BONUS Hacks and Secrets of The Chads

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The BONUS hacks and secrets that will

tenfold your results and make them come 3

times faster, while also making you healthier :
Table of content :

• The BONUS exercise that will make your face 5 times more attractive, more
manly, and way more intimidating FAST.

• How to Eat like a Chad.

• Why you must do this AFTER your jaw training if you don’t want to see your
results vanish.

• What NEVER to do when you train your jaw. ( fatal errors that could cause severe
• The simple hacks to get a more carved face that will make your bone structure 3x
times more visible (and make you more attractive).
• How to get hollow cheeks : it’s way easier than you think, and how it will give you
the “Oggee Curve” look so appealing to the eye.

• The ONE deep-rooted habit % of people have that KILLS facial attractiveness,
and how you can correct it.
• How to get results 3 times faster with Hormone Optimisation.
• The fastest way to get results with The Golden Jaw Bible.
• How to keep results for LIFE and how to keep getting more attractive with age.

• Why the 4 JawKillers will prevent you from EVER being rejected by another girl.
(they will come to you instead).
• How to increase your personal HALO effect even more and get massive « beauty
privilege ». (Life-changing info).
• The 3 fatal mistakes that will ruin your progress.
• My exact personal routine I used to get massive results with only 2 sessions per
The BONUS exercise that will make your face 5 times
more attractive, more manly, and way more
intimidating FAST ...

There is a very simple way to greatly increase your facial attractiveness. As a matter of
fact, this doesn’t act directly on the face even, if it has huge consequences on how your
face is perceived. Some of you might already know about this (I hope you’ve taken action
by now) but for the people who are not educated, this piece of information could deeply
change the way you’re seen by other people around you.

This secret is….

Neck training !

That’s right. Training your neck is one of the most important thing if you want to appear
more masculine and more dominant. And it makes you a lot more attractive.

Take a look at these picture :

You can clearly see who is more attractive than the other. Only the neck has changed.
How to train your neck :
Some people do neck-bridges, some do neck curls. While these are efficient ways to train
the neck, they can cause discomfort. And since this area is among the most important area
in the human body, we must do everything to protect it and not injure it. That's why I
recommend to only do isometric training.
The exercise :

Lay down on your back : it could be on your bed, or it could be with a hard surface where
you rest your upper back.

To perform the exercise, the head and neck must not be supported by anything. You
simply keep your neck and head aligned with the rest of your spine, maintaining this
position with a slight chin tuck.

Hold it till failure. Rest one and a half minute up to two minutes then repeat. Do 3 sets

You can use your hand to keep your head from falling down when you fatigue.

Lay down on a bench like the guy with the black t shirt, and just hold it like that, without

Make sure to be properly warmed up when you train your neck. You can set a timer
for 5 minutes. For each minute, do a specific warm up drill, such as saying “yes” with the
head, saying “no”, bending from left to right, making circles and finally using your hands
to push on your forehead to activate the neck muscles (SCMs).

This exercise will train the sternocleidomastoids, the muscles on the front that will
overtime become bigger and make you look more masculine.
How To Eat Like a Chad

Hydration :
Water is crucial for the body. Water consumption can be higher if you have a highly
active lifestyle, but everybody should aim for at least 2 liters of water per day.

I highly recommend you to buy a water filtering device, or a reverse osmosis water
machine to purify your water.

Especially if it's tap water : traces of fluorine, estrogen, chlorine, limestone, and other
chemical products are found in it. Depending on where you live, the water will be more
or less pure. Don't take the risk and invest in some type of water filtering device. It will
make your life better : you will have a clearer mind, easier time to focus, a better skin, an
overall healthier body…
Watch this video to learn more :

What about bottled water ?

You should be careful. When they are let in the sun, the phyto-estrogen and many other
chemicals transfer from the plastic into the water, leading you to ingest tons of crap
chemical shit.

Vitamins :
There are two fat soluble vitamins that are very important for skin health.

They are vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A is critical for the repair process of the skin,
including damage from burns and toxins. Vitamin A also increases the thickness of the
epidermis, mainly the granular layer. Which is the portion of the epidermis that produces
horn cells.
Credit : / Hashem Alsaab

Vitamin D helps with the process of skin cell metabolism and growth. Another vitamin
that aid’s in skin health is vitamin E. Because vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that
reduces the effects of sun exposure on the skin, and the effects of dangerous free radicals.
Nutrients :

Water soluble vitamins also provide skin with the nutrients it needs for optimal quality
and health.

