HE Hydrogen Report 2021 FINAL

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Every action. Every detail.

It all matters when you’re generating

a clean source of energy
on a global scale.
Unlocking the Potential of
Sustainable Hydrogen in Europe and Beyond
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges Air Products is the
facing the world today and energy systems need
leading green hydrogen
to meet the commitments made at the 2015 Paris
producer in the world,
Agreement now.
Writer: Caroline Stancell, actively investing in
General Manager,
Hydrogen for Mobility, real projects such as the
It is now widely accepted notably Germany, have started
Europe and Africa,
that hydrogen derived from forming strategic alliances in this NEOM Green Hydrogen
renewable energy sources will be area. Air Products
required as part of decarbonised Project.
The advantages offered by
energy systems, and there is
imported renewable hydrogen
of accelerating the roll-out of Operational in just a few year’s time, this project will . . .
significant momentum building renewable generation capacity
as part of a diversified energy and bringing green hydrogen to
in the renewable and low-carbon
strategy include: market at scale rapidly.
• include four gigawatts of renewable energy – from solar and
hydrogen energy sector around the
world. • Access to excellent renewable • Large-scale energy storage – wind sources
energy resources – decoupling concepts for international
Electrification of energy demands
the location of hydrogen shipping of green hydrogen
• produce 650 tons of green hydrogen per day
is central to decarbonisation
production facilities from
strategies of many countries,
demand centres provides
generally involve converting the • save over 3 million tons of CO2 emissions per year
creating a growing need for hydrogen into a form suitable
the freedom to site production for bulk storage and transport.
renewable electricity. Although
plants in areas with abundant, The recipients of such products
installed renewable generation
highly consistent, cost-effective will therefore benefit from
It is, without question, the world’s first large-scale green
capacity is increasing, many
renewable energy resources.
countries (particularly densely a ready-made bulk, long-term hydrogen project and will make a significant contribution to
populated ones) are finding that • Reliable, predicable renewable storage solution. Furthermore,
the need for renewable energy hydrogen supplies – as a result having access to imported green the decarbonisation of the heavy duty.
for large-scale production of of the above, imported hydrogen hydrogen can reduce the costs
green hydrogen competes – offers consistent, 24/7/365 of deploying hydrogen
and will continue to compete supplies which domestic production and distribution
– with demands for electricity production may not be able systems locally due to the scale
in other sectors. The situation to match in the near term in and continuity of supply offered.
is exacerbated by the intrinsic
intermittency of renewable
the absence of the large-scale,
low-cost hydrogen storage
To summarise, if European By mid-2020s, Air Products will be
countries want to meet their
generation. Producing hydrogen
and hydrogen-derived fuels in
facilities required to manage the climate, and specifically, hydrogen delivering the first commercial green
intermittency of local targets, imports of green hydrogen
geographies with abundant, renewables. will be a useful complement to
Ivo Bols hydrogen production and distribution
reliable renewable energy President,
resources for export to other • Accelerated deployment – domestically produced renewable
hydrogen, as part of the portfolio of
Europe and Africa systems at gigawatt scale.
regions offers a solution to project developers can select
countries and sites with solutions in decarbonised energy
this challenge. Imported green
favourable conditions and few systems. The technical solutions
hydrogen is a useful complement
barriers to deployment of new are there and Air Products is
tell me more
to domestically produced low
renewable electricity generators working with partners and policy-
carbon/renewable hydrogen,
linked to large-scale electrolysers. makers to ensure that they can be
and several countries, including
This offers the dual advantage realised. airproducts.com/H2fM

Editorial /12
Insights from the President of Hydrogen Europe, Jon André
Løkke, about the high hopes surrounding hydrogen

In a Nutshell /14
Discover the colors of hydrogen, debunk the myths around hydrogen,
and learn the facts and key moments in modern history for hydrogen

Features /30
Policy Developments
Market Developments
Beyond Europe: Middle East & North Africa

Snapshots into the lives of people and projects implementing the
energy transition and the integration of hydrogen in the Netherlands

Case Studies /88

Innovative technologies, ground-breaking projects, state-of-the-art
research, development and cooperation by members of Hydrogen Europe

Acknowledgements /120
About Hydrogen Europe /121

Chapter | 5
Air Liquide
of gases produced with renewable electricity develop large-capacity hydrogen stations which
for their efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. will be used to power long-distance trucks. Air
Liquide’s ambition is also to contribute to build
Moreover, the Group increased to 100% its total

and Hydrogen:
the sustainable aviation ecosystem alongside the
stake in H2V Normandy in October 2021. Renamed
leading players in the sector. Our Group started
Air Liquide Normand’Hy, this company aims to
at the end of the 2000s to promote hydrogen
build a large-scale electrolyzer of at least 200
applied to aviation, notably through studies
MW for the production of renewable hydrogen in
Transitioning to Clean Energies is a Reality France to supply industry and mobility markets.
and demonstrators in flight or on land. In June,
Air Liquide, Airbus and Groupe ADP signed a
This strategic investment will support the devel-
Memorandum of Understanding to prepare for
opment of a low-carbon hydrogen ecosystem in
the arrival of hydrogen in airports by 2035 as
Air Liquide commitments address the urgency of climate change the Normandy industrial basin.
part of the development of hydrogen-powered
and energy transition, targeting carbon neutrality by 2050. Using its extensive experience in hydrogen plants, commercial aircraft. Alongside Airbus and Vinci
Air Liquide has developed a process unique in Airports, the Group also announced a partnership
the world, the CryocapTM H2 technology, which to promote the use of hydrogen at airports and
was commissioned in 2015 in Air Liquide’s build the European airport network to accom-
As a pioneer, Air Liquide is convinced that hy- of the Air Liquide Group’s strategy. The new 20 largest hydrogen production unit in France, in modate future hydrogen aircrafts.
drogen is a cornerstone of the energy transition. MW proton-exchange membrane (PEM) electro- Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine. This technology makes
A global transition towards a low-carbon so-
In the past 50 years, the Group has developed lyser, equipped with Cummins technology, is the it possible to recover and isolate the CO2 emit-
ciety is underway. As a pioneer in hydrogen
unique expertise enabling it to master the entire largest operating unit of its kind. Supplied with ted during hydrogen production involving low
technologies, Air Liquide is fully committed to
supply chain, from production and storage to renewable energy, this unit is now producing up temperatures to separate gases.
achieving this goal.
distribution, contributing to the widespread use to 8.2 tonnes per day of low-carbon hydrogen
In July 2021, the Group announced working with
of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier for a wide and will help meet the growing demand in North
other major players in the Normandy industrial
range of applications such as industrial usages America.
basin to implement a CO2 capture and storage
and clean mobility.
In order to meet rapidly renewable hydrogen chain, from their industrial activities to
growing demand, and to lower costs, it is key final storage in the North Sea.
Air Liquide is committed to reaching several
to accelerate the production of sustainably
ambitious goals, investing approximately Air Liquide is therefore fully involved
generated hydrogen through large-scale PEM
€8 billion in the low-carbon hydrogen full in the development of low carbon and
electrolysers. In this context, Air Liquide and
value chain by 2035, and a total of 3 GW renewable hydrogen, serving both
Siemens Energy have joined forces to create
electrolysis capacity by 2030. the decarbonization of industry and
a European ecosystem for electrolysis and
mobility. As well as the roll-out of
hydrogen technologies. The first worldscale
Air Liquide’s long-term commitment to hydrogen stations for light vehicles in Europe,
PEM electrolyzer Air Liquide is planning to build
energy and its ambition to be a major player in the Japan, South Korea and the United
in the framework of this partnership will be lo-
supply of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen is States, Air Liquide is also focused
cated in Oberhausen, Germany. This renewable
at the heart of its strategic investments. Indeed, on the truck segment. Large-scale
hydrogen production plant, with a total capacity
Air Liquide inaugurated the world’s largest low- projects are becoming a reality: in
to reach 30MW, will support sectors such as
carbon hydrogen membrane-based production Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Fos-
Steel, Chemicals, Refining and Mobility in North
unit in Canada earlier this year, illustrating that sur-Mer in France for example, where
Rhine-Westphalia by accelerating the availability
the fight against climate change is at the heart the Group is part of key initiatives to
Your global partner for
new energies & feedstocks
Bastien Bonnet-Cantalloube | Officer, Industry Policy

Bastien joined Hydrogen Europe in 2020 where he coordinates the

association’s Industry Working Group, the ad hoc Working Groups
on PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances) and the EU Carbon
Market Reforms.

Michela Bortolotti | Manager, Communications

Michela joined Hydrogen Europe in March 2018 and is responsible for

all communications matters of the association. She is also involved in
the communication and dissemination packages of several European
funded projects in which Hydrogen Europe is a partner.

Alexandru Floristean | Manager, Intelligence

Alexandru has deep understanding of the market and regulatory

framework of clean hydrogen technologies in Europe and since 2018
is part of the Funding and Innovation team of Hydrogen Europe.
He is also involved in the Clean Hydrogen Monitor, a yearly report
presenting key indicators on the hydrogen sector in Europe.

Felicia Mester | Manager, Energy & Production Policy

Hydrogen CO2 infrastructure Redox-flow New feedstocks
Felicia joined Hydrogen Europe in February 2021 and she is
& Ammonia batteries responsible for the Energy and Production Working Groups.
Previously, she worked with Eurogas where she focused on EU
internal gas market regulation, taxation and hydrogen technologies.
Graphic Design
Filipa Rosa
Marc Rechdane Grzegorz Pawelec | Manager, Intelligence
Francisco Oldemar
Émile Noël Grzegorz is a Manager for the Funding and Intelligence team at
Hydrogen Europe. He joined Hydrogen Europe in May 2019 and was
Web Development responsible then for the coordination of the Maritime Working Group,
Sebastien Van Loock focusing on decarbonisation of shipping as well as Finance and
Gary Leleu Funding Working Group with focus on future PPP on hydrogen under
the Horizon Europe framework and the ETS Innovation Fund.
Royal Vopak is the world’s leading independent tank storage company. We store vital products
with care, and thereby enable the delivery of products that are vital to our economy and daily lives.
We are developing key infrastructure solutions for the vital products of the future, with a focus on communication group
fostering cultures of
hydrogen, ammonia, carbon dioxide, green feedstocks and flow batteries. In the field of hydrogen,
sustainability, visit:
Vopak aims to provide solutions to transport, distribute and store hydrogen by creating open access revolve.media
terminal infrastructure in ports at both export and import locations. Together with partners in
various countries, Vopak aims to develop three routes: Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers, This report is curated
by Stuart Reigeluth,
green ammonia, and Liquefied Hydrogen. Vopak.com founder, REVOLVE

Storing vital products with care

Hydrogen as an enabling
going forward. Groups such as the Hydrogen
Council are already helping to shape opinion
in this area.

fuel to achieve net zero It takes a village...

No one company has all the answers when
Industry is on the right path but has more to offer in pursuit of energy access and global
it comes to hydrogen; collaboration and
decarbonisation, writes Rod Christie, Executive Vice President, Turbomachinery & Process Solutions
partnerships will be required to deploy
at Baker Hughes
solutions effectively and sustainably.
On the production side, for example, our
partnership with Air Products is a strategic
global collaboration to develop next
generation hydrogen compression to lower
the cost of production and accelerate the
the Hydrogen Council and Hydrogen Europe
adoption of hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel.
are doing the crucial work of helping to shape
As part of the collaboration, Baker Hughes will opinion in this area.
provide Air Products with advanced hydrogen
Finance will also play a central role. The Five
compression and gas turbine technology for
T Hydrogen Fund, for example, has already
global projects, including NovaLT16 turbines
invested €260m as part of a €1bn ambition
for Air Products’ net-zero hydrogen energy
backed by the financial, strategic, and
complex in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and
technical expertise of investors including
Hydrogen can play a significant role in
decarbonisation as part of a multi-faceted
Hit the accelerator advanced compression technology for the
Baker Hughes.
NEOM carbon-free hydrogen project in the
approach to improving efficiencies, reducing An array of technologies is required to deliver
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
emissions and deploying new solutions. The the power of hydrogen across production,
storage, transportation, and utilisation. And we are partnering with Snam—which
Team H2
promise of the technology, however, can only
be delivered if industry and policymakers face has one of Europe’s most extensive natural The hydrogen supply chain has an obligation
These include compressors, gas turbines and
up to a series of hard truths. transmission networks and natural gas to speed the energy transition through
non-metallic pipes; sensors, monitoring and
storage capacity—to implement the adoption development and deployment. We must
First, major acceleration across technologies diagnostics including inspection solutions for
of hydrogen blended with natural gas in their collectively participate to take energy and
and infrastructure will be required to meet enbrittlement prevention or detection; and
current transmission network infrastructure industry forward with innovation, on behalf of
net zero. Today’s solutions will help to address clean, integrated power solutions to produce
through the testing and development of our both people and the planet.
emissions but alone cannot meet the scale of power with hydrogen and blends.
NovaLT12 “hybrid” hydrogen turbine.
change necessary. There is already a marked willingness to
Any company looking to position itself in
Hydrogen will undoubtedly be a critical achieve these shared goals, a new way of
Second, hydrocarbons will not disappear this sector—and to maximise the speed of
component of the energy mix of the future, a working that acknowledges the variety of
overnight; oil and gas will be required to help development—must commit to adapting its
key enabler to achieve net zero, which is why technologies and skills required to develop
meet energy demand for the next 30 years. core operations to these requirements, and
companies including Baker Hughes—which new forms of energy including hydrogen.
Any transition path must incorporate and all that means for investment in growth and
has served the sector since 1962—have placed
facilitate efficiencies and decarbonisation in positioning to take advantage of any gaps. The solutions developed are crucial to
technology at the centre of the efforts to make
this sector. meeting the net-zero challenges in front of
There are several ways to produce, transport, our energy safer, cleaner, and more efficient.
us, in areas including capital, capabilities,
And third, collaboration is central to reaching and use hydrogen and opportunities will
Financial incentives could further encourage and infrastructure. The industry, including
net zero. Producers, technology providers, exist, and should be grasped, to improve
deployment of enabling technologies and Baker Hughes, is committed to putting its
energy buyers, and policymakers must all work project economics. This is particularly true as
infrastructure and fast-track the R&D required expertise to work so we can all achieve the
together to leverage existing solutions, those at the technology matures and governments
to reduce costs going forward. Groups such as changes necessary.
prototype stage, and those at an earlier stage prioritise different segments of the market.
of development. Financial incentives could further encourage
deployment of production technologies and
fast-track the R&D required to reduce costs bakerhughes.com
Copyright 2021 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.
EDITORIAL relevant in new areas not accessible in the past. to provide innovative solutions to decarbonise
It can also replace coal, oil, and gas by being a the economy and generate jobs growth in Europe
renewably produced energy vector, fuel, and chemi- and worldwide.
cal feedstock. Furthermore, it boosts the use of

Hydrogen Economy to Give electricity generated from renewable power and

makes the energy system of the future more efficient.
The business case for hydrogen is
there. What is left then?

Major Push for Fighting We already see the change happening: the world’s
first passenger train powered by a hydrogen fuel
cell is already running on German railways. The
For hydrogen to become a commercial success,
European and global decision-makers need to
develop regulatory and policy incentives for clean

Climate Change world’s first green steel made with hydrogen

production was delivered in Sweden. These are
just a few examples.
hydrogen technologies to scale up and cut costs.

COP26 is a chance for Europe to demonstrate its

leadership in building a clean hydrogen economy
Europe is already home to the electrolyser technol- and prove its ambition to become the showcase
ogy, capable of producing significant amounts of and benchmark of a global hydrogen revolution.
green hydrogen to power industries and homes.
Clean hydrogen technologies have strong potential Clear policy incentives for hydrogen development will
give a major push to fighting climate change across
all continents. In Europe, this will power the green
01 F
 ork lifts can also be powered by hydrogen, shown
here at the Solhub, Fronius R&D site Thalheim.
transformation, create future European jobs and
Source: Fronius International GmbH secure a clean energy future for generations ahead. 

The long-awaited 2021 United Nations Climate be achieved, with what means and which methodol-
Change Conference – COP26 – is expected to ogy should be applied.
become a watershed moment in global efforts
to fight climate change. After the Paris COP21 High hopes are on hydrogen.
Conference reached a breakthrough agreement to
limit the global warming to 1.5 degrees, all eyes are Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the
on Glasgow now to make sure the world stays on universe. It can be produced from various sources,
track and keeps 1.5 degrees within reach. including renewables such as solar and wind, and
used as a net-zero energy carrier or fuel. Hydrogen
With world leaders, climate negotiators, scientists, is key and will be a solution to many of the world’s
industry, and society representatives coming together to climate neutrality objectives: it unleashes the
discuss how to get the climate changes under control, potential of renewables, ensures energy system
COP26 will be a litmus test for global policy makers to efficiency, and enables a carbon-neutral transport
prove they can put words and ambitions into action. system, both on land and sea.

