2021 - Sem2 BT CSE

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Mathematics-2 (15B11MA211)

Course Description

Course Code 15B11MA211 Semester Even Semester II Session 2020-2021

Month from Jan 2021- June 2021
Course Mathematics 2
Credits 4 Contact 3-1-0
Faculty Coordinator(s) Prof. Lokendra Kumar, Dr. DCS Bisht
(Names) Teacher(s) Prof. Lokendra Kumar, Dr. DCS Bisht, Prof. Alka
(Alphabetically) Tripathi, Dr. Anuj Bhardwaj, Dr. Yogesh Gupta, Prof.
R.C. Mittal, Dr. Trapti Neer, Dr Pankaj Srivastava, Dr.
Mohd. Sarfaraz, Dr. Neha Ahlawat
After pursuing the above mentioned course, the students will be able to:
apply different methods for solving ordinary differential Applying
equations of second order. Level (C3)
explain different tests/methods of convergence for infinite Understanding
series. Level (C2)
find the series solution of differential equations and use it to Applying
construct Legendre’s polynomials and Bessel’s functions. Level (C3)
classify the partial differential equations and apply Fourier Applying
series to find their solution. Level (C3)
explain Taylor’s & Laurent’s series expansion, singularities, Understanding
residues and transformations. Level (C2)
apply the concept of complex variables to solve the problems Applying
of complex differentiation and integrations. Level (C3)
Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of
No. Module Lectures for
the module
1. Second Order Linear Differential Equations of Second 5
Linear Order with constant coefficients and with
Differential variable coefficients, Change of Variable,
Equations Variation of Parameters.
2. Convergence Convergence of series, Tests of convergence, 7
of Series Alternating Series, Absolute & Conditional
Convergence, Uniform Convergence.
3. Series Solution Series Solutions, Bessel Function, 7
and Special Recurrence Relations and Orthogonality.
Functions Legendre functions, Recurrence relations and
4. Fourier Series Fourier Series. Classification and Solution of 5
andPartial PDE, Equation of vibrating string, Solution
Differential of one dimensional wave & heat equations.
5. Complex Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of 3
Variables Functions of Complex Variables, Analytic
Functions, Cauchy’s Riemann Equations.
6. Complex Cauchy Integral Theorem, Cauchy Integral 4
Integration Formula and Applications.
7. Series Taylor and Laurent Series Expansion, Poles 4
Expansion and Singularities.
8. Contour Residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem and its 5
Integration applications.
9. Conformal Bilinear transformation 2
Total number of Lectures 42
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Quiz, Assignments, Tutorials)
Total 100
Recommended Reading material:
Jain, R. K. &Iyenger, S. R. K., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th Ed., Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2016.
Brown, J.W. & Churchill, R.V., Complex Variables and Applications, 6th Ed.,
McGrawHill, 1996.
Prasad, C., (a) Mathematics for Engineers (b) Advanced Mathematics for Engineers,
Prasad Mudranalaya, 1982.
Kreysizg, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Willey & Sons,
Inc., 2015.
Simmons, G. F., Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, 2nd
Ed. McGraw Hill, 1991.
6. Spiegel, M.R., Complex Variables, Schaum’s outline series, Mac Graw-Hill, 2009.
Grewal,B.S., “Higher Engineering Mathematics” 44thEdition, Khanna Publisher,
New Delhi, 2018.
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup

Course Code 15B1NHS435 Semester: Even Semester Session:2020-21

Month from: Jan-June 2021
Course Name Financial Accounting
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3 (2,1,0)

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Dr. Mukta Mani (Sec-62), Dr. Sakshi Varshney (Sec-128)
Dr. Mukta Mani, Dr. Sakshi Varshney


Understand the basic concepts of Accounting. Understanding level (C2)
Apply accounting concepts for recording of business transactions. Applying level (C3)
Compare and reconcile the accounting records with other sources of Analyzing level (C4)
Evaluate the accounting records to identify and rectify the errors made Evaluating level (C5)
during accounting process.
Construct the final accounts and cash flow statement of a business Creating (C6)

