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Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396

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Effect of the test temperature and anti-oxidant addition on the oxidation stability
of commercial biodiesel fuels
M. Lapuerta a,⇑, J. Rodríguez-Fernández a, Á. Ramos a, B. Álvarez b
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Edificio Politécnico, Avda., Camilo José Cela, s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
APPA Biocarburantes, C/Muntaner 269, 1°1ª, 08021 Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The oxidation stability of biodiesel fuels is a property specified in the European and American biodiesel
Received 14 October 2010 quality standards. It is measured by the Rancimat test, whose parameters and final result (an induction
Received in revised form 2 September 2011 period) are subjected to a continuous discussion among different committees, associations, distributors
Accepted 5 September 2011
and final users. This study evaluates the stability of three biodiesel fuels derived from different feed-
Available online 17 September 2011
stocks, assessing the effect of the test temperature and the concentration of a commercial oxidation sta-
bility enhancing additive. The results showed a drastic decrease (in the range of one order of magnitude)
in the induction period when the test temperature increases from 110 °C to 130 °C. This finding makes
Oxidation stability
impossible to achieve the threshold currently imposed in the standards at 130 °C, even after a massive
Anti-oxidant additive addition. The effect of the unsaturation degree and the previous use of the feedstock in cooking
Rancimat processes are also addressed. An experimental model, adjusted with statistical tools, is proposed to esti-
mate the induction period as a function of the test temperature, the additive concentration and the origin
of the biodiesel, the last considering the unsaturation degree and the previous use of the raw material.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction flow properties at the expense of higher tendency to lose stability

through degradation [15–17].
Biodiesel (saturated and unsaturated alkyl esters produced from The two reasons behind the biodiesel degradation process are
the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils or animal fats) is a (i) its exposure to high temperatures (usually above 250–300 °C)
recognized alternative fuel for diesel engines. By partially substi- or (ii) the presence of an oxidant agent (usually air oxygen, but also
tuting the consumption of fossil fuels, biodiesel contributes to dissolved oxygen) in contact with the fuel during a sufficiently long
slowing up the depletion of fossil resources and reducing the period of time. The first case is commonly referred to as thermal
GHG emissions from the transport sector. In the European Union, stability, and it is not considered in detail in this work. The second
the successive directives [1,2] for the promotion of renewable is named as oxidative stability [18–20], although the term storage
energies, the mandatory consumption of biodiesel and bio-ethanol stability is commonly used as well [21,22] to refer to it, since when
that has been imposed by many member states [3,4] and the devel- stored during months the fuel is highly likely to become in contact
opment of fuel quality standards for regulating the specifications of with air oxygen. To make it worse, other agents such as the light,
the final product [5,6] have all contributed to the consolidation of the presence of metals, water or dissolved oxygen in the fuel and
biodiesel fuels as a reality. a relatively high storage temperature may speed up the oxidation
However, biodiesel growth has not been free of obstacles. These process [12,23].
have been related to the biodiesel effect on the engine (mainly a Biodiesel oxidation can proceed through two mechanisms,
slight but well-documented [7] increase in NOx emissions and namely auto-oxidation and photo-oxidation [24–26]. However,
some experiences [8,9] reporting deposits in the combustion the second mechanism, which requires the exposure to ultraviolet
chamber and injection system), and to the quality of the final fuel light and the presence of a photo-sensitizer, is unlikely to take part
along the entire supply chain [10,11]. Two properties emerge as in biodiesel degradation. Thus, many authors [27–29] use indi-
the most critical in guaranteeing biodiesel quality, namely the cold stinctively the terms oxidation and auto-oxidation. This mecha-
flow properties and the fuel stability [12–14]. Managing both is not nism is free-radical chain reaction which initiates when the
an easy task as a consequence of the biodiesel composition itself: oxygen in the atmosphere reacts with unsaturated methyl esters,
fuels with a higher unsaturated esters content show better cold especially those with two or more double-bonds in its molecule
[20,30]. The primary products are hydro-peroxides and free radi-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 926295431; fax: +34 926295361. cals, these being subsequently used for self-sustain the process.
E-mail address: Magin.Lapuerta@uclm.es (M. Lapuerta). Later, other reactions are triggered to form acids, polymers, etc.