There are three specifically that play an important role in the health of the skin. They are
vitamin B5,vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Minerals as well are a part of the nutrients that
the skin needs. Magnesium helps the skin fight against skin allergies and eczema.

Zinc helps fight against acne because it helps control the oil production in the skin. A
good iron status supports a rosy glow in the cheeks. Good selenium production supports
tissue elasticity and protects against free radical damage.
Foods for the skin :
Vitamin A - yellow butter, egg yolks, organ meats, fish, shellfish, and cod liver oil

Vitamin D3- butterfat, eggs, liver, organ meats, marine oil, seafood(specifically shrimp
and crab)

Vitamin E- unrefined vegetable oils, butter, organ meats, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and
dark leafy greens

Vitamin B5-organ meats, egg yolks, and whole grains

Vitamin B12- liver, kidney, and oysters

Vitamin C- kakadu plums, acerola cherries, rosehips, bell pepper, liver, and adrenal
glands Magnesium- beef, chicken or fish broth Zinc- red meat, oysters, fish, nuts, seeds,
and ginger Iron- butter and cod liver oil Selenium- butter, Brazil nuts, seafood, and grains
grown in selenium rich soil.

All of these foods should be eaten in their most natural forms. To ensure that the optimal
amount of nutrients are being absorbed from them. For example, beef should be grass-
fed, fish wild caught, vegetables fermented, and fruits in season.


Adjust your diet according to your geographical location, use all possible methods to get
as many different foods as possible every day.
The simple hacks to get a more carved face that will
make your bone structure 3x times more visible (and
make you more attractive).

As stated above, there are numerous ways to increase your facial attractiveness with
nutrition and water.

Being well hydrated prevents your body from entering a state of water retention, which is
where the body tries to limit the body dehydration process. This gives you a puffy look
that hides every sharp bone structure, making you less attractive.

You should limit salt and sugar intake : Salt will make you a lot puffier, sugar will make
your skin look worse and even breakout with pimples. Also limit refined carbs and
refined sugar.

One thing you can do to have a more carved face is simply to move more. When we wake
up, the face is all puffed out. This is because the body is dehydrated, but also because it
hasn't moved. So when you wake up in the morning, drink a big glass of purified water,
then move your body. Move every joints, activate your muscles, do some squats or push
ups to get your heart pumping.

You can also massage your face and activate your facial muscles. Open your mouth,
move it around, make a big smile, show your teeth… Any action that moves your faces,
but not sucking on your cheeks.

Last, but not least : cardio and exercise.

When I sweat a lot, my face is very very defined and chiseled. It's mainly when I do
cardio, but even when I lift weights and I sweat a lot (especially on leg days) I can get the
same chiseled face.
How to get hollow cheeks : it’s way easier than you

Credit :

Hollow cheeks are very attractive facial features that almost all attractive people have.

They are a result of a mathematical equation between : your maxillary horizontal growth
(forward growth), the size of your chewing muscles and your level of leanness.
First : forward growth :
Having a projected maxilla is necessary to see hollow cheeks appear. It's due to the fact
of having your cheekbones being higher, more “poppy”. When the maxilla is forward, the
skin is stretched and close to your bones, leading to creation of the hollow cheeks.

Next : chewing muscles size (mainly the masseters) :

Masseters play a huge role in getting hollow cheeks. The bigger they are, the bigger the
hollowing of your cheeks. For a simple reason. The bigger your masseters, the bigger the
stretch on the skin.

So forward growth + chewing muscles size = beautiful hollow cheeks.

But !

It will never be visible if your body fat percentage is too high, because having a face
filled with fat will simply prevent your face from being well defined and chiseled. So
clean your diet at the same time of practicing mewing and growing big chewing muscles.

When you'll achieve beautiful hollow cheeks, you will have the beautiful “Oggee Curve”
that every model has, so appealing to the eyes.
What NEVER to do when you train your jaw. A
fatal error that could cause severe injury.

Just like building muscle in the gym, there are important rules to follow.

Warming up :
You wouldn't hop on a bench and start pressing your work weight as soon as you step foot in the
gym. (Well some people do, and they wonder why they get injured).

So, before you start your session, warm up.

