Ece Book 1
Ece Book 1
Ece Book 1
Shaikpet, Hyderabad – 500104
Shaikpet, Hyderabad – 500104
2018-2019 3
Nature of Malpractices /
Improper conduct Punishment
If the student:
1. Possesses or keeps accessible Expulsion from the exami-
(a) in examination hall, any paper, nation hall and cancellation of
note book, programmable the performance in that
calculators, cell phones, pager, subject only.
palm computers or any other
form of material concerned with
or related to the subject of the
examination (theory or
practical) in which student is
appearing but has not made use
of (material shall include any
marks on the body of the student
which can be used as an aid in
the subject of the examination)
(b) Gives assistance or guidance or Expulsion from the exami-
receives it from any other nation hall and cancellation of
student orally or by any other the performance in that subject
body language methods or only of all the students
communicates through cell involved. In case of an
phones with any student or outsider, he will be handed
persons in or outside the exam over to the police and a case is
hall in respect of any matter. registered against him.
2. Has copied in the examination Expulsion from the exami-
hall from any paper, book, nation hall and cancellation of
programmable calculators, palm the performance in that subject
computers or any other form of and all other subjects the
material relevant to the subject student has already appeared
including practical exami-
of the examination (theory or
nations and project work and
practical) in which the student shall not be permitted to
is appearing. appear for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year.
26 Electronics & Communication Engineering
7. Leaves the exam hall taking away Expulsion from the examination
answer script or intentionally hall and cancellation of
tears of the script or any part performance in that subject and
thereof inside or outside the all the other subjects the student
examination hall. has already appeared including
practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year. The student
is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from
class work and all end
examinations. The continuation
of the course by the student is
subject to the academic
regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
S.No Group Sub Code Subject L T P Credits
1. BS BS114BA Probability Theory and 3 - - 3
Stochastic Processes
2. ES ES114BC Material Science 3 - - 3
3. PC PC114BF Analog Circuits 3 - - 3
4. PC PC114BG Analog and Digital
Communications 3 1 - 4
5. PC PC114BM Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers 3 - - 3
6. PC PC11426 Analog Circuits Lab - - 3 1.5
7. PC PC11425 Analog and Digital
Communications Lab - - 3 1.5
8. PC PC11432 Microprocessors and
Microcontrollers lab - - 3 1.5
9. MC MC114BE Environmental Sciences 2 - - -
TOTAL 17 1 9 20.5
32 Electronics & Communication Engineering
B.Tech. 4 Year (8 semesters) Regular Programme in
(Applicable for the Batch admitted from the
Academic Year 2018-19 onwards)
S.No. Group Sub Code Subject L T P Credits
1. PC PC115CM VLSI Design 3 - - 3
2. PC PC115BY Digital Signal Processing 3 1 - 4
3. PC PC115CD EM Theory and
Transmission Lines 3 - - 3
Professional Elective-1
PE115BS Computer Organization
4. PE-1 PE115CC Electronic Measurements and 3 - - 3
PE115CF Information Theory and Coding
5. PC PC11538 Digital Signal Processing Lab - - 3 1.5
6. PC PC11539 e-CAD and VLSI Lab - - 3 1.5
7. HS HS11542 Employability and Soft
Skills Lab - - 2 1
8. OE OE115XX Open Elective – 1 3 - - 3
TOTAL 15 1 8 20
Note : Open Elective – Students should take Open Electives from List of Open
Electives Offered by Other Departments/Branches Only.
Ex: - A Student of Computer Science and Engineering can take Open Electives from
all other departments/branches except Open Electives offered by Computer Science
and Engineering Dept.
2018-2019 35
I Year B.Tech. ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: BS111AC 3 1 - 4
(Common to EEE, ECE & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the interaction of light with matter through interference
and diffraction.
2. To understand the behavior of a particle quantum mechanically.
3. To understand the importance of dielectric and magnetic materials.
4. To analyze the semiconductors and semiconductor devices.
5. To understand the construction and working principle of different types
of lasers and light propagation through optical fiber.
UNIT 1: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Wave optics: Huygens’ Principle, superposition of waves, Interference
of light by division of wavefront and amplitude. Young’s double slit
experiment, Interference from a thin plane glass plate (reflected light),
Newton’s rings experiment. Types of diffraction, Farunhofer diffraction
due to single slit and ‘N’ slits; Diffraction grating experiment.
UNIT 2: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Principles of Quantum mechanics and Band theory of solids:
Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Wave particle duality and de-Broglie
hypothesis, Davission–Germer experiment; Uncertainty principle, Time-
dependent and time independent Schrodinger equation for wave function,
Born interpretation; Free-particle wave function, Particle in 1D box (square
well potential) energy values, Expectation values vs position in the box.
Density of states and occupation probability; Kronig-Penny model (using
Bloch theorem; qualitative), Energy bands in solids, E-k diagram,
classification of materials: Metals, Semiconductors and Insulators,
Effective mass of an electron.
UNIT 3: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Dielectric and magnetic materials: Dielectric materials: Electric
dipole, Dipole moment, Dielectric constant, Polarizability, Electric
susceptibility, Displacement vector, electronic, ionic and orientation
polarizations, their polarizabilitity expressions, internal field and Clausius-
Mossotti(equations only); Piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity and
ferroelectricity and their applications; BaTiO3 structure.
36 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Magnetic materials: Permeability, field intensity, magnetic field
induction, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, origin of magnetic
moment, Bohr magneton, classification of dia, para and ferro magnetic
materials on the basis of magnetic moment, hysteresis curve based on
domain theory, soft and hard magnetic materials, properties of antiferro
and ferri magnetic materials, Superconductivity: Superconductivity
phenomenon, Meissner effect, applications of superconductivity.