COP26 must go beyond a mere goal of setting By using hydrogen technologies, we can contribute
standards for emissions reductions: It must give a to the decarbonization of economies, notably within
clear indication on how a climate-neutral future will industry and transport, thus making renewables 01


In a Nutshell
A Modern History
of Hydrogen
6 May
Hydrogen is the scapegoat for the
L'Île mystérieuse Hindenburg crash, operated by Zeppelin,
(The Mysterious Island) while the causes are more complex,
by Jules Vernes is published. shattering nonetheless public confidence
and delayed the advent of air travel

1520 1875
First recorded
observation of hydrogen The hydrogen-filled LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin
by Paracelsus through Hans Gaffron discovered
made a 33,234 km circumnavigation of the
dissolution of metals that algae can switch
world. The voyage took a total of 21 days,
(iron, zinc, and tin) in between producing oxygen
sulfuric acid. 5 hours, and 31 minutes.
and hydrogen.

Humphry Davy
discovers the
concept of the
Fuel Cell.

1801 1929 1939

Count Ferdinand Adolf August von The first Atlantic

Zeppelin made the first long distance crossing by airship
flight with the Zeppelin LZ5. with the Beardmore
HMA R34.
Linde–Frank–Caro process

1909 General Motors presents
1919 Electrovan, the world's
first fuel cell automobile

16 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY A Modern History of Hydrogen | 17

8 July
‘A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe’
Kick-Start Phase
Ramp-Up Phase
John Bockris or Lawrence W. Jones 2025-2035
coined the term hydrogen economy 2018 2020
Market Growth Phase

Launch of Hydrogen Valleys

‘A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe’
(H2Vs) Platform
‘EU hydrogen policy: Hydrogen as an energy carrier for a climate-neutral economy’
The Hydrogen Economy by
Jeremy Rifkin is published.
European Commission > Energy > Topics > Energy system integration > Hydrogen
releases its  www.ec.europa.eu/energy/topics/energy-system-integration/hydrogen_en
first hydrogen
fuel cell car,
the Mirai

2002 2016

8 July
Creation of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
6 May
FCH 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) www.ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/policy/european-clean-hydrogen-alliance_en
extended by the European
Commission to 2020 with
€1.33 billion

2008 2020

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) launched World Hydrogen Alliance MENA
www.fch.europa.eu www.dii-desertenergy.org/mena-hydrogen-alliance/

18 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY A Modern History of Hydrogen | 19

Myth Busters Myth 3
Hydrogen is really too expensive
The price of green hydrogen has fallen in recent years and it is expected
Debunking the usual cliches undermining the value of hydrogen. that the reduction will be even higher over the next decade, making it
truly competitive against other energy solutions. António Vidigal from
EDP Innovation reinforces that the cost of H2 is not so much in the
technology or in the infrastructures: “The main component of the cost
of green hydrogen is the renewable energy from which it is produced
via electrolysis, which corresponds to 70% of the total.” It is neces¬sary
Myth 1 to have good renewable energy resources, and to optimize the solar
and wind mix.
Hydrogen energy is not all that energy efficient
While hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, here
on Earth, it typically needs to be extracted from water or organic com-
pounds. This is not particularly different from the diesel and gasoline
Myth 4
used in combustion engines which are produced from refining and Hydrogen is not completely ecological
cleaning crude oil (a process which actually heavily involves the use of
In fact, we can take on hydrogen with different colors, and you can read more here. In the pro-
hydrogen). While hydrogen is currently extracted from natural gas and
duction of gray hydrogen, which still dominates the international landscape, gases are released
is already a multi-billion dollar global industry used in a wide range of
into the atmosphere. And in the case of blue hydrogen produced by the same steam reforming
industrial applications, it is also produced via renewable sources such
technique, these pollutant emissions are captured for subsequent storage, but there is a small
as solar, wind or biogas without the need to use fossil fuels.
percentage that escapes to the atmosphere in the process.

Green hydrogen however is produced 100% by renewables as shown here.

Myth 2
Hydrogen gas is dangerous to store and use
Myth 5
Hydrogen is too explosive!
Arguably one of the most common concerns raised when discuss-
ing the use of hydrogen is that, as a flammable gas, it can be easily You may think of the hydrogen bomb or atomic weapons of mass de-
ignited and as such far too hazardous to be stored either in refuelling struction when you hear hydrogen, but the process for making such
stations or within a pressure tank. Yet, hydrogen is no more danger- bombs is the opposite to electrolysis for example which is about split-
ous than other flammable fuels or the batteries used in electric cars. ting the water molecule. Even the Hinderburg accident in 1937, often
In fact, vehicles with pressure gas storage tanks are nothing new. With remembered for the fact that the zeppelin floated due to hydrogen, is
millions of on-the-road miles driven over the last few years, an exist- unrelated to the gas itself. The most accepted explanation indicates
ing global multi-billion industry transporting and making hydrogen for that it was the flammable components on the paint that covered the
many decades, the automotive industry seems to be more than suf- zeppelin - not hydrogen, which dissipated in seconds - that caused
ficiently convinced that hydrogen can be stored safely, with Toyota for the fire in the aircraft structure.
example having received approval from Japan’s Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry (METI) to self-inspect and manufacture hydrogen
tanks for FCEVs. Sources: HIRINGA, EDP

20 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY 5 Myths That Are Busted | 21

1 Facts 2
2 K

H He

The world’s O
Hydrogen 7 things you may largest hydrogen Helium
1.008 Pnictogens Chalcogens Halogens 4.0026
electrolysis plant

not know about hydrogen:
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L
is currently being M

Li Be B C Nfirst O F Ne

built at Rhineland The P

Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
6.94 9.0122 refinery, Germany.
10.81 12.011 electrolyzer
14.007 15.999 18.998 20.180


appeared in 1800
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L

Si when Nicolson and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M

Na Mg Al P S a Cl Ar

NASA fuels its P

Aluminium Silicon Carlisle induced Q

Sodium Magnesium Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
22.990 24.305 spaceships with 26.982 28.085 static30.974
into 35.45 39.948

One of the


hydrogen and the

19 21
20 first elements 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
water. 34 35 36
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L
8 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 M
resulting water is
K Ca created
Scafter Ti V Crpure astronauts
Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N

Scandium Titanium Vanadium so

Potassium Calcium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
39.098 40.078 the Big Bang.47.867
44.956 50.942 drink it. 54.938 55.845
51.996 58.933 58.693 63.546 65.38 69.723 72.630 74.922 78.971 79.904 83.798



37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L
(if you
believe in189the 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 M

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
8 8 10 12 13 13 15 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 N
1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 O
Big Bang). P

Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver The nameIndium
Cadmium hydrogen
Tin Hydrogen
Antimony Tellurium Iodine is Xenon

85.468 87.62 88.906 91.224 92.906 95.95 (98) 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 comes 114.82
112.41 from 118.71
the Greek 121.76 127.60 the126.90
most 131.29



55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 “hydro”
words 81 (meaning
82 83 84abundant
85 86
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 M

Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl
water) and Pb
“genes” Bi Po At
element Rn
18 18 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 N
8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 O
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P
Caesium Barium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium
(meaning Lead
creator). Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
in the
132.91 137.33 178.49 It’s
180.95 183.84 186.21
the most 190.23 192.22 195.08 196.97 200.59 204.38 207.2 208.98 (209) universe.
(210) (222)



It was named by French
87 88 104 abundant 105 106
substance 107 108 109 110 111 112 Antoine 113 114 18328 115 18328 116 18328 117 18328 118 18328
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 L
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 chemist
18 18 18Lavoisier
18 M

Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 N
(75%) in the universe
32 32
because182when it burns
17 18
Francium Radium Rutherfordium and
Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium “creates
the richest Copernicium water”.
Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson
(223) (226) (267) (268) (269) (270) (277) (278) (281) (282) (285) (286) (289) (290) (293) (294) (294)
energy source for


(The sun is made up of
mostly hydrogen).
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
18 19 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 32
9 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
138.91 140.12 140.91 144.24 (145) 150.36 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.05 174.97

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
18 18 20 21 22 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 32
9 10 9 9 9 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
Image adapted from: Dayah, Michael.
Periodic Table - Ptable. Ptable, 1
Oct. 1997, ptable.com. Accessed 8
Nov. 2021 (227) 232.04 231.04 238.03 (237) (244) (243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (266)

22 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY 7 Facts You Need To Know | 23
How Green Hydrogen Electrolyzers consist of several interconnected
electrolysis cells, also called stacks.

is Produced When voltage is applied,

hydrogen is produced at
Currently, 95% of global hydrogen production is based on fossil materials, H2 the cathode and oxygen O2
at the anode.
which cause significant CO2 emissions. However, hydrogen can be Cathode Anode
produced via electrolysis without negative environmental consequences
and replace fossil fuels for transport.



the two partial
reactions, charge
takes place
in the form
of ion conduction
The electricity must come via an electrolyte
100% from renewables (which is an

Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen Oxygen

In addition, a membrane is needed to spatially separate
the two reactions and prevent the product gases from mixing.

Fuelling station


Distribution The basic principle of electrolysis is to split water
into oxygen and hydrogen with the help of electricity.

24 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY How Green Hydrogen is Produced | 25

Purple H2
The Colors of Hydrogen Purple hydrogen is made though
using nuclear power and heat
through combined chemo-thermal
Discover all the different hues of the first
electrolysis splitting of water.
element in the periodic table. Blue hydrogen refers to hydrogen derived
H2 from natural gas, which is a fossil fuel,
however, most (albeit not all) the CO2
emitted during the process would be

H2 captured and stored underground (carbon

sequestration) or bound in a solid product

H2 Turquoise
(such as bricks) and utilized. This is called
carbon capture, storage and utilisation

Extracted by using the thermal splitting of

One process for achieving this is called
methane via methane pyrolysis, this process
steam methane reforming (SMR). This
(though at the experimental stage) removes
mixes natural gas with very hot steam,
carbon in a solid form instead of CO2 gas.

Black / Brown
H2 in the presence of a catalyst, where a
chemical reaction creates hydrogen and

Green hydrogen is mainly produced by splitting

H2 H2 Produced from coal, the black and brown
colours refer to the type of bituminous (black)
carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. An
improvement of this process, auto-thermal
reforming (ATR) combines the steam
water (i.e. water electrolysis) using electricity
and lignite (brown) coal. The gasification of reforming reaction and fuel oxidation into
generated from renewable energy sources
coal is a method used to produce hydrogen. a single unit. This process is more efficient
However, it is a very polluting process, and CO2 and is able to capture more of the CO2

The reason it is called green is that there is no

Grey and carbon monoxide are produced as by- emitted in course of production. When
CO2 emission associated with the hydrogen Grey hydrogen is
White products and released into the atmosphere. considering the CO2 emission reduction
potential of “blue” hydrogen, it is important
production nor with its usage. When used in produced from fossil White hydrogen
to acknowledge the importance of tackling
a fuel cell, the only by-product of its use is fuel and commonly refers to naturally
methane leakage upstream of the hydrogen
the pure water that was originally used in its uses steam methane occurring hydrogen
production plant. This should be done by
production. Renewable hydrogen is generally reforming (SMR) in its most natural
applying a strict life-cycle assessment when
more expensive than blue hydrogen, though method. During state. Red determining the CO2 emissions associated
prices are becoming more competitive. this process, CO2
Red hydrogen is with its production.
is produced and
produced through
Although “green” hydrogen often refers to eventually released
the high-temperature Due to the differences in CO2 emissions
electrolytic hydrogen produced using electricity to the atmosphere.

catalytic splitting of that can occur in the production of “blue”
generated from renewable energy sources,

water using nuclear hydrogen (depending on upstream methane
it can also refer to hydrogen produced via
power thermal as an emissions and the production technology
different methods using other renewable
energy source. used), the term itself can be considered too
sources such as biogas, biomethane, bio-waste
and other renewable sources, these methods
Pink broad. Instead, when referring to hydrogen
produced from natural gas, it is more
are less common than water electrolysis but Pink hydrogen is generated through electrolysis
accurate to refer to it using the actual GHG
also result in either very low or zero emissions. of water by using electricity from a nuclear
footprint associated to its production.
power plant.

26 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY The Colors of Hydrogen | 27

The iron and steel industry is responsible for up to 10% of global
greenhouse-gas emissions. Switching from carbon to hydrogen as a
feedstock will replace CO2 emissions with steam emissions. The task
is technologically feasible, but momentous in scale.


Pulp & Paper 2%
replacing natural gas replacing coal replacing natural gas SMELTING REDUCTION
Iron and steel
replacing coal

Other industry

3.7 Gt

1,869 Mt
Chemicals &

of total steel production is
suitable for hydrogen route
1,308 Mt 1t 55H kg
of production capacity steel 2
to convert

Coal CO2 H2O


Iron ore

Iron Reactor Iron 72,000,000 t 500 GW 4,000 TWh

tonnes of hydrogen of electrolyser capacity of green
Blast furnace Hydrogen e.g., HYFOR per year electricity per year
by Primetals Technologies
Hydrogen will become
a crucial energy vector
and the other leg of
the energy transition
– alongside renewable
electricity – to replace
coal, oil, and gas across
different segments of
the economy.

neutrality objective for 2050 in an EU Climate Law.

To achieve this, the EU Green Deal also implies
a broad review of EU legislations and policies,

Policy Developments as well as new proposals.

The EU’s climate ambitions propel all aspects

of EU policy with a view to shift our economies
away from carbon emitting energy sources and
carriers. This stretches from the energy and mo-
bility sectors to taxation, industrial policy, climate
and environmental protection. Hydrogen is the
crossroads between climate policies and the
deep decarbonisation of our economy.

Legislative acts and policies

adopted or presented in
2020 and 2021

The adoption of the European Hydrogen Strategy

Introduction 2021 with the advent of the Fit-for-55 Package. The climate crisis and its rising political prominence marked a first step towards the development of an
Hydrogen will become a crucial energy vec- has led to the EU Green Deal - the key driver for EU-wide clean hydrogen market. Its 2030 targets
New policies and initiatives deeply affect the tor and the other leg of the energy transition the energy transition and the EU’s decarbonisation set the ambition for the subsequent adoption of
energy sector, and hydrogen is no exception. As – alongside renewable electricity – to replace agenda. In late 2019, the European Commission the EU Climate Law, the Fit-for-55 package and
a carbon-free energy carrier, hydrogen has been coal, oil, and gas across different segments presented it as Europe’s “new growth strategy”. the imminent publication of the hydrogen and
increasingly the focus of policy-makers, not least of the economy. It entails a more ambitious target for EU green- gas decarbonisation package. This is the third
under the EU’s Recovery Plan, the European house gas (GHG) emission reduction (-55%, up economic revolution which will be marked by the
Commission’s 2020 Hydrogen Strategy, and in from -40%) and the enshrinement of the carbon establishment a proper functioning and liquid

32 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Policy Developments | 33

EU Green Deal Fit-for-55
Climate neutrality by 2050 Cutting 55% of emissions by 2030

• Halving emissions from cars and vans • Strengthen EU Emission Trading

(55% and 50%) Scheme (ETS)
• Zero emissions from new cars by 2035 • Extend ETS to maritime sector, reduce
Policy mentioned in the article • 35 million renovated buildings by 2030 airline allowances
• 160,000 additional green jobs in • New ETS for road transport and
construction sector buildings by 2025
• 40% new renewable energy target • ReFuelEU Aviation initiative to oblige
• 36-39% energy efficiency targets for sustainable aviation fuel blends
final and primary energy consumption • FuelEU Maritime initiative to stimulate
EU Green Deal • New target of -310 Mt of carbon sustainable maritime fuels and zero
EU’s Recovery Plan removals emission technologies
European Commission’s 2020 Hydrogen Strategy
Source: ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/ Source: ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport
EU Green Deal european-green-deal/delivering-european-green-deal_
Hydrogen Strategy en#making-transport-sustainable-for-all

Energy System Integration Strategy

Offshore Renewable Strategy
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
EU Climate Law
Clean Energy Monitor market for clean hydrogen as a new commodity
Renewable Energy Directive (RED) See Clean Hydrogen Monitor 2020 for a full in Europe, building up the backbone of a global
analysis of the European Hydrogen Strategy
EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) clean hydrogen market.
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) MISSION - NO EMISSION

