FprEN 1998-1-1 (2024)

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CEN/TC 250/SC 8 N 1283

CEN/TC 250/SC 8 "Eurocode 8: Earthquake resistance design of structures"

Secretariat: IPQ
Secretary: Correia António Mr

FprEN 1998-1-1:2024_TC 250

Document type Related content Document date Expected action

Project / Draft 2023-09-12 INFO

Version of FprEN 1998-1-1:2024, as submitted to TC 250 for preparation of the Formal Vote in April

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CEN/TC 250
Date: 2023-08

FprEN 1998-1-1:2024
Secretariat: BSI

Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance —

Part 1-1: General rules and seismic action
Eurocode 8 — Auslegung von Bauwerken gegen Erdbeben — Teil 1-1: Grundlagen
und Erdbebeneinwirkungen

Eurocode 8 — Calcul des structures pour leur résistance au séisme — Part 1-1: Règles
générales et actions sismiques


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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword .............................................................................................................................................4

0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Scope of FprEN 1998-1-1..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................................8
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 8
3 Terms, definitions and symbols .......................................................................................................9
3.1 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 14
3.2.1 Symbols .................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.2 Abbreviations....................................................................................................................................... 26
3.3 S.I. Units .................................................................................................................................................. 27
4 Basis of design ..................................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Performance objectives.................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Consequence classes.......................................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Limit states and associated seismic action ................................................................................ 30
4.4 Primary and secondary seismic members ................................................................................ 31
4.5 Compliance criteria for new structures ..................................................................................... 32
4.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 32
4.5.2 Design verification principles ........................................................................................................ 32
5 Site conditions and seismic action ............................................................................................... 34
5.1 Site conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.1.2 Site categorisation .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Seismic action ...................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Spectral acceleration maps ............................................................................................................. 35
5.2.2 Basic representation of the seismic action................................................................................ 37
5.2.3 Alternative representations of the seismic action ................................................................. 44
6 Modelling, analysis, and verification ........................................................................................... 46
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Modelling ............................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2.2 Additional modelling rules for linear analysis ........................................................................ 47
6.2.3 Additional modelling rules for non-linear analysis ............................................................... 47
6.3 Seismic action ...................................................................................................................................... 48
6.4 Force-based approach....................................................................................................................... 48
6.4.1 Reduced spectrum for the force-based approach ................................................................... 48
6.4.2 Lateral force method ......................................................................................................................... 50
6.4.3 Response spectrum method ........................................................................................................... 50
6.4.4 Combination of the effects of the components of the seismic action ............................... 52
6.5 Non-linear static analysis ................................................................................................................ 52
6.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 52
6.5.2 Lateral loads and capacity curve................................................................................................... 53
6.5.3 Equivalent SDOF system ................................................................................................................... 54

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

6.5.4 Target displacement .......................................................................................................................... 55

6.6 Response-history analysis ............................................................................................................... 57
6.7 Verification to limit states ............................................................................................................... 57
6.7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 57
6.7.2 Verifications to Significant Damage limit state ........................................................................ 58
6.7.3 Verifications to additional limit states........................................................................................ 59
6.8 Structures equipped with antiseismic devices ........................................................................ 60
6.8.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 60
6.8.2 Basis of design for structures equipped with antiseismic devices ................................... 60
6.8.3 Seismic action....................................................................................................................................... 63
6.8.4 Modelling ............................................................................................................................................... 64
6.8.5 Analysis of structures equipped with antiseismic devices .................................................. 65
6.8.6 Verifications of antiseismic devices to limit states ................................................................ 67
7 Deformation criteria for displacement-based approach ..................................................... 69
7.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2 Reinforced concrete structures ..................................................................................................... 71
7.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 71
7.2.2 Deformation criteria.......................................................................................................................... 71
7.2.3 Resistance to shear............................................................................................................................. 76
7.3 Steel and composite steel-concrete structures ........................................................................ 77
7.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 77
7.3.2 Beams and columns under flexure with or without axial load .......................................... 79
7.3.3 Steel bracings ....................................................................................................................................... 84
7.3.4 Beam-to-column web panel joint .................................................................................................. 87
7.3.5 Links in frames with eccentric bracings ..................................................................................... 89
7.3.6 Buckling restrained bracings ......................................................................................................... 90
7.4 Timber structures............................................................................................................................... 91
Annex A (informative) European seismic hazard maps ..................................................................... 92
A.1 Use of this annex ................................................................................................................................. 92
A.2 Scope and field of application ........................................................................................................ 92
Annex B (normative) Alternative identification of site categories ................................................ 95
B.1 Use of this annex ................................................................................................................................. 95
B.2 Scope and field of application ........................................................................................................ 95
B.3 Simplified identification of site categories ................................................................................ 95
B.4 Case of incomplete quantitative information for identification of site categories ..... 96
B.4.1 Missing direct measurements of vs or values available only down to a limited depth
................................................................................................................................................................... 96
B.4.2 Missing quantitative information on H800 .................................................................................. 96
Annex C (normative) Site-specific elastic response spectra............................................................. 98
C.1 Use of this annex ................................................................................................................................. 98
C.2 Scope and field of application ........................................................................................................ 98
C.3 Site-specific elastic response spectra based on a local seismic hazard analysis ......... 98
C.4 Site-specific elastic response spectra based on evaluation of local seismic wave
amplification effects .......................................................................................................................... 98
C.5 Limitations on site-specific spectral values .............................................................................. 99
Annex D (informative) Criteria for selection and scaling of input motions............................. 100
D.1 Use of this annex .............................................................................................................................. 100
D.2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................... 100
D.3 Recorded accelerograms ............................................................................................................... 100
D.4 Multiple input motions using recorded accelerograms..................................................... 101
D.5 Simulated accelerograms .............................................................................................................. 102

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D.6 Artificial accelerograms ................................................................................................................ 102

Annex E (normative) Determination of target displacement and limit-state spectral
acceleration by using non-linear response-history analyses of an equivalent SDOF
model ................................................................................................................................................... 103
E.1 Use of this annex .............................................................................................................................. 103
E.2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................... 103
E.3 Definition of a multi-linear equivalent SDOF model ........................................................... 103
E.4 Determination of the target displacement through non-linear response-history
analyses ............................................................................................................................................... 105
E.5 Determination of the limit-state spectral acceleration through non-linear response-
history analyses ............................................................................................................................... 105
Annex F (informative) Target reliability and simplified reliability-based verification format
................................................................................................................................................................ 106
F.1 Use of this annex .............................................................................................................................. 106
F.2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................... 106
F.3 Target reliability .............................................................................................................................. 106
F.4 Reliability-based verification...................................................................................................... 107
Annex G (normative) Design of fastenings to concrete in the seismic design situation ..... 109
G.1 Use of this Annex .............................................................................................................................. 109
G.2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................... 109
G.3 Basis of design .................................................................................................................................. 109
G.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 109
G.3.2 Seismic performance category for post-installed fasteners ............................................ 111
G.3.3 Design criteria .................................................................................................................................. 112
G.4 Resistance........................................................................................................................................... 114
G.5 Displacement of fasteners ............................................................................................................ 116
Annex M (normative) Material or product properties in EN 1998-1-1 ..................................... 118
M.1 Use of this annex .............................................................................................................................. 118
M.2 Scope and field of application ..................................................................................................... 118
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................... 119

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

European foreword
This document (FprEN 1998-1-1:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 250
“Structural Eurocodes”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI. CEN/TC 250 is responsible for all
Structural Eurocodes and has been assigned responsibility for structural and geotechnical design matters
by CEN.

This document is currently submitted to the Formal Vote.

This document will supersede EN 1998-1:2004. The main changes compared to the previous edition
are listed below:

• Simplification of the national-level global safety choice through seismic action classes

• Reliability-based definition of partial factors

• Homogenisation of Limit States’ definitions across all parts and with improved consistency
with EN 1990 (ULS and SLS)

• Unambiguous definition of site classification introducing the depth of the bedrock formation

• Definition of one standard elastic response spectrum instead of two by introducing two
parameters in place of ag

• New definition of ductility classes

• Deepening of the two possible approaches for analysis: force-based or displacement-based;

modelling, analysis and associated verifications

• Improved definition of the behaviour factor (decomposed in three components) for the force-
based approach

• Deformation criteria and strength models for the displacement-based approach

• Structures equipped with antiseismic devices and dissipative components

The first generation of EN Eurocodes was published between 2002 and 2007. This document forms part
of the second generation of the Eurocodes, which have been prepared under Mandate M/515 issued to
CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association.

The Eurocodes have been drafted to be used in conjunction with relevant execution, material, product
and test standards, and to identify requirements for execution, materials, products and testing that are
relied upon by the Eurocodes.

The Eurocodes recognise the responsibility of each Member State and have safeguarded their right to
determine values related to regulatory safety matters at national level through the use of National

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

0 Introduction

0.1 Introduction to the Eurocodes

The Structural Eurocodes comprise the following standards generally consisting of several Parts:
• EN 1990 Eurocode — Basis of structural and geotechnical design
• EN 1991 Eurocode 1 — Actions on structures
• EN 1992 Eurocode 2 — Design of concrete structures
• EN 1993 Eurocode 3 — Design of steel structures
• EN 1994 Eurocode 4 — Design of composite steel and concrete structures
• EN 1995 Eurocode 5 — Design of timber structures
• EN 1996 Eurocode 6 — Design of masonry structures
• EN 1997 Eurocode 7 — Geotechnical design
• EN 1998 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance
• EN 1999 Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures
• New parts are under development, e.g. Eurocode for design of structural glass
The Eurocodes are intended for use by designers, clients, manufacturers, constructors, relevant
authorities (in exercising their duties in accordance with national or international regulations),
educators, software developers, and committees drafting standards for related product, testing and
execution standards.
NOTE Some aspects of design are most appropriately specified by relevant authorities or, where not specified,
can be agreed on a project-specific basis between relevant parties such as designers and clients. The Eurocodes
identify such aspects making explicit reference to relevant authorities and relevant parties.

0.2 Introduction to EN 1998 Eurocode 8 (all parts)

EN 1998 defines the rules for the seismic design of new buildings and other structures, as well as
temporary ones, including geotechnical aspects. EN 1998 also defines the rules for the seismic
assessment and retrofit of existing buildings and other structures.
NOTE This standard additionally covers the verification of structures in the seismic design situation during
construction, when required.
For the design of structures in seismic regions, the provisions of EN 1998 should be applied in addition
to the relevant provisions of EN 1990 to EN 1997 and EN 1999. In particular, EN 1998 should be applied
to structures of consequence classes CC1, CC2 and CC3, as defined in EN 1990:2023, 4.3. Structures of
consequence class CC4 are not fully covered by the Eurocodes but may be required by the relevant
authorities to follow EN 1998, or parts of it.
Given that seismic hazard is characterised by a significant uncertainty, a null seismic risk is not achievable
in practice. Therefore, in Eurocode 8, the seismic action is represented in a conventional form,
proportional in amplitude to earthquake ground motions likely to occur at a given location and
representative of their frequency content. This representation is not the prediction of a particular seismic
movement, and such a movement could give rise to more severe effects than those of the seismic action
considered, inflicting damage greater than the one described by the Limit States contemplated in this

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

Not only is the seismic action associated with significant uncertainty, but, in addition, it should be
recognised that engineering methods are associated with assumptions that may not be verified when
considering the effects of this specific action, under which structures are assumed to respond in the non-
linear regime. Such uncertainties are taken into account according to the general framework of EN 1990,
with a residual risk of underestimation of their effects.
EN 1998 is subdivided in various parts:
• EN 1998-1-1 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 1-1: General rules
and seismic action
• EN 1998-1-2 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 1-2: Buildings
• EN 1998-2 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 1-2: Bridges
• EN 1998-3 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 3: Assessment and
retrofitting of buildings and bridges
• EN 1998-4 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 4: Silos, tanks,
pipelines, towers, masts and chimneys
• EN 1998-5 Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 5: Geotechnical
aspects, foundations, retaining and underground structures

0.3 Introduction to EN 1998-1-1

This document contains general requirements for the earthquake resistant design of all types of
structures covered by EN 1998 (all parts), including definition of the seismic action and the description
of the methods of analysis and verification.
Nevertheless, the definition of the seismic action allows adaptation to a local specific seismic context
through Nationally Determined Parameters defined by the National Authorities or in the National Annex
or through a site-specific assessment.
FprEN 1998-1-1 is subdivided into seven clauses and includes eight annexes, where Annexes B, C, E, G
and M are normative and Annexes A, D and F are informative.

0.4 Verbal forms used in the Eurocodes

The verb “shall” expresses a requirement strictly to be followed and from which no deviation is permitted
in order to comply with the Eurocodes.
The verb “should” expresses a highly recommended choice or course of action. Subject to national
regulation and/or any relevant contractual provisions, alternative approaches could be used/adopted
where technically justified.
The verb “may" expresses a course of action permissible within the limits of the Eurocodes.
The verb “can" expresses possibility and capability; it is used for statements of fact and clarification of

0.5 National annex for EN 1998-1-1

National choice is allowed in this document where explicitly stated within notes. National choice includes
the selection of values for Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs).
The national standard implementing FprEN 1998-1-1 can have a National Annex containing all national
choices to be used for the design of buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed in the relevant

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

When no national choice is given, the default choice given in this document is to be used.
When no national choice is made and no default is given in this document, the choice can be specified by
a relevant authority or, where not specified, agreed for a specific project by appropriate parties.
National choice is allowed in FprEN 1998-1-1 through notes to the following:
1.1(1) 4.1(6) 4.1(8) 4.5.1(2)
5.1.2(2) 5.2.1(1) 5.2.1(3) 5.2.1(4)
F.3(1) F.4(5) G.3.2(5) G.4(1)
National choice is allowed in FprEN 1998-1-1 on the application of the following informative annexes:
Annex A Annex D Annex F
The National Annex can contain, directly or by reference, non-contradictory complementary information
for ease of implementation, provided it does not alter any provisions of the Eurocodes.

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

1 Scope
1.1 Scope of FprEN 1998-1-1

(1) This document is applicable to the design and verification of buildings and other structures for
earthquake resistance. It gives general rules relevant to all types of structures, with the exception of
structures belonging to consequence class CC4.
NOTE Structures belonging to consequence class CC4 are not fully covered by the Eurocodes. The categories of
structures of consequence class CC4 where Eurocode 8, or parts of it, apply in a country can be provided by the
relevant authorities or can be found in the National Annex.
(2) This document provides basic performance requirements and compliance criteria applicable to
buildings and other structures for earthquake resistance.
(3) This document gives rules for the representation of seismic actions and the description of the design
seismic situations. Certain types of structures, dealt with in other parts of Eurocode 8, need
supplementary rules which are given in those relevant Parts.
(4) This document contains general methods for structural analysis and verification under seismic
actions, including base-isolated structures and structures with distributed dissipative systems.
(5) This document contains rules for modelling and verification of ultimate strengths and deformations.

1.2 Assumptions

(1) The general assumptions of EN 1990:2023, 1.2, are supplemented as given in (2) to (5).
(2) It is assumed that no change in the structure and in the masses carried by the structure will take
place during the construction phase or during the subsequent life of the structure with respect to the
design unless proper justification and verification is provided. This applies also to ancillary elements (see
3.1.2). Due to the specific nature of seismic response, this applies even in the case of changes that lead to
an increase of the structural resistance.
(3) The design documents are assumed to indicate the geometry, the detailing, and the properties of the
materials of all structural members. If appropriate, the design documents are also assumed to include the
properties of special devices to be used and the distances between structural and ancillary elements. The
necessary quality control provisions are assumed to be specified.
(4) Members of special structural importance requiring special checking during construction should be
identified in the design documents and the verification methods to be used should be specified.
(5) In the case of high seismic action class (4.1.1(4)), formal quality system plans, covering design,
construction, and use, additional to the control procedures prescribed in the other relevant Eurocodes,
are assumed to be specified.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text such that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE See the Bibliography for a list of other documents cited that are not normative references, including those
referenced as recommendations (i.e. in ‘should’ clauses), permissions (‘may’ clauses), possibilities ('can' clauses),
and in notes.

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

EN 1990:20231, Eurocode — Basis of structural and geotechnical design

EN 1998 (all parts), Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance

ISO 80000, Quantities and units

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 1990, and the following, apply.
ancillary element
architectural, mechanical or electrical element, system or component which, whether due to lack of
strength or to the way it is connected to the structure, is not considered in seismic design as a load
carrying element but may be the cause of risk to persons or to the structure in the case of an earthquake

antiseismic devices
devices which contribute to modifying the seismic response of a structure by isolating it, by dissipating
energy or by creating permanent or temporary restraints via rigid connections
Note 1 to entry: The devices considered in EN 1998 are those covered in EN 15129
devices that support vertical loads and are not antiseismic devices

behaviour factor
factor used for design purposes to reduce the forces obtained from a linear analysis to account for
overstrength and non-linear response of a structure; its value depends on the construction material, the
structural system and the design procedure used

capacity design method
design method where certain members of the structural system are chosen and suitably designed and
detailed for energy dissipation under severe deformations, while all other structural members are
provided with sufficient strength to ensure that the selected energy dissipation mechanisms can be

design displacement (of the isolation system in a principal direction)
maximum horizontal displacement at the effective stiffness centre between the top of the substructure
and the bottom of the superstructure, occurring in the seismic design situation

1 As impacted by EN 1990:2023/prA1:2024

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displacement-based approach
design method that explicitly accounts for the strength and deformation capacity of the structure, in most
cases considering its non-linear response, and uses verifications in terms of displacements or
Note 1 to entry: In EN 1998, the displacement-based approach is implemented in the form of a non-linear static
procedure based on a pushover analysis. A non-linear response-history analysis, complemented with displacement-
based verifications, can also be adopted
dissipative structure
structure that can dissipate energy by means of ductile hysteretic behaviour and/or by other mechanisms

dissipative zones
predetermined parts of a dissipative structure where the dissipative capabilities are mainly located
Note 1 to entry: These are also called critical regions
dynamically independent unit
structure or part of a structure which is directly subjected to the seismic ground motion and whose
response is not affected by the response of adjacent units or structures

effective damping (of the isolation system in a principal direction)
value of the viscous damping that corresponds to the energy dissipated by the isolation system during
cyclic response at the design displacement

effective period (of the isolation system in a principal direction)
natural period, in the direction considered, of a single degree of freedom system having the mass of the
superstructure and stiffness equal to the effective stiffness of the isolation system

effective stiffness (of the isolation system in a principal direction)
ratio of the value of the total horizontal force transferred through the isolation interface, under the design
displacement in a given direction, to the value of the design displacement in that direction (see 3.1.6);
this corresponds to the secant stiffness associated to the design displacement
Note 1 to entry: The effective stiffness is generally obtained iteratively through consecutive dynamic analyses
effective stiffness centre of the isolation system
stiffness centre calculated at the upper face of the isolation interface, i.e. including the flexibility of the
isolators and of the substructure(s)
Note 1 to entry: In buildings, tanks and similar structures, the flexibility of the substructure may often be neglected
in the determination of this point, which then coincides with the stiffness centre of the isolators

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energy dissipation device
disposable element of the energy dissipation system that dissipates energy caused by relative motion of
each end of the device and does not form part of the main structural system

energy dissipation system
collection of structural members that includes all the energy dissipation devices and all structural
members required to transfer the forces from the energy dissipation devices to the main structural
system and to the base of the structure. It also includes all pins, bolts, gusset plates, brace extensions and
other components required to connect the energy dissipation devices to other elements of the structure

European Technical Product Specification (ETPS)
European Standard (EN), European Technical Specification (TS) or a transparent and reproducible
assessment that complies with all the requirements of an European Assessment Document (EAD)

force-based approach
design method which employs a linear analysis that implicitly accounts for the overstrength and the non-
linear response through a behaviour factor and uses verifications in terms of forces

Note 1 to entry: In EN 1998, it is implemented in the form of a static lateral force method or a dynamic response
spectrum method
full isolation
a superstructure on a isolation system is fully isolated if, in the seismic design situation, it remains within
the elastic range; otherwise, the superstructure is partially isolated

isolation system, isolation interface
collection of isolators used for providing seismic isolation, which are arranged within the isolation

device possessing the characteristics needed for seismic isolation, namely, the ability to support gravity
loads from the superstructure and the ability to accommodate horizontal displacements

Note 1 to entry: The devices considered in EN 1998-1-1 consist of laminated elastomeric bearings, elastoplastic
devices, viscous or friction dampers, sliders with a spherical surface and other devices whose behaviour conforms
main structural system (in structures equipped with energy dissipation systems)
collection of primary and secondary seismic members, and their connections, in structures equipped with
energy dissipation systems
Note 1 to entry: The main structural system and the energy dissipation system may have common structural

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non-dissipative structure
structure designed for seismic action by solely relying on the linear elastic material behaviour

Note 1 to entry: By linear elastic material behaviour in a non-dissipative structure, it is understood that its response
is limited to the elastic resistance limit of its members and can include non-linearities such as cracking
performance factor
multiplicative factor of the seismic action amplitude that accounts concurrently for the consequence class
of a structure and for the limit state under consideration

primary structure
set of structural members composing the seismic action resisting system

primary seismic member
structural member considered as part of the primary structure, modelled in the analysis for the seismic
design situation and fully designed and detailed for earthquake resistance in accordance with the
corresponding rules of EN 1998

Note 1 to entry: The primary seismic members form part of the seismic action resisting system. They provide
strength and stiffness and can also contribute to the dissipation of energy through inelastic response
reduced spectrum
spectrum that is derived from the elastic response spectrum by applying a behaviour factor, to be used
within the force-based approach

reference seismic action
seismic action associated with the Significant Damage limit state for consequence class CC2

resistance of a structural member is the (generalised) force or (generalised) deformation it can sustain
without exceeding a prescribed limit state

secondary seismic member
structural member which is not considered as part of the seismic action resisting system and whose
resistance and stiffness against seismic actions is neglected in design
Note 1 to entry: Secondary seismic members are not required to comply with all the rules of EN 1998 but are
designed and detailed to maintain support of gravity loads when subjected to the displacements caused by the
seismic design situation
Note 2 to entry: Secondary seismic members can contribute to the lateral load resistance of the structure in case of
second-order effects (e.g. in the case of hinged columns)

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seismic action class
interval of seismic action intensities used to establish the applicability of simplified methods and ductility
classes. It accounts for both site amplification, due to topography and site category, and consequence

seismic action index
spectral acceleration, based on seismic hazard and safety choices, used to define seismic action classes

site-specific seismic hazard studies
investigations and subsequent studies that are carried out for a given site in order to obtain detailed
information about the seismic action at the site

stable site
site that is not affected by ground rupture, slope instability, permanent settlements, caused by
liquefaction or significant densification, under the considered seismic action

structure with energy dissipation systems
structure composed of a main structural system and of an energy dissipation system working in parallel

in an isolated structure, part(s) of the structure located under the isolation interface

in an isolated structure, part of the structure located above the isolation interface

total design displacement (of an isolator in a principal direction)
maximum horizontal displacement at the location of the isolator, including the contribution due to the
design displacement and to the global rotation due to torsion about the vertical axis

types of structures
sets of structures that are addressed by a given part of Eurocode 8. The considered types of structures
• buildings;
• bridges;
• silos;
• tanks;
• pipelines;

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• geotechnical structures and systems;

• underground structures;
• towers;
• masts;
• chimneys.

3.2 Symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the symbols and abbreviations given in EN 1990:2023, 3.2, apply.
For the symbols related to materials, as well as for symbols not specifically related to the seismic design
situation, the provisions of the relevant Eurocodes apply.
In addition, further symbols and abbreviations, used in connection with the seismic design situation, are
defined in this document where they occur, for ease of use. However, the most frequently occurring
symbols used in EN 1998-1-1 are listed and defined in 3.2.1 and additional abbreviations are given in

3.2.1 Symbols Symbols used in Clause 4

Upper case Latin symbols

S Seismic action index

S,elas Limit of the seismic action index for a fully elastic analysis

TLS,CC Return period of the seismic action associated to a given limit state LS and a given
consequence class CC
TSD,CC2 Return period of the seismic action associated to the significant damage (SD) limit state and
consequence class CC2

Lower case Greek symbols

 Coefficient that specifies S depending on the consequence class

LS,CC Performance factor associated to a given limit state LS and a given consequence class CC

SD,CC2 Performance factor associated to significant damage (SD) limit state and consequence class
CC2, equal to 1 by definition Symbols used in Clause 5

Upper case Latin symbols

DR Duration of the strong part of a ground motion
FA Ratio of S with respect to the zero-period spectral acceleration
FL Long-period site amplification factor
FT Topography amplification factor

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F Short-period site amplification factor

F Intermediate period (T = T) site amplification factor

H Reference depth for calculation of vs,H. It coincides with H800 if H800 < 30 m, otherwise it is
equal to 30 m
H800 Depth of the bedrock formation identified by a shear wave velocity vs > 800 m/s
Lg,l Characteristic length, function of the site category of support l
Lkl Distance between supports k and l
Mw Earthquake magnitude, measured in the moment magnitude scale
N Number of layers in the soil deposit for calculation of vs,H
PGAe Design peak value of the horizontal ground acceleration
PGDe Design peak value of the horizontal ground displacement
PGDei Value of PGDe at site i for calculation of relative displacement between two sites
PGVe Design peak value of the horizontal ground velocity
Se(T) Elastic response spectrum for the horizontal component of the seismic action
SDe(T) Elastic displacement response spectrum for the horizontal component of the seismic
Sve(T) Elastic response spectrum for the vertical component of the seismic action

S Maximum response spectral acceleration (5% damping) corresponding to the constant

acceleration range of the horizontal elastic response spectrum

Sref Value of S on site category A and for the return period Tref

SRP Value of S on site category A and for a generic value of return period RP

S475 Value of S on site category A and for a return period of 475 years

Sv Maximum response spectral acceleration (5% damping) corresponding to the constant
acceleration range of the vertical elastic response spectrum

S Spectral acceleration (5% damping) at the vibration period T of the horizontal elastic
response spectrum

Sref Value of S on site category A and for the return period Tref

SRP Value of S on site category A and for a generic value of return period RP

Sv Spectral acceleration (5% damping) at the vibration period T of the vertical elastic
response spectrum

Sref,X,S,ref,X Values of S,ref and S,ref, respectively, for a site category X different from site category A

S,RP,X,S,RP,X Values of S,RP and S,RP, respectively, for a site category X different from site category A
T Vibration period of a linear single-degree-of-freedom system

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TA Short-period cut-off associated to the zero-period spectral acceleration

TB Lower corner vibration period of the constant spectral acceleration range
TBv Lower corner vibration period of the constant spectral acceleration range for the vertical
TC Upper corner period of the constant spectral acceleration range
TC,X Value of TC for a site category X different from site category A
TCv Upper corner period of the constant spectral acceleration range for the vertical
TD Corner vibration period at the beginning of the first constant spectral displacement range
TE Corner vibration period at the end of the constant spectral displacement range
TF Vibration period beyond which the spectral displacement equals the peak ground
Tref Value of the reference return period, corresponding to the significant damage (SD) limit
state and to consequence class CC2
T Vibration period anchoring the elastic horizontal spectrum for flexible structures. Unless
otherwise specified, T = 1 s

Lower case Latin symbols

akl Factor for the evaluation of correlation coefficient kl between seismic action effects on
supports k and l
dij,max Maximum relative displacement between two sites at distance xij
dij,ld,max Maximum relative displacement between two sites at large distance
fh Ratio of S,ref to S,ref

fv Ratio of S,v to S

fv Ratio of S,v to S

hi Thickness of the i-th layer of the soil deposit
i Average slope angle of a topographic irregularity
k Factor for the evaluation of the relationship between S,475/S,ref and 475/Tref
Lg,k Characteristic length function of the site category of support k

r Factor to account for non-linear site amplification effects on F

r Factor to account for non-linear site amplification effects on F

vs Propagation velocity of shear (S) waves, measured at low strain
vi Value of vs for the i-th layer of the soil deposit
vs,H Equivalent value of vs down to the reference depth H

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vs,30 Equivalent value of vs in the upper 30 m of the soil deposit

xij Spatial distance between two sites
xL Normalisation distance for calculation of relative displacement between two sites

Lower case Greek symbols

 Factor for the evaluation of corner period TB based on TC

 Damping correction factor for the elastic response spectrum, with a reference value  = 1
for 5% damping ratio 

 Equivalent viscous damping ratio of the structure

kl Correlation coefficient between action effects, when the seismic action is represented by a
set of response spectra, for every couple of supports with indices k and l Symbols used in Clause 6

Upper case Latin symbols

Ed Design value of the action effect in the seismic design situation, including possible influence
of second-order effects
ED Energy dissipated by the antiseismic devices
EDi Energy dissipated by antiseismic device i
EE, EEi Maximum value of a seismic action effect (force, displacement, etc.) and value of this seismic
action effect due to vibration mode i, respectively
EEdx, EEdy Action effect due to the application of the seismic action along orthogonal horizontal axis x
and y, respectively
EEdz Action effect due to the application of the vertical component of the design seismic action
Es Energy reversibly stored (elastic strain energy and potential energy) within the structure
including the isolation system
E* Area under the transformed capacity curve 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) up to the point (𝑑m

, 𝐹m∗ ) of the equivalent
SDOF system in pushover analysis
F* Equivalent force in the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
Fm* Force at the last point on the curve 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) or the point of maximum force of the equivalent
SDOF system in pushover analysis
Fy* Yield force obtained by bilinearisation of the force-deformation relationship of the
equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
T* Equivalent period of the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
F0 Force at zero displacement of the isolation system under cyclic loading not including the
contribution of velocity-dependent devices
Fb Total shear force in pushover analysis