UNIT 4: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor carrier
concentrations, intrinsic carrier concentration; Dependence of Fermi level
on carrier-concentration and temperature (equilibrium carrier statistics),
Carrier generation and recombination, Diffusion and drift phenomenon
(Qualitative), Formation of PN junction, open circuit PN junction, energy
diagram of PN junction diode, Direct and indirect bandgaps; Hall-effect,
Semiconductor materials of interest for optoelectronic devices (LED,
Solar cell).
UNIT 5: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Lasers and Optical Fibers: Lasers: Properties of laser beams: Mono-
chromaticity, coherence, directionality and brightness, laser speckles,
Einstein’s theory of matter radiation interaction and A and B coefficients;
amplification of light by population inversion, different types of lasers:
gas lasers (He-Ne), solid-state lasers (ruby), Semiconductor Lasers;
applications of lasers in science, engineering and medicine.
Fiber Optics: Introduction, light propagation through optical fibre: Total
internal reflection, Types of optical fibres: step and graded index fibres,
Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Attenuation and bending losses in
optical fibres, Applications of optical fibres in Communication, Medicine
and as sensors.
Text Books:
1. MN Avadhanulu & PG Kshirsagar, A text book of Engineering Physics,
revised Edition of 2014, S Chand.
2. DK Bhattacharya & Poonam Tandon, Engineering Physics, fourth
impression 2017, Oxford press.
Reference Books:
1. Eisberg and Resnick, Quantum Physics, 2nd Edition, Wiley.
2. B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., (2007).
3. Material Science by Armugam, Anuradha publications,
4. Physics of the atom by Wehr and Richards. 4th Edition, Narosa.
2018-2019 37
Online Resources:
3. h t t p : / / w w w. i a p . u n i - j e n a . d e / i a p m e d i a / d e / L e c t u r e / P h y s i c a l
+optics1501538400/PO16_Physical+optics+8+ Lasers.pdf
4. 6451L1
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Realize the importance of light interaction with matter and its effects
of superposition.
2. Understand the quantum mechanical behavior of particles in different
field environments.
3. Distinguish materials on the basis of their electric and magnetic
behavior and their applications.
4. Estimate the carrier concentration of different types of semicon-
ductors and be able to understand the working of optoelectronic
5. Realize the importance of Lasers in engineering fields.
6. Understand the underlying principles of optical fibers and fiber optics.
38 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Note: All Experiments from PART-A and any Two Experiments from
Part –B are to be conducted
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify & use basic measuring instruments and their usage.
2. Verify different network theorems with dc excitation.
3. Carry out analysis of simple circuits with dc excitation.
4. Analyze bridge rectifiers.
5. Identify power converters.
6. Identify different electrical machines & their characteristics.
68 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Classify the signals and sequences, introduce the orthogonality in
signals and approximate signals using orthogonal functions.
2. Analyze the spectral characteristics of continuous-time/ discrete-time
periodic and aperiodic signals using Fourier analysis.
3. Classify the continuous and discrete systems, represent LTI systems
and analyze the characteristics of systems.
4. Apply sampling theorem and describe the practical reconstruction
5. Analyze the continuous time systems and discrete time systems using
convolution integral and convolution sum respectively.
6. Apply Laplace transform techniques to analyze continuous-time signals
and systems.
2018-2019 79
II Year B.Tech ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC113AT 3 - - 3
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To understand common forms of number representation in digital
electronic circuits and convert between different representations.
2. To design combinational logic circuits.
3. To design sequential logic circuits.
4. To impart student the concepts for analyzing digital systems in terms
of state machines.
UNIT 1: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Number Systems: Review of number systems, Complements of Numbers,
Codes - Binary Codes, Binary Coded Decimal Code and its Properties.
Boolean Algebra and Switching Functions: Basic Theorems and
Properties, Switching Functions, Canonical and Standard Form, Algebraic
Simplification of Digital Logic Gates, Universal Gates, Multilevel NAND/
NOR realizations.
UNIT 2: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Logic Families: Introduction, Characteristics of Digital ICs, Transistor-
Transistor Logic, Emitter Coupled Logic, MOS Logic, CMOS Logic,
Interfacing ECL and TTL, Interfacing CMOS and TTL, Interfacing CMOS
and ECL.
UNIT 3 : (~11 Lecture Hours)
Minimization of Combinational Circuits: Introduction, The
minimization of switching function using theorem, The Karnaugh Map
Method-Up to Six Variable Maps, Don’t Care Map Entries, Tabular Method.
Design of Combinational Logic: Adders, Subtractors, Serial and Parallel
Adders, BCD Adder, Carry Look Ahead Adder, Comparators, Multiplexers,
Demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders and Code Converters, Decoders for
Display Drivers, PLD’s: PROM, PLA, PAL, Realization of circuits using
UNIT 4: (~11 Lecture Hours)
Sequential Machines Fundamentals: Basic Architectural Distinctions
between Combinational and Sequential circuits, Latches: SR, JK, Race
Around Condition in JK, Flip Flops: JK Master Slave, D and T Type Flip
Flops, Excitation Table of all Flip Flops, Design of a Clocked Flip-Flop,
80 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Timing and Triggering Consideration, Clock Skew, Conversion from one
type of Flip-Flop to another.
Registers and Counters: Shift Registers, Shift Register Configuration,
Bidirectional Shift Registers, Applications of Shift Registers, Design and
Operation of Ring and Twisted Ring Counter, Asynchronous and
Synchronous Counters, mod-n Counters.
