Trident Support Proposal

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Trident Information Systems Pvt. Ltd.


For Support on Microsoft Dynamics Business Central (Cloud)

Version: 1.0
Date: 18-03-2024

M-31A, M-Block Market, Greater Kailash-II, New Delhi 110 048, India, Phone: +91 11 2921 9927
India | Middle East | Africa | Asia Pacific
Proposal Version 1.0

Reference Information
RFP/Tender Reference None
Proposal Reference TIS/Burlington/D365BC/2024/V1.0
Trident Information Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Submitted by
M-31A, M Block Market, Greater Kailash II, New Delhi, Delhi 110048

Burlington English Training (India) Private Limited

Submitted to Tower B Unitech Business Park, South City-1, F Block, Sector 41, Gurugram,
Haryana, 122007

Document Control
Document Name Document Date Version no. Prepared by Reviewed By
Support for Microsoft D365 Business Central 18-03-24 V1.0 Debahuti Phukon Sandarbh Moona

Organization Name and Designation Contact Details
Burlington English Mr. Anuraag Sharma, CFO +91-9545556474/
Trident Mr. Sandarbh Moona, VP Sales +91- 9871533241/
Trident Mr. Debahuti Phukon, Sr. BDM +91-9643108700/

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................4
1.1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. TRIDENT – COMPANY BRIEF ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. TRIDENT’S VERTICAL FOCUS ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. TRIDENT’S PRODUCT AND SERVICE PORTFOLIO ............................................................................................................. 5
2. MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................................6
2.1. SUPPORT SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2. MODE OF SUPPORT........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3. SUPPORT TYPE ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. SUPPORT ISSUE DEFINITION........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5. SUPPORT SERVICE WINDOW .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6. SERVICE DELIVERY MODE ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.7. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.8. SUPPORT METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.9. VALIDITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.10. ADDITIONAL ONSITE VISITS .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.11. OUT OF SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.12. ASSUMPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS............................................................................................................................. 10
2.13. SERVICE FEE AND PAYMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.14. SUPPORT TERMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1. CONTACT POINTS & ESCALATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. SIGNATORIES ............................................................................................................................................................... 13

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Burlington English Training (India) Pvt. Ltd. is using Microsoft D365 Business Central (SaaS) and is looking for the hand
holding support to manage the implemented solution for the end users.


Trident Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., which is one of the leading Microsoft Dynamics implementation partners in India,
Middle East and Asia with more than two decades experience in various industry vertical.

Trident brings in industry and domain expertise coupled with deep implementation experience in enterprise business
solutions space. The company has a reputation of executing end-to-end implementations in ERP, CRM, LS Central and
Business Intelligence applications and having a high degree of customer retention, repeat customer business and one of
the firsts in certain industry verticals in India. Domain centricity & vertical approach of Trident is the key core strength by
which Trident can expand its customer base year on year.

With more than 2 decades of experience of implementation of ERP, CRM
and Surrounding technologies (Microsoft Power Platform- Power BI, Power
Apps, Power Automate etc.) products in various Industry verticals, Trident
proudly boast about more than 250+ customer engagements in domestic
and in international market. Domain expertise of around 180+ consultants
is behind spotless delivery of projects matching the expectation of our

Microsoft Technology around F&O, BC, NAV, AX and our own vertical
solutions on LS Central engine are indicators of our expertise and
commitment towards Microsoft technologies, which has been suitable
recognized by Microsoft by giving us the President Club Category.

Trident’ expertise lies in trading and distribution, manufacturing, retail, logistics and services verticals. Besides Microsoft
Dynamics line of business, Trident has expertise in Business Intelligence tool Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate etc.

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This agreement is entered on xxxxxxx between Burlington English Training (India) Private Limited having office at Tower
B Unitech Business Park, South City-1, F Block, Sector 41, Gurugram, Haryana, 122007 (hereinafter referred to as
“Burlington” or “Customer”) and Trident Information Systems Pvt. Ltd. having office at M31-A, M Block Market, GK2,
New Delhi 110048 (hereinafter referred to as “TRIDENT” or “Service Provider”) for maintenance support of the Microsoft
D365 Business Central ERP (hereinafter referred to as “Business Central” or “System”) implemented by the customer.


a) The scope of this AMC (Annual Maintenance Support) is for application maintenance support of Business
Central for the Modules implemented and number active users identified at the time of support engagement

# Software Name & Modules Software Version

1 Microsoft D365 Business Central (SaaS Version) 2023

b) Customer can avail shared support of 100 man-hours in a year.

