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Mechanical Ventilation and Hemodynamics: An Overview
Cardiorespiratory Economics
Oxygen Delivery
Oxygen Consumption
Effects of Mechanical Ventilation on the Right Ventricle
Effects of Ventilator Manipulations on the Left Ventricle
Effects of Mechanical Ventilation on the Pulmonary Vasculature
Effects of Ventilator Manipulations on Heart Rate
Ventilator Approach for Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Increased Oxygen Consumption
Oxygen Delivery
The overall goal of the cardiorespiratory system is to provide the organs and tissues of the body with
an adequate supply of oxygen in relation to oxygen consumption. An understanding of the complex
physiologic interactions between the respiratory and cardiac systems is essential to optimal patient
management. Alterations in intrathoracic pressure are transmitted to the heart and lungs and can
dramatically alter cardiovascular performance, with significant differences existing between the
physiologic response of the right and left ventricles to changes in intrathoracic pressure. In terms
of cardiorespiratory interactions, the clinician should titrate the mean airway pressure to optimize
the balance between mean lung volume (ie, arterial oxygenation) and ventricular function (ie, global
cardiac output), minimize pulmonary vascular resistance, and routinely monitor cardiorespiratory
parameters closely. Oxygen delivery to all organs and tissues of the body should be optimized, but
not necessarily maximized. The heart and lungs are, obviously, connected anatomically but also
physiologically in a complex relationship. Key words: cardiorespiratory interactions; cardiac output;
oxygen delivery; oxygenation; acidosis; neonate; pediatric; oxygen consumption; oxygen; mechanical
ventilation; hypoxia; hypoxemia. [Respir Care 2014;59(12):1937–1945. © 2014 Daedalus Enterprises]
Dr Cheifetz is affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, Children’s ogy in Critically Ill Patients of the AARC Congress 2013, held Novem-
Services, and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Duke University Medical ber 16–19, 2013, in Anaheim, California.
Center, Duke Children’s Hospital, Durham, North Carolina.
Correspondence: Ira M Cheifetz MD FAARC, Pediatric Critical Care
Dr Cheifetz has disclosed no conflicts of interest. Medicine, Duke Children’s Hospital, Duke University Medical Center,
Box 3046, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail: ira.cheifetz@duke.edu.
Dr Cheifetz presented a version of this paper at the New Horizons in
Respiratory Care Symposium: Back to the Basics: Respiratory Physiol- DOI: 10.4187/respcare.03486
and/or abnormalities of oxygen utilization, as can occur pressure and PEEP) are generally minor and must be bal-
with sepsis, inborn errors of metabolism, and some toxic- anced by the effects of P aw. Alterations in intrathoracic
ities, can lead to the failure of adequate oxygen delivery to pressure are transmitted to the heart and lungs and can
the cells of the body. The result can be metabolic acidosis, dramatically alter cardiovascular performance. As de-
hypoxic-ischemic injury, and ultimately organ dysfunc- scribed in more detail below, significant differences exist
tion/failure. From the perspective of the clinician, an un- between the physiologic response of the right and left
derstanding of the complex physiologic interactions be- ventricles to changes in intrathoracic pressure.3
tween the respiratory and cardiac systems is essential for The discussion that follows focuses on the effects of
optimal patient management. respiratory interventions and their associated effects on
Equally important is an understanding of each patient’s mean intrathoracic pressures on the heart and pulmonary
pathophysiology. An imbalance between oxygen delivery vasculature. The complex interplay between the ventilator
and V̇O2 will be managed differently depending on the and the right and left ventricles and pulmonary vasculature
specific pathophysiology. The following scenarios require is discussed. Adjunct therapies that may affect cardio-
differing management strategies: decreased arterial oxy- respiratory interactions are considered as well.3-6
gen content due to ventilation/perfusion mismatching,
poor cardiac output secondary to ventricular dysfunction, Cardiorespiratory Economics
altered oxygen utilization related to sepsis, decreased car-
diac output secondary to severe hypovolemia, and decreased Oxygen Delivery
arterial oxygen content related to profound anemia. Most
of these conditions can be managed by increasing the ar- Oxygen delivery (DO2) is the product of cardiac output
terial oxygen content and/or cardiac output. However, it and arterial oxygen content (CaO2). Oxygen content is af-
should be noted that septic shock1,2 is a specialized situ- fected by the dissolved and bound components of oxygen
ation characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, im- in the blood as well as hemoglobin (Hb).
