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‘Code No. Marks obtained = TRIPURA MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY in collaboration with TRIPURA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Junior Mathematical Olympiad - 2022 (For Students studying in Class VIII) Full Marks -60 Time: 2 hours [All questions are compulsory. Every question is written first in English and then in Bengali. Answer (Ans:) is written there after where you have to write the answer. Calculator is not allowed.| (Calculation sheets supplied by the centre must be attached with this answer paper] Group-A 12x25 24 [Each question has four answers of which one is correct. Underline the correct answer. 1/2 mark will bbe deducted for each wrong marking. Cancellation or over writing is not allowed] 1. The difference between two whole numbers is 66. The ratio of the two numbers is 2:5. The two Signature of the Invigilator numbes are of orca eres 66 ae roe ME 2: Bi AUT AB em — (4) 60,6 8) 100, 33 (©) 110, 44 (0) 99,33 2. Which of the following is not a regular polygon ? Fon co B oot em aRgE ATE (A) Square (=sfc=) (8) Equilateral triangle Crete fee) (C) Rectangle (arrerra) (0) Regular hexagon (7321=9¢=) 3. _ Ifthe diagonals of a rectangle are 2x + 1 and 3x 1 respectively then the value of x willbe a eh enc AYE METH Ox + 1 ae SX — 1-H, TRC XA HI EE — at ()2 3 (04 4. The number of natural numbers between 99° and 100* is 9976 100%.a aay Aw ATeTa HAN AAT SIMA AKT I — (a) 197 (8) 198 (©) 199 () 200 5, The ratio of 25 paise to Rs. 1 is 25 sti @ 1 Bea ae wet — (A)25:4 (8) 1:25 (at (14 6. 0.09% 10°is equal to 0.09 x 10° ata — (A) 00000000 (8) 9000000000 (C) 90000000000 (0) None of these (secre cornfbe am) 7. ifwe join (-5, 1), (-5, -1) and (-5, 4), then we obtain ae (5, 1), (5, 1) C5, 4) HeCaT a TA IA AB — (A) ATriangle ( “ta? = by + oz, b?= oz + ax, of = ax+ by, wom + aaa Ra asx b+y c+2 scanned with KEW scanner 26. Inthe adjacent figure, find the area of the shaded region. roe at cw AS went cme fet 27. Find the height of the cylinder whose volume is 1.54 m? and diameter of the base is 140 cm. csi fee a 140 crf ae 1.54 were ee Re Boer fa | scanned with KEW scanner

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