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Geography – 8

Chapter 1
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
Which of the following is not a gift of nature?
a. rock b. soil c. natural vegetation d. windmills

The importance of a particular resource depends on the changing needs of the

a. animal. b. plants. c. people. d. environment.

3. It is difficult to mine beyond a depth of about metres.

a. 500 b. 200 c. 1000 d. 2000

Biotic resources are also known as

4. resources.
a. non living b. living c. physical d. non-renewable

Which of the following is not a ubiquitous resource?

a. water b. silver c. sunlight d. air

B. Write True or False.

1. Early humans were aware of the utility of the gifts of nature.

2. Many countries in the world do not know how to exploit and develop their resources.

3. Resources which can be renewed by human effort are called localized resources.

4. Water is getting polluted due to various human activities.

5. Resources are uniformly distributed all over the earth.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. natural vegetation a. wax
2. crude petroleum b. known quantity and quality
3. abiotic resources c. machinery
4. actual resources d. gift of nature

5. human-made resources e. air

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. We use to fulfill our daily needs.

2. and are the two main factors that can change a

substance into a resource.

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Free Social Science (Updated Edition)
Geography – 8

3. needs vary from region to region and from time to time.

4. have been set up in many parts of the world to harness wind energy.

5. In early times, the needs of human beings were

E. Give one-word answers.

1. The force of falling water used to generate electricity

2. Resources that can be used directly without any modification

3. Resources that have the capacity to reproduce

4. Resources whose total available quantity is not known at present

5. Resources that are found everywhere

F. Give long answers for these questions.

1. What do you mean by gifts of nature? Explain with an example how value addition helps
to create a resource.

2. Write a short note on natural resources.

3. Distinguish between exhaustible and inexhaustible resources.

4. What do you know about human-made resources? Why are human beings called the
greatest resource of the earth?

5. Why is a balance between population growth and utilization of resources necessary?

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Geography – 8

Chapter 2
Natural Resources—Land, Soil and Water
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
Land covers about
1. per cent of the total surface area of the earth.
a. 20 b. 29 c. 5 d. 50

Land use of private holdings depends on the need of the

a. private owner. b. land owner. c. public owner. d. shop owner.

Which of the following soil is formed due to weathering of volcanic rocks?

a. red b. alluvial c. mountain d. black

This soil is rich in humus content.

a. black b. desert c. laterite d. mountain

Which cultural factor causes soil erosion?

a. slope of the land b. intensity of rainfall c. wind velocity d. overgrazing

6. help to check the speed of water flow.

a. Cover crops b. Tubewells c. Rock dams d. Tanks

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. All parts of the land surface are neither useful nor

2. Any modification in land use should be done only after a detailed

3. is the top covering of the earth’s surface.

4. Plants and help to convert young soil into mature soil.

5. If the soil cover is removed, our planet would become as and

lifeless as the Moon.

C. Give very short answers for these questions.

1. What is the vertical section of soil from the surface to the parent rock called?

2. Name the type of soil formed from weathering of old igneous rocks.

3. What is the best method to conserve soil?

4. What is the method adopted to save surface runoff during the rainy season?

D. Who am I?
1. I am a land resource. I am mostly used for fodder, fuelwood collection and
grazing cattle.

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Geography – 8

2. I am the layer below the topsoil. Sand, silt and clay are found in this layer.

3. I am considered to be a very fertile soil. I am formed due to the

deposition of sediments by the river.

4. I am one of the methods of soil conservation. It involves the cultivation of

different crops on the same piece of land each year during different times.

5. I am an important source of freshwater. I am continuously recycled in nature

through condensation, evaporation and precipitation.

E. Circle the odd one out.

1. relief climate location soil

2. parent rock relief time sprinkler

3. wet soil topsoil subsoil rock fragments

4. alluvial soil blue soil red soil laterite soil

5. canals wells lakes tubewells

F. Give long answers for these questions.

1. Write a short note on land use.

2. What factors affect soil formation? Describe them briefly.

3. Distinguish between black soil and red soil.

4. Water scarcity has become a serious problem in the world. Give reasons for your answer.

5. What do you know about the water resources of India?

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Geography – 8

Chapter 3
Natural Resources—Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
A. Tick (4)the correct answers.
Which of the following trees does not grow in the monsoon forests?
a. shisham b. sandalwood c. sal d. spruce

Which of the following trees is found in the Mediterranean region?