You need to warm up the joint and the muscles. A simple way to do so is to eat. For example,
you could eat your diner (for about 30 minutes to an hour) where you chew a lot, you move your
lower jaw a lot, and you bring blood and lubrication to the TMJ joint.

I don't recommend you to train your jaw on mornings, or worst, as soon as you wake up. Why ?
Because your face is not warmed up, it hasn't move a lot, and from my experience, the session's
quality is worst than if I did an afternoon or evening session.

Don't train through pain :

If at any moment you feel pain, typically in your jaw joint near the ears, stop immediately. If you
hear popping or cracking in your jaw, stop immediately and massage your jaw muscles.

If symptoms continue, you shouldn't continue with the program and you should consult a
medical practitioner. Remember, I don't want you to get injured.

So when you begin the program, start light.

Low intensity and low volume. Then week by week you will get stronger and bigger and you
will be able to increase intensity..
Why you must do this AFTER your jaw training if you
don’t want to see your results vanish.

Chewing muscles are some of the strongest muscles in our bodies. They are very
powerful and exert huge forces on the bones of the face.

The chewing muscles, when trained, get bigger, stronger, but they also get very tight. As
a result, they drag your face downwards and inwards, leading to a lack of facial
expansion and horizontal growth.

That's why you need to massage and relax them after each and every training session.
You can massage them everyday for 5 to 10 minutes.

Once you've massaged them, you will feel that your jaw can open much more, and you
don't have residual tension in your head.

How to massage your chewing muscles :

For the masseters :

Use your index and middle finger. Place the tip of your fingers on the belly of the
masseter muscle. Apply pressure, but not to much. You shouldn't create unnecessary pain,
you should feel it relax and should feel tension disappear.

Then, while keeping the pressure, move your fingers around : make circles, make straight
lines from top to bottom and from side to side.

For the medial pterygoids:

Credit :

Use the fingers of the hand opposite to your muscles. Meaning : if you massage your
right pterygoids, use the fingers of your left hand, and the other way around for muscles
on your left side.

Use your index finger. Open your mouth. Put your finger on the inside of your cheek.
Move your finger until your reach the back of your cheek. You should be near your back
molars. You should also feel the bone of your lower jaw.

To find the medial pterygoid, simply keep the tip of your finger in the area described
above, and then clench your jaw (don't clench too hard). You should feel the muscle
contract in the inside of your cheek.

Once you've found it, relax your jaw and do the same process as for the masseter by
applying pressure. In my experience, there is a lot of pressure on the upper part of the
muscle, where it connects to the cheekbone.

You should feel the muscle relax pretty quickly.

For the temporal muscle :

Credit :

Finally : the temporal muscle.

This one holds a lot of tension and can be quite painful for a lot of people. To massage it :
use your middle finger's and index finger's phalanges.

Basically, make a fist with your hand. We won't use the big knuckles, rather we will use
the joint just after, between the proximal and middle phalanges.
Then we apply pressure with these parts of our hands on the temporal muscle.

Massage horizontally and vertically, make circles.

This muscle takes time to relax.

Another thing you can do to relax your chewing muscles is simple. Breathing deeply,
with a long exhale, all through the nose.

The chewing muscles respond very negatively to stress. That's why when you're stressed,
they become tight. To combat that, simply try lowering your stress levels. One simple
way of doing so is to practice deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, gratitude…
Any technique to relax your mind.

The ONE deep-rooted habit 95% of people have that

will kill your gains (and your facial attractiveness).

This habit is so bad, yet so hard to fix. Almost every body in our modern times is affected
by it. You may have it, every one around you has it.

Forward head posture.

There are multiple reasons why forward head posture is so bad. I will list some of them.

#1 : Pressure on the discs of your cervical spine.

For each inches your head goes forward, the load on your cervical discs doubles. As a
result, disc degeneration can occur, and a lot more troubles…

#2 : Reverse curvature of the neck.

Having your head forward will overtime lead to a straight cervical spine. This is bad for
multiple reasons : worsen blood flow, constant state of fight or flight (sympathetic
nervous drive), joint pain, sleep problems, digestive problems, high blood pressure…
For more information about the neck and it's consequences when it looses it's natural
curve, check out Dr John Bergman on YouTube :
He has very interesting videos about the neck.

#3 : Pressure on the nervous outflow.