UNIT 5: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Finite State Machines: State Diagrams, Mealy and Moore Models, Finite
State Machines-Capabilities, Limitations, Minimization, Serial Binary
Adder, Sequence Detector, Parity-bit Generator, and Pseudo Random
Sequence Generator.
Algorithmic State Machines: ASM Charts, Design of ASM Charts for
Binary Multiplier, Dice Game Controller.
Text Books:
1. Morris Mano, Digital Design, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2012.
2. R.P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Zvi Kohavi & Niraj K. Jha, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 3rd
Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Charles Roth, Digital System Design using VHDL, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. W. H. Gothmann, Digital Electronics- An Introduction to Theory and
Practice, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2006.
3. A. Anand Kumar, Switching Theory and Logic Design, PHI, 3rd Edition,
Online Resources:
2. Lectures on Switching Circuits and Logic Design by Prof.Indranil
Senguptha IITK
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Explore fundamental concepts and techniques involved in the design
of digital circuits.
2. Comprehend the concepts to design basic combinational and sequential
3. Demonstrate building of various designs using basic digital blocks.
4. Design complex digital systems using simpler digital subsystems.
5. Verify the digital designs for required functionality.
6. Provide solutions for various required specifications in the form of
digital designs.
2018-2019 81
Online Resources :
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Illustrate the utility of various semiconductor devices, passive
elements, circuit behavior and parameters to be estimated.
2. Identify specifications, choice of device and equipment required,
develop of the circuit and measurement of various diodes and transistor
circuit characteristics.
3. Set up different types of rectifier and oscillator circuits and estimate
of their performance characteristics.
4. Design, develop and test BJT and FET amplifier circuits with/without
feedback and estimate the Amplifier parameters.
5. Compare the experimental results with theoretical results, explain the
parameters involved and justify the results obtained.
6. Interpret the results for further development of circuit features and
subsequent applications.
2018-2019 83
14. Locating the zeros and poles and plotting the pole-zero maps in S-
plane for the given transfer function.
15. Sampling theorem verification.
1. Minimum 12 experiments should be conducted. All these experiments
are to be simulated using MATLAB.
2. Experiment numbers 3, 5, 6, 12, 14 are also to be simulated using Simulink.
Online Resources :
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand fundamental concepts & usage of MATLAB simulation
software using Communications & Signal processing toolboxes.
2. Identify the specifications, requirements & built in functions to
generate different kinds of signals & sequences and mathematical
operations involving them.
3. Develop MATLAB code for designing various filters and verifying the
properties of LTI system.
4. Develop MATLAB code for analyzing Fourier and Laplace transforms
and their utility.
5. Develop MATLAB code for Fourier analysis of Discrete sequences.
6. Generate relevant simulation codes, with and without usage of built in
functions & estimation of the numerical results with supporting plots.
2018-2019 85
15.Realize and Design a 4 digit hex counter using asynchronous one digit
hex counters.
16.Hobby project.
Note: Minimum of 12 experiments to be conducted.
Online Resources
2. Lectures on Switching Circuits and Logic Design by Prof.Indranil
Senguptha IITK
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Develop the concepts in combinational and sequential circuits.
2. Generate clock frequency and plot the transfer characterstics of inverter
using NAND and NOR gates.
3. Analyze the simple combinational circuits using different digital ICs.
4. Design the higher order sequential circuits using lower order digital
5. Verify the output of the digital circuits with respect to truth tables.
6. Interpret and verify the digital circuits based on the fundamental properties
of logic circuits.
2018-2019 87
II Year B.Tech. ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: MC11317 2 - - -
(Mandatory Course)
(Common to EEE, ECE, CSE, IT & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To develop students’ sensibility with regard to issues of gender in
contemporary India.
2. To provide a critical perspective on the socialization of men and
3. To introduce students to information about some key biological
aspects of genders.
4. To expose the students to debates on the politics and economics of
5. To help students reflect critically on gender violence.
6. To expose students to more egalitarian interactions between men and
UNIT 1: (~6 Lecture Hours)
Understanding Gender:
Gender: Why Should We Study It? (Towards a World of Equals: Unit -1)
Socialization: Making Women, Making Men (Towards a World of Equals:
Unit-2) Introduction, Preparing for Womanhood, Growing up Male, First
lessons in Caste, Different Masculinities.
UNIT 2: (~6 Lecture Hours)
Gender and Biology:
Missing Women: Sex Selection and Its Consequences (Towards a World
of Equals: Unit -4) Declining Sex Ratio. Demographic Consequences.
Gender Spectrum : Beyond the Binary (Towards a World of Equals: Unit
-10) Two or Many? Struggles with Discrimination.
UNIT 3: (~7 Lecture Hours)
Gender And Labour:
Housework: The Invisible Labour (Towards a World of Equals: Unit -3)
“My Mother doesn’t Work.” “Share the Load.”
Women’s Work: Its Politics and Economics (Towards a World of Equals:
Unit -7) Fact and Fiction. Unrecognized and Unaccounted work. Additional
Reading: Wages and Conditions of Work.
88 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Online Resources :
2. Lectures on Probability and Random Processes (Video) Prof.
Mrityunjoy Chakraborty IIT Kharagpur
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Comprehend the random variables, vectors and processes.
2. Analyze the use of multiple random variables and relate them to
communication engineering problems.
3. Evaluate and apply moments & characteristic functions, inequalities
and significance of Central Limit Theorem.
4. Present the concept of Correlation, Power Density Spectrum and
their properties.
5. Explore relation between the output, input and Impulse Response of
LTI system with respect to various statistical characteristics.