CORSIA scheme
Non-binding policies and strategies
Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR - formerly AFID)
In the EU legislative process, non-binding policy
CO2 Emission Standards Regulation for cars and vans

documents, strategies, communications, white pa-
FuelEU Maritime

pers and other soft law examples play an important

RefuelEU Aviation
role in setting a long-term vision for the direction
Trans-European Network – Energy (TEN-E)
that will be taken by EU law. The most fundamental
Third Gas Package The Clean Hydrogen Monitor 2021 is a
comprehensive source of data, facts and analysis
ones for hydrogen are the EU Hydrogen Strategy
Delegated Act of the Renewable Energy Directive
surrounding the hydrogen market in Europe to and the Energy System Integration Strategy, both
TEN-T regulation support fact-based policy and business decisions, published on 8 July 2020.
monitor development of the hydrogen market and
assess the progress of clean hydrogen at replacing
the consumption of fossil fuels. The Hydrogen Strategy adopts the 2030 target
of 2x40 GW of electrolysis capacity (40 GW in
Content of this year’s report: the EU and 40 GW in neighbouring partner coun-
Current hydrogen demand and tries) as a guiding vision. An intermediary target
production capacity of at least 6 GW by 2024 is set too. The priority
Levelized cost of hydrogen analysis for the Commission is to develop renewable
Planned projects (production and consumption hydrogen, produced from renewable electricity.
of hydrogen in industry)
At the same time, the Strategy recognises the
Policies and incentives
role of low-carbon hydrogen in the short- and
Funding opportunities

34 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Policy Developments | 35

EU Climate Law – A binding legal act becomes a binding baseline, and an indicative The ETS is slated to undergo a major revision, the
target of at least 49% renewables in the buildings main change being that covered emissions should
Hydrogen is the The (revised) EU Climate Law (Regulation (EU) sector; as well as to extend the scope of the Union be cut by 61% by 2030 (up from 43%). The higher
crossroads between 2021/1119 establishing the framework for achiev- Database to cover the tracing of liquid and gase- target will be achieved through a combination of
ing climate neutrality) was formally adopted on 30 ous renewable fuels and recycled carbon fuels and a higher LRF and a one-off reduction of the cap.
climate policies and the June 2021 and effectivley sets a new EU target of their life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This increased ambition of the carbon market
deep decarbonisation reducing GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030 In its current form, the revised RED generates a will likely trigger the clean switch across multiple
of our economy. compared to 1990 levels (up from 40% previously) demand for renewable-only hydrogen of at least applications driven by higher CO2 prices (e.g., in
and the binding objective of climate neutrality 4.9 Mt and, as such, represents one of the main ammonia, steel and cement production).
(net zero emissions) in the EU by 2050. This set drivers for the widespread adoption of renewable
the stage for the “Fit-for-55” legislative proposal hydrogen in the EU. On top of increased ambition, the proposal sug-
package. fuel (If produced from renewable or gests an extension of the EU ETS to most maritime
medium-term to rapidly reduce emissions from low-carbon sources), hydrogen is indispensable The EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) is a transport, with a phasing-in period until 2026,
existing hydrogen production and drive the de- to any scenario for reaching net-carbon neutrality ‘cap-and-trade’ mechanism aiming to decrease road transport and buildings under a new sepa-
velopment of the hydrogen backbone. GHG emissions by setting a maximum amount of rate ETS without free allowances, with the aim to
emission allowances (the ‘cap’) per set periods. cut emissions by 43% in these sectors by 2030
The Fit for-55 package and legislative
The Energy System Integration Strategy aims to This cap decreases over time, following a linear compared to 2005.
foster circularity and flexibility in the energy system proposals reduction factor. Most allowances are auctioned,
by taking increasing advantage of synergies across and the rest is allocated for free to some sectors
sectors. Decarbonisation, energy efficiency, and Proposed by the European Commission on 14 July deemed to be at risk of carbon leakage (an index
security of supply are the main end goals. In this 2021, the Fit-for-55 package represents perhaps that is based carbon intensity in the sector’s pro- 01 B
 uilding site. Milano, Italy.
roadmap, hydrogen is seen as a technology to link the most fundamental change to the EU legislative cesses and the intensity of the sector’s trade flows). Source: Michele Bitetto /Unsplash

the components of the energy systems, to store acquis since the completion of the EU single market.
energy for long-term periods, and to decarbonise The package touches upon almost all aspects of
hard-to-abate sectors (especially trucks, industry, the EU economy, especially in the area of energy,
maritime, and aviation). industry and mobility. For the purposes of this re-
port, we will limit ourselves to a short presentation
The European Commission published numerous of the legislative proposals within the Fit-for-55
supporting strategies in 2020 that include the package with the highest potential impact on the
Offshore Renewable Strategy which considers hydrogen market and highlight provisions which
offshore hydrogen production and hydrogen pipe- are most relevant.
lines as the most promising means of delivering
offshore energy to consumption centres onshore; The Renewable Energy Directive (RED) sets rules
the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy for the development of renewable energy across
is also very relevant, as it provides the EU’s first all sectors of the EU’s economy. The revised pro-
clear targets for hydrogen refuelling stations: 500 posal raises the renewable energy target from 32
in 2025 and 1,000 in 2030, up from 144 in 2021. to 40% in total energy consumption, but also sets
minimum binding targets for the use of renewable
While the foundations for the legislative environ- fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) by 2030,
ment affecting hydrogen were already in place, which means some 50% of hydrogen consumption
the developments which took place following in industry and at least 2.6% of the total energy
the adoption of the Hydrogen Strategy have the consumption in the transport sector (including
potential to be truly transformational for the clean renewable hydrogen consumed in refineries).
hydrogen sector. Figure 15, below presents just
a few of such developments which are likely to Specific provisions are also proposed to mainstream
have a major impact. renewable energy in heating and cooling, such
as 1.1% annual increase in heating and cooling 01

36 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Policy Developments | 37

Revenues stemming from the ETS auctions are out (over a 10-year period from 2026 to 2035) free The proposed revision of the Energy Taxation
set to increase and be channelled towards the allowances that those sectors receive. This may Directive (ETD) heavily incentivises a switch to
Innovation and Modernisation Funds and target work by imposing on importers to the EU that they renewable and low-carbon hydrogen. The revision
climate-related purposes. In addition, a new Social purchase CBAM certificates whose price will reflect aims to tax the energy content of energy products It is imperative that
Climate Fund could mobilise €72.2 billion for the CO2 price level under the ETS for the corre- rather than their volume and places them in tax hydrogen moves from an
2025-2032 to help most vulnerable households sponding goods, minus the free allocations still categories based on their environmental perfor-
and transport consumers. being received by those sectors. Free allowances mance when setting minimum excise rates. This
afterthought to a central
will also be phased out for the aviation sector by ranking must be maintained when Member States pillar of the energy
Furthermore, free allocation is proposed to become 2026 (for intra-EU flights); external-European flights set actual rates. system.
conditional on installation decarbonisation efforts. are to be subject to offsetting under the interna-
Furthermore, the revision proposal includes the tional CORSIA scheme. Fossil fuel tax exemptions delivered for certain
production of all hydrogen production methods products would be phased out, ensuring that those
(i.e., electrolytic) under the scope of the EU ETS, are no longer taxed below minimum rates. After a
Phases of Corsia implementation
making renewable and low-carbon facilities eligible 10-year transition period, this would also apply to
for free allowances. fossil fuels used for intra-EU air transport, maritime
transport and fishing – a crucial measure given the
Some sectors covered by the current ETS – steel, role of these sectors in energy consumption and
aluminium, cement, fertilisers, and electricity – GHG emissions. 02 S
 elf service hydrogen filling station.
could also fall under the scope of a new legislation, Source: Scharfsinn
called the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism The proposal foresees a preferential minimum tax
03 A
 Toyota Mirai fuel cell vehicle parked in a
(CBAM) that aims at protecting those industries rate of €0.15/GJ for renewable and low carbon street in Shinjuku, Japan, 2019.
against carbon leakage while gradually phasing hydrogen (during a 10-year transition period for Source: Ned Snowman

02 03

38 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Policy Developments | 39

the latter), incentivising the use of clean hydrogen The proposal to revise the CO2 Emission Standards on the fleet average GHG intensity of the energy the necessary energy transition and can lead to
in multiple applications, not least in maritime and Regulation for cars and vans maintains its 2025 used onboard by large ships (above 5,000 gross fragmentation, overlapping and sometimes con-
aviation. In contrast, non-renewable fuels of non- target and sets an increased emission GHG reduc- tonnage) for maritime. Emission level is reduced by tradictory legislation, and uncertainty for investors.
biological origin (i.e., fossil hydrogen) are taxed at tion target by 2030 on vehicle manufacturers, this 2% from 2025 to 75% from 2050 for all intra-EU
a minimum rate of €7.17/GJ. The lowest minimum time differentiating between cars (55% reduction) voyages and stays in within a port of call covered, For the hydrogen sector, the revision of the Third
rate of €0.15/GJ applies to electricity – regardless and vans (50% reduction). This is a strong policy and half of voyages between EU and non-EU ports Gas Package must remove barriers to hydrogen
of its use and of the primary energy source used incentive for the adoption of zero emission vehicles. of call will also be included (aligned with the scope investment, create a level playing field with other
for its production. In addition, the proposal includes a new target of the EU ETS extension). net-zero technologies and promote a harmonised
for 100% emission reductions in 2035 effectively approach to hydrogen via the development of a
The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation signalling the phase-out of internal combustion For aviation, an obligation is set on fuel suppliers, dedicated regulatory approach where infrastruc-
(AFIR - formerly AFID) proposal, as a directly engines under the current accounting scheme as from 2023, to provide sustainable aviation fuels ture, demand and production related issues come
applicable Regulation, proposes binding targets (tank-to-wheel) in favour of zero tailpipe emission (SAF) to airlines at all EU airports. This obligation together.
for the development of Hydrogen Refuelling infra- vehicles. only considers SAF such as biofuels, advanced
structure along the main transport axes. It promotes biofuels and RFNBOs which are chemically identical December 2021 will also be marked by the pub-
the rolling out of hydrogen refuelling stations at a The FuelEU Maritime and RefuelEU Aviation to the fossil fuels they are replacing. After 2030, it lication of the Delegated Act of the Renewable
maximum distance of 150km between stations. In are regulation proposals to promote the use of introduces a minimum share of e-fuels (RFNBOs). Energy Directive on additionality, geographic
order to consider the specificities for heavy-duty clean fuels in the maritime and air transport to By 2050, the objective is a minimum of 63% SAF, and temporal correlation, currently precluding
vehicles, as well as cars and light-duty transport, decarbonise those sectors. Targets are set based of which at least 28% of synthetic fuels. investors from financing projects aiming to replace
it requires a minimum daily capacity of 2 tonnes carbon-emitting energy carriers with renewable
of H2/day and a 700-bar dispenser. Although not part of the Fit-for-55 package, the pro- hydrogen. It is time to recognise that renewable
posal for the Trans-European Network – Energy hydrogen creates demand exclusively for renew-
(TEN-E) Regulation revision (2020) represents able energy not for fossil-based power.
04 Concept of hydrogen fuel cell ferry ship. another key legislative milestone. Formerly, the
Source: Scharfsinn legislation considered four energy infrastructure Finally, the revision of the TEN-T regulation will
categories: electricity, gas, oil, and carbon dioxide. be an opportunity for the Commission to align
The 2020 proposal proposes the following five guidelines on transport infrastructure funding with
categories: electricity, smart gas grid, hydrogen, the objectives of the EU Green Deal. It should
electrolysers, and carbon dioxide. The hydrogen provide further opportunities for the uptake of
sector is now fully represented with natural gas clean transportation modes, including for hydrogen
and oil infrastructure projects not being able to technologies and refuelling stations, consistent
get priority status for accelerated permit-granting with both the AFIR, as well as the revised TEN-E. 
processes and improved regulatory treatment (PCI
list). The Regulation foresees the planning for the
conversion of natural gas infrastructure to hydrogen
and the emergence of a ‘hydrogen backbone’.

Expectations for the future period

(Q3 and Q4 2021 and 2022)

The imminent release of the hydrogen and gas

decarbonisation package on 14 December 2021
will mark a key development in EU energy, climate,
and transport policies. It is imperative that hydrogen
moves from an afterthought to a central pillar of the
energy system. Continuing to regulate hydrogen
04 across different legislation and patchwork will delay

40 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Policy Developments | 41

A fast-track approach
to removing regulatory
hurdles and providing
financial support
measures for hydrogen
is primordial.

During the ramp-up phase from 2025 to 2035, there

will have to be a solid supporting framework to

Market Developments
develop a European hydrogen economy and achieve
its commercial competitiveness. Hydrogen will shift
from local to regional and national applications as
large-scale storage, hydrogen ‘backbones’, and
hydrogen valleys will be realised with support from
WRITERS: the appropriate measures to stimulate supply and
ALEXANDRU FLORISTEAN & GRZEGORZ PAWELEC demand. Throughout this period and for many
applications, hydrogen will also require regulatory
support, including for example through tariffs,
auctions/tenders, quotas, investment support,
tax relief, and supported by Guarantees of Origin
(GO). Most hydrogen production and applications
will have achieved commercial competitiveness at
the end of the ramp-up phase.

01 After hydrogen has achieved commercial competi-

tiveness, the next phase, post 2035, will focus on
market growth without any support frameworks.
Expected Market Development The kick-start phase will largely occur from 2021 to to the EU Hydrogen Strategy). Given the absence Hydrogen will continue to replace unabated fossil
Overview 2025 with some countries being ahead of the curve of a clear and harmonised EU framework for fuels by converting natural gas pipelines and further
and some catching up to the others. During these hydrogen and the initial lack of competitiveness development of the European hydrogen system.
years, the foundations of the European hydrogen in key applications, a fast-track approach to The hydrogen market will be transparent, liquid, and
The European Hydrogen Strategy identifies three
economy will be developed. At the end of the both removing regulatory hurdles and provid- governed by mechanisms of supply and demand.
main phases of development for hydrogen: the
kick-start phase, 1 million ton of clean hydrogen ing financial support measures will have to be As network integration deepens, the market will
kick-start phase, the ramp-up phase, and the
will be produced per year and at least 6 GW of adopted to achieve these goals with a focus on require regulation to ensure interoperability and
market-growth phase.
electrolyser capacity will be installed (according mature and scalable projects. market rules to avoid monopolistic behaviour.

44 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Market Developments | 45

Clean hydrogen consumption With constant pressure to reduce CO2 emissions Total demand for hydrogen in 2019 by application
Source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory
in industry in industry and ambitious targets being put in
place, many hydrogen-consuming sectors
are transitioning from fossil-based hydrogen
Although new emerging technologies, such as
to clean hydrogen, as the emissions involved
fuel-cell vehicles in the transportation sector, have
in the production of the former add-up to their
highlighted the value of hydrogen to our socie- Refinery 4,080,239
own direct carbon emissions. This is the case for
ties, this most-abundant element in the universe
refineries, which already typically use hydrogen Ammonia 2,580,520
known as hydrogen has been used for many years
for the reduction of sulphur content in diesel fuel.
already as a source of energy in many industrial
The transition into clean hydrogen represents a Other chemicals 688,062
processes. In 2019, total demand for hydrogen
way of reducing the emissions in this sector.
was estimated at 8.4 Mt with the biggest share Other 444,376
of demand coming from refineries and ammonia
production. Together, these two sectors consumed Methanol 417,461
almost 80% of total hydrogen consumption in EU,
EFTA, and UK. About 13% is consumed by the 01 N
 ight View of a Chemical Plant. Energy 103,367
Source: Albert Pego
chemical industry. Emerging hydrogen applications
02 P
 ower plant, Sines, Portugal.
for clean hydrogen, like the transportation sector, Source: Pedro Farto /Unsplash
H2O2 61,463
comprised in 2019 only a minuscule portion of the 03 L
 arge-capacity workshop for the production
market (<0.1%). of ammonia of a petrochemical plant. Transport 1,545
Exterior of tube furnace, Shaft converter,
CO2 adsorber with copy space.
Source: yarm_sasha/Shutterstock 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

02 03

46 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Market Developments | 47

E-fuels are synthetic hydrogen-based fuels that Planned clean hydrogen annual consumption a basic oxygen furnace (BOF), where coal is used
can be burned in combustion engines and help in 2030 by sector as a reductant to transform iron ore into steel. The
Source: Hydrogen Europe
decarbonize hard-to-electrify vehicles (e.g., in second route makes use of an electric furnace arc
Clean hydrogen capacity
the aviation and maritime sectors). Provided that (EAF), powered by electricity, to produce steel
in Europe has grown carbon is captured from the atmosphere, renew- Other from steel scrap and direct reduced iron (DRI) in
significantly from able electricity is used during the synthesis and Refineries different proportions. While the EAF route is already
90 MW in 2019 to 135 MW. the hydrogen source is low-carbon, e-fuels such less carbon intensive than the BF/BOF method,
as e-methanol, e-ammonia, e-diesel, e-L(N)G and emissions still occur when natural gas is used as
e-kerosene are great alternatives to reduce emis- a reductant to produce the DRI pellets. Replacing
sions in mobility. Carbon dioxide is still emitted the natural gas by low-carbon hydrogen, combined

during the combustion of e-fuels, but provided with the supply of renewable electricity to power


the conditions expressed above are met, the CO2 the EAF, will help decarbonize the entire steel