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Fi Pushover lateral force in the direction under consideration at the i-th node
Gk,j Permanent gravity loads as appearing in the seismic design situation
KP Post-elastic (tangent) stiffness of the isolation system
Md Mass of the rigid superstructure of an isolation system
Qk,i Variable gravity loads as appearing in the seismic design situation
Rd Design value of resistance corresponding to the design action effect Ed
Rq(T) Reduction factor used in the definition of the reduced design spectrum
Rq0 Value of Rq(T) associated with the zero-period spectral acceleration
Sr(T) Reduced design spectrum in the horizontal direction
Svr(T) Reduced design spectrum in the vertical direction
Sy Yield acceleration of the equivalent SDOF model
T1 Predominant period of the structure in the considered direction
Ti Period of vibration of mode i
TSSI Predominant period of the structure in the considered direction resulting from an analysis
accounting for soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects

Keff Effective stiffness of a base-isolated structure

Teff Effective period of a base-isolated structure

𝐹 Pattern of the pushover forces

VR Design resistance of brittle mechanisms

VR,SD Resistance of brittle mechanisms at SD limit state

Lower case Latin symbols

cdt Correction factor to be applied to the target displacement to account for a transverse
participation of the mode considered
ddb Design displacement of the equivalent linear model of an isolation system in the seismic
situation, including x
dEd Seismic displacement of the isolation system in the considered direction
ds, dr Displacement of a point of the structural system induced by the design seismic action and
calculated displacement of the same point of the structural system under the reduced
spectrum associated to the design seismic action, respectively
dn Control displacement in pushover analysis
𝑑u Control displacement at which the ultimate local deformation, brittle failure or instability is
attained in any member
d* Equivalent displacement of the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis

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dt* Target displacement in pushover analysis

det* Target displacement of the equivalent SDOF model with unlimited elastic behaviour
dm* Displacement corresponding to Fm* of the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
du* Ultimate displacement considered in the force-displacement relationship of the equivalent
SDOF system in pushover analysis
dy* Yield displacement obtained by bilinearisation of the force-deformation relationship of the
equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
dSD* Displacement of the equivalent SDOF oscillator that corresponds to the attainment of SD
limit state
k* Stiffness of the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
mi Effective mass of the i-th node
m* Mass of the equivalent SDOF system in pushover analysis
q Behaviour factor in the horizontal direction
qdisp Displacement behaviour factor
qD Behaviour factor component accounting for the deformation capacity and energy
dissipation capacity of a fixed-base structure
qD,SSI Value of qD to be used in an analysis accounting for SSI effects
qR Behaviour factor component accounting for overstrength due to the redistribution of
seismic action effects in redundant structures
qS Behaviour factor component accounting for overstrength due to all other sources
qv Behaviour factor in the vertical direction
rij Correlation factor in modal combination
u Force reduction factor in pushover analysis

Upper case Greek symbols

 Transformation factor between a MDOF system and the equivalent SDOF system

’ Value of  denoting the modal participation factor of the mode in the direction orthogonal
to the one under consideration

Lower case Greek symbols

 Pushover loading factor used to modulate the amplitude of the pushover forces

ij Factor for the evaluation of rij: ij = (Ti – Tj)/(Ti + Tj)

SD,d Portion of the plastic part of the displacement of the equivalent SDOF oscillator that
corresponds to the attainment of SD limit state

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SD, Portion of the plastic part of the ultimate chord rotation that corresponds to the attainment
of SD limit state

 Lower bound factor for the horizontal reduced design spectrum

i Displacement value of mode  at the i-th node in the considered direction of seismic action

n Displacement value of mode  at the control node in the considered direction of seismic
action in pushover analysis

Rd Partial factor on resistance for displacement-based approach

x Amplification factor for antiseismic devices

s Deformation parameter associated to a plastic mechanism in state s

 NC Value of s that corresponds to the attainment of NC limit state

 SD Value of s that corresponds to the attainment of SD limit state

u Ultimate capacity value of s

 upl Plastic part of ultimate capacity value of s

y Value of s at yielding

 Chord rotation of frames

d Additional amplification factor for antiseismic devices introduced to cope with cumulative

ij Factor for the evaluation of rij: ij = Ti/Tj

i, j Damping ratios corresponding to vibration modes i and j

eff Effective damping of a base-isolated structure

E,i Combination coefficients taking into account the likelihood of the loads Qk,i not acting on the
entire structure during the earthquake Symbols used in Clause 7

Upper case Latin symbols

A Cross-sectional area of a steel brace
Ac Cross-sectional area of a steel column
Aeff Effective shear area of a steel cross section
net Yielding zone of the BRB core
Aw Web area of the steel cross section
Asw Area of one layer of transverse reinforcement in the direction of shear
D Diameter of a circular section
Do Centreline diameter of circular hoop

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EI Cross-sectional stiffness (effective flexural stiffness) of beams and columns

G Shear modulus of steel
Ip Moment of inertia of the web panel cross section, including the column web doubler plates
K Factor for the evaluation of confined concrete characteristics fcc and εc0,c
Ke Elastic stiffness (= Q*y/ y); axial stiffness of a BRB
L Assumed clear member length
L0 Shear span of the steel beam
Lb Unbraced length of the steel beam
LV Shear span of a frame (= moment/shear at the end section, i.e. length to the point of
LVl Value of LV on the left side of the point of contraflexure of a frame
LVr Value of LV on the right side of the point of contraflexure of a frame
MRk Characteristic flexural resistance of the steel beam for strong axis bending
Mpl Full plastic flexural resistance of the web panel
M*u Effective flexural resistance at ultimate limit state of the steel beam
M*u+ Effective flexural resistance at ultimate limit state of the composite steel-concrete beam
under sagging
M*u- Effective flexural resistance at ultimate limit state of the composite steel-concrete beam
under hogging
M*y Effective flexural resistance at yield of a steel beam
M*y+ Effective flexural resistance at yield of the composite steel-concrete beam under sagging
M*y- Effective flexural resistance at yield of the composite steel-concrete beam under hogging
Nb,compr Number of bars near the extreme compression fibres
Nb,Rd Buckling resistance of steel brace
NEd,G Axial load demand of the column due to non-seismic actions in the seismic design situation
NEd Compressive or tensile axial force of the steel member in the seismic design situation
Npl,e Axial yield resistance of a steel column or bracings
Nut, Nuc Effective axial resistance at ultimate limit state of the steel brace in tension and
compression, respectively
N*y Effective axial resistance at yield of the yielding zone of the BRB core
Q*u Effective ultimate limit state resistance
Q*v Yield resistance of steel and composite steel-concrete structure members

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Q*y Effective yield resistance

V Effective shear resistance at yield of an EBF link
Vy Shear resistance at yield of a web panel

Lower case Latin symbols

cdt Correction factor to be applied to the target displacement to account for a transverse
participation of the mode considered
ddb Design displacement of the equivalent linear model of an isolation system in the seismic
situation, including x
a* Effective hardening ratio of a structural steel column under flexure
aV z Tension shift of the bending moment diagram (aV = 1 if shear cracking is expected to precede
flexural yielding at the end section, = 0 otherwise)
bo and ho Confined core dimensions to the centreline of the perimeter bar
b Width of the compression zone
bi Centreline spacing of longitudinal bars (indexed by i) laterally restrained by a stirrup corner
or hook along the perimeter of the cross section
bf Flange width of I-shaped steel cross section
bw Width of the steel cross section of one web (even in box-sections with more than one parallel
web) which is perpendicular to the direction of shear
c Web depth of I-shaped steel cross section
d and d' Depths to the tension and compression reinforcement, respectively, for concrete sections;
depth of the edge of the respective HSS cross section parallel to the direction of the seismic
dbL (mean) diameter of the tension reinforcement
e Length of link beam
fc Concrete mean compressive strength (in MPa)
fcc Confined concrete compressive strength (in MPa)
fy Longitudinal bar mean yield strength; nominal yield stress of the steel material of the
structural steel beam or column (in MPa)
fym Structural steel members mean strength (in MPa)
fyw Stirrup mean yield strength (in MPa)
h Depth of the (unspalled) concrete section or full depth of the steel cross section
h0 Depth of confined core section
hb Steel beam cross-sectional depth
hc Steel column cross-sectional depth

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hrib Overall depth of the profiled steel sheeting excluding the longitudinal stiffener
iz Radius of gyration of a steel cross section with respect to its weak axis
l0 Straight lap-splice length of longitudinal bars
lpl Plastic hinge length
n Number of longitudinal bars laterally restrained by a stirrup corner or hook along the
perimeter of the cross section or shear deformation contribution factor for steel members
sw Transverse reinforcement centreline spacing
t Thickness of the square or rectangular HSS cross section
tf Flange thickness of I-shaped steel cross section
tsl Slab thickness above the steel deck
tp Thickness of web panel
tw Web thickness of I-shaped steel cross section
z Internal lever arm of a reinforced concrete section

Upper case Greek symbols

 Deflection at the end of the shear span of a structural member

l Value of  on the left side of the point of contraflexure of a frame

r Value of  on the right side of the point of contraflexure of a frame

u Axial displacement at ultimate limit state for a BRB

upl Plastic part of the deformation up to the peak axial resistance in tension and compression
of a BRB

y Value of  at yield; axial displacement at yield of a BRB

Lower case Greek symbols

 Confinement effectiveness factor

 Factor for the evaluation of the effective flexural resistance at yield of a steel beam

t, c, u Steel brace axial displacement at yield in tension, at buckling in compression, and at
ultimate limit state, respectively

upl Plastic part of ultimate deformation capacity of a member

 *u Deformation at ultimate capacity of a member corresponding to the attainment of the

effective ultimate limit state resistance Q*u

y Deformation at yield, corresponding to the attainment of the effective yield resistance Q*y

εc0 Concrete strain at fc

εc0,c Confined concrete strain associated to fcc

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εc2 Ultimate compression strain of (unconfined) concrete

c2,c Ultimate compression strain of confined concrete core

εsu Ultimate tensile strain of longitudinal bars

εsu,nom Uniform elongation at tensile strength in a standard steel coupon test

u Ultimate curvature at the end-section calculated from a section analysis

y Yield curvature at the end-section calculated from a section analysis

CT Compression strength adjustment factor

p Shear distortion at ultimate of an EBF link or column web panel

y Yield shear distortion of the web panel

axial Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity for an axial force different than zero

concrete Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity for concrete strength different than
25 MPa

confinement Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity considering the confinement of
concrete due to transverse bars

conform Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity, accounting for structures conforming
to a given ductility class (DC)

reinf Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity for asymmetrical reinforcement

shearspan Correction factor of plastic chord rotation capacity for a shear span ratio different from 2,5

, Cl,1 Critical local slenderness ratio for the steel brace cross section and corresponding local
slenderness for Class 1 HSS sections, respectively

axial Correction factor of plastic hinge length accounting for axial force

𝜆Cl.1 Limit of width-to-thickness ratio of class 1 cross section

𝜆f Width-to-thickness ratio of a cross section

section Correction factor of plastic hinge length accounting for shear span

shearspan Correction factor of plastic hinge length accounting for section dimensions

 Normalised axial force

G Axial load ratio of the steel column due to the non-seismic actions in the seismic design

l Chord rotation on the left side of the point of contraflexure of a frame

r Chord rotation on the right side of the point of contraflexure of a frame

u0pl Basic value of the plastic part of chord rotation capacity of a member

upl,+ Plastic part of rotation capacity of composite steel-concrete beams under sagging

upl,- Plastic part of rotation capacity of composite steel-concrete beams under hogging

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u,slip Post-yield fixed-end rotation due to yield penetration in the anchorage zone beyond the
yielding end of the member

’ Geometrical ratio of the bars under compression

sw Volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement in the direction of shear

tot Geometrical ratio of all longitudinal bars

𝜒LT Reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling

rm Material randomness factor, i.e. the ratio between the expected average yield strength of
steel products of a certain steel grade and the nominal yield strength of that steel grade;
for aluminium, it corresponds to the ratio of the expected (i.e. average) value of the
conventional elastic limit 𝑓o to its design value from EN 1999-1-1

’ Mechanical ratio of the bars under compression

tot Mechanical ratio of all longitudinal bars

𝜔sh Hardening factor of the BRB core Further symbols used in Annex B

Lower case Latin symbols

f0 Fundamental frequency of the soil deposit Further symbols used in Annex E

Upper case Latin symbols

F3 and F4 Forces corresponding to the characteristic points from the idealised force-displacement
Na Number of accelerograms
Se,LS Limit-state spectral acceleration, i.e. the median value of spectral acceleration at the
predominant vibration period of the structure which causes a designated limit state
Se,LS,i Limit-state spectral acceleration corresponding to the i-th accelerogram, i.e. the value of
spectral acceleration at the predominant vibration period of the structure which causes a
designated limit state in the case of the i-th accelerogram

Lower case Latin symbols

c Coefficient of damping of an equivalent SDOF model
d3 and Displacements corresponding to the characteristic points from the idealised force-
d4 displacement relationship

𝑑t,i Peak displacement of the equivalent SDOF model for the i-th accelerogram

k* Initial stiffness of the equivalent SDOF model

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E) Further symbols used in Annex F

Upper case Latin symbols

H(Se) Seismic hazard function, i.e. the median of annual frequency of exceedance of Se
H(Se,LS) Median of annual frequency of exceedance of Se,LS

Se(T1) = Spectral acceleration at the predominant period of the structure

Se,LS Limit-state spectral acceleration, i.e. the median value of spectral acceleration (at the
predominant vibration period of the structure) which causes the designated LS
Se,ref Value of spectral acceleration at the predominant period of structure T1, corresponding to
the reference return period Tref of the seismic action for SD limit state
PLS Annual probability of exceedance of a specific limit state
Pt,LS,CC Target annual probability of exceedance of a specific limit state for a given consequence
class of the structure
P(LS|Se) Probability that the ground motion with intensity equal to Se will cause the exceedance of
limit state LS

Lower case Latin symbols

k Negative slope of the seismic hazard curve for Se in logarithmic domain

Upper case Greek symbols

 Cumulative distribution function of the standardised Normal distribution

Lower case Greek symbols

Se,LS Logarithmic standard deviation of Se,LS

Se,LS,min Minimum value of the Se,LS

Se,LS,max Maximum value of the Se,LS

3.2.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.

BRB Buckling restrained braces
CCi Consequence classes, i = 1, 2 or 3 (possibly subdivided in 3-a and 3-b, depending on the
relevant part of Eurocode 8)
CPT Cone penetration test
CQC Complete quadratic combination
DC1 Ductility class 1
DC2 Ductility class 2

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DC3 Ductility class 3

DL Damage limitation
EBF Eccentrically braced frame
ER Energy ratio for the standard penetration test
ETA European Technical Assessment
FVT Field vane test
HSS Hollow structural steel
LS Limit state
MDOF Multi-degree-of-freedom
NC Near collapse
OP Fully operational
PFA Peak floor acceleration
PGA Peak ground acceleration
PGD Peak ground displacement
PGV Peak ground velocity
PMT Pressuremeter test
RBS Reduced beam section
SD Significant damage
SDOF Single-degree-of-freedom
SLS Serviceability limit state
SPT Standard penetration test
SRSS Square root of the sum of the squares
SSI Soil-structure interaction
ULS Ultimate limit state

3.3 S.I. Units

For the purposes of this document, the S.I. Units given in ISO 80000 apply.
For calculations, the following units are used when applicable:
— mass: kg
— mass density: kg/m3
— forces and loads: N, kN, N/m, kN/m, N/m², kN/m2
— unit weight: N/m3, kN/m3

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— stresses and strengths: Pa (= N/m2), kPa (= kN/m2), MPa (= MN/m2)

— moments (bending, etc): Nm, kNm
— time: s
— displacement and length: m
— velocity: m/s
— acceleration: m/s2

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4 Basis of design
4.1 Performance objectives

(1) Structures shall be designed so that, in the event of earthquakes, the following performance
requirements are met with an appropriate degree of reliability:
— human lives are protected;
— damage is limited;
— facilities important for civil protection remain operational.
NOTE 1 The random nature of the seismic events and the necessary optimal allocation of limited economic
resources are such as to make the attainment of these goals only measurable in probabilistic terms. Annex F
provides a basis for measuring performance of structures in probabilistic terms.
NOTE 2 Strong ground motions generated by individual earthquakes are not predictable in a deterministic way.
Therefore, the purpose of EN 1998 (all parts) is not to determine the seismic response of structures in the event of
a specific earthquake, but rather to limit the overall consequences of earthquakes.
(2) In order to meet the performance requirements in (1), it shall be verified that structures are
designed in such a way that specified limit states are not exceeded under prescribed seismic actions.
NOTE Seismic actions are introduced in this standard to meet the performance requirements despite the
unpredictable variability of the seismic input motion. Such actions are to be regarded as conventional and cannot
be related to any specific earthquake event.
(3) It shall be verified that ancillary elements are designed in such a way that the performance
requirements in (1) are met under the design seismic action.
(4) The seismic design cases should be categorised in seismic action classes according to Table 4.1,
depending on the value of the seismic action index, S, defined by Formula (4.1).

S =  F FT S,475 (4.1)


 is a coefficient that depends on the consequence class of the considered structure;

F is the site amplification factor given in;
FT is the topography amplification factor given in;
S,475 is the reference maximum spectral acceleration for the return period of 475 years (see

Table 4.1 — Range of S values to define seismic action classes

Range of seismic
Seismic action class
action index

Very low S < 1,30 m/s2

Low 1,30 m/s2  S < 3,25 m/s2

Moderate 3,25 m/s2  S < 6,50 m/s2

High S  6,50 m/s2

NOTE 1 The values of  are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8 according to the type of structure considered.

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NOTE 2 Values in Table 4.1 are calibrated based on seismicity levels presented in Table 5.2 for CC2 buildings,
with an assumed 1,3 value for lumped effects of site amplification factor and topography factor.
(5) The provisions of EN 1998 (all parts) may be neglected in cases of very low seismic action class.
(6) In cases of low seismic action class and for well-defined categories of structures, the performance
requirements may be satisfied through the application of rules simpler than those given in the relevant
parts of Eurocode 8.
NOTE If any, the categories of structures, with their associated design and verification rules, for which (6)
applies in a country can be provided by the relevant authorities or can be found in the National Annex.
(7) For specific structures as specified in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8, structures may be verified by
the force-based approach given in 6.4, applying a) to e):
a) the material partial factor values to consider in the verifications at ULS are those of the seismic
design situation;
b) Rq(T) = 1 in 6.4.1(6);
c) qv = 1 in 6.4.1(7);
d) 5, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.7.1(1), (2), (5) and (6), 6.7.2(4), 6.7.3(5) and (7), are applied;
e) other conditions should be applied as given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
NOTE This excludes the use of this option for structures not explicitly mentioned in the corresponding parts.
(8) The performance requirements should be defined for the construction phase in terms of
consequence class (see 4.2), limit states to be verified (see 4.3) and associated seismic action.
NOTE No verification is required for the construction phase, unless such verification is required by the relevant
authorities or, in absence of such requirement, agreed for a specific project by the relevant parties.

4.2 Consequence classes

(1) Consequences classes defined in EN 1990:2023,, and 4.3(1), shall be used for the application
of EN 1998 (all parts).
(2) Structures should be regarded as belonging to consequence class CC2 if not otherwise specified.
(3) Consequence class CC3 may be divided into two subclasses, CC3-a and CC3-b, depending on the
importance of the structures for public safety and civil protection in the immediate post-earthquake
NOTE For a given type of structure, guidance for classification in CC3-a or CC3-b is given in the relevant part of
Eurocode 8.

4.3 Limit states and associated seismic action

(1) The seismic performance of a structure shall be measured by its state of damage under a given
seismic action. The state of damage shall be referred to the four limit states (LS), defined in a) to d), for
EN 1998 (all parts):
NOTE Quantitative definition of limit states is introduced in some cases at the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
a) LS of Near Collapse (NC) shall be defined as one in which the structure is heavily damaged, with
large permanent drifts, but retains its vertical load bearing capacity; most ancillary components,
where present, have collapsed.
b) LS of Significant Damage (SD) shall be defined as one in which the structure is significantly
damaged, possibly with moderate permanent drifts, but retains its vertical load bearing capacity;
ancillary components, where present, are moderately damaged (e.g. partitions and infills are

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damaged but have not yet failed out-of-plane). The structure is expected to be repairable but, in
some cases, it may be uneconomic to repair.
c) LS of Damage Limitation (DL) shall be defined as one in which the structure is only slightly
damaged and economic to repair, with negligible permanent drifts, undiminished ability to
withstand future earthquakes and structural members retaining their full strength with a limited
decrease in stiffness; ancillary components, where present, exhibit only minor damage that can
be economically repaired (e.g. partitions and infills may show distributed cracking).
d) Fully Operational LS (OP) shall be defined as one in which the structure is only slightly damaged
and economic to repair, allowing continuous operation of systems hosted by the structure.
(2) SD and NC limits states should be considered as Ultimate Limit States. DL and OP limit states should
be considered as Serviceability Limit States.
NOTE Ultimate limit states (ULS) and serviceability limit states (SLS) are defined in EN 1990:2023, 5.3 and 5.4
(3) Except when (5) is used, seismic actions should be specified in terms of their return periods. The
attainment of the performance requirements should be achieved by selecting appropriate return periods,
TLS,CC, depending on the specified limit states, LS, and consequence class, CC, of the structures.
NOTE For a given type of structure, TLS,CC values are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8. For each limit
state and consequence class, the return period is related to the target reliability, expressed in terms of target
reliability index t,LS,CC in the service life tL of the structure, as TLS,CC = – tL / ln (0,8 t,LS,CC). Suggested values of t,LS,CC
are given in Annex F, Table F.1 (NDP).
(4) The value of the return period specified for limit state SD and consequence class CC2, TSD,CC2 should
be considered as the reference return period Tref introduced in 5.2.1(3).
NOTE 1 The seismic action associated to TSD,CC2 is designated as the “reference seismic action”.
NOTE 2 A return period TR corresponds to a given probability of exceedance p in the service life tL of the structure,
as given by TR = – tL / ln(1 – p).
(5) Performance factors, LS,CC, applied as multiplicative factors of the seismic action amplitude, may be
used as an alternative to the return periods defined in (3). A value of 1,0 should be assigned to SD,CC2.
NOTE For a given type of structure, LS,CC values (NDP) are given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8. The values
of LS,CC correspond to the ratios of the intensities characterised by TLS,CC to the intensity characterised by Tref,
calculated with a value of the hazard slope k = 3, appropriate for the seismicity corresponding to the moderate
seismic action class, as given by 𝛾LS,CC = ( 𝑇 ) . See also 5.2.1(2) and the note on Formula (F.5).

4.4 Primary and secondary seismic members

(1) A certain number of structural members may be designated as secondary seismic members, not
forming part of the seismic resisting system of the building. The strength and stiffness of these members
in resisting seismic actions should be neglected in the models for seismic analysis unless specific
conditions by type of structure are given in the relevant part.
NOTE The possible secondary seismic members are made explicit in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
(2) The secondary seismic members and their connections should be designed and detailed to maintain
support to non-seismic actions in the seismic design situation, in particular gravity loads, when subjected
to the displacements caused by the most unfavourable seismic design condition. Due allowance for
second-order effects (P- effects), in both the structure and these members, should be made in the design
of secondary seismic members.
(3) All structural members not designated as being secondary seismic members should be taken as

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(4) The contribution of the lateral stiffness of secondary seismic members to the total stiffness should
not significantly affect the dynamic behaviour of the structure.
NOTE 1 To fulfil this requirement, specific conditions by type of structure are given in the relevant parts of
Eurocode 8.
NOTE 2 The effects of secondary seismic members on the local distribution of internal forces in primary seismic
members are addressed in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.

4.5 Compliance criteria for new structures

4.5.1 General

(1) To satisfy the seismic performance requirements for new structures according to EN 1998 (all
— the requirements for design verification detailed in 4.5.2 shall be applied;
— the non-exceedance of the SD limit state shall be verified.
NOTE 1 EN 1998 (all parts) is conceived in such a way that, for a large majority of new structures, the SD non-
exceedance requirement implies avoiding NC exceedance under a seismic action meaningfully more severe than
that of design, as well as avoiding DL exceedance under a seismic action less severe than that of design. Additionally,
by taking into account the consequence class of the structures, the SD non-exceedance requirement implicitly contributes,
to some extent, to fully operational performance.
NOTE 2 Compliance criteria for assessment of existing structures are given in EN 1998-3.
(2) Limit states should be verified according to 6.7.
NOTE The choice of Limit States, in addition to SD, to be verified in a country for each type of structure, can be
found in the National Annex to the corresponding part of Eurocode 8.

4.5.2 Design verification principles

(1) In order to ensure sufficient deformation capacity and cumulative energy dissipation capacity that
are necessary to meet the performance requirements, brittle failure or the premature formation of
unstable mechanisms shall be avoided.
NOTE 1 EN 1998 (all parts) considers that performance requirements are attained by a combination of strength,
deformation capacity and cumulative energy dissipation capacity. It takes also into account overstrength resulting
from the application of the other relevant Eurocodes.
NOTE 2 Two main approaches are used in Eurocode 8 to verify the adequate combination of strength,
deformation capacity and cumulative energy dissipation capacity: the force-based approach and the displacement-
based approach (see 6.4 to 6.6). In addition, for structures with energy dissipation systems, a method based on
energy balance is applied (see 6.8).
(2) (1) may be considered as satisfied when the capacity design procedure is used, where required in
the relevant parts of Eurocode 8. This procedure should be used to obtain the hierarchy of resistance of
the various structural components and failure modes necessary for ensuring sufficient deformation
capacity and cumulative energy dissipation capacity. For a proper implementation of this procedure, the
detailing of connections between structural members and of regions where non-linear behaviour is
foreseen should receive special care in design.
(3) Structures should be categorised into three ductility classes, based on their deformation capacity
and cumulative energy dissipation capacity: DC1 (Ductility Class 1), DC2 (Ductility Class 2) and DC3
(Ductility Class 3).
NOTE 1 In DC1, the overstrength capacity is taken into account, while the inelastic deformation capacity and
energy dissipation capacity are disregarded.

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NOTE 2 In DC2, the local overstrength capacity, the local deformation capacity and the local energy dissipation
capacity are taken into account. Global plastic mechanisms are controlled by limited verifications.
NOTE 3 In DC3, the ability of the structure to form a global plastic mechanism at SD limit state is verified and its
local overstrength capacity, local deformation capacity and local energy dissipation capacity are taken into account.
(4) Categorisation of a structure as DC1, DC2 or DC3 should be based on its compliance with provisions
that are specified in the relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(5) In order to meet the performance requirements, it should be verified that all structural members, as
well as their connections and relevant ancillary elements have a resistance not lower than the
corresponding action effects in the seismic design situation (see 6.7).
(6) Calculation of action effects and resistances should depend on the selected approach (force-based
or displacement-based, see 6.1) and on the ductility class.
NOTE Rules applicable to a given type of structures are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
(7) The foundations should transmit the actions received from the superstructure to the ground as
uniformly as possible.
NOTE This implies a sufficient stiffness of the foundation elements according to EN 1998-5.
(8) In addition to 4.1(3), ancillary elements should be designed in such a way that they do not have a
detrimental effect on the dynamic response of the structure.
(9) In the seismic design situation, fastenings to concrete shall be designed according to Annex G.

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5 Site conditions and seismic action

5.1 Site conditions
5.1.1 General

(1) Site conditions shall be identified to establish the seismic action.

(2) (1) may be considered as satisfied if the site is categorised according to the criteria given in 5.1.2.
(3) The construction site and the supporting ground should not be potentially affected by the effects of
fault rupture, slope instability and/or permanent settlements, caused by liquefaction or significant
densification, under the considered seismic action.
NOTE When criteria in (3) are met, the site is defined as stable.
(4) When the site is not stable (i.e. criteria in (3) are not met), instability phenomena should be
investigated in accordance with FprEN 1998-5:2024, Clause 7.
(5) Specific analyses to account for the vicinity to well identified seismically active faults should be
carried out if all the conditions a) to c) apply:
a) the return period, TLS,CC, under consideration is longer than 1 000 years;
b) the maximum earthquake that the fault can generate has an expected moment magnitude Mw
greater than 6,5;
c) the minimum distance of the site from the segment obtained by projecting the top edge of the
fault to the ground surface is less than 5 km.
(6) If conditions a) to c) in (5) are met, site-specific seismic hazard studies shall be performed according
to Annex C, accounting also for the possible seismic fault offset.

