot (compost) each tin
- Encourage the child to find items in the home and sort in the
correct labelled containers
- The child and his/her family can take the recyclables to the
recycling bin in the community, use the rot/compost materials to
make soil and place the waste in the trash for the garbage
collectors to take to the landfill
March 14 —18 2022 — Week 11Term 2 Page 3

Activities for three (3) and four (4) year old—PART 2

Bubble Wrap Movement
- Place used bubble wrap or dry leaves on the
I Spy an iCARE Recycling Bin
- Encourage the child to engage in each
- Place all the recyclables previously movement
collected in a clear bag to take to an - Single Leg Stance: Practice single leg
iCARE Recycling Bin balance as the child raises one leg
- Take a walk/drive in your community at a time to stomp on bubble wrap
to find the iCARE Recycling Bin
or dried leaves
- An adult can take a picture of the
child wearing his/her Recycling Hero - Add a countdown for an
badge near the bin increased challenge
- Assist the child in finding out what - Jumping: Practice jumping
happens to the recyclables after it is forward and up and down to pop
taken from the iCARE Recycling bin the bubble wrap
- Encourage the child to jump with both feet
moving together
Old Bottles New Buddies
- Encourage the child to look around Ingredients Ice Cream in a Bag
1 cup half-and-half
the home for objects that are being used for cream - In a small re-sealable plastic bag,
another purpose from what it originally was combine half-and-half cream, sugar, and
2 tbsp. granulated
- Engage in discussion, highlighting that sugar vanilla. Push out excess air and seal
some objects can - Into a large re-sealable plastic bag,
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla
be repurposed instead of thrown away combine ice and salt. Place the small bag
3 cup ice
- An adult can assist the child in inside the bigger bag and shake vigorously,
creating an upcycled plant pot using a 1/3 cup kosher salt until ice cream has hardened
plastic bottle Toppings of your -Remove the
choice ice cream from
- The child will paint and decorate the the bag and
bottle to create a plant holder enjoy with your
- An adult can assist the child in favorite ice
planting a small plant in the repurposed cream
bottle toppings

Plastic Jug Thrower/Catcher Maypole Dance

- Cut off the base of two plastic jugs

or containers just below - Secure a pole/broom handle, in a bucket with sand or
the handle small rocks
- The child can use it to scoop up a - Attach long ribbons or strips of fabric at the top of the
ball to throw back and forth with a pole to create a maypole
friend or family member - The child and other family
members will dance in and out
each other’s ribbon, around the
March 14 —18 2022 — Week 11 Term 2 Page 4

Global Recycling Day

March 18
This year’s Global Recycling Day will celebrate the “recycling
fraternity” (and promote education about the importance of a cleaner

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