Similarly, the ammonia production process is a big emissions should correspond to the amounts of production process. The steel industry is, in fact,


hydrogen consumer that can benefit from the adop- carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere and the sector that is currently planning the biggest


tion of clean hydrogen. Although it is usually used used in the production process as a feedstock. consumption of clean hydrogen by 2030, accord-
as a feedstock for fertilizer production, ammonia ing to the Clean Hydrogen Monitor.
has also been seen as a potential energy carrier Clean hydrogen can also be used to help decar-
and/or fuel, already considered a suitable e-fuel bonize the steel industry, a highly energy-intensive Ammonia
for maritime applications. The same reasoning can process that is responsible for 4% of the total
be applied to the production of methanol, used GHG emissions in Europe. The steel production Methanol
both in chemical processes and, as of recently, process can take different routes. In Europe, 60% E-fuels 04 B
 last furnace smelting liquid steel in steel
as an e-fuel. of the production involves a blast furnace (BF) and mills. Source: ABCDstock / Shutterstock

Hydrogen generation capacity by technology

Source: Clean Hydrogen Monitor 2021, Hydrogen Europe


By-product electrolysis

Reforming (carbon capture)



48 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Market Developments | 49

The total planned consumption of low-carbon production capacity. By-product electrolysis (i.e., Total hydrogen production capacity by country
Source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory
hydrogen in the industrial projects tracked by capacity from chlor-alkali and sodium chlorate
Hydrogen Europe amounts to 5.2 Mt H2/year processes) accounts for 3.9%. Reforming with
by 2030. In current industry ambitions, emerg- carbon capture provides 0.5% of total hydrogen
ing technologies such as new ways to produce production capacity. Power-to-hydrogen ac- 2.000.000
steel and the e-fuels industry will be the biggest counted for only 0.1% of total hydrogen production
consumers of clean hydrogen. capacity as of 2019. 1.500.000

Tonnes per year

For reference, the EU Hydrogen Strategy has
The clean hydrogen production defined a renewable hydrogen production tar- 1.000.000
market get for 2030 at 10 million tonnes. This is almost
equivalent to total current hydrogen production 500.000
The vast majority of current hydrogen produc- capacity of 10.5 Mt that has been developed over
tion is from fossil fuels. According to Hydrogen several decades.
Europe’s Clean Hydrogen Monitor, there are 504

United Kingdom
hydrogen production points in EU, EFTA, and Countries with the largest hydrogen production
the UK with production capacity of 10.5 Mt of capacity are Germany, Netherlands, Poland, and
hydrogen per year as of 2019. The “thermal” Spain. These four countries account for 50% of the
production methods (reforming, partial oxidation, total EU, EFTA, and the UK hydrogen production
by-product production from refining operations, capacity. Figure 1(4) below provides an overview
and by-product production from ethylene and of total hydrogen production capacity by country
styrene) constitute 95.5% of the total hydrogen and by production type.

Clean hydrogen capacity become operational in 2022. According to current

industry ambitions, there are several projects in
While power-to-hydrogen technology has been a 100 MW scale planning to be operational in
available and used for decades, it is only now Europe by 2023.
expanding from installations measured in KW to
installations measured in tens of MW. There is about The largest operating and planned power-to-
135 MW of operational electrolysis capacity in hydrogen projects are driven by project partners
Europe right now according to the Clean Hydrogen from the industry who serve as off-takers of the
Monitor 2021 compared to approximately 300 MW produced electrolytic hydrogen. In most cases,
deployed globally as according to the International these off-takers are already using fossil fuel-based
Energy Agency. hydrogen and these projects serve as initial pilot
phases for their more ambitious future decarboni-
This capacity in Europe has grown significantly zation plans. One example is decarbonization of
in the last few years from 90 MW in 2019 to 135 an ammonia plant or a refinery where the owner
MW as of the time of writing in 2021. The average begins with a small electrolyser to pilot replacing
project size gradually increased from 0.9 MW in their current fossil hydrogen supply with renewable
2019 to 1.02 MW in 2021. Another sign of a gradual hydrogen production before further committing
development of this market is the largest operating and increasing the installed electrolyser capacity.
electrolyser. While in 2019, the largest operating
electrolysers in Europe were around 7 MW, a 10
MW electrolyser was installed in 2021. There are
multiple electrolysers of 20 MW and one of 30 MW
05 under construction in 2021 that are scheduled to 05 Electrolyser stacks. Source: ITM Powers

50 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Market Developments | 51

06 H
 ydrogen filling station, Hamburg, Germany.
fuel cell electric passenger cars, buses, or smaller Source: FrankHH / Shutterstock
maritime vessels. These production sources are 07 H
 ydrogen renewable energy production
usually distributed and produced onsite at a refuel- (3D rendering). Source: Audio und werbung
The EU Hydrogen Strategy ling depot/station. These are significantly smaller
/ Shutterstock

= a renewable hydrogen compared to the hydrogen production planned

for industrial applications.
production target
= 10 million tonnes by 2030. The EU Hydrogen Strategy’s projected goal is
Europe planning to use this technology with the
to reach 40 GW of water electrolysis capacity
largest capacities being developed in the United
in Europe to produce renewable hydrogen by
Kingdom and the Netherlands.
2030. However, according to the Clean Hydrogen 06
Monitor 2021, industry ambitions based on an-
While the business case outcomes vary depending
nounced projects amount to 119 GW already.
In addition to renewable hydrogen, companies are on the location, industry, and carbon price, the
Some of the smaller, but common projects in late The graph below outlines the operational and
planning to continue producing fossil fuel-based large scale emergence on the production side of
stages of development are focused on producing planned projects as according to industry ambi-
hydrogen while adding carbon capture technologies the hydrogen market will continue to depend on
hydrogen for new mobility applications such as tions by 2030.
to reduce or sequester carbon emissions. This is either supply- or demand-side market stimulation
what the public calls blue hydrogen. According to that will help bridged the gap between fossil-based
the Clean Hydrogen Monitor, there are only three hydrogen and renewable hydrogen. 
operating plants producing hydrogen with carbon
Cumulative planned and operational PtH projects by year 2021-2030 in MW and # of projects capture. However, companies have announced
Source: Clean Hydrogen Monitor 2021, Hydrogen Europe
plans for numerous large-scale plants around

118,522 500

100.000 400

80.000 76,815
Capacity (MW)

# of projects
60.000 55,627

40.000 31,986
202 474 2,167
0 0
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Operation Construction Preparatory stage

Feasibility study Concept # of projects


52 | Hydrogen – Enabling a Zero Emission Society Market Developments | 53

Beyond Europe
solutions, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and
hydrogen, and have proven to be cost-effective
alternatives to unabated combustion of fossil fuels.

With increasing deployment, economies of scale

and ever higher efficiencies, modern renew-
able electricity is now on average cheaper than
conventional fossil power and quickly replacing
coal, natural gas, and oil power stations all over
the world.


Low carbon hydrogen will play a crucial role in our

decarbonized future economy, as shown in many
recent scenarios. In a system soon dominated
by variable renewables such as solar and wind,
hydrogen links electricity with industrial heat, ma-
terials such as steel and fertilizer, space heating,
and transport fuels. Furthermore, hydrogen can be
seasonally stored and transported cost-effectively

A Small Molecule
over long distances, to a large extent using existing
natural gas infrastructure.

with a Big Potential

Green hydrogen in combination with green elec-
tricity has the potential to entirely replace hydro-
carbons, although blue hydrogen, made from

natural gas with CCS, will help meet hydrogen
demand in the short to medium term. More than
half of all hydrogen initiatives are in Europe and
predictions for hydrogen’s share in the EU’s final
energy demand by 2050 range from 24% to 50%.
FRANK WOUTERS An estimated 50% of that will be imported.
Green hydrogen made from renewable electricity
and water is currently still more expensive than
conventional hydrogen but is expected to become
cost-competitive within a decade. The 2020s are
described as the “hydrogen’s decade” by the
likes of HSBC and Wood Mackenzie, building on
Climate change is finally receiving the attention it (IPCC), released in August 2021, was a wake-up However, in recent years, clean energy solutions
the IEA’s landmark 2019 report “The Future of
deserves. According to IPSOS, two thirds of the call: the window of opportunity to avoid climate have been developed that are now quickly be-
Hydrogen” calling for international action to tap
global population is concerned about the con- chaos is closing fast. coming the bedrock of positive climate action.
into hydrogen’s vast potential.
sequences of global warming and expects more
action from public and private leadership. The The energy sector – one of the largest sectors The energy sector is integral to development
With all its promise, hydrogen still faces many
Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations of the global economy – has traditionally been and our modern way of life. Low carbon energy
barriers before it can become a globally accepted
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. technologies include renewable energies, storage

56 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY Beyond Europe | 57

Contrary to now, Gulf countries will have to learn Oman has access to the Arabian Sea and is Kuwait-based energy investor Enertech is plan-
to compete with a broader set of countries and blessed with strong winds and abundant sunshine, ning to build one of the largest green hydrogen
With all its promise,
regions, including North Africa, Sub-Saharan a combination that ensures high load factors for plants in the world in a move to make the oil-
hydrogen still faces Africa, Australia, Chile and India. But many of water electrolyzers. Several initiatives have been producing nation a leader in renewable energy
many barriers before it these countries, especially in Africa, are lacking the launched, including: technology. Construction of the $30bn project
can become a globally investment capital and business environment to is scheduled to start in Al Wusta governorate
rapidly engage in hydrogen production and export, • Duqm. The Indian company ACME is devel- on the Arabian Sea in 2028. It will be built in
accepted energy providing a competitive edge for Gulf countries oping a large-scale facility to produce green stages, with the aim to be at full capacity by
commodity. with low cost of capital. hydrogen and green ammonia at the Duqm 2038, powered by 25 GW of wind and solar
Free Zone. The plant with an investment of $3.5 energy. The project will produce 1.8 million
A recent study carried out by Dii Desert Energy billion will be an integrated facility using 3 GWp tons per annum of green hydrogen and up to
and Roland Berger found that a GCC hydrogen of solar and 0.5 GW of wind energy to produce 10 million tons per annum of green ammonia
economy could create 1 million new jobs and 2,400 tonnes per day of green ammonia with an to make Oman a world leader in truly zero
energy commodity. Many aspects of the hydrogen
generate $200bn in annual revenue by 2050. annual production of about 0.9 million tonnes. carbon fuels.
ecosystem require R&D effort, there is a lack of
The green ammonia will be exported to demand
internationally recognized standards, and it is still
centres like Europe and Asia.
unclear what financial mechanisms are most suit- Hydrogen in the GCC
able to cover the short to medium term cost gap.
• Green Energy Oman. A consortium consisting
Three of the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) 01 A
 erial view of al Qudra desert and lakes near Dubai.
of the state-owned oil and gas company OQ,
countries have embarked on ambitious hydrogen Source: Katiekk / Shutterstock
Hydrogen in the Middle East and journeys: Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
the Hong Kong-based renewable hydrogen 02 J
 eddah, Saudi Arabia.
North Africa (MENA) developer InterContinental Energy and the Source: Backer Sha / Unsplash

Many countries and regions that will have a high

hydrogen demand, such as the EU and Japan, Kuwait
do not have sufficient solar and wind potential to Bahrain
produce the green hydrogen they need. This gives a
competitive advantage to countries with abundant Qatar

resources such as the MENA region, which is situ-

ated in the world’s sun belt. In addition to the solar UAE
and wind resources, Gulf countries can also build Saudi Arabia
on the hydrocarbon infrastructure and expertise Oman
and tap into low-cost capital. These endowments
can become a crucial basis to compete as future
hydrogen exporters. Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) countries can hence retain the basic busi-
ness model of the oil era, cheap production of a
universally used fuel. Also, the ability to start blue Oman
hydrogen production immediately using abundant
low-cost hydrocarbons gives the GCC countries an In 2021, Oman established a national hydrogen
additional competitive edge. But equally, countries alliance, known as Hy-Fly, led by the Ministry of
that are currently net energy importers such as Energy and Minerals, will initially have 13 members,
Morocco and Jordan, green hydrogen made from which includes government agencies, oil and gas
indigenous renewable energy promises a more operators, educational and research institutions
secure and affordable energy future. and ports that will work together to support and
facilitate the production, transport, domestic use
and export of clean hydrogen.

58 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY Beyond Europe | 59

Saudi Arabia of Brazil’s population. Abuja, Nur-Sultan and up every afternoon. So, when the sun sets, responsible for the development of the renewable
Brasilia are all located in a much more central the wind starts picking up and a combination energy projects. Air Products is responsible for the
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is driving a dual track location than the capital cities they succeeded. of the two provides for an exceptionally high overall engineering, procurement and construction
with Saudi Aramco as the champion of blue hydro- annual load factor of more than 70%. of the project.
gen, and NEOM, a new city in the north-west of the NEOM is part of Saudi’s Vision 2030 and a
kingdom championing green hydrogen. planned city in the Tabuk Province of north- • In July 2020, a consortium of NEOM, Air A 1.2 million ton/a ammonia project is large, but
western Saudi Arabia. NEOM is different in Products and ACWA Power announced the not unusual, with most modern ammonia projects
• NEOM (the word is an original mix of ‘new’ in several ways. Firstly, it is not centrally-located launch of the HELIOS project. HELIOS will be in the million-ton range. The Gulf Coast Ammonia
English and ‘yawm’ (‘day’ in Arabic) means a nor intended to replace Riyadh as Saudi Arabia’s equally owned by the three partners, will inte- project in Texas, under construction as of 2021,
‘new day’. It is rare when countries build big cities capital. Secondly, NEOM’s sheer size, at 26,000 grate 4GW of renewable power from solar, wind has a similar capacity of 1.3 million ton anhydrous
from scratch. Often, such projects are politically square kilometers (the size of Belgium), and and storage, the production of 650 ton per day ammonia per year. It is not a coincidence that Air
motivated, as was the case in Kazakhstan, Brazil its unique constitution-like legal framework, of hydrogen by electrolysis, the production of Products is involved in that project, supplying
and Nigeria. Astana – renamed to Nur-Sultan make it a hybrid between a city and a country. nitrogen by air separation and the production hydrogen from a steam methane reforming unit
and Kazakhstan’s capital – was meant to be NEOM is pursuing a zero-carbon philosophy of 1.2 million ton annually of green ammonia. and nitrogen from an air separation unit. It is fair to
further away from the Chinese border; Abuja, for its energy system, based on solar and The project is scheduled to be onstream in assume that a large part of the knowledge gained
Nigeria’s capital, was in the center of the country wind. NEOM’s location is an important factor 2025. Air Products will guarantee the offtake in the Gulf Coast Ammonia project informed the
to be closer to the Northern Nigerian States; and in that respect. Not only are the solar and wind of ammonia and distribute it to global markets, HELIOS project. But the HELIOS project itself will
Brasilia, Oscar Niemeyer’s vision of a future city resources of very high quality, but they are also aiming to dissociate ammonia at hydrogen significantly contribute to the development of the
with stunning architecture, was also located in very complementary. The wind is predominantly refueling stations (Figure 1). global hydrogen economy. The size of the invest-
the center of Brazil to be closer to a larger part of thermal origin over the Red Sea and picks ment that Air Products is making, both in NEOM
Thyssenkrupp has been selected as provider of and in its sales and distribution network to deliver
the electrolysers, Air Products will supply the air the NEOM product, is impressive. Beyond the $5
separation unit and Haldor Topsoe will supply billion plant cost, AP will invest an additional $2
Carbon-free Hydrogen
Carbon-free hydrogen
Produced and delivered with proven, world-class technology
the ammonia synthesis unit. ACWA Power is billion in “distribution to end customers.” Building
Produced and delivered with proven, world-class technology

NEOM Hydrogen Carbon-free Hydrogen

refueling Produced with proven, world-class technology in NEOM, Saudi Arabia

Electrolizer Ammonia global

distribution Dissociation H2 compression Power Hydrogen Nitrogen Green Ammonia

Solar and wind Ammonia production

free H2

ACWA Power Thyssenkrupp Air products Haldor Topsoe

Solar and wind Electrolizer ASU Ammonia production


Figure 1. The Helios Project Figure 2. Technology providers of the Helios project

60 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY Beyond Europe | 61

this plant will have a significant impact on the Abu Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance between ADNOC, hydrogen economy. It will have a capacity of Morocco
cost of electrolyzers and on the cost of ammonia Mubadala, ADQ, and the Ministry of Energy and 1,000 kilotonnes a year. The blue ammonia
crackers. The cost of initial infrastructure to deliver Infrastructure was a further important step towards facility is currently in the design phase and will The Southern Mediterranean countries can currently
this volume of ammonia might be significant, but building a UAE hydrogen ecosystem. Several be built within the Ta’ziz industrial complex at be divided in net energy importing and net energy
those volumes can later be expanded at far lower initiatives are currently being developed: Ruwais. Ta’ziz is a $5bn joint venture between exporting countries. Libya and Algeria have built
incremental delivery cost. Going further, the sec- ADNOC and ADQ. their economies on the back of their substantial
ond and third big green ammonia plants will be • HELIOS. Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi oil and gas reserves, whilst Morocco has always
cheaper; the second and third hundredth plants (KIZAD) will develop a green ammonia plant, • TAQA. TAQA, one of the largest listed integrated had to import fossil fuels.
will have economics that we’ve yet to quantify. with up to $1 billion invested over the coming utilities in the region, and Abu Dhabi Ports are
years. Helios Industry, a private special projects developing an industrial scale green hydrogen Morocco has embarked on an ambitious renewable
UAE company, will develop the plant in two phases to ammonia export project in Abu Dhabi. The energy program with a target of 52% of renewable
alongside local and international partners. The companies will work together on a green am- electricity by 2030. The state-owned entity MASEN
Grey hydrogen from fossil fuels is already widely project, which will be powered by an 800 MWp monia export facility to be based in Khalifa plays a pivotal role. MASEN pre-develops renew-
used in the UAE but is currently not a widely traded solar power plant within KIZAD, is expected Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD). The new able energy sites, carries through the procurement
commodity. however, the UAE is developing ambi- to produce 200,000 tonnes of green ammonia plant would be fuelled by hydrogen produced process, acts as the government entity borrowing
tious plans to deploy hydrogen not only as a key from 40,000 tonnes of green hydrogen. by an electrolyzer facility paired with a 2 GWp concessional finance from development finance
pillar of decarbonization but also creating new solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The green institutions and commercial lenders, and co-invests
export markets. In 2020, Abu Dhabi’s Supreme • ADNOC. Abu Dhabi National Oil Company hydrogen would be turned into liquid ammonia on behalf of the government. In Ouarzazate, a beau-
Petroleum Council instructed the Abu Dhabi announced the development of a large blue to supply ships converted to use ammonia as tiful city south of Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains,
National Oil Company (ADNOC) to become a ammonia project at its downstream centre a bunker fuel and for export from Abu Dhabi known as a gateway to the Sahara Desert and
“hydrogen leader”. The formation this year of the in Ruwais as it looks to expand the UAE’s Ports via specialized gas carriers. The project known from “Game of Thrones”, Morocco built
will also feature a storage facility at Khalifa Port, the Noor solar complex, consisting of CSP and
opening the opportunity for it to become a hub PV projects, totaling 582 MW at peak. The scale
for exporting green ammonia to international of these projects and Morocco’s clever financial
markets including Europe and the East Asia. engineering, have brought down the cost of CSP,
which is now competitive with conventional power.

