Report Working Group On Enforcement-7093592822
Report Working Group On Enforcement-7093592822
Report Working Group On Enforcement-7093592822
Road Safety pertaining to Enforcement
As per order No. RT-23014/3/2011-RS dated 11.04.11, Working Group on
enforcement was constituted as follows:
The first meeting of the Working Group Committee was held on 24.05.11 at
Transport Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. The second meeting of the Working
Group Committee was held in Bangalore on 13.06.11. On 30.06.11, Shri S.T.
Ramesh, DG & IG Karnataka Police retired from service. The remaining members of
the Committee met on 26.09.11 at Transport Bhawan, Sansad Marg, and New Delhi
to finalize the recommendations of the Committee.
In the year 2001, there were 4,05, 637 accidents out of which 71,219 were fatal
accidents. In these accidents, 80,888 people got killed and 4,05,215 were injured. This
figure of accidents has been climbing up consistently and according to provisional figure
of 2009, there were 4, 86,384 accidents in the year out of which 1, 10,993 were fatal
accidents. 1,25,660 persons were killed in these accidents and 5,15,458 people were
injured. While India used to be behind China in number of accidents and fatalities, now
India has the dubious distinction of having highest number of accidents and fatalities on
the roads. This trend needs to be reversed with all round improvement in the way the
traffic and transport is managed in the country. Based on the three meetings, the
Committee is of the view that there are certain things which need to be done immediately
while others can be done in a long term perspective.
While revising the penalties for traffic offences, a clause needs to be inserted
in the Amendment Act itself that every three years there should be revision of
fine based on consumer price index. There should be no need of going to
Parliament for fine/penalty revision.
ii) Overloading of Commercial Vehicles is one of the major reasons for
accidents and fatalities on the roads. This overloading has to be checked
properly to enhance road safety. To do this, the Committee was of the view
that following measures should be taken :
a) As overloading leads to damage to the roads, in cases where it is
discovered that the commercial vehicle is overloaded, there should be
mandatory criminal case under the provisions of Damage to Public
Property Act against the transporter, the consignor and the consignee. If
properly implemented, this will lead to a quantum jump in road safety
scenario in the country and reduce accidents.
b) As per Motor Vehicles Act provisions and rules, police is not empowered
to check overloading as Transport Department is the only competent
agency to check overloading. All state police forces need to be empowered
to check overloading and for this a large number of weighing machines
should be installed so that no overloading takes place.
iii) Use of Road Safety Devices like Helmet, Seat Belt: There are large number
of accidents particularly on highways and city roads where deaths happen
because safety devices like seat belt or helmet are not used by the road users.
Wearing of helmet both for the driver and the pillion rider must be made
mandatory. At present, some state governments have not enforced wearing of
helmet and in some states women have been exempted from wearing helmets.
The Committee was of the view that there should be no exemption in wearing
of helmet and awareness should be created that helmet should be properly
strapped by the road users Similarly, wearing of seat belt should be
compulsory for the driver and the front passenger and on national highways it
should be compulsory for even the passengers in the back seat.
iv) Drunken Driving: According to Section 185 of Motor Vehicle Act, the
penalty for violation of this rule is punishable with a fine of Rs. 2,000 or 6
months imprisonment or both for the first offence. It is experienced
throughout the country that drunken driving is being punished by fine only.
Delhi Traffic Police made a healthy beginning in 2010 when the offence of
drunken driving started being punished by imprisonment to various jail terms
to the defaulters. In the year 2011, upto 30th September, as many as 2,374
people have been awarded imprisonment for drunken driving. This practice
of awarding imprisonment in drunken driving is also prevalent in city like
Mumbai. All enforcement agencies may impress upon the courts of the
concerned cities/states that in graver cases of drunken driving, imprisonment
must be provided to discourage drunken driving. There is also a provision
under Motor Vehicle Act under Section 20 that if there is conviction under
Section 185, the driving licence of the offender must be suspended. It has also
been seen that in most of cities/states, this provision is not being enforced.