5.1.2 Site categorisation

(1) The site may be categorised in one of the categories A to F given in Table 5.1.
(2) In case additional site categories are deemed necessary to better distinguish the seismic response
features of a region (e.g. hard rocks, very deep basins, very shallow and soft sites, irregularly layered soil
profiles), this should be done through specific seismic ground response or zonation studies at a regional
or urban scale.
NOTE Additional site categories can be found in the National Annex.
(3) For the purpose of site categorisation, ground materials should be characterised from the ground
surface down to a depth of at least 30 m, except if the seismic bedrock formation, as defined in (6), is at a
shallower depth.
(4) Measurements already available in the close vicinity of the site may be used, provided documented
evidence of limited variability of soil conditions.
NOTE In such case of limited variability of soil conditions, a distance up to 100 m can be regarded as close
(5) The profile of the shear wave velocity vs in the ground should be regarded as the most reliable
predictor of the site-dependent characteristics of the seismic action at stable sites.
(6) Identification of the site category should be based on one of the two approaches a) or b). In case both
approaches a) and b) are used and different results are obtained in terms of identification of the site
category, the result from approach a) should prevail:

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a) Applying (8) to (10), where H800 is the depth of the seismic bedrock formation identified by vs at least
equal to 800 m/s and vs,H is the equivalent value of the shear wave velocity of the superficial soil
deposit as defined in (7);
b) If information on H800 and/or vs,H is not available or is incomplete, Annex B shall be used.
(7) vs,H should be defined as given in Formula (5.1).
𝑣s,H = ℎi (5.1)

hi is the thickness of the i-th soil layer;
vi is the shear-wave velocity of the i-th soil layer;
N is the total number of soil layers from the ground surface down to depth H;
H = min(30 m; H800). If H800  30 m vs,H is denoted by vs,30.
(8) To obtain vs,H from Formula (5.1), direct measurements of vi within each layer at small strains should
be preferred, performed either through invasive (in-hole measurements) or non-invasive (e.g. analysis
of surface waves) techniques.
(9) The standard rock site should be characterised by H800 = 0 m and categorised as type A.
(10) For vs,H < 800 m/s, site categories A to F should be characterised by H800 and vs,H, as given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 — Standard site categorisation

Ground class stiff soft
vs,H range 400 m/s ≤ vs,H 250 m/s ≤ vs,H 150 m/s ≤ vs,H
Depth class
H800 range < 800 m/s < 400 m/s < 250 m/s

very shallow H800 ≤ 5 m A A E

shallow 5 m < H800 ≤ 30 m B E E
intermediate 30 m < H800 ≤ 100 m B C D
deep H800 > 100 m B F F

5.2 Seismic action

5.2.1 Spectral acceleration maps

(1) For use of EN 1998 (all parts), territories shall be mapped depending on the local seismic hazard.
NOTE The mapped representation of the seismic hazard implies that the National Annex provides the reference
spectral acceleration parameters in (3) in terms of values defined on a sufficiently dense grid throughout the
considered territory. These parameters can also be grouped into seismic zones, within which the same reference
spectral accelerations apply.
(2) In case the hazard mapping takes the form of seismic zones, these zones should be delimited, and
their seismicity levels qualified according to Table 5.2, where S,475 is the reference spectral acceleration
defined in (3), calculated for a return period of 475 years. If a different reference return period is used
and S,475 is not available, S,475 values may be obtained by applying Formula (5.2).

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475 1⁄𝑘
𝑆α,475 = 𝑆α,ref (𝑇 ) (5.2)

NOTE Formula (5.2) is based on a linear approximation of the hazard curve defining the annual rate of
exceedance in a log scale, where k is the slope at S,ref. A usual value of k is 3. In application of (1), alternative k values
can be obtained from site-specific seismic hazard studies. See also the notes in 4.3(5) and on Formula (F.5).

Table 5.2 — Range of S,475 values to define seismicity levels

Seismicity level S,475 (m/s2)

Very low S,475 < 1,0 m/s2

Low 1,0 m/s2 ≤ S,475 < 2,5 m/s2

Moderate 2,5 m/s2 ≤ S,475 < 5,0 m/s2

High S,475 ≥ 5,0 m/s2

(3) As the reference representation, the seismic hazard should be described in terms of two parameters,
given in a) and b):
a) S,ref, the reference spectral acceleration, corresponding to the constant acceleration range of the
horizontal 5%-damped elastic response spectrum, as defined by Formula (5.8), for site category
A, for the return period Tref;
NOTE The mapped values to be ascribed to S,ref for use in a country can be found in the National Annex.
b) S,ref, the reference spectral acceleration at the vibration period T = 1 s of the horizontal 5%-
damped elastic response spectrum, as defined in, on site category A, for the return period
NOTE 1 The Tref value is 475 years, unless the National Annex gives a different value for use in a country.
NOTE 2 Informative Annex A gives a small-scale representation of S,475 and S,475 maps of Europe for this default
(4) For the derivation of S,ref, a) or b) may be used:
a) to map the territory in terms of S,475 as specified in (2), and to obtain S,ref by applying Formula

𝑆β,ref = 𝑓h 𝑆α,ref (5.3)

fh = 0,2 for low and very low seismicity levels;
fh = 0,3 for moderate seismicity levels;
fh = 0,4 for high seismicity levels.
b) to obtain S,ref from a seismic hazard study of the territory under consideration and map it
concurrently with S,ref.
NOTE 1 The choice between options a) and b) can be found in the National Annex.
NOTE 2 The mapped values to be ascribed to Sβ,ref for use in a country can be found in the National Annex.
(5) If the reference seismic hazard is established on a site category X other than A, the spectral
parameters to define the horizontal elastic response spectrum in for the considered site
category X should be provided in terms of either a) or b):

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a) S,ref,X and S,ref,X, where

S,ref,X is the reference spectral acceleration, corresponding to the constant acceleration
range of the horizontal 5%-damped elastic response spectrum, for the considered
site category X, for the return period Tref;
S,ref,X is the spectral acceleration at the vibration period T = 1 s of the horizontal 5%-
damped elastic response spectrum, for the considered site category X, for the
return period Tref.
b) S,ref,X and TC,X, where TC, X is the upper corner period of the constant spectral acceleration range.
In this case, the product ST should be replaced by STC,X in Formulae (5.9) and (5.10), and in
Formulae (5.6) to (5.10), TC should be replaced by TC,X.
NOTE 1 The alternative b) in (5) refers to those cases where the territory, or a significant portion of it, is
dominated by a specific site category and the relevant authorities opt for mapping its hazard in terms of spectral
parameters for that specific site category.
NOTE 2 For use in a country, the mapped values to be ascribed to S,ref,X and S,ref,X, for alternative a), or to S,ref,X
and TC,X, for alternative b), can be found in the National Annex.
(6) When earthquakes affecting a site are generated by widely differing seismic sources, the possibility
of adopting several reference pairs of spectral values (S,ref and S,ref) may be considered.
NOTE If this alternative definition of the seismic action is adopted in a country, the reference pairs of spectral
values can be found in the National Annex.
(7) For return periods other than Tref, associated either to a specific limit state or to a specific
consequence class of buildings or to a specific design service life, the corresponding values of the spectral
parameters S,RP and S,RP on site category A may be obtained by either a) or b):
a) from spectral acceleration maps for a set of selected return periods;
b) from performance factors LS,CC, as introduced in 4.3(5) as an alternative to return periods, to be
applied as multiplication factors to the reference spectral parameters as given by Formulae (5.4)
and (5.5).

𝑆α,RP = 𝛾LS,CC 𝑆α,ref (5.4)

𝑆β,RP = 𝛾LS,CC 𝑆β,ref (5.5)

If (5) applies, S,RP, S,ref, S,RP and S,ref should be replaced by S,RP,X, S,ref,X, S,RP,X and S,ref,X, respectively, in
Formulae (5.4) and (5.5).

5.2.2 Basic representation of the seismic action General

(1) Within the scope of EN 1998 (all parts), the seismic action at a given location on the ground surface
shall be represented by horizontal and vertical elastic pseudo absolute acceleration response spectra,
henceforth called “elastic response spectra”.
NOTE A reduced spectrum for the application of the force-based approach is introduced in 6.4.1.
(2) The elastic response spectrum for horizontal components should be taken as defined in,
based on the spectral accelerations S,RP and S,RP, as specified in 5.2.1(7), according to Formulae (5.6) to
(5.10) and to the site and topography amplification factors in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5. Similarly, the elastic
response spectrum for the vertical component should be taken as defined in

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(3) The horizontal seismic action should be described by two orthogonal components represented by
the same elastic response spectrum.
(4) Site-specific ground response studies may be carried out to define the seismic action for
performance verifications, for any site category and consequence class of the structure. These studies
shall be carried out according to Annex C and to FprEN 1998-5:2024, 7.5, and should provide site-specific
elastic response spectra.
(5) Site-specific ground response studies should be carried out if a) or b) apply:
a) for CC3 structures, in case of high seismic action class, with vs,H < 200 m/s;
b) when site conditions cannot be associated with the standard site categories referred to in Table
(6) Time-history representations of the seismic action may be used (see 5.2.3). Horizontal elastic response spectrum

(1) For the horizontal components of the seismic action, an elastic response spectrum Se(T) should be
taken as given by Formulae (5.6) to (5.10) and represented in Figure 5.1:
0 ≤ 𝑇 < 𝑇A : 𝑆𝑒 (𝑇) =

𝑆α 𝑇B −𝑇
𝑇A ≤ 𝑇 < 𝑇B : 𝑆e (𝑇) =
[𝜂(𝑇 − 𝑇A ) +
] (5.7)

𝑇B ≤ 𝑇 < 𝑇C : 𝑆e (𝑇) = 𝜂𝑆α (5.8)

𝑆β 𝑇β
𝑇C ≤ 𝑇 < 𝑇D : 𝑆e (𝑇) = 𝜂 (5.9)

𝑆β 𝑇β
𝑇 ≥ 𝑇D : 𝑆e (𝑇) = 𝜂𝑇D (5.10)

Se(T) is the elastic response spectrum;
T is the vibration period of a linear single-degree-of-freedom system;
S is the maximum response spectral acceleration (for 5% damping) corresponding to
the constant acceleration range of the elastic response spectrum, given by Formula
S is the 5%-damped response spectral acceleration at the vibration period T, given
by Formula (5.12);
T T = 1 s;
TA is the short-period cut-off associated with the zero-period spectral acceleration,
given in (2);
FA is the ratio of S to the zero-period spectral acceleration, given in (2);
𝑆β 𝑇β
𝑇C = is the upper corner period of the constant spectral acceleration range;
TB is the lower corner period of the constant spectral acceleration range, with:
– 𝑇B = 𝜒
, if 0,05 s  𝜒
 0,10 s

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– TB = 0,05 s, if 𝜒
< 0,05 s
– TB = 0,10 s, if 𝜒
> 0,10 s and where the value of  is given in (2);

TD is the corner period at the beginning of the constant displacement response range
of the spectrum, given in (2);
 is the damping correction factor, with a reference value  = 1 for 5% damping ratio,
as given in (12).

Figure 5.1 — Elastic response spectrum shape (with horizontal logarithmic scale)
(2) Values for the additional parameters that are required by Formulae (5.6) to (5.10) may be obtained
from specific seismic hazard studies and may be provided in the form of mapped values at regional or
national scale. In the absence of specific studies, values may be taken from Table 5.3.
NOTE In case these additional parameters apply at a regional scale, their values can be found in the National

Table 5.3 (NDP)— Values of parameters defining the standard

elastic response spectrum
TA (s) FA  TD (s)
2 if 𝑆β,RP ≤ 1 m⁄s 2
0,02 2,5 4
1 + 𝑆β,RP (in m/s²) if 𝑆β,RP > 1 m⁄s 2

(3) If TC  1 s, a specific study for the definition of the horizontal elastic spectrum should be carried out
and the spectral parameters in should be evaluated.
(4) The spectral accelerations S and S should be calculated from Formulae (5.11) and (5.12).

𝑆α = 𝐹T 𝐹α 𝑆α,RP (5.11)

𝑆𝛽 = 𝐹T 𝐹β 𝑆β,RP (5.12)

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F is the short period site amplification factor;

F is the intermediate period (T = T) site amplification factor;
FT is the topography amplification factor, given in (10);
S,RP and S,RP are given in 5.2.1(7).

If 5.2.1(5) applies, 𝐹α 𝑆α,RP and 𝐹β 𝑆β,RP should be replaced by 𝑆α,RP,X and 𝑆β,RP,X in Formulae (5.11) and
(5) For the standard site categories of Table 5.1, values of the site amplification factors introduced in should be taken as given in Table 5.4. Default values in Table 5.4 should be used if the site
category is identified based on criteria in Annex B, B.3. The continuous formulation of the site
amplification factors may be used if either a) or b) apply:
a) values of vs,H and, if applicable, H800 are documented;
b) vs,H and/or H800 are estimated based on Annex B, B.4.

Table 5.4 — Site amplification factors F and F for the standard site categories of Table 5.1

F F
category H800 and vs,H H800 and vs,H
Default value Default value
available available

A 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

B 1,3 (1 − 0,1 𝑆α,RP /𝑔) 1,6 (1 − 0,2 𝑆β,RP /𝑔)

𝑣𝑠,H −0,40 𝑟α 𝑣s,H −0,70 𝑟β
C ( ) 1,6 (1 − 0,2 𝑆α,RP /𝑔) ( ) 2,3 (1 − 0,3 𝑆β,RP /𝑔)
800 800
D 1,8 (1 − 0,3 𝑆α,RP /𝑔) 3,2 (1 − 𝑆β,RP /𝑔)
E 𝑣s,H −0,40 𝑟α 30 (4−10) 2,2 (1 − 0,5 𝑆α,RP /𝑔) 𝑣s,H −0,70 𝑟β 30 3,2 (1 − 𝑆β,RP /𝑔)
( ) ( )
800 800
𝑣𝑠,H −0,40 𝑟α 𝑣s,H −0,70 𝑟β
F 0,90 ( ) 1,7 (1 − 0,3 𝑆α,RP /𝑔) 1,25( ) 4,0 (1 − 𝑆β,RP /𝑔)
800 800

𝑆α,RP /𝑔 𝑆β,RP /𝑔
with 𝑟α = 1 − and 𝑟β = 1 −
𝑣s,H /150 𝑣𝑠,H /150

(H in m, vs,H in m/s, g=9,81 m/s²)

NOTE Values in Table 5.4 are based on median soil amplification factors from empirical ground motion
prediction models calibrated on European records. The standard rock conditions these factors are based on are
those of soil category A (vs > 800 m/s). Therefore, they provide an empirical estimate of soil amplification with
respect to a range of rock conditions wider than the ideal one, outcropping with a flat surface.
(6) Except for moderate and high seismic action classes, the simplifications in a) and b) may be made:
a) default values F = 2,20 and F = 4,0 may be used for any stable site condition;
b) site categories D, E and F in Table 5.4 may be extended to stable very soft soils, with
150 m/s > vs,H ≥ 100 m/s.
(7) If different soil velocity profiles are available at the site, providing either the same ground type or
vs,H values with a difference within 10% of the mean, the average site amplification factors obtained with
the different vs,H values may be used.

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(8) If different ground types are identified at the site, and (7) is not applied, the ground type providing
the largest value of the site amplification factors should be selected to determine the elastic spectrum for
design, unless at least 75% of the structure rests on one ground type and the structure has a continuous
foundation slab. In the latter case, the dominant ground type may be selected.
(9) If additional site categories are introduced at a regional or urban scale according to 5.1.2(2), the
corresponding site amplification factors F and F should be evaluated through site-specific studies.
NOTE If such additional site categories apply at a regional scale, these spectral parameters can be found in the
National Annex.
(10) If topographic irregularities of height greater than 30 m are present, with average slope angles larger
than 15°, and only for ground types A and B, a period-independent topography amplification factor FT
should be applied, evaluated according to Table 5.5. In the other cases, the value FT = 1 should be used.

Table 5.5 — Topography amplification factors for simple topographic irregularities

Topography description FT Simplified sketch*

Flat ground surface, slopes and isolated ridges with

average slope angle i < 15° or height < 30 m

Slopes with average slope angle i > 15° 1,2

Ridges with width at the top much smaller than at

the base and average slope angle 15° < i < 30°

Ridges with width at the top much smaller than at

the base and average slope angle i > 30°

* Values of FT in the second column refer to the top locations (point T in the simplified
sketches). A linear decrease of FT is considered between point T and point B (base) and point
A (located at 100 m distance from T), where FT = 1 applies.

(11) Site-specific studies may be carried out according to the general criteria specified in Annex C, to
quantify the topography amplification with an improved level of accuracy, accounting for its frequency-
(12) The value of the damping correction factor  should be determined through Formula (5.13). Except
for structures equipped with velocity-dependent energy dissipation devices according to clause 6.8, the
damping correction factor should not be taken smaller than 0,55.

1 if 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇A

𝜂 = √(10 + ( 𝑇B −𝑇 ) (ξ − 5))⁄(5 + 𝜉) if 𝑇A < 𝑇 < 𝑇B (5.13)
𝑇 −𝑇 B A

{ √10⁄(5 + 𝜉) if 𝑇B ≤ 𝑇


 is the damping ratio of the structure, expressed as a percentage of critical;

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T is the vibration period considered;

TA and TB are defined in (1).
NOTE 1 The approximation given by Formula (5.13) is valid for periods T up to 4 s.
NOTE 2 When appropriate for a type of structure, values of the damping ratio different from 5 % are given in the
relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(13) The elastic displacement response spectrum, SDe(T) should be as given in Formulae (5.14) to (5.16).

𝑇 2
𝑇 ≤ 𝑇E : 𝑆De (𝑇) = 𝑆e (𝑇) × (2π) (5.14)

𝑇E < 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇F : 𝑆De (𝑇) = 𝑆De (𝑇E ) × [1 + (𝐹L − 1) 𝑇 ] (5.15)
β F −𝑇E

𝑇 > 𝑇F : 𝑆De (𝑇) = 𝑆De (𝑇E ) × 𝐹L (5.16)

Se(T) is given in (1);
TE = max (TD; 6 s);
TF = 10 s;
FL is the long period site amplification factor given by Formula (5.17).

𝑣 −0,4
𝐹L = ( 800 ) (5.17)

NOTE Formulae (5.14) to (5.17) come from an approximation of the elastic response spectrum at long periods,
based on the reference spectral accelerations defined at short (S) and intermediate (S) periods. If an improved
representation of long period spectral ordinates is required, a site-specific seismic hazard analysis can be
performed, as in Annex C, C.3.
(14) In case vs,H is not available, the following values should be used for the determination of the long
period site amplification factor, according to the site category:
a) FL = F for category A;

b) FL = 0,90 F for category B or E;

c) FL = 0,75 F for category C or F;

d) FL = 0,60 F for category D. Vertical elastic response spectrum

(1) For the vertical component of the seismic action, a vertical elastic response spectrum Sve(T) should
be obtained by using Formulae (5.6) to (5.10), where the parameters S, S, TB and TC are replaced by their
counterparts Sv, Sv, TBv and TCv, as given in Formulae (5.18) to (5.21).

𝑆αv = 𝑓vα 𝑆α (5.18)

𝑆βv = 𝑓vβ 𝑆β (5.19)

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𝑆βv 𝑇β
𝑇Cv = [ 𝑆αv
] (5.20)

TBv = 0,05 s (5.21)


0,6 if 𝑆α < 2,5 m/s2

𝑓vα = { 0,04 𝑆α + 0,5 (with 𝑆α in m/s2 ) if 2,5 m/s2 ≤ 𝑆α ≤ 7,5 m/s2 (5.22)
0,8 if 𝑆α > 7,5 m/s2

𝑓vβ = 0,6 (5.23) Design peak values of the seismic ground motion

(1) Design peak values of horizontal ground acceleration (PGAe in m/s²), velocity (PGVe in m/s) and
displacement (PGDe in m) should be calculated according to Formulae (5.24), (5.25) and (5.26),
𝑃𝐺𝐴e = 𝐹α (5.24)

𝑃𝐺𝑉e = 0,06(𝑆α 𝑆β ) (5.25)

𝑃𝐺𝐷e = 𝑆De (𝑇F ) = 0,025 𝜂𝑇β 𝑇D 𝐹L 𝐹T 𝑆β,RP (5.26)

where S, S (in m/s2), T, TD, TF (in s), FA, and FL are defined in
(2) The maximum ground relative displacement, dij,max, between two sites i and j at distance xij, may be
evaluated according to Formulae (5.27) and (5.28).
𝑑ij,max = 𝑑ij,ld,max [1 − 𝑒 −1,25(𝑥ij /𝑥L) ] , with 𝑥L = 500 m (5.27)

𝑑ij,ld,max = √𝑃𝐺𝐷ei 2
+ 𝑃𝐺𝐷ej (5.28)

where PGDei and PGDej are the peak ground displacement at sites i and j, respectively, calculated according
to Formula (5.26) for the corresponding ground conditions. Conventional earthquake magnitude

(1) A conventional value of earthquake magnitude (in terms of moment magnitude Mw), and of the
corresponding duration DR of the strong part of the ground motion, may be associated to the elastic
response spectrum.
NOTE This information can be used for ground liquefaction verification according to FprEN 1998-5:2024, 7.3,
and selection of input accelerograms for response-history analyses according to Annex D.
(2) In the absence of specific evaluations, values given in Table 5.6 may be used.
NOTE Values of Mw in Table 5.6 are associated, through S,RP, to the intermediate period range of the elastic
response spectrum. Values of epicentral distances less than about 20 km are implicitly assumed, since in most cases
seismic hazard in Europe is governed by local earthquakes.

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Table 5.6 — Conventional values of earthquake magnitude and of duration of the strong part of
ground motion, for ranges of SRP and different site categories
DR (s)
Range of S,RP
Mw Site categories B Other site
(m/s2) Site category A
and C categories

≤ 0,08 4,5 0,5 0,6 0,75

0,08 < S,RP ≤ 0,2 5,0 1,0 1,2 1,5

0,2 < S,RP ≤ 0,5 5,5 2,0 2,4 3,0

0,5 < S,RP ≤ 1,2 6,0 4,0 4,8 6,0

1,2 < S,RP ≤ 2,5 6,5 8,0 9,6 12

2,5 < S,RP ≤ 4,0 7,0 16 19 24

S,RP > 4,0 7,5 32 38 48

(3) Specific studies may be carried out for situations where seismicity is governed by large and distant
NOTE When these specific studies lead to the conclusion that values of Mw and DR in Table 5.6 are not
appropriate, alternative values can be set in the National Annex.

5.2.3 Alternative representations of the seismic action Input motions for response-history analysis

(1) The seismic input motion may be represented by time series expressed in terms of acceleration
(accelerograms) and related time-dependent quantities (velocity and displacement).
(2) Depending on the nature of the application and on the information actually available, the input
motion may consist of recorded accelerograms, simulated accelerograms, or artificial accelerograms.
NOTE 1 Criteria for selection and scaling of input motions are given in Annex D.
NOTE 2 The minimum number of accelerograms to be considered for different seismic action classes is specified
in 6.6. Spatial model of the seismic action

(1) For structures for which the assumption of the same excitation at all supports cannot be made,
spatial models of the seismic action should be used.
NOTE Specific types of structures, for which allowance for the variation of ground motion in space is required,
are specified in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8 (see EN 1998-2 and EN 1998-4).
(2) At every support location of structures considered in (1), the seismic action should be represented
according to 5.2.2, either in the form of response spectra or of time series, accounting for the possible site
condition variability at different supports.
(3) If the seismic action is represented by a set of response spectra, for every pair of supports with
indices k and l, a correlation coefficient, kl, between action effects may be calculated according to
Formula (5.29).

2 𝐿kl
𝜌kl = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− 𝑎 ) (5.29)
kl (𝐿g,k +𝐿g,l )

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Lkl is the distance between supports k and l;
Lg,k and Lg,l are characteristic lengths given in Table 5.7 as functions of the site category of the
considered supports k and l, respectively;
akl is given by Formula (5.30).

|𝐿g,k −𝐿g,l |
𝑎kl = 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (− 500
) (5.30)

Table 5.7 — Characteristic lengths

Site category A B C D E F

Lg (m) 400 300 250 200 300 200

NOTE 𝜌kl is to be used in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8. For instance, in prEN 1998-2:2023, 5.3.3(6), for bridges.
(4) If the seismic action is represented in the form of time series for response-history analysis, the
normalised cross-correlation coefficient between two input motions applied in the same direction at
supports k and l should not exceed the largest of kl given by Formula (5.29) and 0,2.

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6 Modelling, analysis, and verification

6.1 General

(1) In application of 4.1(2) and 4.5.2(5), the seismic action effects in the structure should be evaluated
under the prescribed seismic action according to one of the approaches defined in (2) and (6).
(2) The force-based approach, which employs a linear analysis that implicitly and approximately
accounts for the overstrength and the non-linear response through a behaviour factor q, may be
implemented with either a) or b):
a) the lateral force method (see 6.4.2);
b) the response spectrum method (see 6.4.3).
(3) The force-based approach may be used for verification to SD limit state.
(4) Except when otherwise specified, the force-based approach should not be used for verification to NC
limit state.
(5) The force-based approach may be used for verifications to DL and OP limit states, using q = 1 in the
analysis (see 6.4.1(1)).
(6) The displacement-based approach, which explicitly accounts for the structural non-linear response,
may be implemented through a non-linear static analysis (see 6.5).
(7) In the force-based approach, the design displacements should be obtained from the calculated
displacements as specified in 6.4.2(2). In the displacement-based approach, the design displacements
should be those obtained directly from the analysis without further modification, except as given in
(8) As an alternative to (2) and (6), response-history analyses may also be used (see 6.6).
(9) It should be verified that the action effects do not exceed the corresponding resistances, for the limit
state associated to the prescribed seismic action in application of 4.1(2) (see 6.7).
(10) The seismic action effects should be determined with consideration of a) and b):
a) uncertainties in the location of masses and the distribution of stiffness;
b) the spatial variation of the seismic motion, when necessary.
NOTE Appropriate methods are given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8, according to the type of structure

6.2 Modelling
6.2.1 General

(1) The model of the structure should represent a) and b):

a) the distribution of stiffness and mass, so that all significant deformation shapes are accounted for
under the seismic action considered;
b) when considered in the analysis, the damping throughout the structure.
NOTE Damping is used, for instance, in response spectrum elastic analysis or in response-history analysis.
(2) In the case of non-linear analysis, the distribution of strength and deformation capacity should be
represented in the model.
(3) The mass should account for the presence of permanent and variable gravity loads in the seismic
design situation, using Formula (6.1).

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∑ 𝐺k,j " + " ∑ 𝜓E,i 𝑄k,i (6.1)

where the combination coefficients E,i take into account the likelihood of the loads Qk,i not being present
over the entire structure during the earthquake. These coefficients may also account for a reduced
participation of masses in the motion of the structure due to the non-rigid connection between them.
NOTE Values of E,i, expressed versus values of 2,i defined in EN 1990:2023,, can be found in the
relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
(4) Member properties should be based on mean values of the properties of the materials. For new
structures, mean values of material properties may be estimated from the corresponding characteristic
values based on information provided in Eurocodes 2 to 6 and 9 or in material or product ENs.
(5) The model may account for the contribution of joint regions to the deformability of the structure,
e.g. the end zones in beams or columns of frame-type structural systems.
(6) Ancillary elements which may influence the seismic response of the structure should be accounted
(7) The possible influence of adjacent structures should be considered.
NOTE For example, an adjacent structure can limit the displacements of the considered structure or it can
impose displacements on it.

6.2.2 Additional modelling rules for linear analysis

(1) The elastic stiffness should be taken equal to the secant effective stiffness that corresponds to the
elastic limit of the structural member.
NOTE Further guidance is given in the relevant material clauses.
(2) In reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures, the elastic stiffness should correspond to
that of cracked sections at initiation of yielding of the reinforcement.
NOTE Other possible options can be introduced in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
(3) The deformability of the soil-foundation system, including soil-structure interaction, should be
considered in the model whenever it may have an adverse overall influence on the structural response.
Foundation deformability may always be considered, but its possible beneficial effects should be
modelled in a safe-sided manner.
NOTE Models for soil-structure interaction are given in FprEN 1998-5:2024, Clause 8.

6.2.3 Additional modelling rules for non-linear analysis

(1) In the elastic domain, the structural model should conform to 6.2.2. It should be extended to
adequately represent the post-elastic behaviour of structural members.
(2) As a minimum, a bilinear force-deformation relationship should be used at the member level. Zero
post-yield stiffness may be assumed.
(3) In reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry structures, trilinear force-deformation relationships
may be used in order to consider pre-crack and post-crack stiffness.
(4) The models for the estimation of deformation capacity of structural members should consider cyclic
degradation due to the nature of seismic action. If strength degradation is expected, it should be included
in the force-deformation relationships of those members.
NOTE In particular, this is the case if the seismic response is simulated in the vicinity of the NC limit state, see
also 6.5.1(3) and Clause 7. prEN 1998-3:2023, 6.2, gives possible force-deformation relationships accounting for

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(5) Axial forces and shear should be considered when determining force-deformation relations for
bending of structural members.
(6) In case of response-history analysis, the structural member models should be supplemented with
element constitutive relationships under unloading-reloading cycles that represent the cumulative
energy dissipation capacity in the member over the range of displacement amplitudes expected in the
seismic design situation.

6.3 Seismic action

(1) The horizontal components of the seismic action (see, and, if relevant, the vertical
component (see, should be taken as acting simultaneously.
NOTE Guidance on the action effects of the vertical component can be found in the relevant parts of Eurocode
(2) In the case of base-isolated structures, the vertical component of the seismic action should be
considered for the verification of the isolators.
(3) The elastic response spectra given in and, or the corresponding input motions selected
in accordance with, should be used as representation of the seismic action except when the force-
based approach is applied, in which case the reduced response spectrum should be used (see 6.4.1).