When the neck is forward, the cranium will rotate up to keep the eyes to the horizon.
When this happens, the nervous outflow coming out of the cranium will be compressed at
the level of the atlas bone, the first cervical bone of the neck. This can lead to numerous
nervous problems, such as dizziness, joint pain across the body…
#4 : Arthritis in the neck.
Arthritis is the body's adaptation to loss of stability in an area, such as when the neck
goes forward. The body tries to « strengthen » the neck in a « bad way » and results to
arthritis. Again, everything is explained by Dr John Bergmann in his videos. Watch them.

#5 No results from Mewing :

Dr Mike Mew talk about this in this video :

Forward head posture will prevent your tongue front exerting the right pressure on the
palate. Moreover : having your neck forward will prevent your face from growing
horizontally and will inversely make it long, due to gravity. Forward growth make mouth
breathing more prevalent. Finally, forward head posture will keep you in a state of fight
or flight, leading to an increase in tightness of your chewing muscles that will keep your
face from growing and expanding correctly.

These are some of the problems occurring when your head is forward. Again, this is over
a period of time, long or short depending on the person. Having your neck forward for 2
seconds then having it normal again will not cause damages.

Here is a list of multiple ways of solving your forward head posture.

I tried listing a lot of hacks and techniques that I and my students have tried because
some things might work for some people and not for others. Test and see what works for

#1 Recovering a parasympathetic nervous drive.

The parasympathetic nervous system will activate the posterior muscle chain, leading to
good posture and aligned joints. Contrary to the sympathetic nervous drive that activates
mainly the anterior muscle chain, leading to poor posture and poor movement patterns.
In the modern era, humans are stressed all the time, everywhere. It's hard to find a
moment and a place to rest and be calm. As a result, the sympathetic nervous drive is
overactive and dysfunctions start to occur.

So ! Our goal is to recover a sympathetic nervous drive.

How do we do so ?
First make a list with a pen and paper.
Make one column named « the stressors » and a second one named « the good guys ».

The stressors :

Make a list of every stressors in your life. You will know if it's a stressor if it drains your
mental and physical energy, if it makes you anxious, if it makes you stressed, if it
worsens your quality of life, if it damages your health... Make a list of every thing that
comes to mind.
Then, give it a note from 1 to 5.
1 being the lowest perceived impact and 5 the highest. It's subjective to your situation.

Here's an example list of stressors :

- Going to school 4
- Family pressure 4
- School pressure, grades, professors… 3
- Bad and processed foods 2
- Living in an ugly and dangerous city, fear of being attacked 3
- Using public transportation 1
- City pollution 2
- Living in a country at war 5

Then, once you've finished this list of stressors, read it from top to bottom while thinking
about each one.
Ask yourself : « can I limit it's impact on my life ? Can eliminate this stressors from my
life ? »

Of course, be realistic. You will have a difficult time stopping a war.

But, this will give you more clarity on your life and maybe give you new paths to explore
in your life, so that you can become healthier, happier, and sexier !
The good guys :

After listing and going through the stressors, we will now talk about the « good guys ».
Why the good guys ? Because they are positives in your life that will improve your life
experience and make you healthier and happier.
Anything that makes you healthier, happier, more energetic, more relaxed, is a good guy.
Make a list and rate it from 1 to 5, 1 having the less impact and 5 the biggest impact on
how you feel (in a positive way).
Again, it's personal and subjective to you and your situation.

Example list of good guys :

- Listening to music I love

- Going out on a walk in nature
- Doing sports, exercising, lifting weights, running...
- Spending time with loved ones
- Drinking purified water
- Eating good and healthy foods.
- Laughing
- Traveling
- Meditating
- Being grateful
- Watching a good movie
- Going to your favorite band's concert
- Teaching helpful things to other people
- Helping out other people
- Remembering that someday you will die and the world will have forgotten about you in
200 years.
- Having a « I don't give a fuck » mindset (without being mean)
And more …

When your paper is completed, you will have a clearer view on your life, you will know
yourself a little more and have ideas on how to limit stress in your life :)

The most important part is eliminating the stressors, do your best depending on your
situation, but don't stress out to much if you can't eliminate them. Just recognize when
something happens and now that it will eventually stop.

#2 Good breathing.

Good breathing promotes the parasympathetic nervous drive, making you more relaxed.

Good breathing :
- Through the nose
- Exhale longer than the inhale
- Slow
Practice breathing exercises :
4-7-8 breathing, box breathing…
Try new exercises !