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
392 M. Lapuerta et al. / Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396


A, Ai, B, Bi experimentally-adjusted coefficients for the single- [BHT] butyl hydroxyl toluene concentration (ppm)
fuel models IN iodine number (gI2/100 gsample)
Ci experimentally-adjusted coefficients for the integrated IP induction period (h)
model P dichotomous binary-coded variable (P = 0 or P = 1)
B100_AF biodiesel (methyl esters) derived from animal fats SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences
B100_SO biodiesel (methyl esters) derived from soybean oil T temperature (°C)
B100_UO biodiesel (methyl esters) derived from used cooking oil U diameter (mm)
BHT butyl hydroxyl toluene

which adversely affect some fuel properties (acid and peroxide The present work is aimed to determine the effect that the test
value, ester content, viscosity) and even the injection process in temperature in the Rancimat method shows when samples of real
the engine (polymers may block injector nozzles). The use of oxida- biodiesel fuels are evaluated, and the required concentration of a
tion stability enhancing additives [23] is almost imperative in reference oxidation stability enhancing additive to assure an
order to fulfil the stability requirements established in the fuel induction period higher than the threshold imposed in the stan-
quality standards. dards. For each biodiesel sample, a mathematical model to esti-
For testing the oxidation stability of biodiesel fuel, an acceler- mate IP as a function of the test temperature and the additive
ated method run at 110 °C, Rancimat test, is specified in the stan- concentration is proposed. These results and the conclusions de-
dards (EN 14112 in the European Union and ASTM D7462 in the rived will help biodiesel manufacturers in deciding the amount
United States, although EN 15751 is also valid in Europe), being of additive and the raw material to choose. All the sectors involved
the apparatus and the test procedure detailed later. The final result in the standards development will benefit of this study as well.
is an induction period (IP), which has to be higher than the mini-
mum prescribed value in the biodiesel quality standard (currently
6 h in the European EN 14214:2009 [5] and a more relaxed mini- 2. Material and methods
mum limit of 3 h in the American ASTM D6751-09 [6]). This limit
and other test parameters (such as the temperature test) are being The Rancimat 743 equipment, from the company Metrohm AG,
questioned, and some modifications are expected in the near fu- was used for carrying out the experimental tests. Its working prin-
ture. For instance, in Europe it is already approved an increase of ciple consists in continuously passing an air flow through a biodie-
the IP up to 8 h for the next version of the EN 14214. In addition sel sample located in a sealed, heated vessel. The effluent flow
some voices have suggested a test temperature of 130 °C, since which contains the oxidation products (acids, among others) is
current injection systems work at higher pressure (and conse- conducted to a second vessel with distilled water (Fig. 1). Here
quently higher temperature) than older ones. Nevertheless, such the electrical conductivity is continuously measured and moni-
a change is not well justified since this test is intended to predict tored. The induction period (IP) is defined as the elapsed time
the storage stability of biodiesel fuels under an accelerated method between the start of the test and the moment at which a sudden
and the oxygen availability in the injection system is limited. On increase in the conductivity is detected. The lower the induction
the contrary, some authors recommended after their tests that a period, the lower the oxidation stability.
lower test temperature would be necessary for some esters, espe- Although both EN 14112 and EN 15751 are allowed for testing
cially for those with high unsaturation degree [22,31]. Another the oxidation stability of biodiesel samples, and the first one was
drawback of increasing the test temperature is the high vapour the original, EN 15751 will be used in case of dispute. Thus, all
pressure of some synthetic antioxidants, which could be lost by the parameters specified in EN 15751 (see Table 1) were selected
evaporation during the test [32]. for the tests with the exception of the temperature, which was

Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus Rancimat 743, Metrohm AG.

M. Lapuerta et al. / Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396 393

Table 1 Table 2
Testing parameters specified in the oxidation stability standards. Methy ester composition of tested biofuels.