6. Create mathematical models for practical design problems and
determine theoretical solutions to the created models.
2018-2019 93
II Year B.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: ES114BC 3 - - 3
(Common to EEE, ECE & ETE )
Prerequisites: Physics
Course objectives: The objective of this course will be to give the students
1. Basic introduction to the different classes of materials relevant to
Engineering in general.
2. The intent of this course is to relate the underlying molecular structure
of the materials to their physical and chemical properties
3. Classify the materials and their applications.
4. Know the environmental and social issues in material science.
UNIT 1: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Introduction: classification of engineering materials, levels of structure,
structure property relationships in materials, Atomic Bonding-Ionic,
Covalent, metallic Bonding, Hydrogen and Vander Waal’s bonding. Crystal
Structure: -Basic definitions, Space lattice, Crystal structures of metals-
Simple cubic structure, Body centered cubic structure, Face centered cubic
structure, Hexagonal closely packed structures, packing of atoms inside
solids. Classification of polymers, structure of long chain polymers,
structure of silica and silicates.
UNIT 2: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Types and applications of materials: Ferrous alloys, Non-ferrous alloys,
Glasses, Ceramics, Plastics, Fibres.
Mechanical properties of metals: Yield strength, tensile strength and
ductility of materials, tensile stress- strain curve. Plastic deformation-
Plastic deformation by slip, Deformation by twinning, types of twins,
Creep: Mechanism of Creep and Creep resistant materials. Fatigue- Stress
cycle, Fatigue failure, mechanism of fatigue failure.
UNIT 3: (~9 Lecture Hours)
Thermal properties of metals: Heat capacity, thermal expansion, thermal
conductivity, thermal stress, thermal fatigue, thermal shock.
Electrical properties of metals: Electrical conductivity, electronics and
ionic conduction, energy band structures in solids, electrical resistivity
of metals, electrical characteristics of alloys used for commercial
UNIT 4: (~9 Lecture Hours)
Magnetic materials: Terminology and classification, magnetic moments
94 Electronics & Communication Engineering
due to electron spin, ferromagnetism and related phenomena, soft magnetic
materials and hard magnetic materials.
Dielectric materials: Polarization, temperature and frequency effects,
electric breakdown, ferroelectric materials.
Insulating materials: Types and Properties
UNIT 5: (~8 Lecture Hours)
SPV Materials, mono crystalline and poly crystalline materials, amorphous
Nano materials:Classification of nano materials, processing of nano
materials and properties of nano materials-mechanical, electrical,
magnetic and other properties of materials.
Material selection: Economic consideration, Environmental and societal
considerations. Issues in material science - Recycling issues in material
Text Books:
1. V. Raghavan Material Science and Engineering: A first course, 6th
Edition prentice Hall India, 2016.
2. S.L. Kakani, Amit kakani, Material science, New age international (p)
limited publishers, 2006.
3. William D.Callister, David G.Rethwisch, Material Science and
Engineering : An introduction, 7th Edition, Wiley publisher.
Reference books:
1. I.P.Sing, Subhash Chander, Rajesh K.Prasad, Material science &
Engineering, Jain brothers, 2014.
2. William F.Smith, Javad Hastami, Ravi Prakash, Material Science and
Engineering, McGraw Hill education, 5th Edition, 2014.
3. M. Armugam, Material Science, Anuradha publications.
Online course material:
Online courses:
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course students should be able to
1. Indentify crystal structure for various materials
2. Understand the mechanical properties of metals
3. Classify the metals and their applications
4. Assess the thermal and electrical properties of metals
5. Classify the Nonmaterial and properties
6. Analyse the economic, environmental and social issues in material
2018-2019 95
II Year B.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC114BF 3 - - 3
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Prerequisite: 1.Electronic Devices and Circuits 2. Network Theory
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize with different types of power amplifiers, Wave shaping
circuits and Multivibrators.
2. To understand working of Operational Amplifier and its applications.
3. To know the functionality of ADC and DAC circuits
4. To distinguish between various modes of 555 Timer.
UNIT 1: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Multistage Amplifiers: Different coupling schemes used in amplifiers,
Analysis of Cascaded RC Coupled amplifiers, Cascode amplifier,
Darlington pair.
Power amplifiers: Classification of Amplifiers-Distortion in amplifiers,
Various classes of operation (Class A,B), Class A Power Amplifier,
Maximum Efficiency of Class A Amplifier, Transformer Coupled Class A
Amplifier, Push- Pull and Complimentary Symmetry Class B, Concept of
Tuned amplifier and its application.
UNIT 2: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Linear Wave Shaping: High pass and low pass RC circuits and their
response for Sinusoidal, Step, Pulse, Square, & Ramp inputs, High pass
RC network as Differentiator, Low pass RC circuit as an Integrator.
Non-Linear Wave Shaping: Diode clippers, Clipping at two independent
levels, Concept of Clampers
UNIT 3: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Multivibrators: Analysis and Design of Bistable Multivibrator,
Commutating Capacitors, Types of Triggering, Direct Coupled Binary,
Collector coupled Monostable and Astable Multivibrators , Schmitt trigger
using Transistors.
UNIT 4: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Operational Amplifier: Ideal and Practical Op-Amp, Op-Amp
Characteristics, DC and AC Characteristics, Features of 741 Op-Amp,
Modes of Operation - Inverting, Non-Inverting, Applications of open loop
and closed loop Op-Amp-Differential Amplifier, Logarithmic amplifier,
Differentiator and Integrator, Summing Amplifier, Precision Rectifier.
