Math Chap 2
Math Chap 2
Math Chap 2
Computer model of the evolution of an eye. Each step in the computa-
tion corresponds to abOllt two hundred years of biological evolution.
gaps, The reason is that each resonance has its own idiosyn-
cratic dynamics; some cause clustering, others do the oppo-
site. It all depends on the precise numbers.
Another function of mathematics is prediction. By under-
standing the motion of heavenly bodies, astronomers could
predict lunar and solar eclipses and the return of comets.
They knew where to point their telescopes to find asteroids
that had passed behind the Sun, out of observation?-l contact.
Because the tides are controlled mainly by the position of the
Sun and Moon relative to the Earth, they could predict tides
many years ahead. (The chief complicating factor in making
such predictions is not astronomy: it is the shape of the conti-
nents and the profile of the ocean depths, which can delay or
advance a high tide. However, these stay pretty much the
same from one century to the next, so that once their effects
have been understood it is a routine task to compensate for
them.) In contrast, it is much harder to predict the weather.
We know just as much about the mathematics of weather as
we do about the mathematics of tides, but weather has an
inherent unpredictability. Despite this, meteorologists can
make effective short-term predictions of weather patterns-
say, three or four days in advance. The unpredictability of the
weather, however, has nothing at all to do with randomness-
a topic we will take up in chapter 8, when we discuss the con-
cept of chaos.
The role of mathematics goes beyond mere prediction.
Once you understand how a system works, you don't have to
remain a passive observer. You can attempt to control the sys-
tem, to make it do what you want. It pays not to be too ambi-
tious: weather control, for example, is in its infancy-we can't
make rain with any great success, even when there are rain-
clouds about. Examples of control systems range from the
aim at it. But anything you can see, your competitors can see,
too. The pursuance of safe research will impoverish us all. The
really important breakthroughs are always unpredictable. It is
their very unpredictability that makes them important: they
change our world in ways we didn't see coming.
Moreover, goal-oriented research often runs up against a
brick wall, and not only in mathematics. For example, it took
approximately eighty years of intense engineering effort to
develop the photocopying machine after the basic principle of
xerography had been discovered by scientists. The first fax
machine was invented over a century ago, but it didn't work
fast enough or reliably enough. The principle of holography
(three-dimensional pictures, see your credit card) was discov-
ered over a century ago, but nobody then knew how to pro-
duce the necessary beam of coherent light-light with all its
waves in step. This kind of delay is not at all unusual in
industry, let alone in more intellectual areas of research, and
the impasse is usually broken only when an unexpected new
idea arrives on the scene.
There is nothing wrong with goal-oriented research as a
way of achieving specific feasible goals. But the dreamers and
the mavericks must be allowed some free rein, too. Our world
is not static: new problems constantly arise, and old answers
often stop working. Like Lewis Carroll's Red Queen, we must
run very fast in order to stand still.