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of

No. Module Lectures for
the module
1. Introduction to Meaning of Accounting, Objectives of Accounting, 2
Accounting Understanding Company Management, Stakeholders
versus Shareholders, Financial Reporting Standards,
Financial Reporting
2. Understanding Elements of Financial Statements- Assets, Current 2
Accounting assets, Liabilities, Current liabilities, Equity, Income,
Elements Expenses, Accounting Equation

3. Accounting Business entity concept, Money measurement concept, 2

Concepts Going concern, Consistency, Matching concept, Cost
concept, Dual aspect concept, Materiality,Full
disclosure,Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
4. Journal Journal, Rules of Debit and Credit, Compound Journal 2
Transactions entry, Opening entry

5. Ledger Posting Ledger, Posting, relationship between Journal and 3

and Trial Balance Ledger, Rules regarding Posting, Trial balance

6. Rectification of Different types of errors, their effect on trial balance, 5

Errors rectification and preparation of suspense account
7. Bank Meaning of Bank Reconciliation Statement, technique 2
Reconciliation of preparing BRS, Causes of difference
8. Final Accounts Trading account, Profit and Loss account, Balance 6
sheet, Adjustment entries
9. Cash Flow Introduction of Cash Flow Statement,Classification of 4
Statement Cash inflows and Cash Outflows Activities,prepare the
statement of cash flows using direct and Indirect
Total number of Lectures 28
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Project+ Class test/Quiz+Class Participation)
Total 100
Project Based learning: Students form a group of 4-5 students. Each group is required to choose a company listed in Indian
stock exchange and download its latest annual report. Students are required to describe the company,composition of board of
directors, number of company’s executives,independent directors,background of independent directors. They are required to find
outfinancing, investing and operating activities and examines the change in total assets, sales and net profit of the company. As
per auditor’s report, company’s position and future plans for growth of the company is also analyzed.

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Maheshwari S. N., Financial and Management Accounting, 5th Ed., S. Chand & Sons Publication,
1. 2014. ISBN No.: 978-81-8054-529-0

Ghosh, T.P., Financial Accounting for Managers, 4th Ed., Taxmann Publications, 2009

3. Tulsian,P., Financial Accounting,1st Ed., Pearson Education India,2002

Bhattacharya, A., Financial Accounting for Business Managers, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall of
Weygandt.J., Kimmel, P., Kieso,D., Accounting Principles, 12th Edition, John Wiley &
Barton,M., Bhutta, P.,S. O'Rourke,J.,Satyam Computer Services Ltd: Accounting fraud in
India,London,SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017,
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup

Subject 15B11HS111 Semester: EVEN Semester IV Session 2020-2021

Code Month from Jan to June
Credits 2 Contact Hours 2 (1 1 0)
Faculty Coordinator(s) Dr. Praveen Sharma & Dr. Deepak Verma
(Names) Teacher(s) Dr.Akarsh Arora,Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Dr. Badri Bajaj, Dr.
(Alphabetically) Kanupriya Bakhru, Dr Praveen Sharma, Dr. Anshu Banwari, Dr.
Deepak Verma, Dr. Ekta Shrivastava, Dr. Nilu Choudhary


Understand Life Skill required to manage self and one’s Understand (C2)
Apply comprehensive set of skills for life success for self and Apply (C3)
C209.3 Analyze group dynamics for its effective functioning Analysing (C4)
C209.4 Evaluate the role of women leadership and gender issues Evaluate (C5)

Module No. Subtitle of the Module Topics in the module No. of Lectures
for the module
1. Introduction Introduction to Life Skills; basic Concepts 1
and Relevance for Engineers
2. Individual-1 Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management, 4
Goal Setting
3. Individual-II Dimensions of Personality, Values and 3
Attitudes, Assertiveness, Well being,
4. Group Dynamics Group, Group types, Group Relationship, 3
Social Loafing, Social Facilitation
5. Women Leadership Gender Sensitization, Women Leadership. 3

Total number of Hours 14

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Assignment & Project)
Total 100

Project Based Learning: Students are supposed to form a group (Maximum 5 students in each group) and identify a
Women leader of their choice. They are supposed to do the in-depth study on the leadership style of their identified
leader and explain it. They are also supposed to explain identified women leader’s personality traits by referring the
Big five personality traits model. The project provides understanding to students on Women leadership and
personality traits.

