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Technical Information Letter: GE Power

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GE Power
TIL 2028
Compliance Category – S
Timing Code - 2



This TIL is applicable to all GE gas turbines using Mark™ V controls and GE Reuter Stokes flame sensors. In addition, units
retrofitted to Mark Ve or VIe migration panels that use GE Reuter Stokes flame sensors may be affected. Units using
Honeywell or McGraw Edison type flame sensors are not affected.

To advise users to check, and if necessary, correct the control panel settings that determine when the flame sensor
reading is considered a valid flame detection reading.

Compliance Category
M - Maintenance Identifies maintenance guidelines or best practices for reliable equipment
C - Compliance Required Identifies the need for action to correct a condition that, if left uncorrected,
may result in reduced equipment reliability or efficiency. Compliance may be
required within a specific operating time.
A - Alert Failure to comply with the TIL could result in equipment damage or facility
damage. Compliance is mandated within a specific operating time.
S – Safety Failure to comply with this TIL could result in personal injury. Compliance is
mandated within a specific operating time.

Timing Code
1 Prior to Unit Startup / Prior to Continued Operation (forced outage condition)
2 At First Opportunity (next shutdown)
3 Prior to Operation of Affected System
4 At First Exposure of Component
5 At Scheduled Component Part Repair or Replacement
6 Next Scheduled Outage

© 2017 General Electric Company

The proprietary information published in this Technical Information Letter is offered to you by GE in consideration of its ongoing sales and service
relationship with your organization. However, since the operation of your plant involves many factors not within our knowledge, and since operation
of the plant is in your control and ultimate responsibility for its continuing successful operation rests with you, GE specifically disclaims any responsibility
for liability based on claims for damage of any type, i.e. direct, consequential or special that may be alleged to have been incurred as result of applying
this information regardless of whether it is claimed that GE is strictly liable, in breach of contract, in breach of warranty, negligent, or is in other respects
responsible for any alleged injury or damage sustained by your organization as a result of applying this information.
This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
TIL 2028
A recent review of control settings for Reuter Stokes flame sensors determined many units with Mark V controls were
either initially set incorrectly or may not have had the threshold limits set correctly after retrofitting the sensors. The
original sensor type used with the Mark V was a Honeywell or McGraw Edison Geiger-Mueller tube design and generated
a series of pulses. The protective core firmware and architecture of the Mark V was not set up to directly handle analog
flame scanners when they became available so a frequency converter box was included.

Figure 1: Flame sensor and frequency converter for Mark V

The frequency converter box output corresponding to the 5 mA minimum flame detection threshold is 256 Hz. Threshold
limits set too low could result in a false flame indication. A false flame indication on more than one sensor could result in
an undetected loss of flame and continued fuel delivery without combustion system flame. Unburned fuel in the gas
turbine exhaust can result in a deflagration, subsequent exhaust system damage and increased risk of personnel injury.

In Mark V or upgraded Mark V systems still using the frequency converter box and GE Reuter Stokes flame sensors, the
frequency flame detection threshold should be set to at least 256 Hz (5 mA). It remains acceptable to have thresholds set
higher than 256 Hz (5mA); however, in no case should the threshold for flame detection be below 256 Hz (5 mA). These
recommendations can be performed by customer personnel or GE Field service personnel. See the Appendix for
implementation instructions.

If the frequency converter has been removed and the FD_INTENS intensity inputs are scaled 0-100% for 4-20 mA, the
minimum threshold for flame detection is 6.25% which corresponds to 5 mA.

Contact your local GE Service Representative for assistance.

This TIL can be considered complete when any of the following are confirmed/changed:
 Reuter Stokes flames sensors are installed and control settings are confirmed as specified in the TIL, or
 Reuter Stokes flames sensors are installed and control settings are changed as specified.

© 2017 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
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TIL 2028

Mark V
Go into the IO configurator tool and navigate to the TCEA board setting (Figure 2). These should be amended to the values
shown below. Typically, only units with DLN 1 combustion utilize sensors 5-8 and detection level B. With Reuter Stokes
sensors, all detection levels should be 16 or greater. It should be noted these thresholds are set in a counter per 1/16 of
a second and therefore the 256 Hz signal corresponds to a setting of 16 counts per 1/16 of a second.

If the current settings are 16 or greater, no change is recommended.

Figure 2: Mark V IO configuration screen

The IO configuration should be saved on exit and an IOCFG download (EEPROM DOWNLOADER) to the Mark V performed.
A reboot of the P core will be necessary to make the changes take effect.

Mark Ve migration panels still using original P (protective) core TCEA

Open the unit software and navigate to the PIOA TMR board as shown in Figure 3. Then navigate to the TCEA1 Flame
settings and confirm all used sensors are set to 16 for both FlameLimitLo and FlameLimitHi. On DLN 1 units the secondary
detectors 5-8 should also be set to a threshold of 16. Once the change is made, build and download to the panel / P core
and reboot as needed.

Figure 3: Mark Ve IO configuration screen

© 2017 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
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TIL 2028
Mark VIe migration panels – PMVP
Open the unit software and navigate to the PMVP board Flame tab as shown in Figure 4. Confirm limits are set to 16 as
shown (correct as necessary). If a correction is necessary, a download will be required (just to the PMVP). There are cases
where the PMVP board firmware is not the determinant of flame indication.

Figure 4: Mark VIe IO configuration screen - PMVP board – Flame tab

The next step is to confirm the firmware is used to generate the flame detection logical signals L28FDA, L28FDB, L28FDC
and L28FDD (and L28FDE, L28DF, L28DG, L28DH on DLN 1 systems). To do this navigate to the “Flame Detect” tab as
shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Mark VIe IO configuration screen - PMVP board - Flame Detect tab

If L28FDA through L28FDD are absent then they are generated by the software and a control constant. In these cases,
search for the signals in the application software and confirm logic is like that shown in Figure 6. The constants FPKD_HI
and FPKD_LO should be set to 256 Hz as this will match the 5 mA minimum flame signal from the sensor.

© 2017 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
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TIL 2028

Figure 6: Flame detection logic example

 Compliance Category: S
 Timing Code: 2

Manpower Skills
One controls technician to verify correct flame sensor limits or update the flame sensor limits in the control system

Scope of Work
Two hours to update the flame sensor limits in the control system

Disposition of TILs should be entered in local records and also in GE Power ServiceNow. Follow the below instructions for
entering the disposition record;

 Log into the Power ServiceNow at https://gepowerpac.service-now.com/til_new/ using your GE SSO number and
 Select "TIL Disposition".
 Click on the TIL for the serial number you want to update.
 Choose the most appropriate “Disposition Status” and enter “Disposition Notes”.
 Click "Save".

Contact your local GE service representative for assistance or for additional information.

© 2017 General Electric Company

This Technical Information Letter contains proprietary information of General Electric Company and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that
customer in the installation, testing, operation and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced or distributed
in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Power Services Engineering. All rights reserved.
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