EN 14112 EN 15751 B100_UO B100_SO B100_AF

Sample mass (g) 3 7.5 C8:0 0.08
Reaction vessel dimensions (mm) 150  U24 250  U24 C10:0 0.08
Distilled water volume (ml) 50 60 C12:0 0.07 0.17
Air flow (l/h) 10 10 C14:0 0.22 0.07 2.09
Test temperature (°C) 110 110 C16:0 10.24 11.13 24.92
C16:1 0.37 0.09 3.45
C17:0 0.56
varied to study its effect on the induction period. While EN 14112 C18:0 3.82 3.80 12.02
C18:1 38.05 23.91 33.50
is valid for testing only pure biodiesel fuel samples, EN 15751
C18:2 44.43 53.55 20.73
enlarges its applicability to diesel–biodiesel blends whose biodie- C18:3 1.20 5.95 1.95
sel content is above 2% (V/V). C20:0 0.36 0.40 0.10
The induction period was evaluated manually through the C20:1 0.23 0.25 0.33
so-called ‘‘tangent method’’. This was not arbitrary, since the other C22:0 0.59 0.53 0.03
C22:1 0.17
alternative evaluation method (‘‘second derivative method’’) pre- C24:0 0.14 0.13 0.02
sented some difficulties. First, the second derivative of the conduc-
tivity-time curve did not always show a single relative maximum,
this being more likely at higher temperature (Fig. 2 shows an
example of this). When the test-stop criterion is selected as ‘‘sec- Table 3
Fuels properties.
ond derivative reaching a maximum’’, the automatic evaluation
performed by the software is then wrong. Second, when moder- B100_UO B100_SO B100_AF
ate/high BHT concentrations [BHT] are tested at high temperature, Density (kg/m ) 3 a
886 885 880
the conductivity usually exceeds 200 lS/cm (the maximum limit Kinematic viscosity (cSt)b 4.46 4.09 4.25
proposed by the equipment manufacturer and specified by stan- Higher heating value (MJ/kg) 39.65 39.42 39.11
dard EN 15751) without showing any change in the conductivity % C (wt.) 77.04 77.14 76.57
% H (wt.) 12.03 11.93 12.27
increasing rate. In this case, manual evaluation after a first exami- % O (wt.) 10.93 10.93 11.16
nation of the resulting curve is a more secure method than the Molecular weight 292.72 292.63 286.73
automatic evaluation. Iodine number (g/100g) 113.6 129.3 73.5
The composition of the biodiesel fuels tested was obtained by Water content (mg/kg) 636 272 124
gas chromatography, following the method described in standard a
Measured at 15 °C.
EN 14103 [33]. Biodiesel samples were weighed using an electronic b
Measured at 40 °C.
balance Sartorius Mechatronics AG, with a stated accuracy of
0.01 g, although a deviation of 0.03 g from the set point (7.50 g) An oxidation stability enhancing additive (BHT) was added in
was allowed in all the experiments. Graduated pipettes were used different concentrations to the former biodiesel samples in order
to manipulate the samples when weighing, and they were cleaned to increase the oxidation stability of the additivated fuel.
with a proper solvent to avoid contamination.
Three pure biodiesel fuels from different raw materials have
been tested, being their ester profiles depicted in Table 2 and the 3. Test matrix
most important chemical and physical properties listed in Table
3. The first one (B100_UO) was provided by Bionet Corporation An experimental matrix (Fig. 3) was designed for each of the
(Spain) and elaborated from used cooking oil. The second one three biodiesel fuels tested, consisting in five test temperatures
(B100_SO), supplied by Bio-Oils Corporation (Spain), was derived (from 110 °C to 130 °C in 5 °C steps) and different BHT concentra-
from the transesterification of soybean oil. The last sample tions. These concentrations were not set the same for all fuels and
(B100_AF) was produced from animal fats by Stocks del Vallés Cor- temperatures, since the additive presence is not equally effective
poration (Spain). This range of oils and fats is representative of depending on the other parameters. In the case of B100_AF, rela-
both current raw materials for biodiesel production and those tively low BHT concentrations proved to be enough to reach an
which offer better future perspectives. At the same time the unsat- induction period over 8 h (the limit expected to come into force
uration degree is very different among the samples, since this is soon). The other fuels needed much higher BHT concentrations,
one of the variables that most affect the oxidation stability. especially at the highest test temperatures.