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Prentice-Hall India 2001
2. Smith, E., Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B., & Loftus, G. Introduction to Psychology.
Thompsons and Wadsworth Co, 2003
3. Daniel Goleman, Working With Emotional Intelligence, Bantom Books 1998
4. Sue Bishop, Assertiveness Skills Training, Viva Books, New Delhi, 2004
5. Adele B. Lynn 50 Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence, Ane Books, 2003
6. Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Glenn M. Parker; Teamwork and Teamplay, Games and Activities for
Building and Training Teams., Jossey-Bass, 1999
7. Kaul A.& Singh M., ”New Paradigms for Gender Inclusivity”, PHI Pvt Ltd 2012
Software Development Lab - II

Detailed Syllabus
Lab-wise Breakup
Course Code 15B11CI271 Semester: Even Semester: II Session: 2020-21
(specify Odd/Even) Month from: Jan to June
Course Name Software Development Lab - II
Credits 1 Contact Hours 2 hrs

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Anita Sahoo, Niyati Aggrawal, Himani Bansal (J128)
Teacher(s) (J62) Adwitiya Sinha, Anita Sahoo, Ankita Verma, Arpita Yadav,
(Alphabetically) Bhawna Saxena, Chetna Dabas, Deepti, Hema N., K Vimal Kumar,
K.Rajalakshmi, Manju, Megha Rathi, Mradula Sharma, Neetu
Sardana, Niyati Aggrawal, Prantik Biswas, Shardha Porwal
(J128) Ambalika Sarkar, Anubhuti Mohindra, Arti Jain, Avinash
Pandey, Devpriya Soni, Himani Bansal, Kritika Rani, Mukesh
Saraswat, Nitin Shukla, Rashmi Kushwah, Shailesh Kumar, Shariq
Murtuza, Shilpa Budhkar, Swati Gupta.
C173.1 Write programs in C++ to implement OOPs concepts related to objects, classes, Apply Level (Level 3)
constructor, destructor, and friend function.
C173.2 Write programs in C++ using OOPs concept like encapsulation, inheritance, Apply Level (Level 3)
polymorphism and abstraction.
C173.3 Write programs in C++ using Standard Template Library. Apply Level (Level 3)

C173.4 Perform exception handling in C++ programs. Apply Level (Level 3)

C173.5 Write MySQL queries to perform operations like ADD, DELETE, UPDATE, Apply Level (Level 3)
SELECT on relational databases.

Module Title of the List of Experiments No. of Labs

No. Module for the
1. OO Concepts using 3
C++ Write output based C++ programs to implement the
concepts of Objects, Classes, Internal representations of
Objects, encapsulation, Constructors, Destructors,
Function and Operator Overloading, Static and Friend
2. Inheritance using Write programs in C++ to implement concepts of Base Class, 2
C++ Derived class, Method Overriding, Private and Public
Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance.
3. Polymorphism Write programs in C++ using Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual 2
using C++ Functions, Abstract Classes, Dynamic Dispatch, Internal
representations of method tables, RTTI, operator overriding.
4. 1
UML/Relationship Write programs in C++ using based on Class diagram,
Implementation in Relationships of Association, Aggregation, Composition,
C++ and Inheritance
5. Exceptions, Write programs in C++ using Exceptions, Try, Catch and 2
Templates, and Throw, Re-throwing exceptions, Exception and Inheritance,
STL in C++ Function Templates, Overloading Functions Template, Class
Templates, Collection classes and iteration protocols (STL)
6. Introduction to 2
Database Design simple SQL queries using MYSQL to apply various
operations on single table like create, insert, delete,
update, alter, etc., Queries on single table using select
statement with or without where/ group by clause, etc.
Total number of Labs 12

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Evaluation 1 15
Lab Test1 20
Evaluation 2 15
Lab Test 2 20
Mini Project 15
Attendance 15
Total 100
Project based leaning: Groups of 3-4 students will choose a project topic. They will use the concepts of OOP
and/or database to execute their project. In a team, they will learn how to apply the concepts for problem solving
in a meaningful way.