c) Services availed more than the prescribed timings will be charged additionally at the rate agreed under section
d) Engagement running in shared support mode and incident-based support, will have cap defined to attend the
Severity 1 and 2 issues:
• Up to 2 Number of Severity 1 issues can be handled in a month.
• Up to 3 Number of Severity 2 issues can be handled in a month.
e) In case, a customer wants our services on more Severity (1) and (2) issues, in a month, services can be provided
on additional charges basis as per the man-day rate agreed section SERVICE FEE AND PAYMENTS
f) Severity (1) and (2) issues committed in a month, need to be availed during the month. These services will not
be rolled over/carried forward to subsequent month.


Support will be provided in offshore mode by the Trident offshore support team through web, email and telecom.


Support type is limited to Level (0) and (1) support.
• L0 - Query resolution & workaround
• L1 - Fixing of application errors encountered on customization/enhancement implemented at the time of support


Level 0 [L0] Level 1 [L1] Level 2 [L2]

Respond to user queries Handling bug fixes Handling emergency code fix releases
Provide Ad-hoc Data Extracts with a
Handling customization / enhancement
Explain/Provide Workaround maximum development effort 2-4 man-
Deliver planned releases with a
Handling un-resolved L0 issues
development effort of >= 1 day

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• Support Service Window: 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday (Five working days a week, single shift window, Indian
Standard Time).
• Issues received after 3 PM will be responded to next day.
• For any showstopper issue, team will resolve the issue on best effort basis


Support will be rendered in Offshore Mode from Trident Offshore support team.


Classification Description Resolution Closure

The problem/issue occurrence is potentially

damaging to end user supplied data; gives Acknowledgement &
incorrect results without warning; prevent user Assessment within 4 hours
from using any functionality that would normally Resolution within 8 hours (in
be available and requires immediate action due to 85% cases) Signoff within 1 Business
Severity 1
unavailability of a work around known to the user- Escalation after 8 hours Day
Application Showstopper.
Unable to proceed with production run. Must be
resolved immediately

The problem/Issue occurrence is not potentially

damaging to end user supplied data; gives
incorrect results but warns user and does not Acknowledgement &
prevent user from using any functionality that Assessment within 8 hours Signoff within 1 Business
Severity 2 would normally be available, no work around Day after resolution
available Resolution within 2 Business submission
Impact: days (in 80% cases)
Possible to proceed with the specific run. Must be
resolved by the next run

The problem/Issue occurrence has reasonable,

secure, user friendly and automated work around
that is not potentially damaging to end user
Acknowledgement &
supplied data; and does not compromise stability
Assessment within 16 hours Signoff within 2 Business
or introduce errors in other part of software.
Severity 3 (2 Business Days) Day after resolution
Resolution within 5 Business submission
Specific function/s are impacted; however,
days (in 80% cases)
information can be made available using other
functions as a stopgap. Can wait as does not
withhold critical information

Acknowledgement &
Function is working but has non-critical error
Assessment within 24 hours Signoff within 2 Business
User's work not affected.
Severity 4 (3 Business Days) Day after resolution
Resolution within 7 Business submission
No impact on maintenance & runs
days (in 80% cases)

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Trident will use Issue Ticket monitoring system for supports issue logging and tracking.

The following sections explain the Support process that Trident proposes to follow the L0 and L1 cases support in scope.
The methodology will be fine-tuned as per customer’s requirement during the transition phase.

The applicable service requests/ problem tickets (in-scope applications) will be logged by the Customer’s team. Ticket will
be routed to appropriate Trident support analyst in all the cases by Trident help desk team (Single Point of Contact) to
resolve the ticket item. The support specialist of Trident will be responsible to resolve the tickets assigned to him/ her.

Step-1: Problem/Query Acknowledgement

The Trident support analyst would acknowledge the queries. The acknowledgement message typically contains a standard
message with Problem Ticket Number, the problem/ query details, severity & priority rating of the problem, date and time
of logging and the target resolution time. The exact contents/formats of such a message would be agreed upon with the

Step-2: Problem/Query Understanding

Trident Support specialist would determine whether the information provided by the user/Customer Helpdesk team is
complete. In case of inadequate information, Trident Support analyst would get back to Customer Helpdesk analyst/User
to collect additional information. Trident Support analyst may ask Customer Help Desk/user to reproduce the instances
of the problem and the error message.
Trident Support analyst would obtain background information about the effort, if any, that has been put in towards
resolving the problem so far.