96 Electronics & Communication Engineering
UNIT 5: (~9 Lecture Hours)
IC 555Timer: Functional Diagram, Monostable and Astable Operations,
Applications, IC565 PLL - Block Schematic & Applications.
Digital-to-Analog converters (DAC): Weighted resistor, R-2R ladder.
Analog-to-Digital converters (ADC): Single slope, dual slope,
successive approximation, flash.
Text Books:
1. J. Millman, H. Taub and Mothiki S. Prakash Rao, Pulse, Digital and
Switching Waveforms, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2008.
2. J.Millman and Christos C Halkias, Integrated Electronics, TMH 2010.
3. Ramakanth A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps & Linear ICs, PHI, 2003.
Reference Books:
1. D. Roy Chowdhury, Linear Integrated Circuits, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (p) Ltd, 2003.
2. J. Millman and A. Grabel, Microelectronics, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill,
Online Resources:
Lectures on Analog Circuits Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee IIT Bombay https:/
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will be able to
1. Classify various power amplifier circuits in terms of their functionality.
2. Distinguish between Linear and Non-linear Wave shaping circuits.
3. Analyze the operation of OP-AMP, Multivibrator and 555 Timer
4. Design different types of Multivibrator circuits.
5. Demonstrate various applications of op-amps.
6. Illustrate the performance of ADC and DAC.
2018-2019 97
II YearB.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC114BG 3 1 - 4
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Prerequisites: Signals and Systems
Course Objectives:
1. To develop the ability to analyze system requirements of Analog
Communication Systems.
2. To analyze the generation, detection of various Analog Modulation
Techniques with mathematical analysis.
3. To analyze different types of Digital Modulation Techniques and
information theory concepts.
4. To model digital communication system for bit error rate analysis.
UNIT 1: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Amplitude Modulation: Representation of band pass signals and signal
envelopes, Need for modulation, FDM, Amplitude Modulation-Time and
Frequency domain, single tone modulation, power relations , Generation
of AM wave with switching modulator, Detection of AM Waves using
Envelope detector, DSB-SC: Time and Frequency domain, Generation of
DSB-SC-Ring Modulator, Coherent detection, Hilbert transform and
properties, SSB-SC: Time and Frequency domain, Generation of SSB-
Frequency and Phase discrimination method, Demodulation of SSB.
UNIT 2: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Angle Modulation: Frequency Modulation: Single tone Frequency
Modulation, Spectrum Analysis of Sinusoidal FM Wave, Narrow band FM,
Wide band FM, Transmission bandwidth of FM Wave, Generation of FM
Waves-Direct and Indirect FM, Detection of FM Waves: Foster Seeley
Discriminator, Phase locked loop, Comparison of FM and AM.
Noise: Types of Noise, Modelling of noise and AWGN, Comparison of
Noise performance in AM, DSBSC, SSB & FM (without derivations), Pre-
emphasis and De-emphasis, Superheterodyne Receiver.
UNIT 3: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Pulse Analog Modulation: Bandpass sampling, Types of sampling
process, Types of Pulse Modulation, PAM- Generation and Demodulation,
PWM-Generation and Demodulation, PPM-Generation and Demodulation,
98 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Analyze different modulation and demodulation schemes for analog
& digital communications.
2. Evaluate fundamental communication system parameters such as
Bandwidth, Power, Signal to quantization noise ratio and Figure of
3. Design Analog & Digital communication systems to meet desired
4. Elucidate the design tradeoffs and performance of Analog and Digital
communication systems.
5. Calculate error rate, Spectral efficiency of Digtal Modulation
6. Analyze the concept of source coding and channel coding techniques
100 Electronics & Communication Engineering
II Year B.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC114BM 3 - - 3
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Prerequisites: Digital System Design
Course Objectives:
1. Describe the architecture of Microprocessor and Microcontrollers.
2. Understand and apply the fundamentals of assembly language
programming of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.
3. Experimenting with memory and I/O interfacing of Microcontroller.
4. Develop real time applications of Microprocessors as well as
UNIT 1: (~10 Lecture Hours)
8086 Architecture: 8086 Architecture-Functional diagram, Register
Organization, Memory Segmentation, Programming Model, Memory
addresses, Physical Memory Organization, Architecture of 8086, Signal
descriptions of 8086, interrupts of 8086.
UNIT 2: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Instruction Set and Assembly Language Programming of 8086:
Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Instruction Set, Assembler
Directives, Macros, and simple Programs involving Logical, Branch and
Call Instructions, Sorting, String Manipulations.
UNIT 3: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Introduction to Microcontrollers: Overview of 8051 Microcontroller,
Architecture, I/O Ports, Memory Organization, Addressing Modes and
Instruction set of 8051.
8051 Real Time Control: Programming Timer Interrupts, Programming
External Hardware Interrupts, Programming the Serial Communication,
Interrupts, Programming 8051 Timers and Counters.
UNIT 4: (~8 Lecture Hours)
Serial Communication and Bus Interface: Serial Communication
Standards, Serial Data Transfer Scheme, On board Communication
Interfaces-I2C Bus, SPI Bus, UART; External Communication Interfaces-
RS232, USB.
UNIT 5: (~8 Lecture Hours)
I/O and Memory Interface: LCD, Keyboard, External Memory RAM,
ROM Interface, ADC, DAC Interface to 8051.
2018-2019 101
Text Books:
1. K. Ray and K.M. Bhurchandani, Advanced Microprocessors and
Peripherals, TMH, 2nd Edition, 2006.
2. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin D. McKinlay,
The 8051 Microcontroller ad Embedded. Systems. Using Assembly
and C. Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. D.V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, 2nd Edition, TMGH, 2006.