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1 Herbert Schildt, C++: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 4th Edition, 2017
2 Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson, 7th Edition, 2016
3 Stroustrup B., The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley, 4th Edition, 2013

4 Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 6th edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2010.
5 Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++, SAMS, 4th Edition, 2002
6 John Hubbard, Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2000
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup

Course Code 15B11PH211 Semester: 2 Session 2020-21

Month from: January to June
Course Name PHYSICS-2
Credits 4 Contact Hours 4

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Prof. R.K. Dwivedi & Dr. Suneet Kumar Awasthi
Teacher(s) Alok Pratap Singh Chauhan (ALC)
(Alphabetically) Anshu D. Varshney (ADV)
Anuj Kumar (AK)
Ashish Bhatnagar (ABH)
Dinesh Tripathi (DT)
Himanshu Pandey (HP)
Manoj Kumar (MKC)
Navendu Goswami (NG)
R. K. Dwivedi (RKD)
S C Katyal (SCK)
Suneet Kumar Awasthi (SKA)
Vikas Malik (VM)


C102.1 Recall the basic concepts relating to electromagnetic theory, statistical Remembering (C1)
physics, lasers, fiber optics and solid state physics.
C102.2 Illustrate the various physical phenomena with interpretation based on the Understanding (C2)
mathematical expressions involved.
C102.3 Apply the basic principles in solving variety of problems related to lasers, Applying (C3)
electromagnet theory, fiber and solid state physics.
C102.4 Analyze and examine the solution of the problems using physical and Analyzing (C4)
mathematical concepts involved in the course.

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of

No. Module Lectures for
the module
1. Electromagnetism Coulomb’s law, Gauss law and its 18
and Optical Fiber applications,Treatment of electrostatic problems by
solutionof Laplace and Poisson’s equations, Biot-
Savartlaw, Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s equations in
freespace and dielectric media. Electromagneticwaves,
Derivations of expressions for energydensity and energy
flux (Poynting vector) in anelectromagnetic field,
Radiation pressure.Propagation of EM waves through
boundary-Reflection, Refraction, Absorption and
TotalInternal Reflection. Light propagation in fibersand
Graded Index fibers, Numerical Apertureand
Attenuation, Single and Multimode.
2. Statistical Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac 08
Distributions and distributions and their applications.Principle and working of
laser, Einstein A and Bcoefficients, Ruby Laser.
3. Solid State Basic ideas of bonding in solids, Crystalstructure, Bragg’s 14
Physics law X-ray diffraction, Bandtheory of solids, Distinction
between metals,semiconductors and insulators.
Electronicconduction in metals, Intrinsic and extrinsic
(nandp-type) semiconductors and their
electricalconductivity. p-njunction and Hall effect
Total number of Lectures 40
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25
(a) Quizes /class tests (07M),
(b) Attendance (07M)
(c) Internal Assessment (05)
(d) Assignments in PBL mode (06M)
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to electrodynamics, Pearson India.
2. G. Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education.
3. A. Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, Mc Graw Hill International.
4. S. O. Pillai, Solid State physics, New Age International (P) Limited.

5. B. G. Streetman & S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice-Hall India.

Detailed Syllabus
Lab-wise Breakup

Course Code 15B17PH271 Semester:Even Semester:II Session 2020 -2021

Semester Month: from June-July

Course Name Physics Lab-2

Credits 1 Contact Hours 2

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Prof. Navendu Goswamiand Dr. Vikas Malik.

Teacher(s) Ashish Bhatnagar, B.C. Joshi, Dinesh Tripathi, Manoj Kumar, Manoj
(Alphabetically) Tripathi, Navendu Goswami, Sandeep Chhoker, Suneet Kumar
Awasthi, Vikas Malik,


Recall laser, fibre optics, semiconductor and solid state physics Remembering (C1)
principles behind the experiments.
Explainthe experimental setup and the principles involved behind the Understanding (C2)
experiments performed.
C171.3 Plan the experiment and set the apparatus and take measurements. Applying (C3)

C171.4 Analyze the data obtained and calculate the error. Analyzing (C4)