a. cedar b. rubber c. olive d. palm

The taiga forest belt extends between 50° N and

3. latitudes.
a. 70° N b. 80° N c. 55° N d. 60° N

The temperate grasslands are known as

4. in Australia.
a. Velds b. Downs c. Steppes d. Prairies

Which of the following animals is found in Africa?

a. koala b. zebra c. armadillo d. musk ox

B. Write True or False.

1. Natural vegetation and wildlife are found in a narrow zone called lithosphere.

2. Forests grow in hot and humid climate.

3. The tropical grasslands receive heavy rainfall during the summer season.

4. Felling trees for fuel is one of the causes for the destruction of natural vegetation.

C. Write two examples of each of the following.

1. Trees found in temperate region

2. Main vegetation found in desert

3. Animals found in South America

4. Birds found in Europe

D. Give long answers (in 80–100 words) for these questions.

1. Compare the main characteristics of tropical and temperate forests.

2. Write a short note on forests found in the taiga region.

3. Where is desert vegetation found? Write four characteristics of desert vegetation.

4. What do you know about the wildlife in Africa and North America?

5. Write a short note on wildlife conservation.

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Geography – 8

Chapter 4
Minerals and Power Resources
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral?
a. iron b. gold c. potash d. copper

India is the largest producer of

2. in the world.
a. copper b. mica c. nickel d. sulphur

China is the leading producer of lead, tungsten and

a. antimony. b. gold. c. zinc. d. uranium.

4. is the largest producer of silver in the world.

a. Italy b. Spain c. Brazil d. Mexico

In Australia, gold deposits are mostly found in Kalgoorlie and

a. Adelaide. b. Coolgardie. c. Cooktown. d. Brisbane.

B. Write True or False.

1. A mineral can be classified on the basis of its physical and chemical properties.

2. The ferrous minerals do not have any iron content.

3. There are limited reserves of conventional energy sources in the world.

4. Canada is the largest producer and consumer of natural gas.

5. Hydroelectricity is produced by using the force of falling water.

C. Write two examples of each of the following.

1. Countries generating nuclear power in the world

2. Nuclear power-generating stations in India

3. Countries where wind farms have been developed

4. Countries that are leaders in generating electricity from geothermal energy.

D. Give long answers for these questions

1. Distinguish between rocks and minerals. What are the characteristics of minerals?

2. What is mining? Describe briefly the methods used for mineral extraction.

3. What do you know about the distribution of minerals in Asia?

4. Discuss conventional power resources.

5. Write short notes on geothermal energy, tidal energy and biogas.

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Free Social Science (Updated Edition)
Geography – 8

Chapter 5
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
The introduction of
1. helped to increase the crop production and brought more
area under cultivation.
a. tubewells b. rainwater harvesting c. insecticides d. farm machinery

2. soil has high moisture-retentive capacity.

a. Red b. Desert c. Porous d. Clayey

Which type of farming is mainly practised to meet the needs of a farmer’s family?
a. extensive b. subsistence c. mixed d. intensive

The rearing of which of these animals is not associated with nomadic herding?
a. yaks b. goats c. camels d. cows

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The of soil reduces with continuous cultivation.

2. People who move in search of pastures for their domesticated animals are known as

3. Extensive farming is practised where land suitable for farming is available.

4. are widely used for milking, feeding and cleaning cattle in dairy farms.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. primary activity a. education
2. tertiary activity b. mining
3. Philippines c. Europe
4. nomadic herding d. chengin
5. dairy farming e. Jammu and Kashmir

D. Give long answers for these questions.

1. How do relief and soil influence the agriculture of a place?

2. Distinguish between subsistence and intensive farming.

3. What is mixed farming? Where is it practised?

4. What are the main features of plantation agriculture? Give examples of this type of farming.

5. Write a short note on dairy farming.

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Geography – 8

Chapter 6
Major Crops and Agricultural Development
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
1. Which of the following is not an oilseed?
a. mustard b. linseed c. rapeseed d. millet

Which of the following countries has the highest yield of rice per hectare?
a. Japan b. Sri Lanka c. North Korea d. Egypt

Which of the following countries is the largest exporter of maize?

a. Argentina b. the USA c. Russia d. Mexico

4. Sugar is stored in the of a sugarcane plant.

a. root b. stem c. leaves d. flower

The picking season of tea is from

5. to December.
a. November b. June c. August d. March

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. has been the chief source of human food for at least 6,000 years.

2. is the staple food of people in Latin America.