paired oxygen extraction capability, and/or abnormal tis-
sue oxygen utilization. Thus, augmenting cardiac output in DO2 共mL/min兲 ⫽ 10 ⫻ cardiac output 共L/min兲
a patient with septic shock should not be expected to cor-
rect tissue hypoxia, unless there is associated cardiac ⫻ CaO2 共mL O2/100 mL blood) (1)
As oxygen delivery is a broad topic, the primary focus CaO2 ⫽ 共1.34 mL O2/g Hb) ⫻ Hb (g/100 mL)
of this article is the effects of positive-pressure ventilation
(PPV) on hemodynamics and cardiac output. The use of ⫻ oxygen saturation ⫹ [(0.003 mL/mm Hg) ⫻ PaO2] (2)
inotropes/vasoactive agents, intravascular fluid adminis-
tration, and mechanical support devices to augment car- where 1.34 is the amount of oxygen (mL) carried by 1 g of
diac output is beyond the scope of this paper. hemoglobin, and 0.003 is the solubility of oxygen in plasma.
In critically ill patients, especially those with severe
Mechanical Ventilation and Hemodynamics: lung injury, intrapulmonary shunt and ventilation/perfu-
An Overview sion mismatching can result in profound hypoxemia, which
can compromise arterial oxygen content and cause tissue
From both respiratory and cardiac perspectives, venti- hypoxia, especially if associated with decreased cardiac
lator management for critically ill patients should be aimed output, low hemoglobin concentration, and/or increased
at the specific needs of the individual patient, providing metabolic demand. As oxygen delivery is a function of
the highest benefit with the least risk of complications. cardiac output and arterial oxygen content, cardiac output
The criteria for initiating mechanical ventilation vary ac- augmentation with preload optimization, inotropic agents,
cording to the intended goals and pathophysiology of the vasodilators, optimization of mechanical ventilation, and,
clinical situation. It should be noted from the start that when indicated, mechanical cardiac support devices can
PPV can positively or negatively impact the cardiovascu- maintain adequate oxygen delivery, even if arterial oxygen
lar status, although most often, no overall effect is seen content is diminished. Thus, oxygen delivery may be aug-
due to the body’s ability to compensate for changes in mented by increasing cardiac output, oxygen saturation,
intrathoracic pressure. and/or hemoglobin content. The various components of
It should also be stressed that the key parameter affect- oxygen delivery are displayed in Figure 1.
ing cardiorespiratory interactions is mean airway pressure Accordingly, cardiac output, arterial oxygen content,
(P aw), which directly influences mean intrathoracic pres- and hemoglobin concentration are physiologically inter-
sure. Any cardiovascular effects of the phasic change in dependent, and a decrease in one component may be bal-
airway pressure (ie, difference between peak inspiratory anced by a compensatory increase in another. Therefore,
pense of systemic output with a reduction in global oxygen ate patient work of breathing, and avoiding excessive patient
delivery. agitation, shivering, and hyperthermia.20,21
In summary, PVR (and right ventricular afterload) can Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony22-24 can lead to exces-
be minimized when lung volume is optimal, pH is nor- sive V̇O2 by the respiratory muscles. Dyssynchrony can be
mal or increased, and PaCO2 is not increased. Additionally, flow-related or trigger-related and occurs when spontane-
pulmonary vasodilators (eg, inhaled nitric oxide, prosta- ous inspiratory effort is out of phase with the ventilator-
cyclin), whether inhaled or administered intravenously, can delivered breaths.22-24 When dyssynchrony is present, pri-
help to reduce PVR and potentially optimize cardiorespi- mary hypoxemia due to ventilation/perfusion mismatching,
ratory interactions. A detailed discussion of these pharma- mucous plugging, pneumothorax, and reactive airway dis-
cologic agents is beyond the scope of this article. ease must be eliminated as the etiology. When these causes
are eliminated, altering the mode (ie, inspiratory flow pat-
Effects of Ventilator Manipulations on Heart Rate tern), improving the trigger sensitivity, or increasing the
support provided by the ventilator may improve patient-
PPV generally causes minor changes in heart rate. Over- ventilator synchrony. Improving patient-ventilator syn-
distention of the lung can result in a reflex bradycardia; chrony can reduce V̇O2, especially for infants and small
however, changes in heart rate tend to be limited at the VT children.
