GB - BT1004 - E01 - 0 GSM Advanced Technology 32
GB - BT1004 - E01 - 0 GSM Advanced Technology 32
GB - BT1004 - E01 - 0 GSM Advanced Technology 32
Course Objectives:
Understand HR services and implementation methods
1 HR Services............................................................................................................................................1
3 EDGE Technology...............................................................................................................................17
3.1 Definitions..................................................................................................................................17
3.2 Features......................................................................................................................................17
3.3 Specifications.............................................................................................................................18
4 Satellite Abis Technology.....................................................................................................................23
4.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................23
1 HR Services
Timeslots repeat according to a certain law, forming the frame and multi-frame. In
GSM specifications, the channel that bears voice and data services takes 26-frame as
the repetition period. In other words, the TDMA multi-frame of a Traffic Channel
(TCH) is of 26 frames, and the duration of a multi-frame is 120 ms.
According to the switching mode, TCHs are divided into circuit switching channels
and data switching channels. According to the transmission rate, TCHs are divided into
Full Rate (FR) channels and Half Rate (HR) channels.
The rate of GSM FR channel is 13 kbps while the rate of GSM HR channel is 5.6 kbps.
In addition, the Enhanced FR channel has the same rate (13 kbps) as the FR channel,
but has better compression encoding scheme than the FR channel, thus it has better
voice quality.
If the HR voice channel is adopted, the air interface’s frame structure does not change.
The multi-frame’s odd-numbered frames are allocated to a user, even-numbered frames
are allocated to another user, and the 26 th idle frame functions as SACCH of the second
user. Therefore, the channel capacity doubles, that is, the channel bears two TCH/H
services rather than the original one TCH/F service. Moreover, the traffic absorbability
is enhanced and the network congestion rate is reduced. However, it also brings about
the negative effect that the channel coding rate decreases and voice quality degrades.
Figure 1.2-1 shows the relationship between the FR channel’s frame structure and the
HR channel’s frame structure.
Figure 1.2-1 Relationship between FR-coded Data Frame and HR-coded Data Frame
· Static HR service
Static HR service means that the system HR channels are decided in network
planning, and the static configuration is made on the system OMCR equipments.
During the system running, the HR channel occupies fixed carrier and timeslots,
and each timeslot on the carrier maintains its status as HR or FR that is set when
being allocated, and the status can not be changed. Fine adjustment can be made
to the static configuration in later network optimization.
· Dynamic HR service
Dynamic HR service means that only FR service is provided during the system’s
initial running, and the ratio of commissioned HR channels depends on the
traffic change during system running.
· When the traffic increases, the reserved dynamic HR auxiliary timeslots of Abis
interface are used to start the conversion from idle FR channels to HR channels.
In this way, HR channels are used to increase the system traffic capacity and
reduce the congestion rate.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
In ZTE BSS equipments, the HR service implementation is different from that of the
traditional FR-based system in the following three aspects:
Figure 1.3-2 illustrates the structure of ZXG10-BSS system that realizes HR service.
The HR frame structure of each node is described in the figure.
GSM Advanced Technology
The HR frame is processed by BTS first and then sent to RMM through Abis interface.
BIPP performs the internal conversion from 8 kbps channel to 16 kbps channel and
then sends the frame to Bit-Oriented Switching Network (BOSN). After being
processed by BOSN, the HR frame enters the TC unit and the rate adaptation unit that
handle the HR service. Finally, the frame is sent to MSC from A-interface at the speed
of 64 kbps.
The software of which the version is higher than V2.80 (including V2.80) also supports
HR service.
All equipments that satisfy the hardware platform condition can support HR service
through software upgrade (to V2.80 or above).
1. Upgrade the logic of GPP (BIPP) board in the RMM module of BSC. The
board’s logic must be loaded offline. After being upgraded, the board supports
the 1-bit switching function:
Because the GPP board adopts active-standby configuration, services are not
interrupted during the upgrade process.
