The document discusses four technologies for steelmaking: a horizontal sublance for automatic measuring and sampling at a tilted converter, a converter gunning unit for transporting and spraying gunning material onto a converter, a laser profile measurement device for quick automatic converter lining thickness monitoring, and a converter bath height measurement device for automatic measurement of the steel surface level at high temperatures.
The document discusses four technologies for steelmaking: a horizontal sublance for automatic measuring and sampling at a tilted converter, a converter gunning unit for transporting and spraying gunning material onto a converter, a laser profile measurement device for quick automatic converter lining thickness monitoring, and a converter bath height measurement device for automatic measurement of the steel surface level at high temperatures.
The document discusses four technologies for steelmaking: a horizontal sublance for automatic measuring and sampling at a tilted converter, a converter gunning unit for transporting and spraying gunning material onto a converter, a laser profile measurement device for quick automatic converter lining thickness monitoring, and a converter bath height measurement device for automatic measurement of the steel surface level at high temperatures.
The document discusses four technologies for steelmaking: a horizontal sublance for automatic measuring and sampling at a tilted converter, a converter gunning unit for transporting and spraying gunning material onto a converter, a laser profile measurement device for quick automatic converter lining thickness monitoring, and a converter bath height measurement device for automatic measurement of the steel surface level at high temperatures.
Others Horizontal sublance : Metals Technologies Advantages : Automatic measuring & sampling at a tilted LD (BOF) converter Short cycle times for probe manipulation Elimination of danger for shop worker during measuring & sampling Reduction of erroneous measurements Increase lifetime of lance due to new gas cooling concept
Probe sampling &
Industrial Solutions and Services
Your Success is Our Goal Converter gunning unit : Metals Technologies Advantages : Includes Conveying pressure vessel for transportation of dry gunning material to converter gunning unit Spraying water mixed with gunning material on-board at top of spraying lance, automatically. Elimination of danger for shop worker due to in-built foldable heat shield The cooling system shall withstand hot converter conditions upto 20 mins for continuous working
Industrial Solutions and Services
Your Success is Our Goal Laser profile measurement device : Metals Technologies Advantages : Quick & Automatic Converter Lining Thickness Monitoring Single setup measurement at one converter tilt Radio link automatically sends converter tilt information to cart from high accuracy inclinometer for taking readings of the desired areas Software system provide advanced functions using simple user interfaces No observed performance degradation of equipment with age
Industrial Solutions and Services
Your Success is Our Goal Converter bath height measurement device : Metals Technologies Advantages : Allows Automatic measurement of level of steel surface at high temperatures Fully automated measuring system (use of robotic arm) interfaced with user- friendly Hi-Tech Software Use of rotary microwave radar technology ensures low cost, accurate, reliable level measurements Easy installation & easy maintenance. Hassle-free operation.