6.4 Force-based approach

6.4.1 Reduced spectrum for the force-based approach

(1) In the force-based approach, the seismic action should take the form of a reduced spectrum, derived
from the elastic response spectrum by introducing the behaviour factor q, which accounts for
overstrength, deformation capacity and energy dissipation capacity and is given by Formula (6.2).

q = qR qS qD (6.2)

qR is the behaviour factor component accounting for overstrength due to the
redistribution of seismic action effects in redundant structures;
qS is the behaviour factor component accounting for overstrength due to all other
qD is the behaviour factor component accounting for the deformation capacity and
energy dissipation capacity.
(2) EN 1998 (all parts) is conceived in such a way that the values of the behaviour factor components
should be as given in a) to c):
a) qR = 1, if not otherwise specified in the relevant part of Eurocode 8;
b) qS = 1,5, unless a lower value is given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8;
c) qD as given in (3) and (4).
NOTE Exceptions to the generic rule qS = 1,5 are possible when dealing with structural members without
overstrength, such as unreinforced masonry, or for structures with specific devices that are designed not to have
intrinsic overstrength, such as fuse devices.
(3) According to 4.5.1(1), qD values should be selected so as to keep a significant margin with respect to
the ultimate deformation capacity and should depend on the selected ductility class, according to
conditions in a) to c):

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a) qD = 1 for DC1;
b) qD  1 for DC2;
c) For DC3, qD values are not smaller than those for DC2.
NOTE Maximum values of qD are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8 for various materials and structural
systems, according to the applicable ductility class.
(4) qD values may be different in different horizontal directions, although the ductility class should be
the same in all directions.
(5) When soil-structure interaction (SSI) is taken into account in the analysis, the qD,SSI value considering
SSI should be used, instead of qD, calculated using Formula (6.3).
1 1 𝑇
= 1 − (1 − 𝑞 ) 𝜂𝑇1 (6.3)

qD,SSI is the value of qD to be used in the analysis with SSI;
qD is the value of the ductility component of the behaviour factor of the fixed-base
structure given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8;
T1 is the predominant period of the structure in the considered direction, calculated
for fixed base;
TSSI is the predominant period in the same direction, calculated considering SSI;
 is the damping correction factor given by Formula (5.13), with  the damping ratio
considering SSI according to FprEN 1998-5:2024, Clause 8.  should not be taken
lower than 0,7.
(6) For the horizontal components of the seismic action, the reduced spectrum, Sr(T), should be that
given by Formula (6.4).

𝑆e (𝑇)
𝑆r (𝑇) = ≥ 𝛽𝑆α,RP (𝑇) (6.4)
𝑅q (𝑇)

with Rq(T) given by Formulae (6.5) to (6.7):

𝑇 ≤ 𝑇A : 𝑅q (𝑇) = 𝑅q0 (6.5)

𝑇A < 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇B : 𝑅q (𝑇) = 𝑅q0 + (𝑞 − 𝑅q0 )

𝑇 > 𝑇B : 𝑅q (𝑇) = 𝑞 (6.7)

Rq0 = qR qS ;
q is the behaviour factor, as defined in (1);
Se(T), TA and TB are as defined in, considering  = 1;
Sr(T) is the reduced spectral acceleration;
 is the lower bound factor for the horizontal reduced spectrum.
NOTE 1 The values to be ascribed to  are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8. This lower bound value
applies only to the calculation of forces.

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NOTE 2 The reduced spectrum is not sufficient for the design of structures with base-isolation or energy-
dissipation systems. This is because, in such structures, energy dissipation is concentrated in a single system or in
a limited number of specific devices instead of being distributed in the structural system. Further requirements for
such structures are given in 6.8.
(7) For the vertical component of the seismic action, the reduced spectrum Svr(T) should be defined by
Formula (6.8).

𝑆ve (𝑇)
𝑆vr (𝑇) = 𝑞v

where a behaviour factor qv equal to 1,5 may be adopted for all materials and structural systems and
Sve(T) is defined in
(8) Adoption of qv values greater than 1,5 in the vertical direction should be justified through an
appropriate analysis considering the capacity of energy dissipation of the structure associated to this
component. In such case, the reduced spectrum Svr(T) is determined according to Formulae (6.4) to (6.7)
using Rq0 equal to 1,5, Sve(T) instead of Se(T), and qv instead of q.

6.4.2 Lateral force method

(1) This approach, which consists in applying a system of static forces in each principal direction, may
be applied to structures whose response is not significantly affected by contributions from modes of
vibration higher than the predominant mode in each principal direction.
NOTE Conditions and procedures for applying the lateral force method are given in the relevant part of
Eurocode 8, according to the type of structure and structural system considered.
(2) In each principal direction, displacements induced by the seismic action should be calculated using
Formula (6.9).

𝑑s = 𝑞disp 𝑑r (6.9)

ds is the displacement of a point of the structure;
dr is the displacement of the same point of the structural model calculated under the
reduced spectrum associated to the design seismic action;
qdisp is equal to q, if T1  TB, or to [1+ (q − 1) TB/T1], but not larger than 3q, if T1 < TB
T1 is the predominant period of the structure in the considered direction.

For T1  TC, the value of ds should not be larger than the value derived from the elastic spectrum.
NOTE This particularly applies in situations where the lower limit of the spectrum defined by  applies (see
NOTE 1 to 6.4.1(6)).
(3) When determining the displacements dr, the torsional effects due to the seismic action should be

6.4.3 Response spectrum method General

(1) The response spectrum method may be applied in all cases and, particularly, it should be applied to
structures which do not satisfy the conditions for application of the lateral force method.
NOTE The response spectrum method is the reference in the context of the force-based approach.

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(2) The response of all modes of vibration contributing significantly to the global response should be
(3) (2) may be considered as satisfied if either of conditions a) or b) is fulfilled:
a) all modes of decreasing period of vibration are retained until the sum of their effective modal
masses amounts to at least 90% of the total mass of the structural model and the period of the
last retained mode is longer than TA;
b) all modes of decreasing period of vibration are retained with the condition that the lowest period
of vibration of the retained modes has a period not longer than TB. All modes with shorter period
of vibration than that one are represented by a residual mode. The spectral acceleration of the
residual mode is that of the lowest period of vibration of the retained modes.
(4) When using a spatial model, the above conditions should be verified for each relevant direction.
(5) Since the outputs of modal response combination are positive values, appropriate combinations of
these outputs should be considered when the verification of a structural member is based on concomitant
variables, so that unfavourable sign combinations are not eliminated.
NOTE It can be the case when a verification depends simultaneously on bending moment and axial force and/or
shear force.
(6) The displacements induced by the design seismic action should be calculated using Formula (6.9),
where dr is the displacement calculated with the reduced spectrum in application of Combination of modal responses

(1) The response in two vibration modes i and j (including both translational and torsional modes) may
be taken as independent of each other if their periods Ti and Tj (with Tj  Ti) and damping ratio i and j
satisfy the condition given by Formula (6.10).

|𝑇i − 𝑇j |/(𝑇i + 𝑇j ) > 𝜉i + 𝜉j (6.10)

(2) When all relevant modal responses are independent of each other according to (1), the maximum
value EE of a seismic action effect may be taken as given by the square root of the sum of the squares
(SRSS) in Formula (6.11).

𝐸E = √∑ 𝐸Ei 2 (6.11)

EE is the seismic action effect under consideration (force, displacement, etc.);
EEi is the value of this seismic action effect due to vibration mode i.
(3) When (2) is not applied, the complete quadratic combination (CQC) given by Formula (6.12) should
be used.

𝐸E = √∑ 𝐸Ei 𝑟ij 𝐸Ej (6.12)

where rij is the correlation factor given by Formulae (6.13) or (6.14).

1 𝑇 −𝑇
if ξi = ξj = ξ: 𝑟ij = 𝛼ij 2
, with 𝛼ij = 𝑇i+𝑇j (6.13)
1+( ) i j

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8√𝜉i 𝜉j (𝜉i +𝜌ij 𝜉j )𝜌ij 3/2

if ξi ≠ ξj : 𝑟ij = 2
2 2
(1−𝜌ij 2 ) +4𝜉i 𝜉j 𝜌ij (1+𝜌ij 2 )+4(𝜉i +𝜉j )𝜌ij 2

where i and j are the damping ratios corresponding to modes i and j, respectively, and ij = Ti/Tj.

6.4.4 Combination of the effects of the components of the seismic action

(1) The action effect due to the combination of the horizontal components of the seismic action may be
calculated as the SRSS of the values of the same action effect due to each horizontal component.
(2) As an alternative to (1), the action effect due to the combination of the horizontal components of the
seismic action may be calculated using Formulae (6.15) and (6.16).

EEdx "+" 0,30 EEdy (6.15)

0,30 EEdx "+" EEdy (6.16)

"+" means "to be combined with''; the sign for all terms in a combination should be
taken as the same, such that the combination gives the most unfavorable effect
values for the particular verification under consideration;
EEdx represents the action effect due to the application of the seismic action along the
chosen horizontal axis x of the structure;
EEdy represents the action effect due to the application of the same seismic action along
the orthogonal horizontal axis y of the structure.
(3) (1) may be extended to three components of the seismic action. As an alternative, all three of the
combinations given by Formulae (6.17), (6.18) and (6.19) may be used for the calculation of the action

EEdx ''+" 0,30 EEdy "+" 0,30 EEdz (6.17)

0,30 EEdx "+" EEdy "+" 0,30 EEdz (6.18)

0,30 EEdx "+" 0,30 EEdy "+" EEdz (6.19)

"+" is as in (2);
EEdx and EEdy are as in (2);
EEdz represents the action effect due to the application of the vertical component of the
design seismic action.
NOTE The situations where considering the vertical component of the earthquake is required are given in the
relevant part of Eurocode 8.

6.5 Non-linear static analysis

6.5.1 General

(1) The non-linear static analysis method, which is based on a pushover analysis and an equivalent
single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model, may be applied in case a) or b):

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a) to verify the structural performance of newly designed structures;

NOTE Additional requirements are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, for new buildings and in prEN 1998-2:2023
for new bridges.
b) to assess the structural performance of existing or retrofitted structures as specified in EN 1998-
3 for buildings and bridges.
NOTE 1 Non-linear static analysis is mainly used to verify performance at SD and NC limit states. It can also be
used to verify OP and DL, though linear analysis generally suffices for its verification.
NOTE 2 This method is not applicable for structures that can exhibit a brittle global behaviour (e.g. tanks).
(2) Those seismic action effects in the structure and structural members, which are not duly
represented by a pushover analysis, should be accounted for by correction factors, which take into
consideration the effects of higher modes, torsion, minimum eccentricity, and the combination of the
horizontal components of the seismic action.
NOTE Corresponding requirements are given according to the type of structure under consideration in the
relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(3) When pushover analysis is carried out for assessing an existing structure, the model for the
deformation capacity should account for cyclic degradation of structural members according to 6.2.3(4).
NOTE In general, consideration of cyclic degradation is less relevant for new structures than it is for existing
ones, since application of detailing requirements from relevant parts of Eurocode 8 aims to guarantee a cyclic
behaviour of sections close to theoretical monotonic relationships.

6.5.2 Lateral loads and capacity curve

(1) Lateral forces for pushover analysis should be defined for each horizontal direction of seismic action
and their direction should be that of the considered direction of seismic action.
(2) For each considered direction of seismic action, at least a “modal” pattern of lateral forces should be
applied. The normalised lateral force in the direction under consideration applied at the i-th node of this
load pattern should be defined by Formula (6.20).

𝐹i = 𝑚i 𝜙i (6.20)

mi is the mass of the i-th node, in accordance with 6.2.1(3);
𝜙i is the displacement value of mode 𝜙 at the i-th node in the considered direction of
seismic action. Except if otherwise specified, 𝜙 should be the mode of vibration that
corresponds to the largest value of the effective modal mass for the considered
direction of action.
NOTE 1 Eigenmode analysis and the “Ritz modes” method are possible ways to determine the modes of vibration.
NOTE 2 Complementary rules for the definition of the lateral forces pattern can be found in EN 1998-3.
(3) The set of lateral forces Fi in the direction under consideration applied at the i-th node should be
proportional to the set of 𝐹̅i (𝐹i = 𝛼𝐹̅i ). The total shear force Fb should be taken as given by Formula (6.21).

𝐹b = ∑ 𝐹i = 𝛼 ∑ 𝐹̅i (6.21)

where  is the pushover factor used to modulate the amplitude of the pushover forces.
(4) The control displacement dn should be selected as the displacement of the control node in the
direction under consideration. The control node should be selected as the node where mode 𝜙 has the
largest component in the direction under consideration. Minor appendages (e.g. structural members on

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the top floor of a building) that can be subject to local amplification of displacement should not be
considered in the selection of the control node.
NOTE Complementary rules for the selection of the control displacement can be found in the relevant part of
Eurocode 8.
(5) The capacity curve, which is the relationship between the total shear force Fb and the control
displacement dn of the considered multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structure, should be determined by
a pushover analysis.
(6) Pushover analysis should continue until the attainment of a value of the control displacement, du,
corresponding, in any primary seismic member, to ultimate local deformation in a ductile post-elastic
mechanism, or to brittle failure or instability, whichever occurs first.
NOTE Procedures to calculate the deformation at yield, the ultimate deformations and the resistance to brittle
failure or instabilities in seismic members are given in Clause 7 and in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.

6.5.3 Equivalent SDOF system

(1) The equivalent mass m*, the transformation factor , the equivalent force 𝐹 ∗ and the equivalent
displacement 𝑑∗ of the equivalent SDOF system should be determined as given in Formulae (6.22) to

𝑚⋇ = ∑ 𝑚i 𝜙i (6.22)
𝛤 = ∑𝑚 𝜙 2 (6.23)
i i

𝐹⋇ = 𝛤

𝑑∗ = (6.25)

where 𝜙n is the displacement value of mode 𝜙 at the control node in the considered direction of seismic
NOTE Mode shapes 𝜙 are always normalised. Depending on the normalisation criterion, they can be non-
dimensional; in this case only, 𝑚∗ has dimension of mass. Nonetheless, if mode shapes have a dimension, e.g. when
they are normalised for unit modal mass, the mode shape dimension cancels out in the evaluation of the modal
period T* in Formula (6.26). It cancels out also in the evaluation of the yield acceleration 𝐹y∗ /𝑚∗ for the purpose of
Formula (6.29).
(2) The force-deformation relationship 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) of the SDOF model may be always idealised as bilinear
with hardening if the capacity curve is non-decreasing (Figure 6.1(a)). If the capacity curve exhibits a
peak and a post-peak negative stiffness branch, a bilinear idealisation without hardening may be adopted
up to the ultimate displacement (Figure 6.1(b)).
NOTE 1 The capacity curve exhibits a peak and post-peak negative stiffness branch as a result of geometric non-linearities
and/or when member models include strength degradation.
NOTE 2 Annex E gives a procedure for a multi-linear idealisation of the capacity curve .

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A first yield
B ultimate displacement

Figure 6.1 — Determination of the bilinear idealisation of the force-deformation relationship in

the case of (a) non-decreasing and (b) decreasing capacity curve

(3) In application of 6.2.2(1), the elastic stiffness k* of a bilinear idealisation should be the secant
stiffness to the point of the capacity curve where first yielding of the primary structure occurs (point A of
Figure 6.1), unless a different value is given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(4) The period of the equivalent SDOF model should be calculated as given by Formula (6.26).

𝑇 ∗ = 2𝜋√ 𝑘 ∗ (6.26)

(5) The yield displacement of the equivalent SDOF model may be calculated according to Formula (6.27).
2𝐸 ∗ −𝐹m∗ 𝑑∗
∗ ∗
𝑘 𝑑m −𝐹m ∗ for a bilinear idealisation with hardening
𝑑y∗ = { (6.27)
2𝐸 ∗
𝑑u∗ − √𝑑u∗ 2 − ∗ for a bilinear idealisation without hardening


𝑑m is the displacement at maximum force 𝐹m∗ ;
𝐸∗ is the area under the transformed capacity curve up to the point (𝑑𝑢∗ , 𝐹𝑢∗ ).
(6) The ultimate displacement 𝑑u∗ of the force-displacement curve 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) of the SDOF model (Figure 6.1)
should be derived from the ultimate displacement 𝑑u defined in 6.5.2(6) using Formula (6.25).

6.5.4 Target displacement

(1) The target displacement should be defined as the seismic demand derived in terms of displacement
of the SDOF model defined in 6.5.3.
(2) The target displacement of the SDOF model should be derived from the elastic displacement
response spectrum, 𝑆De (𝑇), defined in, corresponding to the limit state under consideration,
accounting for the contribution of both horizontal components of the seismic action according to (6).
NOTE The damping correction factor introduced in enables considering the actual level of energy
dissipation capacity of the structure, which is possibly lower than the one corresponding to  = 1 (5% damping).

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(3) The target displacement of the SDOF model may be based on Formulae (6.28) or (6.29), as
appropriate. Non-linear response-history analyses may also be used.
NOTE Annex E gives a procedure for the determination of the target displacement using non-linear response-
history analyses.
(4) If the SDOF model has a period not shorter than the corner period TC (see (T* ≥ TC), the target
displacement may be taken equal to the target displacement of the equivalent SDOF model with unlimited
elastic behaviour 𝑑et

(Figure 6.2(a)), as given by Formula (6.28).

𝑑t∗ = 𝑑et

= 𝑆De (𝑇 ∗ ) (6.28)

where SDe(T*) is the elastic displacement response spectrum defined in, at period T*, for the
limit state under verification.
(5) The target displacement of the equivalent SDOF model in the short-period range (T* < TC) may be
determined by Formula (6.29) (Figure 6.2(b)).
1 𝑇C
𝑑t∗ = [1 + (𝑢 − 1) ∗
] 𝑑et (6.29)
𝑢 𝑇∗

𝑆e (𝑇 ∗ )
𝑢 is the force reduction factor equal to 𝑆y

𝑆y is the yield acceleration 𝐹y∗ /𝑚∗ of the equivalent SDOF model;

𝑑𝑒𝑡 is determined using Formula (6.28).
NOTE Complementary or alternative formulations for the estimation of target displacements are provided in the relevant
parts of Eurocode 8 for specific structural types.

Figure 6.2 — Determination of the target displacement for the equivalent SDOF system
(representation for the case when hardening is neglected)

(6) If the mode under consideration has a non-zero effective modal mass in the horizontal direction
orthogonal to the one considered, the target displacement should be amplified by the correction factor
cdt given by Formula (6.30).

𝛤′ 2
𝑐dt = √1 + ( ) (6.30)

where   is the modal participation factor of the mode in the direction orthogonal to the one under
consideration, defined similarly to  given by Formula (6.23).
NOTE This amplification is consistent with that given in 6.4.4(1) for the force-based approach.

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6.6 Response-history analysis

(1) The time-dependent response of the structure may be obtained through direct numerical integration
of its differential equations of motion, using the input motions selected in accordance with
(2) For structures located on sites identified as near-fault, each pair of horizontal input motion
components should be rotated to the fault-normal and fault-parallel directions of the causative faults and
applied to the model for analysis in such orientation.
(3) For each input motion, the peak in time of seismic action effects should be retained.
(4) Unless (5) is applied, a minimum of seven sets of input motions should be used. The average peak
response should be considered for estimating the seismic action effects.
(5) For low and very low seismic action classes, the minimum number of input motions may be reduced
to three. In this case, the most unfavourable peak response should be considered.
(6) For assessing an existing structure, the model for the deformation capacity should account for cyclic
degradation of structural members according to 6.2.3(4).

6.7 Verification to limit states

6.7.1 General

(1) It shall be verified that the action effects in the seismic design situation (see EN 1990:2023, 8.3.2)
do not exceed the corresponding resistance of structural members (see EN 1990:2023, 8.3.5) given in the
relevant part of Eurocode 8 for the specified limit state.
NOTE Design action effects and design resistance are expressed in terms of (generalised) stresses and/or
(generalised) deformations.
(2) To meet (1), Formula (6.31) should be satisfied for all structural members including connections
and ancillary elements, as required in the relevant part of Eurocode 8.

𝐸d ≤ 𝑅d (6.31)

Ed is the design value of the action effects in the seismic design situation, including
possible influence of second-order effects;
Rd is the corresponding design resistance.
(3) In case a displacement-based approach is used, verification for the SD and NC limit states should be
carried out according to case a) or b):
a) In terms of local deformations, for structural types or materials for which local 'yield' deformation
criteria are given in Clause 7.
b) In terms of displacements of the equivalent SDOF model, for all other structural types and
materials. For the limit state under consideration, the action effect 𝑑t∗ should be calculated
according to 6.5.4(2).
NOTE Masonry structures are examples of structures where definition of a 'yield-like' deformation at the local
level is not available.
(4) Verifications to brittle mechanisms and instabilities shall be performed with an appropriate
NOTE Corresponding criteria are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.

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(5) At ultimate limit states (SD or NC), the structure as a whole shall be checked to ensure that it is stable
in the seismic design situation. Both overturning and sliding stability shall be considered.
(6) For the application of (5), the stability may be verified by means of energy balance methods,
geometrically non-linear analysis, displacement-based approach or any scientifically established method
providing evidence that the seismically induced tilt or sliding is acceptable.

6.7.2 Verifications to Significant Damage limit state

(1) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case a) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to SD, the resistance
of ductile mechanisms should be taken as given by Formula (6.32).
1 𝑝𝑙
𝛿SD = 𝛾 (𝛿y + 𝛼SD,θ 𝛿u ) (6.32)

𝛼SD,θ 𝑝𝑙
is the portion of the plastic part of the ultimate deformation, 𝛿u = 𝛿u − 𝛿y , that
corresponds to the attainment of SD. The value of 𝛼SD,θ is 0,5, unless a different
value is given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8;
y is the local deformation of the member at yield;
u is the ultimate local deformation of the member in the ductile post-elastic
𝛾Rd is a partial factor on resistance at SD in terms of local deformations; values of 𝛾Rd
are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
NOTE 1  is the deformation parameter corresponding to the relevant plastic mechanism. For frame members, 
is the chord rotation  (see 7).
NOTE 2 Partial factors on resistance for the displacement-based approach are obtained, according to the Design
Value Method, using the general expression Rd = exp(*Rt,LS,CClnR), where the resistance sensitivity factor is
*R=0,85, and the total logarithmic standard deviation of the resistance model is given for each model and limit state
in the relevant part of Eurocode 8. Partial factors (NDP) are updated by changing t,LS,CC. Reliability-based calibration
of partial factors can be carried out by other means, using the same target reliability.
(2) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case a) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to SD, the resistance
of brittle shear mechanisms should be taken as given by Formula (6.33).
𝑉R,SD = 𝛾 R (6.33)

where 𝑉R is the design resistance and 𝛾Rd is a partial factor on resistance at SD. Values of 𝑉R and 𝛾Rd are
given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
NOTE See note 2 in (1).
(3) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case b) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to SD, the resistance
should be taken as given by Formula (6.34).

∗ 1
𝑑SD = [𝑑y∗ + 𝛼SD,d (𝑑u∗ − 𝑑y∗ )] (6.34)

𝛼SD,d is the portion of the plastic part of the displacement of the equivalent SDOF
oscillator that corresponds to the attainment of SD; the value of 𝛼SD,d is 0,35, unless
a different value is given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8;

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𝛾Rd is a partial factor on resistance at SD in global terms; values of 𝛾Rd are given in the
relevant parts of Eurocode 8;
𝑑y∗ is defined in 6.5.3(5);
𝑑u∗ is defined in 6.5.3(6).
(4) It should be verified that both the foundation elements and the foundation soil are able to resist the
action effects resulting from the response of the superstructure without substantial permanent
NOTE Relevant criteria are given in FprEN 1998-5:2024, Clause 9.

6.7.3 Verifications to additional limit states

(1) If the NC limit state is used, it should be verified that, under the specified seismic action, the
deformation limits in Clause 7 or other relevant limits given in EN 1998-3 are not exceeded.
(2) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case a) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to NC, the resistance
of ductile mechanisms should be taken as given by Formula (6.35).
1 𝑝𝑙
𝛿NC = 𝛾 (𝛿y + 𝛿u ) (6.35)

where 𝛾Rd is a partial factor on resistance at NC in terms of local deformations. Values of 𝛾Rd are given in
the relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(3) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case a) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to NC, the resistance
of brittle shear mechanisms should be taken as given by Formula (6.36).
𝑉R,NC = (6.36)

where Rd is a partial factor on resistance at NC. Values of Rd are given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8.
(4) If a displacement-based approach is used, in case b) of 6.7.1(3) for verification to NC, the resistance
is given by Formula (6.37).

∗ 𝑑∗
𝑑NC =𝛾u (6.37)

where 𝛾Rd is a partial factor on resistance at NC in global terms. Values of 𝛾Rd are given in the relevant
part of Eurocode 8.
NOTE The ultimate capacity is in most cases obtained using local criteria. However, in EN 1998-3, the
verification can be made using a global capacity.
(5) If the DL limit state is used, it should be verified that, under the specified seismic action, the
deformation limits or other limits defined in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8 are not exceeded.
(6) If a displacement-based approach is used, for verification to DL, the resistance should be taken as

𝑑DL = 𝑑y∗ , calculated according to Formula (6.27), or a smaller limit associated with ancillary elements
according to the relevant part of Eurocode 8.
NOTE For buildings, limits on interstorey drifts associated with cladding or masonry infills in prEN 1998-1-
2:2023 can be associated to the control displacement and marked on the force-deformation relationship 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑 ∗ ) of
the equivalent SDOF, possibly resulting in values for 𝑑DL

lower than 𝑑y∗ .

(7) If the OP limit state is used, it should be verified that deformations (or generalised deformations
such as drifts) resulting from the corresponding seismic design situation do not exceed deformations that

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are acceptable to maintain the function of the critical services in the facility. Resistances should be based
on the damage of ancillary components.

6.8 Structures equipped with antiseismic devices

6.8.1 Scope

(1) 6.8 should be applied to structures equipped with the types of devices described in a) to d), and
combinations thereof:
a) Rigid connection device: device which links two structural members without transmitting
bending moments and vertical loads; this category of devices includes permanent connection
devices, fuse restraints and temporary connection devices.
b) Displacement-dependent device: device which links two structural members without carrying
vertical loads, whose behaviour is mainly dependent on displacement rather than velocity;
this category of devices includes linear and non-linear devices.
c) Velocity-dependent device: device which links two structural members without carrying vertical
loads, whose behaviour is mainly dependent on velocity rather than displacement; this
category of devices includes fluid viscous dampers and fluid spring dampers.
d) Seismic isolator: device which links two structural members and carrying vertical loads; this
category of devices includes elastomeric isolators, including those with a plug of lead or high-
damping polymeric material to enhance damping, and sliders, both with curved and flat
NOTE Additional or specific rules for buildings are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Clauses 8 and 9, and for
bridges in EN 1998-2. Additional or specific rules for other type of structures (e.g. tanks) are given in the relevant
parts of Eurocode 8.
(2) 6.8 should be applied to fully isolated structures, partially isolated structures and structures
equipped with energy dissipation devices.

6.8.2 Basis of design for structures equipped with antiseismic devices Performance requirements

(1) The performance requirements set forth in 4.1 and in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8, according to
the type of structure considered, shall be satisfied.
(2) The antiseismic devices and their connections to the structure shall be designed with increased
reliability. Compliance criteria

(1) For new structures, the compliance criteria defined in 4.5 should be satisfied.
(2) Non-seismic action effects on the structure should be transmitted to the supporting members
through bearings or antiseismic devices.
(3) In addition to (1), isolated structures should be designed to resist the action effects resulting from
the capacity of the antiseismic devices and the implementation of adequate overlap (seat) length.
(4) The requirements of and may be considered satisfied if the antiseismic devices
and their connections to the substructure and the superstructure are designed for seismic displacements
and velocities increased by an amplification factor γx equal to 1,5, except if (5) is applied or when defined
otherwise in the relevant part of Eurocode 8, for the seismic action associated to SD limit state.

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(5) If seismic actions from site-specific analyses accounting for the vicinity of seismically active faults
according to 5.1.1(5) are used for the design, the amplification factor defined in (4) may be lowered to
γx = 1,2.
NOTE This provision comes from the fact that these site-specific analyses result in amplified seismic action with
respect to mapped values.
(6) In fully isolated structures, the capacity design requirement of (3) may be considered satisfied if the
superstructure and substructure are designed for amplified seismic action effects so that the total
horizontal force in the isolation system in the direction under consideration corresponds to the
displacements and/or velocities of the antiseismic devices at SD, increased by an amplification factor
equal to 1,5.
(7) In isolated structures, if the SD limit state is considered, gas lines and other hazardous lifelines
crossing the joints around the isolated structure or part of the structure should be designed to
accommodate safely the relative displacement of the joint, considering the amplification factor specified
in (6).
(8) In isolated structures, if the DL limit state is considered, it should be verified that all lifelines of
interest crossing the joints around the isolated structure or part of the structure remain in the elastic
range under the corresponding seismic action.
NOTE All lifelines of interest for the verification can be specified by the relevant authorities or, where not
specified, agreed for a specific project by the relevant parties.
(9) For structures equipped with antiseismic devices, when required for specific structural members
that should remain within the elastic range or the quasi-elastic range, it should be verified that these
members comply with the conditions of the DL limit state, with the seismic action corresponding to the
limit state under consideration.
NOTE These members are given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8 or, where not specified, agreed for a specific
project by the relevant parties. General provisions concerning antiseismic devices

(1) Except when (2) is applicable, the antiseismic devices should conform to EN 15129 or should be
covered by an European Technical Assessment (ETA).
NOTE A consequence is that properties used for analysis are those verified by testing as specified in those
(2) Except when (1) is applied, in low seismic action class, rigid connection devices and bearings should
conform to EN 1337 (all parts) or should be covered by an ETA.
(3) The essential characteristics of antiseismic devices, as required by EN 15129 or EN 1337 (all
parts) for the design and testing of the devices, should fulfil the requirements in 6.8.
NOTE These essential characteristics are, for example, displacement capacity, forces, etc. for the design and
testing of the devices according to the product standards. These data are derived from the analysis and the design
of the structure.
(4) An Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement Plan for the antiseismic devices should
be established according to EN 15129.
(5) Sufficient space for the inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the antiseismic devices during
the lifetime of the structure should be provided.
(6) When relevant, the antiseismic devices should be protected from potential hazardous effects, such
as fire and chemical or biological attack. The provided protection should not impede the functionality of
the antiseismic devices during an earthquake.