The energy ties between Europe and North Africa

are very strong today; 13% of the gas and 10%
of the oil consumed in Europe comes from North
Africa, and over 60% of North Africa’s oil and gas
exports are sent to Europe.
The electricity grid infrastructure in North Africa is
not well developed, requiring major reinforcements
and expansion in the coming decades, especially
to transport electricity from the good solar and
wind resource areas to the demand centers in the
cities and rural areas.

Today, there is only one electricity grid connection

Hydrogen in North Africa between Europe and North Africa, the 700 MW
grid interconnector between Spain and Morocco.
A number of non-GCC MENA countries have also However, there is a gas transport infrastructure
started exploring green hydrogen opportunities, available between North Africa and Europe, trans-
including Morocco, Egypt and Jordan. porting gas from Algeria and Libya to Europe via
03 Italy and Spain. The gas transport volume through

62 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY Beyond Europe | 63

these pipelines is over 63.5 bcm per year, which ammonia but has been studying local pro- and green hydrogen project, with an estimated
equals a capacity of more than 60 GW. duction of green ammonia. Given Morocco’s total investment value of around $850 million.
excellent solar and wind resource, ability to Development of the first phase is expected
In a first phase, between 2030-2035, the natural gas attract concessional finance and execute to begin in 2022 following the completion of
The energy ties between
infrastructure could be used to transport hydrogen well-managed projects, should enable them a feasibility study. When fully commissioned, Europe and North Africa
from North Africa to Europe. Initially, a substantial to produce green ammonia cost competitively the project is expected to produce 183,000 t/ are very strong today;
hydrogen volume can be produced by converting if one factors in a price on carbon (currently yr of green ammonia. Fusion Fuel expects to
natural gas to hydrogen, whereby the CO2 is stored
13% of the gas and 10%
there is no carbon market in Morocco, but that supply the technology to produce the 31,000 t/
(blue hydrogen). Over the years however, with declin- is not likely to remain so). yr of green hydrogen that the project will need. of the oil consumed
ing cost of renewable electricity and electrolyzers, in Europe comes from
more and more green hydrogen from solar and wind • HEVO. In July 2021, trading firm Vitol signed Egypt North Africa, and over
electricity can be fed into these pipelines. Eventually, a memorandum of understanding (MOU)
purpose-built hydrogen pipelines would connect to manage offtake from the Hevo Ammonia The production of hydrogen by water electrolysis 60% of North Africa’s oil
Moroccan production sites with the European Morocco project, which is being developed using hydropower has a long tradition in Egypt. The and gas exports are sent
hydrogen backbone. by Ireland-based green hydrogen technology KIMA Company in Aswan started producing green to Europe.
company Fusion Fuel and Middle East con- hydrogen in 1960, and only changed to natural gas
• OCP. One of the largest phosphate mining struction company Consolidated Contractors. recently. In addition to hydropower, Egypt is also
companies in the world is Morocco’s OCP. The location of the facility has not yet been blessed with excellent solar and wind, making it a
The phosphate mined in Morocco is combined finalised, but it is expected to be in the vicinity good location for green hydrogen production.
with imported ammonia to produce fertilizer. of Jorf Lasfar, Essaouira or Agadir. The project
OCP currently import 1-2 million tons of grey would be Morocco’s largest green ammonia • German projects. The Egyptian government
this year signed two MoU’s with Germany’s
Jordan is a net energy importer and has been
Siemens and ThyssenKrupp. In January
receiving natural gas from Egypt through the Arab
2021, the Egyptian Minister of Electricity and
Gas Pipeline, which has a capacity of 10bcm/a.
Renewable Energy, Mohamed Shaker, signed
However, from 2011 onwards, the supply of gas
an MoU with Siemens CEO Joe Käser to study
has been seriously reduced due to a shortage of
the implementation of a pilot project for the
gas in Egypt, and at least 26 attacks on the pipeline
production of green hydrogen in Egypt, as a
in the period between 2011 and 2014. This made
first step towards potential export. In May 2021,
Jordan pivot towards indigenous solar and wind
Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli
power, through a smart system of consecutive
held a meeting with Oliver Tietze, the CEO of
auctions, leading to competitive power rates. Like
Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions, to discuss
Egypt and Morocco, Jordan has ample land and
establishing a factory for green ammonia and
an excellent solar and wind resource. The share
green hydrogen production in Egypt, with the
of electricity from renewables in Jordan grew from
aim to to export the green ammonia from Egypt
0.7% in 2014 to over 13% in 2019, making Jordan
to Germany.
a regional front-runner in renewable energy.

Dii Desert Energy carried out a study assessing

the potential for exporting green hydrogen from
MENA to Europe, and assessed the potential in
Jordan. It should come as no surprise that the
potential is vast, given the strategic location,
including suitable infrastructures, such as an
03 M
 aster plan for the KIZAD Industrial Zone where existing gas pipeline to Egypt, a natural gas link
the Helios project will be located. Source: KIZAD to Israel, an LNG terminal in Aqaba and of course
04 O
 uarzazate Solar Power Station. excellent solar and wind resources, also in the
04 Source: Richard Allaway / Flickr

64 | Hydrogen: ENABLING A ZERO EMISSION SOCIETY Beyond Europe | 65

south of the country where desalinated seawater If the 2020s are indeed to be hydrogen’s decade,

Green Hydrogen is Danish Hydrogen

would be close. In addition, Jordan has a sizable several elements appear critical to its success:
chemical business, largely focused on potassium
and bromine industries. They could act as local 1. Integration in economies’ post-COVID re-
off-taker for green molecules, and create value covery programs. The momentum unleashed
Denmark has an exceptional renewable power generation potential and an essential
added downstream industries. With the high by governments in the wake of the pandemic
prices for energy, trucks and buses might also must be channeled in the right direction, as role in delivering green hydrogen-based fuels in the future. Denmark boasts large
be powered by green hydrogen in the future, expressed in the often-used phrase “build back sources of sustainable carbon, a strong national grid that is adapted to intermittent
and a large refinery south of Amman could use better”. The global tragedy could be used to
green hydrogen. The ambitious NEOM project, start a transformation towards a cleaner, just, electricity generation, and the option of using excess heat in its extensive district
just 200 km south of Aqaba, could be a partner, and more inclusive societal fabric. Although heating network, thereby optimizing electrolysis efficiency. Well-positioned in
rather than a competitor for production of green much of the recovery money has been chan-
technology export, R&D, and a landscape with strong actors within Power-to-X, we
hydrogen or Ammonia, to create synergies locally neled to putting the status quo back on its
and for export. Undoubtedly, Jordan would have all feet, there is still some opportunity left to build dare to say that green hydrogen is Danish hydrogen.
ingredients to produce low-cost green hydrogen, back better.
with the possibility to export internationally via 2. A conducive policy framework to incentivize
the Aqaba port. Many jobs have been created in the necessary investments. The private sector
Denmark is due to publish a national hydrogen strategy by the end of 2021, and it
the solar and wind sector, and Jordan could build is capable to innovate and provide the capital already has translated an ambitious decarbonization target of 70% emissions
on this to develop a green hydrogen economy. for the energy transformation. Governments
reduction by 2030 into a Climate Law. While waiting for the strategy, the Danish
should provide the policy frameworks for the
• FMG. A delegation from Andrew Forrest’s private sector to do so at the required speed hydrogen industry has ferociously moved forward, in anticipation of detailed
Fortescue Metals Group met with the Jordanian and in the right direction, for example by setting framework conditions, and has so far announced 5-6 GW in projects up to 2030, of
government in April 2021. They discussed po- standards, providing carrots (subsidies) and
tential opportunities of exploring green hydrogen sticks (quotas), devise international treaties
which 8-9% have already secured funding. These projects are for the most part based
and ammonia with the Jordanian Minister of and regulate markets. on partnerships that bring the supply and demand sides together, fixing the chicken-
Planning and International Cooperation Nasser 3. Rapid scaling-up of technologies to reduce and-egg dilemma for green fuels. Several of these projects are at GW-scale with a
Al-Sharida, potentially for export purposes. the cost gap. Support for innovation and re-
search, development and demonstration will significant share dedicated to fuel export or reduction of international emissions.
lead to accelerated deployment of low-carbon
Hydrogen Action hydrogen.
The Danish hydrogen and Power-to-X players are ready. With the unyielding support
We can see growing momentum in countries of
There is great momentum for green hydrogen all of determined organisations working to ensure success in all parts of the value chain,
the Middle East and North Africa towards green
hydrogen developments. Many such initiatives are
over the world including in the Middle East and Denmark is ready to welcome new partners and ignite the breakthrough. We invite
North Africa. It’s time for the energy sector to
still in the earlier stages, but their number is grow-
come together around this clean fuel’s immense you to team up and find out why green hydrogen is Danish hydrogen.
ing. At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change
potential. 
Conference (COP26) in Glasgow (November 2021),
governments, including in MENA, must achieve Hydrogen Denmark represents the interests of the Danish hydrogen industry, both in
consensus on decisive climate action. Clean energy Denmark and abroad. Invest in Denmark provides free-of-charge and confidential
and hydrogen will be part of the solution to the
climate crisis. Immediately after COP26, ADIPEC, assistance to international companies looking to invest or establish themselves in
the largest annual global gathering of energy ex- Denmark. And State of Green offers interested parties the opportunity to visit
ecutives will take place in Abu Dhabi. ADIPEC will
have a full sub-section of sessions dedicated to
Denmark and meet our Power-to-X solutions and competences first-hand. Get in
hydrogen, in which the energy sector can discuss touch now.
the climate conference’s key recommendations.


Hydrogen Stories
Snapshots of people and projects that are making
the integration of hydrogen a reality in the Netherlands.

Photography by Justin Jin

In the north of the Netherlands, Eemshaven is strategically located for the construction and
maintenance of offshore wind farms. The Buss terminal at Eemshaven leads to a great deal
of chain employment and to the growth of hydrogen.
Green Planet in northern Netherlands is a multi-
fuel station where fuels for all passenger and cargo
transportation are available. It is one of the largest
hydrogen filling stations in Europe, supported by
regional, national and European funds.

Employed by Qbuzz (a Dutch bus company owned by

an Italian conglomerate), Gea Bakker, 60, starts up a
hydrogen bus at the depot in Groningen. Bakker says she
gets a lot of interest from young people wanting to know
how a hydrogen bus works.


Continuum of past and present: The 1897
“Goliath” windmill (right) stands amongst
the larger wind farm in Eemshaven in the
province of Groningen.

Wind turbines stand

behind solar panels
in Eemshaven in the
Groningen Seaport.


Technicians prepare a
gas-sealing test above
an underground cavern
at a hydrogen energy
project inside Gasunie’s
HyStock site in Veendam.

>> The underground cavern, formerly used to store

natural gas, will now be used to house hydrogen. Each
cavern is around 300-400 metres high and 50-80 metres
wide: big enough to contain the Eiffel Tower.


A trailer carrying hydrogen arrives at the Green Planet
fueling station in northern Netherlands to refuel the station.
The green hydrogen that is tanked here comes from

Workers prepare to refill the Green Planet fuelling station

with hydrogen. Green Planet is a state-of-the-art multi-
fuel station where fuels for all passenger and cargo
transportation are available.


A quai operator lifts a 10 minutes to refuel a
wind turbine blade to hydrogen bus at the
prepare for installation depot in Groningen,
at a windfarm at the a northern city in the
Eemshaven. Netherlands. The
provinces Groningen
and Drenthe currently
operate one of the
largest zero-emission
bus fleets in Europe with
20 hydrogen buses now
and a total of 30 buses
by the end of 2021.


A ship carrying wind turbine blades from A supply ship in Eemshaven lifts the
China arrives at the Groningen sea port in monopile of a wind turbine onboard,
northern Netherlands. ready to be transported to offshore.


Inside the tower of a wind turbine being built by a “climbing
crane” in Groningen near the sea port in the northern
Netherlands. Invented by the Dutch company Lagerwey,
the “climbing crane” saves space and transport of large
The Buss group opened the terminal in the Groningen Sea
machinery parts. When it reaches the top, it lifts the turbine,
Port in 2012 to service growing demand for the offshore
adds the rotor blades, then climbs down.
wind energy industry. Reachable by rail, road and sea, the
terminal in Eemshaven soon became the launching point
for the construction of offshore wind parks in the North
Sea. Today, thanks to the growing demand of wind energy
to produce green hydrogen energy, the Buss terminal’s
business is booming, making it one of the world’s
important players.


Engie gas powered plant in Eemshaven - the energy port of the Netherlands - producing
around 30% of the country’s electricity. The power plant will produce hydrogen energy.
In addition to the RWE coal-fired power station pictured here, two inter-connectors from
Denmark and Norway are coming in and several offshore wind farms above the Wadden
Islands will be connected. Here, offshore sustainable energy can be converted into green
hydrogen on a large scale.


Our Commitment: Innovation and Network Design

Decarbonizing the gas network simply means replacing natural gas, representing 99% of the
volumes we transport today, with renewable or low-carbon gas. This is the challenge of our work
for the years to come: transporting hydrogen and biomethane and designing the new European
gas system.

The key areas we work on are to assess the capability of our network to receive hydrogen and pure
hydrogen. This is what we are doing with our MosaHYc project aiming at leveraging the existing
natural gas network already connecting France, Germany and the border of Luxembourg to transport
pure hydrogen. In 2021, we organized a nation-wide consultation to listen to the expectations and
needs of all stakeholders in the French low-carbon and renewable hydrogen market to conceive
and plan the hydrogen transmission network of tomorrow. We are also working with European
authorities to design the regulation of the future hydrogen market, highlighting the logistics issues,
because if we don’t get logistics right, we will hinder the development of the hydrogen economy.
Thierry Trouvé
CEO of GRTgaz In the energy transition, R&D is essential, and that is why in 2017 we set up a research department
named RICE to enable us to focus on these energy transition issues: in particular on gas quality, on
hydrogen and on smart gas grids. This is a key element and today GRTgaz is one of the network
operators with the highest rate of research and development in its category, and we intend to
maintain this effort because it is absolutely vital.
Hydrogen & the Energy Transition Dealing with hydrogen shows our desire and our ability to provide innovative solutions and work with all
the players across the hydrogen value chain. Our commitment is to enable an energy transition towards
The 3rd Gas Revolution: Back to the Future a carbon-neutral world that is safe, in the sense of energy security, and affordable, in the sense we will
all be able to pay for it – a transition to an ideal world that we can’t afford is not a real transition.
In line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, the gases consumed in France and Europe will be renewable
or carbon-neutral, and hydrogen has a special role to play. Renewable gases and the energy Watch Video: Le monde de l’hydrogène avec GRTgaz : présentation des atouts par Thierry Trouvé
transition together form the third gas revolution that more than a transition, it’s a real transformation.