2. K.Uma Rao, Andhe Pallavi, The 8051 Microcontrollers, Architecture
and Programming and Applications, Pearson, 2009.
3. Kenneth. J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, 3rd Edition, Cengage
Learning, 2006.
Online Resources:
2. NPTEL Material on Microprocessors by Dr. Pramod Agarwal,IIT
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Familiarize with the internal architecture and organization of 8086
and 8051.
2. Write assembly language programs using 8086 and 8051.
3. Design and develop micro controller based systems using 8051
4. Apply the knowledge of 8051 micro controller in real time
5. Relate the memory organization and memory interface to 8086/8051.
6. Discuss various serial communication interface standards.
102 Electronics & Communication Engineering
II Year B.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC11426 - - 3 1.5
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Course Objective:
1. To design, simulate various non-linear wave shaping circuits,
2. To verify practically different applications of Op-Amp.
3. To familiarize with the operation of DACs.
4. To know the functionality of 555 timer in different modes.
Minimum Twelve experiments to be conducted:
List of Experiments:
1. Design, develop and Testing of a Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier.
2. Design, develop and Testing of a Non-linear wave shaping
a) Clippers b) Clampers
3. Design, develop and Testing of a Bi-stable Multivibrator.
4. Design, develop and Testing of a Monostable Multivibrator.
5. Design, develop and Testing of a Astable Multivibrator.
6. Design, develop and Testing of a Schmitt Trigger.
7. Design an Adder, Subtractor using Op-amp 741.
8. Design an Integrator and Differentiator using Op-amp 741.
9. Design an Inverting Amplifier and Non-Inverting Amplifier using Op-
amp 741.
10.Design an R-2R ladder DAC.
11. Design aWeighted Resistor DAC.
12.Design a Monostable mutlivibrator using 555 Timer.
13.Design Astable mutlivibrator using 555 Timer.
1. Experiments 1 to 6 to be implemented using simulation (Multisim or
equivalent) and Hardware realization.
2. Experiments 7 to 13 to be implemented using Design and Hardware
Online Resources:
Lectures on Analog Circuits Prof. Jayanta Mukherjee IIT Bombay https:/
2018-2019 103
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Illustrate the utility of various modes of 555 timers, applications of
semiconductor devices and Op-Amps.
2. Identify different types of DACs.
3. Set up circuits to interpret the different applications of Op-Amps.
4. Design, develop and test nonlinear wave shaping, Multivibrators,
Amplifier circuits and estimate the relevant parameters.
5. Compare the experimental results with theoretical results, explain the
parameters involved and justify the results obtained.
6. Interpret the results for further development of circuit features and
subsequent applications.
104 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand the applicability of Information concepts and various
methods of error detection and correction.
2. Define the performance of different channel capacities, bounds.
3. Understand the capabilities of block codes and cyclic codes in terms
of optimal encoding and decoding.
4. Analyze the performance of various data compression techniques.
5. Design codes for error detection and correction of sequential data
with low error probability.
6. Compare error handling capabilities and circuit complexities.
126 Electronics & Communication Engineering
III Year B.Tech. ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC11538 - - 3 1.5
(Common to ECE & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To use relevant simulation software tools.
2. To demonstrate the concepts learnt in Digital Signal Processing using
supporting software tools.
3. To enable students use graphical programming environment for modeling,
simulating and analyzing few concepts of Digital Signal Processing using
MATLAB Simulink software.
4. To prepare students on how to make use of relevant simulation software
tools for various Engineering problems.
List of Experiments:
1. To find Z-Transform of given discrete time signal, locating the
Zeros and Poles and plotting the Pole-Zero maps in Z-Plane for the
given transfer function.
2. To find DFT / IDFT of given discrete time signal.
3. To find response of LTI system using graphical approach of Linear
4. Determination of Power Spectrum of a given Signal using Wiener-
Kintchine relation.
5. To Verify Parseval’s theorem of Discrete Fourier Transform.
6. To find Frequency Response of a given System given in Transfer
Function/ Difference equation form.
7. Implementation of FFT of given Sequence.
8. Implementation of Low Pass and High Pass FIR Filters using
Windowing technique.
9. Implementation of Band Pass and Band Reject FIR Filters using
Windowing technique.
10. Implementation of Low Pass Analog and Digital Butterworth IIR
11. Implementation of Low Pass Analog and Digital Chebyshev-Type 1
IIR Filters.
12. Implementation of Decimation Process.
13. Implementation of Interpolation Process.
14. Implementation of I/D Sampling Rate Converters.
2018-2019 127
15. Generation of DTMF Signals.
16. Filtering of long data sequences using DFT/IDFT.
l. Minimum 12 experiments should be conducted. All these experiments
are to be implemented using software (MATLAB) / Hardware (DSP
2. At least Two Experiments are to be simulated using Simulink.
3. Implement mini project based on the obtained knowledge.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Recognize fundamental concepts & usage of simulation software in
the field of Digital Signal Processing
2. Identify the specifications, requirements & built in functions to
perform mathematical operations involving discrete sequences.
3. Implementation of various filters.
4. Develop code for analyzing Fourier and Z transforms and their utility.
5. Implement sampling rate converters.
6. Generate relevant simulation codes, with and without usage of built in
functions & estimation of the numerical results with supporting plots.
128 Electronics & Communication Engineering
III Year B.Tech. ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: PC11539 - - 3 1.5
Prerequisites: 1. Electronic Devices & Circuits 2. Digital System Design
Course Objectives:
1. To verify the functionality of basic logic gates, combinational circuits,
using Verilog/VHDL programming language.