C171.5 Interpret and justify the results. Evaluating (C5)

Module Title of the Module List of Experiments CO

1. Semiconductor 1(a). To determine the band gap in a semiconductor using its p-n 1-5
Physics junction diode.
1(b). To draw the I-V characteristic of Solar cell and find
maximum power and fill factor.
2(a). To measure resistivity of semiconductor at different
temperatures by Four Probe Method.
2(b).To determine Band Gap of the semiconductor.
3.To study the Hall effect in semiconductor and to determine its
allied coefficients.
2. Solid State Physics 4. To study the Magnetostriction in metallic rod with the help of 1-5
Michelson interferometer arrangement.
5. To find the susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance (FeCl3)
in the form of liquid or a solution.
6.Study of dielectric (constant) behavior and determination of
Curie’s temperature of ferroelectric ceramics.
3. Modern Physics 7.To study the magneto resistance of given semiconductor 1-5
8(a). To determine the value of specific charge (e/m) of an
electron by Magnetron method.
8(b). To determine the velocity of ultrasonic wave in the medium
of liquid using ultrasonic interferometer and to determine the
compressibility of the given liquid.

9(a). To determine Planck‟s Constant using LEDs of known

9(b). To study the photovoltaic cell and hence verify the inverse
square law.
4. Optical Fiber 10(a). To determine the numerical aperture of a given multimode 1-5
optical fiber.
10(b). To measure the power loss at a splice between two
multimode fibers and tostudy the variation of splice loss with
Longitudinal and Transverse misalignments of thegiven fibers.
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Mid Term Viva (V1)20
End Term Viva (V2)20
D2D 60
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Dey and Dutta, Practical Physics
2. Lab Manuals
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup
Course Code 15B11EC111 Semester Even Semester 2nd Session 2020 -2021
(specify Odd/Even) Month from Jan-June
Course Name Electrical Science -1
Credits 4 Contact Hours 3+1

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Vimal Kumar Mishra, Neetu Joshi

Teacher(s) Archana Pandey, Bhagirath Sahu, Jyoti Vyas, Mandeep Narula,
(Alphabetically) Megha Agarwal, Nisha, Rachna Singh, Sajaivir Singh, Shraddha
Recall the concepts of voltage, current, power and energy for Apply Level
C113.1 different circuit elements. Apply the Kirchhoff laws and different (C3)
analyzing techniques to identify the different circuit parameters.
C113.2 Define and apply the networks theorems in the complex AC and DC Applying Level
circuits, networks. Demonstrate the physical model for given (C3)
Sinusoidal AC signal and construct the phasor diagrams.
C113.3 Demonstrate the concept of resonance and operate different instrumental Understanding Level
and measurement equipments. (C2)
C113.4 Demonstrate the construction and working of single phase transformer. Understanding Level

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of

No. Module Lectures for
the module
1. Basic Concepts Voltage, Current, Power and Energy analysis for Circuit 6
elements (R, L, C), Independent and Dependent Sources,
Kirchhoff's Laws, Voltage Divider rule, Current Divider
2. DC Circuit Star-Delta Transformation, Source transformation, Mesh 6
Analysis and Supermesh Analysis, Nodal and super nodal Analysis

3. Network Theorems Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s 6

Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

4. Sinusoidal Steady Physical Model for a Sinusoid, Average Value, Effective 4

State Analysis Value, Phasor presentation, Addition of Phasor using
Complex Numbers, Concepts of impedance and admittance.
5. AC Network Mesh and Nodal analysis, Superposition Theorem, 6
Analysis and Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power
Theorems Transfer Theorem
6. Resonant Circuits Series and Parallel resonance, frequency response of Series 4
and Parallel resonance, Q-Factor, Bandwidth
7. Electrical Essentials of an Instrument, Permanent Magnet Moving 6
Instruments Coil (PMMC) Instruments, voltmeter, ammeter, Ohmmeter,
Meter Sensitivity (Ohms-Per-Volt Rating); Loading Effect;
Multimeter; Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Construction,
Working and Applications. Function Generators
8. Single Phase Principle of operation, construction, e.m.f. equation, 4
Transformer equivalent circuit, power losses, efficiency (simple
numerical problems), introduction to auto transformer.
Total number of Lectures 42
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Assignment, quiz, attendance)
Total 100