2. Upgrade the software version of BSC and OMCR. The system software supports
on-line upgrade. Because the HR service upgrade involves a lot of changes in
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
database tables, the system should be restarted after BSC system software is
upgraded. Thus services will be interrupted for a short period of time during
BSC upgrade, and the interruption duration (within 10 minutes) is used for the
system to restart. It is recommended to perform the upgrade during low-traffic
3. Add the TC unit (actually, the EDRT board) that supports HR service. The
EDRT board can automatically recognize the uplink voice coding format at Abis
interface. The downlink coding automatically adopts the same code as that in
uplink coding. If the system has been configured with the EDRT board that
supports HR service, then such EDRT boards can support HR service only
through software upgrade. If the system has been configured with boards that do
not support HR service through software upgrade, then add the EDRT board that
supports HR service, and the original boards can still be used to allocate FR
· The system decides the allocation priority for HR, FR, and EFR channels
GSM Advanced Technology
· Priority allocation parameters for HR, FR, and EFR channels are supported. For
terminals that support HR service, if MSS does not specify the priority, the
system decides to allocate HR, FR, or EFR channel according to priority
allocation parameters. After adopting this allocation strategy, if a resource is
unavailable, the system will automatically allocate another resource instead.
· The TC that supports HR service also supports FR and EFR. After TCs related
to FR and EFR are occupied, the system will allocate TCs that support HR
service to satisfy FR and EFR requirements. After TCs that support HR service
are occupied, the system stops allocating HR radio resource, and allocates the
FR channel and EFR channel until the TC resource that supports HR service is
The HR service is most effective in handling burst traffic in areas such as the
stadium, campus, or rendezvous. These areas all have the common feature that
the heavy traffic occurs periodically or suddenly. For example, the traffic
increases suddenly during a match in a stadium, and the traffic on campus
increases suddenly after class. The dynamic HR service is most appropriate to
apply in such situations. In normal cases, the traffic is low, and the channel is in
FR status. When the traffic increases suddenly, the channel automatically
converts to HR status, relieving the traffic congestion and avoiding the waste
that is usually caused by the common capacity expansion.
The traffic is dense in areas such as the dense urban area, airport, railway
station, and plaza. With the rapid development of network subscribers, the
requirement of capacity expansion in such areas also increases greatly.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
In some areas with low-end users such as the remote rural area, operators also
provide the coverage to enhance their competition power. However, such areas
have sparse users and the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) is low, the ratio of
investigation to output of the operator is very low.
These low-end users do not have high requirement for the voice quality. Thus
the HR service (static HR or dynamic HR) can be adopted together with some
wide-coverage technologies to realize a low-cost coverage.
On the other hand, the burst traffic might occur in such low-end traffic areas,
such as capacity changes due to users’ migration. The HR service can be used as
a practical solution for such problems.
2 Ultra-Distance Coverage Technology
Such restrictions in GSM protocols are mainly due to that the coverage larger than 35
km is difficult to realize in the GSM 900 MHz environment, and can be realized only
in some special propagation environments.
With the evolution of GSM protocols, there are more frequency bands. Because the
propagation loss of GSM 400 MHz system is less that that of GSM 900 MHz system, it
is specified that the coverage radius of the former can be larger than 35 km, the
maximum access radius of the former can be 120 km, and the corresponding TA is up
to 219. For the time being, except for GSM 400 MHz system, other GSM systems do
not support TA that is larger than 63.
In GSM system, each carrier adopts the TDMA mode, that is, eight timeslots constitute
a frame, and the eight timeslots correspond to eight physical channels respectively, as
shown in Figure 2.2-3.
During the call process, one user occupies one timeslot (time window), and at the base
station, each timeslot corresponds to a user. Thus the MS-sent data that is received by
the base station can only fall into the user’s time window, otherwise, the next channel
will be influenced.
If MS is in the idle status, it does not know the distance from it to BTS. Therefore,
when sending the first access request, MS takes its own time window as reference.