Step-3: Problem/Query Analysis

Once complete information is obtained, the Trident Support analyst would analyze the problem/ query so as to determine
the complexity and the severity to business. At this stage, the query assignment, priority & escalation needs would also
be ascertained. For example, a Severity Level –1 problem would mean the problem has an adverse impact on customer’s
business continuity.

Step-4: Problem/Query Resolution

Once the request has been analyzed by the Support analyst to determine the priority and severity (if not already
predetermined), the Support analyst will resolve the problems based on priority and severity.

The Trident Support analyst would, in all respects, try and resolve the query and escalate well in time, in case he/ she will
not be able to meet the SLA.
In case of product support where an external resolving group, the Support specialist will liaison with the Product support
group within the products companies for resolution. Support analyst would, however, track and inform the customer team
of the progress accordingly. Once the bug fixes/ resolutions are received from the products company, the same would be
tested and deployed before the query status is marked “Resolved”.
The support team would use scripts to create reports, modules and correct data to support the user.

Step 5: Solution Logging

Once the query is resolved the Support analyst would log a note in the ticket log regarding the analysis of the problem
and probable cause. He/she would also give suggestions so that such problems are not repeated in future. This note will
also help other users/customer for future reference.

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Step-6: Query Tracking

The Support analyst would use ticket numbers to track queries throughout their complete lifecycle viz. from the time of
logging to closure. The Support analysts would keep track of ageing queries (queries that are not resolved within the
targeted resolution time), queries with high priorities, and any other such information as may be demanded by the users.
In case of ageing queries related to Product Support from other third-party vendors, the Support specialist would also get
in touch with the appropriate Support specialist from the respective product company to expedite problem resolution.

Step-7: Escalation
Any support request that does not get resolved within its target resolution time, if found during regular status tracking,
would be escalated to the appropriate point-of-contact as agreed beforehand with the customer.

Besides, the following cases may also trigger an escalation:

• Logging-in of any Severity Level -1 problem
• Identification of any symptom that signals a high severity problem
• Any disruption in support services
Moreover, any violation of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) by either party would also be escalated through the mutually
agreed upon escalation hierarchy.

Step 8: Query Closure

Once a problem is marked as “Resolved” in the ticket logging ticket, the Support analysts would update the status of the
service request as “Closed”.

Knowledge Initiation (1 Week):

The Initiation phase marks the beginning of the transition process. This phase is used for team set up and planning for
the entire transition. Trident will allocate a consultant to initiate and plan the knowledge transition activity with client
During initial period of transitioning, Client will arrange to provide complete set of documentation referring to the
existing FRD, Customisation document/list and other document available.
• List of past 3 months issues with its resolution status
• Existing FRD Document
• Customisation Design Document
• Customisation Register
• License File
• Filled up Partner Change Form
• Any other Functional or Technical document as per the availability

Knowledge Phase (1 Week):

During this phase, client team will walk-through following with Trident.
• Application Technical Architecture walk-through
• Application walk-through
• FRD walk-through
• Customization Register walk-through.

Progress on complete knowledge phase agenda and its progress will be shared on daily basis.

Stabilization Phase: From this phase, Trident team will own the complete responsibility of supporting the application.

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This contract will be valid for a period of one year, post which, it can be renewed based on a fresh agreement.


Entire support has been agreed to be rendered from Trident premises. In case of any onsite requirements, Burlington will
put a request to Trident and the resource will be made available at Burlington. However, adequate intimation and lead-
time should be provided. The onsite charges will be as per onsite charges/expensed mentioned under section SERVICE
FEE AND PAYMENTS of this proposal.


• The above support is limited to Application support only.
• Database administration related activities are not covered under this support service agreement
• Infra structure administration, Operating system and desk top management related support activities are not
covered under this application support agreement
• Any type of data entry is out of scope
• Implementation of new modules, processes are not covered
• Implementation of new/enhanced functionality, Development/Enhancement of existing Customisation, new
development/customization are not covered under the scope of support agreement
• Customisations to third party systems and interfaces are not part of the scope
• Upgrade of existing application to newer version of software are not the part of support scope


The proposal and the associated costs are based upon the following key assumptions. Any change in these assumptions
would impact project timelines and/or costs.
• The entire support services will be made from Trident premises Delhi, India.
• Customer will ensure access to all MS Business Central application server instances to Trident support team.
• Any functionality change requested by Client team, will be treated as an enhancement and will be services
through a separate Work order
• Customer will ensure the connectivity services (Internet, email Services, Team Viewer, Net viewer, Net
Meeting, Skype etc.) are up and running


• For Shared support of 100 man-hours in a year- customer shall pay INR 1,25,000 plus taxes, payable 50%
• For any additional customisation, enhancement or training the man-day rate applicable will be INR 10,000
plus taxes.
• For any onsite visit, Trident will require 1-2 weeks lead time to make the necessary arrangements.
• For any Onsite travel outside Delhi NCR, all expenses to be borne by Burlington team on actuals.
• The next year renewal will be increased by 15% or mutually agreed price.
• Prices are excluding any taxes.


