January 16-20

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Teacher HAROLD N.

CARBONEL Grade Level 9

SCIENCE Teaching Dates January 16-20, 2023 Learning Area Science
Teaching Time 7:30 – 8:30, 8:30 – 9:30 Quarter Second
Daily 10:45 – 11:45, 1:00 – 2:00,
Lesson Log 3:00- 4:00
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding of the type of bonds understanding of the type of understanding of the type of bonds understanding of the type of
A. Content Standards
that carbon forms which will result bonds that carbon forms which that carbon forms which will result bonds that carbon forms which
in the diversity of carbon will result in the diversity of in the diversity of carbon will result in the diversity of
compounds. carbon compounds. compounds. carbon compounds.

The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to analyze The learners shall be able to
analyze the percentage composition analyze the percentage the percentage composition of analyze the percentage
B. Performance Standards of different brands of two food composition of different brands different brands of two food composition of different brands of
products and decide on the of two food products and decide products and decide on the two food products and decide on
products’ appropriate percentage on the products’ appropriate products’ appropriate percentage the products’ appropriate
composition. percentage composition. composition. percentage composition.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives

Use the mole concept to express Use the mole concept to express Use the mole concept to express Use the mole concept to express
mass of substances. mass of substances. mass of substances. mass of substances.

(L.C. Code) S9MT-IIi-19 S9MT-IIi-19 S9MT-IIi-19 S9MT-IIi-19

Mole Concept Mole Concept Mole Concept Mole Concept

II. Learning Content

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages Page 118-119 Page 118-119 Page 119-123 Page 125
2. Learner's Materials Pages Page 147-148 Page 147-148 Page 148-151 Page 152-153
3. Textbook Pp.
4. Additional Materials from LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous Elicit: Mass

Units of Mass Molecular mass/Molar mass Use the mole concept to express
lesson or presenting (The activities in this section will evoke or
draw out prior concepts or prior experiences Elements in the periodic table Scientific notations mass of substances.
the new lesson from the students) Atomic mass of elements

B. Establishing a Sing “Mole as a Unit”

When you say that the molecular
purpose for the https://www.youtube.com/watch ?
mass of CO2. You know that the
lesson v=PvT51M0ek5c It is important that you see the
atoms and molecules are so small
Have a bowl of marbles and ask the connections/relationships among the
that it would be challenging task to
students who can give the nearest answer mass, number of moles and number
determine how any of these are
will be given a prize. You have experienced in Activity 1 how of particles for a good assimilation of
contained in a tip of a pencil.
Engage: chemists determine the number of the mole concept.
How then were chemists able to keep
(The activities in this section will stimulate particles by getting the mass. It is
their thinking and help them access and track of the number of atoms or
C. Presenting connect prior knowledge as a jumpstart to impossible to count the number of atoms
the present lesson.) Remind the students of the laboratory molecules that enter a chemical
examples/ instances present in a gold bar or the number
techniques in using the platform balance. reaction?
of the new lesson of molecules present in a glass of water
Let the students manipulate the triple beam but by knowing their masses, You will now see the relationships
computations can be done which will among mass, number of particles and
What do you think is the difference
eventually give the number of particles number of moles.
between atomic mass and molecular
with the use of a number called
Avogadro’s number.
D. Discussing new Explore: Give examples on significant figures. What is the unit of molar mass or In a storytelling, discuss the origin of mole Do Activity 4.
(In this section, students will be given time to
concepts & practicing think, plan, investigate, and organize molecular mass? concept.
new skills #1 collected information; or the performance of Discuss what to remember when Group presentation.
the planned/prepared activities from the
students’ manual with data gathering with performing the activity. Solve for the molecular mass of
E. Discussing new Guide Questions)
concepts & practicing the following compounds: Discuss the Avogadro’s number. Answering of the guide questions.
Perform Activity 1
new skills #2 1. CaCO3
2. C2H5OH Solve problems converting mass of
3. (C2H5)2O substances to mole.
4. Al2(SO4)3
(In this section, students will be involved in
an analysis of their exploration. Their
Solve for the molecular mass of CuSO4 . How many grams are equivalent to 20
F. Developing mastery understanding is clarified and modified
because of reflective activities)/Analysis of 5H2O moles of H2O?
the gathered data and results and be able to
answer the Guide Questions leading to the
focus concept or topic for the day.)

G. Finding practical Explain why one tablespoon of different

applications of Importance of knowing accurate Realize that in a quantitative experiment, the substances does not have the same
concepts and skills in measurement Differentiate atomic mass from molecular use of tablespoon and other measuring mass in grams (g), the same number of
daily living Elaborate: mass? devices alike are not advisable because it moles and the number of particles.
(This section will give students the
opportunity to expand and solidify/concretize will yield undesirable results.
their understanding of the concept and/or
H. Making apply it to a real-world situation)
What are the units of mass? How do you compute for the molecular
generalizations and How will you determine the correct mass of a compound? Describe the relationships among the
abstraction significant figure in measurement? How do you convert mass to mole? number of moles, mass and number of
Evaluation: Give two units of mass. Solve for the molecular mass of the
(This section will provide opportunities for Describe the relationships among the
following compounds:
I. Evaluating Learning concept check test items and answer key How many moles are in 400 g MgO? number of moles, mass and number of
which are aligned to the learning objectives How will you determine the correct 1. H2O
– content and performance standards and particles.
address misconceptions- if any) significant figure in measurement? 2. (NH4)3 PO4
Extend: State the relationship between the
(This section gives situation that explains
J. Additional activities the topic in a new context, or integrate it to
following properties?
for application and another discipline/societal concern) Answer the guide questions. What is Avogadro’s Number? a. Mass and number of moles
remediation b. Number of moles and number of
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?



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