#3 Stretching the neck muscles

Here are some useful videos with stretching that can help you resolve forward head
I found stretching offers very temporary fix. Don't just rely of this.

#4 Practicing chin tucks.

A lot of people have success with chin tucks. Watch Dr Mike Mew 's video on it.

#5 Releasing the suboccipital muscles.

These muscles will keep your face from growing forward. They are sometimes the hidden
culprits of neck tensions.
People don't realize that they contract them unintentionally, which causes head and neck
tension. These muscles are located at the bottom of the occipital bone to the beginning of
the neck.

Credit :

Simply put your fingers there and massage them. Don't apply to much pressure. Your
vision might improve after that. Do it multiple times per week.
#6 Use PRI to fix your patterns.

A lot of people are victims of the Left AIC/right BC pattern, as well as the PEC pattern.
When stuck in these patterns dysfunction in the whole body starts to happen. I highly
recommend you to go and watch the YouTube channel of Neil Hallinan, as well as the
Postural Restoration Institute. You won't understand everything right away if you're new
to this stuff, but it's very powerful.

#7 Being mindful of your posture.

Practice mindfulness meditation. Then, when during the day, be mindful of your posture
and neck position. Realize when it's going forward and fix it. This is not the ideal way of
fixing forward head posture, we don't want to think about it 24/7.

#8 Have screens a little above eye level.

Screens are major reasons why our heads go down and forward. You should limit their
use for your neck health (and for a number of other reasons, but that’s another
Simply put your computer’s screen at eye or above eye level to keep a horizontal stare.

#9 Sleep on your back without a pillow.

For some people this is not comfortable from the get go. But in my opinion this can be
game changer.
Think about it : if you sleep on your back with a pillow, there’s a good chance that you
sleep with a forward head posture (depending on your pillow’s size and type).

In order to combat that, you can progressively get accustomed to sleeping without a
pillow, to the point where you can’t go back to sleeping with a pillow when you're on
your back because you know that your head is in a bad position.
If you want to try it out, make sure that you don’t suffer from sleep apnea, because it
could aggravate it.
If you’re all clear, this evening, lay on your back, without a pillow. If you can’t fall
asleep, use your pillow and sleep. The next day, try again sleeping without a pillow.
Progressively over time, you will get used to this new position, and you will fall asleep.

This is for back sleepers.

For side sleepers, make sure your neck and head are aligned in both frontal and lateral
planes with the rest of your spine.

For belly sleepers : try and sleep either on your side or your back. If you sleep on your
belly, you have higher chances of breathing through your mouth during the night, which
is terrible for rest and sleep quality. You also put your head and neck in a bad position
that could cause damage.
But, one advantage on sleeping on your belly is the increased chances of having erotic
dreams… Look it up.
How to get results 3 times faster with Hormone

Having a masculine face is very important for male attractiveness.

Typically, people are not a 100 % masculine nor a 100 % feminine. They are a mix of
But, if you're a male, having strong masculine features will definitively increase your
looks. That's what's called dimorphism. In short, dimorphism is the ratio between
masculine and feminine features. The higher the masculine features, the higher the
masculine dimorphism.

But ! Some guys can be very attractive all the while having feminine facial traits. The
tiktok pretty boys are a good example.

Josh Ricards
To the opposite end of the spectrum : Jason Momoa.

Very attractive, with very impressive masculine features. He looks like a barbarian. The
total opposite of the pretty boys, but both are very attractive.
In order to increase your dimorphic masculine traits, you can take advantage of hormone
Basically, we want more testosterone, and more human growth hormone.

How to increase testosterone :

There are a lot of ways to increase testosterone. I won't expand on them because it would
be to long to explain. Do your own research after.
- Sleeping for a long time (8h +) and having good sleep quality.
- Semen retention
- Good, clean diet with organic foods.
- Purified water
- Cold exposure
- Having sex
- Being in a street fight
- Being in competition with other men
- Acting aggressively, being dominant (placebo effect)
- Body language, power poses, being loud and shouting
- Doing sports : combat sports, team sports, competition
- Lifting weights, compound movements
- Having no deficiency in nutrients and vitamins (Vitamin D, Zinc…)
- Omega 3
- Having responsibilities
- Avoid fluorine
- Avoid plastic
- Avoid heat on the testicles

And more…

How to increase human growth hormone :

- Sleeping for a long time and having good sleep quality

- Sprinting, high intensity interval training
- Fasting
- Good, clean diet
- Lifting weights

Try incorporating each point in your life. You will have better hormones, more energy,
you will be healthier and more attractive. Again, don’t hesitate to be curious about this
topic and do some research.
The fastest way to get results with The Golden Jaw

Here's how you can get results faster :

1) Being in a caloric surplus and eating a lot of protein (0,6 to 0,8 gram of protein per
pound, or 1 to 1,5 gram per kilo) :

Just like when you build muscle in other parts of your body, the same principles apply.
You need to be in a caloric surplus and eat a good amount of protein to see fast gains, in
order to recover properly and replace damaged muscle cells.