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(7) Fire protection of the antiseismic devices should be consistent with the fire requirements for the
structure as a whole. The provided protection should not impede the functionality of the antiseismic
devices during an earthquake.
(8) The antiseismic devices should be designed with consideration of environmental conditions,
including wind, aging effects, ambient temperature, operating temperature, and exposure to moisture or
damaging substances.
(9) The fatigue life of energy dissipation devices, or components thereof, including seals in a fluid
viscous device, should be adequate for the design life of the devices. Devices subjected to failure by low-
cycle fatigue should resist wind action effects in the linear-elastic range.
(10) At supports where relative displacement between supported and supporting members is intended
under seismic conditions, a minimum overlap length should be provided. The overlap length should be
such as to ensure that the function of the support is maintained under seismic displacements amplified
by factor γx in accordance with and (5).
(11) The antiseismic devices that carry vertical loads should be sufficiently stiff in the vertical direction. Re-centring capability of isolation system

(1) Requirements for the re-centring capability of the isolation system should be applied in fully isolated
(2) The isolation system should present re-centring capability in both principal horizontal directions, to
prevent a build-up of cumulative displacements.
NOTE This capability is available when the system has small residual displacements in relation to its
displacement capacity.
(3) To ensure adequate re-centring capability of a fully isolated structure, it should be verified that the
condition given by Formula (6.38) is satisfied for a deformation from 0 up to the horizontal seismic
displacement dEd.

ES ≥ 0,25 ED (6.38)

ES is the reversibly stored energy (elastic strain energy and potential energy) of the
structure including the isolation system;
ED is the energy dissipated by the antiseismic devices, ED = EDi.
(4) As an alternative to (3), for systems with bilinear behaviour in the horizontal direction and
complying with (5), (2) may be considered satisfied if the condition given by Formula (6.39) is fulfilled.
In applying Formula (6.39), the same properties of the antiseismic devices under dynamic conditions
should be used for the assessment of dEd, F0 and KP.
𝑑Ed 𝐾P
≥ 0,5 (6.39)

dEd is the seismic displacement of the isolation system in the considered direction;
KP is the post-elastic (tangent) stiffness;
F0 is the force at zero displacement of the isolation system under cyclic loading without
including the contribution of velocity-dependent devices (see Figure 6.3).

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Figure 6.3 — Definition of the equivalent bilinear model for the evaluation of re-centring

(5) The alternative method in (4) may be applied if the deviation of the force-deformation relationship
of the isolation system from its bilinear best fit does not exceed ±15% at any displacement in the range
from 0,3 dEd to 1,0 dEd along the loading branches. For the application of this criterion to purely frictional
systems, the effect of the variation of the vertical load on the force-deformation relationship of the
isolation system may be neglected.
(6) The alternative method in (4) may be used by ignoring the favourable elastic contribution of the
NOTE This simplification is conservative.
(7) Systems that do not satisfy (3), or (4) when appropriate, in a certain horizontal direction, may still
be considered to meet the requirements of (2) if the calculated displacements of the isolation system,
including x, are amplified by the factor ρd given by Formula (6.40) to account for cumulative
displacements. The increased residual displacements, evaluated as 2(𝜌d − 1)𝑑Ed /3, should be
compatible with the function of the structure.
2𝑑Ed 𝐾P
𝜌d = 1 + 1,50 (1 − 𝐹0
) ≥ 1,0 (6.40)

where dEd, KP and F0 are defined in (4). Restraint of isolation system

(1) In fully isolated structures, the isolation system should provide sufficient lateral restraint at the
isolation interface to satisfy any relevant requirements of other Eurocodes regarding limitation of
displacements/deformations at SLS.
NOTE For example, this is the case for wind loads in buildings or for breaking loads in bridges.
(2) When fuse restraint devices are implemented at certain locations between the superstructure and
substructure for application of (1), their yield capacity should not exceed 40% of the design seismic force
at SD limit state that is transferred through the isolation interface at the same support and in the same
(3) When temporary connection devices are used for application of (1), they should be included in the
model for analysis.

6.8.3 Seismic action

(1) The two horizontal and the vertical components of the seismic action should be assumed to act

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(2) If response-history analyses are carried out, at least seven sets of input motions should be used and
should conform to and

6.8.4 Modelling

(1) Modelling of the structure should reflect the spatial distribution of the antiseismic devices, so that
the translation in the two horizontal directions, the corresponding overturning effects and the rotation
about the vertical axis are accounted for. It should also reflect the properties of the different types of
antiseismic devices.
(2) Properties of the antiseismic devices to be used in the analysis should be the most unfavourable ones
to be attained during the lifetime of the structure. They should reflect, where relevant, the influence of a)
to e):
a) effect of frequency of cycling on horizontal mechanical properties;
b) simultaneous vertical forces;
c) simultaneous horizontal forces in the transverse direction;
d) temperature;
e) change of properties over design service life.
(3) Flexible elements of energy dissipation devices connecting damper units to the structure should be
included in the model for analysis.
(4) Multiple analyses should be conducted to bound the effects of the varying properties of the
antiseismic devices. Upper and lower bound design and analysis properties for each antiseismic device
should be determined for each modelling parameter.
(5) In the case of isolated structures, the horizontal flexibility of the substructures, including where
relevant soil-structure interaction, should be accounted for.
(6) In the case of isolated structures, at least two analyses should be performed regardless of the method
of analysis: one using the upper or lower bound design properties of the isolation system, according to
EN 15129, leading to maximum forces in the substructure and superstructure, and one using the lower
or upper bound design properties of the isolation system leading to maximum displacements of the
isolation system and superstructure.
(7) Whenever the non-linear response-history analysis is used, a) to e) should be applied:
a) the model should include the non-linear force-velocity-displacement properties of energy
dissipation devices to explicitly account for the device dependence on amplitude, frequency, and
duration of the seismic motion;
b) the model of displacement-dependent devices should include their hysteretic behaviour in a way
consistent with test data and accounting for all significant changes in strength, stiffness, and
hysteresis loop shape;
c) the model of velocity-dependent energy dissipation devices should include a velocity coefficient
consistent with test data; if damping properties change with time and/or temperature, such
behaviour should be accounted for;
d) if the properties of the energy dissipation devices are expected to change over the range of seismic
action effects found in the analysis, the dynamic response may be enveloped by the maximum and
minimum design properties of the device within this range, determined in accordance with
EN 15129;
e) maximum velocity coefficients, stiffness, energy dissipation and strength, if relevant, should be
considered together as the maximum case, and minimum velocity coefficients, stiffness, energy

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dissipation and strength, if relevant, should be considered together as the minimum case for
analysis and design.
NOTE Minimum velocity coefficients or energy dissipation are appropriate in many cases to produce maximum
design forces.

6.8.5 Analysis of structures equipped with antiseismic devices General

(1) The dynamic response of the structural system shall be analysed in terms of accelerations, inertia
forces and displacements.
NOTE Analysis methods considered in EN 1998 (all parts) for structures equipped with energy dissipation
systems and/or for fully isolated structures are the predominant-mode equivalent linear response-spectrum
analysis, the multi-mode linear or non-linear response-spectrum analysis, the energy-balance based analysis and
the non-linear response-history analysis. The details of application of these methods and their domains of
application are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
(2) In isolated structures equipped with velocity-dependent devices in combination with seismic
isolators and/or displacement-dependent devices, the phase difference between maximum
displacements and maximum velocities may be considered for the determination of the combined action
effects so that the total horizontal force of the isolation system in the direction under consideration
corresponds to concurrent values of the increased displacements and/or velocities of the antiseismic
devices specified in and (5).
(3) In isolated structures, the non-linear response (if any) of the structural members should be
considered by non-linear response-history analysis. Equivalent linear model

(1) Subject to the condition in (2), the isolation system may be modelled with equivalent linear visco-
elastic behaviour, if it consists of antiseismic devices that show, within the deformation range
corresponding to the limit state under consideration, a softening force-deformation behaviour without
significant stiffening behaviour at large deformations.
(2) To be modelled with equivalent linear visco-elastic behaviour, the effective stiffness of the isolation
system, as defined in (3), should not be less than 1/3 of the effective stiffness at a displacement of 0,2 ddb,
where ddb is the design displacement in the seismic design situation, including amplification factor x in
accordance with and (5).
(3) If an equivalent linear model is used, the effective stiffness of each antiseismic device (i.e. the secant
value of the stiffness at the design displacement ddb in the seismic design situation) should be used. The
effective stiffness Keff of the isolation system should be the combined stiffness of the effective stiffnesses
of all antiseismic devices and the corresponding substructures.
(4) If an equivalent linear model is used, the energy dissipation of the isolation system should be
expressed in terms of an equivalent viscous damping ratio, ξeff , given in Formula (6.41).

1 𝛴𝐸D,i
𝜉eff = 2𝜋 [𝐾 2 ] (6.41)
eff 𝑑Ed

where dEd is the seismic displacement of the equivalent SDOF system.

The energy dissipation in antiseismic devices ED,i should be expressed from the measured energy
dissipated in cycles with frequency in the range of the natural frequencies of the modes involving
deformations of the isolation system considered. For higher modes outside this range, the modal damping
ratio of the complete structure should be that of a non-isolated structure.

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(5) If the behaviour of the isolation system can be considered as equivalent linear and the seismic action
is defined using the elastic spectrum as per, a damping correction should be applied in accordance
with, where Τ is the effective period Teff defined by Formula (6.42).

𝑇eff = 2𝜋√𝐾 d (6.42)

where Md is the mass of the superstructure. Predominant-mode equivalent linear response-spectrum analysis

(1) Predominant-mode equivalent linear response-spectrum analysis is applicable in fully isolated

structures which respond predominantly as a SDOF system in each horizontal direction.
(2) The behaviour of the isolation system may be modelled as a SDOF system and the predominant-
mode equivalent linear response-spectrum analysis may be applied if all conditions a) to e) are met:
a) the isolation system is modelled as equivalent linear, based on conditions given in;
b) the contribution of higher modes of the superstructure and substructure is not significant;
NOTE The contribution of higher modes is considered not significant when the effective modal mass of the first
mode is not lower than 90 %.
c) the effective period of the fully isolated structure is not less than three times the period of the
non-isolated structure;
d) the effective damping ratio of the isolation system, as defined in (4), does not exceed 40% for
curved surface sliders and 30% for all other antiseismic devices;
e) the increase of the restoring force in the isolation system for displacements between 0,5 ddb and
ddb is not less than 2,5% of the total gravity load above the isolation system.
(3) When the effective stiffness or the effective damping of certain antiseismic devices depend on the
design displacement ddb, an iterative procedure should be applied, until the difference between assumed
and calculated values of ddb does not exceed 5% of the assumed value.
(4) The influence of the eccentricity between the effective stiffness centre and the centre of mass of the
superstructure should be considered. Multi-mode equivalent linear or non-linear response-spectrum analysis

(1) The multi-mode equivalent linear or non-linear response spectrum analysis should be applied for
structures with energy dissipation systems and for isolated structures when the contribution of higher
modes of the superstructure and/or substructure is not negligible.
NOTE Contribution of higher modes is not negligible when is not met.
(2) The multi-mode equivalent linear or non-linear response spectrum analysis may be applied if
conditions c), d), and e) of are met.
(3) In the multi-mode equivalent linear or non-linear response spectrum method, the response in the
first modes affected by antiseismic devices should be obtained idealising the structure as an equivalent
SDOF having effective period Teff and effective damping ratio ξeff.
NOTE Multi-mode non-linear response spectrum analysis used for structures with energy dissipation systems
is a combination of non-linear static analysis and response spectrum analysis. For fully isolated structures, multi-
mode equivalent linear response spectrum analysis is a combination of equivalent linear analysis and response
spectrum analysis.

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(4) The mass m*, the transformation factor Γ and the force-displacement relationship of the equivalent
SDOF model F*(d*) should be taken as defined in 6.5.3.
(5) The effective period Teff should be associated with the secant stiffness at maximum displacement of
the control node, and the effective damping ξeff should be calculated accordingly.
NOTE Guidance for calculation of Teff and ξeff is given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8 depending on the type
of structures considered.
(6) The target displacement of the equivalent SDOF system should satisfy conditions a) to c):
a) it should correspond to the design displacement;
b) it should be derived as given in 6.5.4, for ξ = ξeff and T = Teff;
c) calculation of the target displacement should be iterative, until the relative variation of the target
displacement between two iterations is lower than 5%.
NOTE 1 The effective period and the effective damping depend on the final value of the design displacement.
NOTE 2 The design displacement lies on the force-displacement relationship of the SDOF model F*(d*) defined
in 6.5.3.
(7) The response contribution from higher modes should be obtained by applying modal analysis
procedures, using appropriate values for periods and damping ratios.
NOTE Values are given in the corresponding parts of Eurocode 8 depending on the considered type of
(8) The modal responses should be combined in accordance with 6.4.2. Response-history analysis

(1) In fully isolated structures and if the conditions in and are not met, the seismic
response should be evaluated by means of a response-history analysis, using a constitutive relationship
for the antiseismic devices that should adequately reproduce the behaviour of the isolation system in the
range of deformations and velocities of the seismic design situation considered.
(2) 6.6 should be applied to structures with antiseismic devices.
(3) In structures with antiseismic devices, the inherent damping ratio (i.e. damping associated with
deformation of members of the main structural system and of ancillary elements, at or just below yielding
of the primary seismic members of the main structural system) should not be taken larger than 3% of
critical, unless test data consistent with such levels of deformation support larger values.
(4) In structures with antiseismic devices, maximum values of each seismic action effect should be
calculated for each input motion used for the response-history analysis. Seismic action effects should
include the forces, displacements, and velocities (in the case of velocity-dependent devices) in each
individual antiseismic device.

6.8.6 Verifications of antiseismic devices to limit states

(1) For non-seismic situations, the bearings and antiseismic devices should be verified in
accordance with the corresponding requirements of the relevant Eurocodes and, when applicable,
with EN 1337 (all parts).
(2) At the SD limit state, the maximum displacement demand on an antiseismic device in the seismic
design situation, including long-term deformations, thermal actions and the seismic displacement
magnified by factor γx, in accordance with and (5), should not exceed the displacement capacity
of the antiseismic device.

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(3) In isolated structures, at the SD limit state, the maximum rotation demand on the isolators in the
seismic design situation, including the effects of dead load, live load, construction misalignments and the
seismic action effects magnified by the amplification factor γx, should not exceed the design rotation
capacity of the isolators. If no data are available, the design rotation demand for the construction
misalignment may be estimated as 0,005 rad.

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7 Deformation criteria for displacement-based approach

7.1 General

(1) Criteria in Clause 7 should be used in the displacement-based approach for modelling and
verification of ultimate deformations.
NOTE 1 Clause 7 gives rules on physical or empirical models for deformation and strength used in the
displacement-based approach. Some general rules to control brittle modes, valid for all types of structures, namely
also in the force-based approach, are given. Other verification rules for resistance depend on the structures
considered and are given in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.
NOTE 2 Clause 7 does not cover masonry structures. Information can be found for those in prEN 1998-1-2:2023
and prEN 1998-3:2023.
NOTE 3 Accurate analytical models to predict the cyclic deformation capacity of aluminium members and joints
are not yet available and for this reason EN 1998 (all parts) does not provide such data. Design requirements for
aluminium structures for buildings are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Clause 15.
(2) Clause 7 should be applied to both primary and secondary seismic members.
(3) Mechanisms should be classified as ductile or brittle, depending on the material considered and the
structural type.
NOTE As an example, for a reinforced concrete beam, a mechanism is ductile if flexural failure takes place before
shear failure.
(4) Except for timber structures (see 7.4), the deformation capacity in rotation of members that yield in
flexure with or without axial force should be defined in terms of the chord rotation, 𝜃 (see Figure 7.1),
Lv is the shear span, i.e. the distance between the yielding section and the point of
contraflexure (when V is constant: LV = M/V = moment/shear at the end section);
 is the rotation of the line segment of length LV with respect to the tangent to the
longitudinal axis at the yielding end.

NOTE The chord rotation is also equal to the member drift ratio, i.e. the deflection at the end of the shear span
divided by the shear span. In general, since the point of contraflexure is not necessarily at midspan, the rotations at
the two ends are not necessarily the same.

Figure 7.1 — Definition of chord rotation (θ) in the case of (a) cantilever and (b) frame member

(5) When a bilinear model of the force-deformation relationship at member level is used to represent
ductile behaviour, two damage levels should be defined in terms of deformation thresholds of the
member, which are structurally relevant points along the force-deformation relationship (Figure 7.2), as
given in a) and b):

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a) deformation at yield, 𝛿y , corresponding to the attainment of an effective yield strength, 𝑄y∗ ; it is

linked to the elastic stiffness, 𝐾e , by 𝐾e = 𝑄y∗ ⁄𝛿y ;
b) deformation at ultimate capacity of a member, 𝛿u , corresponding to the attainment of an effective
ultimate strength, 𝑄u∗ ; it should be calculated based on the deformation at yield, 𝛿y , plus the plastic
part of the ultimate deformation capacity, 𝛿u .
This bilinear model should not be used for members in timber structures (see 7.4).
NOTE 1 The ultimate deformation at member level corresponds to a 20% drop in strength with respect to the
maximum strength of the primary or secondary seismic member. The effective ultimate strength is the maximum
strength. This leads to a slight underestimation of post-yield stiffness in the bilinear model, but no underestimation
of forces transmitted by ductile mechanisms to brittle ones and to a correct estimation of global resistance (base
NOTE 2 To simplify the wording, in the next paragraphs of Clause 7, “plastic part of the ultimate deformation
capacity” is termed in brief “plastic deformation capacity” or “plastic chord rotation capacity” where relevant.

A 20% drop from 𝑄u∗

Figure 7.2 — General definition of bilinear load-deformation relationship

(6) A piecewise linear relationship may be used to describe the progressive strength deterioration of
members, when appropriate.
NOTE Only a bilinear relationship is addressed in this standard. However, prEN 1998-1-2:2023 and prEN 1998-
3:2023 give additional information for the description of multi-branch relationships and to which structural types
they can be applied. Dissipative timber connections and subassemblies are examples of members described by a
trilinear load-deformation relationship.
(7) Values of deformations and strengths used in Clause 7 are mean values.
NOTE 1 Mean values are used for both the analysis and the evaluation of deformation criteria and strength
models given in Clause 7, for the purpose of verifications according to 6.7.2(1) to (3), or 6.7.3(2) to (4). Lower
characteristic values of resistances are used for other verifications, according to the appropriate part of Eurocode
NOTE 2 For reinforced concrete structures, the deformations in Clause 7 are medians and only slightly
underestimate the mean values. As such they can be used as mean values in the analysis model.

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(8) The elastic stiffness, 𝐾e , of primary and secondary seismic members under flexure (with or without
axial load) should be calculated considering both flexural and shear deformations, except when
prescribed otherwise in Clause 7.
NOTE The methods to calculate the elastic stiffness are given in the relevant part of Eurocode 8, depending on
the type of structure and material.
(9) As an alternative to Clause 7, modelling parameters based on experimentally obtained cyclic
response characteristics of a structural member or subassembly may be used.
NOTE The methods to determine the cyclic response characteristics from experimental results are given in
CEN/TS 1998-1-101 for reinforced concrete, steel, and steel-composite structures, and in EN 12512 and
prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Annex L, for timber structures.

7.2 Reinforced concrete structures

7.2.1 General

(1) Mechanisms in reinforced concrete members should be classified as defined in either a) or b):
a) “ductile”: beams, columns and walls under flexure with and without axial force;
b) “brittle”: shear mechanism in beams, columns, walls and joints; bond-related failures due to
insufficient anchorage or splicing length; and premature buckling of longitudinal bars due to
inadequate spacing of transverse reinforcement.
NOTE These brittle failure types are prevented in members designed to EN 1998 (all parts) but can appear in
existing structures (see prEN 1998-3:2023).
(2) Flexural strength at yield and ultimate should be calculated according to the relevant part of
Eurocode 8, considering for the materials the mean values of resistance.
(3) Mean values of concrete properties should be taken according to FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Table 5.1.
(4) Characteristic values of reinforcing steel properties should be taken according to FprEN 1992-1-
1:2023, Tables 5.4 and 5.5.
(5) The mean value of resistance of members at yield, 𝑄y∗ , should be calculated considering a material
randomness factor, rm, equal to 1,15, applied to the characteristic yield strength of reinforcing steel bars,
NOTE Only members with ribbed bars are covered in 7.2. Members with smooth (plain) bars are addressed in

7.2.2 Deformation criteria Concrete members with continuous ribbed bars Chord rotation at yielding of the end of a concrete member

(1) The chord rotation, y, of the shear span, LV, at yielding of the end section, may be evaluated using,
as appropriate, a) to c):
a) For rectangular beams and columns, Formula (7.1).

𝐿V +𝑎1 𝜙y 𝑑bL 𝑓y ℎ
𝜃y = 𝜙y 3
+ + 0,0019 (1 + 1,6 𝐿 ) (7.1)
8 √𝑓c V

b) For walls of any cross-sectional shape and members with hollow rectangular section, Formula

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𝐿V +𝑎1 𝜙y 𝑑bL 𝑓y ℎ
𝜃y = 𝜙y 3
+ + 0,0011 (1 + 3 𝐿 ) (7.2)
8 √𝑓c V

c) For circular columns, Formula (7.3).

𝐿V +𝑎1 𝜙y 𝑑bL 𝑓y 𝐿
𝜃y = 𝜙y 3
+ + 0,0025 (1 − min (1; 8 V𝐷)) (7.3)
8 √𝑓c


y is the chord rotation at yielding (in rad);

y is the yield curvature from a cross-sectional analysis of the end section, using linear
elastic material laws, corresponding to either first yielding of reinforcement or the
attainment of concrete compressive strength, whichever happens first;
h is the section depth;
LV is the shear span, defined in 7.1(4);
D is the diameter of circular sections;
a1 is the tension shift of the bending moment diagram, according to FprEN 1992-1-
1:2023, 12.3.2(1), Formula (12.5), complemented with (2);
fy = rm fyk is the longitudinal steel mean yield strength (in MPa);
fc is the concrete mean compressive strength (in MPa);
dbL is the (mean) diameter of the tension reinforcement.
NOTE The first term in Formulae (7.1) to (7.3) accounts for the flexural contribution, the second term
represents the anchorage slippage of bars and the third the contribution of shear deformation.
(2) The tension shift a1 in (1) should be calculated with z the internal lever arm, taken equal to d – d' in
beams, columns or walls with perpendicular primers or T-section (where d and d’ are the depths to the
tension and compression reinforcement, respectively), or to 0,8 h in walls with rectangular section; it
should be taken equal to zero in columns with clear-height-to-depth ratio above 6,5 or 9 for rectangular
or circular section, respectively, and in wall storeys with total height from the storey base to the top of
the wall in the building greater than 10 times the length of the cross section. Ultimate chord rotation of a critical zone at the end of a concrete member

(1) The ultimate chord rotation of a member, θu, may be calculated by Formula (7.4).
𝜃u = 𝜃y + 𝜃u (7.4)

where, in addition to notations in, 𝜃pl

u is the plastic chord rotation capacity.

(2) If the compression zone is rectangular and at right angles to the web of the member, the plastic chord
rotation capacity may be calculated by Formula (7.5).
pl pl
𝜃u = 𝜅conform 𝜅axial 𝜅reinf 𝜅concrete 𝜅shearspan 𝜅confinement 𝜃u0 (7.5)


pl is the basic value of plastic chord rotation capacity of a member, assuming:
a) the member is detailed for ductility according to DC3;
b) zero axial force;

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c) symmetric reinforcement concentrated at opposite ends of the section;

d) a concrete strength equal to 25 MPa;
e) LV/h = 2,5 (shear span-to-depth ratio) at the section of maximum
With these assumptions, 𝜃u0 should be taken equal to:
= 0,039 rad, if the member is a beam or a column with a section consisting of
rectangular parts;
= 0,023 rad, if the member is a rectangular wall;
= 0,027 rad, if the member is a wall with perpendicular primers, T, I, H, or C
shape, or hollow rectangular (box) section;
𝜅conform = 1 for a structure conforming to DC3;
= 0,9 for a structure conforming to DC2;
= 0,8 for a structure in DC1;
𝜅axial = 0,2 is the correction factor for an axial force different than zero;
ν = N/(bhfc) is the normalised axial force (with b the width of the compression
zone; N the axial force, positive for compression);
𝜅reinf max(0,01;𝜔′) 0,25
=[max(0,01;𝜔 ] is the correction factor for asymmetrical reinforcement;
tot −𝜔′)

ωtot = ρtot fy/fc is the mechanical ratio of all longitudinal bars (with 𝜌tot = ∑ 𝐴𝑠 ⁄𝐴𝑐 );
ω' = ' fy'/fc is the mechanical ratio of the bars in compression (with 𝜌′ = ∑ 𝐴′𝑠 ⁄𝐴𝑐 );
𝜅concrete 𝑓c (MPa) 0,1
=[min (2; )] is the correction factor for concrete strength different than
25 MPa;
𝜅shearspan 1 𝐿 0,35
=[2,5 min (9; ℎv )] is the correction factor for a shear span-to-depth ratio
different than 2,5;
𝛼𝜌sw 𝑓yw
𝜅confinement ( )
=24 𝑓c(𝑀𝑃𝑎) is the correction factor taking into account the confinement of
concrete due to transverse bars;
fyw is the stirrup mean yield strength (MPa);
sw = Asw/(bwsw) is the ratio of transverse reinforcement in the direction of shear;
Asw is the area of one layer of transverse reinforcement in the direction of shear;
bw is the width of the cross section of one web (even in box sections with more than
one parallel webs) which is perpendicular to the direction of shear;
sw is the transverse reinforcement centreline spacing;
 is the global confinement effectiveness factor that may be taken equal to
kconf,b kconf,s as given in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.1.4(4), Table 8.1

(3) For members of any cross-sectional shape (including circular) not covered by (2), 𝜃pl
u may be
calculated by Formulae (7.6) and (7.7).

pl 0,5 𝑙pl
𝜃u = (𝜙u − 𝜙y )𝑙pl (1 − 𝐿V
) + Δ𝜃u,slip (7.6)

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𝜙u +𝜙y
Δ𝜃u,slip = 9,5 𝑑bL 2


y is the yield curvature, defined in;

u is the ultimate curvature at the end section calculated from a cross-sectional
analysis according to (4) and using non-linear material laws;
lpl is the plastic hinge length, given in (6);
dbL is the longitudinal bar diameter;
Δ𝜃u,slip is the post-yield fixed-end rotation due to yield penetration in the anchorage zone
beyond the yielding end of the member, taken as given by Formula (7.7).
(4) The ultimate curvature, u, in a critical zone may be taken to occur when one of the ultimate strains
given in a) or b) is reached (whichever happens first):
a) Before spalling of the cover concrete:
− For the tension bars, according to Formula (7.8)

𝜀su = 0,4 𝜀su,nom (7.8)

εsu is the ultimate tensile strain of longitudinal bars;
εsu,nom is the uniform elongation at tensile strength in a standard steel coupon test; if more
representative values are not available, it may be taken equal to 0,08 and 0,12 for
ductility class B or C steel, respectively.

− For the (unconfined) concrete, according to Formula (7.9)

0,0035 ≤ 𝜀cu = (18,5⁄ℎ) ≤ 0,01 (7.9)

where h, in mm, is the depth of the unspalled section.

b) After spalling of the cover concrete:
− For the tension bars, according to Formula (7.10)
4 𝑑bL
𝜀su = 15 𝜀su,nom (1 + 3 𝑠w
) (1 − 0,75 e−0,4𝑁b,compr ) (7.10)

where, in addition to previous notations, Nb,compr is the number of bars near the extreme compression
fibres (those in the outermost layer of compression bars for a rectangular compression zone, or 2 in
a circular section, or 1 in a triangular compression zone).
− For the confined concrete core inside the confining outermost transverse steel bars:
i) for a circular section, according to Formula (7.11):

𝛼𝜌sv 𝑓yw
𝜀cu,c = 𝜀cu + 0,07√ 𝑓c

ii) for other cross-sectional shapes, according to Formula (7.12):

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𝛼𝜌sv 𝑓yw
𝜀cu + 0,04√ 𝑓c
, for a rectangular compression zone
𝜀cu,c = (7.12)
𝛼𝜌sv 𝑓yw
𝜀 + 0,12√ , for a triangular compression zone
{ cu 𝑓c

where, in addition to previous notations,

εcu is obtained from Formula (7.9) replacing h by the depth of the confined core, ho;
ρsv is the volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement defined as the volume of
confining hoops over the volume of the core concrete.
(5) For the calculation of the flexural resistance of the confined concrete core, a) to c) may be applied,
where mean values should be used:
a) the increase in compressive strength of concrete ∆fcd due to confinement may be taken as given
in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.1.4(2);
b) the concrete strength increase in the confined zones may be taken as given in FprEN 1992-1-
1:2023, 8.1.4(4);
c) the effect of confinement on the strain limits in concrete may be determined as given in
FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.1.4(5), Formula (8.16), where c2 is the concrete strain at fc which should
be taken equal to 0,002, and cu,c should be taken as in (7.11) or (7.12), as applicable.
NOTE If the calculated flexural strength of the confined concrete core, at the instant when the most critical of
the applicable ultimate strains in (4)b) takes place, exceeds 80% of the strength of the full unspalled concrete
section, then case (4)b) determines the magnitude of u; otherwise, case (4)a) governs.
(6) If the ultimate and yield curvatures and the fixed-end rotation due to yield penetration in the
anchorage zone are calculated according to (3) and (4), the plastic hinge length, lpl, given in a) or b), as
appropriate, may be used in Formula (7.6) for members with detailing and design conforming to present-
generation seismic design codes.
NOTE Present-generation seismic design codes are those comparable to Eurocode 8 in terms of detailing for

a) For beams or columns with section consisting of rectangular parts, walls of all types, and hollow
piers, Formula (7.13) should be used.