3. Sugarcane grows to a height of about metres or more.

4. A cotton plant needs high temperature of about during the growing period.

5. Well-drained, soil with high humus content is one of the requirements

for the growth of coffee plants.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. pulse a. Indus Valley Civilization
2. beverage b. Green Revolution
3. cotton c. golden fibre
4. jute d. urad
5. HYV seeds e. cocoa

D. Write True or False.

1. China is the largest producer of rice in the world.

2. Jowar, bajra, ragi and sorghum have high nutritional value as compared
to other cereals.

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Geography – 8

3. Cotton is the most widely-used fibre to make cloth.

4. Clayey soil is ideal for jute cultivation.

5. Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee.

E. Give long answers for these questions.

1. Write the geographical conditions necessary for cultivating rice and wheat. List the
countries in which these crops are grown.

3. Write the geographical conditions necessary for cotton cultivation. List the countries
where this crop is grown.

4. How can agricultural development be achieved?

5. Write a short note on agriculture practised in the Prairies.

F. Given below is an outline map of the world. Mark and label the following.
1. Any two wheat-producing countries

2. The largest exporter of maize in the world

3. Any two sugarcane-producing countries

4. A tea-producing country in the world

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Geography – 8

for Chapters 1–6
Time: 2 hours
Marks: 50

A. Tick (4) the correct answers. (1 × 8)

Windmills are now used to generate electricity in
1. and Tamil Nadu.
a. Hungary b. the Netherlands c. Poland d. Romania

2. per cent of the earth‘s total surface area is covered with water.
a. 7 b. 80 c. 40 d. 71

Which of the following animals is found in Australia?

a. armadillo b. llama c. duck-billed platypus d. sable

4. have become the symbol of Antarctica.

a. Ermines b. Polar bears c. Reindeer d. Penguins

The main coal-mining areas in India are Jharia, Giridih, Dhanbad, Raniganj and
a. Silchar. b. Bankura. c. Baleshwar. d. Bokaro.

Which of the following is not a plantation crop?

a. banana b. sugarcane c. wheat d. spices

7. What type of farming is mainly practised in India?

a. extensive b. subsistence c. intensive d. mixed

Which of the following is not a fibre?

a. jute b. cotton c. coffee d. hemp

B. Write True or False. (2 × 6)

1. Natural resources have limited uses in their crude form.

2. Washing away of minerals and other organic matter from topsoil is called bleaching.

3. Human activities pose the greatest threat to wildlife.

4. A mineral can be classified on the basis of its physical and chemical properties.

5. The river basins are suitable for the growth and development of agriculture.

6. Tea picking is usually done by women.

C. Give very short answers for these questions. (1 × 6)

1. What is the term used to describe the conservation of natural resources
for the future generations?

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Geography – 8
2. What is the term used to describe the planting of trees to increase
forest cover?

3. Which international body works for the protection of flora and fauna?

4. Which country is the largest producer of coal in the world?

5. What is shifting cultivation called in the Congo basin of Africa?

6. Which is the second most important vegetable fibre after cotton?

D. Give long answers for these questions. (4 × 5)

1. What do you know about conservation of resources?

2. How can we conserve water resources?

3. The existence of wildlife is essential to maintain a balance in our environment. Give reasons
for your answer.

4. What are conventional sources of power? Write about the distribution of coal reserves
in the world.

5. List the geographical conditions required for the cultivation of coffee. Name any two
coffee-producing countries.

E. Given below is an outline map of the world. Mark and label the following. (1 × 4)
1. The continent that is home to the koala 3. A leading producer of bauxite in Africa
2. The largest producer of mica 4. The largest rice-producing country in the world

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Geography – 8

Chapter 7
Manufacturing Industries
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
Which of the following is not a finished product obtained from the manufacturing process?
a. sugar b. petrochemicals c. cloth d. wood pulp

The Industrial Revolution began in the eighteenth century in

a. France. b. Italy. c. Great Britain. d. Russia.

Which of the following is a product of the cottage industry?

a. rayon b. machine parts c. baskets d. steel

Which of the following is not manufactured by small-scale industries?

a. paper goods b. furniture c. utensils d. cars

Which of the following cities is called the ‘Cottonopolis of India’.

a. Kolkata b. Chennai c. Mumbai d. Delhi

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Marine-based industries obtain raw materials from seas and

2. The paper industry requires large quantities of

3. The industry is one of the oldest industries in the world.

4. The use of in healthcare has affected the healthcare industry positively.

C. Write two examples of each of the following.

1. Raw material used by pastoral industries

2. Goods made by cottage industries

3. Multinational corporations

4. Industrial regions in India

D. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. agro-based industries a. cement
2. mineral-based industries b. leather goods
3. pastoral-based industries c. vegetable oil
4. marine-based industries d. furniture
5. forest-based industries e. fish oil

E. Give long answers for these questions.

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Geography – 8

1. Explain what do you mean by industry. What factors determine the location, development
and growth of manufacturing industries?