• The language of communication will be English.
• Customer will depute a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to coordinate with customer end user for service-
related matter.
• Services hours/days not availed in current month, will not be carried forward to next months.

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• Problems reported in the System, but related to Computer Hardware, Operating System, Database
Management Systems, Local Area Network, etc. will not be in the purview of support.
• The scope of services provided under this contract shall be restricted to the implemented solution of the
System and shall by no means include any data-entry work, maintenance of other software, hardware or
network at the Customer’s premises.
• In case, the issues identified as core product issues/error, the Support specialist will raise the incident with
Microsoft product support team and liaison with them for resolution. Support analyst would, however, track
and inform the Customer team of the issue resolution update / progress accordingly. Once the bug fixes/
resolutions are received from the products company, the same would be tested and deployed before the
query status is marked “Resolved”.
• The support team would use scripts to create reports, modules and correct data to support the user.
• Customer shall not make any attempt to make changes in the System through a third-party or personnel not
authorized and skilled for the same; in such cases, Service Provider shall not be responsible for occurrence of
any errors and shall not be liable to rectify the same.
• Customer shall keep the Annual Enhancement Plan (AEP) subscription active and up to date from Microsoft
for the obvious benefits.
• Customer shall have a suitable Data Backup & Recovery process and tools implemented to ensure data
consistency. Adequate protection from malicious software (Virus etc.) is also strongly recommended through
suitable and updated Anti-virus and Firewall solutions. Service Provider shall not be responsible for data
corruption caused by the referred risks.
• Either party shall have the right to terminate this contract by giving the other one-month prior notice in


• Burlington will make available all the necessary documentation as well as technical and business expertise to
Trident Consultants during execution of the project. In case of any delay because of this, Trident will revisit
the project scope and time frame and appropriate Change Management procedure will be initiated which may
impact the cost and timeline of the project
• Time is of essence in this project; as a result, it is absolutely essential that communication turnaround time on
approval of (or feedback on) all deliverables or response to questions be less than a day in all cases for all
businesses/locations going live. Any such delays may impact project SLA and will not be responsibility of
• It is assumed that timely and appropriate availability of the Application Instances/Server space will be
arranged Burlington in accordance with project plan and discussions with the Trident Project Manager, in
order to ensure there is no project delay.
• Communication Management within Burlington’s user community and ensuring Organization Preparedness
will be the responsibility of Burlington’s Program Management.
• Reference of Onsite means the Burlington’s premises in Gurugram, Haryana and Offshore means Trident’s
premises, New Delhi, India.
• Termination:
o If termination is due to either party's material default in any of its obligations, the non-defaulting party
shall have the right to terminate this engagement upon 30 days after written notice of default unless
the defaulting party remedies the default within 30 days.
o Trident shall be reimbursed for all work performed up to the effective date of termination.
o In the event of termination of contract before completion, Burlington shall pay Trident. Completed
work and for the services for the next 30 days. Beyond this termination, any additional charges will
need to be agreed upon in writing by Trident and Burlington.