2nd derivative
200 200
conductivity (µS/cm)

conductivity (µS/cm)

160 110 ºC 160

130 ºC
120 120

80 80

40 40

0 0
0 4 8 12 0 1 2 3 4
time (h) time (h)

Fig. 2. Evaluation of the induction period through the second derivative method at 110 °C (left) and 130 °C (right).
394 M. Lapuerta et al. / Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396

30000 10 R2=0.999

20000 8
0 ppm BHT

IP (h)
[BHT] (ppm)

10000 6 3070 ppm BHT

B100_UO R2=0.999
5000 3570 ppm BHT
R =0.999
B100_SO 4 4070 ppm BHT
3000 2
2000 0
1000 110 115 120 125 130
0 T (ºC)
110 115 120 125 130
Fig. 5. Induction period vs. temperature (B100_UO).
T (ºC)

Fig. 3. Experimental matrix.

Table 5
Values for the coefficients in Eq. (3).
Table 4 B100_UO B100_SO B100_AF
Rancimat test results.
A1 (h) 1.0482e0 2.6266e1 8.2142e4
B100_UO B100_SO B100_AF A2 (1/°C) 2.4174e3 1.7760e2 7.6527e2
B1 (h/ppm) 9.8450e2 2.2247e4 5.9800e0
T [BHT] IP (h) T [BHT] IP (h) T [BHT] IP (h)
B2 (1/°C) 1.1801e1 1.4157e1 5.8494e2
(°C) (ppm) (°C) (ppm) (°C) (ppm)
R2 0.975 0.904 0.952
110 0 0.77 110 0 3.61 110 0 15.88
110 3070 8.67 110 800 7.95 110 1000 33.00
110 3570 9.67 110 1300 7.43 110 2000 33.32
110 4070 10.57 110 1800 12.06 adversely affect other fuel properties, such as the ester content, the
115 0 0.76 115 800 4.32 115 0 11.68 carbon residue or the total contamination).
115 3070 5.69 115 1800 6.01 115 1000 19.98
115 3570 6.63 115 2873 8.27 115 2000 28.78
115 4070 7.11 4. Results and discussion
115 8000 10.83
120 0 0.51 120 1300 4.68 120 0 7.75 The results obtained after performing the Rancimat tests are
120 3070 3.91 120 1800 5.51 120 1000 15.39 shown in Table 4, along with the testing temperature and the addi-
120 3570 4.24 120 4681 8.00 120 2000 18.85 tive concentration. The process followed for adjusting a mathemat-
120 4070 4.61 120 7534 9.90
120 10,122 8.44
ical model was identical for each biodiesel sample, therefore it is
120 14,883 11.07 explained here only for one of them (B100_UO).
125 3570 2.90 125 7797 5.44 125 0 5.04
The effect of the BHT concentration on the induction period is
125 4070 3.20 125 10,637 7.86 125 1000 10.81 illustrated in Fig. 4. It is observed that the induction period in-
125 8000 5.01 125 17,327 9.68 125 2000 12.98 creased linearly with the anti-oxidant concentration at all testing
125 32,664 12.98 temperatures. For all the temperatures tested, the R2 coefficient
130 0 0.39 130 1300 2.37 130 0 3.65 of the linear regression was higher than 0.96, as seen in Fig. 4. Thus
130 3070 1.80 130 1800 2.59 130 1000 7.40 the mathematical model here proposed for the induction period as
130 3570 1.91 130 3765 2.87 130 2000 8.04
a function of the BHT concentration follows the form of Eq. (1),
130 4070 2.16 130 7534 4.78
130 10,122 3.96 130 10,975 5.80 where the coefficients A and B depend on the temperature.
130 14,883 5.16 130 17,044 7.40
130 32,805 9.66 130 20,105 8.10 IP ¼ A þ B  ½BHT ð1Þ
While 2000–3000 ppm of BHT in the biodiesel fuel were enough
to achieve the threshold of 8 h for the induction period at 110 °C
(the currently prescribed temperature in the fuel quality norma-
14 R2=0.997
R2=0.997 tive), a much higher additive concentration (>25,000 ppm) turned
12 R2=0.978
R2=0.992 out to be necessary when the temperature was raised up to 130 °C.
The effect of the testing temperature on the oxidation stability
IP (h)