2. To verify the functionality of sequential circuits, using Verilog/VHDL
programming language.
3. To implement various combinational and Sequential circuits using
FPGA kits.
4. To perform the circuit simulation for various combinational and
Sequential circuits.
List of Experiments:
Design and implementation of the following CMOS digital/analog circuits
using Cadence / Mentor Graphics/ Synopsys /Equivalent CAD tools.
The design shall include Gate-level design, Transistor-level design,
Hierarchical design, Verilog HDL/VHDL design, Logic synthesis,
Simulation and verification, Scaling of CMOS Inverter for different
technologies, study of secondary effects ( temperature, power supply and
process corners), Circuit optimization with respect to area, performance
and power, Layout, Extraction of parasitics and back annotation,
modifications in circuit parameters and layout consumption, DC/transient
analysis, Verification of layouts (DRC, LVS)
Part A: e-CAD programs: Programming can be done using any complier.
Down load the programs on FPGA/CPLD boards and performance testing
may be done using pattern generator (32 channels) and logic analyzer apart
from verification by simulation with any of the front end tools.
1. HDL code to realize all the logic gates
2. Design of 2-to-4 decoder
3. Design of 8-to-3 encoder (without and with priority)
4. Design of 8-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-8 demultiplexer
5. Design of 4 bit binary to gray code converter
6. Design of 4 bit comparator
7. Design of Full adder using 3 modeling styles
8. Design of flip flops: SR, D, JK, T
2018-2019 129
9. Design of 4-bit binary, BCD counters (synchronous/ asynchronous
reset) or any sequence counter
10. Finite State Machine Design of sequence detector.
Part B: VLSI circuit design experiments:
Introduction to layout design rules. Layout, physical verification,
placement & route for complex design, static timing analysis, IR drop
analysis and crosstalk analysis of the following:
1. Basic logic gates
2. CMOS inverter
3. CMOS NOR/ NAND gates
4. CMOS XOR and MUX gates
5. Static / Dynamic logic circuit (register cell)
6. Latch
7. Implementation of 2x1 MUX using Pass transistor
8. Layout of any combinational circuit (complex CMOS logic gate).
9. Analog Circuit simulation (AC analysis) – CS & CD amplifier
Note: Any SIX of the above experiments from each part are to be
conducted (Total 12)
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Develop the concepts of digital design and VLSI Design.
2. Simulate, synthesize and implement various combinational and
sequential logic circuits.
3. Analyze the static and dynamic characteristics of CMOS inverter.
4. Perform circuit simulation, physical verification, DC/Transient
analysis, static timing analysis, layout verification of various digital
CMOS circuits and pass transistor logic circuits.
5. Design and analyze Analog circuits.
6. Interpret and verify the results of various combinational and sequential
circuit designs.
130 Electronics & Communication Engineering
III Year B.Tech. ECE I-Semester L T P C
Course Code: HS11542 - - 2 1
(Common to EEE, ECE, CSE, IT & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To address various challenges of communication as well as behavioural
traits faced by individuals at workplace and organizations through case
studies and interactions.
2. To help the students engage with other members confidently through
various discussions and presentations.
3. To help the students write business documents and generate content
4. To enhance soft skills among the students and to enable them to
understand its impact on employability.
5. To equip the students with career planning and employability.
UNIT 1: (~2 lecture hours and 4 practical sessions)
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Skills
1. Factors impacting Communication Skills: Self awareness-Self analysis
-Self appraisal-Self esteem.
2. Barriers and Factors impacting Interpersonal and Intrapersonal
communication, both verbal and non –verbal communication.
3. Student presentations through SWOT Analysis.
UNIT 2: (~2 lecture hours and 6 practical sessions)
Team Building and Group Dynamics:
1. Factors influencing group behavior – Process of group development:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning – Group
Members individual roles and responsibilities.
2. Critical thinking and logical reasoning through SPELT Analysis – Six
Thinking Hats and Mind Maps.
3. Student presentations and performance through group activities.
UNIT 3: (~2 lecture hours and 4 practical sessions)
Written Communication Skills:
1. Processes in writing: Brainstorming – Drafting – Revising – Editing -
Proof Reading - Final draft.
2. Prerequisites for Effective Writing: Lexical Resource: Vocabulary in
context-Grammatical function in use: Syntax and accuracy -
2018-2019 131
Researching-Note-making-Support visuals-Procedures and processes-
Structuring and Formatting-IT skills.
3. Writing tasks assigned in the written format of E-mail correspondence
– Covering letter and Resume building-Technical Report Writing –
Developing a Portfolio.
UNIT 4: (~2 lecture hours and 4 practical sessions)
Presentation Skills:
1. Processes in presentation: Analysing the audience - Selecting a topic
- Defining the objective - Preparing the structure - Practicing and
2. Prerequisites for Effective Presentation: Content development –
Researching – Note-taking – Drafting – Organizing – Formatting –
Structuring – Visual support – IT Skills
3. Presentations are done through Image description – Poster
Presentation – Pecha kucha.
UNIT 5: (~2 lecture hours and 4 practical sessions)
Group Discussions and Interview Skills:
1. Prerequisites for Group Discussion – Definition, Rules, Types – Topical
issues, Case studies, Abstract topics – Evaluation criteria – Content,
Analytical and Reasoning skills, Creativity, Organisation skills,
Communication skills, Listening skills, Leadership skills, Body
language, Group behavior.
2. Prerequisites for Interview Skills – Researching companies, Reading
job descriptions, Using appropriate language, Using STAR method to
answer interview questions – S - Situation, background setting and
context T- Task or Target, specifics of what’s required, when, where,
who A- Action, what you did, skills used, behaviours, characteristics
R- Result – outcome, what happened? How valuable the learning was?