The first gas revolution was town gas in Europe from coal. Natural gas was the second gas
revolution, which took place in the middle of the 20th century with gas becoming a raw material
from oil. The third gas revolution is the renewable gases revolution: hydrogen and biomethane.

In a way, we are going back to the future because local town gas in the 20th century consisted of
methane and large quantities of hydrogen. So, the return to hydrogen and to green gases made
in Europe is a recent adaptation of the gas industry to new challenges – now the fight against
climate change.

The Hydrogen Ecosystem: From Valley to Continent

There is now a broad consensus in Europe that hydrogen will first be developed on a local basis in
what are called “clusters” or “valleys” – with production and consumption being relatively close. As
more players produce and consume hydrogen, it will be necessary to manage situations in which
production and consumption sites are potentially more distant; and it will also be necessary to
manage the need for access to hydrogen storage, since one of the major interests of hydrogen
is precisely the storage of large quantities of energy. These clusters and valleys will become
increasingly connected: going from a ‘leopard-spots’ network to integrate progressively until they
form the hydrogen backbone of Europe.
Research & Innovation Center for Energy, RICE. Source: Azmoun Hamid / GRTgaz.
Case Studies
Fronius offers a sustainable solution for green What role will green hydrogen play in the
hydrogen from renewable energy with its European energy mix of the future? What
Solhub. What are the benefits for customers? hurdles are there to overcome?
Biotech Park,
Lower Austria
TR - The Fronius Solhub is our system solution for MD - As shown in many scenarios, hydrogen
700bar refuelling infrstructure
generating, storing, distributing and converting green will play a vital role in Europe’s climate neutral
Emergency power supply by hydrogen from solar, wind and water energy back economy as a crucial energy vector and could
fuel cell
1.5 MWp PV plant for PV into electricity. It uses electrolysis to convert ecologi- supply a substantial part of the European energy
optimised operation cally generated on-site electricity (and renewable mix by 2050.
Dimensioning: electricity via the public grid) into green hydrogen,
Daily output of 96 kg green
which can be stored over the long term. This opens The production of green hydrogen via electrolysis
up various possibilities: On the one hand, the solar enables synergies from sector coupling to be ex-
power yield of the summer can be brought into the ploited, reducing technology costs and increasing
winter, and thanks to reconversion, green electricity the flexibility of the power system. Low various
is available all year round. On the other hand, the renewable energy (VRE) costs and technological

Solhub: a Solution for

hydrogen can be used to fuel hydrogen vehicles. improvement are decreasing production costs of
More and more vehicle manufacturers are already green hydrogen. For these reasons, green hydrogen
offering models or prototypes with fuel cells. In-house from water electrolysis has been gaining interest.

Deploying Green Hydrogen

logistics, work vehicles, bus fleets, trucks, special
vehicles or snow groomers are good examples. The However a supportive policy framework will be
task now is to build up the necessary ecosystems required to cover the cost gap with alternatives. 
consisting of decentralized refueling infrastructure
combined with the use of available vehicles.
Fronius has been researching and developing hydrogen solutions for
20 years, becoming an innovation leader in the use of green hydrogen from
solar energy. We talk with Thomas Rührlinger (Hydrogen Solution Manager)
and Mathieu Delpierre (Hydrogen Sustainability Expert) about the societal
01 S
 olhub, Fronius R&D site Thalheim
benefits of green hydrogen.
Source: Fronius International GmbH

02 Source: Fronius International GmbH,

DI Thomas Rührlinger

03 S
 olhubs are already in realization, such
What is green hydrogen and what can be for producing green hydrogen is water electrolysis as the first green hydrogen customer plant
realized with hydrogen in general? powered by renewable electricity. in Lower Austria. Source: Visualisation:
Janusch - the visual collective | SAN Group
Mathieu DELPIERRE - Currently, there is no Thomas RÜHRLINGER - Together with the 01
uniform definition (yet). There have been political fuel cell, hydrogen has the potential to revolu-
debates about the definitions of the different types tionize the entire energy supply. Whether as a
of hydrogen. At present, hydrogen production fuel in transportation or as an energy supplier
methods are divided via color-coded scheme. for electricity and heat generation: Hydrogen
Green hydrogen therefore stands for renewable enables the use of renewable energy sources
hydrogen. The most established technology options in all these areas.

02 03


 yLYZER 1000-Becancour.
Source: Cummins

Air Liquide hydrogen

production facility
Bécancour, its commitment to the production of low-carbon
Quebec, Canada
hydrogen on an industrial scale and its ability to
effectively deploy the related technological solu-
tions. Hydrogen will play a key role in the energy
transition and the emergence of a low-carbon
01 society.”

Prior to Bécancour, Air Liquide and Cummins in-

the hydrogen mobility market in the north-east stalled a 1.2-megawatt PEM electrolyzer called they
region of the continent. HyBalance in 2018. Located in Denmark, the site
supplies clean hydrogen to customers and supports
The electrolyzer system is powered by the re- Denmark’s carbon reduction goals. In partnership
gion’s electrical grid, which is largely supplied by with Air Liquide, this electrolyzer provided proof-

HyLYZER – The World’s hydro-electric power, meaning that the hydrogen

generated will be almost green. Compared to the
traditional hydrogen production process, this new
of-concept and became the predecessor that led
to the Bécancour project.

Largest PEM Electrolyzer production unit avoids around 27,000 tonnes of

CO2 per year, equivalent to the emissions of 10,000
cars per year. It is a great illustration of Air Liquide’s
Electrolyzers provide a means to address one
of the largest dilemmas in the renewable energy
industry – how to store the renewable energy
and Cummins’ commitment to generalize the use when it is not in demand. Electrolyzers enable the
of hydrogen as a clean energy vector. This is a key storage of excess energy that would otherwise be
milestone on the path towards a low-carbon society. sold off to the market at a financial loss (or not
Global technology and power solutions leader features four compact pressurized electrolyzer skids
harnessed at all) and instead stores that energy to
Cummins Inc. has installed a 20-megawatt proton that were fitted inside an existing building. This is a
“Creating hydrogen technologies at scale is para- sell into the green hydrogen market. They can also
exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer system to modular and scalable electrolyzer platform designed
mount to growing low-carbon solutions,” said Amy be used to decarbonize multiple sectors including
generate green hydrogen. Commissioned in January to address utility-scale hydrogen production.
Davis, Cummins Vice President and President of New zero emission transportation, industrial processes,
2021, the Cummins electrolyzer system – called
Power, the company’s alternative power business. and the green chemicals sector.
the HyLYZER – is the largest of its kind in opera- The Bécancour facility can produce over 3,000 tons
“We have successfully developed our technology
tion in the world and is located at the Air Liquide of hydrogen annually, increasing hydrogen produc-
from 1MW to 5MW, and now have the largest PEM Continuing to scale and advance their electrolyzer
hydrogen production facility in Bécancour, Quebec. tion capacity by 50% and allowing Air Liquide to
electrolyzer in operation in the world. It will continue capabilities, Cummins announced in May 2021
meet the growing demand for low-carbon hydro-
to take enterprises, governments, forward-thinking that they are locating one of the world’s largest
The Cummins HyLYZER® PEM electrolyzer technol- gen. The decision to locate the PEM electrolyzer
customers and utilities all working together to make electrolyzer manufacturing plants in Spain. The
ogy is the result of over 20 years of development system in Bécancour was based on two location
alternative power a reality. Here we are seeing 22,000-square meter facility will produce electro-
by Hydrogenics – a Canadian company acquired attributes: its access to the abundant renewable
how green hydrogen can improve sustainability for lyzer systems with an initial production capacity of
by Cummins (September 2019). This installation power from Hydro-Québec and its proximity to
industrial manufacturing and how the demand for 500 megawatt per year and are scalable to more
decarbonized hydrogen solutions will grow.” than one gigawatt per year. This manufacturing
facility is expected to open in 2023. Additionally, a
Susan Ellerbusch, CEO, Air Liquide North America 230-megawatt green hydrogen production project
and Group Executive Committee Member, says: is planned in Spain and is poised to set the next
“The fight against climate change is at the heart benchmark for large electrolysis projects globally. 
of the Air Liquide Group’s strategy. With this
world’s first and biggest, Air Liquide confirms Case Study: Becancour (YouTube Video)




Zero-emission Ferries for

Zero-emission Cities 01

Approximately 2.1 billion people use ferries every must be implemented across the EU. The technol- 01 B
 eluga24 – the world’s first hydrogen high-speed hydrogen ferry taking on longer routes within
year, putting the industry on a par with commercial ogy to do is here. The time to act is now. catamaran ferry. Source: GCF the area, with support from the European Union
airlines in terms of annual users worldwide. To many funded project, TECOW. With many other cities
cities and their citizens, travelling the waterways Green ferry technology already showing interest in the technology it won’t
lies at the heart of everyday life. While some cities extremely well-suited for usage on waterways in be long before hydrogen ferries are taking mobil-
have mandated the switch to ‘fossil-free’ biodiesel, As a systems integrator, Green City Ferries (GCF) and around cities by enabling attractive timetables ity into cleaner waters across the EU and beyond.
these vessels are still omitting harmful particles offers a holistic solution for cities. We bring together and comfortable commutes. Except for the vessels itself and the infrastructure
that cause numerous health issues to citizens. state-of-the-art zero-emission (ZE) fast passenger GCF also offers financing for authorities for an ef-
Despite a widespread push to reduce emissions, ferries and shoreside and hydrogen infrastructure. The biggest challenge with these vessels is their ficient transition.
ferries have long been neglected in the drive to The company has unveiled the Beluga24 – the weight compared to a conventional diesel ferries.
create cleaner, greener public transport in cities. world’s first hydrogen high-speed catamaran ferry. To mitigate this, the Beluga24 uses a hydrofoil GCF stands ready to contribute to the 1.5°C
system and lightweight carbon fiber hulls. The target by introducing its zero-emission ferry on a
The European Commission has set out its vision to The Beluga24 comes with two emission-free op- lifting force created by the hydrofoil when the global scale. 
establish 100 climate-neutral smart cities by 2030, tions – electric for short journeys and hydrogen for vessel is operating at cruise speed effectively
but this cannot be achieved without investing in long – and has been designed as a multi-purpose reduces the displacement of the vessel, lifts the www.greencityferries.com
new emission-free waterborne transport solutions. solution for public transportation with space for 150 hull partly out of the water, and thereby reduces
With air pollution continuing to kill 400,000 people passengers and 28 bikes. The high-speed ferries the resistance, alleviating the impact of the ad-
annually in the EU, zero-emission ferry systems have low-wake signatures, a long range, and are ditional weight of the electrical propulsion system.

Project TECOW (Transition to Emission-free Commuting on Waterways)

The solutions are here will introduce the fuel-cell powered Beluga24-FC in Stockholm – Sweden.

With the contribution of the European Maritime

GCF’s first commercial application starts in 2023 and Fisheries Fund of the European Union. Grant
agreement: 101038671
in the Stockholm archipelago with a high-speed


01 As Europe’s first steel
producer, Salzgitter
AG has obtained two

Hydrogen - Safety and

conformity statements
in line with TÜV SÜD’s
VERIsteel procedure.
Source: Salzgitter AG

Sustainability in the Energy


Hydrogen, on the other hand, can be produced from

renewable sources and stored and transported,
Safety in use, credibility in trade
all in large quantities – and all using existing gas
As a fuel, hydrogen can power railways, trucks,
infrastructures. Reputable studies are forecast-
ships and aircraft, in either direct-combustion or
ing cost parity between green and conventional
fuel-cell systems. All elements of those systems
hydrogen in favourable regions by 2030
and, naturally, the vehicles themselves must be
in line with the state of the art and as safe as is
Holistic approach, transparent humanly possible.
While comprehensive regulations are already in
The costs of generating electricity from wind and solar power have fallen
place governing the quality of materials used for
significantly below other energy sources. The more widespread the use In addition, it has been extensively used in industry
tanks, pipelines and industrial installations and
(ammonia and fertiliser production) and in refineries
of renewable energies in energy systems and decarbonisation processes, addressing explosion protection, they must now
for over a century, and is thus tried and tested.
the greater the importance of hydrogen as storage medium and essential The production of steel can be rendered virtually
be aligned to these new areas of application to
element of green fuels, gases and chemicals. ensure that hydrogen can be safely used in achiev-
carbon-free when hydrogen is used to directly
ing widespread decarbonisation of all systems.
reduce the iron ore. With its ground-breaking
VERIsteel procedure, TÜV SÜD can provide proof of
Green electricity generated in regions with favour- seasonal fluctuations in generation. Power lines As energy consumers do not distinguish between
product-specific CO2 emissions in steel products.
able climatic conditions has to be transmitted and battery storage systems are only suitable for hydrogen molecules generated using different
over long distances in order to reach major cities use in locations of close and medium proximity methods, European and global markets need to
The first VERIsteel conformity statements were
and industrialised regions, and must be storable or for short-term storage. introduce guarantees of origin for hydrogen which
handed over to Salzgitter AG in February 2021.
as required in order to compensate for daily and supply reliable, impartial assessment and measure
But the procedure can also be applied to other
and verify the carbon reduction in its production.
energy-intensive industries to flank the process
A first step in this direction is the Europe-wide
of decarbonisation. It is the method of choice to
CertifHy scheme. 
help industries and companies to validate their
success in reducing CO2 emissions, as part of the
global fight against climate change. www.tuvsud.com/hydrogen


competitive. We are witnessing a similar develop-
ment in the heavy goods vehicle market where the
right combination of CO2 incentives and forward- we are entering a new
era that is characterized
The Road
thinking logistics companies have created the right
environment for FC trucks to enter the market. This less by competition
mirrors developments in the municipal bus market
and more by the wisdom
to Decarbonizing
across much of Europe where FC buses continue
to gain traction and are set to match diesel buses of complementarity,
on a total cost of ownership (TCO) basis within a circularity, and

few years. Finally, we believe the opportunity for
fuel-cell systems to replace diesel trains remains
under-appreciated for new locomotives and retrofits.
With nearly half of train lines in Europe unelectrified,
the prohibitive cost of adding cantilevered lines
The rapid scale-up of fuel-cell technology in par-
at over 1 million EUR/km makes the TCO of FC
allel to the battery means that we are entering a
Why Fuel Cells are no longer the its production capacity with significant investments locomotives a compelling story.
new era that is characterized less by competition
Wallflowers by the likes of major automotive suppliers (such as
and more by the wisdom of complementarity,
Bosch), existing players (such as Ballard, Toyota
and Hyundai), and nimble start-ups (such as EH
Next Challenges circularity, and hyper-efficiency. For decades now,
As the electrification of transportation continues to
the opportunity of the fuel cell must not be under-
accelerate with battery solutions leading the way, Group Engineering of Switzerland). The objective
The next significant areas where FCs with high- estimated if we wish to come closer to the SDG
are the right technological and strategic decisions is simple: prepare to scale-up production and
power densities will yield a significant advantage and other climate targets set for 2030 and beyond.
being made? It is now increasingly recognized that reduce cost. We believe that a fully integrated
over battery technologies will play out in the mari- As the old adage goes: a mistake repeated more
fuel-cell (FC) systems are best applied to commer- assembly process is the best path to radically
time and aerospace sectors, both of which offer than once is a decision. The energy sector and
cial vehicles where range, payload and extensive reduce costs. In parallel, fuel-cell systems remain
tremendous long-term opportunities, although with investors have made the error before in thinking
usage are key. They offer range and refueling times complex, with often expensive balance of plant
some near-term challenges to be overcome. To of the fuel cell as the unattractive wallflower; FCs
that compete or often exceed that of fossil fuel components. Pathways to simplifying these are
meet the growing potential in these applications, still remain unequivocally the most sustainable,
vehicles. With the rapid industrialization of the key also being rapidly developed, leading to higher
EH Group has developed a high-power density ecological and carbon-zero technological energy
building blocks of the hydrogen ecosystem, are efficiencies and lower costs.
250kW FC solution that sets new market standards. options of our age. 
we fast approaching a tipping point where hybrid
Across all mobility sectors, a new generation of
solutions combining FCs with battery technology
become the true norm, and with far wider coverage
Low Hanging Fruit skilled jobs is being created to accelerate these
deployment opportunities.
of transport applications?
While for many years much of the attention on fuel- 01 E
 H TRACE Fuel Cell System. Source: EH Group
cell mobility was focused on cars as an alternative 02 E
 H-81 Fuel Cell Stack. Source: EH Group
Tackling Cost & Complexity to battery solutions, the real battle was being waged
elsewhere – on the floors of large e-commerce fulfill-
Aside from hydrogen infrastructure, cost remains ment centers. The forklift model, perfected by the
arguably the most significant obstacle to the more likes of Plug Power, has demonstrated that where
widespread adoption of FC technology in mobility. intensive commercial vehicle use is required, with
To meet this challenge, the industry is ramping up low downtimes, fuel cells are already economically

01 02


export/power. Linde is also a pioneer in the use
of hydrogen as a carbon-free fuel, with the first
studies dating back to the mid-1970s.