𝑙pl = 𝜆section 𝜆shearspan 𝜆axial (0,3ℎ) (7.13)


1 𝑏w
𝜆section = 1 − √min (2,5; max (0,05; ))
3 ℎ
𝜆shearspan = 1 + 0,4 min (9; )

𝜆axial = 1 − 0,45 min(0,7; 𝜈)
b) For columns with circular cross section of diameter, D, Formula (7.14) should be used.

𝑙pl = 𝜆shearspan 𝜆axial (0,7𝐷) (7.14)


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1 𝐿V
𝜆shearspan = 1 + min (9; )
7 ℎ
𝜆axial = 1 − min(0,7; 𝜈) Concrete members with ribbed longitudinal bars, lap-spliced starting at the end section

(1) If longitudinal bars, of diameter dbL, are lap-spliced over a straight length lo which starts at the end
section of the member, both bars in a pair of lapped compression bars may be taken to fully count as
compression reinforcement.
(2) If lo is at least the lap-splice length defined in accordance with FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 11.5, values of
yield moment, curvature and rotation should be taken as given in
NOTE These values are not affected by a lap-splice, if the lap-splice is conforming.

7.2.3 Resistance to shear

(1) The shear resistance of concrete members should be calculated in accordance with FprEN 1992-1-
1:2023, 8.2, modified according to (2) to (7) below.
(2) The value of ddg in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.1(4), Formula (8.20), should be taken equal to 16 mm.
(3) The value of factor ν in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.3(6) and (7), should be divided by 1,6.
(4) If FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.3(7), is used, the average strain of the two chords in FprEN 1992-1-
1:2023, Formula (8.46), should be calculated from FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formulae (8.47) to (8.52), as
a) Outside critical regions, using the values of MEd and VEd in the seismic design situation;
b) In member end-zones expected to enter the inelastic range, using the values of MEd and VEd from
the analysis multiplied by the following factor:
— for non-linear analysis according to 6.5 or 6.6, by the chord rotation ductility factor at the nearest
member end (defined as the maximum value of chord rotation at a member end during the
response divided by the chord rotation of the same end at yielding);
— for linear elastic analysis with the design spectrum according to 6.4, by the behaviour factor q.
(5) The value of the average strain of the two chords should not be taken greater than 0,02.
(6) FprEN 1992:1-1:2023, 8.2.1(7), should be applied in columns, taking as inclined compression force
the diagonal strut which transfers the column’s axial force in the seismic design situation from the
compression zone of the top section to that of the bottom section in a storey.
(7) The value of coefficient cv1 in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.6(5), should be halved at construction joints
of walls, unless a rigorous value is experimentally obtained in cyclic tests with similar conditions.
NOTE CEN/TS 1998-1-101 gives a loading protocol and acceptance criteria for such tests.
(8) FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.3(12), may be applied to calculate the shear resistance of the rectangular
2D region where two 1D primary seismic members are connected at right angles to each other (such as a
vertical to a horizontal member), as follows:
− βincl in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.55) and Figure 8.11(a), should be that of the diagonal of
the 2D connection region and θ is the angle of the compression stress field, both measured with
respect to the same side of the 2D connection region so that θ ≤ βincl, as in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023,
Figure 8.11(a); the length of that side is defined as width, b, of the connection region and that of
the orthogonal side as depth, h; the shear stress resistance τRd in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula
(8.55), refers to the direction of the depth;

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− The value of factor ν in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.55), should be the one given in
FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.2.3(6) and (7), divided by 1,4;
− The average compression stress in the connection region produced by prestress or a compressive
axial force in the direction of depth h (i.e. normal to the width dimension) should be added to the
product of shear reinforcement ratio and its stress in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.55);
− The tensile force given by FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.50), should be resisted by
reinforcement in the 2D connection region at right angles to the shear reinforcement in
FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.55), acting together with the normal force in the connection
region in the direction of the width b (taken positive for compression); the strain produced in that
reinforcement as a result of FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.50), should be used as longitudinal
strain in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.45);
− Lateral confinement of the connection region by slabs and/or beams at right angles to its plane
may be taken into account by multiplying the first term in FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.55),
by the ratio of the total lateral surface area on the two lateral faces of the connection region, 2hb,
to the total surface area left exposed on these two lateral faces;

− A shear stress resistance equal to the compressive stress of concrete times 0,5√𝑏 at exterior

connection regions and 1,2√𝑏 at interior ones may be added to the shear stress resistance given
by FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Formula (8.50);
− The shear stress at first cracking of the 2D connection region, under simultaneous action of the
axial forces in the two connected members, may be taken as lower limit to the connection’s shear
NOTE Simplified rules are given for verification of beam-column joints in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.

7.3 Steel and composite steel-concrete structures

7.3.1 General

(1) The resistance at yield, 𝑄y∗ , of members should be calculated considering the material randomness
factor, rm, given in Table 7.1.
NOTE Multiplication of the nominal strength 𝑓y by the material randomness factor yields the mean value 𝑓ym to
be used according to 7.1(7).

Table 7.1 — Material randomness factor rm

Steel grade rm

S235 1,45

S275 1,35

S355 and S420 1,25

S460 1,2

(2) Except when (3) applies, Formulae in 7.3 should be used only in their range of applicability given in
Table 7.2 for different types of cross-sectional profiles (Figure 7.3).

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(3) Formulae in 7.3 may be used outside the range of applicability given in Table 7.2 only when 7.1(9)
is applied.

Table 7.2 — Range of applicability of Formulae in 7.3

Cross-sectional Member Axial load Mean yield
geometry slenderness ratio strength [MPa]

Steel and composite 20 ≤ 𝑐/𝑡w ≤ 55 20 ≤ 𝐿b /𝑖z ≤ 100

- 240 ≤ 𝑓ym ≤ 450
steel-concrete beams 4 ≤ 𝑏f /2𝑡f ≤ 8 2,5 ≤ 𝐿o /ℎ ≤ 8

4 ≤ 𝑐/𝑡w ≤ 58
I- and H-shaped hot-
4 ≤ 𝑏f /2𝑡f ≤ 8 38,4 ≤ 𝐿b /𝑖z ≤ 120 0 ≤ 𝑣G ≤ 0,50 235 ≤ 𝑓ym ≤ 485
rolled columns
1,82 ≤ 𝑏f /2𝑡f ≤ 8,52

Rectangular or square
hollow structural 15 ≤ 𝑑/𝑡 ≤ 60 - 0 ≤ 𝑣G ≤ 0,50 235 ≤ 𝑓ym ≤ 520
steel columns

where, in Table 7.2,

𝐿b /𝑖z is the member slenderness ratio of the steel beam or column (Figure 7.3(a));
ℎ is the full depth of the cross section (Figure 7.3(b));
𝐿o is the shear span of the steel beam (Figure 7.3(a));
𝐿b is the unbraced length of the steel beam (Figure 7.3(a)) or column that is measured
from the centre of the dissipative zone to the first location of lateral bracings;
𝑐/𝑡w is the web slenderness ratio of the cross section;
𝑏f /2𝑡f is the flange slenderness ratio of the cross section;
𝑖z is the radius of gyration of a steel cross section with respect to its weak axis;
𝑓ym is the mean yield stress of the steel material of the steel beam or column;
𝑣G is the axial load ratio of the steel column due to the non-seismic actions in the
seismic design situation (𝑣G = 𝑁Ed,G /𝑁pl,e );
𝑁Ed,G is the axial load demand of the column due to non-seismic actions in the seismic
design situation;
𝑁pl,e is the expected axial yield resistance of the column (= 𝜔rm 𝑓y 𝐴c );
𝐴c is the cross-sectional area of the steel column;
𝑑 is the depth of the edge of the respective HSS cross section parallel to the direction
of the seismic action (Figure 7.3(c));
𝑡 is the thickness of the square or rectangular HSS cross section (Figure 7.3(c));

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A moment gradient
B inflection point
C lateral bracings
D centre of dissipative zone

Figure 7.3 — Definitions of geometric parameters for steel members

7.3.2 Beams and columns under flexure with or without axial load General

(1) 7.3.2 should be applied to beams in either a) or b):

a) steel and composite steel-concrete beams with rigid full-strength moment resisting beam-to-
column joints complying with requirements associated to DC2 and DC3;
b) steel and composite steel-concrete beams with semi-rigid, partial-strength moment resisting
beam-to-column joints when the dissipative zone is expected to occur within the beam and beam-
to-column joints complying with requirements associated to DC2 and DC3. Deformation at yield

(1) Where the point of contraflexure is expected to occur at midspan of a steel or composite steel-
concrete beam with rigid full-strength beam-to-column joints (Figure 7.1(b)), the yield chord rotation y
of a member where a plastic hinge can form is given by Formula (7.15).
𝐿(1+𝑛) ∗
𝜃y = 6𝐸𝐼
𝑀y (7.15)

𝑀y∗ is the effective flexural resistance at yield given in to, as appropriate;
EI is the cross-sectional stiffness of the steel or composite steel-concrete beam (and
steel column); for composite steel-concrete beams, it should be calculated as the
effective flexural stiffness, (𝐸𝐼)eff,II , according to prEN 1994-1-1:2024,;
L is the assumed clear member length (see Figure 7.3(a));
G is the shear modulus of steel;
n is a shear deformation contribution factor, given by 𝑛 = 12𝐸𝐼/𝐿2 𝐺𝐴eff ;
𝐴eff is the effective shear area of the cross section. For I-shape sections, it is given by
𝐴eff = 𝐴w = (ℎb − 2𝑡f )𝑡w

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NOTE n is assumed to zero where shear deformation in a beam does not change the component deformation by
more than 5% or is not considered in the model.
(2) Where a plastic hinge can form in a beam or a column with partial-strength beam-to-column joints,
the yield chord rotation y of the corresponding member may be determined according to EN 1998-3 or
by tests.
NOTE CEN/TS 1998-1-101 gives a loading protocol and acceptance criteria for such tests.
(3) Where the point of contraflexure is expected to occur at midspan of a beam with partial-strength
beam-to-column joints, the yield chord rotation y of a member where a plastic hinge can form may be
taken as given by Formula (7.16).

𝜃𝑦 = 0,005 rad (7.16)

(4) Other than in (3), the yield chord rotation y of a member where a plastic hinge can form, with
partial-strength beam-to-column joints, should be calculated according to Formula (7.17).

𝜃y = 0,003 rad (7.17) Steel beams with rigid full-strength beam-to-column joints

(1) The effective flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗ , of a steel beam may be calculated using Formula (7.18).

𝑀y∗ = 𝛽𝜔rm 𝜒LT 𝑀Rk (7.18)

𝛽 should be equal to 1,1 regardless of the full-strength connection type;
𝜔rm is given in Table 7.1;
𝑀Rk is the characteristic flexural resistance of the steel beam for strong axis bending
and should be calculated according to EN 1993-1-1:2022,;
𝜒LT is the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling according to EN 1993-1-
1:2022, 8.3.2.
NOTE 1 For steel beams with reduced beam section (RBS), the dissipative zone is assumed to be located at the
centre of the RBS region.
NOTE 2 The parameter 𝛽 is an adjustment factor to represent the effects of cyclic hardening.
NOTE 3 For joints with RBS, 𝑀Rk can be calculated according to prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Annex E, E.2.3.7.
(2) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate, 𝑀u∗ , of steel beams should be calculated based on a
factored value of the effective yield resistance, 𝑀y∗ , using Formula (7.19).

𝑀u∗ = 1,1 𝑀y∗ (7.19)

(3) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , for flexural hinges of standard steel beams and beams with
RBS should be calculated using Formulae (7.20) and (7.21), respectively.

pl 𝑐 −0,9 𝑏 −1,1 𝐿 −0,2 𝐿 1,1 𝐸 0,2

𝜃u = 0,50 (𝑡 ) (2𝑡f ) ( 𝑖b) ( ℎo ) (𝑓 ) (7.20)
w f 𝑧 y𝑚

−0,5 −0,7 𝐿 −0,5 𝐿 0,8 0,23

pl 𝑐 𝑏 𝐸
𝜃u = 0,25 (𝑡 ) (2𝑡f ) ( 𝑖 𝑏) ( ℎo ) (𝑓 ) (7.21)
w f z ym

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E) Composite steel-concrete beams with rigid full-strength beam-to-column joints

(1) should be applied to steel beams with partial and full composite action in accordance with
EN 1994-1-1.
(2) The effective flexural resistance at yield, should be defined separately for sagging (slab in
compression), 𝑀y∗+ , and hogging (slab in tension) bending, 𝑀y∗− , for a composite steel-concrete beam, as
shown in Figure 7.4.
(3) The effective flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗+ , of the composite steel-concrete beam under sagging
should be calculated as given in EN 1994-1-1.
(4) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate, 𝑀u∗ , should be defined separately for sagging and
hogging bending for a composite steel-concrete beam, as shown in Figure 7.4.
(5) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate, 𝑀u∗+ , of the composite steel-concrete beam under
sagging should be calculated using Formula (7.22).

𝑀u∗+ = 1,3 𝑀y∗+ (7.22)

(6) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate, 𝑀u∗− , of a composite steel-concrete beam under hogging
may be calculated in accordance with Formula (7.19), where 𝑀y∗ is replaced by 𝑀y∗− .

Figure 7.4 — Adjusted bilinear load-deformation relationship for composite

steel-concrete beams under sagging: solid line represents the steel beam;
dashed line represents the composite steel-concrete beam
(7) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of composite steel-concrete beams under sagging, should
be calculated using Formula (7.23).
pl,+ pl
𝜃u = 1,5 𝜃u (7.23)
where 𝜃u is given by Formula (7.20) or (7.21), depending on the beam-to-column connection type.

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(8) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of composite steel-concrete beams under hogging, should
be calculated using Formula (7.20) or (7.21) depending on the beam-to-column connection type. Beams in semi-rigid and partial strength beam-to-column joints

(1) should be applied to steel beams in semi-rigid and partial-strength moment resisting beam-
to-column joints that are expected to develop a plastic hinge within the steel beam.
(2) For partial-strength beam-to-column joints with two or more failure modes, the hysteretic
behaviour of the joint should be defined according to the weakest failure mechanism.
NOTE In this case, appropriate modelling procedures are given in prEN 1998-3:2023, Clause 9.
(3) The effective flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗ , (Figure 7.2) of partial-strength beam-to-column joints
should be calculated or based on testing.
NOTE Possible expressions to calculate 𝑀y∗ in this case are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Clauses 11, 12,
Annexes E, G. Steel columns General

(1) should be applied to columns made of hot-rolled I-, H-shaped, HSS, fabricated, cold roll-
formed, press-formed and built-up steel sections.
(2) When the point of contraflexure is anticipated to occur at the midspan of the column, the yield chord
rotation y of the member where a plastic hinge can form should be calculated using Formula (7.24).
𝐿(1+𝑛) ∗
𝜃y = 𝑀
6 𝜈b 𝐸𝐼 y

where n is as given in and νb is given by Formula (7.25).

|𝑁Ed |
1,0 , 𝑖𝑓 ≤ 0,50
𝜈b = { |𝑁 | |𝑁 | |𝑁Ed |
4 Ed (1 − Ed ) , 𝑖𝑓 > 0,50
𝑁pl,e 𝑁pl,e 𝑁pl,e

where 𝑁Ed is the compressive or tensile axial force of the column in the seismic design situation.
(3) Depending on the location of the inflection point within the column member, the flexural stiffness
contribution should be adjusted accordingly.
(4) The effective flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗ , of I-, H-shaped and HSS steel columns should be
calculated by solving the relevant interaction equation depending on the axis of buckling, with respect to
𝑀y,Ed for combined bending and axial compression according to EN 1993-1-1:2022, 8.3.3, and multiplied
by 1,15 𝜔rm to account for the effects of cyclic hardening and steel material randomness. The compressive
axial load 𝑁Ed should be taken as that due to the non-seismic actions in the seismic design situation.
(5) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate of a steel column, 𝑀u∗ , may be calculated using Formula

𝑀u∗ = 𝑎∗ 𝑀y∗ (7.26)

where 𝑎∗ is the effective hardening ratio given in (6) or (7) as appropriate.

(6) The effective hardening ratio, 𝑎∗ , may be calculated using Formula (7.27) for I- and H-shaped steel

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𝑐 −0,4 𝐿 −0,16
1,0 ≤ 𝑎∗ = 7,6 (𝑡 ) ( 𝑖 b) (1 − 𝑣G )0,2 ≤ 1,2 (7.27)
w z

(7) The effective hardening ratio, 𝑎∗ , should be taken equal to 1,1 for HSS columns. Interior columns

(1) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of I- and H-shaped steel columns may be calculated using
Formula (7.28).

pl 𝑐 −0,95 𝐿b −0,5
𝜃u = 7,37 ( ) ( ) (1 − 𝑣G )2,4 ≤ 0,15 rad (7.28)
𝑡w 𝑖z

(2) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of HSS columns may be calculated using Formula (7.29).

pl 𝑑 −1,15
𝜃𝑢 = 1,4 ( 𝑡 ) (1 − 𝑣G )1,8 ≤ 0,10 rad (7.29)

(3) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of I-, H-shaped and HSS columns with 𝑣G > 0,50, or with
𝑐/𝑡w > 43 and 𝐿b /𝑖z > 120 should be taken equal to zero. Exterior columns

(1) Exterior columns that experience variations in axial load demands due to dynamic overturning
effects may be modelled based on by considering only the axial load due to the non-seismic loads
in the seismic design situation, 𝑣G , similarly to interior columns.
(2) The transient load due to overturning effects may be neglected in resistance models for assessment
of exterior I- and H-shaped columns. Fully encased or concrete filled composite columns General

(1) should be applied to fully encased or concrete filled composite square or rectangular
(2) When the point of contraflexure is expected to occur at mid-height of the column, the yield chord
rotation y of the member where a plastic hinge can form should be calculated using Formula (7.30).
𝜃y = 6𝐸𝐼 𝑀y∗ (7.30)

EI is the effective flexural stiffness, (𝐸𝐼)eff,II , according to EN 1994-1-1;
L is defined according to
(3) Depending on the location of the inflection point within the column member, the flexural stiffness
contribution should be adjusted accordingly. should be applied.
(4) The effective flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗ , of encased or filled composite columns should be
calculated according to prEN 1994-1-1:2024, 8.8.
(5) The effective flexural resistance at ultimate, 𝑀u∗ , of encased or filled composite columns may be
calculated using Formula (7.31).

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𝑀u∗ = 1,1 𝑀y∗ (7.31) Interior columns

(1) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of filled composite square or rectangular columns may be
calculated using Formula (7.32).
𝜃𝑢 = 3,5 𝜃𝑦 ≤ 0,04 rad (7.32)

(2) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of filled composite circular columns may be calculated using
Formula (7.33).
𝜃𝑢 = 5,0 𝜃𝑦 ≤ 0,06 rad (7.33)
(3) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of interior encased columns with H- or I-shaped steel
profiles may be calculated according to by neglecting the influence of concrete on the plastic
deformation capacity. Exterior columns

(1) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of filled composite square or rectangular columns may be
calculated using Formula (7.34).
𝜃u = 2,0 𝜃y ≤ 0,03 rad (7.34)

(2) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of filled composite circular columns may be calculated using
Formula (7.35).
𝜃𝑢 = 2,5 𝜃y ≤ 0,03 rad (7.35)

(3) The plastic chord rotation capacity, 𝜃u , of exterior encased columns with H- or I-shaped steel
profiles should be calculated according to by neglecting the influence of concrete on the plastic
deformation capacity.
(4) The transient load due to overturning effects should be taken into account in resistance models for
assessment of exterior filled composite columns.

7.3.3 Steel bracings General

(1) 7.3.3 should be used for hot-rolled or built-up I-, H-shaped, single or double angle (L), single or
double channel (C), hollow rectangular or square and hollow circular structural steel bracings.
(2) The bilinear non-symmetric cyclic envelope in tension and compression should be taken as in Figure
7.5(a) and 7.5(b) for a steel brace in tension and compression, respectively.

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Figure 7.5 — Idealised force-deformation relationship for steel bracings in (a) tension and (b)

NOTE The deformation 𝛿ut , in Figure 7.5 corresponds to the axial elongation at incipient brace fracture in
tension. The axial displacement 𝛿ub , corresponds to the axial contraction of buckling bracings at a reserve axial
compressive strength of no more than 20% of the expected buckling resistance of the bracing. Axial resistance of steel bracings

(1) The effective axial resistance at yield in tension, 𝑁pl,e , and the expected axial resistance at buckling,
𝑁b,e , of a steel brace should be calculated according to Formulae (7.36) and (7.37), respectively.

𝑁pl,e = 𝜔rm 𝑓y 𝐴 (7.36)

𝑁b,e = 𝜔rm 𝑁b,Rd (7.37)


rm is the material randomness factor given in 7.3.1;

𝑓y is the nominal yield stress of the steel brace;
𝐴 is the cross-sectional area of the steel brace;
𝑁b,Rd is the buckling resistance of the steel brace according to EN 1993-1-1:2022, 8.3.
(2) The effective axial resistance at ultimate of the steel brace in tension and compression, as shown in
Figure 7.5, should be calculated according to Formulae (7.38) and (7.39), respectively.

𝑁ut = 𝑁pl,e (7.38)

𝑁uc = 0,20 𝜔rm 𝑁b,Rd (7.39) Axial displacement at yield and at buckling

(1) The axial displacement between the two ends of a steel brace at yield in tension, 𝛿y , and at buckling
in compression, 𝛿b , should be calculated according to Formulae (7.40) and (7.41), respectively.
𝑁pl,e 𝐿ee
𝛿y = (7.40)

𝑁b,e 𝐿ee
𝛿b = 𝐸𝐴

where Lee is the end-to-end bracing length.

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(1) The axial displacement between the two ends of a steel brace at ultimate limit state in compression,
𝛿ub , (Figure 7.5(b)) should be calculated using Formula (7.42) for hot-rolled or built-up I-, H-shaped,
double angle (L) and double channel (C) bracings buckling in-plane, Formula (7.43) for bracings with
hollow circular sections, Formula (7.44) for bracings with hollow rectangular or square sections and
Formula (7.45) for single channel (C) and single angle (L) bracings.
𝜆f −1,7 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ub = 5,6 (𝜆 ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿b (7.42)

𝜆f −1,7 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ub = 5,5 (𝜆 ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿b (7.43)

𝜆f −1,0 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ub = 3,75 ( ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿b (7.44)

𝜆f −1,7
𝛿ub = 12 ( ) 𝛿b (7.45)

𝜆f is the width-to-thickness ratio, 𝑐/𝑡 (or ℎ/𝑡), for the flange of I-, H-shaped, angle,
rectangular or square hollow sections and channel bracings; for circular hollow
sections, 𝜆f is equal to 𝑑e /𝑡 according to EN 1993-1-1:2022, 7.6;
𝜆Cl.1 is the limit of width-to-thickness ratio for class 1 for members in compression
according to EN 1993-1-1:2022, 7.6;
𝐿cr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered according to EN 1993-1-
1:2022, 8.3;
𝑖 is the radius of gyration of the bracing cross section in the buckling plane.
(2) The axial displacement between the two ends of a steel brace at ultimate limit state in tension, 𝛿ut ,
(Figure 7.5(a)) should be calculated using Formula (7.46) for I-, H-shaped, double angle (L) and double
channel (C) bracings, Formula (7.47) for bracings with circular hollow sections, Formula (7.48) for
bracings with rectangular or square hollow sections, and Formula (7.49) for single angle (L) bracings.
𝜆f −1,7 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ut = 3,4 (𝜆 ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿y (7.46)

𝜆f −1,7 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ut = 3,2 ( ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿y (7.47)

𝜆f −1,0 𝐿 𝜔rm 𝑓y
𝛿ut = 5,8 (𝜆 ) ( 𝑖cr √ 𝐸 ) 𝛿y (7.48)

𝜆f −1,7
𝛿ut = 7,2 (𝜆 ) 𝛿y (7.49)

(3) For tension-only steel bracings, the corresponding deformation capacities at ultimate limit state
from Formulae (7.46) to (7.49) should be divided by 2,0.

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7.3.4 Beam-to-column web panel joint General

(1) The beam-to-column web panel flexibility should be considered in a frame analysis.
(2) If supplementary web plates are used to ensure elastic behaviour of the web panel, they may be
modelled with rigid end-offsets from the joint centreline. Otherwise, the beam-to-column web panel
should be modelled with rigid beam-to-column elements to form a parallelogram of dimensions ℎb (i.e.
beam depth) by ℎc (i.e. column depth as shown in Figure 7.6).
(3) A trilinear rotational concentrated plasticity element may be used to model the beam-to-column web
panel joint as shown in Figure 7.6. In this case, flexural hinges should be placed at the remaining outer
three corners of the beam-to-column web panel.
(4) The flexural resistance at yield of the idealised web panel model in non-composite beam-to-column
joints should be calculated using Formula (7.50).

𝑀y = 𝜔rm 𝑉y ℎb (7.50)

ℎb is the beam cross-sectional depth (see Figure 7.6);
𝑉y is the shear resistance at yield of the web panel.
𝜔rm is the material randomness factor according to Table 7.1.
NOTE 𝑉𝑦 can be determined according to prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.9.4.
(5) The full plastic flexural resistance of the web panel, 𝑀pl , if web stiffeners are installed, should be
calculated using Formula (7.51).

𝑀pl = 𝜔rm 𝑉p ℎb (7.51)

where Vp is given by Formula (7.52).

𝑓y 𝐾
𝑉p = [1,1(ℎc − 𝑡cf )𝑡p + (0,93 𝐾f + 0,015) (𝑏cf −
√3 e
3𝑏 𝑡 2
0,60 𝑓y ℎc 𝑡p (1 + c cf ) 𝑖𝑓 ≤ 0,75 𝑁b,Rd
ℎb ℎc 𝑡p
𝑡cw )2𝑡cf ] √1 − 𝑣 2 { (7.52)
3𝑏 𝑡 2 1,2
0,60 𝑓y ℎc 𝑡p (1 + ℎ ℎc cf
) (1,9 − 𝑁 ) 𝑖𝑓 > 0,75 𝑁b,Rd
b c p b,rd

𝑓y is the nominal yield stress of the steel column;
ℎc is steel column cross-sectional depth;
𝑡cf is the flange thickness of the column cross section;
𝑡p is the web panel thickness including the total thickness of the column web doubler
plates, if any;
𝑏𝑐𝑓 is the flange width of the column cross section;
𝑡𝑐w is the web thickness of the column cross section;
𝑣 is the axial load ratio of the steel column due to the seismic actions in the seismic
design situation (𝑣 = 𝑁Ed /𝑁pl,e );

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𝐾f is the column flange stiffness and 𝐾f = (𝐾sf 𝐾bf )⁄(𝐾sf + 𝐾bf ), 𝐾sf = 2𝑡cf 𝑏cf 𝐺 with
𝐾bf = 2𝐸𝑏cf 𝑡cf ⁄ℎb2;
𝐾e is the elastic stiffness of the web panel and 𝐾𝑒 = (𝐾s 𝐾b )⁄(𝐾s + 𝐾b ), 𝐾s =
𝑡p (ℎc − 𝑡cf )𝐺 with 𝐾b = 12𝐸𝐼𝑝 ⁄ℎb2 ;
𝐸 is the Young’s modulus of the steel material of the steel column;
𝐺 is the shear modulus of the steel material of the steel column;
𝐼p is the moment of inertia of the web panel cross section, including the column web
doubler plates, if any.
(6) Exterior beam-to-column web panel joints in the presence of a floor slab should be modelled with a
non-symmetric load-deformation relationship. When the slab is in compression, Formula (7.53) should
be used for calculating 𝑀𝑦+ .

𝑀y+ = 𝑉y ℎeff = 𝑉y (ℎb + ℎrib + 0,5 𝑡sl − 0,5 𝑡f ) (7.53)

ℎrib is the overall depth of the profiled steel sheeting excluding the longitudinal stiffener
(Figure 7.6(a));
𝑡sl is the slab thickness above the steel deck (Figure 7.6(a));
𝑡f is the thickness of the beam flange (Figure 7.6(a)).
(7) When the slab is in tension, the effective depth (Figure 7.6(a)) may be taken as the one of the bare
steel web panel and 𝑀y− may be calculated using Formula (7.50).
(8) Interior composite web panel joints should be modelled with a symmetric load-deformation
relationship due to the effectiveness of the slab in both loading directions. Shear distortion at yield

(1) The yield shear distortion, 𝛾y , of the web panel should be calculated using Formula (7.54).

𝛾y = 𝑓y ⁄(√3 𝐺) (7.54)

where G is the shear modulus of the steel material.

A flexural hinge
B beam plastic hinge

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C column plastic hinge

D column
E web panel plastic hinge
F beam
G rigid links

Figure 7.6 — Beam-to-column joint web panel: (a) joint characteristics; (b) model idealisation
for non-linear static analysis; and (c) shear force-distortion relationship Shear distortion at ultimate

(1) The shear distortion at ultimate, 𝛾p , of the web panel (see Figure 7.6) should be considered equal to
4 𝛾y .