3. Student presentations and performance through Group Discussions and
Mock Interviews.
Reference Books:
1. T.M.Farhathullah, Communication Skills for Technical Students, Orient
BlackSwan Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
2. Sangeetha Sharma and Binod Mishra, Communication Skills for
Engineers and Scientists, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd., 2011.
3. Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata, Communication Skills, Oxford Higher
Education, 2nd Education, 2015.
132 Electronics & Communication Engineering
Online Resources:
Course Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Apply basic communication skills (LSRW) in work-related situations.
2. Acquire, organize, interpret and evaluate information for effective
communications within a group.
3. Demonstrate the ability to combine ideas or information in new ways
and present information on guided and structured format.
4. Make decisions and solve problems by specifying goals, identifying
resources and constraints and evaluating results.
5. Display personal qualities such as responsibility, self-management,
self-confidence, ethical behaviour and respect for self and others.
6. Learn to work cooperatively with people of diverse backgrounds and
abilities, identify group’s goals and values and contribute to a group
process with ideas, suggestions and efforts.
2018-2019 133
III Year B.Tech. ECE II-Semester L T P C
Course Code: HS116DE 3 - - 3
(Common to EEE, ECE, CSE, IT & ETE)
Course Objectives:
1. To provide the basic concepts of economics.
2. To interlink the concepts of economics for effective business decision
3. To provide fundamental knowledge of accounting, process of preparing
accounting statements and interpret them thereby.
UNIT 1: (~9 Lecture Hours)
Managerial Economics and Demand Analysis:
Managerial Economics: Introduction to Economics, Definition of
Managerial Economics, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics,
Multidisciplinary nature of Managerial Economics, Role of Managerial
Demand Analysis: Introduction to Demand, Determinants of demand, Law
of demand and its Exceptions, Nature of demand, Movement and Shift of
demand curve.
UNIT 2: (~9 Lecture Hours)
Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting and Production Analysis:
Elasticity of demand: Concept of Elasticity of demand, Types of
Elasticity- Price, Income, Cross and Advertising. Factors affecting and
Significance of Elasticity of demand.
Demand Forecasting: Need for Demand Forecasting - Factors governing
Demand Forecasting, Methods of Demand Forecasting (Survey methods
and Statistical methods).
Production Analysis: Factors of Production, Production Function.
Production function with one variable input, Two variable inputs using
Isoquant and Isocosts. Optimal combination of Resources using Isoquants
and Isocosts. Laws of returns, Economies and Diseconomies of Scale.
UNIT 3: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Cost Analysis, Market Structure and Pricing:
Cost Analysis: Cost concepts, Short run and Long run Cost analysis.
Market Structures: Classification of Markets, Features of Perfect
Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic, Oligopoly and Duopoly.
Pricing: Pricing Objectives, Methods of Pricing and Pricing Strategies.
134 Electronics & Communication Engineering
UNIT 4: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Introduction to Financial Accounting:
Financial Accounting: Introduction to Accounting, Double Entry Book-
Keeping, Accounting Principles, Accounting Terminology. Journal, Ledger,
Trial Balance, Final Accounts with Adjustments (Simple Problems).
UNIT 5: (~10 Lecture Hours)
Financial Analysis and Interpretation:
Ratio Analysis: Need, importance and significance of Ratio Analysis,
Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Activity Ratios, Solvency Ratios,
Interpretation of Ratios for decision making (Simple problems).
Reference Books:
1. P L Mehta, Managerial Economics, Analysis, Problems & Cases, 8th
Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2001.
2. S.N. Maheshwari, Suneel K Maheshwari and Sharad K. Maheshwari,
Financial Accounting, 5th Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,
3. D.N.Dwivedi, Managerial Economics, 9th Edition, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd, 2016.
4. R.L.Varshney and K.L Maheshwari, Managerial Economics, 14th
Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2005.
5. T.S.Grewal, Double Entry Book Keeping, Sultan Chand & Sons, Reprint
Online Resources:
1. Managerial Economics
2. Financial Accounting
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Cognize the Basic Concepts of Economics.
2. Analyze the economic concepts for using discretion in business
problem solving.
3. Comprehend the concepts of Accounting for business decision making.
4. Assimilate the basic Accounting Procedure and interpret the
5. Analogize the external business environment for attainment of business
6. Enable forecasting and analyzing the external business environment.
2018-2019 135
14. Observe how the throughput of LTE network varies as the channel
bandwidth changes in the ENB ( Evolved node)
15. Configure network with a secure router and verify their connectivity
between two PCs
16. Establish a static routing between two routers.
1. The Experiments can be performed using software’s like NETSIM,
OPNET, NS2, QUALNET, Packet Tracer or Equivalent Software.
2. Minimum of 12 Experiments are to be performed.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to
1. Understand working of different TCP/IP protocols.
2. Simulate simple LAN, WAN network models with multiple scenarios,
collect statistics on network performance.
3. Apply mathematical foundation to understand the fundamental
relationship between packet loss probability and TCP performance.
4. Analyze the performance of different switching techniques, routing
5. Compare different switching schemes.
6. Acquaint with the concepts of LTE.
2018-2019 149
To become a center of quality education in Engineering and Technology
for women empowerment.
● To fulfill the academic aspirations of women engineers for
enhancing their intellectual capabilities and technical competency.
● To Leverage Leading – Edge Technologies and cultivate exemplary
work culture.
● To facilitate success in their desired career in the field of
engineering to build a progressive nation.