8 is observed in Fig. 5, where each of the series plotted correspond

110 ºC
6 115 ºC to a specific BHT concentration. It is obvious from this figure that
4 120 ºC the induction period decreases non-linearly when the temperature
125 ºC
2 130 ºC is increased, especially for the additivated samples. Therefore,
0 exponential Arrhenius-type fittings are here proposed and their
0 10000 20000 30000 R2 coefficients are shown in the figure.
[BHT] (ppm) It is worth noticing that coefficient A in Eq. (1) represents the
induction period when no oxidation stability enhancing additive
Fig. 4. Induction period vs. BHT concentration (B100_UO). is added to the fuel sample, and this corresponds to the exponen-
tial curve ‘‘0 ppm BHT’’ adjusted in Fig. 5. With respect to coeffi-
cient B, the oxidation stability is much more sensitive to the BHT
In order to improve the significance of the models fitted, a few presence at the lowest temperature (110 °C) than at higher ones.
experiments with BHT concentrations above 15,000 ppm (1.5% V/ Thus, an exponential fitting is proposed for coefficient B as well,
V) were performed although this is neither economically nor tech- Eq. (2). By substituting (2) into (1), the ultimate form of the model
nically feasible for the biodiesel industry (such additivation levels to be adjusted is presented in Eq. (3).
M. Lapuerta et al. / Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396 395

20000 30000
10000 15000
16 8000

12 6000

IP (h)

0 ppm

110 115 120 125 130
T (ºC)

Fig. 6. Model proposed for estimating the induction period of B100_UO.

15000 30000
6000 20000

IP (h)
8 2000

4 0 ppm

110 115 120 125 130
T (ºC)

Fig. 7. Model proposed for estimating the induction period of B100_SO.

20 400
200 600 1000
1500 3000
800 2000
0 ppm

IP (h)

110 115 120 125 130
T (ºC)

Fig. 8. Model proposed for estimating the induction period of B100_AF.

A ¼ A1  expðA2  TÞ; B ¼ B1  expðB2  TÞ ð2Þ

Table 6
Values for the coefficients in Eq. (4).
IP ¼ A1  expðA2  TÞ þ B1  expðB2  TÞ  ½BHT ð3Þ C1 (h) 2.1365e4
C2 (h) 1.3560e2
The values of the coefficients A1, A2, B1 and B2 where found by
C3 (h) 4.0408e3
adjusting the model to the experimental data (see Table 4) using C4 (1/°C) 5.9129e2
a minimum square method implemented in the commercial, statis- C5 (h/ppm) 5.7431e2
tical package SPSS [34]. The values resulting from this process for C6 (h/ppm) 4.0283e0
the three biodiesel fuels are shown in Table 5, and the graphical C7 (h/ppm) 7.3325e1
C8 (1/°C) 9.2405e2
representations of the models are in Fig. 6 (B100_UO), Fig. 7
R2 0.960
(B100_SO) and Fig. 8 (B100_AF).
It is manifest from the observation of the model graphs the strong
effect that both the test temperature and the anti-oxidant concen- 8 h if the test temperature is 110 °C. On the contrary, such concen-
tration present on the oxidation stability of the fuels. The higher tration, or even a much higher one, increases the induction period
the temperature, the lower the induction period. Similarly, the lower only marginally at 130 °C, far below the current and the future limits
the anti-oxidant concentration, the lower the induction period. For in the biodiesel European standard. This result shows clearly the
the biodiesel fuel that showed the worst results (B100_UO), just dramatic effect that increasing the test temperature has on the
3000 ppm of BHT are required to raise up the induction period above induction period.
396 M. Lapuerta et al. / Fuel 93 (2012) 391–396

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