Project based learning component: Students will learn fundamental concepts, working and applications of
Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Instruments, voltmeter, ammeter, Ohmmeter, Cathode Ray
Oscilloscope and Function Generators that develop aptitude among students to design minor and major
projects. They will also develop knowledge about step-up and step-down transformer which can be further
used to design advanced circuits in communication and robotics. It will also help develop concepts about
instrumentation in electrical/electronics/biotech/communication based industries.
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. R.C. Dorf and James A. Svoboda, “Introduction to Electric Circuits”, 9th ed, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Charles K. Alexander (Author), Matthew N.O Sadiku, “ Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, 6 ed, Tata Mc
2. Graw Hill, 2019.
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, “ Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory ”, 11th ed, Prentice Hall of
3. India, 2014.
4. D.C. Kulshreshtha, Basic Electrical Engineering,Revised 1st ed, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2017 .
Course Description

Course Code 15B17EC171 Semester -: Even Session: 2020 -21

(specify Odd/Even) Month- : January - May
Course Name Electrical Science Lab-1
Credits 1 Contact Hours 2

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Bhagirath Sahu & Shradha Saxena

Teacher(s) Archana Pandey, Ashish Gupta, Atul kumar Srivastav, Bhagirath
Sahu, Garima Kapur, Gaurav Verma, Juhi Gupta, Kaushal Nigam,
Kirmender Singh, Mandeep Singh Narula, Neetu Singh, Pankaj
Kumar Yadav, Parul Arora, Raghvenda Kumar Singh, Sajai Vir
Singh, Shivaji Tyagi, Shradha Saxena, Vijay Khare, Vivek kumar


Understand various active and passive components and instruments Understanding
C176.1 (Multimeter, Bread board, Regulated D.C. power supply). (Level II)

Acquire the knowledge of electrical network and circuit such as Analyzing

C176.2 branch, node, loop and mesh in networks and circuits. (Level IV)

Study and verification of reduction technique using different network Remembering

theorem. (Level I)
Study and verification of series and parallel AC circuits as well as Applying
Open & Short Circuit Test in single phase transformer. (Level III)

Module Title of the List of Experiments COs

No. Module
1. Introduction to various components (Resistor, Capacitor,
inductor, and IC) and instruments Multimeter, Bread board, C176.1
Introduction Regulated D.C. power supply and CRO.
of active and
2. C176.2
Verification of KVL and KCL using a given circuit.
Analysis and
verifications of
Mesh and
3. C176.2
Realization of Equivalent Resistance of Star to Delta and
Analysis and Delta to Star Transformation.
verification of
4. Analysis and C176.2
verification of Verification of Super Node using Voltage Source.
of Super Node

5. Analysis and C176.2

verification of To verify the voltage divider rule (VDR) and the current
Divider rules divider rule (CDR).
for Current and
6. Study and C176.3
Analysis of Verification of Superposition Theorem.
7. Analysis and C176.3
verification of Verification of Thevenin’s Theorm and Norton Theorm.
8. Analysis and C176.3
verification of Verification of Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
Power Transfer
9. Study and To study the Root-Mean-Square(RMS), Peak, and Peak-to- C176.4
Verification of Peak Values, Measurements with Oscilloscope.
AC Signal in
term of RMS
and PP Value
10. Study and C176.4
Analysis of To study the behavior of Series-Parallel RLC Circuit at
Resonance Resonance.
11. Study of open Open Circuit Test in Single Phase Transformer C176.4
Circuit Test using Vlab.
12. Study of Short Short Circuit Test in Single Phase Transformer C176.4
Circuit test using Vlab.