7.3.5 Links in frames with eccentric bracings

(1) 7.3.5 should be used for eccentrically braced frame (EBF) links designed in accordance with
prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.11 and 12.11.
(2) The load-deformation model for an EBF link beam should include shear and flexural deformations.
(3) The yield shear distortion, y, of the link beam may be taken as given by Formula (7.55).

𝑒 3 (1+𝑛) ∗
𝛾y = 12𝐸𝐼
𝑄y (7.55)


𝑄∗y is equal to 𝑉𝑦∗ given in (5) or equal to V given in (6), as appropriate;

𝑒 is the length of the link beam;

𝑛 is as given in
(4) The effective resistance at yield of the link beam should be calculated either by the shear resistance
at yield, 𝑉y∗, or by the flexural resistance at yield, 𝑀y∗. Where flexural yielding is the primary failure mode,
the effective resistance at yield should be converted to the resultant shear demand, V.
(5) For shear yielding, the effective shear resistance at yield of the link beam should be calculated using
Formula (7.56).
|𝑁Ed |
for 𝑁pl,e
≤ 0,2 0,6 𝜔rm 𝑓y 𝐴v
𝑉y∗ = 2 (7.56)
|𝑁Ed | |𝑁Ed |
for 𝑁pl,e
> 0,2 0,6 𝜔rm 𝑓y 𝐴v √1 − (𝑁 )

𝐴v is the effective shear area of the cross section; it should be calculated using a) or b):
a) for an I- or H-shaped section, 𝐴v = (ℎ − 2𝑡f )𝑡w;
b) for a box section, 𝐴v = 2(ℎ − 2𝑡f )𝑡w ;
𝑁Ed is the axial load demand in the link in the seismic design situation;

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ℎ is the cross-sectional depth of the steel link.

(6) For flexural yielding, the effective shear resistance at yield, V, of an EBF link should be calculated
using Formula (7.57).
2 𝑀y∗
𝑉= (7.57)

where 𝑀y∗ should be calculated according to when the axial load is not present in the EBF link,
while should be used otherwise.
(7) The effective resistance at ultimate, 𝑄c,u

, should be calculated using Formula (7.58).

𝑄c,u = 𝑄y∗ + 0,03 [𝑒 3 (1+𝑛)] 𝛾p (7.58)

𝛾p is the plastic shear distortion at ultimate; for its calculation (8) to (12) should be
applied, whichever is applicable.
(8) For |𝑁Ed |⁄𝑁pl,e < 0,2 and 𝑒 ≤ 1,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (shear-controlled), the shear distortion at ultimate limit
state, 𝛾𝑝 , of the EBF link should be taken equal to 0,15 rad.
(9) For |𝑁Ed |⁄𝑁pl,e < 0,2 and 𝑒 ≥ 2,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (flexure-controlled), EBF links should be modelled as steel
beams according to or steel columns according to
(10) For |𝑁Ed |⁄𝑁pl,e < 0,2 and 1,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ < 𝑒 < 2,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (shear-flexure), a linear interpolation
between values given in (8) and (9) should be used.
(11) For |𝑁𝐸𝑑 |⁄𝑁pl,e ≥ 0,2 and 𝑒 ≤ 1,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (shear-controlled), the shear distortion at ultimate limit
state, 𝛾p , of the EBF link should be calculated using Formula (7.59).

5 |𝑁Ed |
𝛾p = 0,225 (1 − ) ≥0 (7.59)
3 𝑁pl,e

(12) For |𝑁𝐸𝑑 |⁄𝑁pl,e ≥ 0,2 and 𝑒 ≥ 2,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (flexure-controlled), then EBF links should be modelled as
steel beams with rotational plastic hinges at the two ends. The rotations and flexural resistances at yield
and ultimate of these hinges should be calculated according to
(13) For |𝑁𝐸𝑑 |⁄𝑁pl,e ≥ 0,2 and 1,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ < 𝑒 < 2,6 𝑀y∗ /𝑉y∗ (shear-flexure), a linear interpolation
between (11) and (12) should be used.

7.3.6 Buckling restrained bracings General

(1) 7.3.6 should be applied to frames with buckling restrained braces (BRBs) designed in DC3.
NOTE Design rules for BRBs in DC3 are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.12.
(2) The effective axial resistance at yield, 𝑁y∗, of the yielding zone of the BRB core, 𝐴core
net , should be
calculated using Formula (7.60).

𝑁y∗ = 𝜔rm 𝑓y 𝐴core

net (7.60)

(3) The ultimate axial resistances in tension, 𝑁ut , and compression, 𝑁uc , of a BRB should be calculated
using Formula (7.61) or Formula (7.62), respectively.

𝑁ut = 𝜔sh 𝑁y∗ (7.61)

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𝑁uc = 𝛾CT 𝜔sh 𝑁y∗ (7.62)

𝛾CT is the compression strength adjustment factor that is calculated according to
prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.12.3(3);
𝜔sh is the hardening factor of the core according to prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.12.5. Axial displacement at yield

(1) The axial displacement between the two ends of a BRB at yield should be calculated using Formula

𝛥y = 𝑁y∗ /𝐾e (7.64)

where 𝐾e is the axial stiffness of the BRB.

NOTE The axial stiffness of the BRB can be calculated according to prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 11.12.2. Axial displacement at ultimate

(1) The axial displacement between the two ends of a BRB at the ultimate limit state should be calculated
using Formula (7.65).
𝛥u = 𝛥𝑦 + ∆u (7.65)

𝛥y is the axial deformation at the effective brace yield resistance in tension or
compression, whichever is applicable;
pl is the plastic deformation up to the peak axial resistance in tension or compression
of a BRB, respectively; it should be calculated as 𝛥u = 13,3 𝛥y.

7.4 Timber structures

(1) 7.1(4) and 7.1(5) should not be applied for timber structures.
(2) Timber components and mechanical connections or devices characterised by a brittle failure should
be modelled as elastic elements, and ductile components and connections as non-linear elements.
(3) For new buildings, the load-deformation relationships for dissipative timber components and the
design resistances of non-dissipative timber components should be obtained from experimental results
or appropriate models.
NOTE Appropriate models are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 13.5(12), (13) and Annex L.

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Annex A

European seismic hazard maps

A.1 Use of this annex

(4) This Informative Annex provides complementary/supplementary guidance to 5.2.1.
NOTE National choice on the application of this Informative Annex is given in the National Annex. If the National
Annex contains no information on the application of this Informative Annex, it can be used.

A.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Informative Annex contains small-scale maps of S,475 and S,475 values as defined in 5.2.1
(Figures A.1 and A.2).
NOTE 1 According to European Commission’s Mandate M/515 for the preparation of Eurocode 8, namely for the
purpose of cross-border harmonisation in the EU, the seismic hazard maps issued from deliverable ESHM20 of the
SERA research project (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe),
which received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in order to provide updated
information on the seismic hazard in Europe, are included in this annex. The mapped values correspond to the
RotD50 horizontal component of records, i.e. the median value of the peak horizontal component considered among
all possible rotations.
NOTE 2 These maps are considered by CEN as an acceptable representation of the seismic hazard in Europe for
the return period of 475 years. CEN does not pass judgement on other results obtained in the context of their
NOTE 3 Attention is drawn that the hazard mapped values correspond to a probability of exceedance, not of
occurrence (namely, referring the considered 475-year return period, it is a 10% probability of exceedance on a
period of time of 50 years).
NOTE 4 These maps are given for general information only. As mentioned in notes to 5.2.1(1) to (4), the spectral
acceleration maps to be used for design are provided by the National Annex, according to the definition of seismic
action and other provisions given in 5.2.1.
NOTE 5 Svalbard archipelago, for instance, was not included in the ESHM20 model; therefore, it does not appear
in the presented S,475 and S,475 maps.

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Figure A.1 — A representation of S,475 European map for sites of category A, based on ESHM20

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Figure A.2 — A representation of S,475 European map for sites of category A, based on ESHM20

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Annex B

Alternative identification of site categories

B.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Normative Annex contains additional provisions to 5.1 for site classification.
NOTE Further guidance concerning ground investigation is given in FprEN 1998-5:2024, 6.1.

B.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Normative Annex contains supporting information for a simplified identification of site

B.3 Simplified identification of site categories

(1) A simplified identification of site categories may be obtained from the combined use of Table B.1 and
Table B.2.
NOTE Depth classes mentioned in Table B.1 are defined in Table 5.1.
(2) If the site category is identified based on (1), default values in Table 5.4 should be used.

Table B.1 — Simplified description of site categories


Rock or other rock-like geological material, including very shallow layers of very
dense, dense or medium-dense sand, gravels, very stiff or stiff clay.

Deposits consisting predominantly of very dense sand, gravel, or very stiff clay,
B with representative values of the geotechnical parameters in the range defined in
Table B.2 for stiff ground.

Intermediate-depth deposits consisting predominantly of dense or medium-dense

C sand, gravel or stiff clay, with representative values of the geotechnical parameters
in the range defined in Table B.2 for medium stiffness ground.

Intermediate-depth deposits consisting predominantly of loose-to-medium

D cohesionless soil, or of soft-to-firm cohesive soil, with representative values of the
geotechnical parameters in the range defined in Table B.2 for soft ground.

Shallow deposits consisting of prevailing alluvium layers, underlain by rock-like

materials as described for site category A. Representative values of the
geotechnical parameters are in the range defined in Table B.2 for medium stiffness
or soft ground.

Deep deposits consisting of prevailing alluvium layers, with representative values

F of the geotechnical parameters in the range defined in Table B.2 for medium
stiffness or soft ground.

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Table B.2 — Correspondence between ground class and geotechnical parameters

Ground class
Test Parameter medium
stiff soft

SPT N60 (SPT, ER = 60%) [blows/30 cm] > 60 30-60 15-30

qc – sands (MPa) > 30 15-30 5-15

qc – clays (MPa) >6 3-6 1,5-3

FVT or lab tests cu (kPa) > 300 150-300 50-150

Em (MPa) 25-100 8-25 4-8

PMt Sand 2-5 1,2-2 0,4-1,2

plim (MPa)
Clay >1,2 0,7-1,2 0,3-0,7

B.4 Case of incomplete quantitative information for identification of site

B.4.1 Missing direct measurements of vs or values available only down to a limited depth

(1) If direct measurements, according to 5.1.2(8), are not available, the vs profile may be estimated from
well-established empirical correlations of vs with geotechnical parameters or field test results, in
accordance with the provisions of FprEN 1997-2:2024. Values of vs should be selected within the 16th-
84th percentile range of the dispersion band of the empirical correlations, to obtain the largest site
amplification factors from the expressions in Table 5.4.
(2) If the vs profile, obtained either according to direct measurements (5.1.2(8)) or according to (1), is
available down to a depth 10 m  zd  30 m and the top of bedrock formation has not been found, then
the approximation given by Formula (B.1) may be used.

vs,H = vs,z (B.1)

where vs,z is the equivalent shear wave velocity calculated according to Formula (5.1) by replacing H with
NOTE Formula (B.1) provides in general a lower bound estimate of vs,H, becoming more and more accurate as
zd approaches either H or 30 m.
(3) In the case of strong soil profile irregularities, consisting of shallow stiff layers of several meters
thickness over softer soil deposits, Formula (B.1) should not be used and reference should be made to

B.4.2 Missing quantitative information on H800

(1) As an alternative to the quantitative determination of H800, the site category may be identified using
Table B.3 by jointly considering vs,H, either from direct measurements or from B.4.1, and f0, i.e. the
fundamental frequency of the soil deposit.
(2) When site E category is obtained from Table B.3, the value of H to be used for application of Formulae
in Table 5.4 may be obtained from Formula (B.2).

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𝐻= 4𝑓0

Table B.3 — Site categorisation based on vs,H and f0

Combination of f0 (Hz) and vs,H (m/s) Site category

f0 ≥ 10 and vs,H ≥ 250 A

f0 < 10 and 400 ≤ vs,H < 800 B

vs,H /250 ≤ f0 < vs,H /120 and 250 ≤ vs,H < 400 C

vs,H /250 ≤ f0 < vs,H /120 and 150 ≤ vs,H < 250 D

vs,H /120 ≤ f0 < 10 and 150 ≤ vs,H < 400

or E
f0 ≥ 10 and 150 ≤ vs,H < 250

f0 < vs,H /250 and 150 ≤ vs,H < 400 F

(3) As an alternative to (1) and (2), intermediate depth and deep soil deposits may also be identified
from geological, geophysical or geotechnical information, including from microzonation maps.
(4) When available information is not sufficient to discriminate between intermediate and deep soil
deposits, the amplification factors should be evaluated according to a) and b):
a) for Fα, intermediate depth soil deposits should be considered;
b) for Fβ, deep soil deposits should be considered.
NOTE This is a safe-sided evaluation.

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Annex C

Site-specific elastic response spectra

C.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Normative Annex contains additional provisions to 5.2 for establishing a site-specific elastic
response spectrum.

C.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Normative Annex contains criteria for setting up site-specific elastic response spectra based on
a local seismic hazard analysis.

C.3 Site-specific elastic response spectra based on a local seismic hazard analysis
(1) According to, the elastic response spectrum for site category A may be defined based on a
site-specific seismic hazard analysis. The shape of the site-specific spectrum may differ from that
introduced in for the horizontal component and in for the vertical component.
NOTE 1 If a probabilistic approach is followed, the site-specific elastic response spectrum is referred to as a
uniform hazard spectrum, the ordinates of which have the same return period.
NOTE 2 A uniform hazard spectrum can be obtained also on a site category other than A. In this case, site
amplification effects can be accounted for either by modification of the empirical ground motion prediction
equations, or by site-specific fully probabilistic approaches, considering the probabilistic nature of the local site
amplification effects calculated according to C.4.
(2) A site-specific response spectrum based on a local seismic hazard analysis should be developed if
the conditions in 5.1.1(5) apply, with due account of the potential near-source effects, such as the
presence of pulse-like ground motions due to forward directivity, or the directionality of ground motion
related to the fault radiation pattern. The possible seismic fault offset on the ground surface should also
be accounted for.

C.4 Site-specific elastic response spectra based on evaluation of local seismic wave
amplification effects
(1) A site-specific elastic response spectrum may be obtained by seismic ground response analyses,
aiming at evaluating the site amplification effects on seismic wave propagation with respect to a reference
ground, hypothetically outcropping at the same site.
NOTE Site-specific ground response studies normally involve the assumption of horizontally layered soil
profiles (1D modelling).
(2) In the presence of complex geological or morphological conditions, such as steep topographic
irregularities, deep valleys and basins, or vicinity of the site to the basin edge, the study should be based
on 2D or 3D models.
(3) To avoid spurious reflections from the bottom and, if relevant, lateral edges of the numerical model,
appropriate boundary conditions that inhibit artificial wave reflexions should be adopted.
(4) The reference ground should normally be of site category A. However, if the depth of sediments to
bedrock is not known, the reference ground may coincide with the deeper ground class encountered in
the soil profile, considered to be hypothetically outcropping.

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(5) Input motions for seismic ground response analyses should be selected and scaled considering the
elastic response spectrum for the outcropping reference ground conditions addressed in (4).
NOTE Criteria for selecting and scaling input motions are provided in Annex D.
(6) The site-specific elastic response spectrum may be obtained by repeating the site response analysis
for different input motions, in the number selected according to 6.6. If this number is less than seven, the
most unfavourable result should be taken. Otherwise, the resulting 5%-damped response spectrum at
the ground surface should be obtained by averaging the results for all the input motions.
(7) Possible effects of the non-linear response of soils may be accounted for, according to the relevant
provisions of FprEN 1998-5:2024, 7.5.2. For this purpose, suitable curves representing the variability of
the shear modulus and of the soil damping ratio with the amplitude of shear strain should be selected
and properly justified.
NOTE Numerical simulations of seismic wave propagation in the ground normally consider a linear visco-elastic
soil behaviour at small strains.

C.5 Limitations on site-specific spectral values

(1) If the conditions in C.3(2) apply, the site-specific elastic response spectrum should not be lower than
the horizontal elastic response spectrum defined in for the corresponding return period and for
the same vs,H and site category.
(2) For all cases other than those addressed in (1), the site-specific elastic response spectrum should
not be lower than 75% of the horizontal elastic response spectrum obtained from, for the same
vs,H and site category and for the corresponding return period.
NOTE (2) applies, at least, in the period ranges defined in D.3(2).
(3) If relevant, the same limitations stated in (1) and (2) should also be applied to the vertical elastic
response spectra.

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Annex D

Criteria for selection and scaling of input motions

D.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Informative Annex provides complementary/supplementary guidance to 5.2.3 for selecting
input motions.
NOTE National choice on the application of this Informative Annex is given in the National Annex. If the
National Annex contains no information on the application of this Informative Annex, it can be used.

D.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Informative Annex contains criteria for selection of input accelerograms for response-history
NOTE The minimum number of accelerograms to be used is specified in 6.6.

D.3 Recorded accelerograms

(1) Recorded accelerograms, available from qualified strong motion databases, should be the preferred
representation of the seismic action for response-history analyses.
(2) The spectral accelerations of the selected accelerograms should approach the elastic response
spectrum defined in, at least in the following period ranges:
— for structural analyses: from 0,2 T1 to 1,5 T1, where T1 is the predominant period of the structure
in the direction in which the accelerogram is applied or, for fully isolated structures, Teff (as given
— for site-specific seismic soil amplification analyses and for geotechnical analyses: from TA to T0,
where T0 (given as 1/f0) is the predominant period of vibration of the soil deposit. If T0 is
unknown, the period range should be from TA to 2 s.
(3) As an alternative to (2), the target spectrum may correspond to the uniform hazard spectrum, if this
is available from a site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, as defined in Annex C.
(4) As an alternative to (2), a conditional spectrum may be used as a target, where the spectral
acceleration at T1 is fixed and the other spectral ordinates are correlated to that value. In this case, the
variability of conditional spectra should be properly accounted for.
NOTE Neither the elastic response spectrum nor the uniform hazard spectrum provide a realistic correlation of
the spectral accelerations for periods around T1, making them in general more conservative than the conditional
(5) The selection of records should account, as far as possible, for the regional tectonic environment,
earthquake magnitude, source-to-site distance, and local conditions of the recording site, relevant for the
return period of the seismic actions of interest.
NOTE Disaggregation of seismic hazard can provide the required information or reference can be made to Table
(6) The recorded accelerograms may be scaled to improve their compatibility to the target spectrum,
according to one of the methods a) or b):

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a) Constant-amplitude scaling, in which the record is scaled in amplitude by a constant factor;

b) Spectral-matching scaling, in which modifications are made in the frequency or wavelet domain,
until the response spectrum of the modified record approaches the target.
(7) In the context of geotechnical applications, or in the case of highly non-linear structural response,
the scaling factor should not be larger than 2 nor smaller than 0,5 and the scaled accelerogram should
not present a non-physical drift when integrated to velocity and displacement.
(8) Compatibility of the suite of selected and scaled accelerograms may be considered as satisfied if
conditions a) and b) apply concurrently:
a) in the range defined in (2), the ratio to the target spectrum of the average 5 %-damped response
spectrum of the set falls within the band from 0,75 to 1,3 and has an average value larger than
b) in the same range, the 5 %-damped response spectrum of each accelerogram of the suite does not
fall below 50 % of the target spectrum.
(9) The suite of selected accelerograms should not simultaneously contain two components of the same
record, and no more than two records from the same earthquake.
(10) If near-source conditions are considered (see 5.1.1(5)), a) to c) should be applied:
a) at least 30% of the accelerograms should present pulse-like features, either related to directivity
or to the seismic source mechanism;
b) this number of pulse-like accelerograms may be changed if a site-specific probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis is available that provides an alternative probability of occurrence of pulse-like
ground motions;
c) as an alternative to recorded accelerograms, simulated accelerograms (see D.5) may be used.

D.4 Multiple input motions using recorded accelerograms

(1) If multiple input motions are required, for example in the case of a 3D structural model, the two
horizontal components of the same record should be applied, with modifications of the record allowed in
(2) Compatibility of the horizontal components to the target spectrum should be verified based on the
geometric mean of the horizontal spectral accelerations of records, according to D.3(8).
(3) When the vertical input motion is needed, the vertical component of the same record of the two
horizontal components should be used. The scaling factor on the vertical component should be selected
so that its 5%-damped response spectrum is not below 90% of the target vertical spectrum in the period
range between 0,2 Tv and 1,5 Tv, where Tv is the longest period where the modal response to the vertical
component prevails over the response to the horizontal components.
NOTE The modal response in the vertical direction can be regarded as prevailing over the modal response in
the horizontal direction in case the product of the modal mass in the vertical direction times the spectral
acceleration in the vertical direction is larger than the similar product in the horizontal direction.
(4) In the case of spectral-matching scaling, the horizontal and vertical components of the same record
should be scaled to the corresponding target spectrum, with no phase change.
(5) For structural analyses, compatibility to the target spectrum as defined in D.3(8) should be verified
for the two principal directions of the structure.
(6) The orientation of the horizontal components with respect to the principal directions of the
structure may be arbitrarily selected.

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(7) The three scaled components should act simultaneously and should be synchronised in order to have
the same absolute time origin.

D.5 Simulated accelerograms

(1) Simulated accelerograms, i.e. accelerograms generated through a physical simulation of seismic
source mechanisms and travel path, may be used, provided that the samples are adequately qualified
with regards to the seismogenic features of the sources, to the soil conditions appropriate to the site, and
to the frequency range of interest for the specific applications.
NOTE Simulated accelerograms are expected to be used when availability of recorded accelerograms does not
cover the variety of source mechanisms and source-to-site directivity conditions, such as in the case of seismic
analyses in near-source (see 5.1.1(5)).
(2) Criteria of compatibility to the target spectrum as defined in D.3(8) should be satisfied also when
using simulated accelerograms, at least for periods shorter than 1 s. Exceptions for periods longer than
1 s should be adequately justified in relation to the seismic source mechanisms considered and the
location of the site with respect to the source.

D.6 Artificial accelerograms

(1) Artificial accelerograms may be generated by purely stochastic approaches, to match the target
elastic response spectrum for the considered damping ratio.
(2) Use of artificial accelerograms should be limited to the applications where the number of loading
cycles is of minor relevance.
NOTE Examples of such applications are linear analyses or analyses with moderate non-linear response,
typically for damage limitation requirements, or in case of low or very low seismic action classes.
(3) In the absence of more precise information, the duration of the strong part of the accelerogram
should be consistent with the values specified in Table 5.6.
(4) The suite of artificial accelerograms to be used should satisfy the compatibility criteria to the target
spectrum as specified in D.3(8).

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Annex E

Determination of target displacement and limit-state spectral

acceleration by using non-linear response-history analyses of an
equivalent SDOF model

E.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Normative Annex contains additional provisions to 6.5.4 for determining a target displacement
and a limit-state spectral acceleration.

E.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Normative Annex provides a procedure for a) to c):
a) the definition of an equivalent SDOF model based on a multi-linear force-displacement
relationship (see E.3);
b) the estimation of the target displacement by using non-linear response-history analyses of an
equivalent SDOF model (see E.4);
c) the estimation of the limit-state spectral acceleration by using non-linear response-history
analyses of an equivalent SDOF model (see E.5).
NOTE 1 The limit-state spectral acceleration Se,LS is the median value of spectral acceleration at the predominant
period of vibration of the structure which causes a designated limit state.
NOTE 2 The limit-state spectral acceleration can be understood as the measure of the resistance of the structure
if the resistance is expressed through the level of spectral acceleration. The limit-state spectral acceleration is
required for the reliability-based verification format (Annex F).

E.3 Definition of a multi-linear equivalent SDOF model

(1) The force-displacement relationship 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) of the equivalent SDOF model should be determined
from the capacity curve of the MDOF model using Formulae (6.24) and (6.25).
(2) A multi-linear idealisation of 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) should be used for the purpose of determining the target
displacement (E.4) or limit-state spectral acceleration (E.5) by non-linear response-history analyses.
(3) For the application of E.3, the idealised 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) relationship should be at least trilinear (Figure

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A first yield
B peak force

Figure E.1 — Determination of the multi-linear idealisation of the capacity curve: (a) trilinear;
(b) and (c) multi-linear

(4) The basis of the multi-linear idealisation of 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) should be the bilinear idealisation in 6.5.3. The
negative post-capping stiffness (stiffness of the branch starting at point B) should be determined so that
the sum of the squares of the differences between 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) and its idealisation after point B is minimised.
(5) If the effect of strength degradation is not included in the capacity curve, the negative post-capping
stiffness may be assumed equal in absolute value to the stiffness at zero-deformation of the SDOF model.
(6) If the ratio between residual and peak strength, 𝐹3 /𝐹m , is larger than 0,5 and the corresponding
displacement ratio 𝑑4 /𝑑m is larger than 1,3, a more than trilinear idealisation of 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) may be used for
specific types of structural systems, which are composed of structural systems or structural sub-
assemblages with varying force-deformation curves. Branches after point B should be determined so that
the sum of the squares of the differences between 𝐹 ∗ (𝑑∗ ) and its idealisation after point B is minimised.
NOTE Examples of such structures are frames with masonry infills, braced frames, dual structures, Figure
E.1(b), or structures that after closing a gap have a stiffening behaviour, like bridges moving in the longitudinal
direction towards a flexible abutment and pushing against the soil after closing a gap, Figure E.1(c).
(7) The damping coefficient 𝑐 may be determined according to Formula (E.1)

𝑐 = 2𝜉√𝑘 ∗ 𝑚∗ (E.1)

𝜉 is the ratio to critical damping according to and the note in 6.5.4(2);
𝑘∗ is the equivalent SDOF initial stiffness given in 6.5.3(3);
𝑚 ∗
is the equivalent SDOF mass given by Formula (6.22).
(8) The hysteretic behaviour of the SDOF model should reflect the response of the entire structure and
not only the behaviour of a single structural element (e.g. beam, column, wall, etc.). The criterion for its
selection should be the principle of equal energy dissipation between the structure and the equivalent
(9) The cyclic strength deterioration should be neglected in the hysteretic behaviour of the SDOF model
since this effect is implicitly taken into account in the non-linear model of the structure (6.2.3(4)).
(10) (8) and (9) may be considered satisfied if a peak-oriented hysteretic model with degrading
unloading stiffness is adopted.

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NOTE More detailed description of the hysteretic models for specific types of structures or types of structural
systems can be found in the relevant parts of Eurocode 8.

E.4 Determination of the target displacement through non-linear response-history

(1) Accelerograms should be consistent with the limit state under consideration for the SDOF model
considered in this Annex.
NOTE Criteria for the selection of accelerograms are provided in Annex D. The period range aimed at in D3(2)
can be limited from T1 to 1.5 T1.
(2) The number of accelerograms 𝑁a for non-linear response-history analyses of an equivalent SDOF
model should not be less than 15.

(3) The peak displacement of the equivalent SDOF model for the i-th accelerogram 𝑑t,i should be
calculated as the maximum of the absolute values of the displacement response-history. The target
displacement of the SDOF model 𝑑t∗ should be defined as the median value of peak displacements of all
accelerograms. It may be calculated using Formula (E.2).
1 𝑁a ∗
𝑑t∗ = exp (𝑁 ∑𝑖=1 𝑙𝑛(𝑑t,i )) (E.2)

E.5 Determination of the limit-state spectral acceleration through non-linear

response-history analyses
(1) For the determination of the limit-state spectral acceleration, E.4(1) and (2) should be applied.
(2) The limit-state spectral acceleration, as defined in E.2(2), corresponding to the i-th accelerogram
𝑆e,LS,i may be obtained by incremental dynamic analysis.
NOTE Incremental dynamic analysis is a method where a response-history analysis of the system is repeated
for increasing scaling factors of the same accelerogram until a predetermined condition is attained. Within this
context, incremental dynamic analysis is continued until the limit state under consideration is attained in the
capacity curve, corresponding to a displacement associated to the attainment of the limit state in one of the
members of the structure.
(3) The limit-state spectral acceleration should be calculated as the median of the values for all
accelerograms. It may be calculated using Formula (E.3).
𝑆e,LS = exp ( ∑𝑁a 𝑙𝑛(𝑆e,LS,i )) (E.3)
𝑁a 𝑖=1

(4) If the target spectrum for the selection of accelerograms corresponds to the horizontal elastic
spectrum defined in, the limit-state spectral acceleration calculated by (E.3) should be
multiplied by a factor accounting for the difference in spectral shape between uniform-hazard and
conditional spectra, taken as equal to 1,0 for 𝑇 = 0 and 1,3 for 𝑇 ≥ 𝑇𝐶 (linear interpolation may be used
in between).
NOTE If the target spectrum for the selection of accelerograms corresponds to a uniform hazard spectrum, e.g.
the spectrum defined in, the resulting limit-state spectral acceleration 𝑆𝑒,𝐿𝑆 can be underestimated. If the
target spectrum is based on the conditional spectrum approach, then 𝑆𝑒,𝐿𝑆 is not underestimated and no
amplification is needed.

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Annex F

Target reliability and simplified reliability-based verification format

F.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Informative Annex provides complementary/supplementary guidance to 4.1.
NOTE National choice on the application of this Informative Annex is given in the National Annex. If the National
Annex contains no information on the application of this Informative Annex, it can be used.

F.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Informative Annex provides target values for the reliability index βt,LS,CC in the service life tL of
the structure for different consequence classes and limit states.
(2) This Informative Annex is applicable for a simplified verification of the performance of the structure
in probabilistic terms.
(3) This Informative Annex is also applicable to design situations where uncertainties are outside the
ranges that are covered by the partial factor design format.
NOTE Such situations are described in EN 1990:2023, Annex C, C.3.2.