Because delay exists in space transmission, the time window has a certain offset when
the MS signal actually reaches BTS, that is, delay exists, as shown in Figure 2.2-4.
BTS has strict requirement for the time window. In order to make the MS signal fall
into the receiving time window of BTS before it reaches BTS, MS must send the signal
ahead of time. BTS specifies the TA and sends it to MS. The TA is in bit unit.
The length of a TA is one byte. As specified in GSM protocols, both GSM 900 MHz
system and GSM 1800 MHz system uses six bits to send the TA and the other two bits
are reserved. Thus the maximum TA value is 63, i.e. 63 bits, of which each bit equals
3.69 ms.
The space transmission delay includes uplink delay and downlink delay (the uplink
distance equals the downlink distance). The signal is transmitted at the velocity of
light. The maximum coverage radius is calculated as follows:
Thus for GSM 900 MHz system and GSM 1800 MHz system, the maximum coverage
radius is specified as 35 km in GSM protocols. The following lists the restrictions:
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
If the distance between MS and BTS exceeds 35 km, then even the significant
bits (0 ~ 87) of AB can not fall into the same timeslot completely. According to
the common methods specified in GSM protocols, BTS can not decode the AB.
In other words, if MS is more than 35 km away from BTS, it can not access the
network, which then causes subsequent ABs unable to be decoded.
After MS accesses the network successfully, Normal Burst (NB) is sent on the
traffic/signaling channel.
If the distance between MS and BTS exceeds 35 km, BTS can not adjust the MS’s
sending time, which inevitably interferes the running of other MSs on other timeslots.
In layer-3 signaling, TA is used by some messages. The GSM 900 MHz system and
GSM 1800 MHz system only support TA ≤ 63, thus when TA > 63, the handling for
GSM Advanced Technology
The above messages are restricted by the condition TA ≤ 63, thus if TA > 63, the
normal signaling processing will be influenced.
· Breakthrough method 1
Adopts GSM 400 MHz system, or realizes the method specified in GSM 400
MHz system in GSM 900 MHz system.
· Breakthrough method 2
BTS adopts the special radio channel mapping technology and improved BTS
receiving technology at radio interface, to guarantee there is no mutual
interference between BTSs.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
According to GSM protocols, only the GSM 400 MHz system can have TA that is
larger than 63 and the maximum TA value is 219.
For GSM 400 MHz system, two frequency bands are defined in GSM protocols: GSM
450 MHz and GSM 480 MHz. As to date, the GSM 400 MHz system has not been
· Advantage
· Disadvantage
Because the GSM 900 MHz MS does not adapt to GSM 400 MHz system,
appropriate MS is required, but it is difficult to realize in actual applications.
If the coverage radius exceeds 35 km, then MS must support TA > 63. However, the
maximum TA recognized by GSM 900 MHz MS is 63 bits. It is impossible to upgrade
all MSs, thus the restriction that the maximum coverage radius is 35 km can be broken
through by applying special radio channel mapping technology and improved BTS
receiving technology at the radio interface. In other words, BSS should be upgraded.
· Advantage
· Disadvantage
GSM Advanced Technology
If the coverage radius of GSM 900 MHz system is larger than 35 km, then two
timeslots are used to function as one channel to satisfy the requirement of a 0 km ~ 120
km coverage area. In other words, when MS sends a channel request, the access burst
pulse received at BTS spans two timeslots, thus the control channel adopts two
physical channels, i.e. two consecutive timeslots.
The maximum TA value of MS at the radio interface is 63. If the space delay is larger
than 63, the time during which the signal arrives BTS spans two timeslots, as shown in
Figure 2.3-5. The dedicated control channel and the traffic channel also use two
adjacent physical channels.
Considering that BTS adopts two timeslots to process a user’s data, the second timeslot
is called extended channel, as shown in Figure 2.3-6.
