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Lesson tittle: Q3: Lesson 3: Medicine Misuse and Abuse: Potential Dangers and

Ways to Prevent It

Not all medicines have to be taken in the same amount or dosage. If you take more
than what is needed, it will endanger your overall health and well-being.
In this lesson, you are expected to:
 Describe the proper use of medicines;
 Describe the potential dangers associated with medicine misuse and abuse;
 Explain the importance of reading drug information and labels, and other
ways ensure proper use of medicines.

Write C on the line if the advice is correct. Write W if it is wrong.
_____1. Take OTC medicine only when advised by a trusted person.
_____2. Do not expose the medicine under direct sunlight.
_____3. Do not consume expired medicines.
_____4. Take medicine only when prescribed by a doctor.
_____5. Keep medicines inside the refrigerator when unconsumed.

You should always ask your parent or guardian to assist you when taking
medicine. Reading drug information labels is one way to ensure proper use or
intake of medicines.

Misuse and Abuse of Medicine

Medicine is misused in the following situations:
 When a person does self-medication, especially if the sickness is serious.
 When too much medicine is taken, resulting to overdose which can be fatal.
Abuse of medicine happens in the following:
 When the medicine is taken for non-medical reasons, which can lead to
 When a person becomes dependent on the medicine and takes it even though
he or she is not sick anymore.

Dangers of Misusing and Abusing Medicine

Below are some of the results of misusing and abusing medicine.
 Malnourishment happens when the drugs lessen the appetite of the person.
 Financial problem happens due to expensive drugs. When a person
experiences serious illness, he or she, as well as the family, suffer from
financial struggles.
 Sudden death happens when drugs are taken in large amounts. There are
strong substances that the body cannot handle, and these cause the body
systems to shut down.

Proper Use of Medicines

Medicines are beneficial if properly used. Remember the following tips on the
proper purchase, use, and storage of medicines.
1. Consult a doctor before taking any medicine
Tell your parent or guardian if you are not feeling well to accompany you to the
doctor. The doctor will prescribe the right medicines for your illness,
2. Buy from reliable pharmaceutical stores
Give the prescription from the doctor to the pharmacist in the drug store. A
pharmacist can assist you with the medicines you need. Buy only from a reliable
pharmacy, Fake medicines can worsen illness or even kill you.
3. Read and check drug information and labels.
It is very important to read well the drug information label. It contains the
instructions on how to use the medicine properly. Always follow the medical
prescription and instructions from the doctor. Check if you have the correct dosage
and preparation. Check also the expiration date before buying or taking them.
Expired medicines cause serious damage to the body.
4. Take medicine under adult supervision.
Medicines need to be taken in proper amount or dosage. Ask help from your
parents or older sibling to assist you in taking medicine
5. Observe proper storage.
Make sure to follow instructions on how to store medicines properly. Some
medicines must be kept in cool, dry places. Others can be stored in medicine
containers. Do not refrigerate medicines unless instructed by your doctor or the

Let’s Summarize:
A medicine is misused or abused if you take it even when you are not sick or
for self-medication and for non-medical reasons.
A pharmacist is someone who can assist you with the medicine that you

A. Describe the potential dangers associated with medicine misuse and abuse. Fill
in the boxes with necessary details. Take a picture of the completed concept
map. Send a copy to your teacher and wait for his or her feedback.
Dangers of Medicines
When Misused When Abused
B. Why is it important to read drug label and other information, such as proper use
of the medicines? Write your answer below.

C. Explain what you should remember about medicine – purchase, use, and
storage. Take a picture of your answer and send a copy to your teacher. Wait for
his or her feedback.



Write C on the line if the advice is correct. Write W if it is wrong.
_____1. To prevent ants, expose the medicine under direct sunlight.
_____2. Take over-the-counter medicine recommended by a friend.
_____3. Keep medicine at room temperature away from direct light.
_____4. Expired medicines can still be used for three more months.
_____5. Only take medicine prescribed by a doctor after consultation.
Assignment with rubric:
Medicines are beneficial to humans if they are not misused or abused. Using a
short bond paper, create a slogan encouraging proper use of medicines. Display
your slogan on the wall and take a picture of it. Send a copy to your teacher
through email.
Your slogan will be assessed using this rubric
Performance Level
Criteria Score
8-10 4-7 0-3
Content The slogan The slogan The slogan
shows does not reveals wrong
understanding reveal understanding
of misuse and understanding of misuse and
abuse of of misuse and abuse of
medicine. abuse of medicine.
Message of The message The message The message
the Slogan is clear. It is clear. It is unclear.
uses catchy uses simple
word word
arrangement. arrangement.
Creativity The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
artistic and artistic. plain.
Visual Impact The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
attractive and okay, but the uninspired.
clean. strip is dirty.

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