Moments J Skewness and Kurtosis - Final
Moments J Skewness and Kurtosis - Final
Moments J Skewness and Kurtosis - Final
xi 10 15 20 25 30
f 2 5 4 9 5
xi 10 15 20 25 30
f 2 5 4 9 5
First -3.75
Second 137.5
Third -1125
Fourth 43750
Example 4/9
• The first four moments of a distribution about the point A=5 are
2,20,40 and 50. Find the central moments
Example 5/10
Example 6/11
Example 6/11
Example 7/15
The first four moments of a distribution about the point A=3 are
-2,10,-25 and 50. Find the central moments and the moments
around origin and the value 5
Example 8/14
Example 8/14
• Skewness means ‘lack of symmetry’.
• We study skewness to have an idea about the shape of the curve
drawn from the given data
• When the data set is not a symmetrical distribution, it is called a
skewed distribution and such a distribution could either be positively
skewed or negatively skewed.
Types of Skewness
Positive Skewness:
• In a distribution that is Positively Skewed, the tail is more pronounced on the right side.
• also called the right-skewed distribution
• It assumes a skewness value of more than zero.
• Since the skewness of the given distribution
is on the right, the mean value is greater than
the median and moves towards the right, and
the mode occurs at the highest frequency
of the distribution.
• In this distribution,
Mean > Median > Mode.
Types of Skewness
Negative Skewness:
• In a distribution that is Negatively Skewed, the tail is more pronounced on the left side.
• also called the left-skewed distribution
• It assumes a skewness value of less than zero.
• Since the skewness of the given distribution
is on the left, the mean value is less than
the median and moves towards the left, and
the mode occurs at the highest frequency
of the distribution.
• In this distribution,
Mean < Median < Mode.
Types of Skewness
Zero Skewness:
• A symmetrical distribution has zero skewness
• The spread of the frequencies is the same on both sides of
the centre point of the curve.
• It assumes a skewness value of zero.
• In this distribution,
Mean = Median = Mode.
Measures of Skewness
• Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of skewness
• Bowley’s coefficient of skewness
• Kelly’s coefficient of skewness
• Coefficient of skewness based on moments
Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of skewness
• According to Karl-Person the absolute measure of skewness
= Mean – Mode.
• The median is always the middle value, and the mean and mode are the extremes, Karl-Pearson
coefficient of skewness captures the horizontal distance between mean and mode.
(𝑀ⅇan − Modⅇ)
• The above formula gives you Pearson's first coefficient.
• Division by the standard deviation will help you scale down the difference between mode and
• This will scale down their values in a range of -1 to 1.
• Substituting the relationship Mode=3Median-2Mean, in Pearson’s first coefficient gives us
Pearson’s second coefficient and the formula for skewness:
3(𝑀ⅇan − Mⅇdian)
Example 1
Calculate Karl – Pearson’ s coefficient of skewness for the
following data.
25, 15, 23, 40, 27, 25, 23, 25, 20
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 3
Interpretation of Karl-Pearson’s coefficient of skewness
If this value is between:
1. -0.5 and 0.5, the distribution of the value is almost symmetrical
2. -1 and -0.5, the data is negatively skewed, and if it is between 0.5 to
1, the data is positively skewed. The skewness is moderate.
3. If the skewness is lower than -1 (negatively skewed) or greater than 1
(positively skewed), the data is highly skewed.
Bowley’s coefficient of skewness
• Bowley's skewness is another name for the quartile skewness coefficient.
• Bowley's coefficient of skewness is based on the quartile deviation, which is
a measure of the spread of a distribution around its median.
• In a symmetrical distribution, the quartiles are equidistant from the value of
the median; i.e., Median – Q1 = Q3 – Median. but in skewed distributions it
may not happen.
• Hence, Bowley's skewness is calculated using the following formula:
The distribution is
negatively skewed
Moment coefficient of skewness
• The Measure of skewness based on moments is denoted by β1 and is given by
Where 𝜇2 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜇4 are second and fourth moments about the mean
• Value of 𝛽2 measures the degree of peakedness
• As 𝛽2 =3 represents normal distribution, kurtosis is also given by
𝛾2 = 𝛽2 − 3
• Value of 𝛾2 is positive for a leptokurtic curve, negative for
platykurtic and zero for mesokurtic curve
Using the data (12 13 54 56 25), determine the type of kurtosis
A. Mesokurtic distribution
B. Platykurtic distribution
C. Leptokurtic distribution
Example 10