Project Innovative Knife
Project Innovative Knife
Project Innovative Knife
D.O.B: 15/06/2011
Class: 6TH
District: KUPWARA
My name is Syed Sibat Andrabi. I am born in Kanthpora Lolab district Kupwara, J & K.
In my family there are 5 members including me, my parents and my two sisters.
My hobbies are listening music and cooking food.
A knife is an instrument composed of a blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a weapon. A
knife is available in a wide variety of different types and sizes and is used for cutting, chopping, dicing,
slicing, mincing, peeling, separating and other kitchen tasks.
The blade is the main body of the knife that includes the point, tip, edge, spine and heel.
The size, shape and material of the blade are the most defining characteristics of the knife. The tip of the
knife, which includes the point, is typically considered to be the first third of the edge. This portion of
the blade is used for slicing and delicate cutting.
This innovative model of knife is used to remove the spiny covering of pine apple. Pine
apple is very important fruit. It is a tropical fruit that are rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. It is
very good for health but when we cut it and try to remove its peels, the spines present on it pierce our
hands, which are very painful. This innovative Knife is used to remove the spiny peels of the pine apple
This model / project consists of following parts.
1) Two cylindrical glass steel glasses
2) Metal rod
3) Spring
4) Clips
Two steel glasses are taken. One of them will be fitted inside the other glass. The outer
glass is called outer case and the inner glass is called the inner case. A Small metal rod is attached to the
inner case and a spring is fitted around the metal rod. Two movable clips are also attached to the inner
case. The two steel glasses are fitted with each other in such a way that the two glasses slides over each
other easily. The spring helps them in their sliding. The two clips allow them to move to a certain limits.
The lower edge of the outer steel glass is made very sharp. This edge is used to remove the outer
covering of a pine apple slice.
The pine apple is cut into small slices. Now place the knife on the slice in such a way
that the sharp edge of the Knife is kept on the slice. Now press the upper end of the knife. When the
outer case is pressed, it moves down wards. Its lower edge, which is very sharp, penetrates the slice and
removes its spiny covering or peel. In this way the pine apple slices are separated from its spiny covering
by this innovative Knife.