2) Hormone optimization :

It's proven that the higher up in the body a muscle is, the higher androgenous receptors
this muscle has. Meaning, the higher up in the body a muscle is, the bigger it's sensitivity
to testosterone, meaning a better environment for muscle anabolism (muscle growth).
That's why when bodybuilders inject testosterone, their traps, neck and shoulders get
HUGE, without even training them a lot. And, if you've paid attention, their chewing
muscles also get huge.
That's due to their testosterone sensitivity.
So make sure to pump up your testosterone for faster gains.

3) Resting well :
When you will begin training your jaw, you might get sore. It's important to let the
soreness go away before doing another session, in order to not over-strain the muscles,
which could cause unwanted tension in the head and neck, while also increasing the risk
of damaging your TMJ.

Simply, sleep well and eat well.

4) Training consistently :
Look, results come fast, but you need more than just one session to achieve your facial
You should at least train one time per week. Two is better, you will get results faster. You
can increase the frequency, as long as you rest correctly.

How to keep results for LIFE and how to keep getting

more attractive with age.
First off :

Relax your chewing muscles.

What happened to people who where good looking while young, but became less and less
attractive as they get older ? Stress, and tight chewing muscles. When the chewing
muscles get tight, they pull the face downwards and inwards, leading to a worsening of
facial beauty.

As time goes by, you need to continue to relax those muscles and reduce stress as much
as possible.

I've already explained this above when I talked about relaxing the chewing muscles.

From my experience, jaw gains don't seem to disappear when you stop training. You can
skip multiple weeks and you won't lose your gains.

But, if you're scared of losing them, or you see that your gains start to disappear when
you stop training, simply maintain your results with one session per week. That should be
Have a good lifestyle :

Beauty is health.

And health can also be beauty. Keep getting healthier and healthier. You will be happier,
and as a result your emotions will continue to maintain and increase your beauty. (I talk
about that in the Mewing Bible).

Why the 4 JawKillers will prevent you from EVER

being rejected by another girl. (they will come to you

Look : When you’re attractive, life is good.

Especially with other human beings and girls. You see, having a beautiful face correlates
with a good HALO effect, (more on that after), which means that your whole life and
how other people interact with you gets greatly improved. Here are some studies I’ve
found that highlight this phenomena…

« Perceiving and processing beauty appear to require little attention and to

bias subsequent cognitive processes. »
Olson IR, Marshuetz C. Facial attractiveness is appraised in a glance. Emotion. 2005 Dec;5(4):498-502.
doi: 10.1037/1528-3542.5.4.498. PMID: 16366753
« Being more or less attractive has important social consequences and people
do generally agree on who is and who is not attractive. Beauty is not just a
simple social construct—attractiveness appears to be ingrained in our
biology. »

Little AC, Jones BC, DeBruine LM. Facial attractiveness: evolutionary based research. Philos Trans R
Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Jun 12;366(1571):1638-59. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0404. PMID: 21536551;
PMCID: PMC3130383.

« Those who are physically attractive reap many benefits--from higher

average wages to a wider variety of mate choices. [...]Perceiving and
processing beauty appear to require little attention and to bias subsequent
cognitive processes. These facts may make beauty difficult to ignore, possibly
leading to its importance in social evaluations. »

Olson IR, Marshuetz C. Facial attractiveness is appraised in a glance. Emotion. 2005 Dec;5(4):498-502.
doi: 10.1037/1528-3542.5.4.498. PMID: 16366753

« Attractive faces are recognized clearly when seen and are often viewed
advantageously in professional, social, and romantic relationships. »

Kanavakis G, Halazonetis D, Katsaros C, Gkantidis N. Facial shape affects self-perceived facial

attractiveness. PLoS One. 2021 Feb 3;16(2):e0245557. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245557. PMID:
33534847; PMCID: PMC7857636.
« Several studies have reported positive correlations between women's ratings
of their own physical attractiveness and the strength of their preferences for
masculine characteristics in men's faces »

Little AC, Jones BC, DeBruine LM. Facial attractiveness: evolutionary based research. Philos Trans R
Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2011 Jun 12;366(1571):1638-59. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0404. PMID: 21536551;
PMCID: PMC3130383.