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Viva1 20
Viva2 20
Report file, Attendance, and D2D 60 (15+15+30)

Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Nilsson Riedel, Electric Circuits,” Pearson, 11th Edition, 2019
2. Abhijit Chakrabarti, “Circuit Theory Analysis and Synthesis,” Dhanpat Rai & Co.; 7th Edition , 2018

U. S. Bkashi A.U. Bakshi S. Ilaiyaraja,, “Circuit Theory Technical Publications; 3rd Edition, 2019

Roman Malaric, “Instrumention and Measurement in Electrical Engineering, “Universal Publisher,
3rd Edition, 2011.
5. DP Kothar and I J Nagrath, “ Electric Machine,” TMH; 4 th Edition, 2010
Detailed Syllabus
Lab-wise Breakup
Course Code 18B15GE111 Semester : Even Semester: IInd Session 2020-2021
(specify Odd/Even) Month from: Jan to June
Course Name Engineering Drawing and Design
Credits 1.5 Contact Hours 3

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Mr. Chandan Kumar, Mr. Rahul Kumar

Teacher(s) Mr. DeepakKumar, Mrs. Madhu Jhariya, Mr. Nitesh Kumar, Dr.
(Alphabetically) Prabhakar Jha, Mr. VimalSaini


Recall the use of different instruments used in Engineering Drawing Remembering
and Importance of BIS and ISO codes. (Level I)
Illustrate various types of mathematical curves and scale. Understanding
(Level II)
Classify different types of projection and Construct Orthographic Applying
C178.3 (Level III)
projection of Point, Line, Plane and Solid.
Construct Isometric Projection and Conversion of Orthographic view Applying
C178.4 (Level III)
to Isometric view and vice-versa.
Construct Engineering model in Drawing software (AutoCAD) and Analyzing
C178.5 (Level IV)
Compare it with conventional drawing.

Module Title of the Module List of Experiments CO

1. Introduction to  Principles of engineering graphics and their significance,
Engineering usage of drawing instruments. C178.1
Drawing  Technical vertical capital letters which includes English
alphabets and numeric.

2. Engineering  Constructing a pentagon and hexagon; engineering curves:

Curves Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Cycloids and Involutes. C178.2

3. Orthographic  Projection of points: Point on VP, HP, in space.

Projections  Projection of straight lines: Lines inclined or parallel to any one
of the planes; lines inclined to both HP and VP with traces. C178.3
 Projection of planes: Plane on VP, HP, inclined to any one of
the planes; plane inclined to both HP and VP.

4. Projections of  Projections of solids in simple position inclined to one/both the

Regular Solids planes. C178.3

5. Sections and  Sections of solids: Section of standard solids and true shape
Sectional Views of
section of standard machine elements for the section planes
Right Angular C178.3
Solids perpendicular to one plane and parallel or inclined to other plane.
6. Isometric  Principles of Isometric projection – Isometric Scale, Isometric
Projections Views, Conventions; Isometric Views of Planes, Simple and
compound Solids; Conversion of Isometric Views to C178.4
Orthographic Views and Vice-versa.

7. Overview of  Demonstrating knowledge of the theory of CAD software; Dialog

Computer Graphics boxes and windows; Shortcut menus; the Command Line; the
Status Bar; Isometric Views of lines, Planes, Simple and
compound Solids.
8. Customization &  CAD Drawing along with customization tools, Annotations,
CAD Drawing layering & other functions. Orthographic Projections; Model
Viewing; Co-ordinate Systems; Multi-view Projection; Surface C178.5
Modeling; Solid Modeling.

9. Demonstration of a  Technical 2D/3D orthographic and Isometric projections;

simple team design Demonstration of a simple team design project. C178.5
Evaluation CriteriaComponents Maximum Marks
Mid Viva 20
End Viva 20
TA 60
Total 100

Project based learning: AutoCAD is a computer-aided software used for creating blueprints for bridges, buildings,
interior & exterior designs etc. The software is widely used by designers and drafters for creating 2D and 3D
computer drawings. Each student will opt an Automobile or Manufacturing Industry of India and learn more about
their projects and latest designs.

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Bhatt N.D., Panchal V.M. & Ingle P.R., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House, 2014.
2. Shah, M.B. &Rana B.C., Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics, Pearson Education, 2008.
3. Agrawal B. &Agrawal C. M., Engineering Graphics, TMH Publication, 2012.
Narayana, K.L. & P Kannaiah , Text book on Engineering Drawing, Scitech Publishers, 2008

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