Figure 2.3-7 shows the carriers after channel expansion. Originally, a TRX can provide
eight physical channels; after the channel expansion, a TRX has four physical channels,
the carrier capacity is halved.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
After adopting the channel expansion mode, the coverage area of BTS is up to 120 km
and the maximum TA value is 219 theoretically. However, the actual coverage radius
can not reach 120 km due to large propagation loss of GSM 900 MHz system and
uplink/downlink balance problems.
· Upgrade BSC software, and expand the TA field definition in the original
· For a TA to be sent to MS, if TA ≤ 63, then send the actual TA value to MS; if
TA > 63, then always send 63 to MS.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
3 EDGE Technology
3.1 Definitions
Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution (EDGE) includes Enhanced General Packet Radio
Service (EGPRS) and Enhanced Circuit Switched Data (ECSD). EDGE is a method
used to improve the data transmission rate during GSM radio connection.
Essentially, EDGE is only a new modulating and channel encoding technology, which
can be used to transmit Packet switching (PS) and Circuit Switching (CS) data/voice.
As an evolved GPRS-to-UMTS solution, EDGE enables the network operator to use
current radio network equipments to the maximum extent. It also provides PC
multimedia communication services ahead of time before the third generation mobile
network become commercialized.
3.2 Features
The system architecture of EDGE network is similar to that of GSM network. The
following lists features of the EDGE technology in the access service and network
1. Access service
• The bandwidth is increased greatly. The peak transmission rate of mobile data
service is up to 384 kbps.
2. Network establishment
• EDGE’s air interface features, including the air channel allocation mode and
TDMA frame structure, are the same as those of GSM.
• EDGE does not change the architecture of GSM network or GPRS network, and
does not have new NEs. It only updates BSS
• The core network adopts the three-layer model: service application layer,
communication control layer, and communication connection layer. The
interface between layers is standard. The hierarchical architecture makes the call
control and communication connection mutually independent. It also fully uses
advantages of the packet switching network, making the bandwidth allocation
closely related to the traffic. It especially suits the VoIP service.
• Media Gateway (MGW) is adopted in EDGE. MGW has the same functions as
Signaling Transfer Point (STP), and can realize the signaling network
establishment in IP network. Moreover, MGW is not only the interface between
GSM circuit switching service and PSTN but also the interface between Radio
Access Network (RAN) and 3G core network.
• EDGE supports two data transmission modes: packet switching and circuit
switching. With the packet data service, a rate of 11.2 kbps ~ 69.2 kbps per
timeslot can be realized. EDGE supports the circuit switching service with a rate
of 28.8 kbps. EDGE also supports symmetric/asymmetric data transmission,
which is very important for the mobile equipment to access network. For
example, in EDGE system, the user can have a higher rate in downlink than in
3.3 Specifications
The EDGE standardization involves the following three aspects:
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
• Phase 2: provides real-time services not included in phase 1 and adopts the new
modulating technology.
The EDGE standardization, which was initiated by ETSI/SMG2, has started from the
feasibility research by Ericsson and Nokia since 1997. The research was completed in
1998, and the radio and service requirement for EDGE was drafted in that research.
In 2000, the EDGE standardization was transferred from ETSI to 3GPP. The work of
EDGE phase 1 was summarized in the R99 standard, and the work of EDGE phase 2
was included in the 3GPP standard. In EDGE phase 2, the technology is developed into
satisfying UMTS standard as well as providing IP multimedia. 3GPP standardizes
EDGE, which is now known as GERAN.
EDGE adopts 8-PSK as its modulation mode. 8-PSK has the same modulation quality
as GMSK, considering the interference generated from adjacent channels. It enables
EDGE channels to be completely integrated in the current frequency planning, and can
allocate the new EDGE channel as standard GSM channel.
8-PSK is a linear modulation, in which three consecutive bits are mapped to one
symbol in the I/Q diagram. Its symbol rate, the number of symbols sent within a certain
period of time, is the same as that of GMSK. But each symbol represents three bits in
8PSK, not one bit as in GMSK, thus the total data transmission rate triples.