All these studies suggest that being attractive will greatly improve your life.
And the 4 JawKillers are exactly the exercises you need to improve your face. So go and
do them !

How to increase your personal halo even more and get

massive « beauty privileges » (life changing info)

The HALO effect is a well know and researched topic in human psychology. In short :
people make their opinion of someone only based on exterior appearance. It can be
positive and negative, and, you guessed it, the better your exterior appearance (your
looks) the more positive your HALO effect.
What does it translates to ?
Attractive people are seen as more trustworthy people, they are « funnier », they are
« kinder », they get away more easily when they commit bad actions (crime etc.), they
are seen as more intelligent, more capable, more skilled …
And this is subconscious. People just assume all of that when they see an attractive

Do you see why it's very important to be as much attractive as possible ?

The most important features in the HALO effect :

Face and frame are the most important features. You know about the Pareto law : 20 % of
what you do lead to 80 % of results.
Face and frame are the 20 % that make 80 % of your HALO effect.

To improve your face : Mewing + Golden Jaw Bible + Inter-oral face-pulling + the
document you're reading.
I'll explain how you can improve your frame in a moment.

Having a good personal style :

Having good style will certainly improve your HALO effect. To the contrary, not wearing
good clothes can be detrimental due to people perceiving you as « child-like » and a not
very clean person.
Look, I'm not a style expert, but here are some tips that could improve your style.

Having personal colors that make you stand out :

Listen, I'm not asking you to be a rainbow. What I mean to say is that if your whole style
and accessories all have the same colors ( About 3 colors is good), you will look clean
and sophisticated.
Also, try new things. Maybe try new joggers/ baggy pants and see how you feel.
Don't sacrifice comfort for style, but you can have style and be comfortable at the same

Jewelry :

Jewelry can be a nice add to your style. If you're a man, bracelets are good, watches, neck
collier, small earrings. They make you look more expensive and sophisticated. Again,
don't just pile up as much jewels as you can. It has to be subtle, and just be a small
addition to your entire appearance.

Having a good haircut :

For some people this is cliche advice. But, it can really make or break your face. See
these examples :

Again, try new haircuts. If you have short hair, let them grow.

For example, one of my student had short hair his whole life. But, during the coronavirus
lock down, he let his hair grow. To his surprise, he had naturally curly hairs, and they
match perfectly with his face.
So try new stuff !
Having a good, strong and aesthetic body :

As a male, and even for females, having a good, attractive body is very important.
I will split this category into two parts : Building muscle and being lean – being tall and
having a good frame.
Building muscle :

Muscles are signs of strength and health. They are very useful in day to day life, it makes
you confident, it increases your fighting success, you look more intimidating, people
respect you more, and it's easier to attract girls.
You want to gain muscle in your whole body. Not just upper body ! Don't skip legs guys.
I know it's painful but you have to do it.

There are key muscles that will boost up your attractiveness :

Credit is due to Hamza Ahmed. He has a video where he explains everything and shows
what exercises to do. Here are the muscles :

- The traps
- The shoulders (lateral delts)
- The upper chest
- The lats
- The neck
- The abs
- The forearms
- Arms

Make sure you train these muscles when you plan your workouts. But ! Don't forget to
train all the other muscles.
What splits to do ?

For beginners :
Full body 3x per week is good.
You can do upper/lower body (2 workouts upper and two lower)
You can do push pull legs.
Doing a bro split is generally not recommended, but some people have good results with
it also.

Do some research and test different splits. Once you've found a good workout split, stick
with it ! And don't jump around doing different things each time you workout, this is the
best way to not have any progress.

The key principles to gain muscle :

- Training with intensity, your muscles should burn.