2. Distinguish between joint sector industries and cooperative sector industries.

3. Write a short note on industrial systems.

4. The iron and steel industry provides the base for all other industries. Give reasons for
your answer.

5. Write a short note on the cotton textile industry.

F. Study the picture given below. Answer the questions that follow.

1. Name the type of industry.

2. Where are these industries mostly found?

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Geography – 8

Chapter 8
Industries—Comparative Studies
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
Jamshedpur is located at the confluence of
1. and Kharkai rivers.
a. Mahanadi b. Subarnarekha c. Damodar d. Son

Good quality coking coal is obtained from

2. and Raniganj coal mines
for Tata Steel.
a. Cuddapah b. Warangal c. Keonjhar d. Jharia

Which of the following countries is the largest producer of iron and steel in the world?
a. the USA b. Mexico c. Canada d. Cuba

Who among the following first used the name Silicon Valley?
a. William Shockley b. Don Hoefler c. Frederick Terman d. Fairchild

B. Write True or False.

1. Tata Steel is the oldest and the largest integrated iron and steel plants in India.

2. Pittsburg was named after John Pitt, the Elder.

3. Ahmadabad is located on the bank of the Sabarmati river.

4. Bengaluru experiences extreme climate throughout the year.

5. The Silicon Valley is surrounded by Santa Cruz mountains on the west.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. manganese a. Pennsylvania
2. Pittsburgh b. textile manufacturing centre
3. Osaka c. Keonjhar
4. Bengaluru d. personal computers
5. Fairchild e. software centre of India
6. IBM f. integrated circuits

D. Who am I?
1. I established the Tata Steel at Jamshedpur.

2. I am known as the Manchester of India.

3. I am the leading textile manufacturing centre in Japan.

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Geography – 8

4. I introduced the standard Central Processing Unit.

5. In 1990 I was the largest PC manufacturer in the world.

E. The underlined word in each sentence is incorrect. Write the correct word.
1. Tata Steel is a public sector industry.

2. Tata Steel is the third largest producer of iron and steel in the world.

3. Ahmadabad is located near the wheat-producing belt of India.

4. Kobe is the leading textile manufacturing centre of Japan.

5. In the last 10 years, Karnataka has become Asia’s fastest growing city.

6. The Disc Operating System was developed by Intel.

F. Give long answers for these questions.

1. Write a short note on the Tata Iron and Steel Company located at Jamshedpur.

2. The Pittsburgh-Youngstown district is the leading centre of iron and steel industry
in the USA. Give reasons for your answer.

3. What are the factors favourable for the development of cotton textile industry
in Ahmadabad?

4. Write a short note on the development of information technology industry

in Bengaluru.

5. Where is Silicon Valley located? What did the US department do after the
Second World War?

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Geography – 8

Chapter 9
Human Resources
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
The hot deserts, cold deserts and the high
1. are the sparsely
populated areas.
a. river valleys. b. grasslands. c. coastal regions. d. mountainous areas.

Most of the population of

2. lives in a narrow belt which has a
relatively warm climate.
a. France b. Spain c. Italy d. Canada

3. in the Congo basin is very low.
a. population composition c. age composition
b. population density d. sex ratio

People in the age group of

4. to 59 years are considered economically active.
a. 21 b. 30 c. 15 d. 18

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. People mostly live in those areas which are accessible, and
in natural resources.

2. The have a higher density of population as compared to the

mountainous regions.

3. The supply water for domestic purposes, agriculture, industries

and transport.

4. Population change can be expressed either in numbers

or in

5. Literacy influences the social and development of a country.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. western Europe a. permanent settlements
2. tundra region b. high female mortality
3. oases c. high density of population
4. dependent population d. sparse population
5. underdeveloped country e. below 14 years

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Geography – 8

D. What will happen if

1. the number of births exceed the number of deaths within a year.

2. the birth rate and the death rate are low.

3. the number of males are more than the number of females.

E. Write True or False.

1. Human beings are the greatest resource on earth.

2. The density of population remains constant in all the areas.

3. Temperature and rainfall influence the concentration of population in any area.

4. Urban areas provide better living conditions than the villages.

5. Age composition refers to the structure of population in each age group.

F. Give long answers for these questions.

1. Why is the population unevenly distributed?

2. The fertile river valleys and the industrial regions are densely populated. Give reasons
for your answers.

3. Write a short note on trends in population change.

4. What do you understand by the term population composition? The age-sex pyramid
helps us to understand the population composition of a country. Explain with the
help of examples.