There seems to be a lot of momentum being

Partnerships are Key generated around hydrogen for heavy-duty

transport, instead of batteries. What’s your
take here? To ensure that we
lead the way with
Hydrogen packs more energy per weight and volume environmentally friendly
than batteries, which means that you can travel
longer distances and propel heavier vehicles. To
solutions, we have
achieve the same with batteries, the system would earmarked a third of our
have to be very large, becoming sub-optimal in annual R&D budget for
terms of weight, space and cost. Furthermore, it
is much faster to refuel hydrogen than to charge

01 Originally opened for refueling single-decker buses,

today this station in Aberdeen, Scotland, has been
upgraded to also refuel double-decker buses, cars,
vans, refuse collection vehicles and road sweepers.
Source: Linde

With its extensive hydrogen portfolio and large installed base, Linde is
a driving force in the transition to a hydrogen economy. Yet success will
also depend on striking new partnerships.

Societies are focusing on decarbonization, and in the early 20th century. Today, we cover every
that has moved the topic of hydrogen front and aspect of the hydrogen value chain: production
center. What does this mean for Linde? using steam methane reforming (SMR), more re-
cently including CO2 capture, and expanding use
This is an important opportunity for us to contrib- of electrolysis; storage in cryogenic tanks and in
ute to the development of a hydrogen economy. the world’s first commercial high-purity hydrogen
Our experience with hydrogen stretches back cavern; distribution via pipeline, trailers and tankers;
over 100 years, initially with Carl von Linde co- and, finally, hydrogen applications across many
developing a method for producing hydrogen different sectors – including mobility, industry and



an electric battery. For these reasons, hydrogen But the investment needed to create the necessary Of course, mobility is just one aspect of hydrogen and green ammonia production facility
is becoming a solution of choice for buses, heavy infrastructure and to define industry standards is too decarbonization in the hydrogen discussion… in Oman’s Salalah Free Zone. This project entails
trucks, forklifts, trains, ferries and planes. large for a single company to achieve on its own. all the ingredients for success: strong partners,
To really get hydrogen mobility going, partnerships That is correct. Mobility is a first mover, but the excellent geographic conditions and the ability
To support the emerging public mobility with players from different industries are key. This applications for clean hydrogen go far beyond. to reuse existing infrastructure, creating a leading
sector, a good network of refueling stations was the thinking behind us joining H2Accelerate, Take industries where a direct electrification of clean hydrogen export opportunity.
is needed. Any particular developments that where vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure processes is difficult. In these cases, hydrogen
are worth highlighting? players come together based on their shared com- but also carbon capture and storage (CCS) are es- Do you think projects like those you’ve
mitment to create a commercially viable hydrogen sential for decarbonization. For instance, in cement mentioned – of which many have yet to be
We supply a large portfolio of fueling stations to trucking system in Europe. Collaborations like this the large-scale deployment of CCS will contribute commercialized – will make an impact on
serve a diverse set of needs. We are building the are essential to make hydrogen mobility a success to a significant decrease of heavy-industry emis- decarbonization?
first hydrogen refueling station for trains with Alstom at scale, something the world needs to achieve sions. Another case in point is steel production.
in northern Germany that will be able to fuel 14 society’s ambitious climate goals. Integrated steel mills that use blast furnaces to I do. All of these early projects demonstrate pro-
hydrogen-powered passenger trains, with regular process iron ore rely heavily on coal and natural gress and underline the need to work with the right
passenger service scheduled to start next year. gas. There are concrete steps that can be taken partners who, like Linde, want to make a real differ-
Another good example is a bus fueling station in in a phased approach to decarbonization, such as ence. Decarbonization is not a new industry but a
Aberdeen, Scotland. It was first installed in 2015 to the increased adoption of natural gas, oxyfuel and new value chain spanning various industries, from
refuel single-decker buses. In the years since, the eventually the full conversion to hydrogen as a fuel. utilities and oil and gas to all the different end-user
station has been upgraded to also refuel double- segments, like steel, cement and logistics. Linde
decker buses, cars, vans, refuse collection vehicles 02 Hydrogen can help hard-to-abate sectors, Or take refineries and jet fuels. While hydrogen as a company is committed to doing its part to
and road sweepers. Once the infrastructure is in such as steel, meet their decarbonization targets. may eventually be directly used as an aviation establish these new value chains: Firstly, we are
Source: Linde
place, it can be used for different types of vehicles. fuel, in the meantime we have to reduce the investing more than €1 billion in decarbonization
carbon footprint of jet fuels. Linde is part of a projects by 2028, many of which will naturally in-
consortium to produce sustainable aviation fuels. clude partners from other industries; secondly, to
In this project, carbon feedstock from biomass ensure that we lead the way with environmentally
and green hydrogen is converted to synthesis friendly solutions, we have earmarked a third of
gas, which is then transformed into kerosene. our annual R&D budget for decarbonization.
This project is in the exploration phase, but initial
results are very promising. What role do you see hydrogen playing
in 2050?
There are many colors of hydrogen, with
the end-goal being green hydrogen – any Hydrogen will be ubiquitous and used across many
developments worth noting? applications and use cases; it will have moved
away from its “niche” as a chemical to become
Linde is agnostic to the color of hydrogen, as all THE new energy vector; and fuel cells will be com-
have a role to play in the energy transition, but monplace, owing in large part to wide availability
we see more geographies where the production of low- or no-carbon hydrogen that is also cost
of hydrogen from renewable power, so green hy- competitive. Enablers here include green electric-
drogen, becomes competitive. A great example ity production for powering hydrogen electrolysis,
is a new project development in Oman, a location and highly energy efficient SMRs (and other tech-
blessed with excellent wind and solar conditions. nologies like ATR and pyrolysis) featuring carbon
We’ve just announced the signing of a joint devel- capture. As a society, we will be so much closer
opment agreement (JDA) with Japan’s Marubeni, to CO2-free industrial processes and mobility by
UAE’s Dutco Group and Oman’s state energy 2050. The work we are doing today is invaluable
company OQ to conduct technical and com- for accomplishing this vision. 
mercial feasibility studies on developing a green


of choice, while non-electrified short distance rail The world’s first hydrogen train in
routes are best served by battery trains. passenger service is a success
Coradia iLint, the Our Coradia iLint train, the world’s first hydrogen
world’s first hydrogen With a little less than half of Germany’s rail net-
passenger train
passenger train, has proven the viability of hydrogen
work not electrified, the country’s operators need
rail. The train provides a whisper-smooth ride with
Lower Saxony, to rely on a large fleet of diesel passenger trains
the only emissions being water vapour. Its reliability,
Germany for rail transport. In 2014, Alstom started work on
economics, and range of up to 1,000 kilometres make
developing cleaner alternatives to these trains with
it a true alternative to diesel for regional non-electrified
the strong support of the German and regional
lines, and has led to orders in multiple countries as
governments. There was a substantiated political
customers, the public and policy-makers realize the
commitment to finding sustainable alternatives for
massive potential of the technology.
passenger transport, and to contribute to develop-
ing long-term green mobility solutions. Alstom’s
Strong public and private support clear vision and technical know-how created the
for hydrogen industry necessary test bed, and four years later, the world’s

World’s First Hydrogen We are convinced that hydrogen and batteries will
first pre-serial hydrogen regional train was ready
for passenger service.

Passenger Train
bring about change in rail transport – towards a
The Coradia iLint has been certified for regular use
cleaner and ultimately emission-free energy sys-
in Germany and Austria. This followed extensive
tem. For hydrogen rail, a key driver is the rapid
testing carried out in Lower Saxony, Germany

is Already a Reality
development of a hydrogen economy in transport
supported by a strong public and private alliance.
Hydrogen also has an important role to play in
decarbonising other industries beyond transport,
that’s why Alstom is a member of Hydrogen Europe
Alstom is convinced that decarbonising mobility is an essential part of
and the Hydrogen Council.
fighting global climate change and that hydrogen trains are a key technology
to enable zero emission mobility. The fuel cell is the core of a hydrogen train: it is
where hydrogen is combined with oxygen from the
atmosphere to generate electricity, with the only
Alstom is the world’s largest international rail Transportation accounts for around a quarter of exhaust being steam and water. The electricity
technology player, we have made furthering the global CO2 emissions. Unlike other sectors, these produced is used to directly power the train or
development of smart, green technologies like green emissions have continued to grow, even as efforts stored in a high-performance battery. This battery
traction a key focus of our 2025 strategy. The aim to fight climate change have increased. Rail is is also used to capture energy when the train is 01
is to provide zero-emission alternatives on non- already by far the greenest way to provide mobility braking, increasing its fuel efficiency. By acquiring
electrified rail tracks. The potential is substantial: for people and freight on land. Bringing hydrogen Helion Hydrogen Power, Alstom now has access
in Europe as the world’s largest rail region, almost and battery as viable alternatives to using diesel to in-house fuel cell competence, providing us
half of all tracks are not electrified and currently power on non-electrified lines will unlock further with the unique ability to develop and integrate the
rely on diesel-powered trains. reductions in the environmental impact of rail trans- entire on-board hydrogen technology for trains.
port. On longer routes, hydrogen is the technology
01 C
 oradia iLint in Sweden in August, 2021.
Source: Alstom / Tommy Hvitfeldt

02 A
 hydrogen powered train takes about the same
amount of time to refuel as a diesel one. The train
will then run up to 1,000 kilometers after one filling
Source: Alstom / Christoph Busse


where starting in September 2018, two pre-serial First two orders in Germany,
www.alstom.com trains operated in regular commercial service for range of hydrogen trains
18 months, travelling over 200,000 kilometres.
Passenger feedback was very positive, with many
comments on the smooth ride and lack of vibration
The successful hydrogen technology developed in
compared to regular diesel trains.
the Coradia iLint has led to further orders and an
extension to a broader range of hydrogen trains.
The Coradia iLint proved that hydrogen trains are
Alstom has taken orders for a total of 59 hydrogen
more reliable and require less maintenance than
trains and now offers the technology for its Coradia
diesel trains, lowering service costs for train op-
Stream trains in Italy, and the Coradia Polyvalent
erators, which offsets the higher initial purchase
trains for France. The Polyvalent trains will be
cost of the train versus a diesel train. Hydrogen
dual mode electric and hydrogen, enabling them
has the benefit of offering a similar range to diesel
to efficiently operate on the electric network, and
while providing the same operational conditions
on non-electrified track, powered by hydrogen.
for availability and re-fuelling. Another important
These orders are important first steps towards
decarbonizing technology is that diesel train
decarbonizing rail transport by bringing hydrogen-
platforms can be retrofitted for hydrogen power.
powered trains to multiple European countries.
Alstom is convinced that with the total costs of
ownership in mind, hydrogen trains are not only
Rail transportation is already the most energy-
greener, but are also already an economically vi-
efficient transport mode and will only improve as
able alternative to diesel trains.
hydrogen trains come into regular service. Alstom
is proud to pioneer the trains that hold the promise
First fleet of hydrogen trains to to become the backbone of mobility in a sustain-
enter service in 2022 able world. 

After successfully completing trials, 14 Coradia

iLint trains will become the world’s first fleet of
hydrogen trains to enter service when they begin
operating on Germany’s Lower Saxony network
in the summer of 2022. When fueled with zero-
emission green hydrogen, each of these trains will Did you know?
ultimately reduce yearly CO2 emissions by 700
tonnes. They will be refueled from one of the world’s • Coradia iLint will run up to 1,000 km
© Alstom / R. Frampe

largest hydrogen refueling stations for passenger with one filling

trains, located in Bremervoerde with the station
• Coradia iLint has run over
being constructed with an eye on the future on-
200,000 km in passenger service
site production of hydrogen through electrolysis.
• The Coradia iLint first entered
The first passenger operations with two pre-serial commercial service in 2018
Coradia iLint trains were carried out in Lower
• Alstom hydrogen traction solutions
Saxony very successfully and the hydrogen train
have been sold in 3 European
has since operated in passenger service in Austria,
been tested in the Netherlands, as well as dem-
onstrated in Poland, France and Sweden. Alstom
has also sold other hydrogen technology solutions
LEADING THE WAY TO to Italy and France.
ALSTOM | 107
Frontrunner in Hydrogen the completion of a new plant, and then to 2,000
Electrolysers and Fueling Stations megawatts per year with subsequent expansions.
In the U.S., the company is increasing its produc-
We currently serve a range of diverse customers tion for PEM systems to 50 megawatts per year,

Empowering Generations with leading hydrogen technologies. For example,

Nel is the world’s largest hydrogen electrolyser
manufacturer with more than 3,500 units deliv-
with additional expansion planned as demand
increases. Alkaline electrolysis is admittedly a more
mature technology with most of the technological

with Clean Energy ered in 80+ countries since 1927. For readers
new to the hydrogen topic, to put it simply, an
electrolyser is a system the uses electricity to
innovations already absorbed. Although some
technological innovation may still contribute, the
cost reductions available for alkaline electrolysis

Forever break water into hydrogen and oxygen in a pro-

cess called electrolysis. Through electrolysis, the
electrolyzer creates hydrogen gas. Nel offers two
are primarily around volume purchasing and
equipment simplification. By comparison, PEM
technology is a newer technology with room for
types of electrolysers, alkaline and PEM (proton significant technological innovation.
exchange membrane). We’ve been making alkaline
electrolysers for 90 years in Norway and PEM In the hydrogen fueling segment, we’re also the
electrolysers for 23 years in the U.S. In Norway, leading manufacturer of hydrogen fueling stations,
Nel is dramatically increasing its production ca- with over 110 H2Station™ systems in 13 coun-
pacity. Currently, it’s at 40 megawatts per year tries. We have been manufacturing our renowned
Nel Hydrogen is a global hydrogen technology to improve our product offering to maintain our
(input electrical power to electrolysis) and will compact hydrogen fueling stations at our Denmark
company that delivers optimal solutions to pro- earned leadership position and remain at the fore-
increase shortly to 500 megawatts per year with facility for 16 years at a capacity of 300 per year.
duce, store, and distribute hydrogen from renew- front of hydrogen technology development. Our
able energy sources. Our manufacturing facilities vision is to empower generations with clean
are in Norway, Denmark, and the United States, energy forever. That is a lofty goal; however, the
and are supported by a world-wide sales and momentum is building across public and private
service network. We are publicly traded on the enterprises on a global scale to dramatically
Oslo Stock Exchange (NEL.OSE). Nel Hydrogen is reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, and
considered a “pure play” company for investors, hydrogen is becoming a viable, clean alternative
meaning we solely focus on one line of business. to fossil fuels in many impactful applications for
In our case: hydrogen. We continuously strive industry, mobility, and energy.