A certain loss will be generated by 8-PSK. In the I/Q diagram, the distance between
different symbols is comparatively less. Therefore, it is difficult for the radio receiver
to detect which symbol it receives. The problem influences the system performance
only in adverse radio environment. Such “redundant” bits can be used to add more
error correcting code to resume the correct information. Only in very adverse radio
environment is the GMSK modulation efficiency higher.
GSM Advanced Technology
Compared with GMSK, 8-PSK has the same symbol rate, but the bit rate triples.
The nine MCSs of EDGE are categorized into three groups according to their
For coding scheme structures in the same group, either one structure includes another
or being included by another, which makes it easy to realize conversion between
coding rates.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
In practical applications, balance should be kept between the transmission rate of valid
information and the valid transmission quality. The low-rate channel coding scheme,
which contains many redundancy error correction codes but without transmitting much
valid information, is suitable for an environment with poor transmission quality. For
example, on the edge of a cell, the low-rate GMSK modulation method MCS1 ~ 4 is
more suitable for compensating poor link quality; in the central area of a cell where
propagation conditions are good, the high-rate MCS is often adopted.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
4.1 Overview
It is inconvenient to realize transmission in remote areas or islands. Usually, the
transmission between BTS and BSC is realized by the leased satellite link.
• The delay of Abis link is long. The information sent from the satellite ground
station is transferred through the satellite and then received by another ground
station. The end-to-end delay is not less than 260 ms, which does not have much
to do with the ground station’s position.
The satellite link’s BER is much larger than that of the ground link. Because of
this factor and the influence of fading, the BER change is very large. On the
other hand, the large delay and BER on the transmission link will cause the
message throughput to drop.
• Clock
The above problems do not occur when the ground link is used to realize transmission
between BTS and BSC, thus they should be resolved first.
• BTS clock
Because the precision of the clock extracted from Abis interface is much less
than the clock precision specified in GSM protocols, such a clock is not used to
synchronize BTS any more. Instead, when using the satellite link to connect
Abis interface, the high-precision clock source inside BTS is often used as BTS’
clock source. In other words, the inner clock of BTS is used for synchronization.
• Protocol timer
In order to save the cost of satellite transmission, the satellite Abis often adopts Abis
multiplexing mode to reduce the number of timeslots at Abis interface.
Only some timeslots are used in this E1. The timeslots are allocated as follows:
Table 4.4-3 shows the relationship between the number of carriers and transmission
resource requirement.
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
The satellite Abis is identified by the 16-bit DIP switch on the backplane of the
common shelf at BTS. No special setting should be made at BSC.
Figure 4.5-11 shows the common shelf’s Site ID which is defined by DIP
switching settings.
01: port A
10: port B
11: port C
000: Ts16
111: Ts31
110: Ts30
101: Ts29
GSM Advanced Technology
Table 4.5-4 shows the DIP switching settings of BTS (V2) rack..
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0: indoor
1: outdoor
If SYN = 0, the frame clock extracted from the E1 port is taken as the network
synchronization reference clock. If SYN = 1, CMM receives the SDH synchronous
clock from F of the E1 port and takes it as the synchronization reference clock.
SLAVE1_PORT: the E1 port of master cabinet that connects with slave cabinet 1
Chapter 4 Satellite Abis Technology
SLAVE2_PORT: the E1 port of master cabinet that connects with slave cabinet 2
00: port A
01: port B
10: port C
11: port D
000: TS16
001: TS31
010: TS30
011: TS29
100: TS28
101: TS27
110: TS26
111: TS25
GSM Advanced Technology
After the satellite Abis technology is adopted, the delay at Abis interface increases,
which causes the duration of channel allocation to increase. To make MS successfully
access the network, when setting “RACH Control Parameter”, set Tx_Integer as 32
and Max_Retrans (the maximum times of retransmission) as 4.