Raouwia 3

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Budget study

Ressources needed

Human resources : 5 researchers ( Mohamed , Abdillahi , Hamze , Ahmed and Ahmed )

Job description ( Researcher)

Researcher qualifications , duties and responsibilities

A successful Researcher candidate will have various prerequisite skills and

qualifications needed for duties. The specific skills and educational
requirements Researchers need depends on their industry. Successful
Researchers have exceptional problem-solving and investigative skills. They are
proficient in multiple data collection and analysis techniques and have an
exceptional knowledge of statistical computer applications. They are also
excellent communicators and can work effectively within teams.
Required skills :
 Proven knowledge of data collection methods

 Proficiency in data analysis tools and statistical applications

 Excellent written and verbal communication skills

 Excellent presentation skills and ability to write high-level research reports for

 Knowledge of project management

 Ability to work within a team and follow the instructions of senior faculty
Expected Duties :

 Determine areas of research to increase knowledge in a particular field.

 Identify sources of funding, prepare research proposals and submit funding

 Plan and perform experiments and surveys.

 Collect, record and analyse data.

 Interpret data analysis results and draw inferences and conclusions.

 Present research results to committee ( Teacher Raouiwa in our case ) .

Logistics :

- transportation
- Communication fees
- Internet

Other expenses for research :

- Participation fees ( Paid in the beginning of each month )

Asses needed Budget : For the whole project we estimate that an amount of 35 000fd will be used
by the researchers .

- Gap budget : 10% of our total budget

- Emergency total budget : 10 000fd will be our emergency budget

Total Budget : 35 000fd

Budget study

General budget
Expenses Amount Due date Planned Execution Execution Comment
finance permission
Transportatio 6000 fd 12/12/2022 Savings Researchers Still being Sometimes
n used finding
busses is
Phone credit 5000fd 24/12/2002 Savings Researchers Done High cost
for lower
Internet 15000fd 01/01/2023 From Researchers Pending Each
connection families member
and bought an
friends amount of
data worth
till January
White papers 1000fd 01/01/2023 Savings Researchers Done
Food 5000fd 24/12/2022 From Researchers Done
Notebooks , 2000fd 25/12/2022 Saving Researchers Done
pens , pencils
Printing 1000fd 25/12/2022 Savings Researchers Done
Total 35000fd


An estimated amount of 35 000fd will be spent on our research . It will be mostly from our own
savings 70% and the rest will be from our families and close friends .

TDB Weekly
Team 5 persons
Team members Mohamed Moustapha Daher
Ahmed Mohamed Habib
Ahmed Mohamed
Abdillahi Guelleh
Hamze houssein
Week Week 3
Starting date 3/12/2022
Ending Date 10/12/2022

Objectives of the week by priority

1 – Define main research Question
2 – Estimate the budget
3 – Count our available Resources
4 – Do the TDBs
5 – Research Limitations

Task To Task Assigned Starting Resourc Ending Task Comme

do descripti to date es and date executi ts
on tools on
Define We need Abdillahi 3/12/20 3/12/20 Internet Done Abdillah
researc to define Guelleh 22 22 and was so
h what our mobile innovati
questio research phone ve that
n will be he
based on manage
. Which d to fin
question a perfe
that we researc
will questio
answer that wi
through help us
our gain
research more
Estimat Here we Mohame 4/12/20 4/12/20 Calculat Done Moham
e the will d 22 22 or and a d
budget estimate Moustap pc estimat
the ha Daher d that a
amount amoun
of of 35
money 000fd
that we will be
will use . used
Count How Mohame 6/12/20 6/12/20 Calculat Done We
the much d 22 22 or and manage
availabl money Moustap pc d to
e we have ha Daher count
resourc the
es ressour
es that
we hav
Do the Make Mohame 7/12/20 8/12/20 Notebo Done The
TDBs the TDBs d 22 22 ok , pen TDBs ar
for the Moustap and pc well
project ha Daher done
Researc What are Mohame 8/12/20 9/12/20 Notebo Done We
h the d 22 22 ok pen manage
limitati research Moustap and a pc d to
on limits ha Daher figure
out the
ns of ou

Tasks Week 3
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Define X
Budget X
Available X
Do the X X
Research X X

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