F.3 Target reliability

(1) The target values of reliability index βt,LS,CC for the seismic design situation may be defined for
different consequence classes and limit states.
NOTE 1 Those values for a reference period of tL = 50 years are given in Table F.1 (NDP), unless the National
Annex gives different values for use in a country.
NOTE 2 The annual probability of exceedance Pt,LS,CC and the reliability index βt,LS,CC for a reference period of tL =50
years are related through 𝛽t,LS,CC = −Φ−1 [1 − (1 − 𝑃t,LS,CC ) ]. Table F.2 (NDP) gives the corresponding values for
the annual probability of exceedance, unless the National Annex gives different values for use in a country.
NOTE 3 The value of annual probability of exceedance for NC is not the value for actual collapse of the structure,
because it refers to an earlier state of damage and to verification rules that, according to Eurocode 8, are local (i.e
at the member level, not of the structure).

Table F.1 (NDP) — Target reliability index βt,LS,CC in a 50-year reference period
Consequence class
Limit state
CC1 CC2 CC3-a CC3-b

NC 1,75 2,33 2,56 2,91

SD 1,20 1,60 1,76 2,00

DL 0,38 0,50 0,55 0,63

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Table F.2 (NDP) — Target annual probability of exceedance Pt,LS,CC

Consequence class
Limit state
CC1 CC2 CC3-a CC3-b

NC 8,210-4 2,010-4 1,010-4 0,410-4

SD 24,410-4 11,310-4 8,010-4 4,610-4

DL 87,010-4 73,510-4 68,610-4 61,710-4

F.4 Reliability-based verification

(1) The performance of a structure, for a given consequence class and for a limit state of interest, may
be considered as acceptable if Formula (F.1) is satisfied.

𝑃LS ≤ 𝑃t,LS,CC (F.1)

PLS is the annual probability of exceedance of a designated limit state, which may be
calculated according to (2);
Pt,LS,CC is the target annual probability of exceedance of a designated limit state for a given
consequence class.
(2) The annual probability of exceedance of a designated limit state may be calculated using
Formula (F.2).
∞ d𝐻(𝑆e )
𝑃LS = ∫0 𝑃(𝐿𝑆ǀ𝑆e ) | | d𝑆e (F.2)

Se is the intensity measure of the ground motion in the form of a spectral acceleration
(e.g. the PGA or the spectral acceleration at the predominant period of the structure);
𝑃(𝐿𝑆ǀ𝑆e ) is the probability that the ground motion with intensity equal to Se will cause
exceedance of the designated limit state;
H(Se) is the seismic hazard function, i.e. the median of annual frequency of exceedance of
NOTE In this annex, the annual frequency of exceedance and the annual probability of exceedance are deemed
to be small enough to be regarded as equal.
(4) 𝑃(𝐿𝑆ǀ𝑆e ) may be assumed to be log-normally distributed, as given by Formula (F.3).

𝑙𝑛(𝑆e )−𝑙𝑛(𝑆e,LS )
𝑃(𝐿𝑆ǀ𝑆e ) = 𝛷 ( 𝛽Se,LS
) (F.3)

𝛷 is the cumulative distribution function of the standardised Normal distribution;
Se,LS is the median value of spectral accelerations which causes the designated limit

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𝛽Se,LS is the logarithmic standard deviation of spectral accelerations which causes the
designated LS.
NOTE Se,LS is the main control parameter to fulfil the condition given by Formula (F.1). In the absence of more
detailed evaluations, a displacement-based approach (6.5, 6.6, and Annex E) can be used for the estimation of Se,LS.
(5) If the hazard function is not available for the entire interval of spectral acceleration, H(Se) may be
assumed linear in the logarithmic domain, as given by Formula (F.4). In this case 𝑃LS may be calculated
according to Formula (F.5).
1 𝑆
𝐻(𝑆e,LS ) = 𝑇ref
( 𝑆e,ref ) (F.4)

𝑃LS = 𝐻(𝑆e,LS )exp(0,5𝑘 2 𝛽𝑆2e,LS ) (F.5)

H(Se,LS) is the median of annual frequency of exceedance of Se,LS;
Se,ref is the value of Se corresponding to the reference return period 𝑇ref of seismic action
for SD limit state, such as specified in;
k is the slope of the seismic hazard curve for Se,ref in the logarithmic domain;
Se,LS is the logarithmic standard deviation of the limit-state spectral acceleration.
NOTE For use of Formula (F.5), k values can be mapped in the National Annex.
(6) If not otherwise documented, values of Se,LS may be obtained from Figure F.1 as a function of T1,
depending on the considered limit state.

Figure F.1 — Se,LS as a function of the predominant period of the structure T1

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Annex G

Design of fastenings to concrete in the seismic design situation

G.1 Use of this Annex

(1) This Normative Annex contains additional provisions for the design of post-installed fasteners and
cast-in headed fasteners used to transmit seismic actions by means of tension, shear, or a combination of
tension and shear forces between connected structural members or between ancillary elements and
structural members.
NOTE 1 The definition of fastenings and fasteners is given in EN 1992-4.
NOTE 2 Specific rules for precast concrete structures are covered in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 10.14.
(2) This Normative Annex complements provisions from EN 1992-4.
NOTE This Normative Annex supersedes requirements related to the seismic design situation in EN 1992-4.
(3) This Normative Annex complements, for a given type of structure, the relevant part of Eurocode 8.

G.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Normative Annex is applicable for the types of connections given in a) and b):
a) Type A: connections between primary and/or secondary seismic members;
b) Type B: connections of ancillary elements and of equipment to primary and/or secondary seismic
NOTE Fastenings in stand-off installation or with a grout layer ≥ 0,5df, where df is the fastener nominal diameter,
as well as fasteners qualified only for redundant ancillary systems, as defined in EN 1992-4, are not covered.

G.3 Basis of design

G.3.1 General

(1) If it cannot be avoided to locate fasteners in a critical region, fasteners should not be post-installed
and should be detailed so that the anchor forces are transferred directly by means of mechanical or
welded splices to anchor reinforcement designed to transmit the anchor force into the body of the
member beyond the critical region. Welded splices and mechanical couplers should be designed
according to the rules given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 10.11.3(4) and
NOTE The anchorage of post-installed fastener in critical regions is not covered in Eurocode 8 and is
discouraged, given the state of knowledge.
(2) If, in the seismic design situation, the design tension effect and the design shear effect due to the
seismic action alone, applied to a single fastener or a group of fasteners, are both not greater than 20%
of the total corresponding design effect due to the combination of actions, G.4 should be applied
considering G.3.1(1), (3) and (9) to (12), G.3.2 and G.3.3(1) to (4), but the other requirements in G.3.1 and
G.3.3 may be neglected. In this context, for post-installed fasteners, the seismic performance classes given
in Table G.1 for design options OP1 or OP2 should be satisfied.
(3) It should be verified that there exists a reliable mechanism of transmission of forces from anchoring
to the main reinforcement, according to EN 1992-4:2018, Annex A, or using a strut and tie model.

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NOTE The verification of fastening according to this Annex G is local. The main reinforcement is determined to
balance internal forces and moments at the member scale. This clause aims to ensure balance at the intermediate
scale, through an acceptable mechanism which can entail additional reinforcement in certain cases. This is similar
to suspending the shear force from a load applied at the lower face of a beam (see FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 12.3.4).
(4) The design of fastenings should satisfy either option OP1, or OP2, or OP3, as defined in a) to c), in
the seismic design situation:
a) OP1: design assuming elastic behaviour of the structure and fastening;
b) OP2: design with action effects in the fastenings allowing the connected members to exploit their
maximum strength according to capacity design rules given in G.3.3(5) and (6);
c) OP3: design with requirements on the ductility of the fasteners.
(5) When designing to OP1 or OP2, fasteners should not be accounted for energy dissipation in the
global structural analysis or in the analysis of ancillary elements.
(6) When designing to OP3, fasteners may be accounted for energy dissipation in the global structural
analysis or in the analysis of ancillary elements; in that case, a non-linear response history analysis should
be performed, based on data provided by cyclic tests.
NOTE 1 OP3 can lead to large non-recoverable displacements of the fastener.
NOTE 2 This procedure accounts for fasteners response in loading/unloading cycles, also considering, at each
cycle, the effects of the maximum load achieved during previous cycles.
NOTE 3 CEN/TS 1998-1-101 gives a loading protocol concerning cyclic testing and acceptance criteria for
structural members and components.
(7) When designing to OP3, the capacity associated with tension failure of the fasteners should be
smaller than the capacity associated with concrete failure modes, as detailed in G.3.3 and G.4.
(8) When designing to OP3, the resistance to shear action effects on the fastening should be provided by
additional means or by additional fasteners all designed to one of the design options OP1 or OP2. In case
of OP2 design of additional fasteners, the base plate should not yield in bending in the seismic design
NOTE Additional means can be, for instance, a shear lug welded under a base plate designed, for example,
according to the principles of FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, 8.5.
(9) Except when (10) is applied, concrete in the region of the fastening should be assumed cracked when
calculating design resistances.
NOTE 1 Table G.1 assumes that concrete is cracked.
NOTE 2 The robustness of the fastening can be increased by detailing supplementary reinforcement such that
concrete cone (see EN 1992-4:2018, and, concrete edge (see EN 1992-4:2018, and,
or concrete splitting (see EN 1992-4:2018, (2)), respectively, do not govern.
(10) Concrete may be assumed uncracked if condition given by EN 1992-4:2018, Formula (4.4), is
verified in the seismic design situation. Design resistances should be calculated according to G.4.
(11) If a connection is assumed rigid in the analysis of a structure, the displacement of the fastening
should be consistent with that assumption.
NOTE Fastener displacement limits for seismic applications at both damage limitation limit state and ultimate
limit states are provided in the relevant European Technical Product Specification (ETPS) for fasteners with seismic
performance category C2.
(12) Loosening of the nuts or screws should be prevented.

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G.3.2 Seismic performance category for post-installed fasteners

(1) The characteristic resistance of a fastener should be categorised in seismic performance classes
SPR1 or SPR2 based on the test conditions under which this resistance is defined.
(2) Fasteners should conform to or be covered by a ETPS for use in the seismic design situation.
NOTE An ETPS addresses the test programme, the test conditions, and the assessment criteria. The test
conditions concern the class of the concrete in which the fasteners are installed, the minimum number of specimens
in a series, the characteristic value of the width of the crack present after fastener installation, the value of the
variable crack opening and the test procedure.
(3) The characteristic resistance for seismic performance classes SPR1 or SPR2 should satisfy a) or b),
a) SPR1: the fastener is installed in cracked concrete. The crack width is increased to a characteristic
value which is expected in members outside of regions with yielding of the reinforcement in the
RC member during the seismic event. Fasteners are subjected to pulsating tension loading alone
and alternate shear loading alone. In each of these two types of tests, the upper value of loading
is not smaller than half of the mean static value of resistance of the fastener in cracked concrete;
b) SPR2: the characteristic resistances are determined based on the following test conditions:
1. The fastener is installed in cracked concrete. The crack width is increased to a
characteristic value which is the one expected in members outside of regions with
yielding of the reinforcement in the RC member during the seismic event. Fasteners are
subjected to pulsating tension loading alone and alternate shear loading alone. In each of
these two types of tests, the upper value of loading should be increased up to at least the
characteristic value of resistance of the fastener in cracked concrete in a static tension
test and in a static shear test;
2. A tension loading is applied to the fastener installed in cracked concrete. Cyclic crack
opening and closing is performed, where the maximum crack width is progressively
increased up to the characteristic crack width expected in members outside of regions
with yielding of the reinforcement in the RC member during the seismic event. For crack
cycles where the crack opening value approaches the maximum specified crack width, the
applied load should be equal at least to half of the mean static value of resistance of the
fastener in cracked concrete in a static tension test.
(4) The characteristic value of crack width related to SPR1 and SPR2 should be taken equal to 0,5 mm
and 0,8 mm, respectively.
(5) The seismic performance class SPR1 or SPR2 of fasteners used in design for a given ductility class
and a given seismic action class should satisfy Table G.1.
NOTE 1 The seismic performance requirements for OP2 in Table G.1 assume that the design resistance of the
connection is evaluated in accordance with G.3.3(6).
NOTE 2 Fasteners qualified according to EAD 330232 or EAD 330499 for Seismic Performance Category C1 and
Seismic Performance Category C2 satisfy the performance requirements for seismic performance classes SPR1 and
SPR2, respectively. The crack width values given in the relevant EAD are 0,5 mm for C1 and 0,8 mm for C2.
NOTE 3 A different link than given in note 2 between the seismic performance classes SPR1 and SPR2 and the
Seismic Performance Categories C1 and C2 can be provided in the National Annex, e.g. for specific consequence
classes and/or specific applications.

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Table G.1 – Seismic performance classes of post-installed fasteners used in design situations
Seismic action Connection Design Ductility class of main
class option structure
DC1 DC2 & DC3
OP1 or
Type A and SPR1 SPR2
Low OP2
Type B
Type A
Moderate or high OP1 SPR1 -
Type B OP2 SPR1 SPR2

G.3.3 Design criteria

(1) In the design of fastenings, beneficial effects of friction due to gravity should be neglected.
(2) The vertical component of the seismic action, as specified in the relevant part of Eurocode 8, should
be considered when designing fastening to structural members.
NOTE For buildings, this is given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 4.2(2) and 7.
(3) The design value of tension and shear components of action effects on a fastener should result from
the combination of components of the seismic action given in 6.4.4 or 6.5.4(6) as appropriate for type A
connections or in the relevant part of Eurocode 8 for type B connections.
NOTE For buildings, prEN 1998-1-2:2023, 7.2, gives the rules for type B connections.
(4) (3) may be satisfied by considering that the maximum values of the tension and shear components
of action effects on a fastener are acting simultaneously.
(5) For the design of fasteners to OP2, the resistance of the fastening should be greater than the
maximum action effect that can be transmitted to the fastening calculated with reference to one of the
hypothesis a) to c):
a) a ductile yield mechanism develops in the attached steel component (see Figure G.1(a));
b) a ductile yield mechanism forms in the steel base plate (see Figure G.1(b));
c) the capacity of a non-yielding attached component or structural member (see Figure G.1(c)).

Figure G.1 — Seismic design by protection of the fastening: (a) yielding in attached member;
(b) yielding in baseplate; (c) capacity of attached member

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(6) In using a) or b) in (5), the resistance of the plastic mechanism should be calculated taking into
account strain hardening and a material overstrength.
NOTE 1 Strain hardening and material overstrength factors are given in prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Clause 11, 10.14
and Clause 15 for steel, precast concrete, and aluminium attachments, respectively.
NOTE 2 When b) is used, the redistribution of loads to the individual fasteners of a group, the redistribution of
the loads in the structure and the low cycle fatigue behaviour of the fixture also have an effect.
(7) Fasteners designed to OP3 should satisfy (8) to (13) and should satisfy the performance
requirements reported in G.3.2 for the relevant seismic action class and Ductility Class.
NOTE (8) to (13) do not apply to OP1 and OP2.
(8) Fastening with one fastener in tension should satisfy Formula (G.1).
𝑅k,s,eq ≤ 0,7 𝛾inst

Rk,s,eq is the minimum characteristic seismic resistance for steel failure of the fastener
calculated as given by Formula (G.4), where it is replaced by Rk,eq;
Rk,conc,eq is the minimum characteristic seismic resistance for all concrete related failure
modes (concrete cone, pull-out – for headed and post-installed mechanical
fasteners), combined pull-out and concrete cone (for bonded fasteners), concrete
blow-out and concrete splitting failure, calculated as given by Formula (G.4), where
it is replaced by Rk,eq;
inst is the factor accounting for the sensitivity to installation according to the relevant
(9) Groups of fasteners with two or more tensioned fasteners should satisfy the condition given by
Formula (G.2).
𝑅k,s,eq 𝑅k,conc,eq
≤ 0,7 g (G.2)
𝐸dh 𝐸d 𝛾inst


𝐸dh is the design tension effect on the most loaded fastener in the group;
𝐸d is the design tension effect on all the tensioned fasteners in the group.

(10) In a group of headed or post-installed mechanical fasteners with two or more fasteners in tension,
the most loaded fastener should satisfy Formula (G.1) with Rk,conc,eq equal to the seismic pull-out resistance
of one fastener. If Formula (G.2) is not satisfied for concrete cone failure only, supplementary
reinforcement according to EN 1992-4:2018, and, may be used; in this case, the resistance
of the supplementary reinforcement, Rk,conc,eq, should be taken as the minimum between the resistances
associated to steel or anchorage reinforcement failure.
(11) Fasteners which transmit tensile forces should be ductile and should have a stretch length (Figure
G.2(a) or (b)) not smaller than 8 df, unless otherwise determined by analysis.
NOTE 1 In some cases, the analysis can demonstrate that a lower length suffices.
NOTE 2 Specific solutions to prevent cumulative unrecoverable displacements at load reversal can be considered.
NOTE 3 See G.5 for the definition of parameters in Figure G.2(c).

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1 stretch length

Figure G.2 — Seismic design by yielding of a ductile fastener: (a) illustration of stretch length –
anchor chair; (b) illustration of stretch length – sleeve or debonded length; (c) fastening
displacements and rotations

(12) A fastener may be considered ductile if all conditions a) to c) are satisfied:

a) the nominal ultimate strength of its resisting section is not greater than fuk = 800 MPa;
b) the ratio of nominal yield strength to nominal ultimate strength fyk/fuk is not greater than 0,8;
c) the elongation at rupture measured over a length equal to 5 dfr, where dfr is the diameter of the
fastener smallest resisting section, is not smaller than 12%.
NOTE The fastener smallest resisting section is for instance a threaded section.
(13) The characteristic steel strength Nuk of the reduced section of a fastener over a length smaller than
8 dfr should be greater than 1,3 times the characteristic yield strength Nyk of the unreduced section.

G.4 Resistance
(1) The seismic design resistance of a fastening should be taken as given by Formula (G.3).
𝑅d,eq = 𝛾 (G.3)
M,st 𝛾eq

γM,st is the partial factor for resistance for permanent and transient design situations, as
given in EN 1992-4:2018, Table 4.1;
eq is a partial factor to account for additional reliability in the seismic design situation
and depends on the failure mode considered.
NOTE 1 Notations in G.4 (e.g. Rk,eq , αgap, R0k,eq) are notations from EN 1992-4.
NOTE 2 The value of eq is 1,1 for the concrete related failure modes as given in EN 1992-4:2018, Table 4.1, and
1,0 for the other modes, unless the National Annex gives different values for use in a country.
(2) The characteristic seismic resistance Rk,eq of a fastening should be taken as given by Formula (G.4).
𝑅k,eq = 𝛼gap 𝛼eq 𝑅 0 k,eq (G.4)


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αgap is the reduction factor to account for inertia effects due to an annular gap between
fastener and fixture in case of shear loading. In absence of information in the
relevant ETPS, the following values should be used:
i. 1,0 in case of no hole clearance between fastener and fixture;
ii. 0,5 with hole clearance according to EN 1992-4:2018, Table 6.1.

eq is the factor to take into account the influence of seismic actions and associated
cracking on concrete cone resistance and bond strength of supplementary
reinforcement, and resistance of groups due to uneven load transfer to the
individual fasteners in a group, see Table G.2;
𝑅 0 k,eq is the basic characteristic seismic resistance for a given failure mode determined as
given in a) to f):
a) For steel and pull-out failure under tension load and steel failure under
shear load, 𝑅 0 k,eq should be taken from the relevant ETPS (i.e. NRk,s,eq, NRk,p,eq
or VRk,s,eq);
b) For combined pull-out and concrete failure in case of post-installed bonded
fasteners, R0k,eq should be determined according to EN 1992-4:2018,,
(i.e. NRk,p); however, the characteristic bond resistance for seismic
conditions (τRk,eq), given in the relevant ETPS, in EN 1992-4:2018, Formulae
(7.14) and (7.18), should be used. In EN 1992-4:2018, Formula (7.18), τRk,c
represents the seismic concrete cone capacity for a single bonded fastener
(i.e. the static concrete cone capacity multiplied by eq for a single fastener);
c) For splitting failure, the following cases should be distinguished:
1. No verification is required if EN 1992-4:2018, b) is fulfilled;
2. If neither condition EN 1992-4:2018, b)1) or b)2) is fulfilled,
the basic characteristic seismic resistance R0k,eq should be
determined as for the persistent and transient design situation, i.e.
NRk,sp according to EN 1992-4:2018, Formula (7.23).
d) For pry-out failure in case of post-installed bonded fasteners, R0k,eq should
be determined according to EN 1992-4:2018, (i.e., VRk,cp); however,
the characteristic seismic resistances Rk,eq for concrete cone failure and
combined pull-out and concrete failure should be inserted in EN 1992-
4:2018, Formulae (7.39c) and (7.39d);
e) For pry-out failure in case of post-installed mechanical fasteners, bonded
expansion fasteners and headed fasteners, R0k,eq should be determined as
for the persistent and transient design situation according to EN 1992-
4:2018, 7 (i.e. VRk,cp);
f) For all other failure modes, 𝑅 0 k,eq should be determined as for the
persistent and transient design situation according to EN 1992-4:2018,
Clause 7 (i.e. for tension load: NRk,c, NRk,cb, NRk,re or NRk,a = γcNRd,a, and for shear
load: VRk,c, NRk,re or NRk,a = γcNRd,a).

NOTE 1 Due to hammering effect, the action effects on fasteners under shear loading increase if there is an
annular gap. The factor gap accounts for this increase in action effects.
NOTE 2 The basic characteristic resistance R0k,eq for pry-out failure for post-installed bonded fasteners is
determined based on the characteristic seismic resistances Rk,eq for concrete cone failure and combined pull-out and
concrete failure. Therefore, the corresponding factors eq for these failure modes are already accounted for. Hence,
R0k,eq for pry-out failure of bonded fasteners is multiplied with eq = 1,0 (see Table G.2).
NOTE 3 The load distribution and/or resistance of single fasteners placed with a spacing greater than the
characteristic spacing scr and connected via a single fixture are/is affected by their vicinity or crossing of a crack. In

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the absence of specific experimental assessment, this influence can be considered with the same factor αeq as the
one defined for groups of fasteners in that case.

Table G.2 — Reduction factor eq

Single Fastener
Loading Failure mode
fastener group
Steel failure 1,0 1,0
Concrete cone failure
— headed fastener and undercut fasteners with k1- 1,0 0,85
factor same as headed fastener
— all other fasteners 0,85 0,75
Pull-out failure 1,0 0,85
Combined pull-out and concrete failure (bonded
1,0 0,85
Concrete splitting failure 1,0 0,85
Concrete blow-out failure 1,0 0,85
Steel failure of reinforcement 1,0 1,0
Anchorage failure of reinforcement 0,85 0,75
Steel failure 1,0 0,85
Concrete pry-out failure
— headed fastener and undercut fasteners with k1- 1,0 0,85
factor same as headed fastener
— mechanical fastener and bonded expansion 0,85 0,75
1,0 1,0
— bonded fastener b
Concrete edge failure 1,0 0,85
Steel failure of reinforcement 1,0 1,0
Anchorage failure of reinforcement 0,85 0,75
NOTE 1 The values for a single fastener also apply in the case that only one fastener in a group is subjected to
tension load.
NOTE 2 For pry-out failure of bonded fasteners, the influence of seismic actions and associated cracking,
represented by eq, is already accounted for in the basic seismic characteristic resistance (see the definition of
R0k,eq in G.4(3)).
(3) The verifications for interaction between tension and shear forces should be carried out according
to EN 1992-4:2018, and, and should be carried out both for steel failure and for failure
modes other than steel failure. Formula (G.5) should be satisfied, considering (5).
𝑁Ed,eq 𝑉Ed,eq
+𝑉 ≤ 1,0 (G.5)

where NEd,eq, VEd,eq are the design action effects in the design seismic situation for the corresponding
failure modes.
(4) For the verification given in Formula (G.5), cases a) and b) should be distinguished:
a) in case of steel failure: NRd,s,eq and VRd,s,eq for NRd,i,eq and VRd,i,eq, respectively;
b) in case of failure modes other than steel failure: largest ratios for NEd,eq/NRd,i,eq and VEd,eq/VRd,i,eq.

G.5 Displacement of fasteners

(1) The displacement of a fastener under tension and shear loads at DL limit state should not be greater
than N,req(DL) and V,req(DL) imposed by functionality and assumptions on support conditions (see 6.7.3).

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)

NOTE 1 N,req(DL) and V,req(DL) are defined with respect to the requirements of each specific application. For
instance, the assumption of a fixed support in the analysis defines the limiting displacement in the fastener coherent
with the assessed structural behaviour. In most cases, the limit of displacement associated to a rigid support in a
point corresponding to the centroid of the connected member is of the order of 3 mm. This limit can be agreed for
a specific project by the relevant parties.
NOTE 2 Under shear loads, a hole clearance between the fastener and the fixture can affect the expected
displacement of the fastening.
(2) If deformations (displacements or rotations) are relevant for the design of the connection, it should
be demonstrated that these deformations can be accommodated by the fasteners.
NOTE Examples of concerned elements are secondary seismic members or façade elements.
(3) The rotation of the connection θp (see Figure G.2(c)) should be taken as given by Formula (G.6).
𝜃p = 𝑠max


N,eq is the displacement of the fastener in the seismic design situation;

smax is the distance between the outermost row of fasteners and the opposite edge of
the base plate.

(4) If the fastener displacements N,eq(DL) under tension loading and/or V,eq(DL) under shear loading,
provided in the relevant ETPS, are greater than the corresponding required values N,req(DL) and/or
V,req(DL), the reduced design resistance may be calculated as given by Formulae (G.7) and (G.8).
𝑁Rd,eq,red = 𝑁Rd,eq 𝛿𝑁,eq(DL)

𝑉Rd,eq,red = 𝑉Rd,eq 𝛿V,eq(DL)

(5) If fastenings and attached elements or members are intended to be operational after an earthquake,
the corresponding displacements should be taken into account.

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Annex M

Material or product properties in EN 1998-1-1

M.1 Use of this annex

(1) This Normative Annex contains additional provisions to the main text of EN 1998-1-1.

M.2 Scope and field of application

(1) This Normative Annex covers guidance for material and product specifications used in EN 1998-1-
(2) Table M.1 gives the list of properties of structural members and antiseismic devices used in
EN 1998-1-1 and the related normative references.
NOTE This list does not include properties already defined in other Eurocodes.

Table M.1 — List of properties used in EN 1998-1-1 and related normative references
Symbol in the
Referred Symbol in
Property referred
standard EN 1998-1-1

Upper- and lower-bound design properties for (Upper/Lower)

each antiseismic device:
— Load bearing capacity Nbc,l Nbc,u
— Stiffness EN 15129 KR,l KR,u General
— Energy dissipation capability EDc,l EDc,u
— Horizontal distortion capability dx,l dx,u
— Rotation capability αx,l αx,u

Measured energy dissipated by device in cycles EN 15129 ED,i ED,i

Cyclic response characteristics of a structural CEN/TS 1998-
- General
member or subassembly 1-101

Cyclic response characteristics of a timber

structural member or subassembly (in EN 12512 - General

Value of coefficient cv1 for verification of sliding

CEN/TS 1998-
at construction joint in RC walls according to cv1 cv1
EN 1992-1-1, in cyclic conditions

Yield chord rotation of a member where a

CEN/TS 1998-
plastic hinge can form in a beam in PS beam-to- y y
column joint

In design to OP3, cyclic properties of fasteners CEN/TS 1998-

General General
for non-linear response history analysis 1-101

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FprEN 1998-1-1:2024 (E)


References given in recommendations (i.e. "should" clauses)

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes highly recommended choices or course of action of this document. Subject to national
regulation and/or any relevant contractual provisions, alternative documents could be used/adopted
where technically justified. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 1337 (all parts), Structural Bearings

FprEN 1992-1-1:2023, Eurocode 2 — Design of concrete structures — Part 1-1: General rules, rules for
buildings, bridges and civil engineering structures

EN 1992-4:2018, Eurocode 2 — Design of concrete structures — Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in

EN 1993-1-1:2022, Eurocode 3 — Design of steel structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for

prEN 1994-1-1:2024, Eurocode 4 — Design of composite steel and concrete structures — Part 1-1: General
rules and rules for buildings

prEN 1998-1-2:2023, Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 1-2: Buildings

prEN 1998-3:2023, Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 3: Assessment and
retrofitting of buildings and bridges

FprEN 1998-5:2024, Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 5: Geotechnical
aspects, foundations, retaining and underground structures

EN 12512, Timber structures — Test methods — Cyclic testing of joints made with mechanical fasteners

EN 15129, Anti-seismic devices

References given in permissions (i.e. "may" clauses)

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
expresses a course of action permissible within the limits of the Eurocodes. For dated references, only
the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.

FprEN 1997-2:2024, Eurocode 7 — Geotechnical design — Part 2: Ground investigation

References given in possibilities (i.e. "can" clauses and notes)

The following documents are cited informatively in the document, for example in "can" clauses and in

EAD 330232, Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete

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EAD 330499, Bonded fasteners for use in concrete

prEN 1998-2:2023, Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 2: Bridges

prEN 1998-4:2023, Eurocode 8 — Design of structures for earthquake resistance — Part 4: Silos, tanks,
pipelines, towers, masts and chimneys

CEN/TS 1998-1-101, Eurocode 8 — Part 1-101: Characterisation and qualification of structural

components for seismic applications by means of cyclic tests

EN 1999-1-1, Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-1: General rules

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