- Progressive overload, you should increase the difficulty as you get stronger. You can do
so by adding weights, adding reps, adding a pause in the hardest part of the movement...
- Being consistent and disciplined, don't expect to have a huge body in 2 workouts.
- Eating a lot, be in a caloric surplus and eat lots of proteins
- Resting well, sleep is the most important factor, but you can add active recovery (like
going on a walk) as long as it doesn't impairs the recovery process.
Make sure to not forget to train the rear delts and the rotator cuff of your shoulders
directly. When they are weak, and your chest, anterior delt, lats, traps are strong,
imbalances start to occur.

My recomendation of exercises are the ones from Ben Patrick, the KneesOverToesGuy :
They are the ATG external rotation and the Powel Raise.
For example : standards for ATG external rotations is 10 % of your bodyweight for 8
Meaning, if you weight 80 kilos, you should be able to do the ATG external rotation with
8 kilos for 8 reps. If you can't do that, your rotator cuff is a weak point that needs your

Go check out his youtube videos about it.

Being Lean :

Being lean is important for attractiveness. When you're lean, that's when people see your
well defined, impressive muscles. But, you should first focus on building muscles before
cutting weigth to be lean. Being lean was also shown to increase
You can be in three different situations : Already lean, already muscular but not lean, not
muscular and not lean.

If you're already muscular and want to get lean, read on.

If you're not muscular and not lean, focus your efforts on building muscle and cleaning
your diet of all bad foods. Your body will use the stored energy of your fat to make you
grow muscles, and the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn passively,
because they need more and more energy.
You should aim for a body fat around 10 to 15 %.

How to get lean :

- Focus on weigth/resistance training. Don't jump on a cardio machine, cardio is not

optimal to lose weight. I’m not saying that cardio is bad, as a matter of fact you should
get at least 180 minutes of Zone 2 cardio per week according to Andrew Huberman. But
cardio is not as efficient as 99 % of people think to lose fat.
- Get in a caloric deficit. There are millions of videos on Youtube explaining everything
with much more details. Go watch them.
- Don't starve yourself, the goal should be to lose weight progressively, not lose 10 kilos
in 3 weeks. You should
Here’s a good video of Jeff Nippard talking about cardio and fat loss.

Being Tall :

Being tall has massive impact on your HALO. The taller you are, the more girls you can
attract. You also get more respect from other people, you look dominant.
I myself became taller with a specific methodology, that I cover in my height growth.
That’s what allowed me to go from 184cm to 196cm from 17 to 22 years old.

Having a good frame :

Your frame comes down to the shape of your body and it’s volume.
To maximise frame, maximise your height and maximise your muscles. As a man, the
better V shaped our upper body is, the more attractive we are. So, focus on shoulders,
traps, and back width.
One exercise for a good frame is to do shrugs with a wide grip. The wide grip will make
it easier to target the traps and will make them grow faster.

Remember ! :

80 % of your HALO comes down to your face and your frame. So focus your effort on
If you don’t focus on your face and your frame, you will be beaten by a tall, attractive
man that has a shitty style, even if you’ve made all the effort in the world to maximize all
the other things.

The 3 Fatal Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Jaw

Progress :

Not resting properly :

If you don’t rest properly between the sessions, you will impair the recovery process and
it will take more time to fully recover and grow your jawline.
Not being in a caloric surplus :

Again, I already talked about this, you need energy to grow. Make sure to be in a caloric
surplus when you get on your journey to a beautiful jawline.

Not training hard enough :

You mustn’t be lazy. You need to train hard and make the masseters burn if you want
them to grow. Just do it.

My exact personal routine I used to get massive

results in less than 2 hours per week…

Here’s the routine I did when I started training my jaw :

Ptibull exercise and tube of death exercise : 3 sets of 10 to 20 bites.

EE exercise : 3 sets of 30 to 40 reps.
Sharp cheekbones exercise : 3 sets of 20 mouh openings.

I didn’t have a specific routine like monday do this, tuesday do that, but I recomend you
to do so. In my case I did these exercises every other day.

Sometimes I would do only one exercise, sometimes I would do 2 and even 3 of them per
Create your own training split and stay consistent !

Today, I just do the Expander Expanded exercise every day for 10 minutes.

Let’s get you a Chad Golden Jaw !

Final Words :

You’ve come to the end !

I know that there’s a lot of information to digest.

Read this pdf multiple times. Also, do your own research and be curious. Try new things
(without harming yourself). After reading this pdf, I want you to send me a message in
dm on my instagram to tell me your review of the Golden Jaw Bible and this ebook.

Always take care of your health, and be beautiful !

Thank you for your attention and your trust:)

Amir Chad.

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