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• Liability: In no event shall Trident and Burlington be liable, one to the other, for special, direct, indirect or any
other damages in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance of use of the services,
materials or software provided by Trident under the terms of this agreement. TRIDENT shall not be liable to
the other or any person under this PROPOSAL for any indirect, consequential, incidental, special, exemplary
or punitive damages or for any loss of profits, opportunities or data, howsoever caused.
• Work Product Ownership
o Work Product Ownership: All work, services, and deliverables provided by Trident pursuant to the service
agreement shall be the exclusive property of Trident until the Client has made full and timely payment in
accordance with the terms and conditions outlined herein.
o Transfer of Ownership: Upon the complete and satisfactory receipt of payment by Trident, ownership of
the Work Product shall be promptly and irrevocably transferred to the Client. This transfer of ownership
includes all rights, titles, and interests related to the Work Product.
o Client’s Rights: Until the aforementioned transfer of ownership occurs, the Client shall not possess any
rights, claims, or interests in or to the Work Product created, developed, or provided by Trident. Trident
retains full control and ownership of the Work Product, including any associated intellectual property
rights, during this period.
o Payment Completion: The transfer of ownership to the Client is contingent upon the Client making
payment in full as specified in this agreement. Any partial or incomplete payment shall not constitute a
transfer of ownership, and Trident's rights and ownership of the Work Product shall remain intact until
full payment is received.
• Protection of Interests: The Client agrees not to contest, dispute, or infringe upon Trident's ownership of the
Work Product until full payment is received and the transfer of ownership is formalized. Any such
unauthorized actions may lead to legal action by Trident to protect its rights and interests in the Work Product
• Force Majeure: Should either Burlington or Trident be prevented from performing any of its responsibilities
(as detailed in this proposal) by reason caused by an act of God or any cause beyond its reasonable control
including but not limited to
o Work stoppages, fires, riots, accidents, explosions, floods, cyclones, storms, Pandemic, Lockdowns.
o Wars, revolutions, acts of public enemies, blockages, embargos
o Any orders, proclamations, ordinances, demands or requirements for any government or authority or
representative of any such government including restrictive trade practices or regulations
o Strikes, shutdowns, labour disputes which are not instigated for the purpose of avoiding obligations
o Failures and/or fluctuations in electric power, light, telecommunications or air-conditioning
• Non-Employment: Neither Trident nor Burlington shall during the term of this project and for two (2) years
thereafter, without written consent from the other party, directly or indirectly employ any person who at any
time during the twenty-four (24) calendar months preceding the commencement of such employment, shall
have been an employee of the other involved in this project.
o Trident warrants to Customer that the materials, software, analysis, data, programs and Services to
be delivered or rendered hereunder, will be of the kind and quality designated and will be performed
by qualified personnel. During the warranty period Trident shall resolve and/or correct any defects
noted by customer and reported to Trident. Trident makes no other warranties, whether written, Oral
or implied, including without limitation any warranty of merchantability or of Fitness for a particular
purpose or that the software developed under this agreement would be error free or that the
software shall work in an uninterrupted manner
• Neither party shall in any circumstances be liable to the other whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any
consequential or indirect loss or damage howsoever arising and of whatsoever nature including (without

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limitation) loss of profit, loss of contracts, and loss of use suffered or incurred directly or indirectly by the
• Non-disclosure: The data contained in this proposal shall not be disclosed, duplicated, used in whole or in part
for any purpose other than to evaluate the proposal without the written permission of Trident.
• Confidentiality: All information received from Burlington during this project shall be treated as confidential
property of Burlington. Trident shall exercise all reasonable efforts consistent with the generally recognized
and accepted standards in the data processing industry to safeguard the confidentiality of the information.
All Trident resources (onsite and offshore) who are working on the project will sign the NDA (Non-Disclosure
Agreement) as per Burlington NDA format
• Modification, Amendment, Supplement or Waiver: No modification, amendment, supplement to or waiver
of this proposal or any of its provisions shall be binding upon Burlington and Trident unless made in writing
and duly signed by both parties.
• Indemnity: Burlington will, during the period of the coverage of this proposal, indemnify and hold Trident
harmless from any loss, claim or damage unless caused by a wilful act or the negligence of Trident' personnel
to any person or property arising out of the use or possession of the equipment or location by Trident or its
• Arbitration: In the event of a dispute or difference, of any nature whatsoever, between Trident and Burlington
during the course of the assignment arising as a result of this proposal, the same will be escalated to the top
management of the two companies for appropriate resolution. If still unresolved, the same will be referred
for arbitration to a Board of Arbitration. This board will be constituted before the commencement of the
arbitration and will comprise two arbitrators and an umpire. Trident and Burlington will each nominate an
arbitrator to the Board and these arbitrators will appoint the umpire. Arbitration will be carried out at the
Trident' Delhi, India office.


Customer shall report problems in the system, as and when applicable, as per the following Escalation Route:
a) Log the complaint in Trident’s incident logging system, Trident will create one login for Burlington personnel.
b) Escalation matrix to be shared on support initiation.


Burlington & Trident hereby agree to the terms and conditions mentioned in this Agreement and shall abide by the same.

Particulars For Burlington English Training (India) Pvt. Ltd. For Trident Information Systems Pvt Ltd.
Name Anuraag Sharma Sandarbh Moona
Designation CFO VP- Sales



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