SMITOUR Workshop Guarnieri

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SMART Industrial Tourism in the Mediterranean

SMITour - Kick Off Workshop

Museo del Tessuto di Prato – Via Puccetti 3, Prato | 5 March 2024

The SMITOUR Project

SMart Industrial Tourism in the Mediterranean
Paolo Guarnieri – Municipality of Prato
Lead Partner of the SMITOUR Project
Why SMITour?
Before the COVID-19 pandemic:

- tourism 15% GDP and 11.5% of total employment in Med countries

- unsustainable tourism activities - over-tourism – seasonalization

- unbearable pressure on the environment and communities

🙁 How to innovate tourism?

- by focusing on alternative destinations
- by exploiting digital and immersive technologies
- by making the tourist experience richer and yet sustainable

Smart Industrial Tourism in the Mediterranean
Many Med regions and cities own important industrial sites that
could be valorized through Industrial Tourism activities:

- productive sites can attract new tourists by integrating

cultural and historical elements

- advanced and immersive technologies can enhance the

experience and entice the visitor

Here is where the

SMITour project
comes in

SMITour is a study project, that aims: The objectives
- to exploit transnational cooperation to explore the social and economic potential of Smart Industrial
- to explore SMIT as a sustainable economic activity that can benefit tourism actors, SMEs, the
industry, CCIs, R&D centers, HEIs and technology providers, as well as the local communities

- to create transnational working groups ìinvolving local stakeholders to investigate industrial tourism
and related advanced technologies applications

- to define a common strategy and Action Plan for the

development of Smart Industrial Tourism in Med regions

- to diversify the economy and the tourism sector,

reduce over-tourism and seasonalization,
boost social and economic growth
support technological innovation
(Smart Industrial Tourism)

The partners

Project Time Plan
January 1st 2024 to March 31st 2026 (27 Months)

Activities & Deliverables
WP1 State of the Art Analysis

- A1.1 Baseline study of tourism systems in the partner regions

- D1.1.1 Baseline study of tourism systems in the partner regions

- A1.2 Industrial tourism practices in the Mediterranean

- D1.2.1 Catalogue of Industrial Tourism Practices

- A1.3 Application of advanced technologies in the tourism sector

- D1.3.1 Catalogue of Advanced Technologies Applications for Tourism

Activities & Deliverables
WP2 Smart Industrial Tourism development strategy and Action Plan for the
Mediterranean regions

- A2.1 Stakeholders engagement

- A2.2 Focus & Working Groups for the design of new Smart Industrial Tourism
activities and products
- D.2.2.1 Joint Thematic Roadmaps for developing SMIT in the Med regions

- A2.3 Strategy co-design

Activities & Deliverables
WP3 Result amplification and mainstreaming

- A3.1 Coordination with the mission’s governance projects (TCP & IDP) and JS
- D.3.1.1 - SMITour promotional video

- A3.2 Carbon footprint monitoring and offsetting

- A3.3 Building the testing roadmap

- A3.4 Project closure

Final Outputs
Smart Industrial Tourism development strategy & Action Plan for Med regions

Output 2.1
- Common Strategy for the development of Smart Industrial Tourism in the

Output 2.2
- Action Plan for developing Smart Industrial Tourism in the Mediterranean

Output 2.3
- MOU for developing Smart Industrial Tourism in the Mediterranean

Thank You!

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