5. What is the relationship between population growth and development? Explain with
the help of examples.

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Geography – 8

Chapter 10
Disaster and its Management
A. Tick (4) the correct answers.
1. The effect of an earthquake is usually the strongest near the
a. focus. b. eye. c. epicentre. d. vent.

Which instrument is used to detect the occurrence of an earthquake?

a. chronograph b. pantograph c. seismograph d. anemograph

The coastal areas of

3. were hit by a cyclonic storm in May 1990.
a. Maharashtra b. West Bengal c. Gujarat d. Andhra Pradesh

What per cent of the total cultivable land in India is drought-prone?

a. 70 b. 40 c. 10 d. 20

B. Write True or False.

1. India is the third largest country in the world.

2. The community is always the first to provide help at the time of natural disasters.

3. The earth experiences about 500 earthquakes every year.

4. In a cyclone the winds blow towards the centre at a very high speed.

C. Match the columns.

A Column B
1. earthquake a. heavy rainfall
2. Indian Meteorological Department b. low and variable rainfall
3. flood c. Richter Scale
4. drought d. undersea earthquake
5. tsunami e. development and movement of cyclones

D. Give long answers for these questions.

1. What is an earthquake? Explain the following terms — seismic waves, seismology,
focus, epicentre.

2. What do you know about the occurrence of floods in India?

3. What is drought? What precautions are taken against droughts?

4. What happens when a tsunami wave reaches the coast? What kind of damage can
a tsunami cause?

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Geography – 8

for Chapters 7–10
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A. Tick (4) the correct answers. (1 × 8)

Which of the following is not a pastoral-based industry?
a. dairy goods b. leather products c. paper d. woollen textiles

Which of the following is not a forest-based industry?

a. cardboard b. food processing c. resin d. furniture

The USA has a number of steel-producing regions such as Alabama, Lake Erie region,
the Mid-Atlantic states and
a. Los Angeles. b. Salt Lake City. c. Tucson. d. Pittsburgh.

4. Cotton cloth was made on handlooms before the

a. French Revolution. b. Industrial Revolution. c. Iranian Revolution. d. Cuban Revolution.

The Hanshin area, including Osaka,

5. and Kyoto is an important
textile-manufacturing region in Japan.
a. Kobe b. Katni c. Nobi d. Nagoya

Who is known as the Father of the Silicon Valley?

a. William Shockley b. Frederick Terman c. Don Hoefler d. Bill Gates

It is estimated that the world’s population may reach about

7. million
by 2025.
a. 7,000 b. 6,000 c. 8,000 d. 1,000

The occurrence of an earthquake is detected by a sensitive instrument called the

a. barograph. b. sonograph. c. seismograph. d. thermograph.

B. Fill in the blanks. (2 × 6)

1. The iron and steel industry is a industry as it uses bulky raw materials.

2. found in Egyptian tombs dates back to 5000 BC.

3. is the oldest and the largest integrated iron and steel plant in India.

4. Initially, the cotton textile industry in India was set up in

5. The plains are the most densely populated areas in India.

6. The -prone areas have inadequate irrigation facilities.

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Geography – 8
C. Give very short answers for these questions. (1 × 6)
1. Name the type of industry that are owned and managed by a group of people.

2. Which machine was invented in 1748 in England?

3. Name the river on whose banks Ahmadabad is located.

4. What did Dr William Shockley develop at the Bell Laboratory?

5. What is the other name for population pyramid?

6. What is the place of origin of an earthquake called?

D. Give long answers for these questions. (4 × 5)

1. Describe the growth and development of iron and steel industry in the world.

2. Information Technology has brought phenomenal changes in all aspects of life.

Justify this statement.

3. When did the progress of the cotton textile industry begin in Japan? Which factors have
helped Osaka to become the ‘Manchester of Japan’?

4. Write a short note on the various computer, software and multinational companies that
have set up their offices in Bengaluru. List the new centres of Information Technology
that are developing in India.

5. How do mineral resources, industries, means of transport and urbanization affect the
distribution of population?

E. Given below is a political map of India. Mark and label the following. (1 × 4)
1. Location of the Mumbai-Pune industrial belt

2. A centre of iron and steel industry in eastern India


3. A centre of cotton textile industry in western India PA K I S TA N


A state in India where the density of population

4. PA
is between 51 and 100 persons per sq km.

New Moore I.



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