01 With more than 3,500 reliable, cost efficient

electrolysers installed around the globe, Nel is the
recognized industry leader of Alkaline and PEM
water electrolysis. Source: Nel
02 Nel offers a full range of Alkaline and PEM
electrolysers to cover the hydrogen output
requirements of any application. Source: Nel




Hydrogen Growth is now accepted as a relevant form of fuel for all
methods of transport.
Nel is bullish on the opportunities for hydrogen
electrolysis within the hydrogen market. For in-
stance, right now, only 1% of hydrogen is generated
Reaching Cost Parity
with electrolysis and that is forecasted to grow to
There is encouraging news on the cost front also.
greater than $20 billion/year within the existing
With falling LCOE (levelized cost of energy) of wind
market alone. The overall hydrogen market is
and solar prices, renewable hydrogen follows the
set to grow by 8 times, and the electrolyser
same path, as electrical power constitutes 70 to
market potential is forecasted to grow more
80% of hydrogen’s total cost. These prices are
expected to drop even further with solar down
71% and onshore wind 58%. Renewable hydro-
gen becomes competitive with fossil fuels in most 03
We have been markets at $30/MWh. Nel is establishing a new
manufacturing our manufacturing plant targeting more than 40%
of 20, boosting the energy capability of a single 03 N
 el fueling equipment solutions are ideal for both
renowned compact cost reduction and even further CAPEX (capital
stack to generate hydrogen reliably and efficiently. light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. Source: Nel
expenditure) reduction is expected with the in-
hydrogen fueling stations creased volume we are anticipating. In fact, we
The company is also reducing the CAPEX of its
PEM electrolysis equipment by transitioning from
at our Denmark facility project the CAPEX will drop below steam methane
largely handmade membrane electrode assem-
for 16 years at a capacity reforming over time. Electrolysis is expected to
blies containing platinum group metals to volume
this very specialized market. The goal: evolve to 10x
be the preferred production method if the OPEX capacity and decrease CAPEX by 90% by 2030.
of 300 per year. (operating expense) is low enough or at parity
production roll to roll manufacturing of membrane
electrode assemblies.
with alternative production methods. Nel’s green In sum, Nel Hydrogen is well-positioned for
hydrogen cost target is 1.5 $/kg by 2025. the growing hydrogen market. We possess the
Hydrogen fueling station sales are expected
deep technology knowledge stemming from our
to grow greater than 30% each year between
than 800 times over the next 20 to 30 years. almost 100-year history in hydrogen production
All of this is driven by the regulations to lower
Meeting Global Demand now and 2030. Hydrogen is becoming increas-
technologies. This fundamental knowledge-base
ingly relevant in all forms of mobility including
surplus demand for fuel; decreased crude qual- serves as the springboard for our leadership
To maintain Nel’s leadership position in the hy- forklifts, busses, delivery trucks, long-haul trucks,
ity which requires more hydrogen for processing; position for current and future developmental
drogen market and keep reducing costs, we have construction equipment, passenger cars and
electrification of the transport sector; and the move platforms. The company is scaling-up capacity
embraced and nurtured a world-class culture trucks, trains, fast ferries, and car ferries. The
from coal to hydrogen in various industries. The with expertise and robust development to meet
of continuous improvement. We are preparing challenge is to get to a cost parity with diesel
steadily-growing industrial applications are many the projected demand for hydrogen solutions
for the increased hydrogen demand on a global fuel prices, which would be less than $5/kg. We
such as the food, glass, chemical, laboratories, in the coming decade to take full advantage of
scale. One example is our capacity expansion at at Nel anticipate this will happen soon, by 2025.
thermal processing, steel, and power industries. these opportunities. 
our electrode manufacturing facility in Herøya, Nel is also addressing other key challenges such
Newer markets experimenting with hydrogen now
Norway. Coming online soon are fully automated as fast fueling dispensing and the space required
include, ammonia, refineries, methanol/synthetic
production lines applying the latest Industry 4.0 to accommodate the new hydrogen infrastruc-
fuels, cement, remote power, gas pipelines, energy
techniques in staging, equipment, assemblies, ture products including supply cabinets, supply
export and believe it or not, fish farming!
software, and factory connectivity. There are fewer and fueling storage tanks, station modules, and
process steps to reduce our factory footprint and dispenser stations. Nel is in the unique position
There are vast opportunities in power generation
energy and chemical consumption. The more to ramp up its capacity to meet the demand with
alone, and many readers may be familiar with
efficient processes have led to better product our already proven in-house developed technolo-
HYBRIT, a northern European hydrogen steel
performance for our customers. We have tripled gies, our full value-chain services, our operations
plant in its pilot stage now. Transportation and
our staff, concentrated on core competencies, and maintenance organization in key markets, our
mobility are another fast-growing market both
and expanded our applications knowledge base. standardized and certified products, along with our
for hydrogen production and fueling. Hydrogen
Further, we are vastly increasing the size and ca- known world’s largest manufacturing capacity in
pacity of our electrolyser cell stacks by a factor


What is your optimism based on? safely and sensibly adding to the power grid that
is already limited or overstretched in some cities.
MS: With the stationary fuel cell system, we can

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

generate electricity and heat with very high levels Do you already have some stationary SOFC
of efficiency from natural gas and, in the future, units installed?
from 100% hydrogen. But that is not all – the pro-

(SOFC) Systems
duction of electricity is extremely climate-friendly. MS: Yes, several. For example, we have put a
stationary fuel cell into operation at the main bus
What does that mean specifically? station in Bamberg. The system is two meters high
and generates some ten kilowatts of electricity,
MS: By level of efficiency, we mean an electrical which is enough to power more than 20 four-person
DR. WILFRIED KÖLSCHEID (LEFT) & MARCUS SPICKERMANN (RIGHT) efficiency of more than 60%. If we are also using households in the part of the city surrounding
PROJECT LEADERS FOR THE SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL AT ROBERT BOSCH GMBH the waste heat, then the levels of efficiency can the bus station. We want to use it to show how a
be 85% or more. This makes the solid oxide fuel decentralized, climate-friendly energy supply of
cells far superior than other energy converters. the future can look.
A coal-fired power station, for example, has an
efficiency level of 40%. What other areas of application are there?

And what about the emissions? MS: A wide range. Our appliances can be used
in the urban context to supply buildings, provide
WK: The operation of fuel cells is nearly emission- electricity to data centers, and to supply energy
free; it produces hardly any nitrogen oxides or in industrial and commercial segments.
particulates. When run purely on hydrogen, the
emission level falls almost to zero. In addition, What is Bosch’s position in the market for
fuel cells fed with natural gas provide a significant stationary fuel cell systems?
“Fuel cell systems play an essential role CO2 emission benefit compared to electricity from
coal power plants and they pave the way to zero MS: With our devices, we occupy the 10-kilowatt
in the energy mix of the future.”
carbon emission when green hydrogen is used. performance class of the energy market. That is a
new segment that we plan to help set up. But we
What roles do stationary fuel cell systems can also see that many manufacturers of fuel cell
Stationary solid oxide fuel cell systems (SOFC) are When you think about the stationary fuel cell play in the energy mix of the future? systems, even those in higher performance classes,
a key component in the energy mix of the future. systems, do you get fired up? are trying to access the new market. Our aim is
The small, decentralized power stations generate WK: Without doubt, they play a relevant role, for to become a leading provider in this segment. 
electricity and heat from natural gas, hydrogen, or a WK: The subject electrifies us all, because we example in markets such as Germany, where a
blend of both. A promising market, in which Bosch are able to offer an efficient, cleaner, decentral- huge natural gas network is in place. In the future,
places great hopes. The two people in charge of ized energy supply. We consider stationary fuel this can be converted towards green hydrogen
the project, Dr. Wilfried Kölscheid (WK), Senior cells to be an essential component of the energy transport. With the networked SOFC, electricity
Vice President Engineering & Manufacturing, and transition, and a promising market to boot. Bosch and heat can be generated efficiently in exactly the
Marcus Spickermann (MS), Senior Vice President believes that the whole market for decentralized places where they are needed. In doing so, we are
Sales & Market development, talk about fuel cell energy production using stationary fuel cells will
systems for power generation and their advantages. reach a volume of around 20 billion euros by 2030.

01 C
 entral bus station in Bamberg: A system there
generates around 10 kW of electricity - enough
to meet the annual requirements of more than
20 four-person households in an urban quarter.
Source: Robert Bosch GmbH.


production and transformation and commercializa-
tion of hydrogen carriers.

Betting on Renewable How do you mitigate technological

uncertainties related to renewable hydrogen
Hydrogen is

Hydrogen to Achieve Net Repsol considers different technologies for renew-

able hydrogen production: electrolysis, biogas
strategic for Repsol.
Taking advantage
Zero Emissions reforming, and a state-of-the-art proprietary
technology based on photo-electrocatalysis, that
we are developing together with Enagas. This
of our integrated
business model
technology will use solar energy to turn water and our expertise,
directly into hydrogen without the intermediate
step of electricity, and a demo plant is planned we are creating
to be launched at our Puertollano industrial site
by 2025. We believe in being open-minded to
a unique value
new technological developments, continuous proposition for our
innovation, and close collaboration to speed up
this process. customers.
What is the base to foster early
developments of renewable hydrogen?

Repsol’s industrial sites are located strategically

in the heart of the hydrogen valleys and hubs
that are developing in Spain. These early devel- scale up developing technologies and achieve
opments will boost the switching of renewable commercial viability.
Why does Repsol bet on renewable Our business plan is aligned with the EU and the
hydrogen to other uses and facilitate offtakes
hydrogen? Spanish national hydrogen roadmaps. Repsol is
located close to the hydrogen hubs. We have How renewable hydrogen developments will
the main producer and consumer of hydrogen in
already announced the first electrolysis project impact Spanish economy?
Repsol has been an early mover in sustainability Spain: we have the expertise and the industrial
to come into operation next year in Bilbao (2,5
and the first company in its sector to commit to capabilities to be at the forefront of the grow-
MW), as part of the Basque Hydrogen Corridor. Spain has the potential to become a European
become a net-zero emissions company by 2050. ing market in Spain and to play a leading role
At a later stage, we will add capacities there of leader in renewable hydrogen generation due to
Renewable electrification is not the solution for a in renewable hydrogen in Europe. Our target is
10 MW and 100 MW to produce both hydrogen the availability of renewable resources, industrial
complete decarbonization of our economy, and we to develop an equivalent capacity of 552 MW in
and e-fuels, not only in Basque country but also capabilities adaptable to new value chains, and
see renewable hydrogen as the leading solution 2025 and reach 1.9 GW in 2030. Hydrogen also
in Catalonia and Region of Murcia. an ambitious national hydrogen roadmap. Repsol
for hard to abate sectors, applied both directly integrates well with other low-carbon businesses,
aims to be the backbone of the national hydrogen
and transformed into hydrogen carriers like low- and Repsol is taking positions throughout the
This business is strategic for Repsol and, benefit- market, developing strong alliances and public-
carbon fuels, as well as for the transformation of renewable hydrogen value chain, from renewable
ting from our integrated model, with renewable private collaborations. The hydrogen projects led
our industrial sites into multi-energy hubs. power generation and energy storage to hydrogen
generation and commercial businesses already in by Repsol include investments worth 2.5 billion,
place, our industrial approach, and our expertise, which will have an important impact on the national
we are working to maximize it. Decarbonization economy and lead to the creation of thousands of
must be efficient both in terms of emissions and jobs. In terms of environmental impact, hydrogen-
economically. Detailed regulatory mechanisms, related projects promoted by Repsol will avoid the
both for demand and supply, will be crucial to emission of more than a million tons of CO2. 


variations in heating while peak demand in winter Hydrogen increases options for home-owners
often coincides with low electricity generation from to take an active part in the climate transition and
renewables. Using both green gases and electric- lower their personal CO2 footprint. When com-
Town of Kaisersesch, ity thus optimises infrastructure use and efficient bined with gradual renovations, it offers optimal
planning of back-up energy generation. investment pathways for individualized building
decarbonisation. This flexibility is instrumental to
Hydrogen reduces energy system costs. In ad- ensure viable options for everyone – as buildings
dition, we can optimise the investment path for are as heterogeneous as the preferences and
our future energy needs, reduce the risks of relying financial capabilities of their owners.
on a single source of energy as well as provide a
choice of energy sources to consumers. Energy From today’s perspective, the supply of gaseous
system studies conclude that a balanced energy fuels will probably be a mixture of (bio)methane,
mix is more cost-effective and in Germany alone, methane-hydrogen blends and pure hydrogen
savings could amount to €11 billion euros every by 2050 – depending on the region, the available
year up until 2050. infrastructure and gas supply. Hydrogen-ready
features of today’s appliances offer flexibility and

How Hydrogen Can Help

Hydrogen-readiness of heating systems is peace of mind for home-owners at low cost and
feasible at marginal costs. When hydrogen is without the risk of fossil fuel lock-in. 
blended directly into the gas distribution grids,

Decarbonize Buildings
connected households can automatically use
the (bio)methane-hydrogen mix. In fact, today’s
heating installations can already run on 100%
biomethane. For hydrogen blends: the existing,
installed, heating equipment can already process
hydrogen admixtures up to 10% right away, and
Kaisersesch, a small town located in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in
new appliances can process up to 20%. For re-
the quaint south-west of Germany, will soon be a frontrunner in heating gions and localities that decide to switch to 100%
innovation: by 2023, the SmartQuart project will set up a complete hydrogen hydrogen, heating systems can be upgraded at
infrastructure – from renewable electricity generation to hydrogen-powered marginal costs – just like in the SmartQuart pilot
transport and Viessmann hydrogen heating. in Kaisersesch.

How can hydrogen help us to decarbonise yearly replacement rates for heat generators are
01 T
 he SmartQuart project value chain in Kaisersesch: 01
heating and generate benefits for people, the stalling at below 4%. 1 Production: Wind turbine, photovoltaic systems,
environment and the economy? Heating and electrolyzer | 2 Storage: Hydrogen-based microgrids
cooling make up 75% of the carbon footprint of Hydrogen opens additional options – in tandem | 3 Consuming: Excess energy LOHC hydrogen
every citizen in Germany, and buildings account with large-scale electrification via heat pumps – storage plant, H2-user industrial building, heat
use, hydrogen mobility, H2-cogeneration plant | 4
for 36% of total EU CO2 emissions. The majority to accelerate heating decarbonisation where 71% of
Control: Intelligent neighborhood control | 5 Source:
of space heaters installed in European homes are installed space heaters in the EU are gas-based. The “Reallabor SmartQuart”.
old and inefficient (64% to be exact). And yet, gas infrastructure is tailor-made for high seasonal
02 H
 ydrogen-ready boilers are an affordable future-
proof retrofit solution: initially they process methane
or methane-hydrogen blends. If the gas supplier
switches to pure hydrogen, they can be adapted with
minor changes on-site. Source: Viessmann



This mutual dependency now puts the whole market
into a mode of waiting for investment decisions.
It can only be resolved if a clear, reliable and sup- we want to build
portive political framework sets rules and incentives
the future hydrogen
Everybody TALKS that stimulate large-scale long-term demand for
green and low-carbon hydrogen. Together, with all
the key players, we want to build the necessary
economy as quickly
and efficiently as
Hydrogen… infrastructure for the future hydrogen economy as
quickly and efficiently as possible and would like
to see further suitable funding instruments as part
of the European hydrogen strategy.

but what turns words into Only if this foundation takes hold, then the in-

a large-scale market ramp-up? dustries that can use and consume green and
low-carbon hydrogen will schedule and execute
Uniper spends millions each year to develop pro-
jects up to financial decision with a team of more
their conversion activities, then the signal will be than 50 people. With our cross-functional team of
sent to grow the hydrogen market. These signals experts and hydrogen specialists, we are among
of demand for green and low-carbon hydrogen the pioneers in the field of green and low-carbon
will then trigger the development of hydrogen hydrogen and will use this expertise to actively
production, transport and storage infrastructure shape the international hydrogen market. Our
in parallel with the upscaling of renewables. project portfolio aims at more than 1 GW Hydrogen
Production Capacity by 2030 and a significant
Protecting our climate and achieving a decarbon- even break even with fossil-based hydrogen in
With green and low-carbon hydrogen as one impor- market share in trading and global sourcing for
ized energy future requires the efforts of business, the late 2020s already. This cost decrease is es-
tant pillar to reach the ambitious and increasingly imports. We are also in a constructive dialogue
policy and the public. We have already embarked sential to make green and low-carbon hydrogen a
urgent climate targets of the EU Green Deal, it is with our customers to overcome one of the major
on the path and set ourselves ambitious targets: key factor of success especially in hard to abate
time to act now. remaining obstacles – demand uncertainty. 
Uniper has committed to a net zero carbon target industries such as steel, aviation and shipping that
for European generation by 2035. In addition, we face strong global competition. However, such
will have largely phased-out coal-based power a cost decrease will only materialize if sufficient
generation in Europe by 2029. For the sustainable green and low-carbon hydrogen demand triggers:
development of a climate-friendly economy, we have
made hydrogen the focus of our business activities. • the ramp-up of renewables in high-yield sites
around the globe
We see hydrogen as a key element of the energy
transition. But how can green and low-carbon • the upscaling of green and low-carbon hydrogen
hydrogen really become the driver of the decar- production capacity
bonized energy future?
• the establishment of green and low-carbon
Various studies state significant cost decreases in storage and transport infrastructure on- and
green and low-carbon hydrogen production and offshore

01 D
 r. Axel Wietfeld
Uniper Senior,
Vice President
Source: UNIPER


Hydrogen Europe and REVOLVE are grateful to Frank Wouters, Director
of the EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network and Chairman of the
MENA Hydrogen Alliance; Derrick Pisani for his support with content
strategy; Filipa Rosa, Creative Directive at REVOLVE, for fast-tracking this
publication in a very busy season; and all the Hydrogen Europe staff and
members that made this report a success.

Thank you!

Contact Propelling global carbon neutrality

For print copies, corrections, or other inquires, please contact: by accelerating the European
Michela Bortolotti, Communication Manager hydrogen industry
Hydrogen Europe Secretariat (White Atrium)
Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56- 60
1060 Brussels, Belgium
T: +32 2 540 87 75 E: m.bortolotti@hydrogeneurope.eu

This special report on Hydrogen, Enabling A Zero-Emission Society is produced by Hydrogen
Europe and curated by REVOLVE. All opinions expressed in the content provided are those of the
authors and their respective companies and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of REVOLVE
or Hydrogen Europe. Any errata that may be present in the core content of this report are the
responsibility of the producers and curators and in no way can be attributed to the Members of
Hydrogen Europe. If you spot are errors, please contact: secretariat@hydrogeneurope.eu and

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