Delhi Traffic Police took up with the concerned courts and it has been
encouraging that upto 30th Sept., 2011 1971 driving licences have been
suspended for drunken driving. Other states and city traffic police need to
take up with their concerned courts to ensure that for the offence of drunken
driving, driving licence suspension and imprisonment become a norm. This
will have a healthy influence on road safety as drunken driving is one of the
biggest reasons for accidents on roads. Similarly, databases should be created
by all the state police forces and Transport department to ensure enhanced
punishment for drunken driving where the second or subsequent offence.
vi) Strict checking of overcrowded passenger vehicles: It is common
experience in all major cities and towns that commercial passenger vehicles
are loaded with many more persons than the authorised capacity of the
vehicle. In Delhi, particularly, it has been noticed that RTVs, Gramin Sewa &
TSRs are heavily overloaded which lead to frequent accidents with multiple
deaths. All Transport and Traffic Police have to come down heavily on
overloading of passenger vehicles. The Committee was of the view that in
case of overloading of passenger vehicles, there should be provision of
cancellation of permit of commercial passenger vehicles so that this
compromise of road safety does not takes place. Presently, there is a
provision of fine which is not a deterrence for checking of overloading of
passenger vehicles.
vii) Improvement of Road Engineering: There are certain stretches on the roads
on highways and in cities where accidents happen because of faulty road
engineering. It must be made mandatory for all concerned departments to
inspect the roads where frequent accidents are happening. There should be
compulsory inspection by Transport Department officials, Traffic Police, local
police, road maintaining agency officials of scenes of multiple deaths or
multiple accidents on particular stretches of roads to effective improve road
engineering on these stretches.
viii) Use of Technology for interacting with road users: Delhi Traffic Police
has pioneered its interaction with inter-road users by social networking sites
like Facebook. More than 80,000 are connected to Delhi Traffic Police
through its Facebook. This has acted as empowerment of road users, sharing
of information by Traffic Police and the road users and improvement in traffic
and road safety through interaction. Every city police should start interacting
with road users through proper mediums. It is suggested that all public utility
department like Transport Department, Traffic Police must have constant
interaction with road users. If transparency in the working of public utility
department is ensured, this improves the road safety scenario. Similarly,
sharing of information through facilities like SMS alert service, 24x7 helpline
can be effective instrument for improvement in road safety.
II. Institutional changes required to enhance road safety: It was felt by the
Committee that road safety is compromised by basic issues like faulty
issuance of driving licences, issuance of multiple driving licences, fitness
certificate for commercial vehicles and other similar issues. The Committee
suggests some fundamental changes as regards these and the
recommendations are:
because when driving licence of a defaulter in traffic offence is suspended
he should not be able to get driving licence from any other transport
for pedestrians and sufficient safety devices like central verge, railing,
grills on both sides of the highways. Wherever there is speedy traffic on
highways, sufficient security measures should be taken. There is also
need for speed calming measures like table top speed breakers, rumbler
strips on highways particularly on vulnerable locations so that vehicles
slow down at appropriate places.
vi) Wayside amenities for long distance drivers: It was felt by the
Committee that a large number of accidents happen because long distance
drivers do not have wayside amenities for rest and recuperation. There is
urgent need to establish these amenities on roadsides at national and other
highways because accidents generally happen due to fatigue and over
work. Transporters need to be educated to have a reasonable schedule of
movement of vehicle which will not force drivers to drive long hours
without sleep and rest.
ix) Apex Road Safety Body at the State and District Level: The Committee
was of the view that at present state and district level road safety
committee are not effective. There is urgent need that a state level road
safety committee headed by a senior functionary of government and
should have representative from all stakeholders so that road safety
scenario is reviewed periodically. Similarly, there should be District
Level Road Safety Committee having members from all concerned units
to review safety scenario in the District. There should be compulsory
meeting of these Committees and issues must be discussed threadbare.