Characteristic Roots
Characteristic Roots
Characteristic Roots
(1) T(V)=Av
Let Ti-ST S-
then T S=ST
So (T1 S) (v)=(ST) (V)
or Ti (S. (v))==S(T(M))
=S(Av) [By (1).
Hence Ti (S(v))=A S(V).
Putting S(v)=x1 we get
T (x)=Ax.
Since v0, So x=S(v) #0 since S in Non Singular.
Thus 3 x=S(v)*0, such that
Ti (*)=A x
Hence is an eigen value of Ti
That, is an eigen value of STS°l and x=S (v) is an eigen
vector of STS-1
have a, Vn =0
Therefore from (1) we
Now we prove that
Now for j=1, 2, ..n, we get
(STS-") (x'))=ST (S(*'))
Since by (1), S-1 (x') = xs]
ST (x)
Hence (STS-1) (x'i)=S (a x (Since Matrix of Trelative
to basis Nj} is [as})
(from (1))
field F.
aEF is called an eigen value of the matrix [a] if A is an
eigen valuc of any linear transformation T on an
basis of F is [a]
Hence if AeF be an eigen value of 7, then A is also an eigen
vector v
eigen vector with eigen value A. Also prove any eigen
can not correspond to two diferent eigen values A and Ap.
1 2 . .nn-a
The cquation d(A)=0 is called the Characteristic equation
of A.
Note. (2.1). The characteristic roots of the matrix A arc
the zeros of its characteristic
polynomial $(a) which is of degree
n. Thus an n-square matrix A may have at most n distinct charac-
teristic roots.
(2.10) Show that the eigen values of the matrix.
01 0 01
00 1 0 are +l and i
0 00 1
0 0 0-
Solution. The characteristic polynomial of the natrix is
given by
By R,R
0 0
=(2+A (4-3)
Hence eigen values of A are -2,-2, 4.
Va when a=-2.
We find the eigen space
vector of A with eigen value -2.
Let X=[x] be the eigen
E-E! -1 11
The coefficient matrix r!-!
0 0J
The last matrix is in echclon form with only one non-zero
row. Hence Rank of coeff. Matrix =p=1.
Hence the system will have n-P=3-l=2 L, I, solutions.
then we get
The coefficient Matrix is equivalent to
0 0 0
Hence Rank of coef. Matrix=2, so the system has 3-2=11
independent non-zero solution.
The system in reduced form is
Choosing z to be the arbitrary variable of taking z=2
we get x=l, y=l, z=2.
Hence the basis of eigen space of A=4 is
(1, 1, 2)}
Thus the matrix A has three. L. I. eigen
B-Al=|SAS-1-S(AI) S-||
= |S(A-AI) S-|
= |S| |4-A/| |S-|.
=|4-u| |SS-|.
=|4-A| |/1.
= Characteristic Polynomial of A.
characteristic polynomial and
Thus B and A have the
by {x]
Hence S)=a f*)+a, S*)+...+a, S*»)
Prove that the characteristic roots of a triangular
Matrix are the elements in the principal diagonal.
in which all
Hint. A triangular Matrix is a square Matrix
the elements either below or above the principal diagonal
are zeros,
0 0.
elergénts below thbe principal diagonal
are zeros.
A* have the
(2.3/ Prove that the matrix A and its transpose
same eigen values
Hint. (4-al)=4-Al.
Now 4-Al|=|(4-al)l.=14-l|
Let: R->R* be a linear map and let
A= [41 a1] be the matrix off with respect to a basis of R?.
and d=4
186 1 [ Determinant-Characteristic Roos
(-1)" -B,-1
(-1" a- h=AB-1- Ba-
Determinant-Characteristic Roots] 187
a1 A=A' B,-AB,
(-1" agI=AB,
we have
Adding the above equations
4-1+-+a1 A+4, In=0.
(-1" {4"+an-1
4-1 we have
Miltiplying by
A-94-+17 Ia=--15 A
188 Determinant-Char acieristic Roots
Hence A (4-9A+1715)
Now A-94+17 9 -18
1=[(3 24 45
8 36 15 -36-27
+17 0
0 17
0 0 17
15 -15
Hence A- 15
6-15 -2/5
-11 0 5
0 2/3 0 -1/3
Definition (2.4). Characteristic Polynomial of a liaear map.
It T be a linear transformation on a vector space V. Then
the Characteristic Polynomial of T is defined to be the Charac-
teristic Polynomial of a6y matrix of T, since such matrices being
similar, ha ve the samg characte ristic polynomial by Ex. (2*12).
Definition (2Polynomial in a linear transformation T oa V.
Let T be a linear transformation on a vector space V over
field F. Let
Sx)=a, "+a-1 x"=...+a1 *t49
be a polynomial in x over F.
We define S(T)=4, T"+a,-, T"-t..+a1 T+4, l.
Now (T) is linear transformation
also/a V (Prove),
is called a polynumit in T over the field F.
Theorem (2 3 Let 1T be a lnea transformation on V and a
be a charac ter isti: root of T. fS()¬F Ix| then f(A) is a Chara-
cteristic root f JCT)
Proof Since a is a Characteristic root of 7, so
Example Set
mial of A.
| 4 - 1 |4,-A
Ilemitian Matrix.
Dehuitin (2 6).
i q u a r c m a t I over tie field C'ol com
et 1 tc n