commonly used in clinical practice. However, ventilation
with excessive VT can result in a reflex bradycardia that Oxygen Delivery
may become clinically important. Profound hypoxia with
depressed oxygen delivery can result in bradycardia as
well. Overall, the effects of PPV on heart rate tend to be Although an important clinical goal is to maintain an
less pertinent than the other physiologic changes discussed optimal balance between oxygen delivery and V̇O2 for the
throughout this article. critically ill patient, the clinician is often in a situation in
which this balance cannot be quantified. Pulmonary artery/
cardiac output catheters are less commonly used than in
Ventilator Approach for Patients With
the past, especially for infants and children. Thus, the
Congenital Heart Disease
clinician is often left with surrogate end points.
Poor oxygen delivery (or a mismatch between delivery
Patients with congenital heart lesions represent a spe- and consumption) can be seen clinically by decreased re-
cialized population. The principles of cardiorespiratory nal function, abnormal mental status, and poor right ven-
interactions apply to these patients in a similar fashion as tricular function. It must be noted that these clinical as-
the general population; however, the effects tend to be sessments can be altered by the use of diuretics and
more pronounced. Furthermore, the clinician should care- pharmacologic sedation. Additionally, right heart dysfunc-
fully consider the physiologic effects of mechanical ven- tion as a result of poor oxygen delivery is a late marker of
tilation on the systemic and pulmonary ventricle(s) rather a problem.
than on the more traditional right- and left-sided princi- Beyond clinical assessment, the clinician can investi-
ples. In those patients with single-ventricle physiology, the gate an imbalance between oxygen delivery and V̇O2 by
ventricle can have systemic and pulmonary physiologic evaluating laboratory markers of metabolic acidosis as an
components, which will likely differ in the preoperative indicator of global oxygen debt. Such studies to confirm
state compared with the palliated postoperative state. Be- that tissue oxygen supply is adequately maintained include
cause of the complex cardiorespiratory interactions that mixed venous oxygen saturation (Sv O2), blood lactate, base
occur and the diversity of the conditions treated, a single deficit, and arterial pH.
standardized approach is not possible. Respiratory strate- Sv O2 can be measured intermittently via repeated blood
gies should be designed to address the specific pathophys- gas analysis or continuously via a fiberoptic catheter.18,25
iologic condition present in each patient. Sv O2 is probably the best single indicator of the adequacy
of oxygen transport, as it represents the amount of oxygen
Increased Oxygen Consumption remaining in the systemic venous blood after blood passes
through the organs and tissues throughout the body.26 Sv O2
Although the clinician has multiple approaches for op- reflects the balance between oxygen supply and demand
timizing oxygen delivery, the options for minimizing/op- and can be a surrogate for cardiac output as a target for
timizing V̇O2 are more limited. In the situation in which goal-oriented hemodynamic therapy.27 It should be noted
V̇O2 is excessive in relation to oxygen delivery, the clini- that the oxygen extraction ratio may be preferable to Sv O2
cian should consider treating patient-ventilator dyssyn- as an indicator of global tissue hypoxia because arterial
chrony, titrating ventilator support to provide an appropri- hypoxemia reduces Sv O2 without necessarily indicating
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